I like it when Clif heads into town!

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Me, too!

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Get Outa Here With The Click Bait BullShit!!

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I have not clicked on it but anything repeated, like *safe and effective*,

well I am not playing.

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Actually, there were some postings on Telegram about pharma trying to get cattlemen to giving mRNA to cattle, etc. It's also known pharma is adding mRNA to all vaccines from certain cos - Pfizer, etc. I have doubts that cattlemen, unless they are woke, will do it.

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They have been using mRNA shot on PIGS since 2018. Very scary stuff. I'm sure they give it to Cattle too, that may be why those 3000 Cattle in Italy died recently. Did you see that? The whole herd had just seen the vet who came to the farm, and they all died what looks from the video a horrible death! So, so sad. I didn't understand why they let the last few suffer like that instead of just putting them down. It was CRUEL.

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Me too! 😆

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Me too!

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At the end of the day.. I love to check my emails to see if you have messaged. I might not agree always. But love to hear your explanation and exspirences .. adds to the tapestry of life .thanks Clif. Long may you share your insights and understandings. And long may I enjoy them. Plus I love people's comments etc

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I feel exactly the same!

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Whew! These rides to town are damn delightful!

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I am almost laughing because Clif was saying he was going to get out of redoing the shower by dying. A bit of morbid humor, this is something a husband would laugh at because of wives nagging to fix stuff. Ha ha. Sorry. Thank God and fenbendazole that Clif is looking very healthy and appears to be doing well. He is a great patriot and helper to humanity. Wishing Clif a long life.

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I know...that was the LOL moment in this video...I totally get it....about 18 months ago a "dumb fuck" oncologist told me I was going to die- LITTLE TO BE DONE FOR ME....consequently I spent my savings...now no thanks to the dumb fuck, I am alive and well....

Lesson learned...prayers and home remedies (like the remedies Clif endorses), beat dumb fuck and his estimations...NEVER TRUST THE MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.

Jesus Christ came to earth (a god), to experience life and death (the portals to and from earth), no other God had ever done that...I believe in benevolent God - not be feared. Religions were established for control...not the doing of our benevolent God.

When SCIENCE reaches the TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN they will find our benevolent God.

Until then all of this "science" is lots of bullshit and wild speculation.

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I hope you are doing well. Clif posts on Truth Social. I follow FL Sharkman on Truth. He has helped a lot of people with his Parasite Protocols with B being the cancer protocol. He expands on the Joe Tippens Fenbendazole/Panacur C by adding doxycycline and Ivermectin. Plus a few other things. 95% of doctors are almost worthless. Some of the heart guys and gals can be helpful. Diet and non pharma remedies can fix most things. FL Sharkman does a great job on endless things (skin issues, dementia, cancer, many others) that are related to parasites. Doctors have no clue because they cannot see the parasites.

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Thank you...I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours studying up on alternative cancer cures that our rotted out criminal government on the behalf Big Jew Pharma have suppressed ...I have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars experimenting with different herbs and supplements ...since the cancer was in my lungs I did CBD Oil & Thyme, lots of Vitamin D & C, it was in my liver so I did Alpa Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle, it was in my breast so I did Sweet Wormwood and B17, I added to those Turkey Tail, Essiac Tea, Chaga Tea and FenBen and Ivermectin...I recently had to back off Ivermectin as it was causing liver pain...turns out all compounded Ivermectin ingredients comes from China...could be a problem. My last two CT scans showed me stable...no progression...I am on multiple prayer lists in churches of my friends across several states...I believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings...all healing comes from the Grace of God.

Today I live...tomorrow is promised to. no one.

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One of newer studies that FL Sharkman posted recently was a study using Doxycycline, high levels of good Vitamin C (IV's of vitamin C at clinics cost about $125) that absorbs like Liposomal Vitamin C and another thing was Berberine with Ceylon Cinnamon. Berberine reduces your blood sugar which is a big deal. The best cancer doctor that I have seen is in Long Beach named Nagourney. He has a video of a lady from Brazil who had cancer.

What eventually worked for her? Metformin which reduces blood sugar like Berberine. Some people sa Berberine with ceylon cinnamon is better. Check out Dr. Johanna Budwig Protocol. A German lady and I think Nobel Prize winner who died in the 1970s. She did 2 cups of organic cottage cheese slowly whipped in with 2 table spoons of organic flaxseed oil. Eat it 3 times daily. You can sprinkle blueberries on top. Why does it work? I found a study in France that said Omega 3 oil can disolve tumors. The whipping together gets the oil to bind with the cottage cheese fat to be absorbed better.

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A friend of mine was certain she was loaded with parasites, even claimed she saw worms in the toilet one day. She had terrible problems with itchy hives on her scalp. Doctors wouldn't believe her toilet story and told her she needed a psychiatrist. She found out about Berberine, started taking it and after several months a worm wormed itself to the surface of her scalp. She rushed to the hospital, the worm still on her scalp. They finally believed her. She lost about 30 lbs. without trying or changing her diet, after taking Berberine for 6 months. I have read elsewhere that Berberine helps to get rid of parasites. I'm now considering going on it myself. Her boyfriend is now also taking it and he is losing weight as well.

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Back in the day when slaves wouldn't be treated by doctors, they developed the habit of taking a spoon of turpentine with sugar to try to take care of their health. In those days apparently people had a lot of trouble with parasites due to drinking river water and such. NOTE, this was not today's turpentine WHICH WILL KILL YOU. It was distilled pine sap without other additives and you took it with sugar so parasites would eat it and it would kill them. You can order this kind of turpentine from amazon, it's called Georgia Pine Gum Spirits. I tried it for a while just to see and it didn't harm me. Maybe I got rid of some parasites. I do wonder what it would do to natural gut flora though, but that would be true for any anti-parasitic probably.

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Yikes! What a story! Poor lady!

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In doing some (light) research, seems berberine is not recommended for long-term intake. Wonder how she's compensating for its side-effects.

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I'd do CDS. Protocols alternatively with the ones your doing. Chlorine Dioxide Solution is the best medicine on the this planet.

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Absolutely! It has been acknowledged to negate just about anything harmful in water, even snake venom.

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May God heal you and protect you Debbie, through Jesus Christ, Amen.

I had ovarian cancer last August (huge tumor removed).

The grace of God...YES!

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I'd do CDS. Protocols alternatively with the ones your doing. Chlorine Dioxide Solution is the best medicine on the this planet.

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I have this book sitting on my shelf called "Freedom from Cancer, Michael L Culbert", he speaks highly of Vit B-17.

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Can you attach a link to FL Sharkman on Truth. I've searched using that name and can't find this person. thanks in advance.

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Florida Sharkman on Truth Social. www.floridasharkman.org and he also has a helper has www.contrabandcures.com


The B Protocol is for cancer.

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Thank you.

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Im not finding FL Sharkman. Can you provide the exact name? Truth Social right?

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@FloridaSharkman on Truth. He is also friends on Truth with SSG Q and Contraband Cures but Sharkman is the main researcher. The guy is tireless and helps lots of people. His web site is www.floridasharman.org also check out his helper Truth member site www.contrabandcures.com Click on Parasite Protocols. FL Sharkman believes **many** illness including cancer are caused by parasites. He is an amazing helper to people.

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Bravo, well said thank you. Figuring out, that we have been invaded by parasites. I was able to defeat prostate cancer and avoid that whole misery. And thanks to Uncle Clif I was able, to put it all together.

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Yes, home remedies need to be more widely understood:


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At one time, that's all there was. What people don't understand about "home remedies" (naturapathic) is it takes longer to get results. There's few immediate responses, and a lot of what screws with health is simply diet. When I quit sodas (except for an occasional root beer!), I discovered it was carbonation I missed. So I drink Pellegrino.

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Maybe it was that "Dumb Fuck" that inspired you to prove otherwise, hmm

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Good advice to spend all your cash anyways.

CBDC is going to take it if you don't.

I'm having a good time with a rapidly dwindling bank account.

How many mohair cardigan and silk scarves is enough.

Tell me that I am misguided. But hurry.

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Start educating yourself about bitcoin. Don't join an exchange. Establish your own "wallet." It's just an alternative to the bank. And the nice thing about it = NOBODY can see it, touch it, access it or even know where your $$ is. Just saying there's an alternative.

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Another nice thing that BTC is even better at doing than gold.. you won't lose money due to inflation, like everything you own that is measured in "US dollars". It's being accepted worldwide and soon we should have debit cards we can attach to our Bitcoin wallets.

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There are no space aliens. There have always been human cultures that were more advanced than other human cultures. When a highly advanced culture appears to a primitive culture they will be seen as gods. This space alien bull crap is one big psyops.

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Hindu sacred books has extreme history of their encounters with ET beings. Sorry. They DO exist. Throwing out entire libraries of history to make us feel superior / leave the elite in power is VERY short sighted IMHO.

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Our libraries, one in France recently, are again being destroyed right now, so sad.

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Criminal, actually. I keep thinking the Alexandria Library which was burned by the Romans was a HUGE loss.

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Online is easily deleted as we all know, but my local, actually National, library does not acknowledge.

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Why I like to have my own printed copy of stuff. Some things online are PDF - so I print it out and put in a notebook. (Don't have much spare $$ so this works for some things.)

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yes and also there was info lost in the library of Alexandria which conveniently burned down of course

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No worries, that library is 6 floors down in the Vatican.

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And all it would take is a massive earthquake or several types of natural disasters to destroy carefully preserved tomes. Secreting knowledge should be criminal. It's why we all get excited over petroglyphs and such. We are a curious species. Wonder if the EL are responsible for that, too.

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By the way, El was a solar deity. Linguistically, all earliest references to gods referred to stars (sun) and planets. Our days of the week still refer to these gods.

Saturn day is Saturday and it is the Sabbath day of the Jews.

El was a solar deity. El Shaddai translates to god almighty.

Sun day is Sunday, the god of the Christians.

The sun lights our planet and without that light, nothing would grow and we would not be here.

Those who studied and tracked the solar and lunar cycles had knowledge that others did not possess, and they became authority figures and could predict best times to plant, seasons, etc. Knowing the longer cycles gave them even more information and authority. Because humans are social creatures, we have hierarchies as a means for security.

Those who had more knowledge were seen as authority figures.

In today’s society, we are trained to trust the authority of the person, rather than the authority of the evidence.

Dr. Anthony Peratt is a world expert of plasma physics and he recognizes the petroglyphs as images that align with experiments made in a lab as significant and observable explanations for why petroglyphs exist. Even with that level of knowledge and scientific evidence, he humbly compares the evidence, not carry on with opinions about something that he provides no evidence for.

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Petroglyphs are records of catastrophic events that likely wiped out lots of people. Most are records of high intensity plasma events.

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Actually, you can thank Julius Ceasar for that.

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These ET beings were just advanced humans with advanced technologies, they never left earth.

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Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared...I'm sorry Clif

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and to see Clif fall for his laughable gibberish nonsense hook line and sinker !

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He is a translator. And don't you think the Roman church would sue his ass for publishing something that went against their paradigm, since the Church isn't democratic? The Church would not hesitate to ruin him, if they could. They fired him when they found out what he was doing, thereby losing access to Vatican library.

Does make one wonder what else is down there.

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Humans are very special and capable of many great things. We are currently just trapped in this servant mentality mind trap narrative that we are inferior and not worthy all thanks to the Roman Catholic Church and Deep State. Now that no one fears them they are shifting to a new boogie man up in the sky called the space alien. Whatever new technology that emerges that defies current mainstream science was developed by humans and humans only not some space alien like they want us to believe.

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1.8 Trillion FRAUD? For what?

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Might want to lay off the voice to skull tech for a bit. If you think reptilians are human, you'll have some trouble convincing people

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Re running scenarios and simulations is most likely why we’re trapped into this realm. Space and planets I’m uncertain about. We’re definitely advanced tech biological vessels for incarnations but whether the overseers are actual “alien” I’m unsure

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its possible there is a combination of inter-dimensional entities , "space aliens" and the ones that were always more advanced prior to the overseers destroying the previous version of "humans" . There are very good studies done by Bruce Cathie and Colin Wilson back in the 60's to show there is a very strange and paranormal property to the entire "UFO" phenomenon.

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The Seth writings said we are much more likely to run into interdimensionals than beings from elsewhere in this universe. (I often mention the Seth writings because they are still to this day some of the best channeled stuff out there.) And interdimensionals are bound to have the look of strange and paranormal. If we look at all the gods and demons of religion we do see the paranormal, ie, beings doing the incomprehensible in this dimension. The same is true for ETs. So they blink in and out, move at incredible "speeds," and so on. Recently, Bashar said that ETs don't travel across space. They are existing in one place and then they simply stop existing there and start existing somewhere else. What's interesting is that WE are multi-dimensional, meaning that we exist in many dimensions all the time, so we can observe and connect in other dimensions, although normally we stay focused in one. But it does lead to experience that has a paranormal feel. It's really time that we got curious and exploratory with what we really are.

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Maybe an adventure into Admiral Byrds stuff will enlighten you. There are aliens but they are not from space. They are from here! Inner and outer here

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Dimensional beings do exist one of my favorite lines in the Mahabharata Ganesha states, “The world swarms with infinite creatures, those we see and those we do not see, those who live in the depths of the Earth; monsters who live off the human flesh.

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Yes but the space aliens that they desperately want us to believe do not.

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Who knows what the ET's are really like, I mean there are some really wicked people on and in this Earth...imagine out into space...

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Where do you get this idea????

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I got the idea from the only person I trust in the world, myself!!!!

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Then you must understand that everyone else is the source of their own ideas, or at leas the clearing house for them. And if your ideas are valid, aren't theirs also valid?

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Of course, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. I don't expect anyone to agree with my ideas, nor do I care if they do or don't.

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Ok, but for lack of a better word- and to keep it in language most present day humans on this planet can understand- we'll just call let him call them that for now, or whatever he wants to. When we know for sure who & what is going on out there off planet that pertains to us, I'm sure there will be a new word/phrase to use. But no, they are NOT all human, of that I'm quite certain. A lot them may have been hybridized using human DNA, but not all are human

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They are Satan's offspring, the Nephilim.

The Nephilim blood line survived the great flood through Noah's offspring.

Parts of the Bible, Gnostic Gospels & the Apocryphal books speak to this.

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I just recently rec'd latest book Area 51 Conversations with Insider Stephen Chua by Elena Danaan, who I've been following since 2020. https://www.elenadanaan.org/area-51-stephen-chua

I also read her other 3 Galactic Disclosure books - A Gift from The Stars, We Will Never Let You Down & The Seeders, all excellent reading. TPTB did not want us Humans to know anything about this. Really have to have an open mind.

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O negative blood were the original humans.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

yea thats me wonderd y i felt so old

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Are you trying to say that there is NO extraterrestrial life anywhere in this vast universe? I can say that I believe nothing; but I see that many of the specific points about this becomes self sustained, by observation. Cliff's claims in specific might not make direct sense for the average person; however, what he says about "Homo capensis" or the people with elongated skulls, matches up with geographic, geologic, genetic, as well as linguistic evidence. For example: the elongated skulls ONLY show up sometime around 12,000 BCE, prior to that, there are no such things. The genetic analysis of the elongated skulls show that the variation comes from an exclusively male side of the mating process; paternal DNA shows genetic info as "unexplainable," and therefore DNA info was withheld in all instances except one. Cliff states that the Homo capensis "female," died out, resulting in their need to mate with regular females of non modified form "normal females." This development caused the elongated head "feature" to disappear from living examples, with the only people sharing the base genealogy; humans who trace their ancestry back to Scythia, or ancient Khazaria.

There are many other connections too.

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Speaking of head shapes...what happened to the ZIKA babies with cabbage heads? Remember them - it was just a few short years ago...our government handed over tens of billions of our tax dollars to Big Pharma and NIH for that "plague", and the moment they did the whole hoax went away.

Humans aren't getting smarter - clearly they are wildly dumbed down compared to just a couple of generations ago.....we have a school system that teaches first graders to masturbate and take it up the ass...no education at all. My massage therapists son just graduated from high school having NEVER HAD A READING LIST.


Watch humans fall for one hoax after another - most never thinking for themselves. They allow the Tel-A - Vision do the thinking for them.

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I don't now know if there is or isn't extraterrestrial life anywhere in this vast universe. I wouldn't be surprised either way. I'm a creationist and I believe humans were created by a higher intelligence. I also believe there were human civilizations that lived on this planet that were a lot more technically advanced than we are today. Genetic engineering was discovered and performed by humans a very long time ago.

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In the Bible, as we normally think of it, it's said that giants bred with humans, creating the "men of great renown." One wonders how the offspring could be born from the much smaller human female or even how the sex act would be possible if these giants were as big as some we've excavated. It would have worked with using the human male and the giant female, but that's not how it was recorded to have happened. I'm getting an image of a Chihuahua and a Great Dane.

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The “space aliens” is an acceptable term for “more advanced beings that are not of this earth” - I won’t get wrapped around the axel on precise words.

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It's great fun when fun is in short supply.

And we conspiracy theorists admire a good theory.

Good for the brain to consider the unconventional.

Mind you I don't know anyone to discuss it with.

Still, I applaud Clif.

And am looking forward to the next exciting installment.

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I believe this too. What is that term it is called? The soldiers showed up on some island and the natives thought they were Gods. The soldieres gave them gifts of food and toys to keep them pacified as they used their island. When the war was over and they left, the natives build statues and the like of these soldiers flying their crafts, and years later when the soldiers came back they saw all of this and realized the natives thought they were Gods. There is a term and I forgot it. Too early for me! Cargo Cults. Here is one story that talks about this. It makes sense to me. https://www.messynessychic.com/2019/02/14/somewhere-on-a-remote-volcanic-island-american-soldiers-are-worshipped-like-gods/

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Clif is a fool on Meds.

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then why the fukk are you listening to him ? we all see you are the fool....

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But here you are…..

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Sounds like your ego is getting in the way of rational thinking...🤔

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Very possible, keeping Lucifer and Satan in balance can be a challenge at times. Polarity is a bitch.

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Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared...I'm sorry Clif

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"We grow out of this world. If anything is obvious, it is that this world Peoples like an Apple tree Apples." - Alan Watts

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This is ridiculous. You parrot everything Mauro Biglino hypothesizes, as if it is your research leading to these conclusions (you constantly say "we think" blah, blah, blah), and you accept his hypotheses as proven facts when even Biglino says his ideas are based on pretending mythological accounts are literally true. He finds space aliens in many mythologies, but many excellent researchers do not. Perhaps these skeptics have good reason to doubt. Why would a technologically advanced species capable of traveling light years through space and altering DNA to serve its ends have needed blood-derived human adrenochrome? They could have easily synthesized it just as modern pharmaceutical manufacturers do, and made it any strength they wanted without killing anything or going to any trouble. Why would they have needed to take drugs for personal addictions they could have easily cured with their advanced science? Why would they have needed to inhale burning fats to obtain chemicals they could have literally manufactured out of thin air? Why would they have needed to drench people in vile oils to clean them up when they could have done the job faster, easier, and much less messily with showers, soaps, toothpaste, and antiparasitics ? And why would they have ordered their human priests to drench altars, walls, floors, and their own robes in blood that was never to be washed off? How does drenching everything in blood for no reason fit into Biglino's space alien paradigm?

So what if bible stories mention flying machines for transport? Couldn't the ancients have had their own form of what we today call science fiction and urban fantasy, where they imagined wondrous future things, just as modern writers do? Aladdin's lamp? Flying carpets? Must they be memories of something real? Of course not.

As your stories become more and more anti-Jewish, I wonder if your fans realize the potential danger of believing in a Khazarian mafia (your actual meaning: Zionist mafia) out to harm them, especially when nobody has ever found any evidence of its existence. Yes, there are lots of crackpot Zionists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheists. The world is full of crazies, but singling out one group as the source of all misery and corruption is insane. They're all guilty in one form or another of crimes against humanity and Nature, though Tibetan Buddhists have managed to market themselves--at least to people outside of Tibet--as peaceful and innocent. Their actual history in Tibet rivals anything done by the Spanish and Papal Inquisitions. When you try to portray the world as one specific, identifiable group (THEM) against everyone else (US), you are rabble-rousing. We already know the main players in the current attempted reset, and they come from many cultures, many religions, and many disciplines.

You have a pet hypothesis that you are running away with as fanatically and arrogantly as the followers of any religion, ideology, or figurehead. Unfortunately, many of your readers are too lazy to check YOUR sources and THEIR (your sources') sources, because they want to believe. Your new religion is really no better, wiser, or scientific than any of the old ones; it's just more glamorous and ostensibly modern.

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Are you Khazarian? Anyone with a modicum of serious interest and research into their origins knows Clif is absolutely right. Check your premises and sources. They lied about EVERYTHING.

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Maybe because THEY are big and strong and CAN smoke who or what they want. And if they are taking soooo long to return, their tech doesn’t seem as good as you might think. Clif said it was nothing he has proven and does give MB credit as to his Naked Bible. No one (Clif) is forcing the belief.

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Thank you Curt.

Although I appreciate Clif's linguistic computer/word search information, I question the Kaliyuga / KaliYuga chatter.

In this specific podcasts he states ( or speculates) that the space aliens know when planets with human life form inhabitants are in their KALIYUGA time period and then the aliens come down and boss everyone around so they can enforce sacrifice to get their adrenochrome huff.

KaliYuga is from Hindu belief system. Are the space aliens HINDU? Satya Yuga: First we see the time of truth and perfection, which thankfully lasts four tenths of the cycle. These humans are honest, youthful, vigorous, and virtuous. Everyone is happy, and religions live as one. Disease in non-existent, as is fear. Those living through this part of the cycle are gifted with abundance through the land, along with great weather.

Treta Yuga: The second Yuga lasts for three tenths of the cycle. Unfortunately, this is where human virtue begins to fall away. Leaders gain more dominance, causing wars to rise. As if to reflect the state of humanity, the weather also moves to more extremes. It is unsurprising that people’s health begins to lessen in this part of the cycle.

Dvapara Yuga: The third Yuga lasts for two tenths of the cycle. During this time, people become more sluggish and slow, many aren’t as strong as their ancestors, and the number of diseases increases. Becoming discontent with their lives, humans fight each other. This could possibly be because maturity decreases, with some people still possessing characteristics of youth in old age.

Kali Yuga: The final age lasts only one tenth of the cycle, however, that is certainly long enough as it is the age of darkness and ignorance. People slide further down the path of dishonesty, with virtue being of little value. Passions become uncontrollable as unrestrained sexual indulgences and manipulations run through society. Liars and hypocrites rise.

Important knowledge is lost and scriptures become less and less common. The human diet is now ‘dirty’, and people are not even close to being as powerful as their ancestors in the Satya Yuga. Likewise, the once pristine environment is now polluted. Water and food become scarce, as do family bonds.

Appreciate your input Curt.

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Yes, thank you both. This is what discussion groups are for, to expand ideas! I wonder if the yugas are simply different "slots" of experience. In other words, since according to most, we incarnate for varied experience, yugas provide "places" to do that. All of the frequencies on David Hawkin's ladder express the relative presence of love.....it's paramount in the higher and disappear slowly into the lowest frequencies. https://thejoywithin.org/spirituality/the-levels-of-consciousness-with-david-r-hawkins

Yugas can be observed as using time, existing in time and we can chart our history with them, but of course they're cyclical, occurring over and over in cycles long forgotten. But if I'm a "soul" outside of time looking for something to do I can just pick one of these energy fields or resonances and explore. I think the point is to be able to understand every frequency by contrasting it with another opposite frequency in order to get the whole picture. So I experience, say, slavery, and then become the slave master to really understand the complete idea surrounding that. This really puts how we see the world and others in it in a new perspective. It makes us see that when we fault another we simply aren't seeing where he is in the process and that he presents the contrast we came to see. I suppose you can't appreciate the Satya yuga fully until you've experienced the others right down to the lowest. And that is why they all exist. I wonder whether we truly exist in the highest levels, but the shine can wear off when we lose the contrast, so off we go to burnish it up again.

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Funny all the anointing that Charlie Horse had at his big moment.

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I actually think Cliff is an Elite's Troll!

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I love a good theory, and if you are correct David, it explains why he knows how to fit the facts to his theory.

Anyways, I am enjoying all this.

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I think Clif is doing what we all do...fit self-chosen "facts" into "theories". But he himself has claimed to be an "opinionated asshole." Once he's got a theory, he presents it as the Big Fact. We all do that more or less. But Clif has more unusual facts and theories, which is what makes him interesting. I enjoy him too, but it's like with every podcast he brings me a costume with a dramatic hat. I try it on, look in the mirror, pose around for a moment and then let it go. If it sticks, it's something I keep. If not, I've forgotten it by the next day.

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ALSO... lots & lots of times Clif has said these little talks help him piece the story puzzle together in his own head. PLUS he gets to read our input, which further helps him solve his work in progress "thesis's".

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We certainly have a lot to say!

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, God Bless

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Hello, Salty brother!!

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I want a TEE that says "Hello, Humans. Hello, Humans." It would be interesting to see if anyone else in my (S. GA small town) area recognizes it!

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Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared...I'm sorry Clif

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I could not find a single reference in several search platforms that stated anything about MB and fraud. There was a THOMAS Boglino who was charged with something in the US. State source of info. Otherwise, we will term you "a shill" and ignore you.

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Clif ! I hope you have time to write all your information down about the Humans history in a book! Your interpretations and explanations of the Tora and the Bible and how the El plays the role in our evolution needs to be part of the re-education of the new generations to come . . .

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Where is the proof? What makes the history he tells anymore believable than the shit we've already been fed? Asking for a friend....

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yes I wonder that too . . .

Clif has been studying a lot and plows thick scientific books like a newspaper and then draws conclusions and makes extrapolations we don't understand. He is a linguistic master and expert but for sure, I would like to know some more about the source of all his acclaimed knowledge.

The stuff about going to hyper space and having been dead 3 times and what happens between lives are fascinating - but how can anybody prove anything of such experiences?

Not planning on playing with any mushroom or LSD to find out! LOL

Mozart sat down and composed concerts at the age of 6. Where was his knowledge "stored" and where did it come from?

Why are some born with godlike amazing skills and perform astonishingly as toddlers? The simple answer is that they have practiced a lot in previous lives . . .

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I like that Clif takes us along on his search...take what you will from his commentary...it is interesting to me that people have been so drawn to drugs..how common heroin and morphine addiction was by upper classes..then came LSD and magic mushrooms.....I believe it all comes from our minds being wiped before birth...we are strangers in a strange land....those astonishing toddlers could be remembering past life accomplishments leaking through...I like to spend time contemplating the unseen world...

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Interesting discussion going on here. Is it the "Veil' that blinds us from our Higher Consciousness as we become Human Beings on Lower Density, Earth? That may be part of it. Additionally, Fluoride calcifies or shuts off the Pineal Gland, add to that the years of Vaccines given to newborn babies with the Thimerosal (Mercury) preservative. Add to that all the petrochemicals in the food. The list goes on. However, none of the Ingredients were delivered with the intention of promoting an "Aware Human Being"...

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There is such a thing as a "knowing." It may be intuition. It may be recognition of something from a past life. It may be simple logic. It may be psychic. It's like proving everyone has a soul. "Point it out to me. Show me." We take it on "faith" due to a "knowing." Some things just make sense, but are unprovable because empirical evidence doesn't exist - yet. Once a certain threshold of input is reached, the mind opens and thinking expands. I remind myself that studying martial arts has a spiritual component to its success, and that is only one aspect of Clif's experience.

Some are judging based on "immediate current knowledge," re: aliens, KM, what little hasn't been hidden, revised, lied about, misconstrued and altered to fit somebody's paradigm. Ferreting out facts in the face of world-wide brainwashing is a lifetime of research. Slowly, knowledge emerges.

Clif may be a total crackpot or the most brilliant free-thinker in our times. You know what? I don't care which one turns out to be true. He has stimulated my thinking, caused me to question certain paradigms, expanded my research, and wow! What a bunch of nutters comment on his podcasts! I spend more time reading comments than his podcasts take. I consider myself privileged to be here.

And all those "deniers" who post rude comments? Ignore them. Shills. You'll notice not a one of them has anything substantive to say. (Wow! Big sonic boom! Whole house shook.)

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Some might think the sonic boom was just a jet going over, but I think stuff like that can punctuate an experience on purpose. Just Universe interjecting itself to emphasize a point. The important part, as you were saying when the boom went off, is that stimulated thinking, questioning, expansion is its own purpose, joy and reward, and those who nullify that are no-shows to real experience. That's why they mostly just call names and don't have a point to make other than that. But I think most of us are here for expansion and appreciate a wild ride.

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Well said and I totally agree. Knowing and growth is ongoing for life. One of my favorite expressions is 'when you're green you grow and when you're ripe you rot'. I always envision tomatoes in the garden when I was growing up. We allowed some of them on the vine to rot so we could have seeds for next year. Life recycles and hopefully we leave some useful seeds behind when we're ripe enough to leave, for the next generations. Unfortunately some people ripen prematurely, are unable to bring the seed to proper fruition and the seeds are lost. These would be the know-it-alls that also appear in this chat room.

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You just have to appreciate Clif for what he is..... a pied piper in a crazy hat with some kind of never before seen musical instrument. Is what he says fact? Who knows, and it will give you a headache to try to figure it out, but he's quite a show.

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just now

Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared..Researcher of WHAT? NN is not a graduate, he is not a translator, he has only boasted fantasies, he seriously misses the translations, but what are we talking about- We are serious- I heard him in 2012 and after having informed myself I understood that he was a FAKE. There are many serious and qualified people who really know and translate languages, Listen to them first and then you can easily understand that this is a huge scam-

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Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared..Researcher of WHAT? NN is not a graduate, he is not a translator, he has only boasted fantasies, he seriously misses the translations, but what are we talking about- We are serious- I heard him in 2012 and after having informed myself I understood that he was a FAKE. There are many serious and qualified people who really know and translate languages, Listen to them first and then you can easily understand that this is a huge scam-

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"And i did NOT die."



Bible or no-bible.

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I wonder when the Fake Stream Media will pick up the expression "The big ugly" as a the current state of affairs! LOL

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Another good trip to town . . . more and more, pieces are falling into place. You certainly act as the glue that holds my perception of the past together allowing me to form my picture of the future. I believe that we are entering a period of time that has been talked about and it is going to be a big one. The trigger, I believe, will be a micronova of our Sun as has happened many times in the past. I would think that others are aware of this phenomena both here and in space and are all showing up for the Grand Event.

As in many other areas we are seeing and discovering realities that have been kept from us. One of the keys for me is the relationship to the magnetic earth changes and the craziness that we are all experiencing. Many new papers are being published about the magnetics, the movement of the poles and on the human responses to these changes. The galactic sheet is upon us, hidden truths are being exposed and this is where the rubber meets the road - we are all individually being challenged. What a great time to be alive!

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Another thing one of the Laws is don't murder. You can sacrifice anyone in warfare or as a burnt offering. You have a skewed version of what a sacrifice was. The worshippers of the elohim committed these atrocities. Yahweh taught His followers NEVER do this. He said do not kidnap one another, if someone falls on hard times you can hire him for a set time as a servant but he must be able to redeem himself at the appointed time. Do not include Yahweh in these horrible atrocities. He taught us how to serve one another and improve our lives. Most of what you acclaim to be Yahweh were the El not Yahweh.

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It depends on which source you believe. There are many contradictions about the subject of Yahweh in the books. None are probably 100% accurate.

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There were/are at least two Yahwehs and they were/are both members of the Elohim: Yahweh-El, The Most High God, leader of the Elohim, who performed the creation in Genesis 1; and his son, Yahweh-Jehovah, The LORD God, God of Israel (the jealous God), who performed a second creation in Genesis 2 on the seventh day, when the other Elohim were resting after their exertions of the previous six days.

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Yahweh killed so many using Isreal to do his dirty work .

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Thanks Clif. I feel for the priest. Being Catholic for 66 years and starting in 1986 I knew something was wrong. I went through it. Vatican ll was the big eye opener for me. Down the rabbit hole I went. Catholic grade school ,high school , Notre Dame seminary. Reading ,listening, searching. A long journey. I know I'm in a better place now. Jesus was trying to teach something other then the church teaches. My family thinks I've lost it but I have found it . I'm not some dog that needs to beg for things. I've done that most my life.

"Eat my body drink my blood."??? Sound like an elite pedophile adrenachrome drinking horseshit. Ya make my day Clif. Thanks for the info.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Bravo, sir! Are you familiar with Gnostic Christianity? Maybe they know what Jesus really taught?

Unfortunately, St Paul was an agent of Rome (and a descendant of King Herod's sister, Salome!), who subverted the teachings of Jesus to create a church which suited the political exigencies of Rome. Although the New Testament contains some teachings of a high order, it is essentially Roman wartime propaganda, written and compiled by, for and on behalf of Rome.

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Yes the rabbit hole is deep.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

Mauro Biglino was in prison for two years for 1.8 trillion fraud... he is not a professor of ancient Hebrew... unprepared...I'm sorry Clif

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The richest man in the world is worth 1.5 trillion - Rothschilde. I seriously doubt MB was fined that.

Repeating something doesn't mean anything. State it once and move on. Otherwise, you will be taken for a shill.

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References please. You posted this ten times already.

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Thank you, I could not open, but nothing surprises me about him either. There is a lot of misinformation out there, all by design in many cases to confuse the masses.

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Give something in English. 1.8 trillion ??? He'd never see the lite of day.

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Holy shit! So are the evangelicals waiting for the El to come back with their trumpets to smoke their belly fats? They think it is the rapture? Maybe I am reaching here? 😮

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Do you know these 613 Laws? Cause it specifically tells you not to pass your children through the fire. That also means do not start wars and fighting among you. See Leviticus 19:18 I believe it tells you to do not harbor a grudge against your neighbor.

Genesis 1:26 tells you the purpose for our creation. Nor only that Gensis tells you that Yahweh, chose one family to teach how to regenerate all life in the universe. English makes it sound like they were the only ones, but there were millions and Yahweh was trying to save us by teaching us how He regenerates and creates and maintains all life. Who ever is translating it from Hebrew to make it sound like Yahweh is one of these Elohim, are deranged and uneducated.

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Hi cliff. Love your commentaries.

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