Friday the 13th .. Hello all. I know we all feel the uncertainty.. but take comfort that we are all here together. Thank goodness for Clif and those who have help us get through this tumultuous period.

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Yep, soon enough we're all going to be out groping around in the Shadowlands wondering WTF, which way now?!...

Make sure those close to you are at least forewarned that things are going to get extremely uncertain. I tell them some of it will be horrible, but some of it will also be hilarious, so take your laughs where you can. ...And if you haven't met your neighbors yet, now would be a good time to say howdy!

I'm actually feeling relief. Finally we can get this party started!


I made a podcast for us Clif-heads, even took inspiration for the title of it. I hope it help inform and entertain all of you while you run around and get things done and make improvements to your position. https://marchingthroughtheshadowlands.substack.com/

I'll be dropping a new episode tomorrow or Sunday.

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A month off, but close enough for reflection.

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Wow Clif... This could very well be your last audio file on this platform. May all users enjoy your words of wisdom while they can. There is a weekend Atomic War planned by the masked duo Biden/Harris and company. I must admit to my annoyance of having to play along with this democrat jerkoff team, but if we're going anywhere, then they must be the ones that go first. When I heard, "They're eating the cats", I knew it was rolling credit time. I noticed on last Thursday that my life came to an immediate halt and then a wave of tiredness come over me. Feels like I am splitting into the 5D, maybe I will see all of you there. I wish all my wide awake brothers and sisters strength in getting through what appears to be another life obstacle for survival. See all of you on the other side...

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No old Cliffy boy ain't going anywhere

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All the best to you and yours too.

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Happy Friday 13th and remember never trust a muslim

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Or a jew.

Or a democrapper.

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Ha, fjb DiaperCrapper

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That would be a more appropriate mantra.

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(((they))) must be watching the comment sections. I can’t like your comment, it registers then disappears right away.

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Perhaps you are not signed in ???

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I believe I am. I liked your comment and it stuck. I tried to like the other comment again and it did the same thing. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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The only time I had likes not stick, was because I wasn't signed in, ... but then when I tried to comment, it gave be the banner to check my email to sign in. After I did that, the likes stuck as well as the comment posted. So I figured likes would not stick when not signed in, but won't throw up the Check Email banner at all, ..... until attempting to comment.

That IS weird. I have only had the logged in flavor of like/dislike weirdness on Rumble, ... Bigly. Haven't sen it here until now.

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Or a Pope, thus Friday the 13th.

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Yes. A true Satan-worshiping scumbag.

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Yes, because they clearly control world governments, banking, pharmaceuticals, wars and oh wait.....................

Yeah Muslims are the enemy. Got it.

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Mohammed had sexual intercourse with a 14 year old child

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or a government..

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who said you had to trust at all; what do you mean by 'Trust' when you say 'Trust'; would you clarify and define that word 'Trust' in the context you are referring to, as the word 'Trust' has many compound meanings; or are you leading one to make assumptions and presumptions tainted with prejudice regarding your advice; and what it is you are inferring;

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I don't really pay attention to any other "woo" people. Or "truthers" for the most part. Been through the wash.

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What is the definition of Woo?

Way out opinion?

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Hard to define, given its nature.

Clif tried using the Tao, but it was a bit unwieldy.

Suffice it to say, it's what attracts people to mysteries and the unknown. Supernatural. Metaphysical. Whatever.

Terrence McKenna always spoke of novelty, Clif speaks of hypernovelty, that's another marker.

Unconventional, perhaps related to the subconscious and manifestation into the phenomenal world.

He took it from "woo woo" relating to fringe topics. But gave it more weight or import by removing the implications.

Tough using words.

It's like, just knowing there's so much more to the universe that we can't see or sense and other worlds than this.

Engaging BOTH halves of the brain helps. Learning to use them together...

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Danging Clif, I sneezed 3 times this am and was looking around the sky suspiciously!

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LOL! I was thinking the same thing today! I kept on Sneezing.

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sneezong alot for four days, oh my!!!

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Little blurbs, long drawn out extensive talks, I love all you offer :)

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If the universe is simply novelty and uncertainty with nothing planned where does Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, Baba Vanga, Edgar Cayce and even Tesla with their visions of the future come into irt?

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Edgar Casey

My brother's mentor

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My Grandmother and sisters called my Mother Biddy.

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y Mother had that nick name also?

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Hhhmmmmmm - govt giving information about off-planet stuff and their “vehicles,” etc. Skeptic that I am about powers that should not be, I am quite certain I won’t trust what those guv folks say about the subject any more than I have and do now.

It’s so odd to me how many folks in medialand talk about the not truth being given by whomever, and yet go on to trust news reports by other questionable lettered news talkers and lettered agencies. 😵‍💫

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Its getting pretty main scream here..

MH370 Mystery Solved! The Shocking Evidence That Changes Everything We Were Told | Redacted News



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Thanks for that. Here’s some more reference to stuff won’t see on general media.

John Lenard Walson. Astro photograpy. YT: “F.A.S.T.: Far Above Space and Time.”

Book avail on (the world store), Ama…

If interested, conversation 9-10-24, Rense.

Beyond fascinating. Nowhere to hide…..

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Thank's Clif!🙏❤️💪

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UFO's? Pfft!

Just wait 'till the earth's magnetic field finishes shifting and we get a crust slide off axis.

Antarctica becomes the new Hawaii...

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Yeah people need a little more of the big picture scenario.

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The northern lights were visible 2 yr ago where I live . I'm from Kent, SouthEast of England . Normally, the electrical discharge from the northern lights would be seen at the top of Scotland which is 650 miles away ! People celebrate this ( in Kent ) as a spectacular but they don't realise how dangerous this is . The poles are shifting across great distances which are worrying . On the 24th October ( this year ) , there is a 4 planet squaring alignment in our solar system . The gravitational pull on our planet will be intense . This strain on Earth will create huge tidal surges , earthquakes, volcanic eruptions , extreme rain and hurricane / tornadoes . The last time that this planetary alignment occurred was 79AD. Mount Vesuvius erupted , causing the sun to be blocked which put Europe into chaos . Crop failures and other extremes followed . To have some idea as to what is approaching humanity , watch Adapt 2030. David Dybune has been researching this very intensely . I really hope that he is wrong but too many signs in our skies and weather patterns have me worried . Just live your life to the full and enjoy quality time with family and friends . This phenomenon that is upon us is beyond our control . If the magnetic poles flip, I don't won't to survive it . The damage to our planet will be intense . Let the billionaires sort it out in their underground bunkers . I'll come back in another time when universe let's me. Sorry for making this long !

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Yes, I forgot about the Pole Shift. I forget who espoused that theory which started about 20 years ago.( Nancy Lieder?) Supposedly when planet Nibiru swings around planet earth ,Nibiru will grab the earth's crust and spin it so the north and south poles swap places. If the pole shift happens , maybe even Atlantis will rise from the ocean floor.? There will be earthquakes and entire continents will shift. Some really heavy-duty woo there. I don't know what's more terrifying, the possibility of a coming atomic war or planet Niburu.

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Nope, we don't even need Nibiru. Or an atomic war.

Our local star is going to do it for us, in conjunction with our failing magnetic field.

Check out Ben Davidson on the YT channel 'Suspicious0bservers'.

The man is a machine, he's been doing a daily vid every morning before 5am (for over a decade), letting us know what is going on with our sun. He cites peer-reviewed paper after peer-reviewed paper.Listen to what he has to say. Then get to high ground.

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Davidson has an interesting 'theory'/hypothesis.....

his 12 K year cycle (geologic record verified !?) seems to 'line up' with Cliff's Yuga 12 K year cycles.

Davidson doesn't reference earths galactic ecliptic transition that Cliff so frequently speaks of. Davidson's 'sequence of events seems to be 1) EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD is weakening (cause unknown) 2) our Sun is getting increased cosmic radiation (& spewing it back out at earth in ever increasing amounts) [ because our solar system is leaving a radiation protective 'cosmic dust' area in the milky way galaxy] 3) pole shift is in progress.

Basically Davidson thinks that the increased radiation impacting earth will create a 'bio-electric-geophysical' event which 'unglues' the earths crust (in progress? as evidenced by the current pole shift/drift) from the earths deeper mantle.... resulting in a catastrophic 90 degree 'pole flip' (ie. the poles relocate/flip to the equator.. very fast).

His 'timeline' for the 'kickoff' of the pole shift seems to be 2030-2040's...preceded by increased climate disturbance,.. vulcanism... auroras & lightning storms.



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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Actually, Ben Davidson regularly refers to the Galactic Current Sheet, and shows animated diagrams detailing it. He also ties it's traversal of our solar system as one of the MAIN factors in what's going on in our solar system right now.

We are seeing huge climatic changes on ALL of the planets in our solar system recently. Events that are unexplained by modern cosmology, because they refuse to factor in the magnetoelectrical component of the galactic current sheet. I'm pretty sure Clif is aware of this.

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his galactic current sheet" hypothesis is/might be plausible but lacks experimental ontology( eg a derived co-ordinate spatial relationship to the actual galactic plane) due to the LACK OF real scientific MEASUREMENT(s). Seems like his 'take' on Birkland currents( which HAVE been measured)... put forth as his own hypothesis. NOT interested in 'animated diagrams. SHOW US THE DATA before presenting hypothesis as 'fact'

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I'll bite. So, the Sun is soaking up all this galactic radiation, ergo, the Earth (more specifically, its core) is soaking it all up as well. Hotter core, more fluid layer between mantle and core.

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something like that

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The so-called "magnetic pole" could shift, but do not forget the Earth is a massive gyroscope making the "axis munde" extremely difficult to move, if not impossible, by something like the mythical nibiru to sway it.

The force required to move our poles is massive and I see nothing in our Solar System that could do it.

Many have accepted the theory that the global floods are caused by impact, or a close call with planet ex etc.

The Hydro Plate Model of Global catastrophes explains all of the geological evidence we have for the global floods geologists have researched. Impact and close call can not remotely match the findings of the geologists, when applied to their research. The hydroplate model of global catastrophe also interfaces perfectly with the Planetary expansion we witness in our Solar system and The Hollow Earth discoveries due to planetary expansion as well!

Expanding Earth and Expanding Planets Proved!;


Dr. Walter Brown of the Air War College and the US Air Force Academy, explains the hydroplate model of global catastrophes:


Impact and close call are localized events that could not possibly affect the entire oblate sphere we live on. The Hydro Plate Model shows the evidence for a global rift created as the plate expands, running all the way around our entire planet with great velocity and therefore can explain how the floods are created globally and not locally where the "impact and close call" theories fail. Also it reveals, how jets of water from the rift and many miles of rock on top forcing underground water up under immense pressure, shooting 20km up into the stratosphere turning to ice, then it came down and froze many of the mega fauna we see in the extinctions of the Younger-Dryas.

Check it out and ascend above the impact and close calls theories, which can not explain a fraction of what the Hydroplate Model explains

And, there is no such thang as a nuclear atom, meaning there are no nuclear weapons, so do not live in fear of the myth!


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Why not share this from Sabrina Wallace?


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I had to slow these to .75 playback speed, so I have not gotten all the way through them yet, ... many hours worth, but might be good to listen while doing other things.

09/11/2024: (2002 Audio Book 8hrs 11min)) Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation 2002: https://rumble.com/v5elq79-326859237.html


09/12/2024: Part 2 (9hrs 16min) Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation June 2002: https://rumble.com/v5eqp2d-327091045.html

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Why use Yandex? I use Yandex for stuff that doesn't seem to come up on other searches, .... but Sabrina uses Google.

Why does Saberina use Google? Because they are not hiding any of it, it is hiding right In our Faces

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I just use it. If I didn't I wouldn't use Google. Don't trust them.

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I use it too, I would never use Google either. I think Sabrina uses Google purely for the sarcasm factor. lol

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Thanks, will watch.

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Logorrhea…It’s real.

In psychology, logorrhea or logorrhoea is a communication disorder that causes excessive wordiness and repetitiveness, which can cause incoherency. Logorrhea is sometimes classified as a mental illness, though it is more commonly classified as a symptom of mental illness or brain injury. This ailment is often reported as a symptom of Wernicke's aphasia, where damage to the language processing center of the brain creates difficulty in self-centered speech. Wikipedia

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Sounds like drunkorrhea too. My friends get excessive wordiness and repetitiveness when they drink too much.

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I know, although when I wake up in the am I've forgotten about it and I'm OK!

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I "More or Less" quit drinking and smoking because:

I don't drink or smoke any Less any More!

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🤣 Yeah, I totally quit drinking. Every night.

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Note to Self. Get CAT Scan.

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Someone call PETA!

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Sounds like Logres, the good old wasteland of "Great" Britain.

Project much? We ALL do!

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Kamala speak?

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In German we call this oral dirrhea (Oraldurchfall) or mouth stool (Mundstuhl).

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Is this man remote viewing my life? Everything I have heard him talk about directly points to my life at this current stage of the pilgrimage. How does "Cliff" do that? What I got out of this talk is if I don't do it myself, nobody is going to do it for me . Although uncertainty lies ahead, one thing I am certain of is I will have to do it myself!

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I'm Not sure how Uncertain I am about how Certain I am?

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Yes we all need to wipe our own asses

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The Normies are going to do better than the Woo crowd with Gov't dissemination of alien info. There's a slap in the face

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I HIGHLY doubt it, broadly or generally speaking. The pendulum swings.

They'll go overboard and off the deep end. So much lack of discernment.

Just look at all the converts passionately taking up the cry four fucking years later! Who fucking cares anymore?! It failed before, all plans will come to naught.

Everybody has to do their own time in SUCH interesting times. Sleep in the beds they've made. No passes. No free rides. Jettison the baggage people!


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A large black illegal immigrant fighting-age male ate my wife's pussy.


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Pussy for a pussy then...

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Warrior for life and there are millions just like me and as always at the ready - get your asses in shape Pilgrims and learn to quiet your mind when needed

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And I thought you were a lover not a fighter

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We all love to fight...

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Especially the ones from N. European bloodlines with any ginger in the hair

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At This Point In Time, The Only Thing I Am Certain Of Is The Uncertainty That Lies Ahead....

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I'm Not sure how Uncertain I am about how Certain I am?

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Hey is that plagiarism?

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If Harris did a speech about certainty and uncertainty, I'm pretty sure I'd die laughing.

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