Sweet! Thanks. He uses weight instead of volumes. That's what I do. If I'm adapting something that doesn't I weigh everything and rewrite the recipe. Sifted four (for example) has a higher volume than unsifted flour but it weighs the same.
OMG, does anyone have this rendered down into something more comprehensible with conventional measures? This makes my hair hurt. (I know, I know....ya get what ya get and you don't throw a fit.)
If it interests anyone for $7 on Etsy you can order the black plague sourdough starter. It's said to be the living sourdough from before that era in Germany which I like to think has some fryan roots, feeding family that ancient bacteria. It's the oldest sourdough strain I've been able to find. There's a cool research muesem of sourdough strains in Europe- maybe also in Germany. If anyone has more info I'd love to see it.
I use 00 flour from Italy which as a country uses no gmo, it's all organic and hopefully ancient flour lines. Many gluten sensitive ppl can eat this flour. Also if you long ferment the dough, the gluten gets eaten by the enzymes making it gluten free to eat.
Next I might try to make my own flour from the whole. It's been empowering to learn more but it does take a lot of time.
That is a cool thing to post Mom. If I baked bread every day or two I would probably get some, but bread makes me balloon out. I wouldn't look after it and it does take looking after.
No I haven't, but then again, I just baked my first loaf ever, about a week ago. I had been stocking up on flour and yeast in the jar and other baking items like Soda and Powder. But then I started thinking I should bake some to see how it goes. It was a basic recipe but turned out okay, but the crust was fairly chewy.
I have searched for some different recipe's as well as try to discover why my crust was so tough. FAT, not enough fat it seems. I guess the simple recipe will work okay for SHTF and no butter, eggs, etc avail;able, but until then, I want to try something better, softer on the outside, ..... so perhaps that link down below for Clif's daily bread will be good to try.
Clif, I see a contradiction: How could the El want to consume humans in any way, when, our bodies are riddled with all manner of bacteria, fungus, viruses, parasites, diseases, and chemical contaminants. If they were to consume humans, they would be poisoned for sure.
I've also wondered why (as some maintain) ETs would construct the blissful white light experience people have in near death experiences and presumably in actual death in order to attract us back to another incarnation. Are they trying to get rid of us or do they want us back?? Can't be both...
I would think that the EL had a technology to purify or to remove what they wanted out of the human body and leave behind the toxins.
Another possibility, they were so addicted that they chose to ignore the risks much like many humans on this planet know the risks of smoking yet they still choose to do so. In many of clif's commentaries or presentations he often mentions that the EL were not all that smart.
They process our Hormones from plasma into a concentrate. Plasma is pure and clean they can spin out of it whatever hormone they wish. They especially enjoy Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. There are dozens of flavors of hormones they can pull out of it. I’m sure they have special cleansing processes if they wanted our meat. Again though they prey on children because of the lamb comparison
I wonder if they can filter out all the "plasmids" and "prions" and "spike proteins"... I suspect not, because those are nano-sized and would probably be aerosolized when they burn the adrenal fat for inhalation. So their uncontrollable appetites may be their undoing.
They process the stomach fat and adrenal only, for example, some purification process that they smoke or make into powder. Just like an animal we humans know how to process cows to eat the best parts.
It's complete and utter nonsense. Consume solely for entertainment purposes and don't take a anything he says seriously. 10 billion people could live in the centre of the moon...lol. 🤡😃
Has Clif ever read the New Testament? When Jesus said I leave you my holy spirit, he wasn't talking about a flying disk, he was talking about the holy spirit.
Hard to say if he’s actually read it but he pretends to be an expert on the Bible. Clifs not a believer and subscribes to reincarnation. Christian’s should reject his views he’s spewing on Elohim
Always wondered... If reincarnation is "badevilterrible" as so many Christians insist... then WHY did the Disciples ASK Jesus if HE was John the Baptist reincarnated? Jesus did not say, "reincarnation is not real"; he said he was not John the Baptist. ???
Jewish philosophy does not (or did not at that time; not sure what it's morphed into now) deny reincarnation and did in fact believe it to be true. Why ask the question at all if it were a verbotten topic?
Actually, they asked if Jesus were Elisha, the ancient Jewish prophet, and his reply indicated that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elisha.
Elijah was taken and didn’t experience death so he couldn’t have been John reincarnated. Just because Jesus didn’t address reincarnation doesn’t support that it exists. The word says “it’s appointed once man to die and then the judgment. Nowhere in the word of God does it support reincarnation
So . . . . ONLY believing in the bible and only being a Christian is an example of an 'open mind'? Of course . . . . just asking for a friend. :) btw: the bible being referred to here . . . the one that's been rewritten xx times, edited xx times, and who know what else xx times ? But I would think an open mind Challenges beliefs and constraints and keeps letting in new possibilities to be evaluated and reconciled . If you change your inputs you're bound to change your outputs - - aka 'Growing'
Christianity is not based on the bible. Our apostolic traditions predate the bible by 300 years. So, when you lay hands on and pray for people, you're doing exactly the same thing that Jesus did, and that Christians have always done. The biggest problem with bible literacy is that the whole history of Christianity is left out of it. These last 1800 years have featured a lot of Christianity, and plenty of the devil running the Christian church. There is real Christianity, which seeks to educate and to free people from their mental chains, and there is priestcraft which is the enemy of humanity. It seeks to enslave people and make people cower in fear of eternal death. Priestcraft makes slaves. It robs the people of their autonomy. Jesus came to free humanity from the devil's 592 laws that none could follow, and to free humanity from Satan's holiness contest and his system of financial status. The real miracles are the lives of Christian men and women and if we don't read their writings, we'll never understand what Christianity is. Have you ever read the Journal of John Wesley? He shaped 18th century England and 19th century America more than any other person. Most Methodists and Wesleyans today haven't even read it.
It seems to me....this is the question of our age. Are we to accept anything as the one and only gospel truth, or are we to question everything....and to work hard to discover the truth? I can't imagine that GOD would punish his children for questioning, searching, researching...after all....the Bible has been altered over and over. So, the question is this...are we to be punished if we continue to search and research...as opposed to accepting the gospel TRUTH?....King James....or what?
Don't get hung up on such nonsense. It's like the Roman church determining whether Jesus clothes were his or were donated to him. (I kid you not, this was a big philosophical question in the Roman church in the 8th,9th, 10th century. )
Remember, the Roman church was in charge of the Bible, all Biblical writings, for at least 1200 years. Some monks who copied the Bible could not read. We don't know how many errors are embodied in the current version until the Vatican Library releases the ancient scrolls. (Unlikely to occur.)
The oldest copy of any NT book is still about 160-200AD as none have been found that were written closer to the events. Biblical scholarship has determined that Matthew, Luke and half of John were not written by disciples of Jesus, but disciples of Paul, and not by the persons whose names the books were given, a common practice in those days.
Mark was written by Jesus' brother, as he averred when he wrote the head of the sect in Alexandria (letter does exist and is well-known), in which he said he had written 2 accounts of "the Master's" teachings. One was for the common people, and one was for the "elites" (his word) about the "Secret Teachings." As it happens, the 2nd manuscript was ordered destroyed after several years because a sect rose up that used it for licentious events, misconstruing the message. So there are no known copies of the Secret Teachings.
I've been studying for over 60 yrs. If one does not allow dogma and superstition to control the research, there is much to learn.
Jesus used some symbolism common to the classical poetry tradition (Homer to Virgil). The poets also had secret teachings about the myths and a deep symbolic understanding of them. We can understand some of this tradition through the writing of John Toland, who the priests described as a radical pantheist. He may have been one. Swine is used as a symbol in both systems. Odysseus's men were turned to swine by the witch Circe (Church). Jesus teaches us not to throw our pearls before swine. Swine is a symbol for people under the spell of religious superstition. The more you understand the classics the better you'll understand Jesus. Probably the core teachings of the old poets are very similar to this secret christianity, or shrouded gospel, that you reference above.
11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
There is no problem with searching the scriptures. The problem lies with the scripture itsself. Recall that Jesus chose 12 apostles and taught them the message he wanted them to preach to the people. Peter was to preach to the gentiles. Everything is set. Jesus supposely ascends to heaven. Almost immediately after, a man (Paul) arrives claiming he received a "revelation" from god and that he (Paul) is supposed to go preach to the gentiles. Paul preaches an altogether different message than the 12 apostles. Sharp contentions arise between Paul and the apostles. He has a dispute with Peter, a sharp disagreement with Barnabas. The apostles preach we are to observe the commandments, the sabbath, the holy days, etc. Paul tells the Gentiles you don't have to do any of that stuff you just have to have faith in Jesus. However, when the apostles call Paul on this, at a purification ceremony in Jerusalem, Paul doesn't hesitate to perform the ceremony.
Questions that should be asked:
1. Why would Jesus tell his twelve apostles to preach a gospel if it was going to change so drastically right after he ascends? Wouldn't he tell them "this is what I want changed after I ascend"?
2. If Jesus had a sudden change of mind about his gospel, why grab another guy (Paul) and give him a completely different gospel and tell him to go teach it to the gentiles.
You would think Jesus would send a message to his apostles and let them know that he (Jesus) had a change of mind and "this" is what I want taught now.
Saul/Saulus/Paul was a Roman citizen and a double agent, as well as a member of King Herod's family (he was a descendant of Herod's sister, Salome). He subverted the teachings of Jesus to suit better the political exigencies of Rome. Paul announced himself to be an unelected Apostle and disciple and he calmly proceeded to create an entirely new and different brand of religious philosophy and teaching from that of Jesus and his brother/successor, James the Just: there was no longer a need for Judeans to obey and follow the Laws of Moses, they could eat whatever was available in the markets and there was no longer a requirement to be circumcised. Paul was one of the leaders of the post-crucifixion witch-hunts started by the Temple Priests to hunt down and bring to trial and execution of the more extreme followers of Jesus.
Yes. And today's mainline Christianity could be described as Pauline, because it emphasizes personal holiness like Paul did. I think of Paul as a real Christian and faithful man, he just wasn't very good at it. His writing against the Judaisers could be applied to his own puritanical system, which errors were inherited by protestant Christianity. Puritans, Quakers, and other protestants all inherited Hebrew puritanical beliefs straight from Paul.
We are supposed to test every spirit and be led to the truth. The OT tradition of truth telling is prophecy. When Amos invented the poetic genre of prophecy, he was crying out for social justice (not attempting to skry into future events). This is the real message of prophecy. "Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights, and to withhold justice from the oppressed of my people." --Isaiah (I like the KJB, and I really don't like the NIV or New American Standard)
Christians are heretics per Unam Sanctum but we can't expect them to question everything per the so-called plan can we now? Do you have the knowledge of who wrote this fable to enslave the people of this planet (plan net)?
It's easy enough to find the info, it isn't complete and there are as many or more similar books that didn't make the cut if I remember correctly. I don't remember where I sourced that, it was a long time ago.
It should be possible to discover who has been editing since then. As I said above, there are no unicorns in the NIV.
Fable is another word for myth. Myth contains a deep symbology that it takes mental exercise to understand. So when you call the bible a fable I believe you are claiming that is has value, and should be taught and understood. I think Joseph Campbell would probably agree.
Considering how messed up the NT is, I would not put to much expectation on "a holy spirit". "Someone's" agenda wants you to believe it exists. The Jesus that is supposed to be all love and forgiveness and died for everyone's sins also said if you don't do as I say, you will be thrown into a fiery lake forever, no chance of getting out. Sounds a little like an "El" doesn't it?
I experienced it, but it was not what I expected. I could be some kind of psychic projection. But it matches up with biblical descriptions and there was some "apothium" other worldly feelings about the experience.
With this new information about the moon inhabitaion I'm inclined to think that there's watchers and they could be able to project onto earth.
So true! There are so many possibilities and things going on that it is really hard to discern truth from fabrication and illusion. I stumbled onto new information lately and don't know how to take it. It sounds far out. But at the same time it COULD have merit? He follows the Biblical end-time description but explains events in a way that could be logical. He mentions a couple of things that agree with what Clif said. He explains who the Elohim, God of the OT, and Jesus are (not as the OT protrays them). He believes in the Prime Source Creator. He explains why earth is so important at this time and all who are involved in what is happening. He explains how the vibrational shift is going to occur and too many things to list. Maybe you have heard of Ismael Perez? I hadn't until now, but I am going to list the link of the video from You Tube that I stumbled upon, in the event you may want to check it out. If you decide to, I would be interested to know your thoughts on this.
Cilf we take zinc supplements because its purported to have antiviral and antiparasitic properties, and now we find out that it also keeps the El away.
Considering the focus of comments herein, many cannot let go of ingrained dogma to contemplate a different paradigm. Fear again, having a determining effect on lives and thinking. I refuse to participate. I tend to get pissed off at someone trying to scare me.
Living in the Deep South, space aliens is not a conversation I can have with anyone! But a life of being an "armchair archaeologist" in search of "pre-history" has prepared me to accept some "outlandish" concepts that go against the herd. Logic. Facts.
I keep thinking about that Eastern (Tibetan? Indian?) monastery where 84,000 ancient scrolls were discovered. I'd love to know what's in them. Two things that sadden me: destruction of books and cutting down big trees. Losses that can't be recovered.
Thanks Uncle Cliff - I have been aware that we are NOT alone here on planet earth. I was approached in the mid 1970's by a spinning silver disc as I drove the family station wagon home. No one else on the road and a voice in my head told me to pull over and stop the car. I got out and stared at this spinning disc. The voice asked me if I wanted to know who they were and I said NO and it flew away. Barbara Marciniak has been telling her followers for years about the Annuaki and how they are back!! I feel that there are others here as well and for the longest time I have felt that we humans were being fought over. I for one and now ready to know who all of them are.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your standing behind a shemale in the checkout line and he turns to you and you say, Elho heim. AHHHHHHH!
Just finished mixing my dough, perfect timing
Does anyone else bake “ Clif ‘s daily bread recipe? It’s great- and very easy
I could try that, although I am off bread, I allow myself to bake once a month.
Is it online?
The recipe is on his 9/1/23 Twitter feed- i printed it
Thanks, I'll try. Not a big deal.
Edit. I can see it but no joy.
Thanks! Been wanting to try it!
Does this help? https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/my-daily-bread
Sweet! Thanks. He uses weight instead of volumes. That's what I do. If I'm adapting something that doesn't I weigh everything and rewrite the recipe. Sifted four (for example) has a higher volume than unsifted flour but it weighs the same.
OMG, does anyone have this rendered down into something more comprehensible with conventional measures? This makes my hair hurt. (I know, I know....ya get what ya get and you don't throw a fit.)
tks!!! much appreciated
If it interests anyone for $7 on Etsy you can order the black plague sourdough starter. It's said to be the living sourdough from before that era in Germany which I like to think has some fryan roots, feeding family that ancient bacteria. It's the oldest sourdough strain I've been able to find. There's a cool research muesem of sourdough strains in Europe- maybe also in Germany. If anyone has more info I'd love to see it.
I use 00 flour from Italy which as a country uses no gmo, it's all organic and hopefully ancient flour lines. Many gluten sensitive ppl can eat this flour. Also if you long ferment the dough, the gluten gets eaten by the enzymes making it gluten free to eat.
Next I might try to make my own flour from the whole. It's been empowering to learn more but it does take a lot of time.
That is a cool thing to post Mom. If I baked bread every day or two I would probably get some, but bread makes me balloon out. I wouldn't look after it and it does take looking after.
I pawn stuff off to my yoga friends
It was in his Twitter feed a few months back. I don’t eat a lot of bread but the family likes it. I enjoy the baking part
Me too, baking is fun. I bake baguettes usually. The recipe makes 4, I eat two, one too many, and give two away.
I don't have Twitter/X would you mind posting it?
Looking at this recipe, it's similar to how I make French bread. I'm gonna write it up next time I make it.
Don't have any whole wheat flour so I'll have to make Clif's bread when I do.
I made 4 mini-breads today :0
Money can't buy you Ramadan because it's over priced
No I haven't, but then again, I just baked my first loaf ever, about a week ago. I had been stocking up on flour and yeast in the jar and other baking items like Soda and Powder. But then I started thinking I should bake some to see how it goes. It was a basic recipe but turned out okay, but the crust was fairly chewy.
I have searched for some different recipe's as well as try to discover why my crust was so tough. FAT, not enough fat it seems. I guess the simple recipe will work okay for SHTF and no butter, eggs, etc avail;able, but until then, I want to try something better, softer on the outside, ..... so perhaps that link down below for Clif's daily bread will be good to try.
Try this website: https://food52.com/recipes/52208-jeff-hertzberg-and-zoe-francois-5-minute-artisan-bread. I've used it for about 15 yrs, and it works. The "5 Minute" part is putting it all together. It takes a couple of hours to rise, bake, etc. But the recipe makes enough to refrigerate and make 2 more loaves.
AND, my bamboo bread slicer just showed up Today !! I feel like something is trying to tell me something. lol
Cut to the chase....could someone print the recipe here??
It is further down on this thread
No? but I would love to try it. Would you share it here?
It’s near the bottom of this feed
I just posted it on this platform
Clif, I see a contradiction: How could the El want to consume humans in any way, when, our bodies are riddled with all manner of bacteria, fungus, viruses, parasites, diseases, and chemical contaminants. If they were to consume humans, they would be poisoned for sure.
Excellent question.
I've also wondered why (as some maintain) ETs would construct the blissful white light experience people have in near death experiences and presumably in actual death in order to attract us back to another incarnation. Are they trying to get rid of us or do they want us back?? Can't be both...
Why not both? Strokes and folks, kind of.
Yeah, but one process cancels the other. Maybe it's just the soul they nab. That's only totally terrifying.
I would think that the EL had a technology to purify or to remove what they wanted out of the human body and leave behind the toxins.
Another possibility, they were so addicted that they chose to ignore the risks much like many humans on this planet know the risks of smoking yet they still choose to do so. In many of clif's commentaries or presentations he often mentions that the EL were not all that smart.
They process our Hormones from plasma into a concentrate. Plasma is pure and clean they can spin out of it whatever hormone they wish. They especially enjoy Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. There are dozens of flavors of hormones they can pull out of it. I’m sure they have special cleansing processes if they wanted our meat. Again though they prey on children because of the lamb comparison
I wonder if they can filter out all the "plasmids" and "prions" and "spike proteins"... I suspect not, because those are nano-sized and would probably be aerosolized when they burn the adrenal fat for inhalation. So their uncontrollable appetites may be their undoing.
They process the stomach fat and adrenal only, for example, some purification process that they smoke or make into powder. Just like an animal we humans know how to process cows to eat the best parts.
that explains it!
They have Ivamectin for that
It's complete and utter nonsense. Consume solely for entertainment purposes and don't take a anything he says seriously. 10 billion people could live in the centre of the moon...lol. 🤡😃
And yet you are always here for every update jefe. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Mommy. 🤤 I'm definitely not here for every update though.
Do you have an issue with the volumetric calculation?
I took the entertainment value as a given.
Thanks clif.. wishing you and all your supporters,,the best of the season. Love your output..and blessings for the new year
Has Clif ever read the New Testament? When Jesus said I leave you my holy spirit, he wasn't talking about a flying disk, he was talking about the holy spirit.
Hard to say if he’s actually read it but he pretends to be an expert on the Bible. Clifs not a believer and subscribes to reincarnation. Christian’s should reject his views he’s spewing on Elohim
Always wondered... If reincarnation is "badevilterrible" as so many Christians insist... then WHY did the Disciples ASK Jesus if HE was John the Baptist reincarnated? Jesus did not say, "reincarnation is not real"; he said he was not John the Baptist. ???
Jewish philosophy does not (or did not at that time; not sure what it's morphed into now) deny reincarnation and did in fact believe it to be true. Why ask the question at all if it were a verbotten topic?
Actually, they asked if Jesus were Elisha, the ancient Jewish prophet, and his reply indicated that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elisha.
Ah, thanks... Been a long time since I'd looked that up.
I am always dismayed that so many Christians WILL NOT look at translations and who DID them for WHAT purposes.
Elijah was taken and didn’t experience death so he couldn’t have been John reincarnated. Just because Jesus didn’t address reincarnation doesn’t support that it exists. The word says “it’s appointed once man to die and then the judgment. Nowhere in the word of God does it support reincarnation
Christians should reject everything that isn't in the bible. An open mind is the devil's plaything.
You’re kidding, right?
W h e w!
No. She's right.
I don’t agree, but to each his own.
So . . . . ONLY believing in the bible and only being a Christian is an example of an 'open mind'? Of course . . . . just asking for a friend. :) btw: the bible being referred to here . . . the one that's been rewritten xx times, edited xx times, and who know what else xx times ? But I would think an open mind Challenges beliefs and constraints and keeps letting in new possibilities to be evaluated and reconciled . If you change your inputs you're bound to change your outputs - - aka 'Growing'
I like the KJV, the NIV ain't got no unicorns in it.
I don't read Greek, more's the pity.
Christianity is not based on the bible. Our apostolic traditions predate the bible by 300 years. So, when you lay hands on and pray for people, you're doing exactly the same thing that Jesus did, and that Christians have always done. The biggest problem with bible literacy is that the whole history of Christianity is left out of it. These last 1800 years have featured a lot of Christianity, and plenty of the devil running the Christian church. There is real Christianity, which seeks to educate and to free people from their mental chains, and there is priestcraft which is the enemy of humanity. It seeks to enslave people and make people cower in fear of eternal death. Priestcraft makes slaves. It robs the people of their autonomy. Jesus came to free humanity from the devil's 592 laws that none could follow, and to free humanity from Satan's holiness contest and his system of financial status. The real miracles are the lives of Christian men and women and if we don't read their writings, we'll never understand what Christianity is. Have you ever read the Journal of John Wesley? He shaped 18th century England and 19th century America more than any other person. Most Methodists and Wesleyans today haven't even read it.
I hate labelling it, but that was sarcasm. Thank you for your lucid response.
This is my favourite way to read: https://www.ccel.org/ccel/wesley/journal/mp3
It's in the queue.
Which version of the Bible? What gives trustworthiness to the version and translations?
Jesus is real 100% but I have a challenge with accepting versions of Bible from corrupt men and entities.
I dont find the Bible being 100% true required for my relationship w Jesus personally but enjoy the debate and considerations.
Bible purism is an attitude that needs corrected. It's a lie. People make a fetish of the bible. That's not what it's supposed to be.
It seems to me....this is the question of our age. Are we to accept anything as the one and only gospel truth, or are we to question everything....and to work hard to discover the truth? I can't imagine that GOD would punish his children for questioning, searching, researching...after all....the Bible has been altered over and over. So, the question is this...are we to be punished if we continue to search and research...as opposed to accepting the gospel TRUTH?....King James....or what?
Don't get hung up on such nonsense. It's like the Roman church determining whether Jesus clothes were his or were donated to him. (I kid you not, this was a big philosophical question in the Roman church in the 8th,9th, 10th century. )
Remember, the Roman church was in charge of the Bible, all Biblical writings, for at least 1200 years. Some monks who copied the Bible could not read. We don't know how many errors are embodied in the current version until the Vatican Library releases the ancient scrolls. (Unlikely to occur.)
The oldest copy of any NT book is still about 160-200AD as none have been found that were written closer to the events. Biblical scholarship has determined that Matthew, Luke and half of John were not written by disciples of Jesus, but disciples of Paul, and not by the persons whose names the books were given, a common practice in those days.
Mark was written by Jesus' brother, as he averred when he wrote the head of the sect in Alexandria (letter does exist and is well-known), in which he said he had written 2 accounts of "the Master's" teachings. One was for the common people, and one was for the "elites" (his word) about the "Secret Teachings." As it happens, the 2nd manuscript was ordered destroyed after several years because a sect rose up that used it for licentious events, misconstruing the message. So there are no known copies of the Secret Teachings.
I've been studying for over 60 yrs. If one does not allow dogma and superstition to control the research, there is much to learn.
Jesus used some symbolism common to the classical poetry tradition (Homer to Virgil). The poets also had secret teachings about the myths and a deep symbolic understanding of them. We can understand some of this tradition through the writing of John Toland, who the priests described as a radical pantheist. He may have been one. Swine is used as a symbol in both systems. Odysseus's men were turned to swine by the witch Circe (Church). Jesus teaches us not to throw our pearls before swine. Swine is a symbol for people under the spell of religious superstition. The more you understand the classics the better you'll understand Jesus. Probably the core teachings of the old poets are very similar to this secret christianity, or shrouded gospel, that you reference above.
Acts 17 11
11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
There is no problem with searching the scriptures. The problem lies with the scripture itsself. Recall that Jesus chose 12 apostles and taught them the message he wanted them to preach to the people. Peter was to preach to the gentiles. Everything is set. Jesus supposely ascends to heaven. Almost immediately after, a man (Paul) arrives claiming he received a "revelation" from god and that he (Paul) is supposed to go preach to the gentiles. Paul preaches an altogether different message than the 12 apostles. Sharp contentions arise between Paul and the apostles. He has a dispute with Peter, a sharp disagreement with Barnabas. The apostles preach we are to observe the commandments, the sabbath, the holy days, etc. Paul tells the Gentiles you don't have to do any of that stuff you just have to have faith in Jesus. However, when the apostles call Paul on this, at a purification ceremony in Jerusalem, Paul doesn't hesitate to perform the ceremony.
Questions that should be asked:
1. Why would Jesus tell his twelve apostles to preach a gospel if it was going to change so drastically right after he ascends? Wouldn't he tell them "this is what I want changed after I ascend"?
2. If Jesus had a sudden change of mind about his gospel, why grab another guy (Paul) and give him a completely different gospel and tell him to go teach it to the gentiles.
You would think Jesus would send a message to his apostles and let them know that he (Jesus) had a change of mind and "this" is what I want taught now.
Saul/Saulus/Paul was a Roman citizen and a double agent, as well as a member of King Herod's family (he was a descendant of Herod's sister, Salome). He subverted the teachings of Jesus to suit better the political exigencies of Rome. Paul announced himself to be an unelected Apostle and disciple and he calmly proceeded to create an entirely new and different brand of religious philosophy and teaching from that of Jesus and his brother/successor, James the Just: there was no longer a need for Judeans to obey and follow the Laws of Moses, they could eat whatever was available in the markets and there was no longer a requirement to be circumcised. Paul was one of the leaders of the post-crucifixion witch-hunts started by the Temple Priests to hunt down and bring to trial and execution of the more extreme followers of Jesus.
Yes. And today's mainline Christianity could be described as Pauline, because it emphasizes personal holiness like Paul did. I think of Paul as a real Christian and faithful man, he just wasn't very good at it. His writing against the Judaisers could be applied to his own puritanical system, which errors were inherited by protestant Christianity. Puritans, Quakers, and other protestants all inherited Hebrew puritanical beliefs straight from Paul.
We are supposed to test every spirit and be led to the truth. The OT tradition of truth telling is prophecy. When Amos invented the poetic genre of prophecy, he was crying out for social justice (not attempting to skry into future events). This is the real message of prophecy. "Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights, and to withhold justice from the oppressed of my people." --Isaiah (I like the KJB, and I really don't like the NIV or New American Standard)
A rigid mind will keep you blind.
Christians are heretics per Unam Sanctum but we can't expect them to question everything per the so-called plan can we now? Do you have the knowledge of who wrote this fable to enslave the people of this planet (plan net)?
It's easy enough to find the info, it isn't complete and there are as many or more similar books that didn't make the cut if I remember correctly. I don't remember where I sourced that, it was a long time ago.
It should be possible to discover who has been editing since then. As I said above, there are no unicorns in the NIV.
How about why haven't you figured it out by now the so-called "Bible" is a man's construct or fable? Wake the fuck up!
Fable is another word for myth. Myth contains a deep symbology that it takes mental exercise to understand. So when you call the bible a fable I believe you are claiming that is has value, and should be taught and understood. I think Joseph Campbell would probably agree.
Good point Palamambron as looking up the def in Merriam 1828 the following:
1 of 2
fa·ble ˈfā-bəl
Synonyms of fable
: a fictitious narrative or statement: such as
: a legendary story of supernatural happenings
Minerva is in fables said, from Jove without a mother to proceed
—Sir John Davies
: a narration intended to enforce a useful truth
especially : one in which animals speak and act like human beings
The theme of the fable was the folly of human vanity.
The story that he won the battle single-handedly is a mere fable.
nar·ra·tion na-ˈrā-shən nə-
Synonyms of narration
: the act or process or an instance of narrating
1 of 3
noun (1)
sto·ry ˈstȯr-ē
Synonyms of story
: an account of incidents or events
: a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question
especially : an amusing one
: a fictional narrative shorter than a novel
specifically : SHORT STORY
: the intrigue or plot of a narrative or dramatic work
: a widely circulated rumor
: a news article or broadcast
Considering how messed up the NT is, I would not put to much expectation on "a holy spirit". "Someone's" agenda wants you to believe it exists. The Jesus that is supposed to be all love and forgiveness and died for everyone's sins also said if you don't do as I say, you will be thrown into a fiery lake forever, no chance of getting out. Sounds a little like an "El" doesn't it?
I experienced it, but it was not what I expected. I could be some kind of psychic projection. But it matches up with biblical descriptions and there was some "apothium" other worldly feelings about the experience.
With this new information about the moon inhabitaion I'm inclined to think that there's watchers and they could be able to project onto earth.
So true! There are so many possibilities and things going on that it is really hard to discern truth from fabrication and illusion. I stumbled onto new information lately and don't know how to take it. It sounds far out. But at the same time it COULD have merit? He follows the Biblical end-time description but explains events in a way that could be logical. He mentions a couple of things that agree with what Clif said. He explains who the Elohim, God of the OT, and Jesus are (not as the OT protrays them). He believes in the Prime Source Creator. He explains why earth is so important at this time and all who are involved in what is happening. He explains how the vibrational shift is going to occur and too many things to list. Maybe you have heard of Ismael Perez? I hadn't until now, but I am going to list the link of the video from You Tube that I stumbled upon, in the event you may want to check it out. If you decide to, I would be interested to know your thoughts on this.
His You Tube channel: "The Real Ismael Perez"
Yup! What a diabolical imagination to deceive and control the poop o lation! Biologically, Jesus is the aminion/lamb of God! Wake the fuck up!
Clif is an agent of Satan.
Such a fool.
And a Christian would kill anybody for their character Jesus who was created to control mankind!
Do you know where the Greek "STR" root comes from?
Cilf we take zinc supplements because its purported to have antiviral and antiparasitic properties, and now we find out that it also keeps the El away.
Today is "Hump Day", better known as "Clif Day!" ...lol
You know you're over the target when you're catching flak Clif!
Remember everyone - keep on getting that red light, as abundant in the Sun in winter as in summer:
It's the same in the Northwest. I live in Clif High's state - deep deep blue. They spray the sh*t out of us here.
Just another day of genocide of mankind and nature!
Believe it when the vatican/bankers/insurance companies stop!
Near Blanco, Texas?
Yikes.. rip apart children?? I’m guessing they are still doing the same today!
Low density vibrational lazy thinking from the enemies of life...
Considering the focus of comments herein, many cannot let go of ingrained dogma to contemplate a different paradigm. Fear again, having a determining effect on lives and thinking. I refuse to participate. I tend to get pissed off at someone trying to scare me.
Living in the Deep South, space aliens is not a conversation I can have with anyone! But a life of being an "armchair archaeologist" in search of "pre-history" has prepared me to accept some "outlandish" concepts that go against the herd. Logic. Facts.
I keep thinking about that Eastern (Tibetan? Indian?) monastery where 84,000 ancient scrolls were discovered. I'd love to know what's in them. Two things that sadden me: destruction of books and cutting down big trees. Losses that can't be recovered.
Buddhism is fucking cool! Once you start studying Buddhism, you see that Christianity's New Testament borrowed a lot from Buddhism...
All cults are revolting to the point I want to throw up!
what cult are "we" talking about?
"We" may apply to you but not this One!
So what cult are "you" talking about...better?
Buddhism has its charms.. but avoid the mind numbing chanting groups.
Thanks Uncle Cliff - I have been aware that we are NOT alone here on planet earth. I was approached in the mid 1970's by a spinning silver disc as I drove the family station wagon home. No one else on the road and a voice in my head told me to pull over and stop the car. I got out and stared at this spinning disc. The voice asked me if I wanted to know who they were and I said NO and it flew away. Barbara Marciniak has been telling her followers for years about the Annuaki and how they are back!! I feel that there are others here as well and for the longest time I have felt that we humans were being fought over. I for one and now ready to know who all of them are.
Don't ask them who they are. Good safety tip!
Man I wish I could've been in that station wagon cause I would've told them they were trespassing!
Hello Clif 👋🏻!! Hello fellow humans‼️
Thanks for the Deep Download on the Elohim, Torah etc., and the significant Edits that have occurred in the Jewish Religious Texts.
So It wasn't just Constantine at Nicea that Revised Christian Religious History...
You mean the witch (heales) killer King James?
No, I was talking about "The Council of Nicea" in 325 AD, convened by Constantine...
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your standing behind a shemale in the checkout line and he turns to you and you say, Elho heim. AHHHHHHH!
“Chat gpt is Jewish “
This , this is exactly why I love Clif
Truth and humor together
Can’t beat it
Copper + Zinc = Electrolysis