Hi Clif - never apologize for length of your woo cast, it is needed greatly to help us navigate and help others that will allow the help. Be safe today and thank you again !

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Just remember Creed......Rocky kicked your ass Creed!

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find or form you State's Jural Assembly ARTICLE I Section 1 we did on Oregon. www.orsja.org

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May resonate for some people, however, Financial situations for people discourages time to participate in the State Assemblies.. Been there myself in the Florida Assembly for 3 years, i observed most of the Assembly members that made progress were retired.

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you must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, you cannot do it alone.

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Hey Clif. Aliens ain’t a thing. Come on man.

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My posts comments are disappearing, maybe it will stay here. Would you happen to know if Clif predicted Trump winning the elections?

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Who cares he won

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100% DITTO on that ...... <3

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Feb 13Edited
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All or most of poison in the food can be reversed via composting properly, the micro ogranisms have the ability to neutralize just about anything. It's part of my mission here on Florida to establish a Gold Standard compost facility. Just wanted to share

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Sara- please find another way-universe guides and provides- you remind me of the fake Clif on YT= just start a channel of your own chick- assuming you are a chick and not a bottess. You can do it!

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This person's name keeps changing but still has the same spiel. Glad it's been removed.

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Stan Meyer was only one that was terminated when he was about to release his engine to the automotive industry that was powered by water. There are literally thousands of "rabbit hole" deaths that have occurred to suppress tech that directly Lead to zero point energy


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You can include the Larson-Radax engine to that suppressed list. Sometime around the late 1990s and the early 2000s this engine held the world record for the highest horsepower in the smallest engine package using compressed hydrogen gas which is plentiful and cheap, but they have been suppressing that manufacturing method as well. I have a DVD that shows this entire engine’s internal make up and could almost make one for memory. It’s amazingly efficient and it’s made from high temperature resistant ceramics and a hardened steel multi-lobed camshaft. It worked on a reciprocating two-stroke cycle; explosion, exhaust. FREE

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I read somewhere a couple of years ago that Toyota (a real car company) was going to release a hydrogen powered engine. I guess the controllers shot this down in favor of Musk's Tesla garbage. Today it was announced that the DOD will purchase armored Cyber trucks - no doubt the ugliest vehicle on the road today. The filth and corruption marches on.

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I retired from writing ATC software, we sold it all over the world, but not to the US. In order to sell to airports in the US you have to grease palms at the FAA.

Toyota fan.

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I have, but rarely drive, a 2004 Toyota Camry Solara, with less than 100,000 miles on it. Original tires. Toyota fan, too.

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Feb 13
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I had a 19889 F350 Diesel- until last year when I gave it to a farm friend of mine- but it was getting stupid hard to get it fixed- people got stupider- and that is not my area- so sad.

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wrong. the repair costs are stupid.

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I know in 2008 that Honda released a hydrogen car called the Clarity . It was featured on BBC's Top Gear and reviewed by James May. I remembered that topic with great enthusiasm but sadly nothing come of it. They said it would revolutionise the car industry but something stopped it ! Silly me, it was oil wasn't it ? How dare you come up with an alternative Honda.

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Japan was about to release a hydrogen engine,and free energy stuff,then the tsunami hit😎

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The Cybertruck has been recalled. So sell it to the DOD bc we are “cutting govt costs”.

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Ceramic formulations can for sure far exceed the strengths of steel. Is the DVD you have or a link to its content available anywhere that you're aware of ?

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Meyers was the tip of the iceberg. His demise coincided with a "banquet"? with the military, so DOD is implicated. Then move on to the U.S. Patent Office which is managed by a UK entity named SERCO which has ties to the U.K's Pilgrims Society; apparently stupid Americans can't be trusted to adjudicate their own patents. The tech control system is deep and wide and ancient.

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We have SERCO here in Australia too....they're involved in so many things...prisons, security...who knows what else....

The sooner this crap is cleaned out the better......x

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In the 1970’s (when we were young) my Sweetheart came up with a concept (so elegantly simple even I could see it😉) for a rotary motor that solved the “vein sealing” problem. It would be so efficient that it could run on water without the danger of a stored hydrogen tank.

We borrowed money to buy equipment to build a prototype.

Looking into the patent situation and the cost of lawyers etc., it finally dawned on us that the reality was too dangerous! We chose to live. (I don’t know where he is now.)

Exciting times we’re in now.

I hope Bruce Sees All is in “protection”!!!


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find or form you State's Jural Assembly ARTICLE I Section 1 we did on Oregon. www.orsja.org

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you don't care about ontology , you love true grit staring John Einstein. AHHHHHHH!

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Feb 13
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But he does drink 'aged cardamon tea' from Japan.........x

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get a job. you’ve been commenting all day.

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Thank you Clif! Your daily info is much appreciated! We are ready because YOU are priming us for the future!

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We keep risk and contention in mind.

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Don’t give your power away. Damn.

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Not ever knowing what exactly I should be ready for I don't have plans, I have contingencies. Some of these go by the wayside and new ones crop up. I have fun trying to keep up.

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I learned how to make soap. Good times! 😜😘😍😎

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I have the ingredients, haven't accomplished that yet though.

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Pretty easy, I went with 5lb lard, 10oz lye, 28 oz H2O, and some essential oils.

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Do we really need soap? I use small amounts of baking soda with essential oils in a massage oil base. My old skin is lovely.

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Feb 13Edited
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Oh - I use it all over. My “recipe.”

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…there’s place for both, methinks, and probably more. 🙂.

“…the world is so full of a number of things…”

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Feb 13Edited
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Hmm, I remember that my dad would “Rubber Band” them together and it hurts me to think about it. 😜😂👽💣

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I use small soaps in my laundry. Grate them into smaller pieces. I use spent candles for fire starter. I haven't found a good wick replacement. Too thin and they are smothered by the wax. Get some good quality wicking in quantity if you are planning to re-candle them.

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You can cut an orange in half, take out the fruit leaving the white center and add olive oil and you have a nice scented candle!

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The Hopi have deep large caves. All I have is the manhole cover, crowbar and a flashlight 👀

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might want to add a cattleprod to your load-out there, bud !!

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Will bear spray work?

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not if they're coming from behind.......

- which reminds me, don't forget your steel underwear.

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Be aware of blowback of the spray….

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I'll remember that. Thanks

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I keep a flashlight on my belt next to my Leatherman.

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find or form you State's Jural Assembly ARTICLE I Section 1 we did on Oregon. www.orsja.org

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Feb 13
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Our mind is our greatest asset and our biggest liability.

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Good morning woo-ins

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Top of the morning. 30 mph winds & buckets of rain west coast

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About to go trudge through another snow storm. I have a 4x4, could drive, but I get so few chances to trudge through snow storms lately.


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Weather bomb here in N.S stayin inside

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Back from trudging.

I stayed in a house on the Atlantic in Cape Breton, Gabarus, one winter. Baked bread all winter. I had cycled there at 220 lbs, started cycling back at 290.

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Nice part of the world, were close to the Fundy shore

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I made friends with the fishermen in the town and got to go fishin' on a real boat!

Wages were lobster, sea scallops, whatever we were out for.

It was an excellent experience.

I visit once in a while but on a motorcycle. Too old for bicycles, now and they are slow.

I did get to Halifax last year, be nice to loop NS, too much to do.

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I have -21 and still. I’m not going anywhere until it warms up a bit.

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so cold where I am.

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Buckets of snow in Midland Ont. Had to get the back how running.

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back hoe

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Glen Beck headlines on YT today: Secrets will be revealed "! Talk about spot on. Thanks Clif.

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Feb 13Edited
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Really? No place for a bot brain.

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bitch keeps changing her name, too.....

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Good morning, humans!

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Swell Cartoon, like to see Big Mike as a passenger next time. Keep `em comen

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My 3 German Shedders just went nuts when I played your video! Awesome work! Cheers!

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holy crap that's hilarious. you should use his real voice though.

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Well, I would be happy to add it, but Clif would have to read my script!

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i dont think he has the time to do something like that. just do it until he says no. he wont be offended.

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For anyone interested in Anatoly Fomenko's history chronology (from the last audio clip) It's 7 volumes and at Amazon each volume comes in at over a hundred bucks.


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Abe Books, used books. Worth a look. Treasure trove of books on the cheap.

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indeed old libraries are still full of Truth's.

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I try to fill my own Alexandria . And Clif keeps mentioning more titles I need for my Gran kid

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it can be impossibly daunting to dive into Jason Breshears at ARCHAIX - but the vids where he espouses some of his favorite old books & source material are some of his best.......look for 'bookmonkey' or 'booktree' in the vid title

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so few people read these days... sigh

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Bythewaybooks dot com has some good selections.

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Thanks for the link. I've not explored this line of thinking as most postings show me examples but no explanations on how that conclusion was reached. Frustrating. I'm nothing if not logical! (I also paint and write, so neither right nor left brained! Go figure!) I suspect this podcast (vol. 4) will make more sense if I read the previous 3 volumes.

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Yes one is in there I don’t know why they are jumbled. But for free I can listen to them as I drive to work . I’m sure I’m going to play it a couple times ,as I do Clif

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Nice one Centurion.

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I managed to download 12 videos which I am grateful to have as I can listen while I do other things.


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Thank you for the link. I've downloaded PDF of vol 1. I haven't given attention to "alternative history" as much of what is posted doesn't explain timelines, where the "builders" came from or went to, and how does it fit into known events. I begin to wonder if we know the sequence of events at all! So, this should be an interesting rabbit hole!

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My thoughts. There is a link above from KC to a Youtube vid., you can listen. I think it was vol 3. If they're all there I'll be scooping them up.

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There are some videos in BitChute.

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LOVE the Z library! Knowledge is the real Treasure!!!

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I used to donate to them, but now they only take BTC.


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I have a question about you guys posting on this, i looked at it briefly too much to discern quickly, is it about the general chronology of egypt, does it include details, theorys about the giza complex, ? i have good reasons im asking this , not just because of my interest in it , and some very good work by others that know much more about the precessional things involved, and their knowledge/ theorys of ancient texts and what is ancient stonework in Giza and all over the world to me its groundbreaking stuff ,because of what we experienced back in early 2000 ,before i knew anything about their work, its a story of our experience and its relationship to geomagnetic incursions

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I don't know what's in them, I read the intro. I just want it in my library for now because it seems like something that should be in my library. Not even close to being on deck. I did read the intro and it says that there is, I think, about a thousand years of time that shouldn't be there and that Christ was born in the 1100's.

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I have been thinking of doing a post on my substack covering some of the great work by others that i feel has been done on giza/geomagnetic incursions for some time , the work does not have any ties to the subjects they are done seperately my story with no proof will be what occurred well before i understood anything of the great reasearch and theorys, and ties in the deeper story we experienced in in may ways, and has already taken place 25 years ago it will read like a deeper woo fantasy novel to probably everone , regardless i want to put it on the record,

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My plan: I will Ask a.i. to summarize it for me. … I did it for Thinking and Destiny. … I got 3 different examples. Very interesting, with lots of ideas for other prompts to ask. I think it’s better for me than trying to slog through the original.

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I have a hard copy. I know what you mean.

Haven't attempted it yet.

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It's in PDF and printable. (I do like books. Do not like reading online or Kindle.) I got started on Destiny and Thinking, but put it aside. I'll have to reread.

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I think I will print a hard copy too. … to have for reference when I am studying certain aspects of the thousand page original. I believe Clif is working very hard to ‘get it right’ this time, … so the next time he passes over, he won’t be sent back ! What a precious Human he is.

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The guy on YouTube has a hard copy he reads on line plus he links a pdf

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A burden to see, without sight of my eyes

Diluting my truth, through another man's lies

A story I tread, to tell me its tale

Of how I hid, my own holy grail

Everything til now, was to bury my crown

To re-calibrate my up, by knocking me down

Because everyone knows, the best phoenix rise

Is after the fall, and its foreseeable demise

So how do I know, this is the way of my show

That this is for me, and that I am worthy?

There are too many things, that make me believe

I came here to retrieve, my ability to weave

A yarn from my heart, by playing the star

And to see within me, all the parts that you are

Pulling us together, in a tapestry divine

Your story is for you, but this one's all mine

Hopefully you'll see, similar things that I find

We're all in this tale, of the rise of mankind

I'll draw up your part, so you come to this view

And rise to your role, because you see it too

But that's up to you, in your view through your eyes

To manifest yourself, and your own phoenix rise

Because…the power to rise, isn't only for me

Your heart wants you to see, that you're also worthy

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Morning WOO!

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Who's on 1st?

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Tip...... your turn to congrats her

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Good morning, As of yesterday in West central FL we have had at least five consecutive days w/out chem trails, there are too many cumulus clouds this morning to see the stratosphere. Murder as a general operating principal of this death cult should be and is quite apparent on a very personal level. I was going to start listing how humanity is being attacked on every level but, at a point it becomes redundant. I have sincere gratitude, Mr. High for all of your efforts and your services to humanity. For me personally I would like to add there is no need for an apology from you, Mr. High, for the length of your messages for they are packed with pertinent and interesting information. Peace and thanks.

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I thought there was an alien in my house 🏠 this 🌄 morning. But it was only my wife putting on her make up and combing her hair . What a relief. AHHHHHHH!

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Be nice, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day!

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Be very carful, info is out there that Q-pididle is utilizing poison tipped arrows this year. :)

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You might need another cup of coffee to calm your nerves, lol

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They're still spraying even when you can't see it. I watch and hear them all day and night ling mostly.

Spraying... Not spraying...

It's still FULL SPEED AHEAD until they flip the switch and irrevocability sets in for real.

But yes, they bombed the skies through the night on full moon night, but not last night. Hiding something?

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Someone - and I saw it in passing without obvious authority attached - that some of this spraying relates to HAARP activities involving the US defensive network. How, why or with what isn't clear, but this line of inquiry should be explored to verify or debunk. Given where chemtrails are more prevalent, I'm doubtful. Don't see this as a logical use of materials if it's toxic to what it protects! Where i live (S. GA), chemtrails are infrequent.

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If anyone is keeping records of sattelite footage with the tech and the weather...

Targets populations and cities mostly. Or agriculture.


It has MANY purposes. NONE to do with freedom or sovereignty. Or health.


In fact, quite the opposite. "They" don't have any way to back peddle out of that decades old mess. Too many have investigated at this point. "They" are WAY behind the curve.

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Just the other day, was a great example of c-trails being haarped/microwaved. Did get a picture, but not a very good one. Haven’t seen one quite like it before - maybe additional methodologies being used, too…

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I've seen some planes closer up, as they've started using our airport more to "refuel". Going to try and get a pic...

Unlike passenger planes, they choose to come in and leave over town.

My guess is so they can spray us from lower altitudes while doing it. Crop dusting us with their toxic farts.

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I worried about Bruce Sees All and was stunned that the Pharisees didn't stop his telescope images of activity in our moon even faster...Because ...the Pharisees are the definition of evil. I was so sad to see he had been taken out. It was depressing realization for me that he was gone so soon..and many others on YT over the years also. I wanted to give up hope for our future...but I actually am not capable of giving up Hope.

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