Wish we could help with your move. Hope it’s some comfort knowing you’re in our thoughts.

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i second that; all in favor say Ay;

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be happy to help live just up the coast and I have a giant covered car hauler trailer and a good pile of helpful hands with smart bodies that make excellent conversation, would work just fine to move a fella. contact info in my bio.

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That's very kind of you.. 🥰

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What a gentleman!

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We wish we could be there, too. Thanks for offering! Let us know when/if it happens, and we will all hone in our energies for the move!

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I don’t believe that you are taking into consideration, the enormous levels of “Fuckery” that we are currently experiencing.

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Gee, you're just swell. xox

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I would if I could, but your government maintains I am a 'plant terrorist' for having a medical cannabis grow room before I got my real license in BC...c'est la vie...

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I felt emotional thinking how I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to you for over 10 years! You are one of the most genius people I have had the honor of learning from! Thank you for all you've done to help prepare us for this shift of the ages! You are a gift to those who seek truth and freedom from this simulation!🙏💜

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Clif fulfilled his promise from 20 years ago to give us useful information in turbulent times.

Thank you so much dear Clif. Be well blessed ❤️

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And I, for one, do not believe this man can keep his mouth shut when he has so much to say, so I'm not worried. Once he gets settled and things calm down, I suspect we'll hear from him again -- and he is on X - clif-is-antiselenite. At 80, I dislike having my favs disappear into the ether.

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Te Burt I am in total agreement ... Being about the same age as Cliff 08/27/52 ... Wake up every morning and sweep yourself up off of the the floor and start over again! Kind of like the Terminator when he got his shit blew all over the place in that nitrogen ammonia truck explosion...

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Happy Birthday, a bit early.

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I get emotional too. I love Clif so very much. He means the world to me. He's one of the greatest thinkers of our lifetime! I wish so much I could help him somehow. 😔

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

My sentiments also, no contest, however he may have been holding ours hands for long enough. It may be time for us in the Woo to rise to the occasion and smackeral the Normies with a velvet hammer.

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I like that. Between Clif and X-22 Report, my other truth-teller, we have enough to see the world as it is, not as nutcases would like it to be. Personally, I don't think Clif can stop doing this. He's been knocked for a loop with his wife's crisis, but once things settle down, he'll be back.

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Life's throwing us all curveballs, with your big move adding to the mix. Yet, you still make time for your listeners. You're a legend! Sending you strength and a bit of humor to lighten the load. We're all rooting for you!

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Uncle Clif High; we the Aether Pirates should arrange a Hyper Space Meet-Up for a Meet & Greet for all us Aether Pirates; and btw; damn that BUG; love ya so much and sending love to you and yours; we got this; now who's got the Huckle Berries;

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This would be fun!

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this will be fun; all aboard; we can do this; and those they will it; it will be;

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Sounds like Reggie’s got the huckleberries 😉

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Dang, Clif. I'm going to miss you. I send prayers and love to you and your wife during these challenging times and beyond. Your insight and wisdom have been a beacon of light for all humanity. Again, I thank you!

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There you go man, keep as cool as you can.

Face piles And piles

Of trials With smiles.

It riles them to believe

that you perceive

the web they weave

And keep on thinking free.

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Lyrics from a Moody Blues song?

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Yes. The first track of Threshold of a Dream.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Got this album on release week. It was my 2nd album I bought, the 1st was "Are you Experienced". I'm going to leave this right here for the uninformed. Enjoy. 🌷 https://youtu.be/mgHvIFxGT0c?si=00VY_7vD31qAH_g0

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So many years ago. I wore my Moody Blues out. Then came Pink Floyd. Enigma. I've lost track of who inherited the baton next.

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love it; love it;

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

I first heard that when I was 9 y.o.!

"On the Threshold of a Dream".

Been 'perceiving' ever since.

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Thanks for posting, I always enjoy your talks.

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Good morning Woo Crew!!!

I just stumbled across something Huge!!! The British Museum Curator put together a clay cuneiform clay tablet map that looks like an ancient Babylonian Star Fort that must have been bigger than 1/3 of the Earth and just one point on the fort was the Great Wall of China!! Which means, in order to create the map and see it in its entirety, they must of been in the upper atmosphere!

This just popped into my feed; The British Museum Curator’s Corner with Irving Finkel 5 days ago; it’s a very important map of Babylonia in cuneiform. (I think that it represents a Ganz)? The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete. However, Irving Finkel and a particularly gifted student of his - Edith Horsley - managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark. And yes we mean that ark, as in Noah's ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra.

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you are one of my favs; really appreciate your energy and contribution to the post;

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WOW that is huge. Like the Vatican, the Smithsonian , the British Museum probably holds many answers to mankind's questions. Those Brits were very greedy back in the day.

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I have the feeling that they had absolutely no idea what they just showed us. If it’s the Tigress and Euphrates rivers that run through the map, then the perspective is gigantic. I’m guessing that it includes the Hadrian wall as well.

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North Africa?

More land, less large bodies of water?...


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I'll give a watch here in a bit when I do some chores.

Funny how much is even paralleling my fiction reading and such lately.

Learning a bit of PSY nuance from Spider World by Colin Wilson. Makes me want to refer to CH as the Steegmaster. AI in charge of information in a mysterious building full of advanced tech left over from another age...

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What an incredible story. A bird's eye view, could this be from a space ship? That is where my mind went immediately. Thanks for taking me away from today's western world shit storm.

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Mideast into Asia?

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WoW, awesome. Just one more place in history where some piss ant took credit for some megalithic structure. Goes along with all my Graham Hancock studies. Thank you. I can't wait to see it.

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I know right? I believe Hancock knowingly puts out false information around the real timelines of our history. . I follow, Jason Bresheares, Archaix on YouTube. He has the real history and data sets to prove pretty much everything he teaches and shares with the world. I do not follow many, really just three, Archaix, Clif High, and Frances Leader, who also is brilliant and shares so much information that one could benefit from.

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I don't think Graham put out false info. I think we are all uncovering whatever we can. Graham's info is from 10 or 12 years ago. Just think about how much we have ALL uncovered in the last 10 years! I personally didn't even believe in extra dimensionals 10 years ago! I'm on the fast track timeline.....otherwise known as the short bus timeline. I will check out Frances. Is he the one who shows the "scoops of rock" out of the giant cracked obelisk?

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Even though his stuff is from years earlier, he still is being interviewed and pushing false information. Until you learn from Archaix, you will not understand and continue to believe his false time lines. Timelines are important and one can learn much more of the truth. The truth is being kept secret for a reason, and he is part of that team keeping it from us. Anyway, no big deal, follow who you like. I thought I would open up an entire different an important site to those who are unaware of these truths. Frances is a female. You will enjoy her sites as well. Good luck and thanks for responding. Sharing is a good thing!

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"The truth is being kept secret for a reason"

Jason of Archaix hinted at a possible reason for all the lies, when he described Enki building the Pyramid as a mechanism of escape, of reprogramming the materium/simulacrum.

It seems this universe does indeed respond to our thoughts, so if we are all told a pack of lies, that will influence our thoughts, and thus the universe.

But of course we are here for a reason, there's some pretty dangerous criminals in this world, from whom the universe outside does indeed need isolating from.

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I keep seeing it on YT, I guess I'll watch. Even though it's from the British version of the Smithsonian

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Interested. Can you send link to info ? That would be great !

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I’m thinking that when he mentioned the “Flightless Birds” I’m hearing Penguins. The Flat Earthers are going to have a freaking hay day with this!! I’m also seeing John Levi’s Compass Logo every time I think about it. Fun stuff!! Stay Woo!! Love you all!

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Max Igan desribed it well, have you read his book?

If we look for evidence of a spherical world, we find it.

Same for the flat world - i.e. the reflections on big lakes: flat!

I think perhaps we live in a simulated universe, a quarantine, a prison.

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I agree and the Mandela effect pretty much makes your statement even more correct. A glitch in the program. 2 timelines ?

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Just a note on AI regarding this post: I still have to work in the 3D so I put looking this up on my "to do" list. I got some stuff done and checked my phone....TA da....there it was on my feed too! Just a little taste of instant manifestation. What a cool world we are heading towards!

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They just found d what they think is a calender 8n gobeki tepi...

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This is very important! The UN just announced that they want to change our calendar back to a 13 month and 28 days. I am wondering if we also go back to the first day of the year being the Spring Solstice? But the logistics of such a change is mind boggling, because every current computer program is in the Roman 12 months construct, including all textbooks and software.

“In April 2023, the United Nations (UN) announced plans to adopt a new 13-month calendar system proposed by scheduling company Cal.com. The new calendar would have 28 days in each month, with an extra day added at the end of the year as a holiday. This would create a total of 365 days in the year, with the extra day, sometimes called "Year Day", not belonging to any week. The 13-month calendar is intended to make time management more efficient and help people synchronize their schedules.”

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The article originated on 1st April, I think. :)

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The world and countless systems are oriented around the current calendar, so I don't see where it's useful or possible to change it. UN can adopt what it pleases; the rest of the world won't change.

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Hence the centuries of the misalignment of month names; Sept=7, Oct=8, Nov=9, Dec=10; which would properly reflect March being the start of a new year.

As well, from a solar perspective the equinoxes and solstices should mark the middle of the season rather than its start. I will wing it by saying A Midsummer Night's Dream was likely referring to summer solstice and not August 5th.

My random musings on human adaptability, or moreso our collective resistance to it, even in such innocuous aspects like calendars ...much less the continuing conflicts based on centuries of religious malpractice.

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Ok, it’s a 12 month calendar, but I thought they counted in Shars which is 13 months or the rotation of a full moon? Interesting!

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Scientists from the University of Edinburgh believe they have identified a prehistoric calendar memorializing a comet strike at the Göbekli Tepe archaeological site in Turkey. The calendar, which is thought to be twice as old as Stonehenge, could be the world's oldest monument of its kind.19 hours ago


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I saw it a dozen times off to the right in the preview list. I guess I can't ignore it further.

He kinda lost me at Bird.

He says 600BC, for some reason I think possibly much older.

Maybe I'm just suspicious? Partial truth and a sprinkle of BS ??

I have seen a couple videos before with this guy, he's quite the character, I kinda like him.

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I would've thought more like 4000 BCE. Unless there is some overlap between cultures.

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Yes and thinking about it, at that time they were making a map about things that were ancient even to them at that time, ... how ancient? The source of what the map describes, could be a couple thousand years older than the map. I have no information I can point to, but I get the feeling this goes back further than 6000 years.

Like those mysterious granite vases that are unexplainably near perfect in every way. Who made them, ... and HOW ?? It makes me think there was a highly intelligent civilization and we have already been tossed back to the stone ages at least a couple times since. Just a hunch, of course.

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They are called resets. Jason from Archaix talks about this.

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It is designed to be a compass. Each point is a specific direction and is described on the back about the location. If you connect the points, it creates a Star of David. I see it as a pattern for world domination and control.

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Ok, I finally figured it out. It’s the very first/remaining image of a Compass!!! I’m going to work now. Wooooo!

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Oh Cliff, you are part of my family!!! Please revisit us as you can and time permits even without data stuff. We love your funny and brilliant conversations!!!

Sending love!!!

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I second that. Just listening to you talk about history and science and everything that’s going on in this crazy world.. makes me a smarter wiser person.

Love you, Clif.

Realize you’re going through some major changes right now .. thing is .. we need great people like you.

With great minds and great hearts to steer this ship through these shark infested waters.

You have no idea how much it gives me hope every time I get a post notification from you.


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Hopefully you will find a reason to keep talking. It's nice having one sane guy talking to me. I'll miss you.

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Keep talking to us, even to say a sane hello to us.

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Clif is on X as "clif is antiselenite" and posts short things. No long monologues I've found.

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Opening paragraph for lengthy X Clif posted 05/05/24/ - The end of the invasion of Europe and North America is pegged to the death of the dollar and the collapse of the re-hypothecated bond markets. At that point ALL the NGOs (operated out of Israel), and all the blackmail schemes on politicians also end. No more purchasing power in the dollar = no more power in the Biden Regime/WEF/Democrats/NATO, et al. https://x.com/clif_high/status/1787302409599160729

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I lift you up into the light of healing love. We all support you in these troubling times. Many, many thanks for your invaluable work. We DEPEND on your information to sustain our balance in these interesting times. Many thanks.

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Actually, mostly we depend on him to CHEER us up and help us deal with all the BS. The Information is nice, but secondary to the Cheering up in my Opinion.

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Well certainly will be sad to see you retire from these talks. I’ve learned so much from you & you confirmed things I knew about but could not share with most other people. For that and all the years of knowledge shared for FREE a debt of gratitude is owed to you Cliff! But I know why you did it, you know the simple secret to existence here. Also, was wondering when Reggie would come back into the mix, I hope he can protect what he invented & is able to monetize it without the criminal cartel stealing from him! Lastly, I recently heard someone mentioning a similar recommendation, do not hold onto emotions on things, esp negative emotions or anxiety. Feel it, understand it, LET IT GO! They want us spiralling in hatred and anger. Who knows maybe they do feed off of it. Lets try something new going forward, Don’t React!

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Totally agree 💯!

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Thanks for getting back in the swing of things despite all the personal travails.It is appreciated. 😎

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I’m going to very much miss you Clif. I listen to your posts as I walk my dog. Gives me the opportunity to really focus on your content. Nothing out there even close what you share and how you knit it all together. Please keep a presence online. I’m gonna have withdrawals. I’m sad to hear about your wife’s health situation and I wish I could help you somehow.

Thanks for the memories, your insights and being my North Star through this last few years. I’m going to miss this.

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Holy Shit.

I have a hard time imagining clif winding down his data reports.

clif, thank you and still sending you energy and good thoughts.

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I’m really sad you remind me so much of my late husband he was a computer analyst for North America Ford I wish he was alive. Good luck with your move.

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Go in grace, my dear man. You have been a "flame in the wind". I await future moments with you, when you can.

Deep bow and namaste.

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