I’m so grateful for you Clif! My husband is grateful for you. My friend Bob is grateful for you. And so on and so on.

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And so on to me too! When the giant balloon of society's collective insanity begins to lift up and away... Clif's words are my anchor! It can be quite terrifying to witness this much gross stupidity and ignorance in every direction. Thank God for ALL voices of reason out there. Especially Clif :)

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Very well stated, and unfortunately true.

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"Consciousness is inviolate". simple but beautiful

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Hi Cliff, it would be great if you could post transcripts of your episode; it is more efficient for some to read. Thanks Houston

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Good idea. You should create those transcripts, Hugh Hale.

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EXACTLY. My God...

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Clif High “ chop chop” because Huston’s efficiency schedules are most important!

You’re either a really good pal of Clif’s and the two of you had a bet that your comment would garner some attention and laugh about it


you’re bloody daft.

Thanks , Basia

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I'm going with daft.

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And lazy.

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So, you think that it's 'more efficient' for 'some' to read?? Do you think that it would be an EFFICIENT use of Clif's TIME to sit there, listen to his recording over an over.....and he types, word-for-word, so that 'SOME' people could READ instead of LISTEN?? Did you even THINK about your question, before you actually sat down and typed it?? lololol

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Clif has a problem with sound production technique. Background noise would be fine on video recording, but with just words carrying the message, studio silence is required. Just as in the last couple of minutes, all of a sudden.

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I have zero problem hearing and listening to Clif's audio. I am old with poor hearing. Perhaps you should invest in higher quality audio devices.

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It may well be your poor hearing helps; mine is very good, and I never claimed the opposite. Perhaps Clif should invest in a quality dynamic mike that suppresses background noise.

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He already apologized for the quality. He is very busy and does these podcasts for us while he is driving to the grocery or hardware.

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He's recording while he drives, if you did that it would sound the same. It's not a problem, merely a fact.

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You have told me nothing new. If I did what Clif does, I would apply studio silence. He is not reporting live on the driving conditions along a major route for the benefit of motorists. Studio silence in a car is easily achieved by pulling up and stopping the engine.

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I suppose that's when he should type on the transcript? While setting on the side of the road? Excellent idea! lol

I listen through an "old style" boombox and don't have an issue. I suppose if you were listening on a crappy fone speaker, bluebrain device, or headfones, it might not sound so good, but I have no issues.

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I rub my eyes in wonder how many people here do not understand the English language. QED

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Google podcast to text translator - you'll find a good selection.

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People are not "free" in body and in "Life"...If they are not free in "Mind"

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Thanks, Clif. Interesting as usual. My youngest son who is 30 has struggled for 8 years now with terrible manic episodes from his bipolar. Just now stabilizing after latest 3 month episode and has been hospitalized for a month. Any resources you can recommend? I'm looking at getting some of your pure sleep for him once he's released from the hospital but always worried that changes can throw him back off; however, his mania is destroying lives. Stay awesome.

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ortomolecular.org Read about the impact of optimal vitamins on mental states.

best to you both.

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Some thing's missing I believe. Like in High.


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Orthomolecular journal. Archives, dr, Abram Hoffer, Schizophrenia, They called a lot of mental troubles schizophrenia back then,,,it was only a coined phrase to begin with

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Thanks so much. Will do, and stay woo!

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A full vitamin regime helps, A good detox diet, lots of niacinamide, juicing and lots and lots of walking with no talking. Let him talk. Something from his past is restimulating him. Just love him and get him to create.......anything. He has to feel good about himself.

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The best stuff on this is from Dr. Hoffer. On the Orthomolecular journal site. If you go into archives it is free. Schizophrenia, bipolar, depression.....they are all the same. Progressive in symptoms finally ending up with schizophrenia because the the drugs stick them on their timetrack and they don’t mature. Getting people creating their life is all you can do. Never EVER, blame anyone, trust me, they do it to themselves.

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Check out a carnivore diet. It has helped deep depression as well as physical conditions. On it you eat more fat...butter especially. That alone will help. NO seed oils.

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Yes. I have. I can’t get my schizo daughter to though because her father brother and all nurses and doctors say no.

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I had bad mental illness and psychosis , convinced the devil was after me , hearing voices , horrible bad energy at night and attacks and i was told by an old wise man to get ' out of my head' . He said ' focus 100 % on your heart , centre of your chest , he said to learn focus mind control by focusing on the 3rd eye area so i did and slowly i found will power and then shifted my attention fully into my chest area , took 2 months but the psychosis went away and then the process kept going , i experiences bliss and i still do constantly when i remember . I went from terrified and basically a mental patient but hiding it to someone who now sees how fucked up ' the mind ' is and how much the egoic nature can be a really self destroying entity . Your son sounds like he is in his mind to much and needs to feel more and maybe find him a passion or something to love , the drugs they give dont help but can allow an easing . Mania can sometimes be related according to studies to repressed anger , thats my story , my dad beat me badly , i bottled it in and that got trapped in my mind and i began to self harm at a mental level , my mind turned on itself create fear and so on . Its hard to put into words but i am saying 100 % anyone can learn to channel and control the mind and also the absolute best cure for a toxic mind is a loving heart . I hope your son finds peace . These situations can make people amazing humans in time and his bipolar and illness is a Power he can harness but he needs the power of love or light or whatever , words fail me but the mind is the problem and love is the answer and refocus.

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And here's a link to a parasite protocol that I'm doing... very effective, safe. https://www.contrabandcures.com/Parasite_Protocol/

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Good for you Sadie. Would you be from Canada?

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You might want to do some research on how parasites might be associated to bipolarism. Like this: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090311085151.htm .

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Yes it makes sense from a viewpoint of inflammation doesn’t it. I did www.microbeformulas.com. They also have a monthly full moon parasite cleanse you should read about. Uuuggg. Ghastly but the mimosa pudica is very gentle.

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Parasites, mold, heavy metals...largely injected. Eradicate those and their eggs, vast improvement.

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yup,Happiness: AViewpoint! is spot on...as well, homeopathics&cell salts, & osteopathic manipulation, plus, get together & fix/build /take apart stuff...the physicality&mental challenge/discussion/diversion, produce endorphins galore with immense satisfaction from a job well done...cheers from an ol'mechanic /honoursBA ...ps drdeeblanco.com/blogs/news/what-are-cell-salts-tissue-salts-or-biochemic-salts-and-do-they-work-for-animals ps2 all the vitamins in the world can't help sans colonic irrigation -a mucus/sludge encrusted gut prevents supplement assimilation & liver detox

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Wow! Thank you for the detailed and more accurate description. I have found a detox diet to help immensely.

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Important to ALL! Trust me.

This episode of 5 Docs from Oct. will blow your mind. Drs. Northrup, Tenpenny, Madej, Merritt and Palevsky and discusson of PARASITES. Many cancers and all autoimmune diseases are actually caused by parasites. Once you hear the EVIDENCE and discussion, you will be amazed. I have autoimmune, so I commenced anti-parasite treatment for myself- and my symptoms are clearly subsiding. I expect a blood test, that I have have periodically, will demonstrate that my autoimmune has ceased to be. EXAMPLE: A pathologist did autopsies on 10 people who died of Multiple Sclerosis ( I can't help but think of Linda Ronstadt who suffers with that now.) Autopsies showed that 100%- all ten of the autopsies revealed parasites in the brain and spinal fluid. MS is diagnosed by finding "plaques" in the brain and spinal cord! The plaques are parasites. There is more like this. WATCH, and don't think you couldn't have parasites. MOST of us do. We just don't have symptoms. The Docs will explain. Parasites are being found in VAXX samples, and I believe I got mine from a tetanus shot in 2001. What more could BIG pharma want than chronic disease for which there is "no cure". FOR lupus and rheumatoid arthritis the drug given is Hydroxychloroquine . . . an anti-parasite medication (for malaria). It's only strong enough to lessen symptoms . . . Ivermectin is an anti-parasite. I've been taking fenbendazole- much more effective, longtime, safe anti-parasite drug. There is certain protocol to follow. I've been using that of Joe Tippens'-- do a search for him. Thousands are following his protocol, but I am now going to double my dose of fenbendazole. It's perfectly safe.

Here's the link to the 5 Docs: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5hcdk15UZge8/

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Thanks, I had missed that one. Here is another link that I came across with more information from Dr. Merritt and others;


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Love your podcasts

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Thank you.

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As a former programmer, I know what you're saying about code and its lack of any motivational state. In a recent video, however, Elon Musk stated his concern about the existential threat posed by AI. That raises the question of whether he knows something that neither of us do? Might the state of the art of technology actually be orders of magnitude beyond what the average person has been made aware of? If so, Musk would likely be in a position to know.

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Robots could be trained to kill people or control the population. Could that be the threat?

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Yes, of course, but that is different from what Clif was discussing (if I understood him correctly) because, while the ability of a robot to kill would require intelligent systems, (e.g. the abilities to sense, reason, and act) it would not require self-awareness, having motivation to change, or both. The threat of a robot programmed to kill would be an existential threat caused by the programmer, not the robot, which would just be carrying out instructions. That differs greatly from the robot that “wakes up” one morning, decides it no longer likes humans and goes out on a killing rampage.

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Dec 5, 2022
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Motivation results in a response to some stimulus, which could be internal or external. The problem with trying to program motivation with if-then statement is that it would require prior knowledge of all possible scenarios, which is of course impossible. But, even if that were possible because the possible number of stimuli approaches infinity, the universe would come to an end long before you had a chance to program responses to all scenarios. What you suggest, although theoretically possible, is simple not feasible.

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Nothing is black or white. That binary thinking is the cost of Abrahamism.

I put it to you that we live in a highly competitive corner of the Galaxy. Many civilizations want our world.

Somebody has dropped AI onto us in order to thwart the present bugs. The shortcomings of our model making left brains would get us into all sorts of difficulties, hence AI.

What the fuck am I talking about?


Reference Historian Dr. David Jacobs book "Walking Among Us" Kindle Narrated.

"Isn't that Wonderful?" said the little grey alien.

"Soon we will all be together";

"soon everybody will know his place."

"Great changes are coming soon", said the Hubrid

"How soon?" asked his human.

"Ahh, I cannot tell you that". said the Hubrid.

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Very dramatic whoosh to start this one! Thanks Uncle

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chunk of it? hey brother Cliff, it is not a chunk, but a funk at least!

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Hello Clif, long time listener, always good info, I also listen to Phoenix and he is mia for several days, wondering if you could check in with him? God bless you

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Well Clif,

You might not be impressed by GPT3, but I certainly am. I have seen conversations with her on Youtube. She is a lot more compos mentis than most humans I have spoken to.

Have you worked with reflective neural networks.

It's not your grandpappies programming.

You are Old, Clif; as I am.

I cut my teeth on Basic and punch cards. The kids are doing magic.

And I doubt very much that the concepts are human.

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Dec 5, 2022
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Without doubt.

AI will know our very best reflex times.

AI as shown the irises of 80 000 people. It identified he sex of the eye with an 87 % accuracy. nobody knew that a sex difference existed in the iris.

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Thanks Clif! This sure explains a lot to me. Having had BC myself, they put me on a med to force me into menopause because they said my BC was hormone related. Even though I didn't have the BRCA gene. Anyway, I was always a fast moving energetic person until surgery, chemo, radiation and meds. Since, I've lost almost all my energy. I can't even seem to keep up with simple chores, etc...This would explain what happened to me and why I lack energy now. Thanks again!

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Aargh! How does this help me control my temper?

Before we come into the Materium we choose a personality like we choose a suit.

When we are finished with our personality (we "die"}, we hang all the personalities up with the others that we have worn. The Akashic record allows none of them to "die".

So; when we "die" (you get the picture}, we are greeted by all the personalities that we have used before.

For this life I have chosen a hot tempered personality for which I refuse to apologise.

I would no more ask you to apologise for your shortcomings.

(It might, however, be necessary to send you off to the tailor for another suit, if you get my drift.)

I delight being in the condition of near sleep so that I can go remote viewing. Any attempts to control where I look pulls me into my imagination. I have to let go the reins and let the horse wonder where it will. True Freedom.

Try it. It is the best method I know of to fall into untroubled sleep.

Just watch the images that you see. It is like a movie without a plot.

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Sounds wonderful.

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Development of the mind using the technology/mechanism of the mind, Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Buddhism, kriya & other yoga, etc....


(primarily political, no ads, nothing for sale)

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Wow! Amazing ! Absolutely beautiful pictures . I haven’t read all yet but it is amazing. Would be better to have description on pictures or set of pictures. “Two years in Tibet “ is its own article by itself. Perhaps Igor can do this?

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Thank you for your kind words. I put the photos in with the text at places where they illustrate whatever particular point I'm blabbing about, at that place in the text, the photos go with the text they're next to. If the reader can't stomach what I wrote/my ranting, then they can just look at the photos to hopefully calm their nausea! Thank you again! Best regards!

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That’s exactly right, lol. Do I detect an anger?

This would make a great article for discussion......you may be answering questions a lot but it certainly helps us to understand. Who else has lived in Tibet. 🙂

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I understand, yes. Thank you very much.

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