Wow, some of you are offended by Clif's language? Sometimes there's no other words that will take the place of an expletive so if you're offended #GFY .

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Quite a few people are just going to be refusing employment that requires them to get jabbed. It's going to cause a manpower crisis. You can already see this in the military - they've only reached 40% of their recruitment goals, despite offering record signing bonuses.

Fuck these people and fuck the institutions they've subverted.

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I live in this Godforsaken State. My community is 30 minutes East of Seattle, which is the epicenter of stupidity. You would not believe the lack of outrage around here. These are the most complacent, obedient serfs you could imagine. You want outrage? Talk about protecting innocent children - they rally and break windows throughout Seattle (where R v W didn't change a single thing). This State is lost. My family is one of the only Pure Bloods, and my kids know that many of their friends may not be around in 2-3 years. I'm just as guilty as the rest. I keep believing that people will wake up and realize they have been duped. My heart knows that day will likely never come. God Bless you Clif - thank you for the newsletters. Jeff

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Their minions run deep, and so does populace complacency and ignorance. But not from me. I won’t even date jabbed. True Bloods™ only. Self-employed.

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Personally I dont think Cliff’s language is strong enough ! Please step it up Clif

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Caution: Working for the state my be harmful to your health.

We're seeing shortages of pilots, next up shortages of health care workers followed by shortages of employees of gov.inc.

Why do they need new employees, were the current ones killed off with experimental gene therapy encapsulated in synthetic lipid nano particles?

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Natural death or the guillotine, wonder what will take out this piece of shit WEF globalist first.

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In case no one has noticed the world is turning its back on criminally corrupt US Government , BiDUMB is being shunned, excluded and laughed at globally...even third world countries are calling him down and disrespecting the United States...and rightly so...the American people should have shut this shit show down long ago before we got this far down the Ponzi-Scheme money system path. Now it is too late...we allowed our so called "elected" representation (we see now many have been installed year after year through election rigging -thank CIA), to rubber stamp the destruction of America. Sold out by all of them; Nixon, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump (maybe), BiDUMB...Isn't it time for the American people to 100% disrespect this criminal government just as the rest of the world is. Who sides with US Government ? WEF - all the Nazi fagsexuals, DAVOS - a bunch of inbred stupid scumbags? That's it. The world is moving on...leaving America behind in our chaos and Democrat destruction. Time for us to move on....resist, ignore, refuse to be governed by these creeps...become unmanageable. America needs industry - build it up in your communities. Passive and complacent no more should be our motto...our Constitution gives us the right to collapse this criminal government and start over..

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Trudeau is Canada’s version of Inslee, a WEF puppet following his orders to the letter.

We’ve had the similar covid restrictions on federal employees for a year now.

Trudeau went one better than Inslee, he locked down travel for all the unvaxxed across Canada, no air travel nor rail travel for over a year and he instituted quarantine hotels at all major airports, our version of the Australian covid camps.


And he makes you the traveller pay for the privilege and for women the risk of assault.


The good news is that what Clif terms the SOC seems to be having a measurable effect in these WEF clowns.

In Canada, Trudeau freaked out publicly over the People’s Freedom Convoy in January, he overplayed his hand with the Emergencies Act and he not only woke up a lot of the sheep in this country but he made international headlines by going full Castro by freezing the finances of anyone who opposed him for donating as little as $40 to the protest.

Turdeau has also caught covid a second time just before the G7 meetings to avoid appearing in Parliament to answer questions over his handling of the trucker protests.

It’s almost certain that like Inslee and Biden, Trudeau stole the last Canadian election and is desperately trying to remain in power by allying with the far left Canadian NDP party.

This will only buy him a short reprieve, people are uniting behind the opposition conservatives to take on these WEF puppets and are gaining momentum.

There are signs the Cabal is being weakened on many fronts but the main battleground is the United States, it’s the keystone and mothership to finally toppling the Cabal and that means removing the endemic corruption at all levels of the US government, federal, state and local.

Once the Deep State dies in the US, their branches in the EU, UK and the rest of the G7 will die out as well.

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State employees need to stand up against this bs (and stand up for their health!!!) and say NO MORE. He only has power because the people of Washington continue to give him that power

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I love Clif. He’s not afraid to tell it like it is. A large number of stupid people are going to die off because they took the kill shot, didn’t prepare for the coming food shortage and haven’t prepared financially. I don’t trust anything the government or even my doctor tells me. Stop worrying and start preparing. Stress from knowing your not prepared will kill you too. Get lots of sleep. If you can’t sleep buy Cliff’s pure sleep. One thing Clif is no a snake oil salesman. He knows things and you should start listening to him. He doesn’t have to share his knowledge with us. It doesn’t make him rich. I believe he does it because he cares for us. And I love him for that. Now go by some food and water, solar cells and batteries.

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Fuck that guy and the rest of the WEF asshats with their depopulation agenda. They've done a great job so far taking out my family & Friends, who unfortunately are sheep and believed their BS about the jab. When my seasonal National Park Service job required the jab, I quit. Nor will I apply again.

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Fuck all these WEF puppets!!! Only God can save us from the evil P'sOS!!!

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So much for "my body, my choice" here in Washington! The hypocrisy is unreal...

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We all deserve this shit, because we're not fighting back, myself included.

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i wish a painful semen and shit stained de ath for jay inslee....

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