Hello Woo Crew! Today’s Deep Thought in a Nutshell: How about we all consider that the Bolshevik’s took over our government in the early 1900’s, brought over the Nazi’s after WW2 in Project Paperclip and now they have used the CIA to get millions of people to take their poison? Let me add in, the Medical Industrial Complex. Because most of the Covid patients died in the hospital and not at home.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution | An Interview with Professor Anthony C. Sutton
How Wall Street, the United States, and the European great powers helped the Bolsheviks take and consolidate power in Russia. A classic interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton, from 1987. Professor A. Sutton taught economics at California State University and was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institute, he wrote the major study “Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development” (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). Sutton argued that the Soviet Union's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong, was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers
.operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
I think it is quite complete. However, you are wrong!! First!! find the evidence that the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; Confederation and perpetual Union 1777 that stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 is void. Unlawful acts by pirates does not change ownership. The de facto United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc, is a color of law criminal enterprise. We removed them on Oregon, November 2022. www.orsja.org
Please allow me to explain how this works as I am certified in this topic by officialdoom.
After the conclusion of the Revolution by the individual States there was a so-called Constitutional Convention (see Madison's Notes on that) and whereafter the draft was put to the public of the individual States & wherein each State would put the new Federal Constitution to public vote. This was known as the Constitutional Convention of 1787 as recorded in James Madison's supposedly secret notes that he claimed he kept on the meeting Phily.
Now at that time there were no additions or what we call Amendments and because of that fact the people of every state voted down the formation of a Federal Government.
So there was period of time for public discussion and then voting by the public on the new Federal Constitution.
The result was the Constitution was turned down repeatedly by the people in every State. I think one accepted it but can't quite remember, but in any event it was repeatedly and soundly voted down at least twice by all the other States.
This is because there are no prohibitions on governmental power in the Constitution as it was first put before the population and so they declined to approve it. So it was then decided that they would whittle down the Virginia Bills of Rights from 13 to 10, as in God's 10 ten holy laws.
Now those were added on as the Bills of Rights. The Holy Laws of the people, and then the whole was again put before the population. It still took most all of the States 3 tries to get the people to accept it and in the case of New York it took five attempts!
The Bills of Rights are very clear. They cannot be altered or amended in any way. Any breach of any one of them is an act of war on the people and there for an act of war on the government which is said clearly in the Preamble to be "We The People>" This would be high treason as Joe Biden keeps doing along with the ATF and FBI and Many other idiots who have fools for attorney generals that have no history majors among their staff, or at least none who can read.
The Bills of Rights is the social compact, the legally binding contract betwee us (we the people) and them, those who govern. It's very simple. Break that contract and you have no United States and no Federal Government
An explanation. A small percentage of the population involved in the unanimous Declaration of the united States of America 1776 and for most of the 1770’s wanted to revolt. Wars are controlled by Banks and BAR attorneys and the militaries they control. It was about 3 to 5 %, actually succeeded in the revolt on the land and brought forth a Confederation and perpetual Union with articles that stiled themselves The United States of America. 1777. They worked their original jurisdiction sovereign man on the several states system and were unable to govern. To govern they needed to obtain a consensus, it required 100%. So, they wrote a Constitution for the several states which formed the United States a government service company for the several states and reduced themselves to 12 for the 1789 inauguration of George Washington. Vermont was a separate nation seeking statehood. Rhode Island and Providence Plantation did not ratify the Constitution. New York ran them out of the city.
However, the 12 coerced Rhode Island and Providence Plantation to return to the Confederation and perpetual Union. Vermont joined the Union. Washington District of Columbia a 10 mile square between Maryland and Virginia was dedicated. It remained the de jure original jurisdiction; The United States of America from 1789 to 1859 in a proper Congress Assembled. A de jure government, of the United States of Washington District of Columbia the 10 mile square with forts, ports, and needful buildings, according to our Constitution(s). The First law of the land was the Constitution created by the several states. A Confederation and perpetual Union stiled The United States of America 1777. Each a separate nation state (33) with individual Constitutions, that will not conflict with The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859; the last lawful de jure iteration of original jurisdiction. Constitutions now totaling 34. Oregon was / is the last de jure state added to the Union. Kansas was the first de facto state and Nevada and West Virginia are both Lieber Code Federal states, de facto martial law.
Fraud vitiates all contracts either partially or completely. This is decided by ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the de jure provisional government on Oregon. To be determined by each of the other 32 states and 17 territories as they may think proper when they form their social compact and do the work.
There was no preamble ratified. It is an affectation without value in law. It is not part of the First law of the land. To which, that land is defined, “what is left of their 10 mile square on the Potomac River.” Virginia took their portion back, now named, Arlington. Our government service company the United States is one proper oath away. Just as Oregon’s de jure government is one oath away.
A proper oath, is to the proper de jure Constitution(s) with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included.
It was to give you a historical background which shows that the adoption of the Federal Constitution only came about after the adopting of the Bills Of Rights.
The Federal Constitution exists only because of the Bills of Rights.
The Bills of Rights are the Supreme Laws of the People and the social compact.
The Bills of Rights are forever and unalterable
Any attempt to alter or amend the Original 10 Supreme Laws is High Treason.
Only by public discussion and only by public vote can any new government be lawfully formed. Anything thing else is High Treason.
All you seem to be doing is working to confuse the issue before others. It is of the utmost importance to under the information stated above as your rulers are right now engaged in High Treason and attempting to convince the population that they have a legal right to alter and amend the Bills of Rights and or to ignore them entirely as Joe Biden has repeatedly done. Not to mention violating the Nuremberg Codes.
You need to understand that We the People approved the Federal Constitution by public vote and only with the addition of the Bills of Rights. Violate those laws and the Federal Government has no legal lawful authority since we the people are the lawful authority and government.
There is no Federal Constitution. There is only The United States of America's Constitution the last lawful iteration was 1859. States ratified our Constitution not people. People ratify their states Constitution. We are beneficiaries of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. All other prior iterations are artifacts and there are no lawful de jure Constitutions after Oregon became the 33rd and final state. Only color of law, de facto, incorporated governance,
Our beloved saviour Donald J. Trump received a 10.8 billion dollar donation to his media empire by the London Coutts Bank !! From no other thst the London Kahzarian JEWS. Trump just loves his British Jews …
Thats why Trump did nothing in 2016-2020
- did not close the Federal Reserve Bank
- he did not touch the CIA, FBI and did nothing to reforme the justice departement
- he let SES walk its course
These are the British-Jew strongholds controlling the USA
THAT's the question of the minute! My research takes me far and wide to answer. Some say the UK Pilgrims Society, others say the Bank of England, the Rothschilds, or the Vatican. Then there's the ancient Iranian tribes -- the original Zorastrians & First World Persian Empire -- that have been controlling the world for the last 5000 years.
is it the one who makes the claim or the one in possession of alleged person, place or thing; can one claim possession of alleged creation that pulses into and out of existence 22 Trillion times a sec; does anyone own each pulse/beat of the heart; or own the inhale and exhale in this matterium; maybe it is not so much about ownership but maybe more about jurisdiction;
Who owns our states of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859? There are 33. Oregon is the last lawfully, Constitutionally admitted to the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and Perpetual Union. Kansas was color of law and post March 1861 a benevolent martial law that recently turned malevolent. Who owns the Territories. Property in possession of a Pirate does not change ownership.
Exactly. Our Country is still a Colony of England because of the 1871 Banker's LAW! Everything we though about America has been a complicated SCAM,.....really America was created by the global elite Mafia to be used as a TOOL to take down and control every other nation on the planet from behind the scenes. We've been PLAYED since DAY ONE. Now they are done with needing us and it's our turn to go down. I wonder if the Constitution is real?
colony is another word for plantation...13 plantations just sounds too close to what that meant...yeah colony sounds sufficient enough to get all them citizens/slaves on board...all aboard the citizenSHIP heading to another port of operation...said the KHAZARIAN/EL [ite];
“on behalf of ” and “to lead” for the EL would be the [Latin] pro [Latin ducem, [PIE] deuk;
maybe the EL are like Bee-farmers; colony, hivemind, Honey; yeah let's go with Honey as the produce/product; btw;
Do bees fly or levitate; keep in mind the 369; energy, frequency, vibration; perhaps a 'Bee as a pilot in a Vermana' - with flying goggles and all !!!; this would be the optimal label design for this Raw Organic Honey product or Hybrid if you prefer;
The idea of making "the nations" serve a single chosen people and the encouragement of those chosen people to kill all men, women, children, and animals of other peoples who won't let them have their way, is not just a Khazarian thing. It's plain old Torah, The Prophets, and basic Judaism. Talmud, Zohar, Sabbateanism, Satanism, Christianity, and Islam, are mere extensions of it to serve purposes.
Remdesevir poisoning. When something kills 56% of everyone you give it to in trials, the only thing more damning is knowing that it would have killed 100% if it had not been pulled by the trial overseers and there were no overseers in those ICUs.
Deep Thoughts and A Day Without Clif ..... SOMEBODY start a Telegram or Substack chat platform (!!!) Such great people in the Comment section of Clif's posts here.
This was after mis treatment of the “symptoms “ of shallow breathing.
They were forced on high oxygen, isolation, not feeding,dehydration, vents,given Remdisivir medication ( which was taken off market because of its deaths and kidney failure.) This was brought back to hospitals for Covid patients- which killed or side effects that people view as long Covid. Other Covid deaths not in hospitals were due to primary illness, trauma ( car accidents etc.)
I never realized the truth about WW11 and Project Paperclip relating to this.
Greenpeace co - founder Dr . Patrick Moore : " The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove CO2 is causing the Earth to warm… I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication ."
I recall listening to a video of louse snob (wefer) and the ceo’s of pay pal, bp and the director of the London school of economics talk about implementing “carbon credits” and essentially pressuring businesses to comply. Their agenda would be pushed under the guise of environmental activism.
To protect and improve mental health, spend as much time as possible in Nature every day away from electronic devices, stay grounded, bare feet on Earth, practice relaxation, optimize hydration and nutrition, and sungaze daily:
Indeed. I agree, except for bare feet on the ground; potential to gather microscopic parasites via said feet, especially where e.g, foxes, rats and so on might well have been peeing, pooping, scratching, etc.! 🙀😅
It is not possible to experience optimal mental and physical health without a direct connection to Earth - skin to Earth It's how we receive Life force energy and rebalance both physiologically and energetically. This is ancient wisdom. The reason most people are sick and suffering is due to the loss of connection to Earth and Nature.
Still desperate scenarios on the table I'm sure, but none will work. Everybody still has their guns, if it comes to that.
Guessing the last ditch of all is EMP or overloading 5G towers and causing cell phones to combust. Maybe there's a backup to put into place, doesn't matter.
I prefer to focus on the bigger picture, myself. It's accelerating as well.
Going to be one HELL of a summer for some, and returning to heaven for many others. Literally, figuratively, whatever.
If there's another Carrington Event, all bets are off for the establishment. They'll lose the stupid narradigm push.
I think I read somewhere that the 5G cell towers can be turned up so high it can irradiate the population in their areas, and cause some horrific damage and death directly.
When things start to get wonky... best to riddle the towers with gunfire.
All the bridges are rigged to blow and the smart meter on your house is an incendiary explosive set off by an electronic surge. And maybe our enemies can do earthquakes and cause large scale liquefaction.
Christianity and Judisim come from Satanisim Clif.
Ask any classical philologist.
Study the STR root prior to the Greek alphabet: Sigma, Tau, Rho root.
Satan. You'll be told by the people who do the Semitic languages, they'll say, “Oh God we have to figure out what this is from! It can't be! It's got to be from Hebrew or Aramaic!”
It's just (Sa-Tu-Na (Saturna)) from Mycenaean and the ρ (rho (r)) gets swallowed into the ν (nu (n)), which is common.
Have you studied or read any Mycenaean yet Clif?
Satan is Saturnian worship.
Feel skeptical because you don't have that ancient context yet?
Don't believe me, go check it for yourself. It's right there.
It's Saturnian worship so clear your perception from the fairytale, on your feet, and realize that we have a type of Mystery that is from the Bronze Age that is functioning.
Your fairytale of satanisim has some exaggeration in its character not withstanding because that is part of a mistranslated fairytale from Judaism and Christianity.
We need more professional discernment not just going off what the Elohim worship cult says from their dead mis-translated language.
In Greek, the word for "wilderness" is "ερημία" (erimía). This term is commonly used in both ancient and modern Greek to refer to uninhabited or uncultivated land, often characterized by its natural and untouched state. It can denote a wilderness, desert, or remote area that is devoid of human habitation or development. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0058%3Aentry%3De)rhmi%2Fa)
Where did Jesus talk to "Satan?" In the wilderness.
Hint, it's not an actual desert.
The Universe is such that there are compartments. And in these zones, one of them is called "the wilderness" in Greek. That is where the power of the Saturnian reigns in "the wilderness."
The ancient Greeks said in text there are certain rulers in certain places, in these different zones in the "ερημίες" (the plural form used when referring to multiple "wildernesses" or "deserts." The term "analogia" (αναλογία) in Greek generally means "analogy" or "correspondence." So there are certain rulers in certain places. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=start&lookup=Erhm&lang=greek)
In Greek, the term "Lucifer" is typically rendered as "Φωσφόρος" (Phosphoros) or "Εωσφόρος" (Eosphoros). Both of these terms refer to the planet Venus when it appears as the "morning star" or the "bringer of dawn." In ancient Greek mythology, Eosphoros or Phosphoros was personified as a deity associated with the dawn and the morning star.
Lucifer is the ruler of this world. To the Greeks, our access to that authority and to that power, comes through the star (STR root).
In Roman mythology, Saturn (Saturnus) was the god of agriculture, wealth, and time, often associated with a golden age of abundance and peace. However, he was also sometimes depicted as a more sinister figure associated with time's destructive aspects and even identified with the Greek god Cronus, who was known for devouring his children.
Yet people who only go back that far is not going to the roots. The STR lingistic roots is pointing to a Bronze Age star cult.
The word "savior" and "salvation" has roots in the Greek word "sōtēr" (σωτήρ), which means "savior" or "deliverer." This term was commonly used in ancient Greek culture and appears in various religious and philosophical contexts, and also outside of religious text prior to the invention of religion. Imagine that.
STR is also where we get the word "historía" which comes from the Greek word "ἱστορία" (historía), which means "inquiry" or "knowledge acquired by investigation." It is the "inquiry we ask an oracle." "The question" is the "historía."
"Oistros" (ὀίστρος) referred to a gadfly or a stinging insect also comes from the STR root. The word was also metaphorically used to describe a frenzy or a passionate desire. In the context of inducing birth, "oistros" has been interpreted as a reference to certain herbs or substances believed to stimulate contractions and hasten labor. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Doi)%3Dstros)
There's a lot of info out there, perhaps research Elohim... religion is a construct; fallen angels; why so many versions of the bible; wars, many wars around religion... Israel was left for last... they say...
The word "christ" from old Mycenaean and was first found hundreds of years prior to Jesus and is originally in association with Colchis Queen Medea. "Christ" means drug (polypharmacon), it has nothing to do with a person's name. "Anti-christ" means antidote. Read Greek Galen medical texts, a lot of your answers are in there.
Wrong! Christ means Messiah and is a titlegiven to anyone who has raised themselves above sin and temptation.
There have been quite a few Christed souls on earth in all time. Each are capable of achieving Christed status if we allow God to fill our hearts and minds in ever presence.
Since you claim to know about the bible, tell us all why Jesus was arrested at 4 am with a naked kid who only had a sindon (you need to read Galen medical text in Greek for actual context and the reality) over his private parts?
Why did Jesus yell when he was being arrested by the Roman S.W.A.T. team, "You are coming at me as if I were a Lestas?!"
Why are all the apostles teenage boys and not old men with beards like you thought they were?
I shared this insight of Jesus having to cover the boy in the garden (expensive) as he fled. No one knows the story. You are not hypnotized by the shackles of religion. Love your posts in this thread.
In the book of Mark chapter 14 verses 48-52, we read of some very disturbing details in the original text.
In the mistranslated English versions the original truth has been deliberately edited out to keep people blind to control them through a fairytale.
The fairytale mistranslation of King James’ ignorance says, “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?”
The only problem is that the word “thief” is not what the original text says.
Jesus, being a bit out of it on drugs, says, “You’re coming at me like I’m a ‘lestas’.
What is a lestas?
A superficial and compartmentalized view would come to theories like the term "lestas" in the context of ancient Greek culture can refer to a pirate or a brigand.
These were individuals or groups who engaged in acts of piracy, including raiding and plundering ships or coastal areas.
Pirates were a known phenomenon in the ancient Mediterranean world, and they posed a threat to maritime trade and coastal communities.
In some ancient texts, the term "lestas" may be used to describe these pirates or raiders.
However, it's important to note that the specific usage of the term can vary in different contexts, and it might refer to various types of criminals or lawbreakers.
As classical Greek philologist Dr Ammon Hillman says, “These are not your Johnny Depp kinda pirates. These are child sex traffickers.
Lycophron is referenced as one of the sources above.
Lycophron was an ancient Greek poet who lived during the 3rd century BC. He is most famous for his work titled "Alexandra," also known as the "Cassandra" in Latin. "Alexandra" is a long and complex poem that is considered one of the most obscure and difficult texts in Greek literature.
The "Alexandra" is written in the form of a monologue delivered by Cassandra, the prophetess of Troy from Greek mythology. In this poem, Cassandra foretells the events leading up to and during the Trojan War and the fall of Troy. She laments the tragic fate of her city and her unheeded prophecies.
Lycophron's style is characterized by its dense and cryptic language, filled with obscure references to mythology, history, and geography. The poem is known for its complexity, wordplay, and intricate use of vocabulary, which has made it a challenging and often puzzling work for scholars.
And thanks to Lycophron’s text, it reveals to us mothers singing songs about their children being taken away by these lestas.
Here is the listing for the verb from which the derives.
Note this "seize, carry off as booty, either men or things." At the very least, Jesus is saying something along the lines of “why are you coming after me like I plunder and carry off human beings as booty?”
Also, there is a copy of the Bible that translates “leistes” as “brigand” and not a “thief”.
A "brigand" refers to a bandit or outlaw, especially one who is part of a gang that robs and pillages. Brigands are typically associated with engaging in criminal activities, such as highway robbery, looting, and other forms of theft. The term is often used to describe individuals or groups who operate outside the law, particularly in a violent or lawless manner.
Historically, the term "brigand" has been used to describe bandits who roamed the countryside, ambushing travelers and engaging in various criminal activities. The word is sometimes associated with a romanticized or adventurous image, especially in literature and historical accounts.
In a more general sense, "brigand" is synonymous with "bandit" and is used to describe someone who engages in acts of robbery or lawlessness, often as part of a group."
In the text above, it says “selling children in the export business”.
When Jesus was arrested with the naked boy he had “Smyrna” on his lips and face. Was Jesus freaking out on this known drug compound, and why he did do his Freudian slip panicking in anxiety and yelling at the Roman soldiers “You’re coming at me like I am a lestas!”
Classical Greek philologist Dr Ammon Hillman has shown and proven again and again, in both his lectures and his book “The Chemical Muse” that frankincense and myrrh were the two base ingredients found in a plethora of drug compounds. Yes, DRUG COMPOUNDS.
I can see there will be no rational conversation between you and I because you believe in the fairytale.
If you expanded your awareness of philology and read texts outside of just the satire (https://youtu.be/Nh51ctt6uNs?si=1voakg1bTeGI9JbO) that is "the bible," and you will learn that the word "christ" exists ouside and prior to the "New Testament."
You seem to only going back to Hewbrew, which is a counterfeit language and was taken from Greek and Greek is from Mycenaean Linear B script.
You need to perhaps become aware of the fact that Hewbrew has hundreds of words less than Greek. Yet I imagine you won't think too deeply about that fact.
Have fun believing the mis-translated fairytale of the Elohim worship cult.
Satan is a bogey man persona invented by The LORD God Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous "god." Satan is Yahweh-Jehovah's father, Yahweh-El, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim. Yahweh-El was also the "serpent" in the Garden of Eden. Yahweh-Jehovah, the jealous "god," wanted to frighten humans away from worshiping the other Elohim. Yahweh-Jehovah persuaded Abraham and his people to worship no other "god" but Yahweh-Jehovah, thereby converting the Hebrews from polytheism to monotheism.
Satan = Saturn = Cronus = Pole Star = Zeus = Jupiter = Yahweh-El = Yaldabaoth, the same being presenting different personas at different times and places.
His symbols are the bull, the snake, the ram and the cockerel.
Very interesting. Thanks for the links; but surely we have to go much further back than Orpehus and the Greeks to Egypt (and Atlantis?) for the origins of the Mysteries? Didn't Plato himself say that the Greeks were parvenus in this context compared with the Egyptians?
It might be useful for you to learn about the Pelasgians.
Egyptians do have lots to offer.
The rites continued to evolve within Greek and Roman culture. They weren't suppressed until the Christian age. Plus Atlantis is bullshit made up by Plato.
There were magic islands and ancient cities just not what Plato described.
Before Plato Atlantean was a synonym for Phoenician.
The inspiration for Plato's Atlantis probably comes from the Heliades, Islands of the sun.
There are huge movements gaining momentum and educating people about the take over of the USofAmerica from a republic to a corporation, This education includes methods you can use in your local area to unseat these treasonous corporate encroachers. They are not your public servants.
What just happened in Maricopa County is magnificent and I highly recommend Miki Klann’s work with the organization The People’s Operation Restoration Operation:
Miki is working with vaccine accountability, others are working on Geo engineering, Smart Meters, 5G and school boards. I’m not sure of the integrity of some of the people she shares about in the movement (like Charlie Ward, but he’s just a small mention in this huge movement). Now is the time to ban together and actually create movement to pressure the corrupt and treasonous corporate entities to step down.
Supposedly Texas is free. You haven’t heard about it because any kind of media will not touch this news: Nino the former boxer interviews Miki ( he drives me nuts but there’s so much information here)…
We grew up not being educated about our constitution, the founding fathers intent and the capture of the Republic after Lincoln and the First World War. It’s time to start action and put theorizing and dividing each other.on the back burner. There is so much ignorance but we have to begin sometime and the time is now. Please educate yourself: https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/education/
I do not trust Charlie Ward. He doesn’t really help or go deep in anything. He simply parrots stuff we already know. I think he is British controlled opposition targeting the newbie redpill segment… the ones just waking up
Another such British Fucktard is Simon Parks and Nicholas Veniamin … smells like mi6 guys or Tavistock misdirection plays. The Brits… talk about retarded sick fucks …
Wow! ..some real psycho Brit hating there. Are you French? or just an ordinary regular fucktard yourself? Time to stand up and be a man and take responsibility for your own country's pathetic failures and fuck ups, which you and your countrymen stood by and allowed to happen. For a change, try having the guts to do something about it, instead of pathetically foul mouthing a whole nation of people. But of course, it's far easier to shoulder the blame off on the Brits, Jews, Nazis, Israelis, WEF, Kazarian Mafia, or whatever other scapegoat you want to pull out of the closet, instead of actually taking any real responsibility.
We will win my friend. Better submit. This movement cannot be stoped. The UK Royals have been and are using force. Force is not Power. We are the 99%. Thats real Power.
We see a lot of Brits are carrying water for the Royals. We see a lot of Jews sending money to Israel and applauding the massacre (for king and country) … and these are citizens !?
Funny guy… sounds like im over the target here or hit a nerve.
Ok, lets have a conversation.
Who are you is the question ? My guess from the UK. I wish to clarify a few points:
1- I love the British citizenry. For the most part they have been captured since the 10th century when the banking state of London was created. Although there is a huge problem in the UK with a lot of normy citizens who love their Royals and their global colonial history. The Royals and their tools like the Tavistock institute for social engineering, have brainwashed many of their citizens to stand up for «king and country » and thereby justify killing and brutalizing citizens in foreign lands who these colonial foot soldiers Brits rob of there natural resources or strategic locations. You cant really deny that now cant you !!
2- you are right about standing up and doing something about it. The problem is the elites are bending over backwards to keep the citizenry in the dard and uneducated. This is by design.
3- citizens are the victimes in every country
4- their are many ennemies, you have parroted just a few
Miki is great and sadly misinformed about HER status she is dangerously close to being arrested and convicted for federal crimes since she has not reconveyed her lawful name properly and has no standing in common law being still a USCitizen with D(fake) Straight paperwork.
I hope she does her homework and comes around properly to the land an soil and checks her paperwork.
Would love to see a champion like her be safe and strong with her back protected
Turdo (Canada) purchased 10 doses for every Canadian. We have 40 million population. And he is building a C19 bioweapon manufacturing facility in Montreal, Quebec.....still. Yet, a very small % of the population is taking boosters.
Agree. So tired of hearing people say that it says in the Bible that Jews are Gods chose children. So what they are trying to say is that God has favorites and the rest of us are second best? Sorry, not sorry, but source loves all of us. We are all of and from source.
well to be fair, the bible also says, that the synagogue is satanic - more or less the words of y'eshua. also calling the god of the pharisees 'the father of all lies'. i agree, ya'weh was a sonuvabitch to quote our esteemed podcaster, or someone else like him who said something like this... either way i agree, yahweh is a sunavabitch, ain't nobody chosen, and i ain't no friggin' goy. i am the living man, the adamite, made in the image of the creator. the bible is weird. but it is the basis of western law. whatcha gonna do? bad boys...
Look, the Bible has to have some truth in it or it could never sell the lies that pass through. YHWH is a false god too. We are here because we chose to be here and then the deceiver pulled off his trick. We are seeing it and at the end of the GAME you opt out of returning to the light.
Good point, the "christians" can be unbearably pompous and smug... and idiotic... several post here regularly... real jerk-wads.
BUT... I do NOT think the "source" loves us... the world is in horrific shape... life is short and terrible for so many, and it will get a LOT worse... if that's love... :-(
I don't know what THAT is, pretty nebulous... but am OK with it. At least it is not pompous and idiotic, nor do you claim to have a "personal relationship" with it, or speak with it daily! 🤪
I still don't understand their thinking when they F-up the air, water, food etc. What are THEY breathing, drinking and eating? Or do they know something we don't yet know about how to avoid these things and stay safe while everyone else dies?
Easy, THEY are built different and that shit is not bothering them. Also, when they reincarnate, they plug back into a billionaire family and play another round of the game.
Hell yeah jews are bat shit crazy. I agree they are mentally ill.
I like characterizing their state are neurotic … totally paranoid, unstable, completely absorbed by their chosen state…. Guess its all that inbreeding. Pedofiles and they do not ever integrate in their host country. They are the most racist brutally dangerous.
When I first heard of the problems they had in Germany back in the day, my first thought was they should change their religion. I was a child then, but if push comes to shove, decide to survive.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you know of a 17 yr old girl who took 4 shots and now has hiv, and it boils your blood. You want to string the people up at fault as well as the Grammer police who were taught by the elohim. F ing bastards. Karma is coming. AHHHHHHH!
1. No one who has analyzed the vials has found just saline. Not McKernan, not Dr. Fleming, not Dr Cole, not Dr. McCairn, not Dr. Buckhaults, not Dr. Lee, nor the other three labs that confirmed McKernan's findings (of contaminant DNA).
2. The extreme cold was indeed necessary for Process One and Process Two vials. However, the buffer was then changed (dubbed by some, process Three.) This change no longer required the extreme cold for stability. https://mariagutschi.substack.com/p/process-3-pfizers-change-to-tris
3. Even if the mRNA degraded due to temp, it does not remove the problem of the DNA contamination.
I have heard there was a Trump version of the shots and then a Biden version and I don't mean whether or not they were mandatory. You seem to have wayyy better sources, any indication of that? Since Trump talked so much about hydroxychloroquine some thought maybe that was in some of the early ones since it is considered a vaccine on it's own?
All shots delivered in the US (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, J&J) were manufactured by the drug companies, but did so as contractors for DARPA. The DOD was in charge. I am not aware of any presidential executive orders that had any bearing on the content of the shots.
Hydroxychloroquine fits neither the old definition of a vaccine, nor the newer one the WHO came up with for the pandemic. (Of course, neither do the shots, which are, in fact gene modification products.) The old definition involved causing immunity; the new one just says protection from a disease. Hydroxychloroquine does not cause immunity, but works in other ways to inactivate the virus' ability to harm. There is no evidence that HCQ is IN the shots. It really doesn't work as a vaccine because once you stop taking it, there is no lasting protection.
Hello Woo Crew! Today’s Deep Thought in a Nutshell: How about we all consider that the Bolshevik’s took over our government in the early 1900’s, brought over the Nazi’s after WW2 in Project Paperclip and now they have used the CIA to get millions of people to take their poison? Let me add in, the Medical Industrial Complex. Because most of the Covid patients died in the hospital and not at home.
The "Wall Street" trilogy by Antony Sutton, published in the 1970s is useful in describing much of this scenario. 👍
please expand friend
This will get you started with Antony Sutton.
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaFklTLNy8c
Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd9B3cilgHY
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution | An Interview with Professor Anthony C. Sutton
How Wall Street, the United States, and the European great powers helped the Bolsheviks take and consolidate power in Russia. A classic interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton, from 1987. Professor A. Sutton taught economics at California State University and was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institute, he wrote the major study “Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development” (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). Sutton argued that the Soviet Union's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong, was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers
More like Zionists of Wall Street, or friends of the 'Red Shield."
.operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
I think that about covers it! But we're still OWNED by England.
Venetian Anglo Saxon Empire
I think it is quite complete. However, you are wrong!! First!! find the evidence that the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; Confederation and perpetual Union 1777 that stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 is void. Unlawful acts by pirates does not change ownership. The de facto United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc, is a color of law criminal enterprise. We removed them on Oregon, November 2022. www.orsja.org
Please allow me to explain how this works as I am certified in this topic by officialdoom.
After the conclusion of the Revolution by the individual States there was a so-called Constitutional Convention (see Madison's Notes on that) and whereafter the draft was put to the public of the individual States & wherein each State would put the new Federal Constitution to public vote. This was known as the Constitutional Convention of 1787 as recorded in James Madison's supposedly secret notes that he claimed he kept on the meeting Phily.
Clear enough?
Now at that time there were no additions or what we call Amendments and because of that fact the people of every state voted down the formation of a Federal Government.
So there was period of time for public discussion and then voting by the public on the new Federal Constitution.
The result was the Constitution was turned down repeatedly by the people in every State. I think one accepted it but can't quite remember, but in any event it was repeatedly and soundly voted down at least twice by all the other States.
This is because there are no prohibitions on governmental power in the Constitution as it was first put before the population and so they declined to approve it. So it was then decided that they would whittle down the Virginia Bills of Rights from 13 to 10, as in God's 10 ten holy laws.
Now those were added on as the Bills of Rights. The Holy Laws of the people, and then the whole was again put before the population. It still took most all of the States 3 tries to get the people to accept it and in the case of New York it took five attempts!
The Bills of Rights are very clear. They cannot be altered or amended in any way. Any breach of any one of them is an act of war on the people and there for an act of war on the government which is said clearly in the Preamble to be "We The People>" This would be high treason as Joe Biden keeps doing along with the ATF and FBI and Many other idiots who have fools for attorney generals that have no history majors among their staff, or at least none who can read.
The Bills of Rights is the social compact, the legally binding contract betwee us (we the people) and them, those who govern. It's very simple. Break that contract and you have no United States and no Federal Government
An explanation. A small percentage of the population involved in the unanimous Declaration of the united States of America 1776 and for most of the 1770’s wanted to revolt. Wars are controlled by Banks and BAR attorneys and the militaries they control. It was about 3 to 5 %, actually succeeded in the revolt on the land and brought forth a Confederation and perpetual Union with articles that stiled themselves The United States of America. 1777. They worked their original jurisdiction sovereign man on the several states system and were unable to govern. To govern they needed to obtain a consensus, it required 100%. So, they wrote a Constitution for the several states which formed the United States a government service company for the several states and reduced themselves to 12 for the 1789 inauguration of George Washington. Vermont was a separate nation seeking statehood. Rhode Island and Providence Plantation did not ratify the Constitution. New York ran them out of the city.
However, the 12 coerced Rhode Island and Providence Plantation to return to the Confederation and perpetual Union. Vermont joined the Union. Washington District of Columbia a 10 mile square between Maryland and Virginia was dedicated. It remained the de jure original jurisdiction; The United States of America from 1789 to 1859 in a proper Congress Assembled. A de jure government, of the United States of Washington District of Columbia the 10 mile square with forts, ports, and needful buildings, according to our Constitution(s). The First law of the land was the Constitution created by the several states. A Confederation and perpetual Union stiled The United States of America 1777. Each a separate nation state (33) with individual Constitutions, that will not conflict with The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859; the last lawful de jure iteration of original jurisdiction. Constitutions now totaling 34. Oregon was / is the last de jure state added to the Union. Kansas was the first de facto state and Nevada and West Virginia are both Lieber Code Federal states, de facto martial law.
Fraud vitiates all contracts either partially or completely. This is decided by ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the de jure provisional government on Oregon. To be determined by each of the other 32 states and 17 territories as they may think proper when they form their social compact and do the work.
There was no preamble ratified. It is an affectation without value in law. It is not part of the First law of the land. To which, that land is defined, “what is left of their 10 mile square on the Potomac River.” Virginia took their portion back, now named, Arlington. Our government service company the United States is one proper oath away. Just as Oregon’s de jure government is one oath away.
A proper oath, is to the proper de jure Constitution(s) with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included.
The point of my reply to you was very simple.
It was to give you a historical background which shows that the adoption of the Federal Constitution only came about after the adopting of the Bills Of Rights.
The Federal Constitution exists only because of the Bills of Rights.
The Bills of Rights are the Supreme Laws of the People and the social compact.
The Bills of Rights are forever and unalterable
Any attempt to alter or amend the Original 10 Supreme Laws is High Treason.
Only by public discussion and only by public vote can any new government be lawfully formed. Anything thing else is High Treason.
All you seem to be doing is working to confuse the issue before others. It is of the utmost importance to under the information stated above as your rulers are right now engaged in High Treason and attempting to convince the population that they have a legal right to alter and amend the Bills of Rights and or to ignore them entirely as Joe Biden has repeatedly done. Not to mention violating the Nuremberg Codes.
You need to understand that We the People approved the Federal Constitution by public vote and only with the addition of the Bills of Rights. Violate those laws and the Federal Government has no legal lawful authority since we the people are the lawful authority and government.
There is no Federal Constitution. There is only The United States of America's Constitution the last lawful iteration was 1859. States ratified our Constitution not people. People ratify their states Constitution. We are beneficiaries of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. All other prior iterations are artifacts and there are no lawful de jure Constitutions after Oregon became the 33rd and final state. Only color of law, de facto, incorporated governance,
Sorry about the sp's I didn't proof read it and there's a delay at times because the bitches watch me.
Really, how so?
Hi Defender
What do you think about this ?
Our beloved saviour Donald J. Trump received a 10.8 billion dollar donation to his media empire by the London Coutts Bank !! From no other thst the London Kahzarian JEWS. Trump just loves his British Jews …
Thats why Trump did nothing in 2016-2020
- did not close the Federal Reserve Bank
- he did not touch the CIA, FBI and did nothing to reforme the justice departement
- he let SES walk its course
These are the British-Jew strongholds controlling the USA
I would argue that now we are totally Fucked !
Please review links bellow.
I’m sending you all my heart felt Thanks for your contribution to the community. We are Legions! Love you all!
All attorneys,when they pass the bar swear primary alliegence to the CROWN. So there's that.
who owns ENGLAND/England ?
THAT's the question of the minute! My research takes me far and wide to answer. Some say the UK Pilgrims Society, others say the Bank of England, the Rothschilds, or the Vatican. Then there's the ancient Iranian tribes -- the original Zorastrians & First World Persian Empire -- that have been controlling the world for the last 5000 years.
is it the one who makes the claim or the one in possession of alleged person, place or thing; can one claim possession of alleged creation that pulses into and out of existence 22 Trillion times a sec; does anyone own each pulse/beat of the heart; or own the inhale and exhale in this matterium; maybe it is not so much about ownership but maybe more about jurisdiction;
Who owns our states of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859? There are 33. Oregon is the last lawfully, Constitutionally admitted to the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and Perpetual Union. Kansas was color of law and post March 1861 a benevolent martial law that recently turned malevolent. Who owns the Territories. Property in possession of a Pirate does not change ownership.
I think you are 100% right. We are owned, controlled, exploited, robed, lied to, and laughed at by the Brits.
That should NOT be for sure!
Exactly. Our Country is still a Colony of England because of the 1871 Banker's LAW! Everything we though about America has been a complicated SCAM,.....really America was created by the global elite Mafia to be used as a TOOL to take down and control every other nation on the planet from behind the scenes. We've been PLAYED since DAY ONE. Now they are done with needing us and it's our turn to go down. I wonder if the Constitution is real?
colony is another word for plantation...13 plantations just sounds too close to what that meant...yeah colony sounds sufficient enough to get all them citizens/slaves on board...all aboard the citizenSHIP heading to another port of operation...said the KHAZARIAN/EL [ite];
If this is a farm, what is the product? Our genetic goldmine of TK and other hybrid traits on high demand in the GF.
We been colonized long time ago Bros and sistas!
Agents of shield tell in the story line from later seasons of the show. Elites telling da truth in plain sight! Who could known!?!
“on behalf of ” and “to lead” for the EL would be the [Latin] pro [Latin ducem, [PIE] deuk;
maybe the EL are like Bee-farmers; colony, hivemind, Honey; yeah let's go with Honey as the produce/product; btw;
Do bees fly or levitate; keep in mind the 369; energy, frequency, vibration; perhaps a 'Bee as a pilot in a Vermana' - with flying goggles and all !!!; this would be the optimal label design for this Raw Organic Honey product or Hybrid if you prefer;
Frank Herbert's spice sounds like a similar product to your honey.
Fremen Beehive Farm
The idea of making "the nations" serve a single chosen people and the encouragement of those chosen people to kill all men, women, children, and animals of other peoples who won't let them have their way, is not just a Khazarian thing. It's plain old Torah, The Prophets, and basic Judaism. Talmud, Zohar, Sabbateanism, Satanism, Christianity, and Islam, are mere extensions of it to serve purposes.
Found this really interesting. Just watch the first 5 mins then go to the clock. It's already been changed just today. Any clue what it means?
Don't pray or bow down to the first creature that appears in the sky
should we include " shoot at" also?
One line looks like the eclipse blackout route.
It was changed again. I should have kept a log of the changes. Quite interesting if you ask me.
ALL 'Part of The Game...'
Remdesevir poisoning. When something kills 56% of everyone you give it to in trials, the only thing more damning is knowing that it would have killed 100% if it had not been pulled by the trial overseers and there were no overseers in those ICUs.
Deep Thoughts and A Day Without Clif ..... SOMEBODY start a Telegram or Substack chat platform (!!!) Such great people in the Comment section of Clif's posts here.
Read anatloy golitsyns book. New lies for old. It explain the way they did it
The Kazarians!
All covid deaths happened in hospitals.
This was after mis treatment of the “symptoms “ of shallow breathing.
They were forced on high oxygen, isolation, not feeding,dehydration, vents,given Remdisivir medication ( which was taken off market because of its deaths and kidney failure.) This was brought back to hospitals for Covid patients- which killed or side effects that people view as long Covid. Other Covid deaths not in hospitals were due to primary illness, trauma ( car accidents etc.)
I never realized the truth about WW11 and Project Paperclip relating to this.
There is so much that we weren’t told.
Greenpeace co - founder Dr . Patrick Moore : " The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove CO2 is causing the Earth to warm… I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication ."
Follow the $. Green new deal is all about laundering funds into their bank accounts.
And destroying western economies...
I recall listening to a video of louse snob (wefer) and the ceo’s of pay pal, bp and the director of the London school of economics talk about implementing “carbon credits” and essentially pressuring businesses to comply. Their agenda would be pushed under the guise of environmental activism.
To protect and improve mental health, spend as much time as possible in Nature every day away from electronic devices, stay grounded, bare feet on Earth, practice relaxation, optimize hydration and nutrition, and sungaze daily:
Notice the beauty of rivers.
Yes! Appreciating beauty improves mental health.
Indeed. I agree, except for bare feet on the ground; potential to gather microscopic parasites via said feet, especially where e.g, foxes, rats and so on might well have been peeing, pooping, scratching, etc.! 🙀😅
It is not possible to experience optimal mental and physical health without a direct connection to Earth - skin to Earth It's how we receive Life force energy and rebalance both physiologically and energetically. This is ancient wisdom. The reason most people are sick and suffering is due to the loss of connection to Earth and Nature.
And parasites , see Dr. Hulda Clark website for parasite cleanse.
Thank you for this information.
Thanks a bunch for the links Monique!
Phd Hulda Rugner Clark
Jingers, how ever have we survived for so long...
LOL - lots of people not very well though Jay.
See Dr Hulda Clark 's website for parasite cleanse.
Ain't gonna be no presidential election...
I've been saying that for a couple years. I kinda thought they might take out Biden too. False flag assassination. Still time for both.
They are really working on reasons to declare martial law.
The cat's outta the box. And for some reason it's both dead AND alive. Zombie cat!
Too late for a false flag assassination? Why? It doesn't matter which Biden it is.
Still desperate scenarios on the table I'm sure, but none will work. Everybody still has their guns, if it comes to that.
Guessing the last ditch of all is EMP or overloading 5G towers and causing cell phones to combust. Maybe there's a backup to put into place, doesn't matter.
I prefer to focus on the bigger picture, myself. It's accelerating as well.
Going to be one HELL of a summer for some, and returning to heaven for many others. Literally, figuratively, whatever.
If there's another Carrington Event, all bets are off for the establishment. They'll lose the stupid narradigm push.
LOL. Cell phones combusting. Internet down.
That might be the *best* thing that could happen to our world!
I concur.
Except I'd lose my connection to eBay!!!
Damn those towers. We must take them out.
InPowerMovement.org, ya gotta join...please look up Episode 1 with Cal Washington for our 5G solutions...others as well.
I think I read somewhere that the 5G cell towers can be turned up so high it can irradiate the population in their areas, and cause some horrific damage and death directly.
When things start to get wonky... best to riddle the towers with gunfire.
Abiding Dude are you blocking me intentionally?
"5g is a directed energy weapon system"
All the bridges are rigged to blow and the smart meter on your house is an incendiary explosive set off by an electronic surge. And maybe our enemies can do earthquakes and cause large scale liquefaction.
I concur with the combustible power smart meters... many sheds left untouched... blue roofs are a psyop to hide the smarts...
I'm not sure if I have a Smart Meter here where I live, but if it bursts into flames, I'm glad it is attached to a cinder block wall. lol
Cool... Cool...
I'm developing my "super powers".
This is NOW Aquarius after all. School is OUT.
Biden VII dies 'naturally' I believe lol
Christianity and Judisim come from Satanisim Clif.
Ask any classical philologist.
Study the STR root prior to the Greek alphabet: Sigma, Tau, Rho root.
Satan. You'll be told by the people who do the Semitic languages, they'll say, “Oh God we have to figure out what this is from! It can't be! It's got to be from Hebrew or Aramaic!”
It's just (Sa-Tu-Na (Saturna)) from Mycenaean and the ρ (rho (r)) gets swallowed into the ν (nu (n)), which is common.
Have you studied or read any Mycenaean yet Clif?
Satan is Saturnian worship.
Feel skeptical because you don't have that ancient context yet?
Don't believe me, go check it for yourself. It's right there.
It's Saturnian worship so clear your perception from the fairytale, on your feet, and realize that we have a type of Mystery that is from the Bronze Age that is functioning.
Your fairytale of satanisim has some exaggeration in its character not withstanding because that is part of a mistranslated fairytale from Judaism and Christianity.
We need more professional discernment not just going off what the Elohim worship cult says from their dead mis-translated language.
Can you elaborate on the Christianity and Judaism coming from Satanism?
There are A LOT of words that come from the STR root: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=start&lookup=Sat&lang=greek
Here's the root Aster: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=start&lookup=Aster&lang=greek
Asterion or "star" is the street name for cannabis in antiquity. Asterion comes from the STR root too. So many words come from the STR root.
Here's Kanna: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Dka%2Fnnabis
In Greek, the word for "wilderness" is "ερημία" (erimía). This term is commonly used in both ancient and modern Greek to refer to uninhabited or uncultivated land, often characterized by its natural and untouched state. It can denote a wilderness, desert, or remote area that is devoid of human habitation or development. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0058%3Aentry%3De)rhmi%2Fa)
Where did Jesus talk to "Satan?" In the wilderness.
Hint, it's not an actual desert.
The Universe is such that there are compartments. And in these zones, one of them is called "the wilderness" in Greek. That is where the power of the Saturnian reigns in "the wilderness."
So anytime you see in text people pulling from Uranus (Οὐρανός) like we see in Apocalypse "Ἀποκάλυψις" (Apokalypsis) twelve, and shot into "the wilderness" you're seeing you're reading about how the physics work between the two dimensions that are overlapping. (https://medium.com/@philofysks/multiple-dimensions-what-about-a-universe-of-large-not-small-additional-dimensions-11eb52041b55)
The ancient Greeks said in text there are certain rulers in certain places, in these different zones in the "ερημίες" (the plural form used when referring to multiple "wildernesses" or "deserts." The term "analogia" (αναλογία) in Greek generally means "analogy" or "correspondence." So there are certain rulers in certain places. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/resolveform?type=start&lookup=Erhm&lang=greek)
In Greek, the term "Lucifer" is typically rendered as "Φωσφόρος" (Phosphoros) or "Εωσφόρος" (Eosphoros). Both of these terms refer to the planet Venus when it appears as the "morning star" or the "bringer of dawn." In ancient Greek mythology, Eosphoros or Phosphoros was personified as a deity associated with the dawn and the morning star.
Lucifer is the ruler of this world. To the Greeks, our access to that authority and to that power, comes through the star (STR root).
In Roman mythology, Saturn (Saturnus) was the god of agriculture, wealth, and time, often associated with a golden age of abundance and peace. However, he was also sometimes depicted as a more sinister figure associated with time's destructive aspects and even identified with the Greek god Cronus, who was known for devouring his children.
Yet people who only go back that far is not going to the roots. The STR lingistic roots is pointing to a Bronze Age star cult.
The word "savior" and "salvation" has roots in the Greek word "sōtēr" (σωτήρ), which means "savior" or "deliverer." This term was commonly used in ancient Greek culture and appears in various religious and philosophical contexts, and also outside of religious text prior to the invention of religion. Imagine that.
STR is also where we get the word "historía" which comes from the Greek word "ἱστορία" (historía), which means "inquiry" or "knowledge acquired by investigation." It is the "inquiry we ask an oracle." "The question" is the "historía."
"Oistros" (ὀίστρος) referred to a gadfly or a stinging insect also comes from the STR root. The word was also metaphorically used to describe a frenzy or a passionate desire. In the context of inducing birth, "oistros" has been interpreted as a reference to certain herbs or substances believed to stimulate contractions and hasten labor. (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Doi)%3Dstros)
There's a lot of info out there, perhaps research Elohim... religion is a construct; fallen angels; why so many versions of the bible; wars, many wars around religion... Israel was left for last... they say...
You obviously have no clue what you're thinking or communicating.
"perhaps research Elohim"
I have all of Biglno's books, and yes I have read Biglino.
No he is not a philologist. And his Greek is shit, he can't make sense of Linear B.
Clif would be wise to wake up to this FACT.
Do you even know where Adonai and Elohim or Tetragrammaton come from?
They come from a GREEK word, let's see if you can tell us what that word is.
"religion is a construct"
Tell us where in the Bronze Age it comes from?
"so many versions of the bible"
I'm not addressing the back translated/mis-translated fairytales.
I'm giving actual links to actual sources pointing to the Pelasgian, Medes, and Mycenaean.
Mycenaean are sounds and symbols, not words champ.
Fuck Israel.
So, it's a Santa worship cult? I always wondered what Christmas Trees have to do with the birth of Christ. Now I know.
The word "christ" from old Mycenaean and was first found hundreds of years prior to Jesus and is originally in association with Colchis Queen Medea. "Christ" means drug (polypharmacon), it has nothing to do with a person's name. "Anti-christ" means antidote. Read Greek Galen medical texts, a lot of your answers are in there.
Wrong! Christ means Messiah and is a titlegiven to anyone who has raised themselves above sin and temptation.
There have been quite a few Christed souls on earth in all time. Each are capable of achieving Christed status if we allow God to fill our hearts and minds in ever presence.
Since you claim to know about the bible, tell us all why Jesus was arrested at 4 am with a naked kid who only had a sindon (you need to read Galen medical text in Greek for actual context and the reality) over his private parts?
Why did Jesus yell when he was being arrested by the Roman S.W.A.T. team, "You are coming at me as if I were a Lestas?!"
Why are all the apostles teenage boys and not old men with beards like you thought they were?
I shared this insight of Jesus having to cover the boy in the garden (expensive) as he fled. No one knows the story. You are not hypnotized by the shackles of religion. Love your posts in this thread.
"No one knows the story."
In the book of Mark chapter 14 verses 48-52, we read of some very disturbing details in the original text.
In the mistranslated English versions the original truth has been deliberately edited out to keep people blind to control them through a fairytale.
The fairytale mistranslation of King James’ ignorance says, “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?”
The only problem is that the word “thief” is not what the original text says.
Jesus, being a bit out of it on drugs, says, “You’re coming at me like I’m a ‘lestas’.
What is a lestas?
A superficial and compartmentalized view would come to theories like the term "lestas" in the context of ancient Greek culture can refer to a pirate or a brigand.
These were individuals or groups who engaged in acts of piracy, including raiding and plundering ships or coastal areas.
Pirates were a known phenomenon in the ancient Mediterranean world, and they posed a threat to maritime trade and coastal communities.
In some ancient texts, the term "lestas" may be used to describe these pirates or raiders.
However, it's important to note that the specific usage of the term can vary in different contexts, and it might refer to various types of criminals or lawbreakers.
As classical Greek philologist Dr Ammon Hillman says, “These are not your Johnny Depp kinda pirates. These are child sex traffickers.
Lycophron is referenced as one of the sources above.
Lycophron was an ancient Greek poet who lived during the 3rd century BC. He is most famous for his work titled "Alexandra," also known as the "Cassandra" in Latin. "Alexandra" is a long and complex poem that is considered one of the most obscure and difficult texts in Greek literature.
The "Alexandra" is written in the form of a monologue delivered by Cassandra, the prophetess of Troy from Greek mythology. In this poem, Cassandra foretells the events leading up to and during the Trojan War and the fall of Troy. She laments the tragic fate of her city and her unheeded prophecies.
Lycophron's style is characterized by its dense and cryptic language, filled with obscure references to mythology, history, and geography. The poem is known for its complexity, wordplay, and intricate use of vocabulary, which has made it a challenging and often puzzling work for scholars.
And thanks to Lycophron’s text, it reveals to us mothers singing songs about their children being taken away by these lestas.
Here is the LSj for leistes https://lsj.gr/wiki/λῃστής
Here is the listing for the verb from which the derives.
Note this "seize, carry off as booty, either men or things." At the very least, Jesus is saying something along the lines of “why are you coming after me like I plunder and carry off human beings as booty?”
Also, there is a copy of the Bible that translates “leistes” as “brigand” and not a “thief”.
A "brigand" refers to a bandit or outlaw, especially one who is part of a gang that robs and pillages. Brigands are typically associated with engaging in criminal activities, such as highway robbery, looting, and other forms of theft. The term is often used to describe individuals or groups who operate outside the law, particularly in a violent or lawless manner.
Historically, the term "brigand" has been used to describe bandits who roamed the countryside, ambushing travelers and engaging in various criminal activities. The word is sometimes associated with a romanticized or adventurous image, especially in literature and historical accounts.
In a more general sense, "brigand" is synonymous with "bandit" and is used to describe someone who engages in acts of robbery or lawlessness, often as part of a group."
Herodotus, according to Nell Painter, scolded the Thracians for selling their children for export.
In the text above, it says “selling children in the export business”.
When Jesus was arrested with the naked boy he had “Smyrna” on his lips and face. Was Jesus freaking out on this known drug compound, and why he did do his Freudian slip panicking in anxiety and yelling at the Roman soldiers “You’re coming at me like I am a lestas!”
Classical Greek philologist Dr Ammon Hillman has shown and proven again and again, in both his lectures and his book “The Chemical Muse” that frankincense and myrrh were the two base ingredients found in a plethora of drug compounds. Yes, DRUG COMPOUNDS.
I can see there will be no rational conversation between you and I because you believe in the fairytale.
If you expanded your awareness of philology and read texts outside of just the satire (https://youtu.be/Nh51ctt6uNs?si=1voakg1bTeGI9JbO) that is "the bible," and you will learn that the word "christ" exists ouside and prior to the "New Testament."
You seem to only going back to Hewbrew, which is a counterfeit language and was taken from Greek and Greek is from Mycenaean Linear B script.
You need to perhaps become aware of the fact that Hewbrew has hundreds of words less than Greek. Yet I imagine you won't think too deeply about that fact.
Have fun believing the mis-translated fairytale of the Elohim worship cult.
Enjoy your paradigm shift this summer normie.
"Christed status" I see you don't realize yet what you are talking about.
You need to have clarity before you can talk about something you are claiming to know about.
"Christed status" really means you are on drugs.
Meda is in ancient Greek text (before religion and the Torah was even created) where it says she was "christed."
A woman had the word "christ" associated with her first. Jesus is not special.
This is not my option, this is a fact.
A source can be found in Diodorus Siculus Library of History.
Can you back up your bullshit with some sources, or are you just parroting other seminarians bullshit?
"Christ" doesn't mean "Messiah."
Don't take my word for it, here are the facts and an actual source:
If you are wanting to make yourself look ignorant right now you are doing a stellar job champ.
Interesting. Tu.
Satan is a bogey man persona invented by The LORD God Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous "god." Satan is Yahweh-Jehovah's father, Yahweh-El, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim. Yahweh-El was also the "serpent" in the Garden of Eden. Yahweh-Jehovah, the jealous "god," wanted to frighten humans away from worshiping the other Elohim. Yahweh-Jehovah persuaded Abraham and his people to worship no other "god" but Yahweh-Jehovah, thereby converting the Hebrews from polytheism to monotheism.
Satan = Saturn = Cronus = Pole Star = Zeus = Jupiter = Yahweh-El = Yaldabaoth, the same being presenting different personas at different times and places.
His symbols are the bull, the snake, the ram and the cockerel.
When you use pronouns the clarity of your explanation is cloudy. Is the “he” Satan the father of YHWH and the serpent?
"The beast" is a specific kind of snake venom as shown in the ANDROMACHUS text.
(She Who is Called Galeinei)
ΑΝΔΡΟΜΑΧΟΥ ΘΗΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΙ’ ΕΧΙΔΝΩΝ, Η ΚΑΛΟΥΜΕΝΗ ΓΑΛΗΝΗ (Ανδρομάχου, θηριακὴ δι ̓ ἐχιδνῶν, ἡ καλουμένη γαλήνη).
You know what that is?
This is the “Theriac.”
This is “The Beast.”
Theriac is “The Beast.”
It's called a “Theriac.”
Does anybody know what a Theriac is? It's the word for "serpent, beast, or a wild, dangerous thing."
Thank you for your intervention. You're absolutely right. Mea culpa. I've edited my comment to remove the pronouns.
There is a detailed explanation here:
"Genesis 3 with Luke - The snake and murder enters the garden."
"Adam" is a mis-translation.
Edam and Adam are not the same thing.
Edem, (Mede backwards) is the true Garden.
Also "Eve" is not the name, it's Zoe.
Once has to go way beyond English and the Elohim worship cult to notice and learn the code: https://www.hellenicgods.org/the-orphic-fragments-of-otto-kern
Very interesting. Thanks for the links; but surely we have to go much further back than Orpehus and the Greeks to Egypt (and Atlantis?) for the origins of the Mysteries? Didn't Plato himself say that the Greeks were parvenus in this context compared with the Egyptians?
"parvenus" looks like another what Ken Wilber would call "quadrant absolutism."
Propaganda words invented to demonize a civilized people much like "pagan" which translates to something derogatory like "hick," or "county bumpkin."
If it were not for Medea and the Medes there would be no Greek and no Plato.
Plato sucks.
It might be useful for you to learn about the Pelasgians.
Egyptians do have lots to offer.
The rites continued to evolve within Greek and Roman culture. They weren't suppressed until the Christian age. Plus Atlantis is bullshit made up by Plato.
There were magic islands and ancient cities just not what Plato described.
Before Plato Atlantean was a synonym for Phoenician.
The inspiration for Plato's Atlantis probably comes from the Heliades, Islands of the sun.
There is no direct quote or specific passage from Plato's works where he explicitly refers to Greeks as "parvenus."
Can you cite a source that is not from a YouTube link from a false reality mis-translated fairytale?
"parvenus" - Medea created medicine that lead to Greek language. M E D Root.
So much for parvenus.
Every day is a test Ramadan Express
Religion has made humans retarded in their development individually and collectively.
I think billionaires in general are mentally ill, megalomania …. And most if them are JEWS
Why have 45 houses, 200 cars, 12 yachts…. These people are totally and completely insane
Clif's substack is the best part of my week. Always a breath of fresh air. Thanks Clif
Off with their heads... bwahahaha
There are huge movements gaining momentum and educating people about the take over of the USofAmerica from a republic to a corporation, This education includes methods you can use in your local area to unseat these treasonous corporate encroachers. They are not your public servants.
Cal Washington’s Inpowermovent is successful-
What just happened in Maricopa County is magnificent and I highly recommend Miki Klann’s work with the organization The People’s Operation Restoration Operation:
Here’s a great overview- https://rumble.com/embed/v452jgl/?pub=1yfh50
Miki is working with vaccine accountability, others are working on Geo engineering, Smart Meters, 5G and school boards. I’m not sure of the integrity of some of the people she shares about in the movement (like Charlie Ward, but he’s just a small mention in this huge movement). Now is the time to ban together and actually create movement to pressure the corrupt and treasonous corporate entities to step down.
Supposedly Texas is free. You haven’t heard about it because any kind of media will not touch this news: Nino the former boxer interviews Miki ( he drives me nuts but there’s so much information here)…
Nevada City recent Notice of Liability:
We grew up not being educated about our constitution, the founding fathers intent and the capture of the Republic after Lincoln and the First World War. It’s time to start action and put theorizing and dividing each other.on the back burner. There is so much ignorance but we have to begin sometime and the time is now. Please educate yourself: https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/education/
I do not trust Charlie Ward. He doesn’t really help or go deep in anything. He simply parrots stuff we already know. I think he is British controlled opposition targeting the newbie redpill segment… the ones just waking up
Another such British Fucktard is Simon Parks and Nicholas Veniamin … smells like mi6 guys or Tavistock misdirection plays. The Brits… talk about retarded sick fucks …
Wow! ..some real psycho Brit hating there. Are you French? or just an ordinary regular fucktard yourself? Time to stand up and be a man and take responsibility for your own country's pathetic failures and fuck ups, which you and your countrymen stood by and allowed to happen. For a change, try having the guts to do something about it, instead of pathetically foul mouthing a whole nation of people. But of course, it's far easier to shoulder the blame off on the Brits, Jews, Nazis, Israelis, WEF, Kazarian Mafia, or whatever other scapegoat you want to pull out of the closet, instead of actually taking any real responsibility.
We will win my friend. Better submit. This movement cannot be stoped. The UK Royals have been and are using force. Force is not Power. We are the 99%. Thats real Power.
So thats it for me… up to u
We see a lot of Brits are carrying water for the Royals. We see a lot of Jews sending money to Israel and applauding the massacre (for king and country) … and these are citizens !?
I love all free citizens in all countries, no exceptions.
Citizens either remain free or get brainwashed by some forme of criminal power hungry maniac
Unfortunately, a brain washed citizen who carries water (knowingly or unknowingly) for a criminal maniac becomes an accomplice becomes the enemy !!
Funny guy… sounds like im over the target here or hit a nerve.
Ok, lets have a conversation.
Who are you is the question ? My guess from the UK. I wish to clarify a few points:
1- I love the British citizenry. For the most part they have been captured since the 10th century when the banking state of London was created. Although there is a huge problem in the UK with a lot of normy citizens who love their Royals and their global colonial history. The Royals and their tools like the Tavistock institute for social engineering, have brainwashed many of their citizens to stand up for «king and country » and thereby justify killing and brutalizing citizens in foreign lands who these colonial foot soldiers Brits rob of there natural resources or strategic locations. You cant really deny that now cant you !!
2- you are right about standing up and doing something about it. The problem is the elites are bending over backwards to keep the citizenry in the dard and uneducated. This is by design.
3- citizens are the victimes in every country
4- their are many ennemies, you have parroted just a few
Thats correct. Good intuition mate!!
Yes my friend, Miki Klan is amazing. The most practical approach yet to this elite takeover. She is working on a road map she will soon be posting …
Most cuntry's have been corporatized for a long time now... in NZ our governor general is apparently our queen now... !?!
Thank you.
Speaking of Charlie Ward. He's on the list.
Exactly!! Cal Washington and Miki are going for the Win!! Check all that out!! BRA
Miki is great and sadly misinformed about HER status she is dangerously close to being arrested and convicted for federal crimes since she has not reconveyed her lawful name properly and has no standing in common law being still a USCitizen with D(fake) Straight paperwork.
I hope she does her homework and comes around properly to the land an soil and checks her paperwork.
Would love to see a champion like her be safe and strong with her back protected
Thank you for sharing more names!
Turdo (Canada) purchased 10 doses for every Canadian. We have 40 million population. And he is building a C19 bioweapon manufacturing facility in Montreal, Quebec.....still. Yet, a very small % of the population is taking boosters.
Forced compliance and/or money laundering?
If it weren’t foreseeable it would sound like a phiilip k dick novel. Lol
Agree. So tired of hearing people say that it says in the Bible that Jews are Gods chose children. So what they are trying to say is that God has favorites and the rest of us are second best? Sorry, not sorry, but source loves all of us. We are all of and from source.
I've always interpreted that kak slightly differently. Never bought into any of the hype.
The question is "chosen for what?"
Chosen to lie, cheat and steal... to and from the Goyim.
I was thinking more along the "chosen to die" line. Can only pass the buck so many times.
Good point!
well to be fair, the bible also says, that the synagogue is satanic - more or less the words of y'eshua. also calling the god of the pharisees 'the father of all lies'. i agree, ya'weh was a sonuvabitch to quote our esteemed podcaster, or someone else like him who said something like this... either way i agree, yahweh is a sunavabitch, ain't nobody chosen, and i ain't no friggin' goy. i am the living man, the adamite, made in the image of the creator. the bible is weird. but it is the basis of western law. whatcha gonna do? bad boys...
Look, the Bible has to have some truth in it or it could never sell the lies that pass through. YHWH is a false god too. We are here because we chose to be here and then the deceiver pulled off his trick. We are seeing it and at the end of the GAME you opt out of returning to the light.
Jehovah not the same as YWHH ischwisch, but he was the alien they worshipped.
Good point, the "christians" can be unbearably pompous and smug... and idiotic... several post here regularly... real jerk-wads.
BUT... I do NOT think the "source" loves us... the world is in horrific shape... life is short and terrible for so many, and it will get a LOT worse... if that's love... :-(
I think you are onto something… there is something out there but its not the fairy tails we were told
Creation (universal consciousness) is the source.
I don't know what THAT is, pretty nebulous... but am OK with it. At least it is not pompous and idiotic, nor do you claim to have a "personal relationship" with it, or speak with it daily! 🤪
Greetings Program. The SOURCE is tired of whiny cunts that don’t know shit but want to be heard. I’m just a messenger.
I still don't understand their thinking when they F-up the air, water, food etc. What are THEY breathing, drinking and eating? Or do they know something we don't yet know about how to avoid these things and stay safe while everyone else dies?
Doesn't that tell you that the intellect behind it all is not human?
The Moon is a busy place. Operations are probably controlled from up there, no?
Aren't those logical conclusions?
I'd like to hear an explanation for this too. ✌️
they don't care because they don't know about reincarnation.
Easy, THEY are built different and that shit is not bothering them. Also, when they reincarnate, they plug back into a billionaire family and play another round of the game.
Hell yeah jews are bat shit crazy. I agree they are mentally ill.
I like characterizing their state are neurotic … totally paranoid, unstable, completely absorbed by their chosen state…. Guess its all that inbreeding. Pedofiles and they do not ever integrate in their host country. They are the most racist brutally dangerous.
True... and... Islamoturds are just as bad or worse.
When I first heard of the problems they had in Germany back in the day, my first thought was they should change their religion. I was a child then, but if push comes to shove, decide to survive.
LOTS of misinfo out there re WWII... the corrupt victors wrote the history. Here's some truth:
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you know of a 17 yr old girl who took 4 shots and now has hiv, and it boils your blood. You want to string the people up at fault as well as the Grammer police who were taught by the elohim. F ing bastards. Karma is coming. AHHHHHHH!
Inaccuracies in this discussion:
1. No one who has analyzed the vials has found just saline. Not McKernan, not Dr. Fleming, not Dr Cole, not Dr. McCairn, not Dr. Buckhaults, not Dr. Lee, nor the other three labs that confirmed McKernan's findings (of contaminant DNA).
2. The extreme cold was indeed necessary for Process One and Process Two vials. However, the buffer was then changed (dubbed by some, process Three.) This change no longer required the extreme cold for stability. https://mariagutschi.substack.com/p/process-3-pfizers-change-to-tris
3. Even if the mRNA degraded due to temp, it does not remove the problem of the DNA contamination.
I have heard there was a Trump version of the shots and then a Biden version and I don't mean whether or not they were mandatory. You seem to have wayyy better sources, any indication of that? Since Trump talked so much about hydroxychloroquine some thought maybe that was in some of the early ones since it is considered a vaccine on it's own?
All shots delivered in the US (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, J&J) were manufactured by the drug companies, but did so as contractors for DARPA. The DOD was in charge. I am not aware of any presidential executive orders that had any bearing on the content of the shots.
Hydroxychloroquine fits neither the old definition of a vaccine, nor the newer one the WHO came up with for the pandemic. (Of course, neither do the shots, which are, in fact gene modification products.) The old definition involved causing immunity; the new one just says protection from a disease. Hydroxychloroquine does not cause immunity, but works in other ways to inactivate the virus' ability to harm. There is no evidence that HCQ is IN the shots. It really doesn't work as a vaccine because once you stop taking it, there is no lasting protection.
This just came in my email, and describes in more detail what vaccines are: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/vaccines-have-always-been-heterogeneous