Hello Woo Crew! Today’s Deep Thought in a Nutshell: How about we all consider that the Bolshevik’s took over our government in the early 1900’s, brought over the Nazi’s after WW2 in Project Paperclip and now they have used the CIA to get millions of people to take their poison? Let me add in, the Medical Industrial Complex. Because most of the Covid patients died in the hospital and not at home.

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Greenpeace co - founder Dr . Patrick Moore : " The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove CO2 is causing the Earth to warm… I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication ."

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To protect and improve mental health, spend as much time as possible in Nature every day away from electronic devices, stay grounded, bare feet on Earth, practice relaxation, optimize hydration and nutrition, and sungaze daily:


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Ain't gonna be no presidential election...

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Christianity and Judisim come from Satanisim Clif.

Ask any classical philologist.

Study the STR root prior to the Greek alphabet: Sigma, Tau, Rho root.

Satan. You'll be told by the people who do the Semitic languages, they'll say, “Oh God we have to figure out what this is from! It can't be! It's got to be from Hebrew or Aramaic!”


It's just (Sa-Tu-Na (Saturna)) from Mycenaean and the ρ (rho (r)) gets swallowed into the ν (nu (n)), which is common.

Have you studied or read any Mycenaean yet Clif?

Satan is Saturnian worship.

Feel skeptical because you don't have that ancient context yet?

Don't believe me, go check it for yourself. It's right there.


It's Saturnian worship so clear your perception from the fairytale, on your feet, and realize that we have a type of Mystery that is from the Bronze Age that is functioning.

Your fairytale of satanisim has some exaggeration in its character not withstanding because that is part of a mistranslated fairytale from Judaism and Christianity.

We need more professional discernment not just going off what the Elohim worship cult says from their dead mis-translated language.

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I think billionaires in general are mentally ill, megalomania …. And most if them are JEWS

Why have 45 houses, 200 cars, 12 yachts…. These people are totally and completely insane

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Clif's substack is the best part of my week. Always a breath of fresh air. Thanks Clif

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Off with their heads... bwahahaha

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There are huge movements gaining momentum and educating people about the take over of the USofAmerica from a republic to a corporation, This education includes methods you can use in your local area to unseat these treasonous corporate encroachers. They are not your public servants.

Cal Washington’s Inpowermovent is successful-


What just happened in Maricopa County is magnificent and I highly recommend Miki Klann’s work with the organization The People’s Operation Restoration Operation:


Here’s a great overview- https://rumble.com/embed/v452jgl/?pub=1yfh50

Miki is working with vaccine accountability, others are working on Geo engineering, Smart Meters, 5G and school boards. I’m not sure of the integrity of some of the people she shares about in the movement (like Charlie Ward, but he’s just a small mention in this huge movement). Now is the time to ban together and actually create movement to pressure the corrupt and treasonous corporate entities to step down.

Supposedly Texas is free. You haven’t heard about it because any kind of media will not touch this news: Nino the former boxer interviews Miki ( he drives me nuts but there’s so much information here)…


Nevada City recent Notice of Liability:


We grew up not being educated about our constitution, the founding fathers intent and the capture of the Republic after Lincoln and the First World War. It’s time to start action and put theorizing and dividing each other.on the back burner. There is so much ignorance but we have to begin sometime and the time is now. Please educate yourself: https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/education/

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Turdo (Canada) purchased 10 doses for every Canadian. We have 40 million population. And he is building a C19 bioweapon manufacturing facility in Montreal, Quebec.....still. Yet, a very small % of the population is taking boosters.

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If it weren’t foreseeable it would sound like a phiilip k dick novel. Lol

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Agree. So tired of hearing people say that it says in the Bible that Jews are Gods chose children. So what they are trying to say is that God has favorites and the rest of us are second best? Sorry, not sorry, but source loves all of us. We are all of and from source.

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I still don't understand their thinking when they F-up the air, water, food etc. What are THEY breathing, drinking and eating? Or do they know something we don't yet know about how to avoid these things and stay safe while everyone else dies?

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Hell yeah jews are bat shit crazy. I agree they are mentally ill.

I like characterizing their state are neurotic … totally paranoid, unstable, completely absorbed by their chosen state…. Guess its all that inbreeding. Pedofiles and they do not ever integrate in their host country. They are the most racist brutally dangerous.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you know of a 17 yr old girl who took 4 shots and now has hiv, and it boils your blood. You want to string the people up at fault as well as the Grammer police who were taught by the elohim. F ing bastards. Karma is coming. AHHHHHHH!

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

the resoration of the lawful (de jure) american government that has been inter regnum since the civil war is in process. this includes restoring the common law courts - the last one was closed in 1965. also, there is a set up and distribution of prepaid credits to the people as american federation dollars. we the people are assembling, once again! https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ https://global528.com

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