I just read a Substack from Dana Loesch, where she recapped the DeSantis interview on Twitter. Everything he said he would do is the same thing Trump has already done, and will continue to do when re-elected, to turn this marxist takeover around.

DeSantis won't admit the 2020 election was stolen. He apparently thinks the people need or want HIM, more than the actual real effective leader we already have. He is a lightweight. DeSantis is being used by Con. Inc. to divide the Republican voters. He cannot be trusted and cannot win the nomination.

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Zion-Ron DeSemetics is even MORE of a jew or KM (pick yer evil) puppet. Trump at least seems to know he's partly playing their game... Unwilling puppet. maybe? And ZZion-Ron seems to have done slightly MORE pro-jew things than pro-America First things for his state...

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I know you're right about Zion Ron, and I hope you're right about Trump. Is he partly playing the game? He states he the most Jewish President ever and since he pushed these clot shots (and still does) I'm having doubts. Just thinking out loud. I'm still voting for him IF we have honest and fair elections, (doubts there too).

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Well, besides the fact that the 66th floor of T tower is literally a tribute to Apollyon (according to the Bible is the devil), there is this video. Believe what you will!


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??????? I will research this.

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I'm not making too many assumptions about anything, be it the top of Trump Tower, Jews, DeSantis, or whether Biden will fall up or down the next set of stairs he comes across. Speculation and innuendo got us into this fix - no facts. We're in a GSM. Global warming is BS. The WEF is failing. Trump is running for President (and I'm voting for him even if I have to write it in!). and the DEMs are trying to destroy the Republic of the United States of America. Everything else is entertainment or irrelevant.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Trump family longtime collaborators with NY finance, and all of his children married Jews. Jr's girlfriend also. And you may know that DJT's mother was from Scotland, which is widely believed to have been settled by 'lost' tribes. See the Declaration of Arbroath.

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I don't see Scotland wanting to be free of English rule a bad thing; there were 10 tribes.

(12 originally) as I know it. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, just saying..........

Declaration of Arbroath:

"As long as a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honors that we are fighting, but for freedom alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself".

Afterall, the U.S. (under British rule until recently - the fake British Monarchy), Canada, Australia among others haven't done so well recently, IMO. Just some thoughts............

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Yes, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were Judaic/Jewish. The other ten "lost" tribes were non-Judaic.

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None of the "lost" tribes of Israel was Jewish; but Miles Mathis also reckons that Trump is Jewish. For a variety of reasons, many Jews pretend to be either Christian or Moslem - another form of name stealing?


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I use Zion Ron, but I'm fond of Ron DeSanstein. And yes, because of the anti-Semitism bill.

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I call him RINO RON. lol

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Figures 👎

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You are a fan of censorship then? Or is it just when it is criticsm of your special group?

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You mentioned censorship not I.

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Yes, and you gave it a thumbs down. If you don't want to be cryptic don't use dorky symbols of disagreement and then go all passiove aggressive, use words.

Your uninformative stance is merely indicates that your actual opinion is something you are hesitant to share.


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ron deshabbos

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Sad to say, Avalanche has hit the nail on the head... blogs.timesofisrael.com /ron-desantis-in-israel-his-words/

'Ron Desantis in Israel. His Words...About the United States relationship with Israel, “Our alliance with Israel rests on unique cultural and religious affinities,” .. “Israel is also one of America’s most valued and trusted allies. Maintaining a strong Israel relationship has been a priority for me during my time in elected office, and I know it’s been a priority for the overwhelming majority of the American people.”

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Israel is under KM control as is our illegally occupied govt.

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y'all know this.... bitchute.com/video/mIIICIpUka3z/

Dec 8th, 2020. High Frequency Radio

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says

every candidate for Congress

has to sign a pledge to vote for supporting the military superiority of Israel.

"Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge.

They were given a pledge to sign ...

that had Jerusalem as the capital city,"

McKinney said in an interview with Press TV on Sunday.

"You make a commitment

that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel

that the economic assistant that Israel wants

that you would vote to provide that," she added.

McKinney said that if a candidate does not sign the pledge or perform accordingly,


you do not get money to run your campaign."

The former Congresswoman said that after she made the pledge issue public

"the tactic changed."

"But this is what is done for 535 members of the United States Congress,

100 senators and

435 members of the House of Representatives

have to now write a paragraph which basically says the same thing."

Her comments came

as US President Barack Obama vowed to sustain Israel's military superiority

over its neighbors

at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) annual gathering on Sunday.

"We (the US) will maintain Israel's qualitative military edge"...

"We have increased military financing to record levels," Obama said.


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Really? Pick your evil be it either a Jew or a cazarian mafia? Go f*** yourself f u c k yourself idiot. The Jews aren't the problem ass wipe the Kazarian Mafia are the problem shut your f****** mouth

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Such a delicate answer. You answering me or someone else? And HOW is anyone to tell?

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"I'll show you politics in America - "I think the puppet on the left is for me, no I think the puppet on the right is more to my liking. Wait a minuite theres one guy holding both puppets!"

- Bill Hicks R.I.P.

When ohhh when will the normies learn??



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DeSantis is a deep state WEF plant. The best result of his running is Exposure of other DS plants. (His handler is located in the UK and is part of the Pilgrims Society.)

And yes DeSantis has already peaked at an extremely low worldwide endorsement.

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Pete Santilli said Ron was responsible for his sister, Christine's death on the Big Mig show yesterday. She was an auditor for the foreign bank (can't remember the name) connected to some money laundering.

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He needs to Remember.. The Geo’s decided FL Governor Jipper Bush was going to be Pres too.

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This whole election is a very very bad clown show to be thoroughly ignored.

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Currently, I'm of the opinion that the DeSantis candidacy serves in sorting the RINOs from the patriots.

Everybody should know by now who's financing his campaign.

But although there is some wonkiness about him - which is the case with simply everybody who's allowed to rise to some significant position -, his actions don't show me that he's a bad guy.

Thus, I sense that this is a game Trump and DeSantis play together. Those Reps who support Ron's campaign are most probably the chaff that has to be separated from the wheat. Sort of a reverse culling of the herd.

My opinion isn't fixed, I will continue keeping a neutral stance and simply observe how things are going.

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RINO Ron IS the PsyOp!! Deep State/Globalists cannot deal with PedoJoe any longer; they need a new Puppet. And that's RINO RON. 'They' will now STEAL THE NOMINATION from POTUS Trump (IF we let them!), and INSTALL RINO Ron into the WH. Then, Fla will have a DemonRat governor installed THERE, where that Demon will then UN-DO ALLLLL of the 'good things' RINO Ron has done, which is JUST THEATRE (the good things he has done for Fla), at this point. ALL of it can, and WILL, be EASILY REVERSED!

This is all clear as day, to me!

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cia torturer asset

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Con DeSantis is applying for a job while he is on the clock for the Floridians. Neglecting his job for self gain & promotion. Another RINO under Bush-Rove control.

Laura Loomer said he was going to repeal the Resign to Run bill. And he recently snuck off to Israel to sign a bill that gives a 5 year prison sentence to anyone criticizing jews or being what a court deems as anti-semetic.

The laugh on that was voiced tonight by a jewish caller to the Mark Levin show. The jews are upset about being jailed for criticizing the Arabs and want the bill squashed. Ha! Ha!

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He also still believe in the MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CRISIS. And because he is too smart to be that dumb, I think that's a sign that he's not what he appears to be.

He's got to know that his Book about Fauci and Gates plus his fight against childhood shots causing autism and immune system damage and the ruining of the food supply by factory farming,.....if he knows all that, he must know that we are in a Grand Solar Minimum and Planet is going to cool for the next 30 years!

Also.....has any one heard him talk about bringing our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE back? I think he's in to 'green' energy and all those SCAMS. We will never get our Nation's manufacturing and building and creating back if we don't have Energy! Our people will freeze and starve, or have to eat lab grown meat and BUGZ if he is President.

I think he will try to make us all live in a 3rd World Country to 'SAVE the PLANET'.

That we do not need as President! We have that already. I will vote for President Trump who understands the WAR we are fighting right now and how to win against this evil Global Mafia.

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When do you think silver will reach $600? Is this prediction still valid?

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I agree, but they sure can steal it for him. I believe that anyone in office is a puppet. They are all on the same team. They are playing their parts in this soap opera with a couple of goals in mind; to divide the people and to remain in power. They are all rich and crooks to boot. Funny thing though, when the SHTF, they will all be thrown to the wolves too. They are useful idiots to the PTB , and think they will survive it all, but the fact is they will not. Run suckers, run and hide, but you will be found sooner or later.

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The climate "scientists" are polluting the earth with chemtrails.

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Please see Reinette Senum Substack. She is spearheading a major lawsuit against those involved in chem trailing.

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Would love to join her lawsuit

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I cannot understand why this has been allowed to continue!

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whose going to stop them? no courts/congress/judges. we are in free fall...

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Reinette Senum is trying to w a lawsuit.

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Because there are pilots willing to do it

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What will it take for pilots to wake up and say “no, I don’t want to do this any more?” . The dollar being worthless I guess?

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I loathe the chem-trails. I see them and have seen them for years, turning our blue

skies to skim milk to overcast. Yesterday I had to drive for some errands, windows open,

especially for the dog, and experienced blurring of my vision. It was as though my glasses

were coated with a film. It was quite disorienting and I was squinting and trying to read

road signs. My vision later cleared thank goodness.

Years ago I saw heard John Brennen speaking on climate change and the need to block

out the sun to lower C02. He also mentioned the beauty of Muslim Allah, and how he

loves the call to prayer. Apparently he was in Saudi Arabia as a station chief prior to

becoming head of the CIA. I don't actually care his worship choice but I totally resent

his push to block the sun. Thank you for your brief and succinct comment.


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I've tried to wash my house windows, a day later there is a greasy film on them. My eyeglasses get a greasy film on them. My car gets a film on it. This crap is dangerous, God help us.

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Stay safe

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if the climate is changing as a result of humanity's activity it is largely due to these pieces of dogshit...gates being a poster boy and HARP and trails etc....these freak shows aint human and it almost seems as if they are terra forming the planet...call me crazy...why haven't humans removed these psychos poisoning us and our children? if everyone were as pissed as me these motherweffers and associates would have been hung in 2020 immediately when I woke up to their schemes

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And everything else imaginable

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Hey cliff, my dog loves my cream/sugar coffee and also my hubbies black coffee. While I only give her a little she has to have it; is her morning ritual just like me too. Thanks so much for you hard work and taking your time! WE HUMANS NEED THIS INFO! Love ya Cliff

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I put heavy cream and butter in my coffee. I bet your dog would love that.

Reminds me of a pic I used to have of two little dogs on the beach that looked totally amped up and crazy. The caption read "We just ate a whole can of coffee!"

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Well got banned off Truth yesterday for saying Trans is a mental illness. If anyone thinks the same nazi kooks that run govt arent behind all the platforms surpressing free speech, think again. Anyway, I can still catch Cliff here so no big deal. 😃

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That had to be a glitch. Lots of folks say that on Truth and it's not a lie. The overall consensus is that it's a mental illness.

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Until the late 90s it was in the diagnostic code book for mental illness! Then it was removed as I am sure they had plans to really mess up a whole generation and enrich surgeons and big pharma! The home injections are lifelong!

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Whenever someone wants to fuck with me on social media, screaming about 'not a mental illness', I present them with a screenshot incl. link of ICD-10 F64.

After that, they're usually silent. Probably shocked^^.


ICD-10 F64:

Clinical Information

A disorder characterized by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (such as stating a desire to be the other sex or frequently passing as the other sex) coupled with persistent discomfort with his or her sex (manifested in adults, for example, as a preoccupation with altering primary and secondary sex characteristics through hormonal manipulation or surgery).


F64 Gender identity disorders

F64.0 Transsexualism

F64.1 Dual role transvestism

F64.2 Gender identity disorder of childhood

F64.8 Other gender identity disorders

F64.9 Gender identity disorder, unspecified

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It must be a nightmare to feel trapped in a body that longs to be of the

opposite sex. I am sure the condition is rare. Gay women sometimes

manifest aspects of these traits via dress and haircuts. We have all noted

men that like to cross-dress. So what? Yet when this idea is pushed on the

very young, school age children, that is a form of child abuse and demonic

influence that seeks to harm. Maybe 10% of people are gay, again, so what.

Surgery/Life long drug treatment being suggested and promoted to children

is quite another story. Anyone with a heart and a brain knows this is wrong.

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TY for the link. Its a full assault on God's creation. There are 2 biological genders. Man can mutilate a person but no scientist or doctor can create another gender at birth.

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Gays were in there also, and taken out of earlier than the 90s, if my memory serves correctly.

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Homosexuality is not a disease, from my pov. As I've observed, many of them experienced trauma that made them shift their preferences but not all. There is also homosexuality in the animal kingdom, even if it mostly happens when there is a lack of heterosexual partners.

Energetically, I basically only view one occurrence as 'real/natural homosexuality' that is not trauma-based:

Usually, in the female body, the 1st, 3rd and 5th chakra are negative/receptive in the front and positive/giving in the back, while 2nd, 4th and 6th chakra are positive in the front and negative in the back.

With males, it's the other way around.

Thus, when males and females meet in intimate embrace, their chakra energies meet accordingly and create an energetic (tantric) circle.

There are a few people though whose chakras are tuned the other way around. (Reminds me of a saying in my youth that gays are wrongly wired which fits that energetic occurrence pretty well.)

When these people meet in homosexual embrace, they can also create the sacred energy circle.

This energy circle is, for me personally, the only interesting thing in sex, lol. Everything else is acrobatics and tension release^^.

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it is still in there

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Body dysmorphic disorder.DSM IV.

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It is a satanic run ideology. The only people that support and push transgenderism are the f****** satanists. And of the story. Yes it might be mental as well get rid of the goddamn Satanist and devil worshipers and we won't have a problem with transgenderism

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Had the same thing happen to me a few days ago. Then got an email stating it was done in error by a bot and I was reinstated. Odd thing is I can still access TS via my laptop but not my iPhone. Seems suspicious to me.

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Maybe so. I did not violate their user terms that I can see. I asked why guess we’ll see what happens. Thanks for the info!

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You do amazing work, Clif! Don't be hard on yourself. Decent people cannot even imagine the insidious chicanery and evil of the WEF. They will be judged by history and God. Love you and blessings always! Don't work too hard!

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I can't wait until we shake these freaks off of our backs.

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Sun-ballers or KM?

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Most everyone's data sets are off because of past programing. I found personally that when I'm able to separate book smarts and use street smarts that I get a whole new view of the real picture of what's really going on. But your work is extremely important and helpful in getting the whole picture. in a clearer view of that. So thanks for sharing it with us fellow humans.

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you, harvey, said exactly what i feel and was trying to express in my comment ~ but you did it so much better!


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Doggo + Coffee = Zoomies for Hours...

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And peepees

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I forget the Dynastic nature of these people. They're always talking about The Blood The Blood! The multigenerational nature of these "Projects" and their commitment to them is Impressive. Say what you will about the Devil, he ain't lazy. But perception control has always been their stock in trade hasn't it? Control perception, control reality. Until we say NO it will continue. I need to get myself to a place where I can say NO without starving or dying by some other unpleasant means. Thanks for the Ammo Clif.

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Are you suggesting that the data is now pointing to a non-event May/June/July?

My analysis of the market tells me something is about to break and the market is about to crash.

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good question!

what's likely next? and based on what indicators?

i check in daily with martin armstrong and clif to stay on top of whatever new indicators they are seeing. both seem brilliant in my experiences learning from what they share.

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I do the same thing. Because MA has Socrates, but Clif has the Woo. Without the Woo, the data is missing a key component. Of course, now with all of the re-writing of (by the KM) and the missing history, I wonder how correct Socrates is?

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Morning Sun is the best for melatonin production. Go Clif!


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I just installed a metal roof on my house. Totally tanned, it takes 5 years off me, it really does make you look healthy.

Question, why is morning sun different?

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Good question John! the IR-A infrared balances out the blue and UV more in the AM, and IR is what regeneration ocular melatonin, plus many other benefits. IR is what helps our cells buffer against the stress of UV, and repairs our bodies.

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Dr. Mercola used to recommend going out in the sun between 12 and 2 pm the optimum hours to get vitamin D from the sun. I notice that there is heavier blocking of the sun by chemtrails between noon and 1 pm. Is this because they don't want us to get Vitamin D?

In many parts of the country mornings are cool, not conducive to exposing more skin to the sun. How much skin does one need to expose to get IR-A? Is just exposing one's face and eyes enough?

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Yes Clif, the WEF'ers began their climate agenda decades ago. We now know who funded the Georgia Guidestones when they were erected, and that mindset of population reduction was already being indoctrinated into college students and "science" textbooks, as well as government and business orgs.

The climate agenda was another way they could control entire nations and economies, and make a shitload of money doing so.

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Who funded the Guidestones?

Could you be more specific?

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Good morning!

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Live long and prosper!

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I bought your first report in the 07 ish time and have read every one I believe the data is mostly correct by definition of forecasting but often your interpretations are what cause the differing outcomes ie sun disease being astrological versus the corona virus I do believe the costal event was quite accurate as the next year or two there was massive flooding ( sloshing ) bouncing about on earth austrailia india Thailand and east coast USA all had big events around that 2011-2013 period please reconsider this …. I think you also nailed van life .. podcasting ( Rogan and new media ) but I’m really wondering about the west coast earthquakes and the clean up crews … and of course 600$ silver

On another note I belive that in your hyperspace journey you possessed by a rare benevolent entity and this is ok but very rare 99 % of the new age movement and psycadelic “ medicine encourages the possession by hyper dimensional parasites which further the bug and it’s plans just look at the movement behind burning man and the rapid on set software issues we see in our youth yes Baal Ishtar and moloch are writing thier “ short circuited code “

Stay human buddy

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As always Clif, thanks for taking a coffee break with us.

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Love the 1.25x speed option. Started using it yesterday. Not going back...

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As you gain experience, you can go higher. I'm at 1.75x 🥂

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Whoa there! Got some training to do...

But you're probably right. I only need about every tenth word.

Reminds me of playing 33 rpm record albums at 78 rpm.

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You'll get there. It is 'brain training.' Practice.

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The two major hits at 78 rpm were "State of Shock" from the Jackson's Victory album and "You Stink But I Love You" by Billy and the Boingers. Bill The Cat from Bloom County.

Ah, those were the days... Wine and roses.

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