That's why it's important we focus on the future we want, not the future 'they' want for us. Globalism/facism/communism is not novelty. Our thoughts are 'things' and have a physical affect on the matterium. So use them for what you want

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I agree with you, this is what globalists want for us but we can follow the path of nature instead, enlightenment doesn't need to be painful, it is only so if people want to follow their imposed ego program but, if one is self aware one can follow the path of nature and join the likes of Lugh and Arianrhod. While the failed human world fails the path of the Thuata de Dannan never failed and is still real

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The spiritual path followed by our Druidic ancestors is starting to have an amazing resurgence!!

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We are consciousness, we are powerful creators. Where attention goes, manifestation energy flows. This is why the powers that shouldn't be have gone to such great lengths to infuse fear into us. This creates an energy that is conducive to their continuation of the agenda. Starve the agenda of the energy that it needs to continue, and on we go to our new world. It really is that "simple". We are living in amazing times.

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agreed except I dont know who Thuata De Dannan is sorry?

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Wow! As a Flynn, this is interesting history! Gotta dig more into this...

Thank you for confirming what my mother was telling me for years about our family and the Druids.

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thansk I'll have a read

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The Thuata de Dannan is a mythical race, also known as the Sidhe, they are the god or heros of the Celtic world which encompassed several European territories.

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Is it not interesting that some woo reports about humans getting the knowledge of alien civilization(s?) downloaded into their mind reporting seeing endless amounts of symbols? Before fainting, which is what most do. Mind probably enjoys symbols far more than alphabets and words!

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I quite agree! Power of positive thinking may be trite, for a reason. For a while I was worried that we would be overwhelmed by evil, but millions of sleepers awakened, and the wave of positivity flooding the ether, our global mentality, is fighting back and winning.

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100% agreed. The worst thing we can do is be fearful and thankfully I really don't believe we have to anymore. So many people are waking up now and it's only going to grow. The WEF/UN/WHO and all the other corrupt institutions can all go and get stuffed!

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The oceans used to be the loudest thing on earth.

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After Ali beat George Foreman in Zaire and against all odds regained the heavyweight title by beating the much younger, larger and more powerful reigning champion, someone asked Ali how he did it.

His answer: "It's mind over matter. As long as you don't mind, it don't matter".

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sir Clif, as always this is a most excellent post. I thank you for the time you take to share your knowing with us. I view you as a mentor and thank you for playing that role with me. I resonate with many if not most if not all of the words that you share. This article in particular is most enlightening and I am in full agreement with it.

It is time for us to all hang on to our hats and proceed towards our Ascension into the new age coming about.

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All you need is that blanket! ;-)

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Living on a 2000 acre farm in an old farmhouse that miraculously escaped the Australian fires while others around burned to the ground. Call it the Remnant. Planting all types of trees this winter. Asked myself why when I’m so old, I won’t see their fruit.

Realised it’s purely an act of spacious, loving rebellion for whatever comes next.

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An old man plants trees he will never see mature. Mother Nature know and won't forget.

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It isn't about reaching the destination, but choosing the journey.

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We are doing the same thing! planting fruit trees and poplars and having faith that there will be much better times after we get through all this. FAITH in Universe. Or The Force as I like to call it.

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The universe doesn’t exist. I’m sorry but they made it all up. Especially the planets and heliocentric model. We are not on a spinning ball earth. And when you look up, you’re peering into God’s Firmament. Stars are inside. In water.

There is water above us. It’s why our sky is blue.

The sun and moon are local just above our heads. Crazy right. This is how brainwashed we are.

Watch these before you respond please. It’s a lot of homework I just gave you. Have fun. Open your mind.







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So. What you released upon my consciousness has made me sit down and shut up. I am forced to reconsider the boundaries of my old "reality." Not comfortable. But very necessary. Thank you for pointing out the pointlessness of rules in August 2023. You have greatly aided my ascent, sir, and all without mushrooms. Namaste.

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Another scifi fan! I have adopted (plagerized?) something I frequently say (as when I depart an employment) or wish for people: "Live long and prosper, and may the Force be with you." It just resonates. And my two fav scifi manifestations.

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That is beautiful! "Live Long and Prosper my Friend, and may the Force be with you!" Perfect. Now I'm off to re-read the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien and his kids. What Clif wrote here reminds me so much of the Creation Myth in that book. :)

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That always makes sense, and always will!

I've got a piece in my mind to write about always collecting any organic remains so that it becomes Earth, my experience is that it makes soooo much sense for our mind to do that every day, even if it is in an inner city condo to just leave it under a random tree .-)

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I hope you also planted some jujube trees. Planting plentiful ness is a blessing.

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Time for human being to take back their power. We need to quit allowing the external forces Illuminati aliens whomever they may be, from manipulating human being in creating their reality. These forces do not have the power to create but they have mastered the power of manipulating the human being species in creating the reality they choose to have. Times up human being needs to take back their power and create a reality that works for human being.

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TIME'S UP! love it.

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I believe that the awakening (political and socioeconomic - 5GUW) occurring worldwide is activating "taking back our power" on multiple levels. Just think of what we have learned, groked, been forced to confront during recent time. Humanity has reached a nexus. The slow building of novelty over the last 325+/- years culminating in a "sea change," a paradigm shift. So nice of Clif to define it for us!

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Sorry Clif, I am still going with God is our creator... and there is order in the Universe ... man's creativity comes from and is inspired by God...man without God is chaos...the WEF'ers are a perfect example...no creativity there..just repulsive perversion...they repeat the same old communism over and over again..

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Amen sister. This was all running through my head as I read this. We all have our own views of course but I’m riding shotgun with you...

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Agree! We've seen continuous and accelerated deterioration when turning our back to God. God himself gave man talents. God was only upset with the one who buried his talent in the earth, instead of using it. If God is so other than us, how do we truly begin to know His reason? We do know God gave us free will and talents and unconditional love.

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Clif's head is both up his ass and in outer space.

GOD made and controls all destiny and novelty.

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You miss the point: "God" = The Conscious Universe.

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If I am all, I am unity, which peaks my curiosity to know what is disunity? If I am order, what is chaos? Having a thought like that and then acting upon it could have been the initial cause.

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"...which peaks my curiosity..."

The word is "piques".

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Also, the word peaks can be used as a verb as well as a noun.

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Thank you. The terminal punctuation goes inside the quotation marks.

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Clif views the universe differently, as is his prerogative and what he believes is his choice. He doesn’t deprive you of your views, however much you denigrate his by your own insults. Whether you believe in God or not and Clif says he doesn’t, he doesn’t insult you or those who do…

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Sadly, that is outdated wishful thinking.

No imaginary being is coming to save you.

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No one has asked, by the way. We have help ourselves. Free will, you know..

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We are God, so yeah. Right. God the Great Allower. But we seem to be stuck on Man the Foolish Follower. It's a good thing that God favors Novelty.

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This doesn't negate the idea of God.

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Well-stated imho. Theres a shitload of fkn Novelty going on in this big shakeup. Nothing real nor desirable in it all, just a slamdunk reminder of what happens when raw unfiltered new shit tries to take over. Debbie, you crushed it!

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Nature will see what is worth keeping and nurture it, while at the same time allowing the new creations to come to trial and dance for a while, succeed or fail. In Time, All things must pass.

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I am with you, Debbie. I think Clif's idea of "Consciousness" is something of a near-approximation of one aspect of what Christians believe about God. (Unfathomable Love and Necessary [i.e., non-contingent] Existence are other aspects. There are many more besides these.) Consciousness, by itself, falls far short of what human beings are capable of knowing about God and His omniscience, creativity, etc., but if Clif believes in "Consciousness," as the source (creator) of "Universe" and Everything, well, that's a start at least, and I'll give him credit for that. When he discusses Consciousness in this context, he is at least pointed in the right direction, imho. It's incomplete, but it is nevertheless true from a Christian perspective. And after all, NOBODY'S ideas about God, however profound, approach completeness anyway, right?

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The very nature of humanity's intellect is unlikely to understand The Creator. And perhaps we aren't supposed to. What the soul groks is another matter, but not always "comprehended."

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I prefer just "The Creator." No gender. No preconceived notions. No definitions. It's a discussion that is monumentally limited by humanity's finite comprehension of something beyond comprehension. If you can define the Creator, it would not be the Creator. It would humanity's construct, and therefore, limited.

TBS, there are aspects of the Universe that are interesting to explore and by doing so, often we expand our comprehension of the many layers of Reality.

One layer of Reality that I have come to believe is the manifestation of it exists in frequency, vibration and energy. (I think Tesla and Clif's conversations would have been uber interesting!) Each one a complex subject individually, but combined, contain (not create) individual consciousness. We "think" we are "real" (material, physical, solid state), but we are points of "light"/energy with a specific frequency within an electrified aether just as all existence (stars, planets, grains of sand, butterflies, et al.) is. We exist as a point of energy. Each of us and everything we think of as solid are, if we were to see Reality without blinders/limitations, mere electrical fizzes that blink on and off. Fireflies in the aether. (Sounds like the title of a book on existentialism! LOL) But each one embodies consciousness which cannot be lost or cease to exist, merely changes. (Into what is a different discussion.) But that's just me.

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The creator is the Yin Yang vortex that is everything in the micro and macro. The world is here as we have the facilities to perceive it. Question is what of our facilities may be laying dormant and what could we tap into?

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If this is your path, then you have already been left in the dust.

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I agree with everything you said. Except the universe part. When we look at the stars we are peering into God’s Firmament. I know it’s hard to get wrap that around our heads. But the stars are inside God’s Firmament. I’m water. (The waters above) our sky is blue as there is water above us.

Seth Putterman UCLA look into his research

“Star in a jar”


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We are God's stars! We have just fallen to earth and need to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus to our creator! Love Jonathan Kleck's videos about who we really are. Why are they trying so hard to hide our identities and the truths of this earth prison we are in? We should think about that. Also perfectly explains why there is soooooo much pain and suffering here. This was not God's intention for us, this was the poison fruit we chose when we rebelled against Him to come here.

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So UFO's are the fish?

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Looks like this Oliver Anthony singer with his huge new hit taking the internet by storm, is a perfect example of novelty! https://youtu.be/sqSA-SY5Hro

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I jumped on the train. Love his message and he’s a good human. I can tell ♥️

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The "song" is actually pretty crappy.

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The song is 'crappy' in the sense that Bob Dylan's songs are 'crappy'!

If you judge 'Rich Men North of Richmond' from the perspective of musical theory, it is a crappy song. If you judge the song based on it's emotional impact, it is brilliant.

The Luciferian globalists are attacking humanity with multiple fake narratives, like the climate crisis, COVID, BLM, woke, and so on. All of these weapons are targeting emotions, and have been extremely effective at enslaving humanity in the paradigm that the Mother WEF'ers are dictating. About 20-30 percent of the population is immune to these fake narratives. That leaves 70-80 percent that are not immune. The majority must be swayed with emotional content, like music and other forms of art.

Once the spell of the fake narratives from the Luciferian globalists is broken, logic and reason can be employed, but you cannot use logic and reasoning to bring awareness to the majority, until the spell is broken.

The song is a spell breaker! In that sense, it is fantastically brilliant!

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Then write a better one!

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So are only humans going through the time tunnel of change and consciousness? The other day my 6 month old puppy killed The Bunny. Bunny had taken to free ranging and the puppy Noche had been playing with him since she was 12 weeks old. I saw a limp bedraggled thing dangling from her jaw early yesterday morning. It had been raining, bunny was covered with mud. When Noche came on the scene she and Mr Bunny were the same size.

Today Noche 's about 40 pounds and looks like a miniature black wolf---this morning I caught her on the patio and saw something sail through the air. Turns out it was the late bunny,sans his hind legs.Noche was trying to activate him -- make him go into flight so she could play their game of tag . Had she killed him accidently? Did she have remorse? Can animals evolve during their lives to regret their deeds? There will be no more future Mr Bunnies as long as I have a highly charged dog so I cannot carry on my experiment of interspecies friendship and I will miss my sweet friend.

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I was once working my horse in a round pen at a canter - fast pace - when my stupid dog decided to jump into the action...my horse had no way of avoiding trampling the dog and knocked the dog unconscious with a flying hoof...my horse displayed what could only be interrupted as extreme distress for running over the barn dog...he stood anxiously over the unconscious dog... clearly he thought he had killed it...but then the dog came too and trotted off and my horse calmed right down. Animals are so much smarter than people give them credit - I have seen them demonstrate a wide range of emotions and thoughts as in thinking through and solving problems.

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Totally! Our dog often spends days of figuring out stuff if he has done something wrong, or especially if he thinks we might abandon him. As an ex street and shelter dog that makes a lot of sense, also I think he experienced someone helping him, he turns around to really scrutinize people a lot, as if looking for someone...

Oh and in the beginning he had some telepathic thing going on, often he would just pop up in my dreams out of nowhere and then disappear .:-)

He is a great, funny and enthusiastic being...

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Animals are not "smarter" than people.

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Wiser, many are, especially when compared to most "modern" humanoids...

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Reading comprehension.

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I feel your loss, your sadness. I believe Noche was playing too rough- or perhaps trying to bring in from the rain? or protect from another critter? Or another critter did the deed & Noche was bringing Bunny home? So many other possibilities than to think Noche turned on her buddy. But, although I really don't think Noche is guilty- I too, would be careful with other species. Sometimes things happen, not on purpose, but they do and it isn't any sadder a loss just because it wasn't intentional. Thoughts of peace & love to you both.

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RIP Mr. Bunny

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😔 Sorry for the loss of your bunny.

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I’m so sorry! I love animals much more than humans. I’ve had my boy Tucker bring in a few newborn bunnies to me. I wanted to cry. They didn’t make it of course. So sad 😞

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Yep one of my dogs is a bunny killer . The other one is not.

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I’m sorry to say this, but we’re not on a planet. They just added a T to the end of that word.

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2 dimensional thinking.

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Planets are, by definition, three dimensional. And if we account for their orbits, rotations and encounters with other objects and radiation over time one might make a convincing argument they are four dimensional, but then so is a goldfish or anything that travels on a straight-line path from the past to the future.

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Well, that’s just it, my friend all of that was just them blowing a bunch of smoke off our ass. We are not on a rotating planet, nor are we on a spinning ball. They made up the entire heliocentric model in order to hide God.

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Which one?

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Lol so you give me a one dimensional reply. Thanks for putting me in a box. You have a nice day

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Two Dimensions

Two Dimensions: A flat plane or shape is two-dimensional. Its two dimensions are length and width. Polygons, such as squares and rectangles, are examples of two-dimensional objects.

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Please explain what is under the flat earth? Explain what reality is, what keeps the dome up, explain ufo's and telescopes? How deep is the flat earth and is it all rocks under there like in the pictures?

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Where is the plane and how did it come into being? Just wondering.

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It came in to being because God created it.

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How did he create it?

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Which one?

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It’s all around you. Let common sense prevail. Let’s take Texas north to south for example is just about 806 miles at its furthest. According to the earth curvature calculator, we should experience 425,000 feet of drop from north to south going across Texas.

6300 feet of curvature

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Disregard that last bit about 6300 feet. I’m driving talking to text.

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It's all around you lol. You mean it's plane to see?

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Yes,, I agree 100%.when my great Pyrenees dog knocked me over, causing me to break my hip, my 6 yr old male cat stayed by looking quite worried ---I had spent an hr dragging myself across the house .to get to my cell phone and Berry knew something was terribly wrong. I was gone for over three weeks and upon my return Berry turned into a velcro cat staying with me 24/7.

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The audio file included in this posting was created in 1998. Terence McKenna explains how the world will become exponentially weirder. In this audio he describes what we are experiencing today. It certainly is my perspective about what I see and what I am experiencing in the realm we occupy today. I hope you can see it too because, surviving this realm and age we are shifting out of and into, being able to see truth will be critical factor.

Universe seeks novelty. We and how we go about our lives provide that novelty to Universe. This is a great explanation about novelty and where it is leading us at behest of Universe.

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The ancient Daoist Masters knew to keep the emotional "monkey mind" from pervading over the universal mind. Perfecting the empty mind meant the Universe could fill the void. The real mind is in the heart center where Universal wisdom and creativity is provided. Tesla and others who were ridiculed, silenced and marginalized, had this knowledge in our recent past. The Tartarians were also highly evolved before they were wiped off the map. The Druids, Atlanteans, Lemurians, and so on, also wiped out by bloodlines of the current low level miscreants. "Novelty" is there for all to tap into its infinite wisdom and creativity. In many cultures, near and far, they practice these ancient teachings that escaped the last "Great Reset". Overcoming the suppression of this knowledge will be the battle of the century.

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It's possible, that a Carrington event will see our first day of liberation. I walk my dog everyday. He doesn't make noise. Dogs generally, at least the ones I have in my life are very quiet generally. Our lives are full of noise pollution. So much noise fill the void, how do we hear truth in such state?

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It's a great question. The best I can surmise is that worldly events, created by these dark forces, steered humanity into this unnatural matrix. (SEE - "OUR STOLEN HISTORY" LINK BELOW) Much of it took off around the Industrial Revolution but has been going on for thousands of years. They suppressed the old knowledge through wars, disaters, displacement, and colonialism geared toward controlling science, industry, finance and everything else. People were forced into their schools, jobs, cities, crowded suburbs, and submission to their unGodly LAWS. The social order was put in place to enslave us and pervert the natural order of life and society as it was in the past. The Amish and indigenous tribes in remote parts of the world are probably the only remnants of our prior world. Most of that history has been scrubbed, but you can see by their push for 15 minute Smart Cities that they are doubling down. Being in nature and close to the Creator was our connection to that void. This War is spiritual and has taken place over many thousands of years. We are at the end or the beginning, depending on who or what you believe. The ancient Daoists said that NOTHING in this material world could alter their connection with the Dao, (Universal connection) even death.

Documentary "Our Stolen History"


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Thank you for the link!!

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You 're welcome, Tzila. Michael Tsarion has some interesting videos and books on the ancient historical events orchestrated by the cabalists to replace the old world, technologically advanced cultures throughout the Middle East, Asia and Europe that led to this mess were in today. He is one of many historians that are piecing our stolen history together. They are being exposed on such a level that they won't be able to hide behind the veil of secrecy much longer.

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Amen to that! What they have done in the distant past and currently must be exposed, so they'll not find people willing/or compellable, to do their evil anymore.

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Yes. Amen to that! Here's a link I just found in my dive into the rabbit hole, to a book written in 1905 discussing ancient Ireland, Druids and connections to Egypt. I am delving in as I write this. https://www.ancient-texts.com/book/gods-and-fighting-men/

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Either we collectively create the future reality we choose to live in or continue to be manipulated by external forces Illuminati aliens whatever you want to call it. These forces do not have the ability to create they only have the ability to manipulate and manipulate the creators who we are. We need to take back our power and quit allowing human being to be manipulated, time's up we take control.

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Rather than say "we need to take back," perhaps thinking, "we are taking back" is more dynamic. Implies action, not a passive belief in what may happen. What I see on various social media platforms and in the news, the majority of people (there are 8 billion of us and only a few thousand of the MFWEFs/DS) ARE taking back their power. Niger rebelled and told Nuland/CIA to pound sand. Russia laughed at sanctions and did what was needed. I won't list the many manifestations of taking back power, but like Clif said, it's ugly and gonna get uglier. Humanity has decided to NOT be slaves - to anything. (Well, most of it. Some will never wake up.) And we are winning. Not won, but winning.

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Well, well, look what arrived in my inbox today. I didn't know that Klaus had an evil daughter. Sure they were successful with COVID pandemic, it was a “tremendous opportunity” for the global elite to test how the public would comply with the WEF’s plans to usher in their Great Reset agenda.


I am certain Maui HI was a test for what happened there using DEW to destroy that whole area to build the first Smart 15 minute city. The hurricane warning sirens did not go off. No, it was shut off purposely. The firefighters were told to stand down. Someone made a comment that Lahaina will be locked down for months. So with all that being said, is this also going to happen to other cities too?

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I'm sure Schwab, et al. would like to think they're having a global influence, but I see too many fighting back and ignoring their psychotic BS. https://vigilantnews.com/post/mep-christine-anderson-issues-stark-warning-to-world-health-organization-we-will-bring-you-down I love this woman! Lahaina was a desperate attempt (Hawaii's DEM governor and mostly DEM population), but it's gonna bite them in the ass. The "green new deal" is proving to be BS. Every company that dreams up fake food - failing. Frankly, the Chinese worry me more.

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I agree the Green New Deal or Build Back Better is falling on deaf ears. Yes, even the fake meat companies are failing too. Who wants to eat this crap and that includes bugs they're trying to get us to eat. No thank you, if I end up not having to eat meat, that would be fine as I grow lots of produce in 2 greenhouses for my husband and myself.

This comment came in today from one of my friends regarding Maui. I now wonder if this was all planned to just have the global elites live on this island while they watch North America crash and burn? Interesting thought.

Locals in Maui Were Refusing To Sell Their Land To The Elites ��

⚠️ The Part of The Island Mainly Destroyed By The Fires Was Prime Area Right Next To Lavish Mega-Mansions ⚠️

⚠️ Now, A Lot of Those Locals Are Forced To Sell Their Land and Many Tragically Died in The Flames ⚠️

Oprah Winfrey Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Jeff Bezos Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Lady Gaga Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Bill Gates Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Morgan Freeman Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Will Smith Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Julia Roberts Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine


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One more thing, I worry more about the Deep State than China as they are doing a good job as it is destroying our country, massive layoffs, homelessness, maiming, injuring and killing our people with the bio-weapon shots, pharma drugs, toxic foods, etc.

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Aug 16, 2023
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Actually, the awakening has occurred, where the MFWEF/DS/KM are concerned, and those who haven't, most likely will go to their graves that way. We are slowly becoming the majority - and the noisiest! So don't stop speaking out. You will be surprised by how many privately agree with you but haven't your courage. I'm proud of you, and I don't even know what you were resisting.

On another level, all who fighting for truth and manifesting it add to the overall spiritual positivity of humanity on a level we don't see, but which is most definitely there.

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This is what the vax was for

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Yes I sure do. Although I'm the quiet one as I'm also hearing impaired, my husband is more vocal especially at our local town meetings. Too many are statists as they follow the rule book. They don't want to hear what you have to say, so they shut you down. My husband is a critical thinker and asks questions. They don't like that as we don't have the same mindset as them. They're usually not open to what you have to say which may be very helpful if they would only listen to solving some of these problems. We definitely need more people to wake up and to continue speaking the truth.

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Read Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Empire series. In a time when the future can be statistically predicted with great accuracy, there occur events far outside the norm that can undermine predictive models.

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Wonderful series. Read it at least twice. Another novel comes to mind which I also read twice, but I cannot recall the title. A man volunteers to be genetically altered to change genders - completely -- in order to escape capture for "eliminating" the one person whose death alters an entire society within a few years. If it is suspected the man is murdered, the transformation of society will not occur. Turns out the linchpin was an insignificant pencil-pusher. The devise of changing gender, while cringing, was incidental to me. The concept that one person in any culture/paradigm, without whom it would all fall apart, is fascinating.

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As a forecasting meteorologist, I approve of your message. There is a growing belief in the world that predictive models are great, and getting better all the time. So much so that many believe they have become evidence of reality; akin to an observation! In complex, chaotic systems, predictive mathematics based models have very little skill beyond a relatively brief period.

For longer periods, or more complex systems, pattern recognition is a more valuable tool, but that also fails in the long run, as Asimov described in his epic work.

It appears that the Universe DOES appreciate novelty!

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Great as always, Clif, and as wonderfully stimulating as usual. One question: is time a function of the materium? If so, doesn't that mean that time does not exist outside of the materium? So, wouldn't it be possible to "time travel" out there, or to experience all of "time" at once? And, if that's true, how would true novelty exist at the Creator's level?

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In 1969 I created an underground newspaper in my HS called Yes, But... I was kicked out of school. It was a private Catholic HS in Westchester County NY. The guy I wrote it with has a copy of the issues we printed. Remember mimeographs ? Very messy lol

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America has been in decline ever since it was incorporated in 1871. This replaced out Constitutional Republic with a for profit Corporation owned by the banks. Certainly the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 sped the inevitable end we see today. Judge Roberts was correct when he held that no one had standing to question the Presidential Elections of 2008 or 2020. The owners of the corporation choose the President. The International Bankers wanted Obama and Biden. So it went. The corruption and evil of the past is just more visible today.

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Interesting Robert and Thank You. The novel experience of discovery by many of what you speak now, are rock & rolln' next generation "status changers", and another Self Organized Collective, knocking out some prosperity "banking" and getting the boot off our neck so we can go novel'n along like Kings over our free will and imaginations! Prudent we go.

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