Since I've been separated, almost 2 years now, I haven't watched any t.v., I mean none. There is a decorative carpet over it on the wall in what used to be the t.v. room, now the energy room. I've cancelled the few subscriptions that were previously in place. I rarely watched it before, and now I feel exquisitely pleased with myself.

What Clif described above is an example of why I made this choice. I felt like having the TV on, even if it wasn't me watching it, was like permitting an invasion of street thugs with no common sense into my home. Disgusting. Always with a laugh track so you know when to appropriately find something funny. I feel like it's paying someone to abscond with your mind and your left feeling empty and frustrated. Replaced now by bliss. I have time for things that matter. Off to the hot tub for me now 👋

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A movie I think you would enjoy, Idiocracy. People have become so dumbed down the best picture is a movie called ASS. 90 minutes of a hairy ass. The theater is packed. Sadly, that movie from the early 2000s has become a weirdly, prescient documentary.

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Ask ChatGPT what it thinks about naked white people with spears....LOL

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I'm having a fun evening reading all the hilarious comments. This community is a HOOT. Thanks folks.

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I quit paying for Cable TV in 2007.

And now I can't have a real conversation with any of my neighbors that don't want something out of my garden.

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I threw my boob tube out 20 years ago. Pure garbage...

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I'm still wiping away the tears of laughter! That show was the last thing I saw on TV before I cancelled all cable, about 3 or 4 years ago.

Thank you Cliff for the laugh, I really needed that.

I live alone with my two cats and they could care less about white naked booty spear chuckers. They do however raise holy hell if their litter box gets one too many nuggets in it or they start to see the bottom of their chalice. We all have our cross to bare.

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Thanks for another reason to never watch TV. Yikes.

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I am still wiping the tears away from laughing so hard. It took me 20 minutes to read that little bit because I had to keep setting it down and walking away--trying to get my self control back. You must write comedy scripts!

I have never seen that show either and I also hate “TV.” I have never seen what you saw but now I cannot unsee it.

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I feel the same about tv. I only watch a couple of shows on boobtube to analyze their propaganda content. OTW, nothing in more than a decade.

(Not since Netflix DVD Service was at its height. I cancelled them when streaming became their priority. sigh.)

I still like a lot of older content, like pre-80s... mostly movies... but the newer stuff is junk "art", pure propaganda.

Increasingly, I am feeling that way about popular music, too. It is not just that it is drek produced by lowlifes, but...

It has become physically repulsive for me for reasons that I haven't totally fathomed yet... (This may have something to do with frequencies... still trying to understand my aversion... like fingernails on a chalkboard or a baby crying...)

There are only a few styles of pop music that I can physically tolerate anymore... mostly, authentic, true musical genius... mostly from the past... like pre-80s...

Mostly for nostalgia value...

I yearn for the day when our society is aesthetically and spiritually oriented, like the Japanese aesthetic of the Edo period.

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Recently, one of the show's 'stars' was on a 24 hour variety show on TMJ a cable network. His reason for soaking up added fame there was to bemoan that his penis had been burned in a fire he slept near. Your article was what I've been waiting for (not long) to pass along. Can you imagine trying to have sex with one of those? What would happen to a woman if she were somehow similarly affected by fire? Will the producers be sued? This is why I don't watch TV. I used to be a writer/producer/director, too.

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Watching teLIEvision is a soul-destroying experience these days...precisely as designed. I recommend you avoid it altogether. There are no perceptive insights or earth-shattering conclusions to be drawn from the depravity, iniquity and barbarity on display. It literally is what it is. Let it die an ignominious death along with the rest of corporate America. Leave it to die. Good riddance.

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Cliff you are definitely not a tv viewer and you points are wise. But the answer is yes the film company pays the locals tons of money to make these stupid shows. I imagine the locals make more money that the contestants lol

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I hope it's not one of those prescient films that are all the rage.

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I wonder how many folks would be watching this as entertainment, as it's happening in their own backyards. Lights, camera, action. Sadly to many. Zombie world is not drug inducted but entertainment inducted.

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