hail fam. ever tried this? Lately I've been practicing not having emotional reactions to anything, and I've found that more and more things keep happening to stimulate and even demand emotions. I'm going harder - Fuck these demons, I can win at this. I am ghosting devils and angels.

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I love the intention you have set for yourself. Being "aware" is the first step to being in control of ones emotions and actions. I also practice this too. Thanks for sharing.

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I think there’s a very big difference in trying to control the emotions you have internally versus the behavior you have in response to them!

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Know what you mean- more stuff to rile one up, the more you try not to. But it's ok to get a little pissed, frustrated excited, etc. More practice at catching yourself & going back to calm, it gets easier to do. Plus, on a good day, you are amused by the craziness, just laugh it off cuz you know it's all mind-kontrol nonsense- like all these "new" things they are saying cause or give you covid or make it worse. I suppose there are still a few smooth brains out there believing even these ludicrous stories.

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You might like a book by praying medic "defeating your adversary in the courts of heaven" and defeat them in a simple declaration. No need to invite a battle. Best wishes.

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Praying Medic is a grifter. Ignored the cancer boy.

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I disagree. His work is not a grift. The process in defeating adversary has been one of the most effective I've practiced for change in my own life.

His books are very inexpensive like $8, and all the content is free via videos.

Not sure how one can grift when they put out 99% free work but to each their own. That's like calling clif a grifter, laughable.

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Gritter Q-tard he is

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Difference is, Clif has plenty of money. He doesn't need to grift.

Praying Medic, not so much.

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Last night they repossessed my car over $450 - paid them off - and I feel nothing. Let's see what's next. They have to escalate or leave.

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I have been doing something similar. I just started yet I am feeling better. We got this!

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Maybe off subject, but many years ago my friend said she does not worry anymore about being in a cleaning frenzy or worry anymore about dust or dirt. Don't get me wrong, she is still a clean person but does not stress about getting it done. She made a comment that has stuck with me for two decades now. Here it is."I have made peace with dirt". I love this statement and use it once in a while when others are stressing about house chores. Also, whatever you are doing, I am happy you are feeling better.

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Nice - that helps! I can make peace with anger.

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Just remember, they want us Angry, scared and sick. We won't give them what they want. If you get angry, just go to Clif's Bitchute channel and rewatch one of his last 20 videos. That's what I did last night before bed, to destress and calm myself. He helps so much. :)

I watched this one.


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I admit I feel angry most when I feel helpless. Lately, the "clown show" has been so obvious that I have to laugh! (Giving up MSM helped a lot.) Between Clif and X22, I have reached equilibrium and learned to ignore the dogs barking. "I've made peace with the bark." I like that. Thanks!

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Not only do they want us angry, scared and sick, they feed off it. They cause it and then they feed off of it. Quite a racket.

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I think we often stay drained by what they call the little stuff, piles of it, before we even get to the big stuff.

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Yes, this is true. One day at a time and patience.

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nice - thanks!

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Unfortunately, they have to escalate because if they don't they will all be Destroyed. So, there is a lot more coming I'm afraid. It's going to get scary. Glad you had the cash to pay it off! This is why we paid off our house when we moved from the East Coast into the Boondocks of Upper Mitten of Michigan. Paid in full. I don't want Whitmer, the Globalists PUPPET, to come say we defaulted because of $5. Michigan is known well for taking your home and property over a PITTANCE! Scary times.

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Take a look at this article written about exactly what you are saying!!! It was perfect timing. All this Emotional BS is intentional! It's how you HERD the CATTLE.


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This is a great article, though maybe the etymology of the word Goyim might deserve a paragraph...

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When doing astral travel there is this weird spot where it seems to be fear but it's just a feeling of the energy change when just before leaving. But if the mind interprets it as fear then one can be open to those things feared. What to do is to face them and tell them to go away. Unless it's your own shadow, when I saw that I told him to get back in lol.

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just had that same experience ... I just use he e energy to speak from the heart about it and because of it ...

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What I did is I went after them. Still recovering but was well worth it. Along the way put my hand in smouldering wood and no burn at all but I do feel bad about the girl freaked out who was holding it. Long story.

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long stories are the best kind

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I did freak her out due to the setting and what I gave her. She was on her knee's crying when I left. Some context, full moon, wife has her period and on the road stopping along the way at sacred rocks and undoing black magic placed in stone. They got me in the end of it though, phone broke, wife seemed possessed, got not arrested and phone broke. Hey what doesn't kill one makes them stronger.

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I believe there's a difference between seeing what's happening and reacting emotionally. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. One doesn't have to trigger the other, despite all the BS the shrinks keep themselves in business with. "Feel your feelings! Go off the wall if you want to." We all see what's happening, or at least the alt media version of it. We're all trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. I had a come-to-Buddha moment a few years back when it struck me that I didn't have to be having the dire feelings and the dire predictions I was making about the world's situation....that I could simply watch, make a plan to do whatever seemed to fit the situation, do my bit, but I didn't have to react in an emotionally negative way. That's what they want by the way. We're so accustomed to think negative emotions MUST follow negative facts. No, they don't have to and when we don't , we are actually in our best framework to DO something productive. Below, I mention the controlled opposition that always pumps the idea that we need do nothing. We habitually resort to those people, because we're exhausted by the emotions of fear and they (and the cabal) cash in on it. But we could just stay in a state of peace (make it an objective) where we wouldn't need their lullaby and could instead take some kind of action. IT'S A CHOICE. If we look at history, we see that there's an arc toward normalcy. Yes, there have been terrible things that happened, but they always iron out eventually and if we have a cool head and purpose instead of panic, we could avert a lot. If you look at WW2 Germany, the survivors often coolly got out of Dodge before it all came down. Looking at the halls of teachings of the avatars, remember the weird Jesus parable where the guy got canned by his employer and so he sat down and reduced his employer's loans to people in order to ingratiate them so they would help him later? Yeah, and then Jesus said, "the kingdom of heaven is"... like this guy! I don't think it was co-signing a wrong, so much as showing that the guy didn't panic, he looked at his options and firmly came down on what worked. I always take up for Jesus, because he is so misinterpreted and parables like this rip the cover off it. He really wasn't a moralist as he is made to be by those who use him as a sock puppet, but advocated TRANSFORMATION... ie from being effed up by the world to rising above it and moving on. When it comes to religion the ideas get skewed but that was the lesson of the crucifixion and resurrection, a message I believe was brought by him as an interdimensional being to us, like all "awakened" ones who show up here and inspire religions. It's not just in the Old Testament. Keep your peace no matter what, do what's necessary and move on. As the Buddhists put it, become like water flowing around the rocks. It makes a huge difference in our experience. And if we believe that we manifest what we think, might that better not be panic?

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Hiya, I have also tried this knight. I am surrounded by forest so it’s a bit easier. But I do get infiltration of demonic crap. I try not to listen to noise and let music flow through me. Keep pushing this out. Ghosting these evil beings means you are winning. They can’t sustain their evilness for long periods. Keep the fight up. Rest and keep going. Spending time with Animals is a perfect way of resting and of course music at the right frequency. Help of divine beings helps also.

As to. Cliffie his mind works in mysterious ways lol. His thoughts run wild .

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danke schoen

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Another approach is to learn to recognize the emotional triggers and then learning to allow them to move up through your body and out. The first time it’s like puking out emotions. Then it will cycle again later and be less, then less again, and then you aren’t triggered by that thing anymore.

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wow - that's actually a really good description of what's happening. thank you.

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We Humans gotta stick together! 💕🌻

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Yippee we’re going to town.

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Love when Uncle Clif has errands😝

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Clif thank you again for bringing this forward.

Your description of how it would be applied and operate is spot on!!

No more accident, just bounce off of each other. No more car insurance policy needed.

Great work Clif as always.

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Car and all other insurance is, and always has been legalized theft, just another way to get your money to pay for their evil agendas. We have literally been paying for and supporting every evil thing that has happened on this planet for who knows how long- at least 100 years, but maybe for longer.

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You are correct, we are just free range slaves.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Exactly. Boxes within boxes within boxes...but always a slave.

Body is a box

House is a box

Nation is a box

Continent is a box

Earth is a box

Its boxes all the way down but the one thing that never changes is the slavery.

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Clif, I must say I was skeptical for a long time but your so spot on its Beginning to become very clear

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I knew Clif would want a classic RV to levitate and not the fancy new ones.

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Just googled it and the usual suspects are poo-pooing it.

So, it's good to go!!👍👍

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They have a lot to lose if true.

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No kidding!

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That's the spirit!

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Using Google is a big mistake.

Not only are they tracking everything you search for but limit the results of those searches to control your knowledge.

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yeah man, you're quick on the uptake.

I was just trying to coax chatgpt to dig into this some deeper. More as a prompt-engineering exercise than hoping to get something useful out of it.

But the synchronicity of it all. I know you are interested in this stuff and while bullying chatgpt your mail dropped into my inbox.

My first thought when discovering this article was "we're made of a substantial portion of apatite ourselves. What if..."

Anyway. Funny. Thought I'd mention it.

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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I'm wondering how LK-99 might affect the human electrical-magnetic field (aura). Vehicles may float, but how about their occupants... glued to the floor? While listening to this audio, it occurred to me... sounds holographic, but alive. In any event, I'm super-conducted happy for Clif, whose incredible expanse of interests continue to intrigue.

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This concept also seems to apply in my mind, with the human state which can be altered based on your current energetic state of choice. Finding yourself extremely dense due to some free will choices of your own, making, will find you 6 feet under, and that would be a very “grave” (not gravity, which is fated and not based on free will) situation! However, I guess we have the option to levitate as well…

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Rather than gravity, which cliff doesn’t believe in either, it’s density and buoyancy! If the Earth contains everything in layers, then the most dense objects stay at the bottom, while the more buoyant rise to the top in order on top of each other. A good mental image is pouring different liquids of varying viscosity on top of each other in a glass and watching the layers form and find their place based on their density and buoyancy.

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Just one caution. Lk99 uses a lead (Pb) mineral. It will have to be in a containment so that toxic lead ions don’t escape into the environment. Other than that, let Scifi-world begin and Kudos to clif who has told us this change was coming months ago.

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So.. Whats another soft squishy heavy metal with similar properties ? hummmm Gold?

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If you want to invoke sacred numerology , yes gold or element 115, which was mentioned by Lazar on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I never gave Lazar much credence, but when he mentioned that the ‘aliens’ (inter dimensionals IMO) had stable 115, I had to reconsider. Watch that vid on YouTube.

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They may be on to something. But need to modify the process of crystalization it by placing the material into a plasma field.

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Research LINKS???

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Wikipedia has a page on it.

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Wikipedia AKA , CIA.

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Basically but it’s a start. Clif link the original paper PDF in his Truth account. Do you have truth membership?

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I have had thoughts of homes floating above the earth for decades. Imagine allowing the planet to do what it does best. Grow, thrive and produce all without our interference.

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But... I am not sure I would want to be living in a floating home when a hurricane comes roaring through. Bad enough when the houses are fixed to a solid foundation... They would need to be easily pilotable. Entire cities would need to be able to be moved en mass, in an orchestrated swarm. Otherwise, quite a mess would ensue. Think evacuations are bad now - what if it were hundreds of thousands of entire buildings trying to fly out of the danger zone with no coordination, instead of just cars & trucks on the freeway within the confines of paved travel lanes.....

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I would think all conditions would be incorporated into the design.

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I think you're over thinking it. Who says there would even be such things as hurricanes if we were utilizing resources differently? And the [KM][DS] wasn't using technology to manipulate wx...

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I think hurricanes can be steered back out to sea where they come from or kept there way out in the ocean. Now, apparently, they've been weaponized like many think happened with Katrina and some other ones steered into the Gulf Coast. The idea was to do as much damage as possible and claim global warming.

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Having live through several in the past, I'd love nothing better than for hurricanes to no longer exist. But unfortunately the thermodynamics of our planet's environmental systems preclude that type of future happening, except perhaps on a dead planet with zero temperature differentials between the sea surface and the upper troposphere. Even in an ideal geopolitical scenario without any artificial wx warfare, there will still (sadly) be cyclones to contend with.

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They are working on making that a reality. Look how much carbon they are stealing through carbon sequestration. We need that to survive! Plants need it to grow. They are trying to tie up all the remaining resources and sources of power and energy on a molecular level. Just as they vacuumed up all of the earths wealth, they are trying to control every last resource at a molecular level.

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I say to move the path of the hurricane instead of moving the structures.

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That would be ideal, but I think their steering tech is still kind of "ballpark". Besides, if your +/- 1500sf house is already floating, probably still easier to move it than a giant cyclone covering hundreds of sq.miles....

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I think HAARP could round them up and keep them way out at sea.

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Move the path, the cyclone moves itself.

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more tech will only mean one thing... more greed, more control, more anti human future....

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

You hit it on the nail-head. The chief reason ancient-advanced technology has been kept from the Corporate World is because THEY (the CORPORATOCRACY) are at war with man-kind. Those pledged to the Corporate hu-mans had to remain SEPARATE, due to: if THEY got "free energy & UFOs" IT would be used for greed-control-war & this tech. would only perpetuate their Time "in-leader-ship." IF LK-99 is feasible this allows what I have talked about to be available to the MASSES/hu-mans/corporations?:


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Wake up- they have ALWAYS had this & more technology. Keeping it from us is how they keep control. Haven't you been paying attention at all? The gov pretending to give us "new" info now is them trying to keep their control. Tough titty for them, cuz the milk's alright- or will be for us.

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That guy is cool! Thanks!👍

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Actually, it could mean an end to such things if everyone has it all available.

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A day without Clif is like scuba diving while trying to drink a cup of coffee ☕️. AHHHHHHH!

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David Hudson claimed the element he (re)discovered and called ORME had superconducting properties, in some experiments the material completely disappeared for a while. There may be some truth to this, as the government shut him down.



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I look forward to following your research into the LK-99

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The old flying carpet material resurfaces. But how to propel it, hence the rolls on it's ends.

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