I'm still having a hard time believing we are on a spinning ball, circling the sun, which is dragging us thousands of miles an hour on a spiral through the galaxy which is going millions of miles an hour through the universe.

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Geeze, if you people commenting to this don't like what Cliff has to say, why the hell are you even here????? You all look like trolls. If you want only flat earth theory then stay only on the flat earth sites!

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I agree Lynn, i love everything clif has to say but i don't have to incorporate everything into my belief system.

I think Bitcoin is just a DARPA project designed absorb extra fiat dollars that would/should otherwise go to gold and silver.

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Clif calls it 'The Matterium', which is compatible with the thoughts of Max Igan, Jason Breshears of Archaix, etc., that we basically live in a simulation, infliuenced by consciousness.

The shape can be what you like, it's not fixed, or consistent.

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So, if you have Cancer, why can't you just focus on it and it disappears? I don't think we have that kind of power. I wish with all my heart we did. I have lost many incredible doggies to Cancer over my lifetime and I would have done anything to save them......Nature doesn't work that way. Sometimes, nature cures you if you do the things to help it,....like Clif has. But in general, nature isn't soft and mushy. It just follows Natural Law. I've learned that the very hard way.

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if i may; recommend to you dr. lee merritt and her videos regarding dis-ease and the correlation with parasites; thus; parasites causing cancers, tumors, and dis-ease; it's very interesting; you can find her on Rumble; The Medical Rebel;

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Exactly Pen Proper ! Parasites is something we're never educated about....there are so many of them, most people don't even want to acknowledge or think about them ! Get rid of your parasites & you cure 99% of diseases...in my humble opinion....The more you research them the greater your success rate....much love x

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Since 1975 I've been a nurse, and have specialized in colon-hydrotherapy since 2004. Clinical experience has taught me that : 7 out of 10 people have parasites; WiFi feeds parasites and most people walk around with a phone on their body; parasites have the ability to capture our palates and demand that we deliver their fuel- basically carbs; parasites have the ability to identify any agent being used against them, change their own DNA and become resistant within 5-7 days- (pleomorphism). Mothers in the 1930's knew that you de-worm your horses, cows, cats dogs and children. Every Fall and Spring kids would have to drink Castor oil, molasses, Diatomaceous earth and wormwood. Every culture internationally has done parasite cleansing, using herbal mixtures passed down from grandmothers. That ceased in the USA sometime in the 1950's when the mantra "Parasites are a 3rd world nation issue" was indoctrinated into the public psyche. (That has never been true, but has an agenda behind it.) Parasitology and Fungal Pathology were taken out of Core curriculum in most med schools around 1979, when pharma begun to endow med schools. The kids going to med school, indoctrinated with that mantra, consider, "I'm not going into Infectious Disease, or Tropical Medicine; I don't need those courses." We now have 2 generations of docs who never consider that symptoms could be caused by parasites, (and they can cause just about any symptom, and enter into every physiologic system). Excellent natural anti-parasiticals- humaworm.com and https://www.jnutra.com/products/paragen.

For yeasts- unsurpassed- https://agapenutrition.com/products/bairn-biologics-candisol-

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Yes, Dr. Jennifer Daniels has a protocol for parasites as well. She is a Harvard trained physician that ended up on the "no fly list" before she was run out of the country for NOT prescribing BLOOD TESTS from her mostly black patients in NYC. She stopped prescribing both pharma drugs and blood tests and the AMA went after her...HARD. They gave her scholarships specifically because they intended to exploit her relationships as a black physician to her mostly black patients. She refused to poison people. I've done her "Spirits of Turpentine" protocol and INDEED, as an Internationally well-travelled person...I had 18" long worms in me and now gone. I'm not bragging but when they are that big, they feel like a baby "kicking" and they want what they want. I couldn't believe it, but I also wouldn't have believed that chem-trails existed and certainly NOT the kind that are laced with not only every metallic element that we cannot naturally rid ourselves of easily but worm larvae that are sprayed on us and our food sources.

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Lee Merritt leans towards the side of Brilliance. <3

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If you have cancer than do a water fast for 40 days and 40 nights and it will be gone. Cancer has an appetite and if you don't feed it anything, it will shrivel and die. I've done it twice and spent the better part of the time in what I would call a "mostly euphoric" state. The first 4 days are hell and around the 16th to the 18th day or so your "cancer" and your parasites will start really 'screaming' and 'making a case' on their way out.

You can also do a diet of 1gallon of water/1c.fresh squeezed lemon juice/1c organic grade B maple syrup/and 1 heaping t. cayenne pepper. per day for 30 days. That is your food, and you must drink as much water as you drink of that "cocktail". I usually got through all but 2c of the cocktail and would have first thing in the morning while making the next day's batch. It works...get all the mucous, swelling, bugs/parasites, cleans out the vessels and is everything you need in the way of vitamins and minerals. When I did the first time, I only also took shark cartilage for what it's worth. The second time I did 30 days and replaced the first 3 days with local, organic honey instead of maple syrup to give the immune system the boost. Only 3 days for the honey, though because it doesn't have the mineral load that the maple syrup has but it does support the immune system for the journey ahead.

Cancer FREE....I AM. When I start feeling like shit, I do it, again.

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As well, make the "cocktail" in a glass container. If you aren't familiar with fasting, then start with a 7 day then a 14 day then a 21 day so you get used to the "hell" of the first several days. By then you will have proven to yourself that you can get through it. Try not to handle anyone else's food as it can be torture...just disappear at mealtime.

Finally, if you don't get rid of coffee and sugar first, the withdrawal from both will compound the discomfort of the first several days, ten-fold.

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Do you put the gallon water, cup syrup, teaspoon cayenne all in the glass container and finish daily?

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It's the vaccines you give them. Clif has stated that.

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If you focus on researching cancer, you will find it is not what we have been told it is. Dogs likely get cancer the same way humans do, from the injections. You may have unwittingly given your dog cancer. Let that sink in.

And if you have children, pay attention to this. https://www.bitchute.com/video/57MAAwfR6FmL/

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the more homework we do and research original and credible sources the better;

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There's a vet online that has cured a lot of dying pups by just switching them over to raw food; you might try that (and as someone below says, stop vaxxing them). Nature is nature, and we are part of and grounded in it, so if we do not live accordingly, we lose our balance, our homeostasis and it results in disease. The Elohim Worship Cult is doing everything they can to make sure we cannot sustain that balance. It's an uphill battle for us at the moment.

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we got this though; as Uncle Clif High speaks; " universe favors humans"; we just got to knock the cup out of their hand that they keep force feeding us; we got to go dig a well and plant a seed; dag gum it;

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Make your own pet food and freeze in portions. Dogs eat much of what humans do. Cats eat a raw meat diet. You can find a great recipe on line for it. Simple to make although cutting up chicken and removing from bones takes time. I then make a yummy chicken broth which is great source of fat and vitamins for making soups and stews for human consumption. Do not trust vet or anyone really to do a better job than you can for hour family of pets and humans.

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T suspect that resolutely eliminating all gmo foods and their affiliate toxins will simplify the process for all DNA reliant creatures.

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We do have that power. God is within us.

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Thanks for your reply. I go to an Ancient School of Wisdom where I have learned that we create our reality, so think wonderful thoughts and eliminate the harmful ones. We are more than just human. Love yourself-you are wonderful!

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we can and we will;

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What seems strange is that cats and dogs only die two ways now - cancer, or hit by a car. Ours found another way - old age - after we stopped taking them to vets and stopped feeding them commercial pet food. It's probably just luck they weren't hit by cars though.

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Cancer is present in all as a protective device against toxicity. This stage (like a play) is set up for us to actively rid ourselves of malignant cells if we do one thing. It isn’t just thinking about cancer to disappear but to ACTIVELY DO something about allowing the overwhelmed body to rid itself of the toxins and heal itself. That action is cleansing and detox. The SIM is close to a game but more like a movie. You are scripted, but once you see WHERE you are you can flip the script towards health. The ultimate goal is to glean knowledge and skills and NOT return to the Reincarnation Portal. Change the end of your movie.

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Look into Dr. Kalcker's work with Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)... here is a start:


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Dr Hulda Clark from Canada, did 30 years of research (The Cure for all Cancers) And when she put this pubication of all of it out and started up a clinic to cure all diseases, she was imprisoned and died in prison. Her book was my bible when I healed from end-stage breast cancer. Keep in mind that it is the cures for cancer that kill you in Modern hospitals and medicine.

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well said

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If enough people focused on you getting better you would

Art bell pretty much proved this with his listeners creating rain n a drought area

It's y they spend billions putting subconscious programming n2 media shows

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You haven't learnt enough....

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this is the beginning of wisdom;

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Unfortunately, dogs do not have the level OF CONSCIOUS LIGHT endowments that humanimals can tap into, so it would be hard to work with them on a CONSCIOUS LIGHT LEVEL. Unless a DOER in a humanimal body is observant enough to FEEL-INTO and/or SEE INto WHAT CAUSATIONS initiated the cancer. If a person's DIVINITY IS AWAKE enough, it's hard enough to cure /heal one's self. Healing another requires the recipient is eager to be aware and engaged in DOing the requisite Thinking and ACTIONS to reverse the dis-ease, <3 Not to mention everyone's body IS GOING TO DECEASE.

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Animals respond very well to energy healing and that is because they have no blocks to it. I have seen many healed with energy healing and lots of LOVE from their owners to themselves and to them. Dogs pick up our energy as cats do. So heal thy self and heal your dog.

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I had a cancerous growth on my cheek, and with ongoing focused attention (using specific natural topical treatments, and one over the counter "medication", plus exercise, healthy food, TLC on a Spirital level, and other Thinker-Knower level Guidance from withIN] the cancer began diminishing, and now disappeared over the course of 3 years. I have also healed my body several times during my life of other maladies too. I TURNED MY BACK ON THE MEDICULT Association when I was in my mid-teens SEEING how bogus was there system. I'm 70 now, and have learned that HEALTH required CONSCIOUS AWARENESS and learning what is REAL LOVE. Humans do not know THE WHAT they are, NOR DO THEY KNOW WHAT IS REAL LOVE.

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I find that the word simulation to be a really offensive way to think of life. It is a supplication for the word temporal. They are not one and same thing. Your life is real and so are the lives of those humans around you. I think that the whole idea of a simulation was designed to undermine basic morality and logical thinking. The idea that we are in a simulation allows for the rationalization for immoral inhuman acts. It's one of those things that comes to us from the corrupted halls of academia. Just another point of view to consider is the idea.

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Kathleen McGowen wrote it in book she channeled from Jesus being of the bloodline herself of one of his children. It is called the BOOK OF LOVE. it is an amazing read and I felt Jesus talking to me throughout.

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💯 I've suspected for over a decade that Satoshi Nakamoto IS one of the 3 letter agencies and BTC was introduced to initiate the public into digital currency and to be used as a judas goat to usher in CBDC's.

When BTC first arrived it was private,now utterly trackabe!

Stay Alert


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I just did what Clif recommended, Diversify, diversify, diversify. A little Bit Coin, Gold, Silver, Copper and Cash. As much as I could get out of my husband by begging and pleading! He's still sure OUR money is safe in a bank and I can't convince him otherwise. I wish I could.

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If it is a joint account... do what you must... a BIG collapse is coming, IMO... both stacks and currency.

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He sounds like my wife. As I squirrel away cash, precious metals, prep, she rolls her eyes. Still captured

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Do what you can to get precious metals! Unless Crypto is ASSET BACKED it will not do anyone a peck of good. That is from Ben Fulford in my words. I just got silver and took cash out for time it is still recognized briefly.

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The 'spinning ball' allows them to throw 'revolutions' and take humanity back to the same place it was at before. Jews and all that they believe is based on cycles rather than progress. These two things are antithetical to each other.

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There are no JEWS. There are Hebrews. Jew is not mentioned even once in the bible, because it is only a name Kasarian Mafia made up and they speak Yiddish only!

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Is this all the jewish protection league can come up with? Of course their are jews in the bible. The whole bible is a record of their psychopathy and the shit/horror show that surrounds them and has always surrounded them.

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I come from a Hebrew ethnicity as do all people, and I cannot find Jew in the Bible, SHOW ME the verses.

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I think Bitcoin was created by the Banksters and run up in price to interest us slaves in the CBDC slavery they have in store for us. I don't own a cell phone nor do I even know how to insert a digital currency on one. I don't know how to be a CBDC slave. I still like Clif even though I disagree with him on this issue.

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Gold and silver are great, and everyone should have some. But carrying gold and silver coins are inconvenient for shopping and online transactions. The smart play is to diversify.

Reggie Middleton has multiple patents on DeFi. Could it be that defi is the future of

smart contracts and crypto currency? The more you know, the better the decisions you can make.

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I wonder if Reggie will get screwed by the Gov... they might take all he has via "eminent domain"... can he afford 10 years of legal action to fight them?

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I took in way too much Alison McDowell to want to have anything to do with "Smart Contracts". That's all I need to hear to run the other way.

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Yeah, and besides, when confiscated and/or outlawed, like they have done with gold in the 1930's, ..... Bitcoin is less heavy to haul away, bitcoin is not buried in the back yard and the Private Decentralized Currency, ... oddly, is centrally located hardly private and seems like They can get at it just fine when they feel like Taking it. .

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I am not anti-bitcoin, but it seems that if governments really want to stop it... they can... no?

I think Fidel Jr up in Canada was able to seize or freeze trucker's bitcoin accounts... and if a Gov outlaws it, with severe penalties if caught transacting...

To say nothing of the many major hacks... ??

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I'm not against it either, but I say, if it wasn't created by the government, it'd be extremely illegal by now. And yes, Trucker bitcoin seizure so blatant it should have easily sorted out any fantasies of BTC fans, about decentralized, secure, private, blah blah blah. If any digital currency is too widely used, it is merely on the path to normalization and will will get CBDC's later. It not enough people buy into the gimmick, it stagnates or shrivels up and dies. The Gov is already drooling, looking at Bitcoin as a great place to stuff their National Debt. Makes it easier for them to take no accountability for creating such debt. And so it goes. I guess they are so wrapped up in "Sustainability" that they looked at the National Debt with the same DEI lens. lmao Deep State Pep Talk:' Gotta keep this debt going people, so lets get to it and figure out a way compound the problem further in new and creative ways.., ..... Break !!' lol

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Sep 2Edited

You don't know bitcoin. Your buying the MM narrative on Bitcoin. Crypto Cuts the banks out. You must Love the banks. Lol 😅 The Rothschilds love you too lol 😆

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Come on, nobody loves the banks and privacy is like cash. The ONLY crypto I know of that are completely private are Monero, Dero and Pirate chain Arrr... all else is traceable so no, the rest appear to cut out the banks but all roads public lead to Rome, so perhaps you give yourself away as a Rothschild lover.

Btw, Rohhschilds are middle management, the 'Seven Dwarves' sourcerers at the top call the shots, very few know what families they're from never mind who they actually are! ... No, and don't bother asking, DYOR. Happy hunting.

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I would say it has the potential to be used a black hole(Bad Bank). The authorities who created it feign resistance and opposition to it so stupid people convert their fiat savings into it instead of Gold and Silver. When the whole world has then pumped up the price of Bitcoin to dizzying heights, they prick the bubble by activating a gargantuan double spend attack in sync with a massive,massive short positions. The price plummets to zero,trillions of fiat dollars,euros etc.. no longer exist. Perhaps suggest they have evidence that it was actually created by Russia for good measure.Then the PTB say "Maybe we should go back to the Gold standard?" Peoples savings wiped out. The BIS having accumulated massive amounts of Gold in the meantime make all the new rules.

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I've had the same thought, however, that may very well be a good, good thing. Allowing more people to acquire metals at bargain prices.

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Clif's not breaking anybody's arms, or pulling fingernails. Just giving free info from one point of view.

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Its ok if people disagree but I hope they will back it up with more than cursing. Cursing shows a decreased intelligence and I need a lot to verify their knowledge.

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Nothing like a good stream of Ango Saxon words to define a moment or quantify a statement. And there are various moments in the day when my dogs are total fuckheads.

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Hey, watch your fucking language!

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You going bow-hunting ??

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Hey I still got my bow string pulling finger . One finger salute from the longbows to the French

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Many studies show people that curse are more intelligent than non cussing people

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The hell you say..........

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That's another shiny dollar in the swear jar for you, Sir Richard!

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Lynn, you sound as though Clif gives a shit about the comment section. He doesn't need your gestapo opinions about other people's responses. In fact, we can "take the temp" based on the comments of everyone. Stop being a "Karen".

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You are too funny. Obviously you do not understand my comment. And I'm sure

Cliff doesn't care about the comments, they are for the listeners. But at least you gave me a good laugh!

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I understood unless you’ve got some “word magic” that I am immune to. Happy to amuse you. I think the range of comments is important.

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I was going to say flat earth comments would sure be easy to bypass, ....... if it wasn't for the constant replies after them. lol

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You’re coming across as more of a Karen in my opinion. You get to have your opinion and so does she

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OK, Karen.

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We r n a simulation if u believe it's round u will find evidence it is

If u believe it's flat u will also fond evidence of that.

Cliff has been more wrong than right lately u should reevaluate urself if ur gonna follow someone 100%

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The purpose of a Comment Board is for debate and discussion. Segregating people into boxes (or sites) of common beliefs makes for a terribly boring and stagnant world.

Humanity is a family so let's welcome and engage with everyone, even those who disagree with us on some issues. This is how we grow and learn. 💕

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how come there's no dislike button?

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Don't feel too bad, .. Youtube doesn't really have one either.

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Not circling the sun- following it

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Yes, the planets follow our Sun in a discharging electric Vortex. See the work of my dearly departed friend, Dr. Pallathadka, Keshava Bhat, who proved our Solar System is an Electric Vortex. Also, see the OAHSPE written in 1880, where the "Book Of Cosmogony and Prophecy" lays out the case for our Electric Solar System Vortex.

I had read it back in 1992, then I discovered Dr. Bhat's work around 2001. So, I had been studying it for a decade, then when I found Dr. Bhat's work I understood it quickly and easily.

In fact, Kumar, Dr. Bhat's son, who gave me the legal rights to distribute his father's work, told me that his father said I was the first person in 40 years who actually understood his work as he found in the many conversation we had on Skype together. This was because I had been meditating on the work I found in the OAHSPE ten years earlier.

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Anybody look at the sky last night about 3 am? No moon in sight but stars on steroids.It reminded me of the way the night sky looked when I was a kid in the midwest-- thousands and thousands .Really big shew!!!

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When I lived in San Diego (the last time I lived in a big city), some schools would take nighttime field trips, just 20 miles east into the desert so that the kids could actually see how many stars are actually out there, not the half dozen or so that make their way through the thousands of sodium-vapor lights in the city. That's a different but very significant kind of poverty, not to be able to see Nature around you.

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Thank you for the reference. I will investigate it. The toroidal vortex is a recurring shape across all scales, about which traditional "education" teaches nothing.

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Walter Russell's Cubic Wave field Model of Creation explains our Electric Universe Cosmology the best for me. The twin opposing, sexed, electric polar vortices are the key to the Universe. The toroidal vortex is a discharge effect of the twin opposing polar vortices. Everything from the electric elements to the electric galaxies is created through implosion, the exact opposite of everything we do with our pressure driven, fuel sucking, heat and resistance creating, low grade, backwards, slave technologies.

Viktor Schauberger proved that if you copy Nature's ubiquitous vortices, we get free energy technologies that would free us from the Uni-party control racket run by the: energy barons, war mongers and subhuman central banksters.

Yes education is indoctrination and has always been nothing but mind control for the mammon worshipping el-ites.

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Hmmmm yes Oahspe, very interesting read that one.....

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Uncle Clif is so sure about his own beliefs that they must be true.

His technique and thought process comfort the listener, regardless

of the facts. Spinning ball theory is just another psychological

operation meant to control the plebeians.

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LOL!! Come ON, man! Clif is great, but deifying him is nuts.

He is an admitted paranoid schizophrenic... has some great insights and entertaining theories... AND has been wrong too many times to count... so enjoy... but try not to slobber on him.

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We need to make the journey to knowledge alone. Remember, ignore ALL you hear and 50% of what you see. At the end you choose to learn truth and hopefully get ready to exit the carousel.

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For example . . .

If what you're saying about Capt Mark Richards is correct, which I doubt, why is it then that on every one of Kerrys 12 visits she was forbidden to use any form of recording equipment for the interview, not even a pencil and paper. This is unheard-of ever! She claims to only use memory recall - is she lying?

Answer me that Clif!

I doubt you can nor wish to speak of his father, The Dutchman, who was most certainly an inner cabbal member hence they couldn't kill Mark, that's the deal, take care of your family long after you've departed. If they killed him it'd send shockwaves of doublecross, dishonour and decipt through the ranks of the Elite lieutenants... do the math. Mark has done one 38 years for a crime that commands a 20 year sentence without parole!

I doubt you'll acknowledge this message but I will continue to pass it around!

Clif is correct on so much, I love his lateral thinking. The problem with Clif being totally wrong about certain topics is that he puts off folk from looking into intricate and potentially explosive hidden information … the list is endless!

☘ Blessings of insight.


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I have no idea what you are talking about... is your post meant for someone else?

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Are you kidding me? Clif is sure because he investigated his knowledge through AI system. But even you know AI does not have it all and he needs us to add to it always. You are a great one and have spiritual help that can give Clif inspiration and heal the paranoia if he wishes. I have spiritual inspiration also to help you two through the Divine Feminine. Never let someone else tell you what is truth and what is not until you check within and feel the knowing of it being true. Millions are stuck in the matrix because they let someone else be their "AUTHORITY" as Clif puts it.

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Ask Clif. No, I am not kidding you. The "Divine feminine"... are YOU kidding ME???

BTW: AI is deeply flawed, strongly influenced by its programmers... most of which are lefty slime.

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LMAO! Snow globe planet with glass dome??? ja ja ja ja ja! Fail!

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So you're mocking Enoch now ? lol

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ja ja ja ja! nope and fail!

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The chief reason flat earth has gained traction is that most nobody has explained gravity to 100% satisfaction and modern science not one iota!!

However it appears the flat earthers haven't thought this through, on a flat plane in space which way is up or down? How is that determined and what about the gravity on a flat plane? ... you still have the mystery of gravity to contend with. Lol

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I wrote the book debunking the gravity myths of newt and einy over 10 years ago. Many flat tards glommed onto my work and claimed I was even one of them, which is insane of course.


So-called Gravity is electric compression and potential. There is only one force in our Holographic Electric Light Matrix, aka HELM, the Electric Force. The Cubic Wave fields of space produce rings and spheres, not pancakes with snow globe glass domes.

I had 185 vids debunking every single claim of the flat tards, but jewtube deleted my channel for exposing the convoid hoax before the psyop reached us from China. I was able to save a few to this playlist on Odysee:


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That is interesting and a credit to you. I don't pretend to know what the science is you mentioned but am in agreement about the faux science we've been fed (gritology) and not suprised about the 'glombing'😅

I find Ken Wheeler of the channel Theoria Apophasis makes compelling statements about the science with a backdrop of Walter Russell.

I will view your link with interest. Gratitude.


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James, I found that I had posted the pages by Bill Gaede debunking the field myths of quackademia. This absolute obliterates wheeler and harramein, since all of their drivel is based on non-existent "fields".

The false mythematical term called a "FIELD" is a Myth and does not exist. It is utterly obliterated by Senior Gaede:


Pages in this module. Read all of these other pages as well:

The mathematicians have no idea what a field is:


The mathematical field is unphysical:


There is no such thing as 'a' field in Science:


'A' field is not made of particles:


The word field belongs in religion:


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Wheeler has some good info, but a lot of bad info and he said those who follow Walter Russell are" Blood drinking Satanists". So, I reject his spiel and all of the stuff about magnets he has made videos on is wrong and I can prove that with one video by Gerard Morin if you are interested.


I can send you a pdf copy of my book debunking the gravity myths of quackademia if you like? My website was hacked so it is no longer on line. Anyone else reading this thread is welcome to receive a copy. Just send me an email, where I can send it too.

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I am sure Clif never reads the.comments. If he did I am pretty sure he would quit posting after realizing the futility of his efforts. To borrow a biblical reference, why cast pearls before swine.

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Me too... smoke a big bowl... it helps, trust me (and Clif).

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Just get the bong out brother. Yes it does help.

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Cathy O'Brien who spent many years in the MK ULtra program says that she was afforded and given ANY DRUG she wanted but weed was absolutely FORBIDDEN because it disrupts the "programming"....lol.

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Just makes me paranoid unless I'm pissed, and then there's the disincarnates to contend with getting a free ride, that's why it's called Spirits & Algoool (arabic)... pot to! So many have passengers these days, poor sods. 💖🙏💫

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I know!

"Redefinition of Language" We don't need to re-invent the wheel, the round one works good!

Example: No such "thing" as Transgender, Gay & Lesbian,

"they" are Transvestites and Homosexuals=B(_)ttF(_)ckingC0ck$(_)ckers

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Sep 2Edited

Hey! My girl is a c0cksucker! What's wrong with that?!? Lol 😅

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Hahahaha!!! Good stuff!

But careful... the woke rainbow fagella crowd will come for you, carrying pitchforks, torches, condoms and Grande skinny chai lattes!!

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They will cum with "Soy" lattes!

Soy Oil and any products containing ANY Form of Soy Reduce Testosterone and Increase Estrogen in Males, Shrinks Testicles. Coining the phrase "Soy Boy"

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Ah...!! Explains much!

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Maine sparks backlash with plans to build LGBTQ+ only housing complex

It'll be a Grossteskly Preverted B(_)ttF(_)ckingC0ck$(_)ckers,

Monkey B(_)tt Pox injection Site! Really a Porta Potty/Out-House!


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ha ha ha

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Makes me wish I still had my original Apogee.

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Wazzzatt? A type of bong??

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Yes. It had a wedge shaped platform with two separate tubes glued to it shaped in kind of a V with a wooden saw handle inserted/attached . It had a wooden collar slider bowl on a metal stem The bowl was attached to a tab out front and a hose rame back to about the middle of the lower tube and shotgun hole on top tube had a hose routed up to the thumb spot on the saw handle

The water movement was everything, tip it forward and draw, remove slider, tip it back and all the water gets out of the way for shotgun pass-through. Clears Real fast. . Kind of hard to describe. I guess.

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Sounds GREAT! :-)

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Oh joy. The FE psyop has taken over another of what could have been a decent comment section. Totally irrelevant and fucking annoying.


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strange energies from space

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The flat Earth tard psyop has been debunked from every imaginable angle. You flat tards need to actually go and look at all of the debunking of the flat tard Earth, rather than clinging to your flat earth tard pacifier like a baby with it's bah bah. Grow up, The Earth is an oblate sphere!


For christ's sake the lines of longitude and latitude instantly debunk the flat tard earth psyop. WE have been using them for hundreds of years to navigate our globe and thy are impossible on a flat tard disc. I defy you to disprove any the debunking found on my playlist:


I had 185 videos debunking every single last claim by the flat heads. My channel was deleted by the jewtube mongrels for telling the truth about the convoid hoax. So, I lost the entire playlist, however, these is sufficient information in these few videos to obliterate the jesuit's flat tard psyop!

I had to make the new playlist on Odyess to protect myself from the flat tards who falsely claims I was one of them, because I debunked the quackademic theories about the non-existent gravitational force.

These flat heads even claimed Walter Russell, whose work I have been teaching for the past 25 years, was a flat Earth tard. This is insane and a massive lie, since Russell's Cubic wave field model of Electric Universe of Motion, is all about rings and spheres. Flat discs are not part of Russell's Cosmology!

Seriously, anyone clinging to the Jesuits' flat earth psyop are not remotely close to knowing the truth regarding our Electric Universe of Motion. Give it up and learn the truth.

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Sep 2
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That's a daytime lunar eclipse. Nothing special or conspiratorial.

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Sep 3
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There is no other celestial body in proximity that can. There is only the sun, earth and moon.

Look up photos of "daytime lunar eclipse" or "Midday lunar eclipse" on your browser. You'll see.

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Sep 3
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That's because we are not on a spinning ball. We never have been and it's cliff is still spewing. The spinning ball round Earth bullshit. It's time to dump his ass truly need to just unload and dump him off on the beach somewhere because he's full of fucking bullshit. It's always been a flat Earth. It was taught in school. Apparently he didn't go to school.

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How rude - on Clif's own substack. May Fate treat you appropriately.

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Why are you here? Open your mind and start listening instead of spewing anger and hatred. Doesn’t help anyone or further conversation and dialogue.

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I bet you are lots of fun at birthday parties...

BTW: Yeast infections can go terminal...

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PMSL! Thanks a lot! 😂 ... I'm getting to that age!


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Eat me, loser ahole.

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Try Physics. It works.

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The Physicists I know are the craziest, most shut-down people I know.

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probably Corey Goode

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Haha sorry love. Speaking such about clif high reveals only your own shall we say lack of intellect / wisdom. Wishing you luck my dear.

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Which school did you go to and how do you back up your theory.? Of course if you have been out in space and seen the Earth with yur own eyes that would be sufficient for me.) Just interested as I wish the truth even though I believe my source is accurate.

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You can scream your beliefs from the highest mountain and it won't matter. Who are you trying to convince? Yourself?

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The mere fact of the vitriol that spews from your mouth at someone who is just asking a question for clarity reasons ...speaks volumes.

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Jill! Why waste your time on this if this is your attitude.

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To think about gravity think about a dying black hole the size of a beachball at the center of Earth known as the Black Sun... the real black sun. Magma/larva created simply by tectonic pressure creating huge heat and oils, specifically crude oil. idk for sure tbh, but it makes sense imo by using my little grey cells.

- Nassim Haramien (paraphrased)

Blessings of insight


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black hole sun; wont you come; and wipe away the ................

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black holios are a mythematical artifact of a non existent gravitational pulling force, which has been fully obliterated in the data sets pertaining to the motions of all bodies in our Solar System, from Pari Spolter's first book!

Nauseum harramein is a shill for the false alternative psyence. black holio white holio garbage is in fact stupid and ridiculous. Nauseum's entire spiel is based on all of the foundation quackademic theories that have been full debunked by myself and many others:


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The Formation & Dissolution of a Planet --This is the life cycle that a planet goes through as it journeys through the Cosmos back to the Central Sun, aka the Galactic Center. Earth is presently in the stage of oblation:


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interesting, thanks. it's worth checking Ken Wheeler on earth magnetic field. Difference between north and south poles ... macro scale of micro

scale permanent magnets.

Also Miles Mathis on the earth's charge field and hie it radiates strongest just north and south of the equator.

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Ease up on yourself…we’re not spinning! Stationary, plane and simple..trust your instinct 😁

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Why does the sun rise and set...??

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the sun; the moon; they're on rollers in the sky like the lights in the movie Truman Show; ha; they string the stars like CHRISTme Lights; ha; and the moon is made of cheese; oh and i heard recently that the Sun is actually made of metal; alot of weird stuff going around; puff puff; pass;

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I knew I shouldn't have taken that 3rd Quaalude.


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can you send me a few?" I need to recover from the flat earth tard comments on this thread, which I find so lame and nauseating! Lude's have a way of erasing horrors like this from one's memory. God I miss them so!! WE need them now in our world more than ever.

My friend saw ludes from China on the dark web for 3 bucks a pieced by the hundred.

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LOL!! I wish I could! If you find a source, holler!

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The lines of longitude and latitude instantly obliterate all flat earth tard claims, since they are 100% impossible on the flat pancake earth with the glass dome abomination. Yet, they work perfectly on our oblate sphere as proved by all navigator's using them, for hundreds of years now! Check mate!

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with all this being said; i bet all us that are "questioners/questors" will find some of the others on point B; we are obviously all on point A; each soul has a mission; a purpose; a passion; we should do it without harm to another soul and with guard for our own soul; thus; put that one down that seeks to trespass and/or harm; and not to cause it from your own; checkers or chess; make sure which board you are playing on first;

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Camel Bush is having Donkey sex with Tampon Tim.... WHAT!!?

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What you have a hard time believing is how small you are, relative to the cosmos. That the earth is not the center of anything. So, for existence to be meaningful, you must revert to archaic beliefs and simple scenarios that give you security.

I.e. flat earth.

Like a baby who needs a binkie or a soft blankie to snuggle up to. Otherwise, it's WAAAA!

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...cool, what do you belive in stead?🗿

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Xen, i really don't know so i'm still working on it. Like a great many things, i think it's ok to say i don't know until i think i really have it figured out. Which may never happen. And i'm ok with that.

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You need to understand Geometry for a start. Then something about gravity and inertia.

But I guess you're not interested in actual explanations that are able to predict things.

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We aren't if we were building cities like new york would unbalance the ball

We woukd have been flung outta the system years ago

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Hi Specie. How much math and science have you studied? The answer to your dilemma begins with the question: Why does 2 + 2 = 4. Why does the Sun come up and the Moon go down? What is energy? What is force? Happy researching.


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I so appreciate Clif High with such boundless adorations for all of in his selfless sharing cognitions. Wow! With his fascinations of topics WE and I have completed detachment of all that I believed and adapted myself to discernments of my own perspectives and realities. I am captivated by Clifs virtual friendship to disseminate such extraordinary weaving of topics. 🥰😎🤓

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Well said.

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I enjoy these "fireside chats." Now I see why old timers enjoyed and talked about sitting around the radio to listen to FDR, long before television. Thanks Clif - good stuff.

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Oh Good! A Long One!

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Yippee I needed this today. All those lies we’ve been told. At age 75 I realise more each day the spew we’ve all been subjected. Thank you Clif !

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Great podcast today, Clif! I spend the better part of every morning trying to update my world view so that the rest of the day goes smoothly. Your podcasts always help enormously. You have your finger squarely on a lot of what's going on. You always give realistic, yet optimistic, information. I feel energized and more confident that things are going to work out. Thank you!

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🎥 Listen to this little nugget of Predictive Programming.

Netanyahu compares an arrest warrant for him with issuing an arrest warrant for Bush because of 9/11.

YUP - Coming Soon Bibi

5GW - Narrative Seeding


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yes and we all need to visualize this abomination being fully removed from our world forever!

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Yes, visualization and collective consciousness!

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Manifestation...we All have the ability...most just forgot.

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Benjamin Fullford on Rumble is talking almost the same as Clif and he is back in 2022 with someone pirating him today

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I would love if Bush was arrested for 9-11.

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Many thanks and well wishes for you and your wife, Clif. I look so forward to these!!!!!

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Another superb and enlightening podcast…Thank you Clif

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Christians have more in common with pagans than they do with Philistines (the human sacrifice cult). The pagans prayed to Zeus and the reason Hercules was able to beat the two British giants (sons of Poseidon: Bromion and Albion) in battle, was his eloquence in prayer before Zeus. This account comes from John Toland's Celtic Antiquities. There were ancient British translations of the classical myths written in Ogham. St. Patrick burned all the Irish antiquities when he got to Ireland. Why did he do that? Because there is a 2000-year war on ancient Briton by the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is still afraid that ancient Briton is going to wake up. When Edward 1 killed all the Welsh bards in the 13th century, it was an attempt to wipe out the ancient British culture, and its oral history and traditions. The language of ancient Briton is modern Welsh.

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Thanks for the reminder of ancient Britain.

I live in Bristol, south West UK. Close to Wales, close to Devon and Cornwall.

I lived a while in Penzance, small town on south West tip of the UK. Very different nature there, very easy to access unusual senses.

I'm not sure about the history, but something older and wilder is obvious in Wales and Cornwall.

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I lived in England 50 years ago and loved traveling all over by train -- spent a time in Cornwall & stayed in a tiny house in Penzance called "Mousehole" Best time was visiting with folks in Wales.Like going back in time 100 years..Scotland is also on a different wavelength...

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The Once and Future King

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Trump is the ONCE and FUTURE King and related to King Arthur per his bloodline.

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Kings are for slaves; slaves must have it; anything but self-governance and accountability; a King himself is just a chosen slave as well;

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There was a poet who once said "we all got to serve somebody".

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we also choose to whom we listen to; we have accountability for our actions/deeds alone; serve vs slavedom are two different ventures; would you agree; and that we "got" to do anything is fallacious;

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LOL...it was just a Bob Dylan song that popped into my head when I read that. But true, slavery and serving are two different things, like you point out.

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Interesting, thank you. Here's an article with very uncommon information on how the Christian teachings have been diverted through language; it's about the word made flesh: https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/the-true-zodiak-the-word-made-flesh

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Christians as stated by the Book of Love, never accepted Jesus as their Messiah, they accepted John the Baptiste is the Messiah of the Christians. He was a fanatic and created the Baptist Church! The BOOK OF LOVE was found in the Vatican.

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wasn't John the Baptist also into Christing like the rest of them;

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Pen, I’ll verify source, but I believe from my extensive reading, that John the Baptist, like Jesus, followed more of the Platoesque philosophy of “Hermeticism” more than anything else.

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Nobody is Christing, we're all apostling.

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back then in the 3rd century they christed; it is a medicinal greek term for what they were doing for rite;

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Clif! My man. Was just listening to your last audio. Was hoping for something new this weekend. Thanks 😊 a ton my man!

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Language is the weapon used against us....

Lables are the bullets

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Lan-gu-age = gods of war that protect the knoble ones throught the ages !



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yep; preach it;

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“Was it Kierkegaard or Dick Van Patten who said, ‘If you label me, you negate me’?”

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Clif have you ever did research on the Cloward-Pivev Strategy? Seems just like what we are going through right now w/democratic strategy... The Family & I love your work so live long stay free ; )

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I really do appreciate thiese tawks

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Love your clarity. Love your gravelly voice too.

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Clif on Man in America interview.

35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.

His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.

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Thank you for that link - I'd missed it!

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Oh man Clif nailed it back in Sept2023....on Oct7th it was obvious but this interview with Man In America is a good reminder. A good one to listen to now!

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This article is in line with Clif

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Clif has explained that word for word in many of his sessions.

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Retard German dude Hinne suck balls doesn't get that.

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