Since I've been separated, almost 2 years now, I haven't watched any t.v., I mean none. There is a decorative carpet over it on the wall in what used to be the t.v. room, now the energy room. I've cancelled the few subscriptions that were previously in place. I rarely watched it before, and now I feel exquisitely pleased with myself.
What Clif described above is an example of why I made this choice. I felt like having the TV on, even if it wasn't me watching it, was like permitting an invasion of street thugs with no common sense into my home. Disgusting. Always with a laugh track so you know when to appropriately find something funny. I feel like it's paying someone to abscond with your mind and your left feeling empty and frustrated. Replaced now by bliss. I have time for things that matter. Off to the hot tub for me now 👋
You'll find your tolerance for mainstream broadcast media of any variety will decrease as time goes on.
I stopped watching TV regularly in 2005 including and especially because of mainstream news, I finally cut the cord to cable in 2008.
As the years went on I found I couldn't be in the same room when the radio was on, the music was crap and what drove me absolutely crazy was listening to the MSM news broadcasts.
I could not only spot the lies in the reports instantly but also I had negative mood swings whenever the radio or TV was on, almost like itching powder was put on me but I couldn't scratch the itch!
I was around people who insisted that they wanted to listen to the radio or the TV in public and in some pubs I would sit as far away as possible.
Of course this didn't go over well with these people, I eventually stopped going to their outings when invited and then I stopped talking to them altogether.
This was years before the pandemic, but then like acne, they came back online and contacted me to see if I had taken the shots and boosters after the pandemic started. I told them no, I wasn't going to be an experimental test subject.
Of course that didn't go over very well, at one point one guy was so insistent about it I told him to mind his own business, that I hadn't heard from him in 5 years and didn't appreciate being lectured on what I could do with my body.
Needless to say it didn't end well and they started spreading rumors that I was a nutjob anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist. Not that it mattered to me, but later on I heard than some of these people started showing symptoms of vax damage but were still insistent on people around them getting the boosters.
You're right about the zombie syndrome, these people are stupid to the core, I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I don't have time for morons and idiots, they've practically eliminated themselves from the human race and it might be better that way.
They smeared me for speaking the truth and trying to warn them, I did my part and have zero guilty conscience about what happens to these people and their families.
I cannot live in normieland any longer and will not choose to do so if I have anything to say about it.
So as a consequence I haven't socialized in a decade(monk mode) and I actually haven't stepped foot in a movie theater since 2003 when the last movie I saw in person was The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
I cannot watch either without yelling, "you fucking liars". I cannot and will not ever watch MSM ever again. My tv is always off, actually I use the tv for my security cameras. 20 plus years now = no MSM. My life is great! No drama, no lies, and no fear!
They remain unvaccinated and they have what is called the Amish Anomaly which is where they have an extremely low incidence of Autism in their community. Their rates of autism are like 1 in 25,000 but for the regular vaccinated mass of humanity autism is like 1 in 50 and still rising. Also allergies are directly tied to vaccinations as well since the purpose of vaccination is to over stimulate the immune response and that is the very definition of an allergy. Allergies are 100% correlated with vaccination. A good book on the subject is Dissolving Illusions by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries (I have given away this book to a lot of young parents asking them to pass it on to others when they are done).
The things they show are amazing like a increased health around the time of vaccination was due to the White males invention of TECHNOLOGY like refrigeration and not vaccination at all. Also EMF frequency plays a part.
Another good book on this is The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Furstenberg.
A lot of people think the Amish's "extreme healthiness" and their superior ability to grow healthy, chemical-free food for themselves and to sell to others was one of several reasons that "someone" decided to release a massive dioxin bomb in the center of their most densely populated and productive farming areas. That and the newly discovered cobalt deposits in the general area that they want for the new Intel plant a little ways to the east in OH, and the brand new, giant Shell Petroleum products manufacturing plant just over the PA line in Conway - right on the Ohio river (of all places to put such a dirty & dangerous facility). That's probably where the vinyl chloride tankers were headed...
Intel; I remember when they took the most beautiful and fertile land on the planet that was teaming with LIFE in great abundance and reduced it all to the 2nd most polluted bay on the planet. I know better, so I know this is all intentional and is brought on by a great hatred of Life and all that lives. I have simply seen it too many times. It is too consistent. smdh. Their bitterness towards the Amish (the fastest growing and most prosperous demographic in the whole USA is no surprise to me since they are Germanic and White)...and Christian they will be the very center of the anti-White anti-Christ hatred and genocide. There are both Amish and Mennonite people who live around me here and I never pass up the opportunity to speak to them about what is happening when I get the chance. Since they are immune to the spike proteins the same as the Fins and Ashkenazi jews are they are first in line for the slaughter and they must be warned if we can manage it.
regular tv programing I found mentally disrespectful 20 + years ago , only sports viewed. And those became just as lame with shitty announcers and commercials. Build your self an ar if bored. Better yet play music
Most people will never know how beautiful this life really is and how peaceful it can be. I enjoyed a brief stint without electricity, running water or the internet and it was so peaceful and productive that there is no other stage of my life that can compare to the highlight of that experience for its general wellbeing and physical health; I was solid muscle. You are very lucky.
Some of my best times are without electricity and running water.
Currently snowed in atop the San Diego Mtns. Will be a total of eight days.
Pipe burst just before the storms. No time to fix it. Will be two weeks without running water. 38.7° f in my kitchen. [brr.] ...flushing toilets with snow.
Fully supplied and happy to be isolated from the insanity.
Went 72 days in 2011/2012 without running water. Have often gone a week or more without electricity.
Friends and family worried for me. Think I am a stupid loser. [I am the only unvaxxed family member out of 20.]
No amount of explanation will convince them that I am better off away from the asylum that is modern, urban, institutional life.
They are blind to their slavery and experiencing the five stages of grief atop of Stockholm Syndrome. Crazies trying to make me give up my sanity.
I have considered the vax question a number of times. I consider God to be my teacher and I wonder what his purpose is in keeping me unvaccinated when I am too old to have children so I cannot keep our race alive. I would never alter my decision because I love my DNA, I love its history and I love being connected to my ancestors and to God genetically. I guess I am just failing to see God's endgame. Despite this, I deeply appreciate everything you said and resonate with all of it. When I was in the same situation everyone thought I was a loser too, but I knew things they didn't. <3
I think they are using some strange frequencies in broadcast TV. It seems that the people who are addicted to it are REALLY addicted. But the rest of us hate it so much we can't even be in the same room with it. There is only one person who likes it in our house so they wear headphones to watch it and the rest of us sit with our backs to it/them. But it is their choice to be antisocial like this and the rest of our choice not to. If the headphones come off everyone leaves the room since it is so obnoxious. IMO there is something really wrong with TV now. You can purchase a universal remote that will turn off and override the TV's in waiting rooms and bars. Very handy. They think the TV is broken or was switched off but you have just turned it off in the room while you are there so that you can eat in peace, wait in peace or socialize in peace.
It's funny as much as I want to turn off all the TVs in the world, people telling you that they love to watch their shows are telling you who they are. It's the same as people who wear masks, they are broadcasting their damaged psyche. I like to know who these people are.
Before covid I had no idea how many humans on this planet in my society are weak-minded followers. Followers off the edge of the cliff even. Such a shock. I'm over it now.
I think they are those who have managed to avoid most of the 'human/zombie traps' by luck or foresight there will be a small number of humans who simply avoid what is going to happen to the whole rest of the world. When the traps are planned for generations (like TV which was introduced many generations ago) they will be harder and harder to avoid. Rejection of the modern world, at least partially to up your chances of survival, world seems pertinent here.
My observation is that it definitely runs in families by who is awake and who is still a sheeple. Just like you, I think this is totally strange. I can't imagine why those frequencies don't bother them as much as they bother everyone else. How could they enjoy something the rest of us find so repulsive? Weird. Have you ever seen the short video on entrainment? 4:00 long and fascinating...also a rather annoying sound but still fascinating.
So do you think that we could 'cure the Earth' if we could balance peoples chemistry? I have heard people say, Clif I think, that we are just huge antennas. And I know that they intentionally changed the Hz to something out of sync and damaging to humanity...I was thinking that they permanently damaged brain plasticity when children were little with the frequency.
That is a very good question and thought. I consider that we as humans are in essence body and soul, rather like the way the Greek letter 'theta' is divided in two, the upper part the soul or spirit representing the heavens and the lower part the body representing the earth.
Both are ultimately made up of words or language if you will. Both aspects need to be balanced and stable, perhaps like a spinning gyroscope.
Body chemistry is part of that balance so re-balancing body chemistry is part but not all of the equation.
But both halves interact on each other so one cannot ignore one for the sake of another.
I have not looked at brain plasticity but I know others believe it is not necessarily permanently damaged.
However, great harm is done to children via airwaves where the child is already poisoned with vaccines and the like as this weakens the body and leaves it open to all sorts of corruption and chaos.
I know why they is because their foundation is just polyurethane instead of something more substantial but it doesn't make it less fascinating of a phenomenon to know that when you have no strong foundation (or love among your people which prevents this, you can sync up to anything and you cannot resist what is imposed on you).
I lived in Germany from grade one to grade four. We didn't have a TV, it was all German anyway,
Ach Boo Boo! Siehe der picknickkorb!
My German was never good enough for Yogi Bear in German, we played in the woods. I think it's true, they get you when you are young. Well, they didn't get me, I was in Germany.
I watched SNL when it first came out as a teenager. I didn't hate their crazy commercials. "House of Guitars, 645 Tidas avenue Irondequoit" It was awesome. That's about it, I hate TV commercials with the white hot heat of a thousand suns.
That is interesting. I grew up without a TV either since my parents wouldn't have on in the house. This is confirming my suspicion. My husband, the TV addict, was raised with TV and his parents always have a TV on. Thankfully they started turning it off when we come over since we can't even enjoy cards without someone going, "What is that weird noise?"
Because I grew up without TV, I in turn, raised my kids without downfall was letting them have access to the internet. If I knew THEN what I know now (brain structure and development), they would have been kept away from the internet like it was poison until they were 18 and their brains were mostly developed.
Most of humanity will simply never stand a chance against our evil overlords in between being poisoned, poisoned with vaccines, now genetically altered, TV frequencies and the internet's total destruction of normal brain development.
My youngest daughter was only allowed to watch public television. One day, she was about eight, she was watching this kids show on TV Ontario and the theme was "Don't try too hard and know your limits."
smdh...that is such a crazy message to take in at 8. I hope that was her last day with public broadcast. I don't think it hurt any of us kids to play outside in nature.
Imagine how silly she is going to feel one day. That burning walk of shame where she swallows her pride and tells you to your face that 'she is very sorry and you were right all along'. I have made that walk of shame in my life to my own parents many times. :D
A movie I think you would enjoy, Idiocracy. People have become so dumbed down the best picture is a movie called ASS. 90 minutes of a hairy ass. The theater is packed. Sadly, that movie from the early 2000s has become a weirdly, prescient documentary.
The comment part is always my favorite part because we can’t have an intelligent conversation with anyone else. The majority of my female friends care about celebrities and gossip and my male friends care about sports and other equally banal subjects that I struggle if we’re around them for more than an hour or so. They all know what I really want to talk about so they avoid it so I don’t accidentally step on my soap box. My husband is still living in normie land and with 2 young boys I force myself to leave our farm so they can be with other children (I homeschool them). I’d rather go to my greenhouse and talk to my turkeys.
Thank you for your kind comment. I am also finding it difficult to find a woman whom I can relate to. My wife passed 6 years ago, so life is very quiet. I live in the south Seattle area which is a very liberal environment. Keep the faith. Much love.
Although, I have met one other parent who reads/listens to the same kind of people, including Clif (and has for years ), so I’m actually looking forward to baseball games this spring
I'm still wiping away the tears of laughter! That show was the last thing I saw on TV before I cancelled all cable, about 3 or 4 years ago.
Thank you Cliff for the laugh, I really needed that.
I live alone with my two cats and they could care less about white naked booty spear chuckers. They do however raise holy hell if their litter box gets one too many nuggets in it or they start to see the bottom of their chalice. We all have our cross to bare.
I am still wiping the tears away from laughing so hard. It took me 20 minutes to read that little bit because I had to keep setting it down and walking away--trying to get my self control back. You must write comedy scripts!
I have never seen that show either and I also hate “TV.” I have never seen what you saw but now I cannot unsee it.
I feel the same about tv. I only watch a couple of shows on boobtube to analyze their propaganda content. OTW, nothing in more than a decade.
(Not since Netflix DVD Service was at its height. I cancelled them when streaming became their priority. sigh.)
I still like a lot of older content, like pre-80s... mostly movies... but the newer stuff is junk "art", pure propaganda.
Increasingly, I am feeling that way about popular music, too. It is not just that it is drek produced by lowlifes, but...
It has become physically repulsive for me for reasons that I haven't totally fathomed yet... (This may have something to do with frequencies... still trying to understand my aversion... like fingernails on a chalkboard or a baby crying...)
There are only a few styles of pop music that I can physically tolerate anymore... mostly, authentic, true musical genius... mostly from the past... like pre-80s...
Mostly for nostalgia value...
I yearn for the day when our society is aesthetically and spiritually oriented, like the Japanese aesthetic of the Edo period.
The frequencies are the problem I think. It is totally repulsive to me and I can't stand it or even being in the same room with it. It is like a low level torture.
Recently, one of the show's 'stars' was on a 24 hour variety show on TMJ a cable network. His reason for soaking up added fame there was to bemoan that his penis had been burned in a fire he slept near. Your article was what I've been waiting for (not long) to pass along. Can you imagine trying to have sex with one of those? What would happen to a woman if she were somehow similarly affected by fire? Will the producers be sued? This is why I don't watch TV. I used to be a writer/producer/director, too.
Watching teLIEvision is a soul-destroying experience these days...precisely as designed. I recommend you avoid it altogether. There are no perceptive insights or earth-shattering conclusions to be drawn from the depravity, iniquity and barbarity on display. It literally is what it is. Let it die an ignominious death along with the rest of corporate America. Leave it to die. Good riddance.
Cliff you are definitely not a tv viewer and you points are wise. But the answer is yes the film company pays the locals tons of money to make these stupid shows. I imagine the locals make more money that the contestants lol
I wonder how many folks would be watching this as entertainment, as it's happening in their own backyards. Lights, camera, action. Sadly to many. Zombie world is not drug inducted but entertainment inducted.
1) those that addict to pleasurable experience 2) those that induce laziness and brain fog 3) those that bind with habitual actions of stupidity 4) those that convince of existence as separate from the Woo
Since I've been separated, almost 2 years now, I haven't watched any t.v., I mean none. There is a decorative carpet over it on the wall in what used to be the t.v. room, now the energy room. I've cancelled the few subscriptions that were previously in place. I rarely watched it before, and now I feel exquisitely pleased with myself.
What Clif described above is an example of why I made this choice. I felt like having the TV on, even if it wasn't me watching it, was like permitting an invasion of street thugs with no common sense into my home. Disgusting. Always with a laugh track so you know when to appropriately find something funny. I feel like it's paying someone to abscond with your mind and your left feeling empty and frustrated. Replaced now by bliss. I have time for things that matter. Off to the hot tub for me now 👋
You'll find your tolerance for mainstream broadcast media of any variety will decrease as time goes on.
I stopped watching TV regularly in 2005 including and especially because of mainstream news, I finally cut the cord to cable in 2008.
As the years went on I found I couldn't be in the same room when the radio was on, the music was crap and what drove me absolutely crazy was listening to the MSM news broadcasts.
I could not only spot the lies in the reports instantly but also I had negative mood swings whenever the radio or TV was on, almost like itching powder was put on me but I couldn't scratch the itch!
I was around people who insisted that they wanted to listen to the radio or the TV in public and in some pubs I would sit as far away as possible.
Of course this didn't go over well with these people, I eventually stopped going to their outings when invited and then I stopped talking to them altogether.
This was years before the pandemic, but then like acne, they came back online and contacted me to see if I had taken the shots and boosters after the pandemic started. I told them no, I wasn't going to be an experimental test subject.
Of course that didn't go over very well, at one point one guy was so insistent about it I told him to mind his own business, that I hadn't heard from him in 5 years and didn't appreciate being lectured on what I could do with my body.
Needless to say it didn't end well and they started spreading rumors that I was a nutjob anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist. Not that it mattered to me, but later on I heard than some of these people started showing symptoms of vax damage but were still insistent on people around them getting the boosters.
You're right about the zombie syndrome, these people are stupid to the core, I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I don't have time for morons and idiots, they've practically eliminated themselves from the human race and it might be better that way.
They smeared me for speaking the truth and trying to warn them, I did my part and have zero guilty conscience about what happens to these people and their families.
I cannot live in normieland any longer and will not choose to do so if I have anything to say about it.
So as a consequence I haven't socialized in a decade(monk mode) and I actually haven't stepped foot in a movie theater since 2003 when the last movie I saw in person was The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
MSM probably drives me crazy the most.
Cadence, tone, colors of the set, speed of delivery, faulty logic, propaganda... I cannot withstand broadcast news, not intellectually nor physically.
I'm pissed off and can't take it anymore.
I cannot watch either without yelling, "you fucking liars". I cannot and will not ever watch MSM ever again. My tv is always off, actually I use the tv for my security cameras. 20 plus years now = no MSM. My life is great! No drama, no lies, and no fear!
Great comment GRY. Reminds me of why the Amish didn't get Covid - they don't watch TV.
They remain unvaccinated and they have what is called the Amish Anomaly which is where they have an extremely low incidence of Autism in their community. Their rates of autism are like 1 in 25,000 but for the regular vaccinated mass of humanity autism is like 1 in 50 and still rising. Also allergies are directly tied to vaccinations as well since the purpose of vaccination is to over stimulate the immune response and that is the very definition of an allergy. Allergies are 100% correlated with vaccination. A good book on the subject is Dissolving Illusions by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries (I have given away this book to a lot of young parents asking them to pass it on to others when they are done).
The things they show are amazing like a increased health around the time of vaccination was due to the White males invention of TECHNOLOGY like refrigeration and not vaccination at all. Also EMF frequency plays a part.
Another good book on this is The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Furstenberg.
A lot of people think the Amish's "extreme healthiness" and their superior ability to grow healthy, chemical-free food for themselves and to sell to others was one of several reasons that "someone" decided to release a massive dioxin bomb in the center of their most densely populated and productive farming areas. That and the newly discovered cobalt deposits in the general area that they want for the new Intel plant a little ways to the east in OH, and the brand new, giant Shell Petroleum products manufacturing plant just over the PA line in Conway - right on the Ohio river (of all places to put such a dirty & dangerous facility). That's probably where the vinyl chloride tankers were headed...
Intel; I remember when they took the most beautiful and fertile land on the planet that was teaming with LIFE in great abundance and reduced it all to the 2nd most polluted bay on the planet. I know better, so I know this is all intentional and is brought on by a great hatred of Life and all that lives. I have simply seen it too many times. It is too consistent. smdh. Their bitterness towards the Amish (the fastest growing and most prosperous demographic in the whole USA is no surprise to me since they are Germanic and White)...and Christian they will be the very center of the anti-White anti-Christ hatred and genocide. There are both Amish and Mennonite people who live around me here and I never pass up the opportunity to speak to them about what is happening when I get the chance. Since they are immune to the spike proteins the same as the Fins and Ashkenazi jews are they are first in line for the slaughter and they must be warned if we can manage it.
And they tend to avoid vaccines and work outside more. And live less physically polluted lives by cars etc. They give lots of things amish (sic)!!!
regular tv programing I found mentally disrespectful 20 + years ago , only sports viewed. And those became just as lame with shitty announcers and commercials. Build your self an ar if bored. Better yet play music
I moved to the country in 2005 and started a homestead to survive the coming collapse.
I have a log cabin. I call it an ARK.
I am in a very windy locale on a mountaintop.
I sail the cosmic seas and the milky way.
I wake up every day in the heavens.
God is gracious. Praise be.
Most people will never know how beautiful this life really is and how peaceful it can be. I enjoyed a brief stint without electricity, running water or the internet and it was so peaceful and productive that there is no other stage of my life that can compare to the highlight of that experience for its general wellbeing and physical health; I was solid muscle. You are very lucky.
Some of my best times are without electricity and running water.
Currently snowed in atop the San Diego Mtns. Will be a total of eight days.
Pipe burst just before the storms. No time to fix it. Will be two weeks without running water. 38.7° f in my kitchen. [brr.] ...flushing toilets with snow.
Fully supplied and happy to be isolated from the insanity.
Went 72 days in 2011/2012 without running water. Have often gone a week or more without electricity.
Friends and family worried for me. Think I am a stupid loser. [I am the only unvaxxed family member out of 20.]
No amount of explanation will convince them that I am better off away from the asylum that is modern, urban, institutional life.
They are blind to their slavery and experiencing the five stages of grief atop of Stockholm Syndrome. Crazies trying to make me give up my sanity.
God is Gracious. I rebel against Caesar.
I have considered the vax question a number of times. I consider God to be my teacher and I wonder what his purpose is in keeping me unvaccinated when I am too old to have children so I cannot keep our race alive. I would never alter my decision because I love my DNA, I love its history and I love being connected to my ancestors and to God genetically. I guess I am just failing to see God's endgame. Despite this, I deeply appreciate everything you said and resonate with all of it. When I was in the same situation everyone thought I was a loser too, but I knew things they didn't. <3
Well said. I wrote these about the stupid vaxxers.
I think they are using some strange frequencies in broadcast TV. It seems that the people who are addicted to it are REALLY addicted. But the rest of us hate it so much we can't even be in the same room with it. There is only one person who likes it in our house so they wear headphones to watch it and the rest of us sit with our backs to it/them. But it is their choice to be antisocial like this and the rest of our choice not to. If the headphones come off everyone leaves the room since it is so obnoxious. IMO there is something really wrong with TV now. You can purchase a universal remote that will turn off and override the TV's in waiting rooms and bars. Very handy. They think the TV is broken or was switched off but you have just turned it off in the room while you are there so that you can eat in peace, wait in peace or socialize in peace.
It's funny as much as I want to turn off all the TVs in the world, people telling you that they love to watch their shows are telling you who they are. It's the same as people who wear masks, they are broadcasting their damaged psyche. I like to know who these people are.
Before covid I had no idea how many humans on this planet in my society are weak-minded followers. Followers off the edge of the cliff even. Such a shock. I'm over it now.
the percentage of interesting people with balls is small.
I think they are those who have managed to avoid most of the 'human/zombie traps' by luck or foresight there will be a small number of humans who simply avoid what is going to happen to the whole rest of the world. When the traps are planned for generations (like TV which was introduced many generations ago) they will be harder and harder to avoid. Rejection of the modern world, at least partially to up your chances of survival, world seems pertinent here.
My observation is that it definitely runs in families by who is awake and who is still a sheeple. Just like you, I think this is totally strange. I can't imagine why those frequencies don't bother them as much as they bother everyone else. How could they enjoy something the rest of us find so repulsive? Weird. Have you ever seen the short video on entrainment? 4:00 long and fascinating...also a rather annoying sound but still fascinating.
"I can't imagine why those frequencies don't bother them as much as they bother everyone else."
Chemical. Alter body chemistry and you change receptiveness to the air waves.
Analogue radio aerials could be held to improve signal as it passes through the body. We are walking talking aerials.
So do you think that we could 'cure the Earth' if we could balance peoples chemistry? I have heard people say, Clif I think, that we are just huge antennas. And I know that they intentionally changed the Hz to something out of sync and damaging to humanity...I was thinking that they permanently damaged brain plasticity when children were little with the frequency.
That is a very good question and thought. I consider that we as humans are in essence body and soul, rather like the way the Greek letter 'theta' is divided in two, the upper part the soul or spirit representing the heavens and the lower part the body representing the earth.
Both are ultimately made up of words or language if you will. Both aspects need to be balanced and stable, perhaps like a spinning gyroscope.
Body chemistry is part of that balance so re-balancing body chemistry is part but not all of the equation.
But both halves interact on each other so one cannot ignore one for the sake of another.
I have not looked at brain plasticity but I know others believe it is not necessarily permanently damaged.
However, great harm is done to children via airwaves where the child is already poisoned with vaccines and the like as this weakens the body and leaves it open to all sorts of corruption and chaos.
I hope that makes sense.
Lol typing when tired...shame on me.
I know why they is because their foundation is just polyurethane instead of something more substantial but it doesn't make it less fascinating of a phenomenon to know that when you have no strong foundation (or love among your people which prevents this, you can sync up to anything and you cannot resist what is imposed on you).
I lived in Germany from grade one to grade four. We didn't have a TV, it was all German anyway,
Ach Boo Boo! Siehe der picknickkorb!
My German was never good enough for Yogi Bear in German, we played in the woods. I think it's true, they get you when you are young. Well, they didn't get me, I was in Germany.
I watched SNL when it first came out as a teenager. I didn't hate their crazy commercials. "House of Guitars, 645 Tidas avenue Irondequoit" It was awesome. That's about it, I hate TV commercials with the white hot heat of a thousand suns.
That is interesting. I grew up without a TV either since my parents wouldn't have on in the house. This is confirming my suspicion. My husband, the TV addict, was raised with TV and his parents always have a TV on. Thankfully they started turning it off when we come over since we can't even enjoy cards without someone going, "What is that weird noise?"
Because I grew up without TV, I in turn, raised my kids without downfall was letting them have access to the internet. If I knew THEN what I know now (brain structure and development), they would have been kept away from the internet like it was poison until they were 18 and their brains were mostly developed.
Most of humanity will simply never stand a chance against our evil overlords in between being poisoned, poisoned with vaccines, now genetically altered, TV frequencies and the internet's total destruction of normal brain development.
My youngest daughter was only allowed to watch public television. One day, she was about eight, she was watching this kids show on TV Ontario and the theme was "Don't try too hard and know your limits."
smdh...that is such a crazy message to take in at 8. I hope that was her last day with public broadcast. I don't think it hurt any of us kids to play outside in nature.
It was.
She's a Marxist though, at least she was the last time we talked about it.
Oh noes!
Imagine how silly she is going to feel one day. That burning walk of shame where she swallows her pride and tells you to your face that 'she is very sorry and you were right all along'. I have made that walk of shame in my life to my own parents many times. :D
What, No Tell Lie Vision? Heard that one lol?
I usually refer to T.V. as Tell-a-Vsion.
Or Tell A Version - their version.
Tell a complete fn lie u mean?
Oh yea
A movie I think you would enjoy, Idiocracy. People have become so dumbed down the best picture is a movie called ASS. 90 minutes of a hairy ass. The theater is packed. Sadly, that movie from the early 2000s has become a weirdly, prescient documentary.
It is a documentary
I fucken love idocracy.. genious funny
Ask ChatGPT what it thinks about naked white people with spears....LOL
I'm having a fun evening reading all the hilarious comments. This community is a HOOT. Thanks folks.
The comment part is always my favorite part because we can’t have an intelligent conversation with anyone else. The majority of my female friends care about celebrities and gossip and my male friends care about sports and other equally banal subjects that I struggle if we’re around them for more than an hour or so. They all know what I really want to talk about so they avoid it so I don’t accidentally step on my soap box. My husband is still living in normie land and with 2 young boys I force myself to leave our farm so they can be with other children (I homeschool them). I’d rather go to my greenhouse and talk to my turkeys.
Thank you for your kind comment. I am also finding it difficult to find a woman whom I can relate to. My wife passed 6 years ago, so life is very quiet. I live in the south Seattle area which is a very liberal environment. Keep the faith. Much love.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my husband in the 90s. We were married when we were teens, and had our first child together. He was my best friend.
Thank you for your concern. Stay strong thru these times.
Talking to our normie friends is kinda like talking to turkey's tho.
I suppose they go 'google, google, google' rather than 'gobble, gobble, gobble'!!
Although, I have met one other parent who reads/listens to the same kind of people, including Clif (and has for years ), so I’m actually looking forward to baseball games this spring
Same here, LOL
I quit paying for Cable TV in 2007.
And now I can't have a real conversation with any of my neighbors that don't want something out of my garden.
I threw my boob tube out 20 years ago. Pure garbage...
Same but 50 years ago.
I'm an old fart.
farts like you are welcome
don't stop stinkin' up the place anytime soon
I'm still wiping away the tears of laughter! That show was the last thing I saw on TV before I cancelled all cable, about 3 or 4 years ago.
Thank you Cliff for the laugh, I really needed that.
I live alone with my two cats and they could care less about white naked booty spear chuckers. They do however raise holy hell if their litter box gets one too many nuggets in it or they start to see the bottom of their chalice. We all have our cross to bare.
Thanks for another reason to never watch TV. Yikes.
I am still wiping the tears away from laughing so hard. It took me 20 minutes to read that little bit because I had to keep setting it down and walking away--trying to get my self control back. You must write comedy scripts!
I have never seen that show either and I also hate “TV.” I have never seen what you saw but now I cannot unsee it.
I feel the same about tv. I only watch a couple of shows on boobtube to analyze their propaganda content. OTW, nothing in more than a decade.
(Not since Netflix DVD Service was at its height. I cancelled them when streaming became their priority. sigh.)
I still like a lot of older content, like pre-80s... mostly movies... but the newer stuff is junk "art", pure propaganda.
Increasingly, I am feeling that way about popular music, too. It is not just that it is drek produced by lowlifes, but...
It has become physically repulsive for me for reasons that I haven't totally fathomed yet... (This may have something to do with frequencies... still trying to understand my aversion... like fingernails on a chalkboard or a baby crying...)
There are only a few styles of pop music that I can physically tolerate anymore... mostly, authentic, true musical genius... mostly from the past... like pre-80s...
Mostly for nostalgia value...
I yearn for the day when our society is aesthetically and spiritually oriented, like the Japanese aesthetic of the Edo period.
The frequencies are the problem I think. It is totally repulsive to me and I can't stand it or even being in the same room with it. It is like a low level torture.
Recently, one of the show's 'stars' was on a 24 hour variety show on TMJ a cable network. His reason for soaking up added fame there was to bemoan that his penis had been burned in a fire he slept near. Your article was what I've been waiting for (not long) to pass along. Can you imagine trying to have sex with one of those? What would happen to a woman if she were somehow similarly affected by fire? Will the producers be sued? This is why I don't watch TV. I used to be a writer/producer/director, too.
Watching teLIEvision is a soul-destroying experience these days...precisely as designed. I recommend you avoid it altogether. There are no perceptive insights or earth-shattering conclusions to be drawn from the depravity, iniquity and barbarity on display. It literally is what it is. Let it die an ignominious death along with the rest of corporate America. Leave it to die. Good riddance.
Cliff you are definitely not a tv viewer and you points are wise. But the answer is yes the film company pays the locals tons of money to make these stupid shows. I imagine the locals make more money that the contestants lol
I hope it's not one of those prescient films that are all the rage.
ahahahah! good one.
I wonder how many folks would be watching this as entertainment, as it's happening in their own backyards. Lights, camera, action. Sadly to many. Zombie world is not drug inducted but entertainment inducted.
Buddhism has 4 demons:
1) those that addict to pleasurable experience 2) those that induce laziness and brain fog 3) those that bind with habitual actions of stupidity 4) those that convince of existence as separate from the Woo
Paraphrased a bit!
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