
I think we all, in this Matterium, are rather pleased, to have the Universe grace us, with such sage counsel.


& From Many Ways.

Thank you

From us all, Mr. clif.

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Immensely grateful.

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Thank you Paul, I join you in those sentiments x

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All One...

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Interesting times, asa fo sho.

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O me O mi...

Just who or whom...

? Is This "SomeOne" ?

Mystery is SomeTimes

Best to

Let Stand

For a short while.

Thank you,

Again & Again.


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Remember how we used to be? Free, unmasked, happy, totally social, crawling all over one another, free, free, free. Let's get there again, shall we?

CRANK THIS BITCH... ( kudos to vid editor, great crowd film work )


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Guess what, [They] say, "video unavailable."

That's OK, I Trust It Is Tremendous.

What a Great Irish Moniker !


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Like a pile of puppies …

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Very well said, Paul. Ditto here.

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Well said, Paul.

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Thanx & God Bless You.

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Fucking deadly Clif.

If there's one thing I've learned over the last couple of years (not so much learned, as being hit with a sledge hammer) is GRATITUDE.

I'm even grateful for the gratitude, if that makes sense. Very Woo .👽

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Right!?! 👏🏼🥰🙏🏼

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yah😁 I hear yah

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Wooo ....wooo. ...ckicki clack...WOO WOOOOOO

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Ditto! 🙏❤️

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Clif, thank you for writing these words. Somehow I have always felt like there was so much more to life and all my family and teachers were holding back info. But they were not holding back, they did not know. And, I always asked lots of questions and drove them crazy. It’s like stay in the box, be in the box and my mind was like - there is a box?

Blessings this day to you ~~~

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OMG - precisely. Thanks!

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I have been using the same analogy the last year and a half - that I stepped outside of the box. Won't get me back in that box. Now just trying to show some others the box they are trapped in, and not even aware of. Too bad some are just super comfy in that box. Problem is the box is made out of cardboard that is getting real soggy. We'll be here to help them when the box finally disintegrates.

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I am starting to realize just how special we all are, any of us who reside in the Matterium. Based on some past substack or one of your vids etc. I purchased Robert Temple's " A New Science of Heaven". Only a few chapters in, but clearly solid atomic/molecular "stuff" is very rare in our universe. The universe is mostly plasma, the so-called fourth state of matter ( no need to go into that further here ).

So yeah we are very very unique, and sentient matter rarer still.

Pat yourself on the back, then get out there and put your incredibly rare, unique, wonderful ass to work and play and live.

May you live in interesting times, indeed.

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That is a good book

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I have it. I have to read more.

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so is temple's plasma the same as vernadsky's noosphere???

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This is particularly interesting to me because I realzed at some point in the last year that everything that has happened in my life has lead me to this exact point. I came into this world knowing certain things inherently and the choices I made along the way caused me to know the truth,through experience, on a variety of subjects. Of course at the time I thought I was perhaps in the wrong place, missed the train, screwed up. In fact, I am right where I am supposed to be. And we shall see where all of this leads.

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reminds me of a true story from a friend who was out driving, sightseeing in a rural area, and didn't know how to get where he was going, and stopped to ask directions of an old man sitting on his front porch. He says "pardon me sir, I appear to be lost", and the old man says "you're not lost, you're right here".

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Where does this road go?

It don't go nowhere. I get up every morning and it's still there.

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haha....it is always 'now here'

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I always had a feeling that in my lifespan I would see the beginnings of the biblical Revelations (no saying what that book specifically says in relation to the universe story unfolding (way above my pay grade), and we are certainly watching revelations in right now as so many things, plots and evils are being exposed. The promise is there of great and positive things to come as well as the threat of failure and what that will mean for most people.

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There are more of us than we know. And we all have the same innate understanding of why. Our collective awareness influences the outcome.

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Lovely - thanks. You too heard "trouble maker?" "Ask too many questions?"


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Love it, Love it, Love it!

See it, See it, See it!

Live it, live it, live it!

Be it, Be it, Be it!


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Isn’t it beautiful words to our ears.

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Your writing has helped me immensely. Just want to say thank you and happy Christmas.

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Beautifully put Clif, quite touching. I’d never really given any greater thought to what’s unfolding other than to help family, friends & whomever I can when the shit goes down. Gave up attempting to Red Pill folks a while ago. Very frustrating. Now we wait….

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Yes. Does it seem to be a period of suspension? I feel pleasantly at peace.

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I feel sick.

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I wondered if I was alone in that. A lull in the war. A gathering of forces -- and power. We don't comprehend how much power we have. A strengthening through these connections.

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I feel that the good forces have gone quiet and incommunicado, which means to me that a major offensive against evil is brewing and happening in the background. I also get the sense that the forces of GoOD are amassing into something spectacular and coming very soon. Very comforting to me. We should have no fear of the storm about to be unleashed.

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One can appreciate the very high level of comments here. Cliff, your thoughts attract like minded people, like a magnet to iron or honey to bees. Refreshing absence of lower vibrations:) Thanks so much.

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a mike tyson quote :) loved it!!!

"sometimes i get in my head and think that i’m somebody and i’m easily offended,

then i remind myself that i’m nobody and i’m not offended"

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I am soo grateful to be a part of humanity's surge to it's rightful place as an equal part of Universe.

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Thanks for all, Clif. Masakatsu agatsu .

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Mahalos again Clif for the encouragment. Perfect timing for me on this day. Aloha

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Walk in Beauty

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yatahey, Rose

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I am a Fortunate one.

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We are verrrry fortunate, overwhelmingly.

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