Sometimes I think Octopuses- mushrooms - seahorses and other things may be alien & we just assume they’re not. Also- since our 5 senses only have limited capacity- aliens may be here walking among us. I also think that alien life may enter through the ocean - or water sources. Wasn’t NASA originally designed for oceanic discovery? Maybe the door to this realm is inside the earth instead of above it.
There's certainly something in that... plus the fact they attempt to force feed us the evolution 'theory' with an almost fanatical zeal, bordering on panic.
As for the senses, the gut instinct may be just one of the hidden/forgotten senses we possess. and hence we do instinctively know when something or somebody feels.... off.
ALWAYS trust your instinct..... you don't 'have to' understand it, but do trust it nonetheless :)
I am not only concerned about the jab recipients, but of all the recovered, that we have no long term data for, and the fact so many medical, first responders and military people were coerced into taking it. Gates has openly said there will be more pandemics that are not corona, there are conspiracies acted on right now about food and energy, and whatever other nonsense they throw in the mix. Any confluence of these can compound in ways we don't fully expect right now, and could result in even more extreme losses. I expect losses to overshoot the number of the jabbed.
I don't agree AJ, but please let me explain why. The jab is doing its work. It may well kill 70% of the global population, eventually.
Because there is evidence already, I consider Plan B will be cultivated heroes who will come to mankind's rescue, and execute Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Bourla, Schwarb, and all the other tyrants who feature in the media. They are, after all, expendable in the broader NWO scheme of things and have already outlived their usefulness.
The heroes, who now become saviours and messiahs, will earn mankind's undying trust and gratitude. They will form a team, dedicated to preventing a tragedy like this from ever occurring again. Eventually, under public pressure, amplified massively in the media, they will reluctantly form a world government dedicated to peace and happiness.
Plan C will sic robot wild dogs or some equivelant horror on those who see through the charade and who attempt to warn people this is the One World Government we previously fought against.
As is mankind's wont, some dispicable rebels will stay below the radar and will commence assassinating enforcers and their handlers. This will eventualy burgeon into civil war, probably around the same time as the CO2 bans cause us all to run out of diesel, still needed for food transport, police, and military. Working class bogans, who never had any time for non-violent peaceful protest, will see their children die and will lust for revenge before they too, pass on. Not one politician, doctor, nurse, or bureaucrat will survive.
The globalists made a serious error. They should have jabbed the kids after the parents had died. But they got cocky and impatient. Gates especially, cannot wait to see dying children, especially infants. He is the most psychotic of all. So who will win?
My money is on the rebels.
Some of the heroes are with us already, easily identified by their opposite views prior to 2008.
lol- You either read too many Q turds or too much Bible.
How terrifying your future vision is, though. And the NWO are amazing at subverting any movement that threatens them. I guess you can do when you have unlimited access to funds, media, and a network of that size, eh?
I can deal with everything they throw at me...except the spray planes, the EMF weapons, and those fucking robot dogs. Though...there are things we can do. And I'm doing them or at least preparing to do them.
I don't read bibles or Q, Janice. Just been watching the globalists since 1964. A water pistol would kill the robot dogs though. A hose might be better. Short circuits. A net trap also would immobilise them. When the time comes to run and hide, get rid of your mobile phone. If you can, set up a wilderness hide near the sea that has fresh spring water. For $5K you can set it up with solar and have a fan and radio.
I'm in the boonies, near a river already. The sea would be great for food, but the timber is my natural home. It's like the sea to me.
I doubt water will hurt those robots much, but a net would. And it's taking everything I got to not smash my unused cellfone everyday! I hate the things. Always have.
There are three distinct races living in Inner Earth. Admiral Byrd kept a diary of his encounter with one of these groups. The book, Etidorpha, also sheds some light on the cavernous systems of entrances and exits among those who have made that journey.
Many years ago, we discussed the journey of this brother and sister from Inner Earth and that the sister was finally able to describe where they had come from after she learned how to speak English. Their skin color changed over time and by all accounts - it is a true story.
Very few find their way into the cities through the cavernous tunnels in Kentucky or even Tennessee. Most have to gain access in Ireland (once called the Middle Kingdom), Wyoming, South America, or the poles. I wouldn't recommend going through the Bermuda Triangle or the Japanese portal - few return. There is one place where I put my hand through what was displayed as solid rock. I chose not to venture forth without my two young children who were with their babysitter. THAT would have been quite the adventure! If you want to hear a personal story, I will share one here.
I recall reading Louis L'amour's book where he describes parrot feathers brought from South America to Durango, Colorado through the tunnels as the basis for his book.
Check out Suspicious Observers... solar micronova theory... seems pretty solid. Hopi emergence stories, complete towns dug into the mountains in the middle east.. something to think about ..
I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was researching Octopuses. I also believe the inner Earth theory. Many have witnessed aliens living in the Earth's core.
In addition to the advanced race that Admiral Byrd interacted with, there has been contact with the "Little People" as they are known to the Native American tribes in Wyoming. They find their way to the surface and get lost. One adult male body that was found in Wyoming was displayed in a local museum until it was stolen. Ireland has their Leprechaun as well. One of the Inner Earth races resembles the Watusi, tall and slender. Their skin is greenish blue due to the mineral content of their water supplies. They do have craft that can come and go from the opening at the Arctic Circle.
Look, I dropped my car keys down the storm drain, OK. When I found a way down to retrieve them, I got lost. You would look a little green if you were stuck down there for fifteen days. When I found my way out, it was bad enough having a bunch of Irish tourists calling me stupid names but they beat me up, wanting to know where my gold was. There was no gold and no other "little people", and stop picking on my stature.
I have read about Agartha and Telos. Many people see craft emerging from Mt. Shasta when visiting eCeti. One wonders where the missing children fit into this scenario. There is a forest in Japan where people go missing and are never found.
I think that the weird, alien things you mentioned might just be from Saturn. Or even Neptune. I think our saltwater came from Saturn...but then, I'm a little crazy, but not stupid like gubment. :-)
Or they are humans from other planets. i assume there are 2-3% of the population that have been other places, or from other places. Does that make them alien?
Very interesting to contrast Cliff's version of 'First Contact' with Courtney Brown's version. Traders are always first in - certainly, the early 'colonists' who populated 'America' were traders and not representatives of the 'Crown' - they came later when they thought there was loot, and booty to plunder!
Is this your own take on history? Colonists in the 1600s were refugees, the Spaniards who came in 1492 were sent by way of the queen with orders from the pope to murder and plunder which they did in Florida in the 1500s and throughout the southwest clear into California. I live In New Mexico where their path north along the Rio Grande is well marked. So are the battles the Spanish had with the indians and their incredible success of enslaving Indians to build missions out the wazoo and teach the dirty heathens about the lord and the importance of their being submissive slaves. It did not go well for the Indians my friend who are now forced to take jabs and still having their resources plundered on their reservations and being given lots of drugs by our wonderful government.🤗🖖
Vikings came to North America centuries ago, and many ancient civilization theorists claim Egyptians mined copper in the Americas because the tpe of copper in their artifacts is a match for copper mined in Michigan, etc
Maybe when the truth is squeezed out of suppressed history people will realize we've been fed a crock and the poor pilgrims and their fake thanksgiving feast will be recognized as a fucking fairy tale.
Same bad actors behind all the tragedies....British Crown, Rothschilds....heck, the Crown watched the people of Ireland starve to death while they withheld plentiful bounties of food...we know it as "the potato famine"...all engineered for mans destruction...rinse and repeat...they just did it again with Covid and the death shots...and now they are pushing engineered shortages hoping to create starvation and people freezing to death...this is the same bunch that maneuvered our stupid governments into endless wars.
It makes me sick to see the people of Britain honoring the hideous "Royals"'s like watching people in AMERICA honoring Hollywood's perverted and filthy "celebrities"..
Humanity needs to grow up and stop allowing these fuckers to have any power over us.
the British Army came into Ireland and took all the food, and marched it down to the wharfs under guard. Repeated in detail by the Bolsheviks in Ukraine.
need to do something about that one and fast before they do destroy all the farms; he is certainly planning on a trillion a year to play with to enforce his fraudulent green agenda. I think he has always wanted the Empire back, and creating climate paupers will leave him that further ahead.
Not just the Brits, but all the royals throughout Europe and the Holy Roman Empire . People forget that before the noble explorers went to raid the Americas they were burning witches, having people drawn and quartered for minor offences or not worshipping Jesus..Satan Klaus and his ilk sure miss the day when you could chop off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread.
Living along the lower Rio Grande, there are stories of the Vikings sailing up as far as the rapids, where EB Dam is set. I have seen a large Viking Sailing ship etched into the rock face. 12 foot red haired bodies dug up and then quickly reburied to protect from the stupid government
Small world. I am south of Elephant Butte, five minutes from both Caballo Lake state park and Percha Dam. While digging up my sandy/clay soil to put in a garden I came across smooth black basalt stones along with chunks of white quartz and there are many other stones buried in the sand as well as artifacts. A worker told me when they dregged The Rio Grabde
To create the lake back in the1930s, they dumped tons of material along the roads. An archeologist in San Antonio , Tx had told me there were at least a million sites scattered throughout the state worth preserving,perhaps. My small collection of artifacts were clearly not worth his time, but I was pleased,nevertheless to learn ancient people left rheir
Mark. Will have to go look for the Viking Ship at EB. Both Rex Bear (Leak Project) and Diamond of Oppenheimer Ranch project have been doing great work scouting little known sites throughout The Four Corners,especially New Mexico)👍🏻🖖😁
Yes, and there is ample archaeological and other evidence that pre-1492 visitors and traders traveled up the Mississippi and into the Ohio Valley. The Ancient Kentucke Historical Association (President: Professor Lee Pennington) is a good source for this information.
Not to piss on anybody's parade, but I have to say that our entire knowledge of history and pre-history has been censored all along, and not just in th eUS. In north Australia (Atherton rainforest) there were small negritos, unrelated to Aborigines (ie mDNA) and these were the same people who occupied Tasmania, the last vestige before the seas rose and saved them from extinction (genocide) from late arrival Aboriginal marauders in the Holocene.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, there were two peoples present before Maori arrived. mDNA tests show them to be related to South Americans and the Middle East. More than a thousands burial sites are known but those who dig and ID are threatened with death.
My point is that the "totality of mankind's (west's that is) knowledge", is intensely censored to preserve a geopolitical narrative. I know who the censors are and how to defeat them. But this is futile while you guys put your energy into peripheral pursuits. If you find significant evidence they will bury you alongside it. American myopia is placing the entire world at risk. You are in a war. Now start fighting.
After a comet devastated Britain around 562, King Arthur sent a fleet of some 600 ships to establish a colony in North America also. This is what gave rise to the white-skinned, Welsh-speaking "native" Americans encountered nearly 900 years later by post-1492 colonists. Read "The King Arthur Conspiracy," by Wilson & Blackett (Cymroglyphics), especially Volume 2.
Sarcasm, kid, is the lowest form of wit; but I agree that you don't have the requisite intellectual capacity. Read the books and the sources and then come back with your childish, ignorant mockery!
Well done, Tirion, you screwed me up and threw me away as the dispicable trash that I am. Nevertheless, I apologise for the effrontry, but I just can't resist a teeny weenie itsie bitsy correction... "kid"? I am 79, but nobody else has flattered me so gushingly. Tee hee are you hitting on me? Tell me, it's the photo that did it. eh? wink wink nudge nudge.
Come to north Australia if you want to see a classic repeat of the series. Sack the workers first then, when starving, offer them food or $500, but only if they submit to the jab.
Hey Moron - I referring to the British and the New England colonists - many of them of British and French descent who were in fact trappers and traders, and yes, traded with the locals, aka, native Americans. People in the old Spanish colonies were not subjected to the Crown - the Crown is the Crown of Britain, specifically in the King George lineage.
Wrong. They directly represented, and were funded by, the City of London, which is way above the Crown. Search for a photo of new King Charlie being told he's a naughty boy by Sir Evelyn Rothschild. The British East India Company was Rothshchild-owned and still is.
Anyway, Ram, it is ironical, but we know your history (Canada/USA) quite well yet most Americans would not know where to find Australia on a world map. We are not particulalry smart, but the US is 39th on the global literary scale and falling fast. That is your real problem. You guys can't read and therefore rely on beliefs instead of evidence. Ergo, you are being dumbed down and don't even know it. You might just take Stew Peters, Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and Matt Ehret are little more seriously because they at least, are aware of who our real enemy is.
Interesting, I too worked in Telcom, the big guys, until the Carter Phone decision. Then I worked against them as a consultant. 50% of the first years savings and 50% of all refunds, hotels, casinos airlines and Banks. audit, inventory analysis system with feedback
I'm an old man enlisted US Navy 56 to 60 Burroughs Corp, Glenn L. Martin, Martin Marietta, A.M.F., Pacific Telephone, SW Bell.
Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has figured out and executed the return to a Constitutional republican form o government Oregon this year 2022.
All power is inherent in the people. The United States is a legal fiction created by the several states in Union together in a Congress Assembled under the articles of Confederation and perpetual Union. The Union is styled The United States of America. It!! As a group, created the Constitution which created the United States. The last lawful State is Oregon.
A path to returning to a United States as a Constitutionally bound government is: to assemble a quorum of the several states that were States. In 1860 prior to South Carolina seceding. However a Civilian Court of record is required to implement Ex Parte Milligan and nullify martial law/Lieber code and FEMA.
Therefore, 33 lawful states. A lawful quorum can open a lawful Congress. That precludes color of law.
Promulgate to your heart's content. I am finding no rebuttal.
May I present our thoughts on this at our meeting? Face to face, Zoom or Skype
We think we are in a malevolent predatory form of martial law/ Lieber Code/FEMA except Oregon. Where, we have formed a Civilian Court of record, implemented/enabling Ex Parte Milligan which in turn nullifies martial law/Lieber Code/FEMA on Oregon. It is all written down just following the prompts. "They" were playing the good master. Raising the slave child while rearing their own child. He who can be deceived let him.
We are no longer deceived. Therefore their law form is a nullity.
Love the concept, but, once the republic is re-structured " they" still have all the big guns and the money. How do you get enforcement? "They" won't back off without a fuss. Plus, people will die with their ideology/denial intact before they are willing to face a reality that disrupts their comforts. Just sayin'.
The German soldiers threw down their guns when they realized their leaders were insane. There is hope. Especially with Biden and the crazies running the corporate government services. The DNC is embarrassed by him.
It's my perhaps faulty recollection that Oregon's population succumbed heavily to the mRNA jab deception, which suggests to me that few Oregonians will wake up and comprehend what Ron has said. Actually, Ron should have stated that he paraphrased the original author of the American Constitutiuon, Thomas Paine, who said "All authority resides in the people", and also "The people are the source of all authority" (The Rights of Man).
Then along came James Madison, who excised all democracy from the Constitution, including the word Democracy, and was rewarded with a presidency. A mere handful of Americans know this.
Actually, the plutocrats you refer to so fondly as your Founding Fathers, created a monarchy, not a republic. Your President has the powers of a monarch, and the people have none. And when your enemy inserted Woodrow Wilson into the White House, you lost your financial system and sovereignty.
Texas, alone, can step outside the square because so many Texans decided to keep one foot outside from the outset. As they say, know your enemy and never fight on his terms or on his territory. Pick your own battlefield. The Law is on the side of your enemy because your enemy created it.
Search the world for allies. That is the key to defeat the enemy. Sadly, few Americans even know there is a world out there to seek. You believe you already have all the answers. and that foreigners "hate us because of our freedoms". You poor sad fuckers.
There is abundant evidence that aliens have been on Earth for a considerable time...Laura Eisenhower says that Ike met with them twice at military bases...
Laura Eisenhower was married to a psychopath who murdered 30,000 German children... the 14 and 15 year olds who were forcefully recruited at wars end. He did it by locking them into a wire compound without water, food, or shelter and in the middle of the German winter, until they all died. Any normal woman would have divorced this war criminal like a shot. But she did not. This is no springboard for later credibility. More likely, that she, too, was barking mad.
When I was a young boy my Father worked for the government. The CSIRO. He was a Technical Officer. The scientists would come up with an idea for something and it was his job to invent something to make it all work. Anyway I remember him telling me that, you cannot be sacked when you work for the government. If you are in a department and unable to carry out your duties either through lack of knowledge or whatever, the only way to get rid of you was to have you promoted. When you got promoted to a higher level and were unable to do your job the same thing happened. Another promotion. And that is why we have morons running the government. They were eventually promoted to the top of the ladder.
It's not only hilarious, its true. I was in the Australian public service for ten years. If you are catastrophically incompetent you get promoted sideways. Any American who thinks that could never happen in the US, is delusional. All hierachical governments are like this.
You always make me smile Clif. I love reading your stuff. May not always agree, but I never take offence because it's your point of view. I respect and appreciate that. Another brilliant insight! Thank you!
I had an epiphany many years ago, when CBS did a"60 Minutes" walk through, at the White House during the Obama era. Cameras went from office to office, and interviews were with the brightest. (NOT) I remember watching the cameras wanting to access a meeting and this "Chief of Staff" said, You're not allowed. That CoS was...Rahm Emanuel. (You know, the guy who said, "Why waste a good crisis.) All of a sudden, the lights came on. What ever was going on in that room was not for public knowledge. Then I thought, In that room, maybe 6-8 people strategically run the U.S. A Question: How many people were there in 2019 you may ask? 328.3 million. How is it that so few have that much Perceived POWER to run and enslave the lives of the many?
The word "Government" takes up more room in our heads than any other word. Why? Because power is always related to ", THE GOVERNMENT". IRS, Law enforcement, Military, Child Care guidelines, red light, yellow light and green, pay your bill, take the Jab and on and on. The word Government is really a concept that has become its own necromancers of the masses. From womb to tomb, we are programmed to be obedient to THE GOVERNMENT. I look forward to the pin prick that burst that bobble, backing it up to a concept and maybe back to our true authentic selves. Yes government is stupid, HOWEVER how stupid are we to follow the stupid. Just a question.
We don't have to, it's all color of law. They must get you consent, however they can. Try reading some if Anna Von Reitz's work. She has 2800 letters and documents on her website
It’s all coming together between the transmitting masts that surround you. Replete with the Project Bluebeam programming that appears to have been historically ongoing, deep and wide.
No doubt about it, we need less government...a lot less government. We could eliminate 90% of the government and their stupid junkyard dog agencies - think CDC, FDA, NIH, EPA, DHS, DIA, FBI, CIA, on and on.......we should replace CONgress altogether as we have learned these are the least ethical people on the earth that have and will sell out our country in a New York minute..
Does everyone understand that CONgress allows the giant trans national corporations to write everyone of their bills and they then pass them without even reading them...after packing them up to 2500 pages that "Master legislation maker" as old hag Pelosi calls herself, tells the country we will have to "pass them to know what's in them"...and that ladies and gentlemen is why our country has been gutted and sold out.
Which brings me to one more point...WE DO NEED GOVERNMENT .... we need it regulate those trans national corporations and protect our are they doing? It could not be worse for our country. Basically thanks to LACK OF GOOD GOVERNMENT , we are now looking at the CCP owning our ports, controlling our education system and for all intents and purposes carrying on a war inside our borders for the complete destruction of America. If Americans do not rise up and topple this totally criminal government we will be completely under Chinese (must remember the CCP is owned and operated by British Pilgrim Society, and Rothschilds Central Banks with Rothschild owned and operated Israel helping ) control.
We should topple this government , investigate each and every member of CONgress and then give them military trials and hangings for crimes going back as far as 1963. Rothschilds reportedly have $200 Trillion....most all stolen from Americans.
Last but not least, since we know the government has been in on all the terrorist attacks against our country - JFK murder, Oklahoma City, Bombing, 9/11 , Covid attack, foreign interference in elections, and countless false flags and criminal wars - every law put on the books since 1963 should be made null and void....START's the only way...with one important new law added - no dual Israel citizen (or any other country really)should ever be allowed a government job or to hold office....we must reminds ourselves ALWAYS to never again be cowed by claims of anti-semitism when what we really are saying is we are anti satanism and if the shoe fits.....and we want our Republic back.
I think that they are worse than stupid. I'll tell you a story. In the 1960's I flew Navy transport planes to the ships in the Gulf of Ton Kin. Daily we wasted thousands of gallons of fuel by dumping it into the sea to get down below maximum landing weight. I wrote a suggestion to the commanding officer. It was a plan to reduce the waste. His reply. I must use all of the money allocated this year or our allocation will be reduced next year. The primary job of anyone in government who wants a promotion is to justify waste. The more wasteful the more likely the promotion.
You are mostly blinded by your schooling and a mind type making assumptions that Space Aliens are coming here only for their own self interested motivation. It’s very dangerous to assume that. In fact there are legions of extra terrestrials that right beside We the People actively fighting for our freedom from slavery to the Orion and other ET species. And in fact, there are already many well developed groups making citizen to ET contact daily.
Sometimes I think Octopuses- mushrooms - seahorses and other things may be alien & we just assume they’re not. Also- since our 5 senses only have limited capacity- aliens may be here walking among us. I also think that alien life may enter through the ocean - or water sources. Wasn’t NASA originally designed for oceanic discovery? Maybe the door to this realm is inside the earth instead of above it.
There's certainly something in that... plus the fact they attempt to force feed us the evolution 'theory' with an almost fanatical zeal, bordering on panic.
As for the senses, the gut instinct may be just one of the hidden/forgotten senses we possess. and hence we do instinctively know when something or somebody feels.... off.
ALWAYS trust your instinct..... you don't 'have to' understand it, but do trust it nonetheless :)
Never really used it before, but mine sprang into action in early 2020.
Hasn't stopped since.
Which means you will be among the 30% still alive in a decade.
I think that's an optimistic percentage
In the US, yes; perhaps not so elsewhere.
I am not only concerned about the jab recipients, but of all the recovered, that we have no long term data for, and the fact so many medical, first responders and military people were coerced into taking it. Gates has openly said there will be more pandemics that are not corona, there are conspiracies acted on right now about food and energy, and whatever other nonsense they throw in the mix. Any confluence of these can compound in ways we don't fully expect right now, and could result in even more extreme losses. I expect losses to overshoot the number of the jabbed.
I don't agree AJ, but please let me explain why. The jab is doing its work. It may well kill 70% of the global population, eventually.
Because there is evidence already, I consider Plan B will be cultivated heroes who will come to mankind's rescue, and execute Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Bourla, Schwarb, and all the other tyrants who feature in the media. They are, after all, expendable in the broader NWO scheme of things and have already outlived their usefulness.
The heroes, who now become saviours and messiahs, will earn mankind's undying trust and gratitude. They will form a team, dedicated to preventing a tragedy like this from ever occurring again. Eventually, under public pressure, amplified massively in the media, they will reluctantly form a world government dedicated to peace and happiness.
Plan C will sic robot wild dogs or some equivelant horror on those who see through the charade and who attempt to warn people this is the One World Government we previously fought against.
As is mankind's wont, some dispicable rebels will stay below the radar and will commence assassinating enforcers and their handlers. This will eventualy burgeon into civil war, probably around the same time as the CO2 bans cause us all to run out of diesel, still needed for food transport, police, and military. Working class bogans, who never had any time for non-violent peaceful protest, will see their children die and will lust for revenge before they too, pass on. Not one politician, doctor, nurse, or bureaucrat will survive.
The globalists made a serious error. They should have jabbed the kids after the parents had died. But they got cocky and impatient. Gates especially, cannot wait to see dying children, especially infants. He is the most psychotic of all. So who will win?
My money is on the rebels.
Some of the heroes are with us already, easily identified by their opposite views prior to 2008.
lol- You either read too many Q turds or too much Bible.
How terrifying your future vision is, though. And the NWO are amazing at subverting any movement that threatens them. I guess you can do when you have unlimited access to funds, media, and a network of that size, eh?
I can deal with everything they throw at me...except the spray planes, the EMF weapons, and those fucking robot dogs. Though...there are things we can do. And I'm doing them or at least preparing to do them.
I don't read bibles or Q, Janice. Just been watching the globalists since 1964. A water pistol would kill the robot dogs though. A hose might be better. Short circuits. A net trap also would immobilise them. When the time comes to run and hide, get rid of your mobile phone. If you can, set up a wilderness hide near the sea that has fresh spring water. For $5K you can set it up with solar and have a fan and radio.
I'm in the boonies, near a river already. The sea would be great for food, but the timber is my natural home. It's like the sea to me.
I doubt water will hurt those robots much, but a net would. And it's taking everything I got to not smash my unused cellfone everyday! I hate the things. Always have.
And I know, because I'm doing the things too.
Yes. Evolution is pushed on us with the same religious fervor as they push climate change.
AKA your higher self"
Also dolphins.
There are three distinct races living in Inner Earth. Admiral Byrd kept a diary of his encounter with one of these groups. The book, Etidorpha, also sheds some light on the cavernous systems of entrances and exits among those who have made that journey.
Have you ever read anything about the Green Children of Woolpit? Nonfiction or folklore- who is to say…..
Many years ago, we discussed the journey of this brother and sister from Inner Earth and that the sister was finally able to describe where they had come from after she learned how to speak English. Their skin color changed over time and by all accounts - it is a true story.
I wish someone would make a movie about it.. it would be fun I think.
I don't watch movies. They turn real life into fantasy.
I think you want the opposite, so don't put it on a big screen.
Even the nice genre of nature docs are nothing but propaganda nowdays.
Very sad times.
Yes, it would be fun and people would go to that area looking for the entrance.
Isn't "Etidorhpa" a science-fiction novel?
Very few find their way into the cities through the cavernous tunnels in Kentucky or even Tennessee. Most have to gain access in Ireland (once called the Middle Kingdom), Wyoming, South America, or the poles. I wouldn't recommend going through the Bermuda Triangle or the Japanese portal - few return. There is one place where I put my hand through what was displayed as solid rock. I chose not to venture forth without my two young children who were with their babysitter. THAT would have been quite the adventure! If you want to hear a personal story, I will share one here.
Just saw this. Maybe when I have more time than I do for the next week.
Good find! I saw a photo several years ago when craft were entering a rock face like this one on the coast of the Gulf of Aden.
I recall reading Louis L'amour's book where he describes parrot feathers brought from South America to Durango, Colorado through the tunnels as the basis for his book.
Check out Suspicious Observers... solar micronova theory... seems pretty solid. Hopi emergence stories, complete towns dug into the mountains in the middle east.. something to think about ..
There is the underworld, but I am referring to actual tunnels between continents.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was researching Octopuses. I also believe the inner Earth theory. Many have witnessed aliens living in the Earth's core.
In addition to the advanced race that Admiral Byrd interacted with, there has been contact with the "Little People" as they are known to the Native American tribes in Wyoming. They find their way to the surface and get lost. One adult male body that was found in Wyoming was displayed in a local museum until it was stolen. Ireland has their Leprechaun as well. One of the Inner Earth races resembles the Watusi, tall and slender. Their skin is greenish blue due to the mineral content of their water supplies. They do have craft that can come and go from the opening at the Arctic Circle.
Look, I dropped my car keys down the storm drain, OK. When I found a way down to retrieve them, I got lost. You would look a little green if you were stuck down there for fifteen days. When I found my way out, it was bad enough having a bunch of Irish tourists calling me stupid names but they beat me up, wanting to know where my gold was. There was no gold and no other "little people", and stop picking on my stature.
I am more worried about the illegal grow operations in the OR forests, and red dots lighting up the homes of neighbors who complain to the sheriff
I have read about Agartha and Telos. Many people see craft emerging from Mt. Shasta when visiting eCeti. One wonders where the missing children fit into this scenario. There is a forest in Japan where people go missing and are never found.
I have read first hand accounts of missing persons who are returned far from where they were taken or went missing.
I might have to agree.
We are shaped through education to believe our 5 sense have limited capacity. Just one more lie in a sea of really big ones.
I think that the weird, alien things you mentioned might just be from Saturn. Or even Neptune. I think our saltwater came from Saturn...but then, I'm a little crazy, but not stupid like gubment. :-)
Or they are humans from other planets. i assume there are 2-3% of the population that have been other places, or from other places. Does that make them alien?
I totally agree. Government employees for the most part, have no common sense.
Thanks, lisa
Very interesting to contrast Cliff's version of 'First Contact' with Courtney Brown's version. Traders are always first in - certainly, the early 'colonists' who populated 'America' were traders and not representatives of the 'Crown' - they came later when they thought there was loot, and booty to plunder!
Is this your own take on history? Colonists in the 1600s were refugees, the Spaniards who came in 1492 were sent by way of the queen with orders from the pope to murder and plunder which they did in Florida in the 1500s and throughout the southwest clear into California. I live In New Mexico where their path north along the Rio Grande is well marked. So are the battles the Spanish had with the indians and their incredible success of enslaving Indians to build missions out the wazoo and teach the dirty heathens about the lord and the importance of their being submissive slaves. It did not go well for the Indians my friend who are now forced to take jabs and still having their resources plundered on their reservations and being given lots of drugs by our wonderful government.🤗🖖
Vikings came to North America centuries ago, and many ancient civilization theorists claim Egyptians mined copper in the Americas because the tpe of copper in their artifacts is a match for copper mined in Michigan, etc
Maybe when the truth is squeezed out of suppressed history people will realize we've been fed a crock and the poor pilgrims and their fake thanksgiving feast will be recognized as a fucking fairy tale.
Same bad actors behind all the tragedies....British Crown, Rothschilds....heck, the Crown watched the people of Ireland starve to death while they withheld plentiful bounties of food...we know it as "the potato famine"...all engineered for mans destruction...rinse and repeat...they just did it again with Covid and the death shots...and now they are pushing engineered shortages hoping to create starvation and people freezing to death...this is the same bunch that maneuvered our stupid governments into endless wars.
It makes me sick to see the people of Britain honoring the hideous "Royals"'s like watching people in AMERICA honoring Hollywood's perverted and filthy "celebrities"..
Humanity needs to grow up and stop allowing these fuckers to have any power over us.
the British Army came into Ireland and took all the food, and marched it down to the wharfs under guard. Repeated in detail by the Bolsheviks in Ukraine.
Whether it's famine, plague, pestilence or war, they have only a limited playbook. Control, manipulate, harvest. Wash, rinse, repeat :(
The Crown is not the "Royals." This is a deception to which the "Royals" are no doubt party, but the "Royals" are in fact puppets of the Crown:
The people will eventually remove these pedophile and satanic pricks. The queen is gone, now onto ugly Charles!
need to do something about that one and fast before they do destroy all the farms; he is certainly planning on a trillion a year to play with to enforce his fraudulent green agenda. I think he has always wanted the Empire back, and creating climate paupers will leave him that further ahead.
Not just the Brits, but all the royals throughout Europe and the Holy Roman Empire . People forget that before the noble explorers went to raid the Americas they were burning witches, having people drawn and quartered for minor offences or not worshipping Jesus..Satan Klaus and his ilk sure miss the day when you could chop off someone's hand for stealing a loaf of bread.
Living along the lower Rio Grande, there are stories of the Vikings sailing up as far as the rapids, where EB Dam is set. I have seen a large Viking Sailing ship etched into the rock face. 12 foot red haired bodies dug up and then quickly reburied to protect from the stupid government
Small world. I am south of Elephant Butte, five minutes from both Caballo Lake state park and Percha Dam. While digging up my sandy/clay soil to put in a garden I came across smooth black basalt stones along with chunks of white quartz and there are many other stones buried in the sand as well as artifacts. A worker told me when they dregged The Rio Grabde
To create the lake back in the1930s, they dumped tons of material along the roads. An archeologist in San Antonio , Tx had told me there were at least a million sites scattered throughout the state worth preserving,perhaps. My small collection of artifacts were clearly not worth his time, but I was pleased,nevertheless to learn ancient people left rheir
Mark. Will have to go look for the Viking Ship at EB. Both Rex Bear (Leak Project) and Diamond of Oppenheimer Ranch project have been doing great work scouting little known sites throughout The Four Corners,especially New Mexico)👍🏻🖖😁
Good to connect with a local. The rock with the Viking ship is past Cloride on the road out to the mine. It is up a wash, not too far off the road.
Might have to take drive out there, it's been years . . . another item to do
Thanks!! There's some xmas event out in Chloride, good time to check it out..
Yes, and there is ample archaeological and other evidence that pre-1492 visitors and traders traveled up the Mississippi and into the Ohio Valley. The Ancient Kentucke Historical Association (President: Professor Lee Pennington) is a good source for this information.
Not to piss on anybody's parade, but I have to say that our entire knowledge of history and pre-history has been censored all along, and not just in th eUS. In north Australia (Atherton rainforest) there were small negritos, unrelated to Aborigines (ie mDNA) and these were the same people who occupied Tasmania, the last vestige before the seas rose and saved them from extinction (genocide) from late arrival Aboriginal marauders in the Holocene.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, there were two peoples present before Maori arrived. mDNA tests show them to be related to South Americans and the Middle East. More than a thousands burial sites are known but those who dig and ID are threatened with death.
My point is that the "totality of mankind's (west's that is) knowledge", is intensely censored to preserve a geopolitical narrative. I know who the censors are and how to defeat them. But this is futile while you guys put your energy into peripheral pursuits. If you find significant evidence they will bury you alongside it. American myopia is placing the entire world at risk. You are in a war. Now start fighting.
After a comet devastated Britain around 562, King Arthur sent a fleet of some 600 ships to establish a colony in North America also. This is what gave rise to the white-skinned, Welsh-speaking "native" Americans encountered nearly 900 years later by post-1492 colonists. Read "The King Arthur Conspiracy," by Wilson & Blackett (Cymroglyphics), especially Volume 2.
Well done, Tiri. Great stuff. Myself, I gave up trying to write fiction. I just don't have the requisite imagination.
Sarcasm, kid, is the lowest form of wit; but I agree that you don't have the requisite intellectual capacity. Read the books and the sources and then come back with your childish, ignorant mockery!
Well done, Tirion, you screwed me up and threw me away as the dispicable trash that I am. Nevertheless, I apologise for the effrontry, but I just can't resist a teeny weenie itsie bitsy correction... "kid"? I am 79, but nobody else has flattered me so gushingly. Tee hee are you hitting on me? Tell me, it's the photo that did it. eh? wink wink nudge nudge.
Come to north Australia if you want to see a classic repeat of the series. Sack the workers first then, when starving, offer them food or $500, but only if they submit to the jab.
Hey Moron - I referring to the British and the New England colonists - many of them of British and French descent who were in fact trappers and traders, and yes, traded with the locals, aka, native Americans. People in the old Spanish colonies were not subjected to the Crown - the Crown is the Crown of Britain, specifically in the King George lineage.
The traders were representatives of the Crown literally, when they landed in China and Japan. In America too.
Wrong. They directly represented, and were funded by, the City of London, which is way above the Crown. Search for a photo of new King Charlie being told he's a naughty boy by Sir Evelyn Rothschild. The British East India Company was Rothshchild-owned and still is.
Anyway, Ram, it is ironical, but we know your history (Canada/USA) quite well yet most Americans would not know where to find Australia on a world map. We are not particulalry smart, but the US is 39th on the global literary scale and falling fast. That is your real problem. You guys can't read and therefore rely on beliefs instead of evidence. Ergo, you are being dumbed down and don't even know it. You might just take Stew Peters, Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and Matt Ehret are little more seriously because they at least, are aware of who our real enemy is.
Interesting, I too worked in Telcom, the big guys, until the Carter Phone decision. Then I worked against them as a consultant. 50% of the first years savings and 50% of all refunds, hotels, casinos airlines and Banks. audit, inventory analysis system with feedback
I'm an old man enlisted US Navy 56 to 60 Burroughs Corp, Glenn L. Martin, Martin Marietta, A.M.F., Pacific Telephone, SW Bell.
Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has figured out and executed the return to a Constitutional republican form o government Oregon this year 2022.
All power is inherent in the people. The United States is a legal fiction created by the several states in Union together in a Congress Assembled under the articles of Confederation and perpetual Union. The Union is styled The United States of America. It!! As a group, created the Constitution which created the United States. The last lawful State is Oregon.
A path to returning to a United States as a Constitutionally bound government is: to assemble a quorum of the several states that were States. In 1860 prior to South Carolina seceding. However a Civilian Court of record is required to implement Ex Parte Milligan and nullify martial law/Lieber code and FEMA.
Therefore, 33 lawful states. A lawful quorum can open a lawful Congress. That precludes color of law.
Promulgate to your heart's content. I am finding no rebuttal.
May I present our thoughts on this at our meeting? Face to face, Zoom or Skype
We think we are in a malevolent predatory form of martial law/ Lieber Code/FEMA except Oregon. Where, we have formed a Civilian Court of record, implemented/enabling Ex Parte Milligan which in turn nullifies martial law/Lieber Code/FEMA on Oregon. It is all written down just following the prompts. "They" were playing the good master. Raising the slave child while rearing their own child. He who can be deceived let him.
We are no longer deceived. Therefore their law form is a nullity.
all the best of every good fortune for the good.
Love the concept, but, once the republic is re-structured " they" still have all the big guns and the money. How do you get enforcement? "They" won't back off without a fuss. Plus, people will die with their ideology/denial intact before they are willing to face a reality that disrupts their comforts. Just sayin'.
The German soldiers threw down their guns when they realized their leaders were insane. There is hope. Especially with Biden and the crazies running the corporate government services. The DNC is embarrassed by him.
Check out The . the information there might reinforce some of yours, Good day
No!! Hard copy with proof of service and date of acquiescence.
www.orsja .org When you have your 5 or 6 for your Jural Assembly we will help with the templates to do your state or territory.
Your intuition is good, Cathy.
It's my perhaps faulty recollection that Oregon's population succumbed heavily to the mRNA jab deception, which suggests to me that few Oregonians will wake up and comprehend what Ron has said. Actually, Ron should have stated that he paraphrased the original author of the American Constitutiuon, Thomas Paine, who said "All authority resides in the people", and also "The people are the source of all authority" (The Rights of Man).
Then along came James Madison, who excised all democracy from the Constitution, including the word Democracy, and was rewarded with a presidency. A mere handful of Americans know this.
Actually, the plutocrats you refer to so fondly as your Founding Fathers, created a monarchy, not a republic. Your President has the powers of a monarch, and the people have none. And when your enemy inserted Woodrow Wilson into the White House, you lost your financial system and sovereignty.
Texas, alone, can step outside the square because so many Texans decided to keep one foot outside from the outset. As they say, know your enemy and never fight on his terms or on his territory. Pick your own battlefield. The Law is on the side of your enemy because your enemy created it.
Search the world for allies. That is the key to defeat the enemy. Sadly, few Americans even know there is a world out there to seek. You believe you already have all the answers. and that foreigners "hate us because of our freedoms". You poor sad fuckers.
We are growing slowly but surely in Arizona
I know several people on Arizona that should but don't assemble. good fortune to you
There is abundant evidence that aliens have been on Earth for a considerable time...Laura Eisenhower says that Ike met with them twice at military bases...
Laura Eisenhower was married to a psychopath who murdered 30,000 German children... the 14 and 15 year olds who were forcefully recruited at wars end. He did it by locking them into a wire compound without water, food, or shelter and in the middle of the German winter, until they all died. Any normal woman would have divorced this war criminal like a shot. But she did not. This is no springboard for later credibility. More likely, that she, too, was barking mad.
When I was a young boy my Father worked for the government. The CSIRO. He was a Technical Officer. The scientists would come up with an idea for something and it was his job to invent something to make it all work. Anyway I remember him telling me that, you cannot be sacked when you work for the government. If you are in a department and unable to carry out your duties either through lack of knowledge or whatever, the only way to get rid of you was to have you promoted. When you got promoted to a higher level and were unable to do your job the same thing happened. Another promotion. And that is why we have morons running the government. They were eventually promoted to the top of the ladder.
It's not only hilarious, its true. I was in the Australian public service for ten years. If you are catastrophically incompetent you get promoted sideways. Any American who thinks that could never happen in the US, is delusional. All hierachical governments are like this.
You always make me smile Clif. I love reading your stuff. May not always agree, but I never take offence because it's your point of view. I respect and appreciate that. Another brilliant insight! Thank you!
I had an epiphany many years ago, when CBS did a"60 Minutes" walk through, at the White House during the Obama era. Cameras went from office to office, and interviews were with the brightest. (NOT) I remember watching the cameras wanting to access a meeting and this "Chief of Staff" said, You're not allowed. That CoS was...Rahm Emanuel. (You know, the guy who said, "Why waste a good crisis.) All of a sudden, the lights came on. What ever was going on in that room was not for public knowledge. Then I thought, In that room, maybe 6-8 people strategically run the U.S. A Question: How many people were there in 2019 you may ask? 328.3 million. How is it that so few have that much Perceived POWER to run and enslave the lives of the many?
The word "Government" takes up more room in our heads than any other word. Why? Because power is always related to ", THE GOVERNMENT". IRS, Law enforcement, Military, Child Care guidelines, red light, yellow light and green, pay your bill, take the Jab and on and on. The word Government is really a concept that has become its own necromancers of the masses. From womb to tomb, we are programmed to be obedient to THE GOVERNMENT. I look forward to the pin prick that burst that bobble, backing it up to a concept and maybe back to our true authentic selves. Yes government is stupid, HOWEVER how stupid are we to follow the stupid. Just a question.
We don't have to, it's all color of law. They must get you consent, however they can. Try reading some if Anna Von Reitz's work. She has 2800 letters and documents on her website
5G: Fifth Generation
5GW: Fifth Generation Warfare
It’s all coming together between the transmitting masts that surround you. Replete with the Project Bluebeam programming that appears to have been historically ongoing, deep and wide.
No doubt about it, we need less government...a lot less government. We could eliminate 90% of the government and their stupid junkyard dog agencies - think CDC, FDA, NIH, EPA, DHS, DIA, FBI, CIA, on and on.......we should replace CONgress altogether as we have learned these are the least ethical people on the earth that have and will sell out our country in a New York minute..
Does everyone understand that CONgress allows the giant trans national corporations to write everyone of their bills and they then pass them without even reading them...after packing them up to 2500 pages that "Master legislation maker" as old hag Pelosi calls herself, tells the country we will have to "pass them to know what's in them"...and that ladies and gentlemen is why our country has been gutted and sold out.
Which brings me to one more point...WE DO NEED GOVERNMENT .... we need it regulate those trans national corporations and protect our are they doing? It could not be worse for our country. Basically thanks to LACK OF GOOD GOVERNMENT , we are now looking at the CCP owning our ports, controlling our education system and for all intents and purposes carrying on a war inside our borders for the complete destruction of America. If Americans do not rise up and topple this totally criminal government we will be completely under Chinese (must remember the CCP is owned and operated by British Pilgrim Society, and Rothschilds Central Banks with Rothschild owned and operated Israel helping ) control.
We should topple this government , investigate each and every member of CONgress and then give them military trials and hangings for crimes going back as far as 1963. Rothschilds reportedly have $200 Trillion....most all stolen from Americans.
Last but not least, since we know the government has been in on all the terrorist attacks against our country - JFK murder, Oklahoma City, Bombing, 9/11 , Covid attack, foreign interference in elections, and countless false flags and criminal wars - every law put on the books since 1963 should be made null and void....START's the only way...with one important new law added - no dual Israel citizen (or any other country really)should ever be allowed a government job or to hold office....we must reminds ourselves ALWAYS to never again be cowed by claims of anti-semitism when what we really are saying is we are anti satanism and if the shoe fits.....and we want our Republic back.
I think that they are worse than stupid. I'll tell you a story. In the 1960's I flew Navy transport planes to the ships in the Gulf of Ton Kin. Daily we wasted thousands of gallons of fuel by dumping it into the sea to get down below maximum landing weight. I wrote a suggestion to the commanding officer. It was a plan to reduce the waste. His reply. I must use all of the money allocated this year or our allocation will be reduced next year. The primary job of anyone in government who wants a promotion is to justify waste. The more wasteful the more likely the promotion.
government = tits on a log
Thanks for the Great Information. However your not kidding about how STUPID our GOVERNMENT is...!!!!!
You are mostly blinded by your schooling and a mind type making assumptions that Space Aliens are coming here only for their own self interested motivation. It’s very dangerous to assume that. In fact there are legions of extra terrestrials that right beside We the People actively fighting for our freedom from slavery to the Orion and other ET species. And in fact, there are already many well developed groups making citizen to ET contact daily.
It would be like those who encountered Viking traders.