Clif, we synched our Wa. State legislator reports. You hit'em high, I'll hit'em low.


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Love your Clint quote.

Mom took me and a friend to see the Good the Bad and the Ugly when I was 10. When we were leaving the drive-in mom asked "Which one was the good one?"

Sometimes it's hard to tell.

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Clif, you are deliciously naughty. May I plagiarize this and sent it to my Illinois legislators?

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Haha, I just posted a similar comment. I'm in Illinois. I need a current list of email addresses for all my state legislators.

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Easy to get. here is the link to the Roster (that's the search term to use) for 2023. You will have to automate the scrape, or just do it one by one. Each legislator's page has the email address under the picture.


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Hey Clif, I transcribed your Vox Populi #9 into a .pdf file in case the other Pepes want to send it to their Reps. Would you like me to send it to you first for approval before I send the file to others for this project? kenbrooks@charter.net

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And another link which is in alphabetical order, and includes their email addresses. Thank Clif!


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I suspect we can find the addresses easily enough on www.illinois.gov

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"Carol Ammons",Assistance@StateRepCarolAmmons.com

"Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.",info@staterep40.com

"Dagmara Avelar",info@repdagmara.org

"Harry Benton",harry@repharrybenton.com

"Diane Blair-Sherlock",staterep46@gmail.com

"Kam Buckner",Buckner@illinois26.com

"Jason Bunting",bunting@ilhousegop.org

"Kelly M. Burke",kburke@kellyburkerep36.org

"John M. Cabello",cabello@ilhousegop.org

"Mary Beth Canty",info.repmbc@gmail.com

"Jonathan Carroll",jc@repcarroll.com

"Kelly M. Cassidy",repcassidy@gmail.com

"Dan Caulkins",caulkins@ilhousegop.org

"Sharon Chung",info@repchung.com

"Michael J. Coffey, Jr.",coffey@ilhousegop.org

"Lakesia Collins",office@lakesiacollins.com

"Terra Costa Howard",Reptch42@gmail.com

"Fred Crespo",fred@fredcrespo.com

"Margaret Croke",info@repcroke.com

"Christopher C.D Davidsmeyer",davidsmeyer@ilhousegop.org

"Jed Davis",NO EMAIL

"William Will Davis",williamd@ilga.gov

"Eva-Dina Delgado",Evadina@staterepdelgado.com

"Anthony DeLuca",repdeluca@sbcglobal.net

"Daniel Didech",Info@repdidech.com

"John Egofske",NO EMAIL

"Amy Elik",elik@ilhousegop.org

"Marcus C. Evans, Jr.",office@repevans.com

"Laura Faver Dias",info@repfaverdias.com

"Mary E. Flowers",maryeflowers@ilga.gov

"La Shawn K. Ford",repford@lashawnford.com

"Randy E. Frese",repfrese@adams.net

"David Friess",friess@ilhousegop.org

"Bradley Fritts",fritts@ilhousegop.org

"Robyn Gabel",Contact@robyngabel.com

"Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz",

"Edgar Gonzalez, Jr.",office@repedgargonzalez.com

"Jehan Gordon-Booth",repjgordon@gmail.com

"Amy L. Grant",grant@ilhousegop.org

"Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar",angieguerrerocuellar22@gmail.com

"Will Guzzardi",will@repguzzardi.com

"Jackie Haas",NO EMAIL

"Brad Halbrook",Halbrook@ilhousegop.org

"Norine K. Hammond",rephammond@macomb.com

"Matt Hanson",rephanson@gmail.com

"Sonya M. Harper",repsonyaharper@gmail.com

"William E Hauter",NO EMAIL

"Barbara Hernandez",Repbarbarahernandez@gmail.com

"Elizabeth Lisa Hernandez",office@repehernandez.com

"Norma Hernandez",district@repnormahernandez.com

"Maura Hirschauer",office@repmaura49.com

"Jay Hoffman",repjayhoffman@gmail.com

"Frances Ann Hurley",repfranhurley@gmail.com

"Hoan Huynh",hello@rephoanhuynh.com

"Paul Jacobs",NO EMAIL

"Lilian Jiménez",NO EMAIL

"Gregg Johnson",NO EMAIL

"Thaddeus Jones",repjones.jones@gmail.com

"Jeff Keicher",keicher@ilhousegop.org

"Michael J. Kelly",district@repkelly.com, mike@repkelly.com

"Stephanie A. Kifowit",stephanie.kifowit@att.net

"Jenn Ladisch Douglass",Office.RepJLD@gmail.com

"Lindsey LaPointe",info@replapointe.com

"Camille Y. Lilly",staterepcamilleylilly@gmail.com

"Theresa Mah",office@reptheresamah.com

"Natalie A. Manley",repmanley@gmail.com

"Michael T. Marron",mike@repmikemarron.com

"Joyce Mason",info@repjoycemason.com

"Rita Mayfield",NO EMAIL

"Tony M. McCombie",McCombie@ilhousegop.org

"Martin McLaughlin",McLaughlin@ilhousegop.org

"Charles Meier",repcmeier@gmail.com

"Debbie Meyers-Martin",StateRepDebbiemm@gmail.com

"Chris Miller",miller@ilhousegop.org

"Anna Moeller",staterepmoeller@gmail.com

"Bob Morgan",info@repbobmorgan.com

"Martin J. Moylan",staterepmoylan@gmail.com

"Michelle Mussman",staterepmussman@gmail.com

"Suzanne M. Ness",info@repsnessil66.com

"Cyril Nichols",rep32nd@gmail.com

"Adam M. Niemerg",niemerg@ilhousegop.org

"Kevin John Olickal",Kevin@RepKevinOlickal.com

"Aaron M. Ortiz",district@repaaronortiz.com

"Tim Ozinga",TimOzinga@ilhousegop.org

"Abdelnasser Rashid",office@reprashid.com

"Steven Reick",reick@ilhousegop.org

"Robert Bob Rita",NO EMAIL

"Lamont J. Robinson, Jr.",lamont@lamontjrobinson.com

"Wayne A Rosenthal",Rosenthal@ilhousegop.org

"Jennifer Sanalitro",sanalitro@ilhousegop.org

"Sue Scherer",staterepsue@gmail.com

"Kevin Schmidt",NO EMAIL

"Dave Severin",severin@ilhousegop.org

"Justin Slaughter",justin@repslaughter.com

"Nicholas K. Smith",repsmith34@gmail.com

"Joe C. Sosnowski",sosnowski@ilhousegop.org

"Ryan Spain",repryanspain@gmail.com

"Anne Stava-Murray",office@repstavamurray.com

"Brad Stephens",stephens@ilhousegop.org

"Katie Stuart",repkatiestuart@gmail.com

"Dan Swanson",swanson@ilhousegop.org

"Nabeela Syed",info@repsyed.com

"Curtis J. Tarver, II",NO EMAIL

"Dennis Tipsword, Jr.",NO EMAIL

"Dan Ugaste",NO EMAIL

"Dave Vella",repdavevella@gmail.com

"Mark L. Walker",contact@staterepwalker53.com

"Lawrence Larry Walsh, Jr.",statereplarrywalshjr@gmail.com

"Travis Weaver",NO EMAIL

"Tom Weber",weber@ilhousegop.org

"Emanuel Chris Welch",NO EMAIL

"Maurice A. West, II",Assistance@StateRepWest.com

"Blaine Wilhour",wilhour@ilhousegop.org

"Ann M. Williams",ann@repannwilliams.com

"Jawaharial Williams",RepWilliamsOffice@gmail.com

"Patrick Windhorst",windhorst@ilhousegop.org

"Janet Yang Rohr",info@repyangrohr.com

"Lance Yednock",StateRepYednock@gmail.com

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That helped a lot, John. Thank you! I sent them all #9 as a .pdf and will use your list for 10,11, etc. we are the Clif multiplier! Haha

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My pleasure.

If there is a way to format that so it's easier for you to use it would probably be a cinch.

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Had to fix it up by hand, some don't have email addys, "NO EMAIL" some were formatted a little wonky.

See other comment for addresses.

Let me know if I can format that better for you.

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I took a look at scraping that. It's not trivial, I'll give it a shot.

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Here is the link to an alphabetical list which incudes their email addresses.


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That would have been easier. I scraped 118 pages for what I got.


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It took me about an hour to copy and paste but I have all my legislators in my state (TN) ready to get the Vox Populi treatment. Thanks Clif!

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Nothing is less trusting than the corrupt who wish to control. The very essence of the need to control is through their fear of what we might learn or become. Paranoia likes company, following it all the way home.

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Here is Aman Jabbi's message on how to reject CBDC:

“Focus on the SMART CITY HARDWARE INFRASTRUCTURE of cameras, radars, LED smart lights & poles, microwave towers etc. This is where the war will be won or lost. We must get this infrastructure undone since these are the data harvesting mechanisms that will allow digital fiat currencies (CBDC) to exist by virtue of social and carbon credit scores. The smart city infrastructure has been brought to Montana on the pretext of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for climate action and conservation. These are weapons of foreign invaders on our land. The public was never consulted and the public did not ask for them.

“If the data collection mechanisms are removed, CBDC is meaningless and worthless. “

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 I can see their Sphincter muscles becoming watertight as these legislators read your words. I find it hard to take the smile off my face as I think about their reactions to what we will see in the near future.

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Clif's not joking. I think it was Tennessee or Kentucky a few years ago where videos from school restrooms were found on the internet.

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Thanks, I needed that.

Cliffy, you are an evil man.

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yes, we DO 'have it all' as DJT loved to say.

They will be their own undoing. Just a little more rope and they will essentially hang themselves.

Could even be in weeks...

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Many of our politicians got the fake vax on record in order to uphold the narrative.

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If you think you're being observed, check this out:

My phone is hacked at the state (Fl.) level. No calls to Gov. agencies, or anywhere for that matter can circumnavigate Tallahassee. Think you're speaking with an attorney? think again. They're all stooges for the Insurance companies. That's who's behind most of this surveillance. They are data miners on meth. They scare their insured into doing their dirty work for them so they're able to stay clean. Think you're speaking with a US Gov. agency? Not really. All calls are subject to intervention. Just try randomly calling an attorney in the west coast time zone from say, Florida at 6:00 am. Business as usual. Ask about flooding, general weather, forecast, zip code, etc. You'll get it. Especially lawyers. Their computers have red flag compatibilities. All stooges, especially the hospitals!

Think ... Why do the pharmaceutical Cos. spend mega $$ on ads for things that you can't purchase? For controlling the content.

Okay ... There's a slim possibility here that I'm not 100% accurate ... doubt that.

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It's becoming somewhat more clear every day who was whack-scened and who wasn't. In a few years, crystal clear. Shedding is happening, but it seems less deadly unless you are pregnant. This is a good humanistic discussion of the population decimation. https://sukwan.substack.com/p/if-15-excess-mortality-and-15-decreased

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Amy is a wonderful writer.

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Well.. it sure looks like the only way to escape all this surveillance is to terminate oneself, or just accept that this technology, the ability to know ALL... ALL the time compressed on a tiny chip recording 24/7 is A FACT. And the fact that this technology is currently in the hands and controlled by a Cabal of evil.

Here in Canada terminating your stay on planet earth is fully subsidized at no cost to you or family. I have thought about the latter option but not for myself of course. I happen to agree with the elites premise that a cull of humans is necessary if the world is to have change at becoming upright once again. The list of the dearly to be departed is not short by any means, the current crop of politician legislators, senators, representatives, ministers, judges, oligarchs, doctors and so on will definitely run into the millions. Covid alone has revealed legions of worthless inhuman creatures who cannot be allowed to continue breathing. I have in mind to use the same regimen of painless drugs that Veterinarians employ to mercifully send our beloved pets to permanent sleep as witnessed through painful and sorrowful tears. I've sadly done that several times over the years. What a pleasure and joy it has been to remember that I have been in the company of innocence and unconditional love and joy from my four legged furry friends. Alas their lives are too short.

Now.. none of these elitist mongers deserve even a tiny teardrop much less a painless death, but for the sake of speed and brevity to solve this vexing strangling of all humanity by these agents of Baal, I think that foregoing the Pomp Circumstance and Revelling at mass bloody public executions via the Guillotine is warranted.



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Guillotine way to fast at minimum crucifixion. Skin removed American Indian style would be a crowd fav. I bet Look in to building a jammer, seen the marines use them to great effect on the Ruskies, I thinking small ones planted all over your area. Also a flame thrower and a 40 mike , mike mortar could be indispensable in the coming days, oh and range your neighborhood.


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Here's hoping they all die of boredom...

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I just made a recording on my phone and titled it 'Ode to Oligarchs'. I haven't updated my phone in years, which is likely meaningless and I have been noticing my apps getting scrubbed. So as I recorded, which I do for sanity's sake. I dedicated it to whoever might choose to listen, overhear, track me, cross my boundaries.

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Are these vox populi messages being sent only to WA legislators? What about other states, is there a way to access these comms and email them to, say, the commies in Illinois? Illinois is a decidedly "red" state, being run by the election-stealers, commies, and globalist marxists.

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When Clif started the Voxx messages, he said we could download them, edit them to fit our local government, and send it to them.

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I would be sure to take any reference to Clif on those letters.

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I left Illinois 6 years ago because I could see the writing on the wall. Ohio was much better before the chemical bomb. Get out!

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I think you can just send them to anyone

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Are they vaccinated?

Are they fuck!



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Same deal in Australia. All Federal employees (incl lawmakers) were exempt from getting poisoned.

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High Anxiety

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