Yes, well it just so happens that I am on page 133 of the Mauro Biglino book, “Gods Of The Bible”. On page 299 is the definition of-Cargo Cult: This phenomenon, studied by anthropologists, is characterized by Pacific Islanders paying homage to airplanes…to be of “magical “ or “divine” origin.

Now that actually sounds like a bunch of Woo!!😎😘😜

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I Grok you...

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Forgive me, I had to look it up!🤓I Grok you too!!😘


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


verb: grok; 3rd person present: groks; past tense: grokked; past participle: grokked; gerund or present participle: grokking

understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.

"because of all the commercials, children grok things immediately"

empathize or communicate sympathetically; establish a rapport.

"nestling earth couple would like to find water brothers to grok with in peace"


1960s: a word invented by Robert Heinlein (1907–88), American author.

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Grok may be the only English word that derives from Martian. Yes, we do mean the language of the planet Mars. No, we're not getting spacey; we've just ventured into the realm of science fiction. Grok was introduced in Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land. The book's main character, Valentine Michael Smith, is a Martian-raised human who comes to Earth as an adult, bringing with him words from his native tongue and a unique perspective on the strange ways of earthlings. Grok was quickly adopted by the youth culture of America and has since peppered the vernacular of those who grok it.---https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grok

Most Excellent!

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Illustrated in the 2nd of the more recent string of Star Trek movies ....

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I'd guess that over the years I've seen half a dozen or more documentaries on or covering cargo cults. Not sure that means it isn't narrative but it's interesting.

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i just finished that book lol, its very revealing, i'm looking to form a well thought out opinion of the origin or at least the foundational language that the Bible was mainly written, it may be Greek or Hebrew, i'm leaning more towards Greek.

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I’m leaning towards ancient Sumerian. Hey, what do you think about this idea; that Eden was actually a giant vapor canopy covering the earth and it protected everything from the radiation? 🤓

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Sumerian language, I'm not familiar, but interesting, Word is Eden is Florida, a very humid place.. lol , depends on what radiation you speak of, we may take in consideration the BenBen stone

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Billy Carson has done videos on cargo cults.

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My response today to a few of my friends who are having a hard time with all of this…Ok, how do I get all of you to follow the idea that Yahweh was the original Elohim of the Abraham family and is most likely the original lineage leading up to the 13 families who are controlling the world stage? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Mr. High,

Some of your recent text stories read suspiciously like artificial intelligence prose. You need to add personal flourishes, like calling things "horseshit" and typing in "I'm of the opinion" occasionally. But your comparison of those who were first contacted by your Elohim to the cargo cults is logical. Did the cargo cults begin ritualistically smoking Chesterfields and Lucky Strikes ? Did they build altars in their huts and adorn them with photographs of 1940's glamour pusses? More importantly and seriously, what behaviors and rituals did those visited by the Elohim first begin emulating and how have those behaviors and rituals evolved over the eons? Be specific.

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Yes, and add in the fact that the original money changers in the Temples are still at it and running the Shitshow! Hugs!

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I picked up on that too. I am guessing Clif is writing the framework of the article, then letting AI review and update the text before posting. I use AI to clean up some email's I send, and it is obvious to those that use AI, that it is AI prose.

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I don't use AI for writing anything and never will. I have typed a few questions into a couple of different AI programs and found their answers inadequate at best and inaccurate at worst. If the programming was programmed to make you to think or feel a certain way about a topic, the "answers" are drastically skewed in that direction. You have to manipulate the questioning prompts to get any semblance of truth or accuracy in certain controversial areas of study. It is worthless to me. I don't think AI is going to take over the world and annihilate humanity in a physical sense. Rather, I think it is going to do its intended job of creating intellectually passive and brainwashed masses who willingly surrender their egos and sense of pride in their ability to research, synthesize, and evaluate information for themselves. It won't and currently cannot take over any physical apparatus to exterminate humanity; what it can and will do is turn us into undriven, prideless husks unworthy of life.

At first I thought the AI art programs would be beneficial for people who cannot draw. Then I realized even those are aimed at destroying us. When a real artist creates a drawing or a painting, he can enjoy every stroke of the process in a physical and emotional sense. His mind is directly related to every decision in forming the work of art. Then he can stand back and take pride in his work and truly know what it is to be an artist. AI rapes humanity of that by creating the illusion that typing words on a keyboard is a modern equivalent of the beauty of true artistry.

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I agree with you. The act of creating something uses different parts of the brain and body together. I am coming to the conclusion that the AI and earbud devices are hacking into our consciousness and stealing our intellectual property, while simultaneously destroying our creativity and ability to find new solutions.

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I am thinking the same thing.

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Yahweh is Elohim

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One of them

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Yahweh is satan is #2 son of ABBA Father & banished to earth to rule Jacob's lineage &

murdered Moses!💩

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Almost everything he writes these days is AI generated.

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I have spent some time in remote areas of Guatemala. They are known for their textiles and ceramics. One of the villagers had never left her community. She decided to travel to Guatemala City. She got very scared, when she saw her first elevator and escalator. Mind you she can climb the hillside without getting out of breath while carrying many things in her arms and on her head. I asked her what she thought of the elevators and escalators. She replied, "I am never leaving my town again." While there might be some integration and psycho-spiritual explanations, I feel all that will be offered will be rejected with a sentiment of no real need for moving stairs and/or lifts.

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When I was a child, maybe 5, my mother took me to Macy's and tried to get me on the escalator. It was one of those old fashioned wooden slat ones. I screamed bloody murder. We ended up taking the stairs.

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Ahh see you knew....:-)

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This reminds me of something I saw in remote highlands of Guatemala. From memory, I believe the town was Quetzaltanango (sp?). They have or did have (mid 70s) a little iglesia there at the time with a life-size figure strapped in a chair. The petitioners crowded around taking turns tilting the chair and pouring drinking alcohol--don't know what it was, vodka maybe?-- into its mouth. I am reminded of this now because this is a type of cult? Just not a cargo cult.

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I think you might have witnessed a "tea" ceremony. Which is heart opening. Yet, most of the high priests work with traditional fire ceremonies...no chair tilting with cactus rituals. :-) I think everything can appear as a cult... the deeper question what does it truly serve and help. All the smokes and mirrors are more about fake "perceptual leaders or 'shamans'" having some super power that is fake as the goods they are peddling on their back.

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Did Hawaiians really want to adopt SPAM as their state food? Or was the SPAM cargo cult propaganda shoved down their throats?

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Chamorro eat more … 98% more 🤣.. Hafa Adai ☀️

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So the Khazars are a cargo cult?

I love it.

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Robert Sepher has a good video about the cargo cult phenomenon in the So Pacific

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Ahhhhh….Robert Sepher….-the World’s Most Dangerous Anthropologist 😉👍

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DYK that Sepher is actually part of the Elohim worship cult? His work is said to display both Talmudic & Nazi propaganda.

His non-profit "Atlantean Gardens" is listed as a Jewish religious/spiritual org; his father-Iranian Jew Ben-Hur Sepehr-was a film director who won accolades for a film about the Holocaust ("The Desperate")

Sepehr has put in his vids that his maternal grandfather was a Nazi & he tends to glorify Nazi ideology & practice while keeping quite about his Persian Jewish ancestry; when he published his dna results he was quick to point out that he has "no Ashkenazi dna".

He's quick to scapegoat the Rothschilds (we're all well aware of their status as baddies) yet never connected them to nor mentions Mossad. Interestingly, many of his vids about the occult have a titillating factor-especially whenever Sabbati Zevi is brought up.

So, limited hangout for sure; some agenda.

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I’ve met Iranian Jews , they tolerate talking to Israeli but are not fond of them . I asked him about Jewish pastrami , he said that was not real Jewish food .

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OMG YES!!! Love you all! Go Woo or Go Home!! I’m completely over being chastised by the freaking Cargo Cults! 😘

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Like that awesome movie, 'The Gods Must Be Crazy' ..

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The Cargo Cult phenomenon is all well and good; however, the indigenous

populations that had any kind of mastery of their domain also had Shaman and altered states that guided their lives. I am thinking of the Hawaiian Kahunas who could enter into a dream state and summon pods of dolphins to the local shores where they would beach themselves and provide sustenance to the people. There is also the Ayahuasca ritual in which participants receive insights and knowledge that helps them in the daily lives. I remember a story told by Graham Hancock in which a Shaman saw that an outsider's relative had passed and informed him of such, which was later confirmed. Advanced technology is magic to the uninitiated; however, the problems that afflict human kind are never solved by more technology, only enhanced and made more complicated.

I do not think the Cargo Cult phenomenon is a very good comparison to the Elohim

Worship cult. There was no developmental difference between the WW2 soldiers and the primitive islanders; however, the Elohim were quite different from us in many ways. They were superior in intellect, genetics etc. etc.. In addition they manipulated our DNA to make us an inferior hybrid sharing some of their qualities but not all. Clif may not like the idea that the Elohim can potentially do any damn thing they want to us, but he will have to admit that is a distinct possibility. Things are sure gonna be interesting!

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you were part of a cargo cult growing up. You would hear Santa's sley bells. Then he would knock at the front door,we didn't have a fire place. Then he'd hand out gifts and know everyone's name. He quit coming as I got older. I figure that was due to cars, girls drinking and street fights. AHHHHHHH!

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So what we have is a world dominated by several versions of a cargo cult... but why anybody would really want the return of the Elohim is beyond my comprehension!

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The ELOHIM are their God/angels and messiah. They got hoodwinked and have spent eons trying to hoodwink us. They think their god Yahweh choose them as a special people's. He did, they are, but not as they think.

They were chosen to eat and provide the adenocrome for snuffing so to get high. Plus provide the tender morsels of their children burned just right. Like I said previously, these 'chosen' people's were hoodwinked.

Time will tell if my tale is true.

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So I am not sure I understand. Is Jesus an Elohim?

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arch enemy of the Elohim

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Yes he had Harsh words to say about their god . Read it in what ever good book you like as to why he flipped tables over . He was from Nazareth not Judah , many parts were under different Roman controlled kings or rulers

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My wife (then girl friend) and I traveled to Papua and New Guinea in 1974. We traveled on the Sepic and Karawari rivers and observed the remnant images of the cargo cults. The made airplane sculptures out of wood and adorned the roofs of homes and men's lodges (spirit houses). The people told us the cargo cult was because they thought the white people from the airplanes were their dead ancestors coming from the spirit world to give them things and help them in this world. At the time the people we were with there they knew better, but they kept the sculptures to honor their ancestors of the earlier generations where they did believe. Still they enjoyed the tourism because we would buy things from them and they would use the money to buy new outboard engines for their dugout canoes.

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There is a very interesting New Yorker article called The Interpreter, about Dan Everett who studied the Piraha in the Amazon. Instead of feeling intimidated by technologically “more advanced” cultures and forming cargo cults in hopes of getting some cargo, they put it down and mock it. They call the language of Dan, “crooked head.” Although they live along the Amazon, they don’t make boats because “ it is not our way.” They can’t be bribed with “stuff,” because they maintain they just don’t need it.

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No Alien Visitations

Several speculative writers have claimed that the ancients were visited by

powerful aliens in spaceships and called them “gods”. What’s for sure is

that no ancient cultures believed in aliens from other worlds. They all

believed in a very small, contained universe, with only chaos outside. Our

cosmos was hermetically sealed, with an upper dome of bronze, iron, or tin,

and a matching lower dome of bronze, clay or rock. No one from outside

the cosmos could have entered it. Since all of the ancients believed in gods

in the sky, it’s not at all surprising that they believed in chariots coming

down from the sky. These were simply the celestial versions of

commonplace terrestrial chariots. They were not spaceships!

In essence, a group of clever fiction writers have converted ancient tales

of powerful gods coming down to the mortal earth from the heavens above

– something wholly consistent with all ancient religions – into tales of

astronauts and aliens arriving in UFOs and having their visits recorded by

the ancients.

If any aliens had visited the earth and taught the people anything, the

beliefs of the ancients would have been radically different, and their

cosmology would have been unrecognisable. Instead, it was only in the

sixteenth century that some Christians began to suspect that Earth wasn’t

the centre of the universe, and that the sun didn’t move.

No aliens came down and genetically engineered humanity.

Erich von Däniken famously claimed that the “gods” were not great men

but rather extraterrestrials visiting the earth in spaceships and being taken as

gods by the primitive humans of the time. One wonders why they’ve

stopped showing up. The less credulous humanity gets, the less the aliens

seem to make an appearance. Funny, that!

Conspiracy theorists such as David Icke say that the world is ruled by the

Illuminati who are (allegedly) pan-dimensional, shape-shifting alien

reptilians operating from a moonbase.

Note the evolution in thinking. Whereas Erich von Däniken said the

aliens came in their normal physical form, Icke says they come in

shapeshifting disguise. They’re still coming, but now they want to be

anonymous. Funny, that. How very convenient for Icke!

Gods in sky chariots, or alien astronauts in spaceships? The ancients

believed in gods in the sky who used much the same equipment, including

chariots, as people on earth, the difference being that their chariots could

become airborne. A modern myth has been constructed that these “chariots

of the gods” were in fact spaceships and aliens have visited us. Only people

with zero understanding of ancient religion could believe such a thing.

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So is this the origin of the mid 1960s cartoon series, "Clutch Cargo and his pal Spinnerfoot"?

With cartoon sketches, barely animated, with human mouths on the characters?

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I think Clif had another piece on the cargo cults a couple years ago. Tell us about the Pyramids at Giza, Clif.

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