Clif, I've been following you for nearly 15 years, and I can vouch that you're intense work for humanity , mostly free, has benefitted MANY of us! I would like to formally thank you for it all! You most definitely deserve to know you are deeply appreciated! Especially now, while you & Cathy are going through it! This temporal marker, you predicted so long ago, is indeed EXCITING! BTW, cow shit is wetter and sloppier than horse shit!!

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Agreed! Thank you Clif. The Universe will hand you what it needs in thanks to your service to humanity. Keep up the Universe's great work!

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I concur. Thank you, so much, for sharing your wealth of knowledge. Game changing, both internally and externally.

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I'll 2nd thst concur doctor!

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And far better for fertilising shrooms 😃

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I, too, have followed Clif’s work for years- used to buy his ALTA report downloads and printed them out to read and study night after night…with highlighter in hand! This Rogan/Trump temporal marker is once again, validation that Clif is being used to “provide and guide” and I deeply and truly appreciate his hard work. He’s also inspired me to try my hand at baking my own bread, too!

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And they used to make bricks with hay.

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I don’t understand how another American Civil War isn’t important? If it costs lives, it’s important. Anyone remember the Deagle US population prediction for 2025 forecasting US population down to 100million???

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Hear hear! Thank you Clif!!

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Can "anyone" recall Clif predicting this Temporal Life Changing Marker back when he professes??? What did he say 2015 or esrlier. ANYONE oearlier. To validate this pat on the back aside from our bread maker. 🍞

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Very true indeed regarding the cow poo 😎

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I haven’t even listened, but the subtitle got me laughing out loud! I needed that today 😂

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He's a trip , love him !♥️

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Completely agree. Universe is probably going to bite us all in the ass.

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Or Universe could just get agitated and sling some s*** like monkey do

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Yeah there's a monkey loose and he's slinging s*** duck

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I like the subtitle.

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Good morning Woo Crew! Postcards from the Universe!!😘

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Love 💕 this comment!

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Woo who back to ya sunshine. Did Clif actually say he doesn't talk to the woo crowd as they are too diluted or something to that effect?. 🤔

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,probably talking about the narcissists who run the "ET channeling" scams where they keep talking about the "great galactic alliance" whatever that is always coming to save us, buuuuuut at only just the right time, and only if mankind does A. B. and C. exactly right and has a mass hivemind agreement on whatever advanced thinking.

It's all just as bad as any other religion when ya hear all the dogmas and rules and regulations they put down for how these space alien saviors are supposed to operate by.

Which I tend to go with the evidence that tends to show the major "aliens" are actually really old races that are coming from inner Earth underground civilizations.

They most likely began as ET's that came here long time ago for one reason or another, but then perhaps we are hybrids they have manipulated for a long time or were space worker slaves they brought with them to do all their mining and building stuff, dangerous work.

Also possibly he refers to the trend of all the "space\time travelling super soldier" people coming out of the woodwork for the last several years. Most have been disproven by investigation of their backgrounds.

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Excellent Cliff. You are a fantastic professor. Well done and I am anxious for the coming events... Thank you

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My favorite teacher ever.

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Well according to Cliff after 20 years of Blood Sweat and Tears he's finally hit a home run out of the park here now

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Why I’ve said “you are the sage of this age”. Your technology has been accurate perpetually. Web bots 🤖 👍🥾boots are what you wore out WORKING IT. ❤️🥇

Rudolf diesel designed it to run on hemp oil. Plant hemp once harvest as needed. Hemp will be our primary source of energy clothing boots packaging used in food manufacturing to retail wholesale package with HEMP.

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Totally agree 👍 🤝

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Couldn't have said it better professor

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For those interested, here's a lecture from Michael Persinger on No More Secrets.


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Dick Algieir and his group wants 25.00 a month so they can tell you what they think may or may not happen. There is one woman that doesn't ask for money for information that can help people. Her name is Sabrina Wallace on psinergy Rumble and nonvaxer420 here https://rumble.com/v5jya31-make-it-make-sense.html We all have ESP and most don't know what it is and what it is telling you. Wake up people!

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I was developing pretty interesting ESP visualization until i got a nervous breakdown from super stress and anxiety being caregiver to my parents and hardly sleeping and getting very exhausted and then my health was so screwed up i got really ill with the early Sars covid in 2020 and ive never been right ever since, mentally or bodily. I lost my psychic abilities i had been gaining better and my usual knack for focusing on skills of handcrafting and multi tasking, now i feel like im brain damaged and brain fogged all the time.

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I did that with my aunt and mom. I sympathize. I'd smoke a joint before bed every night and it would allow me calm down and remember that these women that I loved are this way because of illness.

Every night.

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Or could it be that all women are crazy and all men are just stupid

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You are saying his aunt and mom were crazy? what does your comment have anything to do with what we were talking about, that illnesses causing a lot of physical and mental problems?

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I forgot to also mention via psychiatrist and numerous thorough studies that Liberals in general have vert high % of mental illness 🤒. Wise elderly knowledge has shown that to understand human behavior, one must realize that man is stupid and woman is crazy, my grasshopper pupil..... aaahh yes grasshopper, when you can walk the dragonfly paper without tearing, then and only then you will begin to undetstand

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I feel ya! 2020 was hard! I had covid before it was even a big deal. Dragged out almost a year. It really hit my esp also. Then I'd have period of breakthroughs then illness again. It was heartbreaking to feel gifted then back to drone. Micro dosing really turned alot off the brainfog around. I'm getting healthy finally and my Intuition is taking the lead slowly. Youll bounce back

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I second the microdosing. Once every three days for two.months, then at least two weeks off. Herbal tea and lion's mane. Also, A HELL.of a lot of probiotics and pre biotic microspores. When the gut is wiped out, it can affect the brain. Severe anxiety, depression, thoughts of death constantly after my bout. Slowly getting better, currently at the twenty month mark and able to believe in a higher power again.

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I get all of the items that Matt has at elevate Cultivate on Rumble. I also follow Freedom Warrior Woman here. She is amazing. FWW does a lot of testing of popular items and shows any of us the information free. I donate to her as she has integrity! She doesn't beg for money and has the documents to back up her work! Just saying

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Yeah! Forgot about my gut. Quality yogurt and Kombucha really helped also. Plus the usual GROUNDING and walking nature.

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I use ION for my gut health. It's good stuff. I buy direct and cut out the middle man!

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microdosing what exactly? Ive tried many different things suggested by neurologists that are studying the long covid ailments, but nothing has worked so far or I havent had time to get a different version of something to start again with.

like mitochrondrial targeting things primarily is what Ive been working with. Im trying to heal up the gut also, as Ive had residual issues with inflammation in that subject also. Then Ive got the bladder inflamation back when I just got a short minor covid bout, so it proved exactly that it was not a typical UTI, as I dont ever get those.

but then now I found several specialists dealing with various covid infection issues of patients, but they were corroborating that the sars covid crap causes this inflammation in the urinary system.

I had gotten over it back a few months ago and was feeling better in that regard, now right after i had a covidish infection I got the bladder inflammation again. It has to do with the inner lining getting inflammation from whatever the body is doing trying to deal with the infection. I got the really bad headaches, blood pressure increase from the load of extra material in my blood, kidney region back pains, screwed up sense of taste and smell and eyesight again, screwed up stomach and appetite, nauseated, which comes from the horrendous headache for me, but then it messes up my digestive system totally when i had just got kinda back to normal and no weird cramps and pains. Im getting really tired of this repeated relapsing once i get better in some aspects, then I lose ground and end up like back where i was.

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Psychedelics was a huge help when I was thick in the brainfog.

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Yes once that bio weapon hits you it could take a year or maybe even longer just to get back to normal. Those SOB's

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YOU CAN COME BACK, Clif is a great example, cancer 3x's, who does that, blessings,be patient with yourself, we are on the threshold of some amazing things.......

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He paid for it as well!

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not following your comment?

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I understand as sometimes I forget things. I have have a serious accident where the left side of my head was crushed. I was in a coma for 10 days. I wake on the 9th day for a short time to find the right side of my body was paralyzed. I said out load I have unfinished business here and want my body back. Then on the 10th day I had everything working but, I have vertigo for 2 years after. So you need to tell me what you are confused regarding my comment? Thank you and have a beautiful life. Native Granny in Florida👍😘🌴

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If you want documented information on many popular products seek out Freedom Warrior Woman here on this site. She follows Clif as well. She checks the products for nana and hydrogel. I know she only does it for our freedom of knowledge. I donate to her as she is one kind and caring person that does NOT beg for money nor does she try to sell you anything. Just the facts!

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IMHO, it is better to establish a declaration of independence when it comes to caretaking, deteriorating boundaries, and being overly responsible. It usually involves setting people free.

How can we re-energize? How can we connect internally, and follow for ourselves what we value and what matters? Fundamental questions.

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Carnivore diet. Raw milk. Home-made yogurt and kefir. Exercise, mostly walking. Grounding pad to sleep on. Direct ethernet connection. No wifi. Shungite pendant. Decline smart meter installations. Meditate.

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Are you vaxed? Clif has suggestions for what to do if so. Covid is BS. The flu went completely away and any flu-like symptoms are now called Covid. But once you have gotten over the flu, you have deal with the vax if you got it.

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The sars covid shit i got was like no flu i ever had in my life. Im getting tired of people that keep saying that it doesn't exist or its "a conspiracy theory".

I had very bad fever, that i never get hardly at all from typical flus or cold, i had like every flu symptom problem all at once, which i never get anything like that before.

It was bizarre on several different points that i hardly ever get ill with.

Regular flu doesn't cause brain damage and neurological system problems that turn into chronic issues.

I had/ have nearly permanent injury to my sense of taste and smell and eyesight. I still have muscle weakness and tremors and dexterity degradation.

I still have memory problems and cognitive dysfunctions.


Still have digestive system dysfunctions.

Ive been studying and keeping up with this stuff, there are probably hundreds if thousands of people that have these same problems still as i do, many didn't get vaccinated, many did.

But its odd that everyone is having the same long term ailments related to neurological and brain/cognitive and muscles problems.

The cardiac and circulatory system issues seem to be more related to people who took the vaccines.

I never had any extrene lower respiratory issues when i had the sars covid early on, i just had upper respiratory sinus infection and very elevated mucose excretion that then went down to my lungs that caused some congestion and severe coughing which was another weird part of the illness. The severe throat inflammation and just all-around muscle inflammation that caused very intense pains and aches in muscles and joints and like in deep tissue, like ligaments.

I know what a "regular flu" is like , i used to get it every year. This thing that changed my life still after five years is not a normal flu.

According to many people studying it and Dr David Martin ( i think his name is), that it is an purposefully engineered bioweapon.

He and other banned and professionally ostracized colleagues that were immediately punished by the global "authorities" for speaking out, they have given presentations to the EU Assembly on their findings and evidence about the sars covid scamdemic that was perpetrated upon the world. Multiple labs research over the past years showing that its a man-made microorganism or something.

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you are spot on D. Aardent.. it was definitely not the flu. I told everyone when it "popped" in January and they officially declared it COVID, it was like a light bulb went off. We all started getting "it" around end of November beginning of December and we didn't get over it for over 2 months and still have a residual issue from it. I noticed tons of people sick but not like a normal type sick. we had to cancel the holiday get togethers because family members and half the staff at work was out sick. I still have lingering problems from it. you are correct, it wasn't anything like the flu. we had so much fatigue and fever, body aches, migraines, other flu type symptoms, and severe breathing problems. I had to use an inhaler for over a month towards the end into the following month. I am not a smoker or around smokers, and I never had issues breathing. what was also different is that it didn't go away for over 3 months. that shit was here way before they ever announced it. I can remember them flying jet airplanes here to Nebraska full of people who tested positive, and they put them all up in the national guard base training barracks for weeks and weeks. people probably don't know about that one. don't listen to people who give you crap and say it wasn't real...LET ME TELL YOU PEOPLE...YOU WERE LUCKY THEN IF YOU DIDN'T GET IT BECAUSE IF YOU HAD, YOU WOULD HAVE A VERY VERY DIFFERENT OPINION!! HANG TOUGH.

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Literally you're describing the flu and the effects of the jabs you got.

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Man ,you are patronizing,belittling, arrogant jackass idiot.

I never took any vaccines. I knew they were bad news from the beginning of all this con.

did you not read what i wrote, do you not comprehend written words?

You presume a lot and keep trying to make others fit into your limited belief system it seems.

You are too smug and "smart" to have read my entire statement I guess or youd have seen that as i have experienced and many millions of people have experienced the last several years is something very different than a "usual flu".

I study this stuff and have read a lot about what all people are suffering, thousands of young people who now have chronic muscle and nerve problems, brain problems.

I guess all the hundreds of thousands to millions of people of all ages around the world are all just "imagining things" and "conspiracy theory victims"

Its all " in our heads"..lol.

Yah, hope you get this at some point really bad, so you can truly experience and maybe realize that you dont know what the fuck your blabbering.

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There is something that will help your gut. It's called ION and using it helps you in so many ways. It is reasonable and so worth it. BTW have you seen the video from Sabrina Wallace yet? You can find her at Psienergy on Rumble.https://rumble.com/v5ka4jh-augmentics-3-explanation-of-raw-data-inc..html

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I never took any of the part 2 bio warfare attack toxic bullshit. My intution gave super negative impressions about it and the two specialists dr.Michael Yeadon and Dr. Woldgang wodarg early on were warning people that it was dangerous, that is was part of the real collusion plan to kill people off with the "vaccines".

Problem, reaction, solution.

Like Bastard Bill Gates keeps saying in public presentations, his answer to overpopulation is vaccines.

Hes not mispeaking, or misquoted, ive seen at least 3 or 4 instances where he says that exact point. Which, with his track record and family history of eugenics and population reduction efforts, and the WHO's continuous lying and pushing a particular agenda, and trail of dead experiment patients around the world, he doesnt seem like anyone to trust about health and global issues.

But that aside, Yeadon and Wodarg even warned people that if they already had gotten exposed to the sars covid then they had antibodies and should not take any vaccine.

Now were seeing research and studies showing that more people died or are still dying from the savior vaccines than from actual sars covid.

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Right! Thank you for your comments as you speak for many of us here that are awake.

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Have you tried detoxing w nicotine patches, it worked for me

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I like the Nic Pouches, although I roll my own all natural tobacco with filters and can put any amount of thc I want in them!

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Had not ever heard of detoxing with nicotine.

Sounds antithetical to effect i would want to achieve since it involves nicotine.

I guess ive just been so negative to anything related to nicotine, cigarettes, smoking because nearly everyone of my most favorite family members have all died from complications and negative longterm health effects of smoking or chewing tobacco. And im allergic to cigarette smoke since i was a little kid. Causes my sinuses to clog up.

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It's the additives that are addictive and harmful in cigs, not the nicotine.

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I smoke 2 American Spirit cigs a day. It doesn't have additives in them.

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Have you listened to Dr. Brian Ardis speak on the use of nicotine gum or patches for alleviating post-Covid symptoms? Sounds counterintuitive, but it's eye-opening.

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Had not heard of that. I try and look at a lot of unconventional healing info but i just dont have time to do all the study i would like on different things.

Im just trying to resolve the core cause of most of my ailments that all appeared right after i got a really bad flu that was not like any other flu ive ever had in my life, as i got several symptoms that i just never get or never as severe as that 2020 illness.

Im still inclined to go with we were either mass bioweaponed by covert operations or as Maurice Coterell talks about when the "Leopard Sun" periods (grand solar maximums and high sunspot numbers), the energies from the Sun begin altering microbiology, mutating bacteria and other microbes , even causing animals and humans to alter and change as his contention is from studying all sorts of research and history, that solar cycles bring about all sorts of environmental change, radical behavior change, microbiological changes, energy frequency changes.

Which is also what the russian scientist , (cant recall his name) concluded showing how human society has huge upheavals and wars and chaos at same intervals as the maximum solar cycles periods.

Anyway, just a couple years before the scamdemic, i read in a popular mechanics magazine in a little article about the new methods that DARPA working on for dispersal of micro aerasolized particles of chemicals, bioweapons, etc.

Which it mentioned CIA methods they actually had to disperse , who knows, infectious agents, bioweapons, using micro aerasolizing sprayers built into briefcases and vehicles.

Hmmmm does this sound relevant to what couldve possibly happened in recent years?

Also, around the same time,just before the covid debacle, on tv shows, like NCIS and Black List , Criminal Minds and probably every other show in some way, and many movies.....they had reoccurring theme of badguys using some kind of bioweapon or chemicals in spraying devices they either planted in place or carried around in vans or carried around in bags or something.

Im sorry but thats all just too big of "coincidences" to be just random.

Anyway, i got sick with something ive never had in my life, it affected me in all sorts of ways that no flu ever had before and i still have neurological problems after several years.

So i dont know if its just a combination of their bioweapon AND the grand solar maximum and increased galactic cosmic radiation from other circumstances... But, i know my experiences and i know ive never had anything like this happen to me any other time ive gotten a cold or flu.

Especially chronic and seemingly permanent ailments and changes to my physiology.

These idiots i keep seeing everywhere that keep saying, " its just the flu, you are imagining things, you fell for the propaganda" whatever stupid statements like that, but they dont have any explanation for what is causing a illness or infection if viruses dont exist. They seem to think all the people suffering and dying from the fallout of the sars covid infections are all just "imagining things".

Well, idk but the globalists sure spent a lot of money and time and had multiple countries infectious disease specialists creating and working on these "imaginary things" for years and they all seem to be under the impression they are actually fabricating these dangerous microbes as they have spent a lot of energy trying to keep it secret and trying to control the narrative and covering up all the connections between big pharma cos and chinese labs ,french labs,and NIH directors, and WHO.

But oh theres nothing to see here, im imagining it all right?

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Have you tried the Nicotine gum remedy. I'm sure you've heard about the Synthetic Snake venom angle. It's also added to food products, some beer and beverages. If you haven't tried it you may want to consider this on. It will blow your mind how fast you feel mentally back in the groove.

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I smoke cigs, not many only 2 a day. Thanks Mo!

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I get you!

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Kudos and deep gratitude for Sabrina and nonvaxer. I resonate deeply with Sabrina's authenticity. Her Heartfire is the genuine fuel to inspire others to seek the Truth.

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Right on my family of awakened. We are in the know and it is finally getting out there thanks to people like you and me.

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Dick Algire is a total grifter and his track record is crap. Hard to believe that gullible folk hand him up to $50 per month for his wildly inaccurate "remote viewing". 🤷‍♂️

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Right my friend! Everything from them are vague for sure.

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You might need to slap a few faces if you're going to wake anything up

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Dick Algier, a few yrs back

dyed his hair bright Orange as did all the other far/ near sided ones in Honolulu, looking pretty nuts.

The amount of times Clif mentions

Dick Algieir in this talk…? Giddy

Steven Greer, have you seen his home in Virginia? Very plush

People have died getting involved with him. He doesn’t mention that much anymore.

Truth is, you decide how you see things and stick to it for a long time and maybe you’ll be rewarded with a vision or two

These RV guys want to cheat

the process. They don’t earn it.

In India, spiritual masters(not many now) worked long and hard to open up their insides, chakras with extreme devotion to receive contact within.

“My father’s house has many mansions.”(within)

Some were gifted

The crudity of leaving the higher realms of guardians angels and assistants ends up you becoming anyone’s game.

Remember, you might not believe in the devil, but he believes in you.

Say “Elohim worship club” enough times and see what happens? You already know.

And finally, why you? Who told you to stomp around judging, invalidating and mocking a long list of “others”.

Miss Cassidy and Bill have been on this trail longer than she’ll admit. I found her 2004. No one was doing this except Art Bell.

Greer’s father developed the travel dune buggy for the Apollo missions, “Insider”

Last time all this was talked about was in the 90’s, before that the 70’s

The revolving door

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It is nice to know so many people are awake! Thank you my friend. We need more like us with our eyes opened to the bull shit.

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Actually, it's now $45.00 a month, $25 was just their trial price. I guess I think it's worth it....I'm retired and not hurting for money right now,...but I also really enjoy their sessions.

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I love Freedom Warrior Woman here on Substack as she doesn't sell anything nor does she beg for money. I support her because she does this work for all of us free with documentation! Just saying I don't have that much money but what little extra I do have goes to FWW!

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OMG! Really? I don't think so!

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There is no service department.

There is no one to call.

Consult your You-inverse.

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Give us that bread recipe again please. Much love, cliff I'll take second to 😆

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Thank you Defender of Freedom.

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Thank you, I need a secretary. I could not find that!

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Thank you Clif!

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It's very hard to believe that two figures of controlled opposition, Trump and Rogan, are going to utter anything earth shattering. They're both members of the club.

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I agree with you! when peeps figure it out they are going to freak

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Looks like you've been listening to and watching way too much MSM

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Um no. Dig deeper

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OMG ur voting for Kamala. And you are telling people to dig deeper. Someone forgot to tell you that hole you're digging wreaks of fecal matter. Snap out of it man. Satan does not control you

Now repeat after me Satan does not owneth thee

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"We don't actually create energy and we don't destroy energy. We don't create matter and we don't destroy matter. That's impossible in this universe. We convert energy from one form to another. So we take a log, we light it on one end and we get warm from it, right? So we're converting it from one form of stored energy,

which is the lignans and the cellulose and so on, via fire into a dynamic energy that provides us with warmth. But in the process of doing that, sitting around that fire, 99.999% of that energy is released that we don't benefit from. We're only maybe absorbing 1% of it and getting warm, right?"

I haven't had time to listen to all of this, so I'm coming from a bit of a cheeky tangent but while it's fresh in my mind, to contradict Jack Kruse re: blue light/red light/UV etc, it has been found fairly recently that fire, candles etc, actually do emit UV, and it's interesting to me that classical composers, Mozart, Beethoven, Richard Wagner etc all composed by candlelight and that so-called classical music stopped when electric light was introduced. I do not think this was a coincidence.

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Interesting observation 🤔 thanks🌄🦁

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You went off from 99.9% energy into a tangent about candlelight I found to be of the utmost cheekyness

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Classical music didn't stop. The fad of Baroque went out of style, that's all. Philip Glass, Robert Fripp, Harold Budd, Brian Eno, John Cage, Terry Riley, Edgard Varése, Marjorie de Myunck...(list goes on and on) these guys all rival the complexity and beauty of the greats in my opinion. It's just different now, and it's new, so they don't get thrown on the all star line up. But I like your theory. There's definitely effects of the changeover that definitely need more examination.

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Minimalism was the novel result of partial brain death due to light spectrum imbalance.

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Says eho?

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So were musicians like Philip Glass or Robert Fripp raised in caves with only firelight? Their music is arguably more complex than "classical music". It's very easy and very common to glorify the past on the basis of nostalgia, which stops one from looking at present day things that are just as incredible, at the very least in equivalency, if not also equally incredible. (Also the simple and minimalist music of folk artists during the time of people like Mozart or Beethoven didn't survive as well because it wasn't propped up by elitists and monarchies, and the artists were not lauded as the symphony goliaths were...)

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Ooh. Huffy-puffy. As I said on an earlier thread, Jack Kruse is not right about everything. He is right about that though....


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Yes, I'm a couple hours into that 4 hour interview. Fascinating stuff, but yea, I don't think Kruse allows for much nuance in his thinking on some things. I'm not saying you're wrong about the effect of unnatural light, but your comments about musicians and humans in general is narrow at best, and negatively focused tunnel vision at worst. And "huffy-puffy" dismissals don't mask that... Humans can be effected pretty badly by this stuff, but a strong willed and healthy individual can easily make an energy body - a Ki body as Clif puts it - that can counteract the effects of harmful light and EMF to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual and their environment.

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I was on Kruse's forum for ages. His schtick is 'packed a bit too tight'. A lot of it is right, but you have to pull back and separate the wheat from the chaff. Like anything really. Where he is right "He's right where none else is right". I became interested in his stuff initially 'cause I used to do Tratak and I got more than quite a lot out of that. Where you get these massive overnight changes, the introduction of electric lighting for instance, something is gained and something is lost. I remember back in the '90's when we reached full saturation cellphone ownership, everyone became super-connected but everyone also became an overnight dumb ass. I witnessed this with my own eyes. That's why I've never owned one.

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classical music never stopped;

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Oh yes it did. And the classical imagination that went with it.

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clarinets; pianos; all of these types of 'classical' instruments would have disappeared along with symphonys and orchestras, etc.; would they not;

check this out; recorded Dvořák’s American Suite and Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” under the direction of Music Director Nathalie Stutzmann;

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And when was Dvořák's 9th composed? 1893. Keep up, FFS.

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clif, it is such a huge culmination of lifetime energy and what the Universe is providing.

Watching you in this video makes me so happy. You got a big one spot on!


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Cliff You are an outstanding Mind of information ! Thank You !!

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Baron Mind, to be specific.

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dude, how many folks do you give bread to? your baking schedule is off for just 1 man eating non processed bread.

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No kidding, I make two loaves and and they last for two weeks, ... and I have a kid here with me. I end up making a lot of grilled cheese just so they get used before going bad. Also slices of buttered toast late at night while web surfing and I get the munchies. Sigh, I only have like 4 slices left, dang, almost time to make more.

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For the last couple of decades, I make 4 loaves at a time. When fully cooled off, I put them into zip bags and leave until the following morning. Then I slice the loaves, cheating using a bread slicer guide, and put the sliced loaves into zip bags and freeze them. Every morn I pull out a bag, grab what we want for morning toast and pop them into the toaster. If we want sandwiches or whatever, get the needed amount and let sit out for the 5 minutes or so to thaw to make "whatever". No more stale bread. I freeze my italian/french bread loaves whole and take out in the morn if we want it for a dinner. It lasts about 4 days in the zip bags on the counter.

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I made 4 loaves and also froze three of them in zippy's. They don't get moldy, but they do get hard or freezer burned before too long.

I do use your trick of bagging until the next morning, it really keeps the crust from being so hard. Now I just make two loaves, cut them while still slightly warm (using a slice guide) then I put the loaves into reused bread bags and let sit on the counter overnight, then I put them in the drawer in the fridge. They keep for weeks in the fridge, they will eventually mold, but it takes like a month or longer and I don't get that freezer burn. If I do get a 1/4 loaf that molds a little, I tear it all up and throw it out in the back yard for the local birds, they always clean it up real fast.

Edit: I know there are a couple feral cats in the vicinity, because I find feathers and partial bird carcasses from time to time, so I am feeding the birds, as well as feeding the cats, who feed on the birds that are preoccupied with the bread lol.

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I used to bake bread a lot with my grandma as she'd always teach me about all kinds of things, but this stupid oven i have, that used to be my parents originally, it cant bake bread at all.

It doesn't rise properly and its like it gets strangled at a certain point as its baking and rising, then it just collapses a bit and stays like too dense and deformed.

The oven is a gas oven but it has venting but i tried putting pan of water in the bottom too for moisture so it doesn't get too dry, as that was what i was reading in baking books was causing the bread to fail at full rising, was the air inside was too dry. But even putting the water and steaming in there, i still cant make anything thicker than a decent 4-5" cake pan, as any tall style bread loaf it will still be retarded and not rise and be airy and lighter as i know the recipe is supposed to produce.

I was going to look for a actual good baking oven thats made specifically for bread i guess.

I don't know what else im missing or messing up.

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I only use gas to cook with. It does not usually dry things out though. Vents? That is strange, I have never seen such a thing and I am 65.

It may be a matter of the ingredients, no matter how expensive, that is causing the problem. You can add gluten flour to the recipe. It is about 2 tbsp per 3 cups of flour. That helps the bread to rise much better. Even my organic flour needs that help, not having enough gluten and protein like flour had decades ago. I buy yeast in a big bag and freeze it, refilling a jar I keep in my fridge as needed. It keep the yeast "alive" for years.

Kneading is important. I found the no-knead bread recipes always made flatter breads and the texture was not pleasing. If one cannot knead because of arthritis and such, a bread machine is a great thing to have. There is an Amish hand-crank thingie for kneading bread, but that would probably be hard on the hands too. I do add a fat- either 2 tbsp of melted butter or coconut oil and I add a tbsp or two of honey or 1 tbsp of sugar to the yeast to feed the yeast.

I hope there is something helpful in the tome above.

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Give us our Elohim worshiper thou Daily Bread

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That assclown Santos (expelled from congress) claims that there will be a news release today or tomorrow that will 100% sink the Kunta-Kamalala candidacy...

I hope that nut-roll is correct!!

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