Thanks for doing these Podcasts on the weekend, Clif. I have more time to listen. It's such a treat.

Take Care :-)

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Also, another one is realrawnews.com..about Jag and tribunals happening.. Im thinking bs on that site too.

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Yes, they should just rename it real raw lies or something like

Fibberish, Gibberish & Fibberish.

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But don't they have a disclaimer that says it's a satire site?

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They do. Some people can't be bothered with reading. Lol

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What % of a news story being true makes the best disinformation? 95% so don;t just chuck them out. Like 'Sorcha Fall' etc. Are you new to digging/baking etc?

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Mixed emotions on that I could easily see white hats doing that as a sly way to have plausible denial. I do firmly believe when the hammer drops it will not be a mad scramble to round up dirtbags as they will have long since been picked up..

We will again imo be watching tribunals that have already taken place. Ie the feed we will be watching is a recording of tribunals that already happened…

In that light Realrawnews make sense..

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A satire site. It is bs. The most ridiculous crap! Do you remember when you would see the National Enquirer, etc and you knew everything in it was a lie? Well, that is RRN, but people believe it.

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I get those goony-birds in Rumble comments all the time. They don't just believe the tribunals and executions at gitmo, they also believe everyone who has been hanged, is now a clone. You can't convince them otherwise, they seem very gullible and I wonder if they are also totally boostered up. lmao If the disclaimer is mentioned to them, they simply say the disclaimer Has To Be There so the site doesn't get into trouble for leaking classified information. Hot damn, that's one helluva disclaimer huh ?? lol

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A am always amazed at what people believe and accept without question.

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I think people are programmed by years of TV spouting fantasy stories so people start to believe more and more. Also the fact that people are genuinely distressed these days and feeling hopeless and they want to cling onto some hope. I do believe some very evil people have been taken out already because their replacements are not real, wearing rubber masks or whatever. If you knew of a certain video that is making its rounds on the dark web about Hillary's deeds, you could conceive that they had to take her out because of the pure evil that woman has committed. I'm not pulling your leg on this one. The video is called Frazzle Drip. I would suggest that no one see that video because you won't sleep for days or weeks. I haven't seen it but know of people who have and regret it to this day. People who deny that any of these things are happening are in for some serious shock when SHTF time comes around.

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Yes, I have seen part of it. I think Huma and Killary are still around helping orchestrate evil in this world.

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You're brave. I've only seen a few still pics. Don't want to see more.

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Never heard of the video but I don't think I would be shocked by anything this woman has done! She is pure evil! Anyone who could go to bed and sleep while ignoring the pleas for help from the men trapped in Benghazi embassy knowing they were going to be killed, is beyond me.

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It's a lot worse than that.

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Who made the video? Where did they get the info? Why hasn't it been everywhere?.. sorry, but I'm a question girl.. lol

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One more thing about it, it's the video that made 3 NYC cops run out of the station and throw their guts up right after seeing it. Within one year, all 3 were dead. Reported as suicide, but I'd call it Clintoncide.

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It came from Anthony Wieners laptop, via NYC cops. It's all over the dark web. Regular web would never allow it. It would be blocked instantaneously. Do not dare look at it if you find it. I promise you, you will regret it. I know what's on the video but I can't say it here. Pure evil.

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If there was ever a reason for an atomic facepalm, .... Real Raw News believers might just be it. lol

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Expand your thinking!

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Actually, it turns out that the Enquirer actually had/has more truth than MSM.

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Do they still print the Enquirer?.. I'll have to look when I've saved up enough money to go to the store.. lol..

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Hello Clif, I've been meaning to ask you about Kim Coguen.. Have you seen her videos on United Network News?. When you mentioned dum arse Charlie.. (lol).. I thought about Kim.. 🧐

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You mean the lady that claims she is the queen of the entire planet? 🤣

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Yep.. that's the one.. Marduk is dead she says.. So she is now in charge.. 😆

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deletedFeb 18
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From now until the coming Satya Yuga I posit that we crown all the exiled royals to be kings and queens of the entire Earth. And they can roam around it all they like proclaiming as such, so long as they remain exiled from their home country and any position of power. And/or we could lock them up on the most powerfully healing ley line Earth nadi on the face of the Earth (which ironically would probably be Earth's crown chakra) so that they at least heal some aspect of their psychopathy before they die and get reincarnated amongst us again.

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deletedFeb 18
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Are saying you’re a queen Tony?

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How about Queen Romana from Canada?

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Yea I tried watching her vids until the whole nasara and killing Marduk I couldn’t after that even tho I do believe she threw some truth bits here and there but nothing major just bs shit mostly Hollywood related

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Hi Linda, i am glad you ask, i used to listen to Kim Goguen, i was very curious about it but they stop broadcasting on december 28th and there are no more podcasts since then so wonder is she dead or is she in prison ?

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Interesting.. I haven't watched in a couple months.. just to hokey for me.. ☺️

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Jan 26th At about 40 minutes in https://rumble.com/v49icef-26-jan-24-news.html There are probably others that are newer, but I can't handle listening, for the the time it would take to find them

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I don't watch her but I see her videos listed on the following website every week:


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Changed platforms?

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Hmm interesting I’m

Sure it’s nothing of that nature she just couldn’t keep spewing lies

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Thank you Cliff for your humour, intelligence and insights. I am so very grateful for your podcasts as they keep me afloat with some sort of cohesive process and navigation. I love your sayings "Mother Wheffers" and "Elohim Worship Cult". Puts a smile on my face. Much love to you, your wife and sweet doggies.💗 I am so very happy the universe threw you back in the game as you are so incredibly needed and valued. I am sorry for your pain in recovery because overcoming health crisis can be a bitch. Keep on keeping on you help me to do the same..

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Getting rumors of possible elections in Canada later this spring? It would be nice and a full year head of time. We need change bad up here!

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Yes, Trudeau is almost as big a corrupt turd as our own Vegetable Joey...

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I totally agree. I'm Canadian and most of us know that Turdeau sold us to the CCP. He needs to go.

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During the trucker protests two years ago, Turdeau stood in front of the mics and said he called Joe Biden and the President agrees with him to crush dissent. I laughed when he mentioned Biden. The two of them are going down the history pipeline together straight into a big pile of.....


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Yes, those two, and most of the EU leaders are vile skidmarks... I am hoping they all go down... hard... but have my doubts...

Corruption is so rampant these days... can we really have fair elections anymore? I have a bad feeling that with the brazen, in-your-face actions by the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State AGs, City DAs, liberal court judges, polluted/partisan jury pools... we will have yet another election stolen... and who will do anything about it... Biden's maggot Garland? The compromised, cowardly and polluted SCOTUS? The radical lefty media?? Trump's legal crucifixions, while the major criminal/traitor Vegetable Joey and his stool-sample son skate completely... speak loudly, this country is just about finished...

Why WOULDN'T the slimy shitbird democrats steal yet another election??

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Agree, nice to see another Canadian on here.

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Always a pleasure to rub shoulders with like-minded fellow Canadians. Clif's work is amazing, eh? Been following him for 5 or 6 years now. Spring is around the corner. All the best.

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Hi Joe, yes same here.

Love how Clif's mind works. Hopefully this spring will start to see more of his "predictions, I call it eh?"

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The QFS is the CBDC

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N$A was one of the orgs that created BlTC0lN.

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Yes, it seems to be a way to repackage CBDCs to make them appetizing to the masses.

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And instead, they are making people think Trump is controlled opposition, going to get us all through the backdoor. Great Reset Digital currency, or Paytriot Digital Currency. All will be IN the digital system by crook, ... or by hook.

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Such a treat to get so many in one day. Thanks Cliff

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

So, when homeowners request a securities fraud audit on banks that handled their mortgage (which will always net you millions if you know how to play ball, cuz all mortgages are fraudulent how they make/sell bonds from the contract and sell on the 2ndary market) and then they go to arbitration about it, the banks make you sign an NDA after you call them out...because it costs less to pay you millions than it does for them to get spanked by the Securities Exchange Commission, plus it's a RICO.

That NDA is so you don't tell others how much money you settled for and so other homeowners don't try to do the same... there's nothing proprietary about these proceedings because everything is policy and listed in public SEC filings on their bank trust indentures. Since I haven't done mine yet, I got no NDA, so I can talk about it (you're welcome friends LOL).. but it's happening all over. Just using the only example I have cuz you made the statement that there are NO NDA's at all, ever, that deal with anything outside of Proprietary Information etc.... (plus there's a supreme court ruling that banks can't require the NDA for that stuff now, which is good). They just don't want you knowing about their fraud. Nothing secret about that. Nor proprietary

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So… how could those calls have been made from the planes on 9/11?

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Clif ? Do you have a love / hate relation to Cassady ? What is wrong with you ?

Is it a kind of promotion of her ?

Is this going to continue, with you using your own time- to bash others ?

Clif ! When you - piss out new ( like copied ) theories, it is interesting. When you talk about me, me, me - them, them, them : it sounds like a politician.

So please, stay with "facts" and give a shit about the traffic. Or is it, the Clif, that wants to be in the center all the time, talking, and talking, and the shitheads will say hallelujah, to what ever ?

You, Clif, should take a look in the mirror.

By the way, a lot of your stories starting to get thin by now, Army brat, Cancer, and talking with aliens. Grow some new ones. Hint: Ummo - people

You are in a trap - the Cassady trap : It must get more interesting every turn.


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Not for nuttin'...but who gives a shit about Mr Psychward and crew?? That goes for Dr Steven "the grifter" Greer as well....

Also...you should apologize for your comments about the late Gonzolo Lira.

On board with 99% of the woo :~)

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Clif! Thanks. Quick Question on GOLD BACKS please. Clif what’s your take on these gold backs with the gold made within the bill and so far I see 5 states representing them. The art is also gorgeous in the bills. Mike Adams properly melted them down and extracted the gold from each gold back. He tested the amount and quality of gold. Check it out and please provide your feed back. Seems these may be an easy form of currency moving forward.

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Hi Cliff. I work in tech and sometimes I have NDAs that are so specific that I can't tell about the specific date a well known public event happening multiple times a year will happen until the other party publicly announces it, even though the event is much broader in scope than my particular deliverable.

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i guess i was lucky then. Mine were not that bad.

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It’s just my personal opinion but..

Anyone with a quark sized brain 🧠 should be able discern that Charlie Ward and his ilk are charlatans!

The absurdity of needing to enlighten people about these phonies is akin to convincing them the Tooth Fairy isn’t real!


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I get the feeling this is related somehow.

02/18/2023: Paperclip PANDA-monium. The CDC sent biological weapons to Iraq in 1989 to create a heinous war on a staged pretext. Somebody doesn't want us to talk about it - so we need to talk about it: https://www.arkmedic.info/p/paperclip-panda-monium

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What proof do you have the these NDA and not true

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