God Bless you Clif always love hearing your thoughts

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Stay woo indeed. Thanks Clif for all these wee podcasts and info. Very helpful in the awakening process.

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We so appreciate you Clif!

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Cliff speaks with such confidence when he makes predictions in what's coming next. It's like he totally disregards the endless string of failed predictions for 2020-2022 (a billion plus to die from Convid (March 2020), a billion plus to die from the jab (early 2021), Turdo's government to fall (Feb 2022], a mass awakening in early 2022 about the dangers of the jab (December 2021), silver $600 etc. Interesting guy but zero credibility.

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Not only Cliff does that but many others. I am finally learning after the last 2 or 3 years to listen but not believe. Just wait and see. I have heard podcasters in the past that would put me in a massive state of panic and despair for weeks, but not any more. It took me going on an emotional roller coaster and exhausting myself to realize most of what they say is not true.

I don't think many are intentionally lying. I'm not sure what makes them say what they are saying. Mike Adams is another one that does that. For me, after all that I have heard that has not come true, it has helped me to keep my eyes on God and rest in Him. That is all that is true and sure.

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I look on CLif as an "early warning system." His timing is off on a lot of things, BUT he's "dropping seeds" to warn us to be alert. One of the most terrifying things about the plandemic was lack of warning and facts. Too many got hooked into getting jabs who might not have if they had previous warning and understanding of what it really was - many have said so.

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I listen to Clif and Mike Adams because they have cohesive and intelligent thought patterns and expression, and even a good sense of humor.

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I listen to Cliff most of the time, but his predictions do not come to pass. I listen to Mike sometimes. I don't like how alarmist and dooms day he is. He also makes a lot of false predictions. I have learned to take what they say with a lot of skepticism. Not just those two

but of others as well.

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Well said!

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That's the right approach, in my opinion. These guys' track records (Cliff, Mike Adams etc) are catastrophically poor. Consume for entertainment purposes solely. 👋

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. Everything he has said is spot on. the deaths are happening. It is happening worldwide. SADS is even being spoken by the MSM. Of course they said the reason for the deaths are cold showers. LOL Talk to any funeral directors or those that do autopsies, and they will tell you the same thing, deaths are up 40% from the ages of 18 to 40 yrs old. Even babies deaths are up for those who got the jab. I lost many friends and two family members to jabs as well. God luck El jefe.

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I have been tracking with Cliff for many years now as I use to purchase all the ALTA reports years ago. Yes, many predictions have not manifested - or at least not quite in the way he described. His material is generally very interesting and factual, but the 'predicting' gets tricky for everyone! He would be better to say, such and such an advent COULD happen in timeframe X or Y. Personally, I don't live on the words of any prognosticator (even Punxsutawney Phil of Groundhog Day fame). I take what I need from each person - maybe its a new thought on nutrition, fitness, spiritual practice, etc. My entire life view is built around asking 'What do I need to know' to live a longer, happier, more fulfilling life.

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Its spelled Clif....... No long time follower would make that mistake ..

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Doesn't matter. It's a fake name anyway.

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Could be a typing mistake.

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How trite!

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Fuck You

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Now, now, unnecessary. There are always critics and unforgiving nitpickers. Not worth it, honey.

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Its spelled Clif....... No long time follower would make that mistake ..

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You are 100% correct regarding the endless failed predictions. You can't take any specific timing predictions seriously, as Clif and virtually anyone else has no way to really know. I think Clif gets the macro trends right -with astute strategic level of thinking. I don't buy the "space alien" talk, as they are really extraterrestrial "aliens" from the earth itself - Antarctica" mysteries"/flat earth.

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His credibility speaks for itself. There is always an up and down in all things.

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I have to wonder why you even listen and choose to comment… someone with “zero credibility” would have been removed from my list long ago. So something keeps you hanging around… maybe it is the “frill of the shill”? Just saying.

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Exactly, so starved for attention in life he has to come ride Clifs wave

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Maybe these Kazarian Jewsuits listen to the Clifster as well and change their plans accordingly.

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Extremely unlikely. Cliff has a small audience.

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I remember in March 2020 when Cliff posted a video where he was in tears claiming that hundreds of millions or billions of people would die from this "deadly pandemic" and that world leaders and celebrities would drop dead live on TV. Then he was extremely panicked about the vaxxed "shedding" and contaminating the unvaxxed. According to his predictions, hundreds of millions should be dead now as a result of taking the experimental jab. So he has been completely and utterly wrong about this whole thing from the very beginning. I can only assume that a lot of the people who follow him here on Substack are new to Cliff and are completely unaware of his extremely poor track record with his "webbots" and "datasets".

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I suppose you think those pro soccer players dying was natural...or that hot weather has killed so many 'naturally'... you believe myocarditis in children is also normal?

So the human body's ability to heal was stronger than Clif and the drug cos anticipated...doesn't change the narrative or facts.

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Millions are dying from the VAXX today and millions more are injured. Dr. Martin expects 700 million deaths from the vaxx worldwide by 2028. Ignore specific date and quantity projections from Clif and pay attention to his macro trend forecasts. Or, just go away and watch CNN.

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Who's Dr. Martin? A Bitchute doctor? Why is "go watch CNN" or "go take another booster" the go to response to anyone who questions or criticises Cliff?

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You are clearly a troll. Sorry for thinking you are anything more.

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He is a pathetic troll. He usually goes after women. This should tell you a lot about this trollard.

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That is because he is controlled opposition! These Guys might be more authentic....at least the end game scinario of the Great Rest could not be any worse!


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Sadly I agree ….May be he should just stop dating jazz and then he’d be ok … it’s so many

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Or maybe you simps should stop marking dates in your calendar, and instead follow the themes building.

Or just stop listening

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Now do Joe Biden.... somewhere else.

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Fuck off Flanders

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The cult members become extremely enraged when you question or criticize their Messiah.

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Cult my ass..

There's a long list of things he's been correct about...

Go get another booster, simp.

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Just about everything he says is spot on, even the deaths happening worldwide.

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Hey someone says to you loan me $600 I’ll pay you on Feb and it doesn’t come through …Are ya gonna lend to them again


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El J… is a shill, don’t take the bait. The use of “El” in front of his moniker says it all.

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No. I've been following Cliff from afar for several years and I can clearly see that he's a total bullshit artist. Just about everyone else in the "alternative" community has come to the same conclusion. Have you ever heard anyone else cite or mention Cliff's research?

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Don't like it? DON'T WATCH!

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Hey he posts it we can listen … we can comment and we can not agree

I listen to get a sort of “intel” like how way off they are

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Thanks Clif, you are appreciated!

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I am happy to hear that Cliff has come to the conclusion that all 'vaccines' are a scam. I could not agree more. When I was just a little boy, I refused to get vaccines - I got all the UCD - Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox, etc (this was in the 1960's). No Problem - I got over em. Now, fast forward to my time serving as a US Marine officer. I had many 'vaccines' and I was quite ill after a yellow fever shot, although I did not connect my illness with the Yellow Fever shot for many years - I was young and dumb in those days! Don't take ANY vaccines and certainly discourage any young people from military service - they are using our troops as human pin cushions and many will die at a much much younger age than would normally be the case!

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There's a few MD researchers who are concluding viruses don't exist. They say they can find no empirical evidence. COVID virus has NOT been isolated, so we don't even know if it's real or just a toxin. Just as the news that oil is not a fossil fuel is more widespread (renewable biopic the earth creates; there's as much oil underground as there is water above it), the argument for the non-existence of viruses is as well. You would probably enjoy researching that. I'm pureblood and was born too long ago to get vaxed by anything except the original polio (before they put cancer cells in it). Haven't had flu in 47 yrs.

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Tavistock, John Coleman wrote about some of the WEF’ers long ago. He is now dead, but here is his book. I still have not finished it:


Then to help you also wake up:


I look forward to the end of Evil. Take it or leave it, as my mentor has said!!!

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Fall of the Cabal is what really woke me up:


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My mentor who is locked in the gulag called Ozzie land was the one who helped me awaken back in 2014. I could never tie it all together. He has been since silenced. He is amazing.

This is all an illusion and works by extracting emotional upheaval, which they are trying to orchestrate. Fortunately, they cannot get the energy they need anymore and it is all coming apart. This will continue until it is all over.

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Thank you!!!!

Will pass it on also!!!!

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I'm enjoying my pure sleep - it sure is delicious :-). I'm using oat milk. Thank you, Clif!

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I personally believe that this is likely a psyop, but these guys are showing the supposed new world currency called CRSQ and it's fucking scary if true: https://oculumlabs.com/about-the-csrq-sm-software-financial-reset/

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I agree it's a PSYOP. The Elites would never farm out something so important to a bunch of SW contractors who aren't part of the one-eyed cult.

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The audio is a lot better than previously, thanks.

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yes, thanks Clif.

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Satan is the prosecutor

Jesus the advocate

Elohim the judge


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It's interesting that Satan is a lawyer, because he is the accuser, or prosecutor, of humanity before the judgement throne of God. Christ is the advocate of humanity before God's throne.

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Is Clif driving? It’s like a really soothing, relaxing and groovy hitch hike.

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He is.

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Aug 16, 2022
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Er. No.

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Fake jews on the run

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It’s the beginning to the end.

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"Because the people get to see...this weird shit, that makes no sense."

"And it's all...counter to the nature of the social order."

"There's going to be a fantastically huge backlash."

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