Took the words right out of my mind! I don't know too many people in my life who would even understand him, much less agree, but I live in a cultural wasteland where the height of conversation is -- gossip!
Thank you for even getting back to me. People rarely do on these forums. Don't even worry about the very slight delay. Much appreciated to receive this knowledge like this, on this auspicious day for me of childhood healing dreamwork, coming from someone with a user name that relates to my favorite flower as a young child. I've heard that the metaphysics of marigolds are pretty incredible too, although I can't remember why... And don't ask me where I found that info, because I have no idea... Haha.
Oh my... I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mother in 2015 to lung cancer. Her name was Rosemary, and she was always playing Niel Young's Harvest album (before we knew about his duplicitous conformity). She loved the song "Heart of Gold". May you have success with your project, and I hope it brings you all the joy you're looking for. Please keep in touch.
....and I am sorry for your loss as well. My mom just died in her sleep. Her dementia was advanced. Dad the caregiver, was going thru his own emotional shift. Its so stressful for an old fella. Now he morphed back into the joyful daddy I always knew. God Bless my dear mothers soul. 🕊️☀️💌
Agreed. I can’t take the propaganda-brain -washing-cognitive-dissonance anymore.
Even the Alt media is part of the problem…kinda like a RINO (pretending to be one thing is worse than just be yourself)!! My brain hurts these days and Clif is appreciated. What comes out of his mouth I know he is not lying about.
One thing I've run into is getting attacked by what appears as fundamental Christians from legit alt US political news sites. I mean, as a person liked for my comments on one site for years, I was told to move on when I wrote about how I practice yoga & remain aware of my spirit. Someone said that the new govt will be radical Christians. I think it might be true. I love Jesus, but I also love teachings from ancient Hindus. If you don't want to get hurt deeply, don't mention anything Hindu to radical Christians. out there. Boy this is probably going to get me some terrible replies. It was a big deal and blew my week apart, but now I am the wiser.
Fantastic thoughts, thank you Patrick.. I'll have to listen to Beware Zealots again. Whew, feeling better. Perhaps this happened to give me a good feel for how mean they can be to another. I needed that. They used to bore me, now it is a different matter all together and I'm not sure how to describe it.
Thank you for that. You can't imagine how that helps me. I've always been alternative and open minded about how others relate to spirit. But I've never been so attacked by any other religious person until now. Actually, I got attacked by former friends of mine last year (born agains, but never bothered me), and it was like a bomb blew up in my head. Shock. So foreign to me. So you are right, religious propaganda is meant to divide us. I can't NOT think for myself. I've got a smile on my face now. So cool you said it is mathematically impossible for Q to not be real. That's evidence. I have a new acquaintance who closely follows Q. I'll be listening to her for sure. Again, truly, thank you.
I know this isn't a popular message, but if we want to receive messages, coffee/caffeine intake may need to be limited:
Acetylcholine and relaxed states are important by way of receiving messages. I remember in the book "Beyond Telepathy" the one who is relaxed can receive messages from the one who is stressed (cholinergic). Ex: you're woken up in the middle of the night (you're relaxed) with a premonition that something is wrong, son got in a car accident (he's stressed/ cholinergic).
But recently been experimenting with adding Clif's recommendations of the major adaptogens to boost your hypothalamus (as described in his in-person Bix Weir interview on the RoadtoRoota YTC, from July of 2019): Turkey tail, lion's mane, reishi, cordyceps (this one is interesting...), and chaga, maca, and ashwaganda all get dumped ceremoniously into my morning and afternoon cup.
Also I switched to an inexpensive brand (go figure...) called Don Francisco, which for whatever reason doesn't seem to screw with my solar plexus or nervous system nearly as much as some other brands, and so I can stay helplessly attached to my coffee security blanket for now, haha!!!
Does this mean this new coffee is messing with my gut biome less? I have no idea. But I feel much better on it, and any coffee hangover I feel in my skull 😆 can easily be antidoted with more hydration (God... I even sound like an addict 🤣).
I will say though, that my sleep is probably far from what it could be compared to when I don't drink coffee. But I just started the adaptogens super-charge, so let's see what happens...
Which brand of Chaga tea do you buy? I had been buying Maine Chaga Tea for the past 2 years and the last bag I bought just last week is complete garbage..I figure they were probably bought out by some Black Rock Satanic death cult company like Nestle or Coke Cola????
I used to buy clothes at Eddie Bauer. They made awesome clothing. I'd go in once a week and see what was on sale. I probably have enough clothes to last me the rest of my life.
Good thing because now Eddie Bauer clothing is shite.
Don't you hate it when they trash a good retailer.
When I had a Goodwill close to an affluent "cultural pod," I got really good shit. Name brands. Not so much anymore. Inflation is hitting them, too. Considering they get everything for free, it's something of an insult. Besides, like you said, enough to last a lifetime!
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully that's not the case and they just had a lag in their services.
I buy mine from the bulk section of a local health food store. Trust them because the pranic energy/my energy body is not corrupted when I go there. I know not everyone can perceive this kind of thing, but being a paranoid (like Clif 😂), I try to confirm my trust in threes, if you know what I mean. In the case of my store: 1) good energy, 2) people are left leaning but don't push any agenda in a histrionic manner, and 3) they are tolerant, and accepting even, of my "conservative-appearing" persona (even though I'm not anywhere near either liberal or conservative 😆)
I think they get theirs from a company called Mountain Rose Herbs... which should be acknowledged... it's probably owned by those we'd prefer it not to be owned by... but their product is good. Not sure if that's the actual company name or just the store front name.
I'm not sure if this is helpful. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Thank you for the response...I'll look it up and see if they have website....
These days you just can't be too careful. I am paranoid about vitamins and supplements...really want to source high quality from companies that aren't...well connected to the Talmudic death cult.
I read Bragg organic vinegar was bought off and has been mucked with so it isn't safe and definitely not the same quality.....thats what they do...once something is health and established and selling well they buy it and turn the product into poison for us...that's why I am afraid Maine Chaga has been compromised...
I saw a list published yesterday of the Big Food companies who putting bugs in the food...they are listed by their Latin names so you'd never recognize it...DO NOT BUY FOOD WHEN THE INGREDIENTS INCLUDE SUBSTANCE YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE - kind of like once everyone knew aspartame was a killer the companies just slipped it in under another name - now it's called something like asswholflame....
I know the name Sarah Lee and Jimmy Dean were two of the names...but once one Jew CEO adds the poison they all do.
These manufactures are all demonic - employing Talmudic scientists to put as many detrimental elements into the food and drinks as possible.
You might want to check out they had really good Chaga, I bought a lot during COVID-19. They connected me to ask me what it was good for because so many people started from them but I never responded, I just to busy.
Don't really want to lump everyone in there as being Jews... But I get where you're coming from.
I think in this day and age, paranoia paired with temperance is not only a healthy approach to living, but THE healthiest approach, in relation to the vast array of manifold manipulation we are faced with.
Heard about the Bragg thing yea... Switched to "Made With" ACV. Theirs has turmeric and cinnamon anyways... Yum!
Trusted health supplements are difficult to find. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon Kevin Trudeau's (no relation to the faggy dictator) super self-development course (literally THE MOST holistic course for life improvement I have ever taken ... let's just say he probably didn't go to jail for shady financial practices that everyone on Wall Street engaged in anyways...).
This course, when I took it in 2019, was offered to me, for free, upon buying some organite from Ken Rhola's Not sure if this is still offered to customers, but Rhola's monoatomic and other alchemical supplements are worth a looksie.
I've dealt with Mountain Rose for years, and always found their products to be good quality, organic, reasonably priced and extraordinarily diverse. They sell myrrh by the pound, although I may not use that up in my lifetime! I highly recommend them for quality, prompt service, and good value for the $$.
Teehusli has outstanding Chai. One of the best Ive ever enjoyed. 💌
But for cost savings several months back ( shipping has now gone out of whack so no more ) I had loaded up on Chai. Its very good. I like it alot. Very reasonable. But the shipping cost knocked me out.
Hi Debbie, I know I answered this (re: Chaga) but hard to dig thru all the comments.
I buy Chaga at where clif has his Pure Sleep. The Chaga is of quality and buy the 1 pound bag (500g). Ive only bought from there. Very fine grind. 😍
Here in the UK I buy this brand of Chaga from eBay. Read the description as it gives you an insight into the technology used to make it. Using a Supercritical method; with room temperature compressed CO2. It's quite difficult to find chaga made using this type of technology:
I purchase my chaga@ That’s where Clif also sells his pure sleep, but I’ve been very pleased with the quality of Chaga from that outfit on the West Coast.
Love that you admit you're an addict. I hate to admit it, but I love my coffee too. Is Don Francesco a darker roast? Sometimes those have less caffeine. Hey, by the time you get glyphosate poisoned by the regular coffee, the zombie robots could have already taken over, which in that case...well you'll probably need more coffee to fight them off. In terms of mushrooms, I find that chaga helps balance my energy and blood sugar. How do you feel with it? You're not concerned that you're taking too much all at once?
Maybe we can hold each other accountable and be sleep / no coffee sponsors. Heck, even AA has coffee at their meetings! We'd be the Amish of addicts.
I always drank coffee as a beverage, and never felt the side effects. I can drink it right up until bedtime and sleep like a baby. Weird, no? Now, due to various issues, I switched to decaf although I don't like the process of "decafination." Well, throw some whiskey in there, and (in my opinion) it neutralizes the bad shit. (I'm going with that.) At 80, I've already done whatever damage is to be done to this "housing," so I'm gonna be one of those old women who lives to be 100 and defies medical science that says drinking and smoking (not tobacco) will ruin you. Hah! What do they know?
Same here, I drink coffee all day long, into the evening, no taxed nervous system from it, no sleep issues.
The only way that coffee can disturb my sleep is when I add alcohol, within 5h before going to sleep. Thus, the only sweets I take is coffee with amaretto, cacao powder and cream, before 8 pm^^.
Btw, coffee contains many nutrients that are very helpful to the bodies of many a people. (The same goes for tobacco, it has it's nutritious and protective features.)
Coffee, in measures, is actually healthy but only if it doesn't contain milk and sugar. Take it black and pure. ;)
hey that sounds pretty good. Applaud your independent approach. Important we all learn to think independently and define our own path through the madness. May you live to a vibrant, healthy 100- or 150 (what hell- we are biologically capable of going 150-170 yrs in our current form) -whatever age you desire (!) and then -die peacefully in your sleep. cheers
Oh yea... and another thing. Like I said, I don't know the actual mechanics of what is and is not good/bad, and what does what precisely. But I do know my energy body very well.
Coffee FOR SURE, without a doubt, messes with my throat chakra and stifles it. Whether or not this is my experience with my particular diet, or whether it's related to thyroid toxification... I have no idea.
But when I do detox from coffee, I go through coughing spasms like a smoker detoxing from marijuana inhalation, or submandibular gland toxification, or something... Not 100% on anything but the quality of the prana of the chakra, at this point in my understanding.
Maybe, after years of ingesting coffee, detox (from coffee) is "a bridge too far." Oh, how I miss the Atlanta Farmer's Market where I could get Kenyan and Tanganyikan coffee! Kenyan was the best. Now I live in the middle of a wasteland where getting decent salmon is a challenge! And forget decent sourdough bread!
Thanks! This may spoil me for all time! I was raised in Huntsville, AL where many post-WWII German scientists and such came to live, and one woman, Frau Hischler, made whole wheat sourdough bread and sold it for 50 cents a loaf. Man, we didn't know just how fortunate we were! So, if this works out (financially), I'll post something on one of Clif's comment streams so you can claim the discount credit (if you are a client of theirs as well).
It's Arabica, Medium Roast. They have two kinds: Vanilla Nut and Cinnamon Hazelnut. Again, not sure how healthy ...they simply fuck me up much much less. Haha...
I'm not sure about the dose amount for chaga, to be honest. I'm admittedly a bit irresponsible with treating my body as a laboratory. (I once drank frankincense, myrrh, and dragon's blood incense for the metaphysical properties... never got sick and I'm still alive...) Eventually I will have to learn the biomechanics, or whatever the correct term is... Hopefully this will happen before something breaks!!!
Yea! I'm all for accountabili-buddies! Will have to wait to the end of this batch of coffee though. Like the good addict that I am... can't let a good drug go to waste!!!
I'd have way less respect for you if you threw your coffee out - like they say, quitters never win. Never tried the frankincense/ myrrh combo. How'd it make you feel?
😂😆 🤣... I was pretty out-of-my-mind-bonkers during the time I tried that. Had just gone through my spiritual AND conspiracy awakening immediately following my Saturn Return, heavily influenced by Neptune (not sure if you're into astrology... But basically means I was stuck in the illusiory aspects of these awakenings during a major 28 year cycle ending - the biggest one according to astrology), and it was also immediately after the major energetic shift for North America with the 2017 solar eclipse. That all being said, back then I was still trying to make heads and tales of my energy body sensations, my psyche, and trying to un-dissociate myself and get back in touch with holistic feeling, if this makes sense. Needless to say, any perceptions of those things taken back then, were heavily tainted with massive levels of confusion.
Will do. It's only the second day, but I feel "lit up!" Thought processes clear and uninhibited. Transition from one task to another with little lag time. Good stuff so far.
You forgot about an adaptogen that Clif said in a substack is even stronger than chaga on the hypothalmus.. its called “shizandra”. I have not purchased it because I’ve been a Chaga person for about 3-4 years. But a friend of mine shared a screenshot of where he orders that. Could be spelled w/ an “s” - not a “z”. 🤓
#3, I believe. Everything that Clif does can be found catalogue on this site, and it gets updated regularly. Don't know who made this, but they are a true blessing.
You’re on a podcast that says everything is controlled by telepathic aliens who wrote the Bible and want to eat your adrenochrome. I don’t think people here are going to use herbalism correctly, even if I checked this blog out because there are some true conspiracies, MK-ULTRA was a thing, aliens are probably a thing, Stargate was definitely a thing, but these kinds of conclusions don’t follow from that...
I am not sure that I agree with you here (I normally do). In my personal experience, relaxation does not come into it. I work on a range of different mental and psychic levels (or used to), and the critical fact to me is what my mind is doing, not what my body is doing. My body can be hyper and as long as my mind can split, and part of it can focus, I can cross normal communication barriers. Focus is the key. I can be sitting in a loud coffee shop, drinking coffee, and start channeling if the circumstances call for it. The coffee, my emotional state, and the audible noise do not interfere, so long as I can shut it all out and focus.
What I think does interfere is "airwaves", mental noise. Only once I sidetrack the mental noise, do my more subtle perceptions come in. We imagine we can silence the mental noise with relaxation and meditation, but there is no way these will silence the "air waves" noise all around us. Even back in the days where the worst interference was from actual radio programs, we could pick those up, and for example, respond to advertisements, without knowing that's what we were doing. Now with all the G's and everything else, culminating so far in 5G, the amount of mental interference is absurd. If anything can be amplified through the general white noise, then it will have far more power over our brains than mere advertisements on radio, simply because our brains are "splitting" all over the place and we cannot find a pathway for focus. There is no language for what I am describing so I am making it up as I go.
One aspect of this "pandemic period" is the rollout of 5G simultaneously, and even for those of us who were once somewhat proficient in doing subtle stuff, the assault on our bodies and our brains has been so severe that we have been taken off-line. It is hard to focus on subtle stuff when our bodies think they are dying or when the unheard noise is too severe.
I only noticed a few weeks back that I have not been experiencing my subtle world the way I used to. In fact is has been almost "dead". My life process was to ask a question and wait for the answer to arrive, which it always did, so if I needed to heal something, I would get clue after clue as to how to do it, until I heard it loudly enough, applied it and it worked. This time, no such luck. I have been learning how to manage my covid damaged (whatever that means) body by studying intellectually but not by intuiting. Pre covid hospitalisation I managed for over 30 years without seeing a doctor, and since hospitalisation I have not succeeded in fixing anything that is now ailing me. Having recently become aware of the problem, I am putting more effort into asking clear questions and watching for clear answers. Curiously the person who almost always answers my questions - when I take the effort to clarify them - so in some way he hears them or is attuned to the same group mind, is Clif High. I am studying cortisol, and so he does a post on cortisol - that kind of thing. His perspective is normally from a different direction, but the topic is the same and broadens my base of understanding even if it does not directly solve my problem.
I think a hidden and not much spoken about agenda of the last few years is to interfere with our subtle communication processes, and then take them over with anxiety, which causes cortisol production and so shuts down bodily functions, thus making us physically sick. The anxiety doesn't have to be specific. It can be generalized, like a sense of dread that seems to come out of nowhere that throws the body into fight/flight/freeze. Since I have been watching my cortisol (or adrenaline) closely, I have been able to catch instances where the sense of dread does seem to come out of nowhere, interfering with my "focus" on whatever I am doing at the time, and causing stress hormones to be generated. I have not found out how to stop the generation of the stress hormones, so I am working on how to disperse them quickly, which is not easy. It takes 30 minutes of hard exercise (simulating fight or flight) for those who can still do 30 minutes of hard exercise, and some can be expelled from the body through tears and simply through skin expiration - but I don't know how much that is.
That's my next questions Clif. How do we either block the anxiety transmissions (whether specific or generalised,) and how do we damp or remove the stress hormones from our bodies when we are caught out?
Once we lose our invisible connections, we do become useless eaters. It matters.
Not a popular one but a necessary one. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine are how the psychos have had humans by the literal and metaphorical balls during the Age of Pisces. And just like blue light and EMF devices there are definitely healthier ways to do these things that the masses never see the light of.
Just listened to Sharry Edwards , a woman i n her 70's who has been developing a method to use frequencies to both heal and understand people's levels of goodness/ evil. she tries to make her teachings as free as possible. Sara Westfall has them on her website free of charge.
Forty years ago I studied Chinese Medicine with Dr Charles McWilliams whose many books are available on Amazon He was just then experimenting. with frequency medicine via electrical acupuncture machines that he was developing . In my work as a massage therapist I frequently used small, non electric piezo quartz devices on acupuncture points for stimulation .
So, here it is more than forty years later and Charles lives in the West Indies to avoid persecution and big pharma thrust Western medicine into the crapper with illegal covid bio experiments. Many humans turned their bodies over to science in one of the most shocking displays of stupidity ever seen.
Could space aliens be any worse than Fauci? And why is modern medicine so terrified on non pharmaceutical approaches?
If you feel you are being psychically attacked telepathically, I highly recommend the Nervous System Ninja, Renee Ostertag, on YouTube. She has short 30 to 4 min clips that destroy any chance of outside influence. Her personality, in and of itself, is proof of the effectiveness of her practice.
This is embedded all over. In the business world they love the Myers-Biggs tests. The first classification is extrovert v introvert. And they exalt extroverts. I worked at a Fortune 500 company that even had a communication saying: did you know that even introverts can contribute A poorly veiled smear of anyone who goes within. Of course they conflate all this with tendencies to talk more. It’s b difficult for an “introvert” to rise through the ranks, unless the company is in a true growth phase which needs leaders with the wisdom and strength that comes from within.
So as I understand it, through my woo-search, and experience (as well as how others in a Tantrayana lineage have explained to me), antigods/antigods-human hybrid ("space aliens") telepathy is much different than human telepathy. Humans telepath through their heart chakras (their minds), using a much more archetypal or symbolic language, whereas antigods/antigod-human hybrids telepath through their ajna chakras (their brains) using a more verbal language... which tracks completely with esoteric teachings, modern psychology, and parapsychology: the left brain is language-based, whereas the heart-connected-right brain is symbolism-based.
Also tracks for me whenever I share info about the Kazarian Mafia or the Female Illuminati on a public forum... (Was that Descartes... was it...? That has that famous saying about those you are not allowed to criticize and those who "rule over you"?)
It's only when I either 1) criticized one of these two groups, or 2) promoted self-empowerment through esoteric Buddhism that I would ever get psychically attacked on this level, to such a degree, and using an ego-baiting, or shame-baiting language format. As opposed to the deep insights of the heart, which usually come in the form of a "knowing," a visual representation, or just some sort of indescribable dot-connecting that I then process into language to understand better.
With time, practice, and discretion it becomes very easy to differentiate between the two different kinds. One comes from the inside. The other, obviously from without ...and often is concurrent with literal pranic pain (aka Psychic Attack).
Cleverness, on the part of these "space aliens" is actually quite stupid from a certain paradigm of perspective.
So, you're such an expert on psychic phenomena, yet the space aliens keep destroying you with telepathy and the Jews keep destroying you with insults. Yeah right. Keep up the silly Antisemitism and paranoia.
I have been psychic since birth. I don't try to analyse it or try to figure out how it works. It is a natural aspect of my life.
I have had all kinds of psychic experiences (regardless of relaxation) occurring as transmissions and receptions, sometimes simultaneously. For example: My baby brother was half strangling himself in his cot. I picked up the sensation around my throat, closed my eyes and saw the bars of the cot. Realising that the sensation was coming from my brother I ran to his bedroom and untangled him without waking him up. The moments of panic were transmitted to my father who was 15 miles away at a dinner/dance. He came racing home, burst through the door anxiously asking me "What's up?"..... I explained what had happened and all was well.
He then had to explain to my step-mother that I have ALWAYS done this and it is 100% reliable.
I have endless examples of psychic moments but that one will suffice for now.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your wife wants to divorce you because you won't go to church and worship space aliens anymore. AHHHHHHH!
Just as you, Clif are being guided my Universe, so are we all. We all found you and others to guide us through these big change over years. I set up ways of validating the messages from my "spirit guides" many years ago and came to rely on my own "knowing" It has served me well. So much fun to experience how we are all connecting at this time. Thank you Clif High and please take good care - we will still need you in the future.
No need to psychically attack antigods (space aliens) back. Simply stand your ground, and hold your psychic and auric space. Humans are much stronger than antigods psychically, as is clearly demarcated in Buddhist 31 Planes of Existence diagrams.
Known and trusted beginners guides to psychic self defense:
"Psychic Self-Defense" by Dion Fortune (classic lit. on the subject and great ethical philosophy imbued within as well)
"Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense" by Denning and Philips (another classic on the subject)
"Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office" by Pranic Healing Founder, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui (hyper distilled/synthesized energy practices)
"Protection and Reversal Magick" by Jason Miller (a more modern take on the issue, but with more Western Magickal Tradition esoteric practices)
All of the above manuals advocate self-defense of the aura and protection of one's psyche. Rarely do they ever advocate offensive actions ...even if that is a bit of a rose-colored glasses selling point, as Miller points out.
In relation to what Clif is talking about with movies, it's also been noted by some, that mirror neurons may transfer through a screen. Which is just awful when you think about the mind control of movies. But a necessary piece of the puzzle for this discussion.
I absolutely know what you mean. I think the 70s and 80s was mostly predictive programming... Then in the 90s, the addition of devious psychological mind control was added ...and now it's full blown, high-octane deep mind symbolic mind control. It's very creepy. Notice how all he men... even the ones that are action heros or jacked or whatever... none of them have masculine psychology anymore. They're all boy psychology, in a Jungian sense. And even the action heros have a doughy quality to them. Artificial. Not real. Ken dolls. And creepy, to be honest. It's like they implemented the real world atrazene at the same time that they introduced the fictional atrazene to the public through subliminal signaling in movies and media. And this is all not even touching the fact that all the characters have leftist or wokian mindsets and personalities. Gross. You can see the actors from the 80s and nineties who rebelled or didn't fit with the narrative because they don't get work anymore, despite their talent. Meanwhile people from the same era with much less talent are still going strong. It's fairly obvious once you know what to look for. Problem is, it takes a long to learn all of what to look for. Guess you could say that about anything though...
I have had many abductions by Grays and have experienced both kinds of telepathy with them as well as with Reptilians. One kind is the reception of concepts without words. This was real time "live" communication with ETs and not during abductions. Whereas, during abductions one is basically under their hypnotic control and I received the communications in English words. In a past life abduction by Reptilians I received communications in German.
I think the Deep State broke America's "cherry", so to speak, with "Covid". All the credability the Deep State ever had is lost. We, as a People, are forced into a new world of incredulity. Public now is permanently suspicious of wverything. For example, is any thinking persons up for the next DS "vaccine", does any thinking person really beleve any election is fair? It's all a hoax and a scam, and we all know it now.
Since the dual Israeli citizens and Israeli lobby took over our government since WW2, America has been getting worse and worse by leaps and bounds...Jew influencers Kissinger ran MKUltra sex Elon Musk said - and everyone knows - old Jew scum Soros has a real hatred for humanity and everything he has done with his money has been to destroy, destroy, destroy...the real axis of evil is clearly Jew controlled Washington DC, British Crown/Rothschilds City of London and Israel...JoeObamapedos took about trillion dollars and tried to set up Ukraine as a Greater Israel...thank God Putin and Russia stopped that...Putin said he was going in and taking out the trash.... well, Americans need to do that to Washington DC....timer to take out the Jew more buying and dying by Americans to serve Israeli hegemony .....we all know it is all about looting and plundering...there are reportedly huge natural gas resources in Gaza...and now the jew lords want that too...
This "hypothalamus touch" is, in my opinion, exactly what is going on. I feel this often. Have for some years now. And it sounds like it is exactly what Clif is describing of his experience in his most recent Jean-Claude interview about the Moon. It is surmountable. Given enough time, and heart, psyche, and endocrine health, it can be antidoted. Clif also notes in a David Morgan and Jean-Claude interview, the value of Silver to connect the hypothalamus to the 10th cranial nerve... (I believe he touches on this subject in his interviews with Sarah Westall and Lee Merritt as well, which can be found on In my experience I have found that a simple silver coin in combination with effectively working organite will do the trick. You can also amplify this effect using tensor rings or other like devices. Remember though: training wheels, not co-dependence...
I hope you never stop sending these. They are anchors to sanity to me--a different kind of sanity--the kind I like.
So right, Marsha- Clif is my link to sanity also.
Took the words right out of my mind! I don't know too many people in my life who would even understand him, much less agree, but I live in a cultural wasteland where the height of conversation is -- gossip!
Sanity void of societal gaslighting...
I looked up my friends source for shisandra (a chinese berry). Amazon is where he bought. Sorry for the delay.
Thank you for even getting back to me. People rarely do on these forums. Don't even worry about the very slight delay. Much appreciated to receive this knowledge like this, on this auspicious day for me of childhood healing dreamwork, coming from someone with a user name that relates to my favorite flower as a young child. I've heard that the metaphysics of marigolds are pretty incredible too, although I can't remember why... And don't ask me where I found that info, because I have no idea... Haha.
My mother, who I lost this year, was named Marsha. Same spelling ... it was a Marsha Rose.
Yeah, when I have time I do have a pet project planned for
Pleased to chat with you . 💌
Oh my... I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mother in 2015 to lung cancer. Her name was Rosemary, and she was always playing Niel Young's Harvest album (before we knew about his duplicitous conformity). She loved the song "Heart of Gold". May you have success with your project, and I hope it brings you all the joy you're looking for. Please keep in touch.
Joy is in my heart practically every day. I will continue to pursue all forms of passion and joy to my final day on earth. 💝
....and I am sorry for your loss as well. My mom just died in her sleep. Her dementia was advanced. Dad the caregiver, was going thru his own emotional shift. Its so stressful for an old fella. Now he morphed back into the joyful daddy I always knew. God Bless my dear mothers soul. 🕊️☀️💌
Yip the earth is holding onto this one.
Holotropic sanity!
Agreed. I can’t take the propaganda-brain -washing-cognitive-dissonance anymore.
Even the Alt media is part of the problem…kinda like a RINO (pretending to be one thing is worse than just be yourself)!! My brain hurts these days and Clif is appreciated. What comes out of his mouth I know he is not lying about.
One thing I've run into is getting attacked by what appears as fundamental Christians from legit alt US political news sites. I mean, as a person liked for my comments on one site for years, I was told to move on when I wrote about how I practice yoga & remain aware of my spirit. Someone said that the new govt will be radical Christians. I think it might be true. I love Jesus, but I also love teachings from ancient Hindus. If you don't want to get hurt deeply, don't mention anything Hindu to radical Christians. out there. Boy this is probably going to get me some terrible replies. It was a big deal and blew my week apart, but now I am the wiser.
Close encounters of the highest kinds may alter fundamental Christians' worldview and cause them to embrace the wisdom of Clif?
I am a witness. Take down my testimony. The lies that have empowered the current religions will be exposed.
But Zealots may not be able to accept truth due to pride and will go down screaming for vengeance. Trust Clif, "Beware Zealots!"
Fantastic thoughts, thank you Patrick.. I'll have to listen to Beware Zealots again. Whew, feeling better. Perhaps this happened to give me a good feel for how mean they can be to another. I needed that. They used to bore me, now it is a different matter all together and I'm not sure how to describe it.
Do you think it might be possible that in 2025 the govt will be radical Christian and it will take time before all is exposed?
Thanks, I'm reading it
Thank you for that. You can't imagine how that helps me. I've always been alternative and open minded about how others relate to spirit. But I've never been so attacked by any other religious person until now. Actually, I got attacked by former friends of mine last year (born agains, but never bothered me), and it was like a bomb blew up in my head. Shock. So foreign to me. So you are right, religious propaganda is meant to divide us. I can't NOT think for myself. I've got a smile on my face now. So cool you said it is mathematically impossible for Q to not be real. That's evidence. I have a new acquaintance who closely follows Q. I'll be listening to her for sure. Again, truly, thank you.
I know this isn't a popular message, but if we want to receive messages, coffee/caffeine intake may need to be limited:
Acetylcholine and relaxed states are important by way of receiving messages. I remember in the book "Beyond Telepathy" the one who is relaxed can receive messages from the one who is stressed (cholinergic). Ex: you're woken up in the middle of the night (you're relaxed) with a premonition that something is wrong, son got in a car accident (he's stressed/ cholinergic).
I agree. I am an addict for sure.
But recently been experimenting with adding Clif's recommendations of the major adaptogens to boost your hypothalamus (as described in his in-person Bix Weir interview on the RoadtoRoota YTC, from July of 2019): Turkey tail, lion's mane, reishi, cordyceps (this one is interesting...), and chaga, maca, and ashwaganda all get dumped ceremoniously into my morning and afternoon cup.
Also I switched to an inexpensive brand (go figure...) called Don Francisco, which for whatever reason doesn't seem to screw with my solar plexus or nervous system nearly as much as some other brands, and so I can stay helplessly attached to my coffee security blanket for now, haha!!!
Does this mean this new coffee is messing with my gut biome less? I have no idea. But I feel much better on it, and any coffee hangover I feel in my skull 😆 can easily be antidoted with more hydration (God... I even sound like an addict 🤣).
I will say though, that my sleep is probably far from what it could be compared to when I don't drink coffee. But I just started the adaptogens super-charge, so let's see what happens...
Which brand of Chaga tea do you buy? I had been buying Maine Chaga Tea for the past 2 years and the last bag I bought just last week is complete garbage..I figure they were probably bought out by some Black Rock Satanic death cult company like Nestle or Coke Cola????
I used to buy clothes at Eddie Bauer. They made awesome clothing. I'd go in once a week and see what was on sale. I probably have enough clothes to last me the rest of my life.
Good thing because now Eddie Bauer clothing is shite.
Don't you hate it when they trash a good retailer.
All about the shekels.
Same thing with LLBean and Lands End! Their Cotton is soooo thin and not soft at all any more.
When I had a Goodwill close to an affluent "cultural pod," I got really good shit. Name brands. Not so much anymore. Inflation is hitting them, too. Considering they get everything for free, it's something of an insult. Besides, like you said, enough to last a lifetime!
Yea, where DO people buy good clothes that last nowadays...? I don't even know anymore
And where does one buy kids clothes that are for girls not “gender neutral?” Even Costco lists kids clothes as “kids” not girl or boy.
I can't find any clothes anywhere without plastic in them. Plastic is uncomfortable and it makes me stink.
I want a pair of cotton PJ bottoms and cotton socks, I don't want rayon, I don't want polyester, I want 100% cotton. No can do.
Turns out synthetic fabrics leak through your skin into your bloodstream.
Found some linen pants at our little local "swap" spot, really old, really good, the same brand only make plastic crap now.
By the way, love the alliteration of "Black Rock Satanic Death Cult Company". You should write for magazines, or records labels. 😆
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully that's not the case and they just had a lag in their services.
I buy mine from the bulk section of a local health food store. Trust them because the pranic energy/my energy body is not corrupted when I go there. I know not everyone can perceive this kind of thing, but being a paranoid (like Clif 😂), I try to confirm my trust in threes, if you know what I mean. In the case of my store: 1) good energy, 2) people are left leaning but don't push any agenda in a histrionic manner, and 3) they are tolerant, and accepting even, of my "conservative-appearing" persona (even though I'm not anywhere near either liberal or conservative 😆)
I think they get theirs from a company called Mountain Rose Herbs... which should be acknowledged... it's probably owned by those we'd prefer it not to be owned by... but their product is good. Not sure if that's the actual company name or just the store front name.
I'm not sure if this is helpful. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Thank you for the response...I'll look it up and see if they have website....
These days you just can't be too careful. I am paranoid about vitamins and supplements...really want to source high quality from companies that aren't...well connected to the Talmudic death cult.
I read Bragg organic vinegar was bought off and has been mucked with so it isn't safe and definitely not the same quality.....thats what they do...once something is health and established and selling well they buy it and turn the product into poison for us...that's why I am afraid Maine Chaga has been compromised...
I saw a list published yesterday of the Big Food companies who putting bugs in the food...they are listed by their Latin names so you'd never recognize it...DO NOT BUY FOOD WHEN THE INGREDIENTS INCLUDE SUBSTANCE YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE - kind of like once everyone knew aspartame was a killer the companies just slipped it in under another name - now it's called something like asswholflame....
I know the name Sarah Lee and Jimmy Dean were two of the names...but once one Jew CEO adds the poison they all do.
These manufactures are all demonic - employing Talmudic scientists to put as many detrimental elements into the food and drinks as possible.
This website is amazing for digging into all sorts of topics. The link I will list below digs into vitamin brands and who owns them and where they are sourced from. The whole website has helped especially the red pill library’s.
You might want to check out they had really good Chaga, I bought a lot during COVID-19. They connected me to ask me what it was good for because so many people started from them but I never responded, I just to busy.
There's an app that you can load on your cell that will identify any ingredient you don't recognize. Especially bugs.
Don't really want to lump everyone in there as being Jews... But I get where you're coming from.
I think in this day and age, paranoia paired with temperance is not only a healthy approach to living, but THE healthiest approach, in relation to the vast array of manifold manipulation we are faced with.
Heard about the Bragg thing yea... Switched to "Made With" ACV. Theirs has turmeric and cinnamon anyways... Yum!
Trusted health supplements are difficult to find. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon Kevin Trudeau's (no relation to the faggy dictator) super self-development course (literally THE MOST holistic course for life improvement I have ever taken ... let's just say he probably didn't go to jail for shady financial practices that everyone on Wall Street engaged in anyways...).
This course, when I took it in 2019, was offered to me, for free, upon buying some organite from Ken Rhola's Not sure if this is still offered to customers, but Rhola's monoatomic and other alchemical supplements are worth a looksie.
Kevin Trudeau's recommendations: (Dr. Schulze)
If you're really energetic, try this.
I've dealt with Mountain Rose for years, and always found their products to be good quality, organic, reasonably priced and extraordinarily diverse. They sell myrrh by the pound, although I may not use that up in my lifetime! I highly recommend them for quality, prompt service, and good value for the $$.
I second that, regarding Mountain Rose - I have used them for years as well. They are the real deal, very good quality!
Hey, good to know/have that experienced mirrored back. Thank you.
I order directly from Mountain Rose Herbs. Fantastic company!
Been buying from Mountain Rose Herbs for many years as well. Great high quality organic products. Really nice when they have a sale.
Thank you. I screenshot this.
Teehusli has outstanding Chai. One of the best Ive ever enjoyed. 💌
But for cost savings several months back ( shipping has now gone out of whack so no more ) I had loaded up on Chai. Its very good. I like it alot. Very reasonable. But the shipping cost knocked me out.
Hi Debbie, I know I answered this (re: Chaga) but hard to dig thru all the comments.
I buy Chaga at where clif has his Pure Sleep. The Chaga is of quality and buy the 1 pound bag (500g). Ive only bought from there. Very fine grind. 😍
You're good.
Here in the UK I buy this brand of Chaga from eBay. Read the description as it gives you an insight into the technology used to make it. Using a Supercritical method; with room temperature compressed CO2. It's quite difficult to find chaga made using this type of technology:
I purchase my chaga@ That’s where Clif also sells his pure sleep, but I’ve been very pleased with the quality of Chaga from that outfit on the West Coast.
I just started buying Alaska Chaga and it’s great so far. I believe Clif mentioned this brand in the last but I could be mistaken.
Love that you admit you're an addict. I hate to admit it, but I love my coffee too. Is Don Francesco a darker roast? Sometimes those have less caffeine. Hey, by the time you get glyphosate poisoned by the regular coffee, the zombie robots could have already taken over, which in that case...well you'll probably need more coffee to fight them off. In terms of mushrooms, I find that chaga helps balance my energy and blood sugar. How do you feel with it? You're not concerned that you're taking too much all at once?
Maybe we can hold each other accountable and be sleep / no coffee sponsors. Heck, even AA has coffee at their meetings! We'd be the Amish of addicts.
I always drank coffee as a beverage, and never felt the side effects. I can drink it right up until bedtime and sleep like a baby. Weird, no? Now, due to various issues, I switched to decaf although I don't like the process of "decafination." Well, throw some whiskey in there, and (in my opinion) it neutralizes the bad shit. (I'm going with that.) At 80, I've already done whatever damage is to be done to this "housing," so I'm gonna be one of those old women who lives to be 100 and defies medical science that says drinking and smoking (not tobacco) will ruin you. Hah! What do they know?
Same here, I drink coffee all day long, into the evening, no taxed nervous system from it, no sleep issues.
The only way that coffee can disturb my sleep is when I add alcohol, within 5h before going to sleep. Thus, the only sweets I take is coffee with amaretto, cacao powder and cream, before 8 pm^^.
Btw, coffee contains many nutrients that are very helpful to the bodies of many a people. (The same goes for tobacco, it has it's nutritious and protective features.)
Coffee, in measures, is actually healthy but only if it doesn't contain milk and sugar. Take it black and pure. ;)
hey that sounds pretty good. Applaud your independent approach. Important we all learn to think independently and define our own path through the madness. May you live to a vibrant, healthy 100- or 150 (what hell- we are biologically capable of going 150-170 yrs in our current form) -whatever age you desire (!) and then -die peacefully in your sleep. cheers
Oh yea... and another thing. Like I said, I don't know the actual mechanics of what is and is not good/bad, and what does what precisely. But I do know my energy body very well.
Coffee FOR SURE, without a doubt, messes with my throat chakra and stifles it. Whether or not this is my experience with my particular diet, or whether it's related to thyroid toxification... I have no idea.
But when I do detox from coffee, I go through coughing spasms like a smoker detoxing from marijuana inhalation, or submandibular gland toxification, or something... Not 100% on anything but the quality of the prana of the chakra, at this point in my understanding.
Maybe, after years of ingesting coffee, detox (from coffee) is "a bridge too far." Oh, how I miss the Atlanta Farmer's Market where I could get Kenyan and Tanganyikan coffee! Kenyan was the best. Now I live in the middle of a wasteland where getting decent salmon is a challenge! And forget decent sourdough bread!
Eh, I'm sorry to hear that. May more abundance of your preference be on your horizon!
Thanks! This may spoil me for all time! I was raised in Huntsville, AL where many post-WWII German scientists and such came to live, and one woman, Frau Hischler, made whole wheat sourdough bread and sold it for 50 cents a loaf. Man, we didn't know just how fortunate we were! So, if this works out (financially), I'll post something on one of Clif's comment streams so you can claim the discount credit (if you are a client of theirs as well).
😆😂 🤣 Good comedy!!!
It's Arabica, Medium Roast. They have two kinds: Vanilla Nut and Cinnamon Hazelnut. Again, not sure how healthy ...they simply fuck me up much much less. Haha...
I'm not sure about the dose amount for chaga, to be honest. I'm admittedly a bit irresponsible with treating my body as a laboratory. (I once drank frankincense, myrrh, and dragon's blood incense for the metaphysical properties... never got sick and I'm still alive...) Eventually I will have to learn the biomechanics, or whatever the correct term is... Hopefully this will happen before something breaks!!!
Yea! I'm all for accountabili-buddies! Will have to wait to the end of this batch of coffee though. Like the good addict that I am... can't let a good drug go to waste!!!
I'd have way less respect for you if you threw your coffee out - like they say, quitters never win. Never tried the frankincense/ myrrh combo. How'd it make you feel?
Talk soon,
😂😆 🤣... I was pretty out-of-my-mind-bonkers during the time I tried that. Had just gone through my spiritual AND conspiracy awakening immediately following my Saturn Return, heavily influenced by Neptune (not sure if you're into astrology... But basically means I was stuck in the illusiory aspects of these awakenings during a major 28 year cycle ending - the biggest one according to astrology), and it was also immediately after the major energetic shift for North America with the 2017 solar eclipse. That all being said, back then I was still trying to make heads and tales of my energy body sensations, my psyche, and trying to un-dissociate myself and get back in touch with holistic feeling, if this makes sense. Needless to say, any perceptions of those things taken back then, were heavily tainted with massive levels of confusion.
Keep us posted
Will do. It's only the second day, but I feel "lit up!" Thought processes clear and uninhibited. Transition from one task to another with little lag time. Good stuff so far.
You forgot about an adaptogen that Clif said in a substack is even stronger than chaga on the hypothalmus.. its called “shizandra”. I have not purchased it because I’ve been a Chaga person for about 3-4 years. But a friend of mine shared a screenshot of where he orders that. Could be spelled w/ an “s” - not a “z”. 🤓
Cool! Thank you. Stronger in what way?
Also, can you please share your experiences with chaga. I've only taken it off and on for less than a year now.
Where'd your friend order the shizandra, by the way?
Do you have a link to that interview? Im searching the site, but havent found it yet.
#3, I believe. Everything that Clif does can be found catalogue on this site, and it gets updated regularly. Don't know who made this, but they are a true blessing.
Thank you!
You’re on a podcast that says everything is controlled by telepathic aliens who wrote the Bible and want to eat your adrenochrome. I don’t think people here are going to use herbalism correctly, even if I checked this blog out because there are some true conspiracies, MK-ULTRA was a thing, aliens are probably a thing, Stargate was definitely a thing, but these kinds of conclusions don’t follow from that...
We are on travelling the same paths, my friend! Good lookin' out! Thank you.
You must be a traveller of, no?
I am not sure that I agree with you here (I normally do). In my personal experience, relaxation does not come into it. I work on a range of different mental and psychic levels (or used to), and the critical fact to me is what my mind is doing, not what my body is doing. My body can be hyper and as long as my mind can split, and part of it can focus, I can cross normal communication barriers. Focus is the key. I can be sitting in a loud coffee shop, drinking coffee, and start channeling if the circumstances call for it. The coffee, my emotional state, and the audible noise do not interfere, so long as I can shut it all out and focus.
What I think does interfere is "airwaves", mental noise. Only once I sidetrack the mental noise, do my more subtle perceptions come in. We imagine we can silence the mental noise with relaxation and meditation, but there is no way these will silence the "air waves" noise all around us. Even back in the days where the worst interference was from actual radio programs, we could pick those up, and for example, respond to advertisements, without knowing that's what we were doing. Now with all the G's and everything else, culminating so far in 5G, the amount of mental interference is absurd. If anything can be amplified through the general white noise, then it will have far more power over our brains than mere advertisements on radio, simply because our brains are "splitting" all over the place and we cannot find a pathway for focus. There is no language for what I am describing so I am making it up as I go.
One aspect of this "pandemic period" is the rollout of 5G simultaneously, and even for those of us who were once somewhat proficient in doing subtle stuff, the assault on our bodies and our brains has been so severe that we have been taken off-line. It is hard to focus on subtle stuff when our bodies think they are dying or when the unheard noise is too severe.
I only noticed a few weeks back that I have not been experiencing my subtle world the way I used to. In fact is has been almost "dead". My life process was to ask a question and wait for the answer to arrive, which it always did, so if I needed to heal something, I would get clue after clue as to how to do it, until I heard it loudly enough, applied it and it worked. This time, no such luck. I have been learning how to manage my covid damaged (whatever that means) body by studying intellectually but not by intuiting. Pre covid hospitalisation I managed for over 30 years without seeing a doctor, and since hospitalisation I have not succeeded in fixing anything that is now ailing me. Having recently become aware of the problem, I am putting more effort into asking clear questions and watching for clear answers. Curiously the person who almost always answers my questions - when I take the effort to clarify them - so in some way he hears them or is attuned to the same group mind, is Clif High. I am studying cortisol, and so he does a post on cortisol - that kind of thing. His perspective is normally from a different direction, but the topic is the same and broadens my base of understanding even if it does not directly solve my problem.
I think a hidden and not much spoken about agenda of the last few years is to interfere with our subtle communication processes, and then take them over with anxiety, which causes cortisol production and so shuts down bodily functions, thus making us physically sick. The anxiety doesn't have to be specific. It can be generalized, like a sense of dread that seems to come out of nowhere that throws the body into fight/flight/freeze. Since I have been watching my cortisol (or adrenaline) closely, I have been able to catch instances where the sense of dread does seem to come out of nowhere, interfering with my "focus" on whatever I am doing at the time, and causing stress hormones to be generated. I have not found out how to stop the generation of the stress hormones, so I am working on how to disperse them quickly, which is not easy. It takes 30 minutes of hard exercise (simulating fight or flight) for those who can still do 30 minutes of hard exercise, and some can be expelled from the body through tears and simply through skin expiration - but I don't know how much that is.
That's my next questions Clif. How do we either block the anxiety transmissions (whether specific or generalised,) and how do we damp or remove the stress hormones from our bodies when we are caught out?
Once we lose our invisible connections, we do become useless eaters. It matters.
Not a popular one but a necessary one. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine are how the psychos have had humans by the literal and metaphorical balls during the Age of Pisces. And just like blue light and EMF devices there are definitely healthier ways to do these things that the masses never see the light of.
Limits we put on ourselves. One could be jailed, full of malnutrition and still master it or get a way along. But yes there are things we can do.
Shut it of your self. Once tasted you will do everything to get back there. It's easy, I do it. First own your own mind.
Just listened to Sharry Edwards , a woman i n her 70's who has been developing a method to use frequencies to both heal and understand people's levels of goodness/ evil. she tries to make her teachings as free as possible. Sara Westfall has them on her website free of charge.
Forty years ago I studied Chinese Medicine with Dr Charles McWilliams whose many books are available on Amazon He was just then experimenting. with frequency medicine via electrical acupuncture machines that he was developing . In my work as a massage therapist I frequently used small, non electric piezo quartz devices on acupuncture points for stimulation .
So, here it is more than forty years later and Charles lives in the West Indies to avoid persecution and big pharma thrust Western medicine into the crapper with illegal covid bio experiments. Many humans turned their bodies over to science in one of the most shocking displays of stupidity ever seen.
Could space aliens be any worse than Fauci? And why is modern medicine so terrified on non pharmaceutical approaches?
I’m reading Ingo Swann’s book Penetration now. I highly recommend it. Very thought provoking.
If you feel you are being psychically attacked telepathically, I highly recommend the Nervous System Ninja, Renee Ostertag, on YouTube. She has short 30 to 4 min clips that destroy any chance of outside influence. Her personality, in and of itself, is proof of the effectiveness of her practice.
This is embedded all over. In the business world they love the Myers-Biggs tests. The first classification is extrovert v introvert. And they exalt extroverts. I worked at a Fortune 500 company that even had a communication saying: did you know that even introverts can contribute A poorly veiled smear of anyone who goes within. Of course they conflate all this with tendencies to talk more. It’s b difficult for an “introvert” to rise through the ranks, unless the company is in a true growth phase which needs leaders with the wisdom and strength that comes from within.
Thanks for the lead to Renee Ostertag. Some good stuff there.
So as I understand it, through my woo-search, and experience (as well as how others in a Tantrayana lineage have explained to me), antigods/antigods-human hybrid ("space aliens") telepathy is much different than human telepathy. Humans telepath through their heart chakras (their minds), using a much more archetypal or symbolic language, whereas antigods/antigod-human hybrids telepath through their ajna chakras (their brains) using a more verbal language... which tracks completely with esoteric teachings, modern psychology, and parapsychology: the left brain is language-based, whereas the heart-connected-right brain is symbolism-based.
Also tracks for me whenever I share info about the Kazarian Mafia or the Female Illuminati on a public forum... (Was that Descartes... was it...? That has that famous saying about those you are not allowed to criticize and those who "rule over you"?)
It's only when I either 1) criticized one of these two groups, or 2) promoted self-empowerment through esoteric Buddhism that I would ever get psychically attacked on this level, to such a degree, and using an ego-baiting, or shame-baiting language format. As opposed to the deep insights of the heart, which usually come in the form of a "knowing," a visual representation, or just some sort of indescribable dot-connecting that I then process into language to understand better.
With time, practice, and discretion it becomes very easy to differentiate between the two different kinds. One comes from the inside. The other, obviously from without ...and often is concurrent with literal pranic pain (aka Psychic Attack).
Cleverness, on the part of these "space aliens" is actually quite stupid from a certain paradigm of perspective.
So, you're such an expert on psychic phenomena, yet the space aliens keep destroying you with telepathy and the Jews keep destroying you with insults. Yeah right. Keep up the silly Antisemitism and paranoia.
You must have been reading my mind...
Heh, nice one.
I have been psychic since birth. I don't try to analyse it or try to figure out how it works. It is a natural aspect of my life.
I have had all kinds of psychic experiences (regardless of relaxation) occurring as transmissions and receptions, sometimes simultaneously. For example: My baby brother was half strangling himself in his cot. I picked up the sensation around my throat, closed my eyes and saw the bars of the cot. Realising that the sensation was coming from my brother I ran to his bedroom and untangled him without waking him up. The moments of panic were transmitted to my father who was 15 miles away at a dinner/dance. He came racing home, burst through the door anxiously asking me "What's up?"..... I explained what had happened and all was well.
He then had to explain to my step-mother that I have ALWAYS done this and it is 100% reliable.
I have endless examples of psychic moments but that one will suffice for now.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your wife wants to divorce you because you won't go to church and worship space aliens anymore. AHHHHHHH!
Do you have anything you want to tell us? Oh wait, I'm reading your mind, I must be an alien and/or a Jew.
Just as you, Clif are being guided my Universe, so are we all. We all found you and others to guide us through these big change over years. I set up ways of validating the messages from my "spirit guides" many years ago and came to rely on my own "knowing" It has served me well. So much fun to experience how we are all connecting at this time. Thank you Clif High and please take good care - we will still need you in the future.
No need to psychically attack antigods (space aliens) back. Simply stand your ground, and hold your psychic and auric space. Humans are much stronger than antigods psychically, as is clearly demarcated in Buddhist 31 Planes of Existence diagrams.
Known and trusted beginners guides to psychic self defense:
"Psychic Self-Defense" by Dion Fortune (classic lit. on the subject and great ethical philosophy imbued within as well)
"Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense" by Denning and Philips (another classic on the subject)
"Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office" by Pranic Healing Founder, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui (hyper distilled/synthesized energy practices)
"Protection and Reversal Magick" by Jason Miller (a more modern take on the issue, but with more Western Magickal Tradition esoteric practices)
All of the above manuals advocate self-defense of the aura and protection of one's psyche. Rarely do they ever advocate offensive actions ...even if that is a bit of a rose-colored glasses selling point, as Miller points out.
In relation to what Clif is talking about with movies, it's also been noted by some, that mirror neurons may transfer through a screen. Which is just awful when you think about the mind control of movies. But a necessary piece of the puzzle for this discussion.
I absolutely know what you mean. I think the 70s and 80s was mostly predictive programming... Then in the 90s, the addition of devious psychological mind control was added ...and now it's full blown, high-octane deep mind symbolic mind control. It's very creepy. Notice how all he men... even the ones that are action heros or jacked or whatever... none of them have masculine psychology anymore. They're all boy psychology, in a Jungian sense. And even the action heros have a doughy quality to them. Artificial. Not real. Ken dolls. And creepy, to be honest. It's like they implemented the real world atrazene at the same time that they introduced the fictional atrazene to the public through subliminal signaling in movies and media. And this is all not even touching the fact that all the characters have leftist or wokian mindsets and personalities. Gross. You can see the actors from the 80s and nineties who rebelled or didn't fit with the narrative because they don't get work anymore, despite their talent. Meanwhile people from the same era with much less talent are still going strong. It's fairly obvious once you know what to look for. Problem is, it takes a long to learn all of what to look for. Guess you could say that about anything though...
I have had many abductions by Grays and have experienced both kinds of telepathy with them as well as with Reptilians. One kind is the reception of concepts without words. This was real time "live" communication with ETs and not during abductions. Whereas, during abductions one is basically under their hypnotic control and I received the communications in English words. In a past life abduction by Reptilians I received communications in German.
I think the Deep State broke America's "cherry", so to speak, with "Covid". All the credability the Deep State ever had is lost. We, as a People, are forced into a new world of incredulity. Public now is permanently suspicious of wverything. For example, is any thinking persons up for the next DS "vaccine", does any thinking person really beleve any election is fair? It's all a hoax and a scam, and we all know it now.
Since the dual Israeli citizens and Israeli lobby took over our government since WW2, America has been getting worse and worse by leaps and bounds...Jew influencers Kissinger ran MKUltra sex Elon Musk said - and everyone knows - old Jew scum Soros has a real hatred for humanity and everything he has done with his money has been to destroy, destroy, destroy...the real axis of evil is clearly Jew controlled Washington DC, British Crown/Rothschilds City of London and Israel...JoeObamapedos took about trillion dollars and tried to set up Ukraine as a Greater Israel...thank God Putin and Russia stopped that...Putin said he was going in and taking out the trash.... well, Americans need to do that to Washington DC....timer to take out the Jew more buying and dying by Americans to serve Israeli hegemony .....we all know it is all about looting and plundering...there are reportedly huge natural gas resources in Gaza...and now the jew lords want that too...
Found it! I watched this video on Gadaffi yesterday. This is the leader we all should have, I had no idea...
This "hypothalamus touch" is, in my opinion, exactly what is going on. I feel this often. Have for some years now. And it sounds like it is exactly what Clif is describing of his experience in his most recent Jean-Claude interview about the Moon. It is surmountable. Given enough time, and heart, psyche, and endocrine health, it can be antidoted. Clif also notes in a David Morgan and Jean-Claude interview, the value of Silver to connect the hypothalamus to the 10th cranial nerve... (I believe he touches on this subject in his interviews with Sarah Westall and Lee Merritt as well, which can be found on In my experience I have found that a simple silver coin in combination with effectively working organite will do the trick. You can also amplify this effect using tensor rings or other like devices. Remember though: training wheels, not co-dependence...