As a retired race car driver, mental focus, control your breathing, ability to evaluate situation changes is critical to being a successful driver. Ability to see and do just by focusing on the outcome. As I go on trips, short or long I plan the trip in my head before I start driving. Just how I design new parts, I see it in my mind first. Very natural for me, a gift.
I believe I could operate one of those machines with proper instructions.
Ever hear of the Sonora Aero Club? It's been labelled 'conspiracy' but there were newspaper articles at the time that actually reported on sightings, and one landing in Texas to make repairs. Anti-gravity machine. I can't find the original links I've looked at in the past but here's one site outlining it.
That is fascinating! It amazes me how many geniuses we have lost (and been killed) due to corporate jealousy and protectionism instead of seeing the future differently. I knew a guy in FL (about 2008-9) who announced he had found a way to make a carburetor that could get 100 mpg. He was found dead in St. Augustine about 3 mos after he revealed it. There was a guy in the north (Michigan? Wisconsin? one of those God-forsaken states where people seem to be more deranged than most) who had invented an internal combustion engine that ran on hydrogen (water). in 2021 or 22, a "deranged mass murderer" shot up a convenience store, at which this (black, if that matters) gentleman was shopping was killed. Coincidence? I don't believe in them. All you have to do is look at Tesla. When will humans rise above their egos? (Nevermind.)
How many people who came up with cures for cancer were murdered? The medical Nazis (and Pig Pharma) want to keep cancer around because their methods of "treating" cancer provide them with a very lucrative business - poisoning people with chemo, poisoning & burning them with radiation, and butchering them with surgery.
I remember when Richard Nixon declared "War on Cancer" in 1971, when I was a freshman in high school. They were working on a "cure" for cancer. What a joke. I believe the govt knew there was going to be an explosion of cancer rates, especially from the Polio vaccines used in the late 1950s and early 1960s were contaminated with a virus called simian virus 40 (SV40) present in monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine. My husband got this vaccine in late 50's. Sometime in mid-90's was having some back pain and went to get an x-ray, which showed 4 small tumors on his right kidney. He did not get a biopsy, so decided to fix it himself rather than go the medical doctors by taking various mushrooms, blueberry & turmeric powders. Went to get x-ray again one year later, no tumors shown. Thankfully he's still around today and in very good health.
Curing cancer is 100% about what you ingest (and don't ingest). Cancer cells are actually special white blood cells that are used to contain malignant parasites that enter our bodies. With a compromised immune system, they can't complete their job (escorting the invader out) and the cells build up (tumor) and left too long without proper nutrition to boost your immunity back up, the flesh around the cells suffer necropsy--which if it's an organ, you die rather quickly. But most people die of poisoning by doctors (who don't know better).
Yes, "cancer" cells are an immune response by our amazing body to encapsulate some toxin/foreign invader with over proliferation of cells to "wall" it off from vital organs. Many times the toxin is injected. Our body is simply reacting as it's designed to...self protect.
I believe that the government knew because they had planned, with the enlistment of large corporations & manufacturers, etc., that a vast array of cancers and other diseases & allergies would result from the ever-growing numbers of scheduled childhood vaccines, the routine poisoning of our food. water, air, fabrics in our clothing, household cleaning supplies, building construction materials, widespread use of pesticides in people's homes & yards, ad infinitum..
It is no coincidence that for decades there have been ever-increasing widespread problems with infertility, low sperm count, miscarriages, still births, birth defects, and infant mortality; and childhood diseases that would last for people's lifetimes, and prompt them to seek lifelong medical "treatment" which would result in more health problems.
I believe that all the above, and more - including our "educational" system and "news" media..., have been the cause of learning disabilities and lower intelligence levels. Dumbing down the people makes them easier to brainwash & control.
Bravo for your husband who healed himself rather than going to the medical Nazis for "treatment", especially since they are a major cause of illness from which they profit hugely until their victims eventually die. I love the line from one of Rupi Kaur's poems: "Don't look for healing at the feet of those who broke you." She was referring to sex abuse, but it can easily be applied to any harm from anyone.
P.S. Notice that infertility is now being connected to, among other things, baby wipes with toxic ingredients that were used many times per day on babies' genitals? People are still using those baby wipes, and the list of ingredients in them is growing.
Suntan lotions with sunscreens are touted as safety measures to protect us from the sun so that people would fear the sun and get less of its vital benefits while repeatedly slathering those toxic and carcinogenic ingredients all over themselves, and further poisoning the waters that they swim in.
Thank you Autonomy and agree with everything you stated. All planned by the WEF, WHO, top elite groups such as Rockefellers/Rothschilds, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and many others to control humanity, reduce population by poisoning our foods, air, water, now medical tyranny to hopefully achieve their NWO Agenda.
You state absolute facts. And people cannot fathom the "why" of this. Evil will NEVER make sense to those who aren't. But hold on....all is being revealed for a reason. It's time.
Spot on. Dr Leonard Horowitz had/has a video of Dr. Maruice Hillman, then CEO of Merck complaining about those darn monkeys and their SV40 virus. 'We can't get rid of it', laughing saying, 'there will be a whole lot of cancers in the future'....
The effects of that original polio vaccine appear negligible however the folks 50 years out from their shot know different, PLUS the SV-40 passed in
their gene line to their offspring, and the following generations. Have you noticed people seem to be 'stiffer' dumbed down, and acting like wild monkeys?
Although we knew cancer may be caused by parasites, it's very disturbing how all of this came to be. Now we know why the Covid fake vaccine with it's horrible toxic ingredients, there was going to be another explosion of cancer rates. I remember seeing pictures of parasites in these kill shots. Not something I want in my body. Also, why Fauci and other govt officials/doctors did not want anyone taking these anti-parasitic drugs such as Ivermection, Fenbendazole. This is just so evil. I'm so grateful for this information. It's so important to learn about good health, nutrition, natural healing, eating the right foods, grow your own food if you can, doctoring yourself and so much more. Stay away from allopathic doctors with their toxic treatments, surgery, chemo/radiation and of course, vaccines!! This is their sick care not health care system.
I'm thrilled that you found the links helpful. In addition to learning from Clif about the evils and failings of allopathic medicine, I found that this article helped me understand a lot:
KazarianjewMafia Rockefeller Alopathic Witchcraft and Sorcery! In plain sight! Don’t bend over and continuously take it up the Anus, for these Luscifererian, Moloch worshipping, Babalonian, child sex trafficking torturing, Sacrificing, Blood drinking, cannabilistic, sodomising, Evil Ones, any more. Just Don’t Submit!!! 🙏🙏🙏 Om Swastyastu🕉!!!
Yes I remember the man in Michigan. Our classroom teacher was so excited that he brought a video tape to school with the interview. I expected to see these cars within a short amount of time. But POOF nothing. We asked the teacher about and he qas unable to find information after that 1st interview.
It's not about humans rising above their egos. Planet Earth is owned and operated like a business. Everything, including you, is either incorporated or securitized. Humans are controlled, manipulated and harvested like livestock. Anything that tries to interfere with that control is dealt with.
Oh yes in Buffalo or Rochester. Black guy. They don’t care if thousands of innocents die. (WTC) They’re just after that one guy and disguising it as a mass shooter incident.
Watch Courier X. Fascinating view of CIA tactics. Premise is gov took down TWA 800 bcuz assassin of Ron Brown was on that flight. Evidently Brown survived a plane crash in Europe or close to there, and one bullet in head was found by medical examiner.
Yes of course. Dellschau and the Sonora Aero Club had a base and landing-takeoff area in The Inland Empire. The picture you have attached came from his drawings which ultimately was published as a beautify table book. This book is in my library. The group was sponsored by the Kaiser of Germany circa 1850s and beyond. Part of the legend on the origins of this work and his drawings of the versions of constructions of the Flying machine and its unique propulsion gas (Mercury) were supposed to be disposed of in order that no one else would be able to access the materials and construction - propulsion system. Dellschau's drawings were discovered in a trash bin outside either an antique store or a repair shop of some kind. This project formed the basis of the Breakaway Civilization, a parallel civilization unknown to the general public as all of the projects involved were on flight and military capabilities of same. I recommend you check out my good friend and author Walter Bosley. Mr. Bosley has a show on YouTube on Sunday late afternoons and sometimes other times during the week. Google Walter Bosley Live on YouTube. Also check out author Joseph Farrell ("Cosmic War" book), a contact of mine and good friend to Bosley. Also check out The Dark Journalist (also YouTube) for Daniel's interviews with these two authors and on the Breakaway Civilization topic.
there is a guy named parveen monhan, i believe, he is great at showing how all the old tech worked, batteries , heating elements, giant stone laithes....and so on.....he is very censored....
yes I have heard of this speculated the tech was brought to the US after the Demise of Tartaria which it is weird how this culture or civilisation appears to have disappeared and been erased from history
Dark Journalist has done some deep diving on this subject too. Check out his YT channel. More stranger-than-fiction connections to other groups that DJ discloses as well.
Here are two videos. One about Elizabeth and the other about Alpha Centauri Star System. The planet that Elizabeth talks about where the aliens come from that visited her. Thank you for the information about her.
There was a woman (Sabrina Wallace, if I recall her name correctly, went by the username psinergy) that made videos that went into a LOT of detail on this. Her work seems to have been largely scrubbed from the internet, but I think was on to something. I might not have all the details correct, as it's been a while since I've watched her stuff, but very similar to what you're positing. She said that the human biofield, aka the aura, generated by the frequency of our DNA, is a body part and its existence has been hidden from us or we're told its existence is woowoo. All the while they use their tech to tap into our individual, unique resonant frequencies to track & target us. Collectively, they harvest our energy and use it as a power source. She also believed that we are the internet, iirc (which would imo explain how sometimes the internet / search queries, advertisements, etc seem to know what we're thinking before we type or say anything). She also went into great detail about the technical side of things (she is a tech person) like IoB and IEEE standards and what they really mean.
Luc Montignier was also working on something tangentially related & interesting in the 15 years before he died - related to DNA and frequency & DNA teleportation. Interesting article here:
Sabrina is on Odysee, under Psinergy:) I have known about the biofield as I have practice qigong since 1996-she taught me all the rest about how how it has been hidden away. Someone who has learned from Sabrina has complied reprintable materials and a ton of research articles and videos offered on a telegram channel named Psinergy-Sabrina doesn’t administrate it and is thrilled more people are becoming aware.
Thanks, Becca. Qigong is amazing, I learned / practiced since early 2000s myself. I'm not surprised you know of Sabrina, but this is the first time I've ever come across anyone else 'in the wild' who knows of her, so that's neat for me. :) I managed to find her current account with some digging after I left my comment for you this morning. (I had been following her late last year / early this year, but the account I was following was deleted and I could not find her new account, gave up trying after a while.) I'll have to check out the telegram channel. It's great that people are working on compiling the info, because there's really *so much* to research & learn on the material she covers, and seemingly endless research papers, documents, college text books, etc. Anyway, glad to come across your comment - very encouraging info, happy to hear.
David Hudson, did great work and the only element, not a compound like LK-99, that he found that had superconductivity at room temperature was gold. Silver also did but at a higher temperature, over 100 degrees if I remember correctly.
It is my believe that the transition metals have different states similar to water. Gold, steam state is Zeolite and ice state is quartz. Frequency and energy levels were off and instead of yellow gold, we find these other states. Like Clif says, incorrectly observation of nature. Just like the misinterpreted ancient books.
Was it you who shared the link to the ORMUS conference video? If so, thank you, best 2 hours I've spent in a while. Very informative. I interpret the 4/9ths loss in the 2D resonant state to be the material is straddling dimensions at the density it is at that particular temperature range around the flux-flow "ignition" temp. 5/9ths of the mass is here, and 4/9ths there! Well, still here, but only experienced by those attuned to the frequency spectrum of the other dimension. The material is probably remnant of the exploded stargate in the Grand Canyon, ye old interdimensional travel station in the pyramids, back when we were free and able to get around, before our quarantine.
There is a "knowing" that infects humans so that, when we hear a statement anyone else would find totally outrageous, some of us intuit that it is not only logical, but true. Patanjali's manual makes perfect sense. Boglino's translation makes perfect sense. I don't need convincing. LK-99 makes perfect sense, within the known parameters. I look forward to what testing research reveals. This is one of the most exciting things I've heard.
The thing about reincarnation is the relearning. It takes a lifetime to get up to speed, so to speak, slough off the prejudicial BS that society/religion brainwashes us with, and just about the time we get to the truth, we die. Then we come back and go through the same BS all over again. I can't wait to get off this wheel! I got a little cottage overlooking a nice piece of coastline all picked out - in my view of heaven. I may stay there a long time before I come back.
Source Sadhguru - Activate this Chakra, to See into the Future. Summary:
Ajna awareness trianguar is 12” below and 12” above the third eye.
If pushed out 24 inches, and if stays there, consciousness becomes cosmic meaning one can leave conscioussly.
When awareness triangle extends 9 inches out, there is relief from constant unnecessary mental activity. This is a benefit of meditation. If it happens in sleep, there’s total relief from frivolous mental circles.
When the Ajna is 12 inches from you, very easily you access the minds and intentions of all the people who are connected with you.
When Ajna extends out 15 inches, you will know of significant of events anywhere including, major shifits in this planet that’s happening in this planetary system, you will sense/know weather, water/floods, wars etc. Historically yogi’s, sages have spoken of comets who arrive as forecast.
When pushed to extend to 18 inches, all that is worth knowing you can acceess. Its take a little, like going to a library and reading a little bit, but you have access it’s worth knowing.
The 3rd eye is open (Ajna awareness triangle pushes out 18-21 inches).
It means you if you can hold it up at 21 inches from your Ajna, the crown charka will open up slowly. As it opens up, life and leaving the body becomes an entirely conscious process.
...Awareness is a refined technology personal inner engineering work call yoga/union with one .(not twisty like a noodle yoga)
I'm not sure how his Rally for Rivers (Cauvary Calling) is compromible to toxic chemical wastes in most of N. America’s toxic rivers.
I’m not sure how Action for Rural Rejuvenation is in the same basket of helping the people as our farmers struggle to survive, and the NWO legislates taking 1/3 of the land in the Netherlands who are the most productive food providers in the world.
I’m not sure how an acknowledged mystic who has brought joy to millions of lives corrolates with Ida Auken’s (WEF) phrase You'll own nothing and you'll be happy..
I'm not sure how his Save the Soil, showing people how to grow and prosper health and financially is detrimential to the people.
I’m not sure how the Isha Vidhya program providing high quality eduction to rural children is debatable when in LeBron’s ‘I Promise School’s every 8th grader hasen’t passed a single math test.
Somehow Sadhguru’s actions smell different - opposite to WEF.
Discernment of results is critical. To Clif High’s genius investigations I understand that discipline focus and generousity of spirit increase frequency, thus comprehension of increasting the quality of each life. In this I incluce nuturing of earth, plants, animals and humans in their individual drive to live. Words may be tools of manipulation, whereas, actions are evidence of contributions of conscious awareness and emergence of development of mankind. At the moment, many humans appear to be misusing the extraordinary cosmic brain technology they were given at birth. Few like Clif are exceptions.
If he is allowed to speak at Davos it will assist them in their agendas. Remember the WEF presents all these ideas under a premise of how grand things will be as a result. Same with King George and his Terra Carta.
I know of what you speak. His mother absconded with young native children whilst on a Royal visit to Canada. As much as the WEF tyrant Trudeau tries to cover it up, the local have not forgotten.
IRONY - We all know when speaking to children beyond their scope of knowledge, the will go to sleep or run away. When Sadhguru spoke to the WEF they all fell asleep. Intellect and wisdom are different.
I totally wish. But they know what they are doing. They have corrupted all Governments and the normies so to speak via propaganda via TV et al. Thanks for listening. You have a nice open mind. Which is needed in the world today. Keep on the alert. Best wishes to you and yours.
I understand about TV which I call Tel - 1 - vision. I turned it off in 1963 after observing you school friends parroting what they saw on TV with Walter Cronkite and JFK, whereas I saw 'irregularities' in his commentary. The same openly happened with the BBC girl talking about collapse of building 7 whilst it was still standing behind her. Decades of mind control... Frequencies move in two ways, vortex spirals. T-1-V is like a vortex that has grown broader and deeper over time. The other pattern is like a figure 8 on its side called the infinity symbol ∞ - a mathematical symbol representing the concept of infinity (aka lemniscate symbol). The movement of ∞ correspondingly increases frequency with increasing awareness.
Cliff High functions beyond the spiral vortex. A famously ever expanding learning related to the positive evolution of mankind, which our genetic memory of 10-15,000 years ago mastered with their 'flying machines' spoken about in ancient literature. Folks playing with super computers are unable to count 'infinity' mathematically. Hummm... Do our genetics have a deeper program which others want to erase/eradicate?
And one final note. I am for all sentient beings. But not at the expense of my freedom and lockdown in a fifteen minute city so to speak. Dig deeper. They got you hook line and sinker it appears to me. It is all there on the WEF website.
Fascinating thesis! I've pulled out my Yoga book which has the Sutras, and massive commentary, which I could never read in their entirety. If I ignore the commentary it does potentially convey the instructions you're suggesting. Sometime ago I decided I wanted to read Virgil's Aeneid in the original Latin language. It's been a labor of [increasing] love I never would have imagined. Most important is the singular nuance of word translation, and the evolution of word meaning over time. I've gained insights that could only come through diligent exercise. A similar devolution of the Sutras over a greater period of time makes great sense. I look forward to your translation of Patanjali's Sanskrit instruction manual. Thanks.
Hi Cliff. A book that may hold some interest: THE GODDESSES OF INDIA, TIBET, and JAPAN by Lawrence Durdin Robertson Published in 1976. A cousin of Robert Graves.( The White Goddess) My wife typed the Manuscripts way back. I have a copy. Lawrence self published it under: CESARA PUBLICATIONS HUNTINGDON CASTLE , CLONEGAL CO. CARLOW EIRE. He was an Etymologist. Kind Regards. Sèan
This post brought me back to 2004 at Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Btw, usually (and especially for people who live in the state of Washington) RSE brings up strong points of view - this post is not about the merits or demerits of the school. Just my experience there. So, one of the exercises we use to do was to concentrate in such a way to move our bodies in 'space and time' to another location instantaneously (as Cliff describes in the audio). At the school, we would make a card (similar to a Sigil) and post the card along the rail of a fence in a large horse pasture. Each person was blind folded and started in the middle of the pasture field - the goal was to use the concentration technique to move to your card - not by analysis or navigation, but by the simple technique that resembles what Cliff described. In other words, when the mind is focused in a certain way, the body/mind navigates automatically and instantaneously to your destination. I want to say that the technique definitely works as I had two experiences where I went into this kind of short altered consciousness, and then I was suddenly at the rail in front of my card. Now, this was not easy to replicate - there were times when I attempted this on some days, and I did not find my card. I mention RSE only because this is my reference point in using this technique and I am convinced that it works, but it is not repeatable all the time - although I did know people who were quite good at this. The average person would have a very hard time doing this as it requires intense concentration - but a special state of mind needs to be cultivated that does not involve 'force' or intense 'emotion'. It's the idea of drishti that many of you may know from yoga classes. You know when it works because you are 'just there' where you intended.
Yes, agreed, our space vehicle is our body. Knowing where to go, and what to do next in this immense and never-ending universe, that’s what all religious instruction books attempt to help us with. Clarity comes when both left and right brain hemispheres are in perfect balance.
Clif, thank you for answering my question. I also have been meditating for about 50 years. Lately, during meditation there was a message . . . Stop. This is not what you think. Part of the collective mind speaking, and here you are mentioning it. Just like when you talked about the telepathic instructions to take the jab. I had gotten that message, that the jab was good thing, and it will help me. So when you finally mentioned that they were sending out these "take the jab" messages, it was confirmation (I've been anti-vax for over 20 years). There is no desire to drive any alien UFOs/UAPs. So not sure about meditation any longer. wow.
One has to CONCENTRATE on your own image of yourself wholly, then dis-assemble your image and then re-assemble it wholly into the image of the place you have re-created of something you have concentrated on wholly. It is very dangerous if you leave out ANYTHING in the image. You cannot even leave out a cell or an atom and you might find yourself in trouble. We are already organic machines operating at a small part of its capabilities.
I don't think we should conclude that meditation for spiritual purposes is bogus. You do go into the nature of consciousness when you meditate, if you shut up, persist and just look at what's there, ie, you as a consciousness, and isn't that what a consciousness driven machine would be operating from...consciousness? I have no doubt that we're more than the bodies we tend to identify with and that we are energy beings formed by consciousness who in turn can manifest a physical body with that consciousness. We do it effortlessly without paying attention. I think we want to meditate to PAY spend some time with who we actually are. Clif tends to black and white poo-poo things and while I don't doubt the book he speaks of is an instruction manual to run a machine with consciousness, I also see that what it's using to do that IS consciousness . You have to get to the center of who you are both to run such a machine AND to derive benefit from meditation. People would not have been doing meditation and spiritual practice for 2 thousand years and more if it didn't have benefit and if it was just some kind of misinterpretation people were acting out. That would have been abandoned as a dry well pretty soon. I don't know what Clif means when he says enlightenment but the zen masters speak of it as a natural recognition when you get there. I believe they mean a direct experience of yourself as part of one consciousness. If that knowledge helps you drive high tech vehicles more's the better, but the skill has other applications and more important ones.
I mean, there are plenty of stories of people getting to the point that they can manipulate their own “electrical field” to fly, walk through walls, by-locate etc.
Thus stolen El tech may not be the only tech that can be successfully controlled once the mind is properly tamed.
Perhaps the tech that is “us” is also properly controlled with such a mindset.
That is certainly my feeling and experience so far...
Exactamundo! Jesus Christ is portrayed in later guilt-ridden control propaganda as considering us so base as to need a huge sacrifice of himself to a "god" whose opinion of us is even worse. But the editors of the NT could not suppress that he said, "Ye are gods," and "These and greater things shall you do, " referring to his miracles. As you say, this mind driven tech is only the tip of what we will ultimately do, and yet, how amazing it appears to us. The trick is to get past the well-planned, malevolent drag of ignorance of who we are and our native abilities. It's the biggest of all the big lies we've been told by a species whose intent is to harvest us as efficiently as possible.
I'm of a mind that you would also have to have a pure, clean and clear intention before you head out. Don't want to land in the wrong place! As Clif says, exciting times!
As a retired race car driver, mental focus, control your breathing, ability to evaluate situation changes is critical to being a successful driver. Ability to see and do just by focusing on the outcome. As I go on trips, short or long I plan the trip in my head before I start driving. Just how I design new parts, I see it in my mind first. Very natural for me, a gift.
I believe I could operate one of those machines with proper instructions.
Take me with you, I'll be quiet
I don't eat their food. I've always called it 'foodless food'
"Your government ..." ? mmmmm
I'm the same way (as was Tesla, BTW) and my spacial awareness tests off the charts. And I'm a woman.
But I'm a woman with a ship.
lol...atta girl, me too! I named it "Merkaba."
Mine is a Venusian Scout Ship!!! ;- )
I don't know what mine is, but it looks like a very streamlined fighter jet. I found it in the desert...or it found me.
LK-99 you can download the PDF documents
Good luck
Ever hear of the Sonora Aero Club? It's been labelled 'conspiracy' but there were newspaper articles at the time that actually reported on sightings, and one landing in Texas to make repairs. Anti-gravity machine. I can't find the original links I've looked at in the past but here's one site outlining it.
That is fascinating! It amazes me how many geniuses we have lost (and been killed) due to corporate jealousy and protectionism instead of seeing the future differently. I knew a guy in FL (about 2008-9) who announced he had found a way to make a carburetor that could get 100 mpg. He was found dead in St. Augustine about 3 mos after he revealed it. There was a guy in the north (Michigan? Wisconsin? one of those God-forsaken states where people seem to be more deranged than most) who had invented an internal combustion engine that ran on hydrogen (water). in 2021 or 22, a "deranged mass murderer" shot up a convenience store, at which this (black, if that matters) gentleman was shopping was killed. Coincidence? I don't believe in them. All you have to do is look at Tesla. When will humans rise above their egos? (Nevermind.)
How many people who came up with cures for cancer were murdered? The medical Nazis (and Pig Pharma) want to keep cancer around because their methods of "treating" cancer provide them with a very lucrative business - poisoning people with chemo, poisoning & burning them with radiation, and butchering them with surgery.
I remember when Richard Nixon declared "War on Cancer" in 1971, when I was a freshman in high school. They were working on a "cure" for cancer. What a joke. I believe the govt knew there was going to be an explosion of cancer rates, especially from the Polio vaccines used in the late 1950s and early 1960s were contaminated with a virus called simian virus 40 (SV40) present in monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine. My husband got this vaccine in late 50's. Sometime in mid-90's was having some back pain and went to get an x-ray, which showed 4 small tumors on his right kidney. He did not get a biopsy, so decided to fix it himself rather than go the medical doctors by taking various mushrooms, blueberry & turmeric powders. Went to get x-ray again one year later, no tumors shown. Thankfully he's still around today and in very good health.
Curing cancer is 100% about what you ingest (and don't ingest). Cancer cells are actually special white blood cells that are used to contain malignant parasites that enter our bodies. With a compromised immune system, they can't complete their job (escorting the invader out) and the cells build up (tumor) and left too long without proper nutrition to boost your immunity back up, the flesh around the cells suffer necropsy--which if it's an organ, you die rather quickly. But most people die of poisoning by doctors (who don't know better).
Yes, "cancer" cells are an immune response by our amazing body to encapsulate some toxin/foreign invader with over proliferation of cells to "wall" it off from vital organs. Many times the toxin is injected. Our body is simply reacting as it's designed to...self protect.
I believe that the government knew because they had planned, with the enlistment of large corporations & manufacturers, etc., that a vast array of cancers and other diseases & allergies would result from the ever-growing numbers of scheduled childhood vaccines, the routine poisoning of our food. water, air, fabrics in our clothing, household cleaning supplies, building construction materials, widespread use of pesticides in people's homes & yards, ad infinitum..
It is no coincidence that for decades there have been ever-increasing widespread problems with infertility, low sperm count, miscarriages, still births, birth defects, and infant mortality; and childhood diseases that would last for people's lifetimes, and prompt them to seek lifelong medical "treatment" which would result in more health problems.
I believe that all the above, and more - including our "educational" system and "news" media..., have been the cause of learning disabilities and lower intelligence levels. Dumbing down the people makes them easier to brainwash & control.
Bravo for your husband who healed himself rather than going to the medical Nazis for "treatment", especially since they are a major cause of illness from which they profit hugely until their victims eventually die. I love the line from one of Rupi Kaur's poems: "Don't look for healing at the feet of those who broke you." She was referring to sex abuse, but it can easily be applied to any harm from anyone.
P.S. Notice that infertility is now being connected to, among other things, baby wipes with toxic ingredients that were used many times per day on babies' genitals? People are still using those baby wipes, and the list of ingredients in them is growing.
Suntan lotions with sunscreens are touted as safety measures to protect us from the sun so that people would fear the sun and get less of its vital benefits while repeatedly slathering those toxic and carcinogenic ingredients all over themselves, and further poisoning the waters that they swim in.
Thank you Autonomy and agree with everything you stated. All planned by the WEF, WHO, top elite groups such as Rockefellers/Rothschilds, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and many others to control humanity, reduce population by poisoning our foods, air, water, now medical tyranny to hopefully achieve their NWO Agenda.
You state absolute facts. And people cannot fathom the "why" of this. Evil will NEVER make sense to those who aren't. But hold on....all is being revealed for a reason. It's time.
Bingo on all cards and every point.
Spot on. Dr Leonard Horowitz had/has a video of Dr. Maruice Hillman, then CEO of Merck complaining about those darn monkeys and their SV40 virus. 'We can't get rid of it', laughing saying, 'there will be a whole lot of cancers in the future'....
The effects of that original polio vaccine appear negligible however the folks 50 years out from their shot know different, PLUS the SV-40 passed in
their gene line to their offspring, and the following generations. Have you noticed people seem to be 'stiffer' dumbed down, and acting like wild monkeys?
"A patient cured is a customer lost."
Well said. Can I use "Pig Pharma?"
Yes. :-)
All of us need to know that most, if not all, cancers seem to be curable:
Tirion, thank you so much for the above links. Although I haven't watched it yet, my husband watched this video this morning:
Although we knew cancer may be caused by parasites, it's very disturbing how all of this came to be. Now we know why the Covid fake vaccine with it's horrible toxic ingredients, there was going to be another explosion of cancer rates. I remember seeing pictures of parasites in these kill shots. Not something I want in my body. Also, why Fauci and other govt officials/doctors did not want anyone taking these anti-parasitic drugs such as Ivermection, Fenbendazole. This is just so evil. I'm so grateful for this information. It's so important to learn about good health, nutrition, natural healing, eating the right foods, grow your own food if you can, doctoring yourself and so much more. Stay away from allopathic doctors with their toxic treatments, surgery, chemo/radiation and of course, vaccines!! This is their sick care not health care system.
I'm thrilled that you found the links helpful. In addition to learning from Clif about the evils and failings of allopathic medicine, I found that this article helped me understand a lot:
KazarianjewMafia Rockefeller Alopathic Witchcraft and Sorcery! In plain sight! Don’t bend over and continuously take it up the Anus, for these Luscifererian, Moloch worshipping, Babalonian, child sex trafficking torturing, Sacrificing, Blood drinking, cannabilistic, sodomising, Evil Ones, any more. Just Don’t Submit!!! 🙏🙏🙏 Om Swastyastu🕉!!!
Yes I remember the man in Michigan. Our classroom teacher was so excited that he brought a video tape to school with the interview. I expected to see these cars within a short amount of time. But POOF nothing. We asked the teacher about and he qas unable to find information after that 1st interview.
I remember his YouTube demonstrating the hydrogen engine.
It's not about humans rising above their egos. Planet Earth is owned and operated like a business. Everything, including you, is either incorporated or securitized. Humans are controlled, manipulated and harvested like livestock. Anything that tries to interfere with that control is dealt with.
Yes that's correct, Earth is Prison Planet. We need more souls to awaken, love and unite to unshackle these chains.
Oh yes in Buffalo or Rochester. Black guy. They don’t care if thousands of innocents die. (WTC) They’re just after that one guy and disguising it as a mass shooter incident.
Same with airplane crashes carrying that one person they want to eliminate.
Watch Courier X. Fascinating view of CIA tactics. Premise is gov took down TWA 800 bcuz assassin of Ron Brown was on that flight. Evidently Brown survived a plane crash in Europe or close to there, and one bullet in head was found by medical examiner.
Rie above ego and greed
You meant "rise", yes?
Yes of course. Dellschau and the Sonora Aero Club had a base and landing-takeoff area in The Inland Empire. The picture you have attached came from his drawings which ultimately was published as a beautify table book. This book is in my library. The group was sponsored by the Kaiser of Germany circa 1850s and beyond. Part of the legend on the origins of this work and his drawings of the versions of constructions of the Flying machine and its unique propulsion gas (Mercury) were supposed to be disposed of in order that no one else would be able to access the materials and construction - propulsion system. Dellschau's drawings were discovered in a trash bin outside either an antique store or a repair shop of some kind. This project formed the basis of the Breakaway Civilization, a parallel civilization unknown to the general public as all of the projects involved were on flight and military capabilities of same. I recommend you check out my good friend and author Walter Bosley. Mr. Bosley has a show on YouTube on Sunday late afternoons and sometimes other times during the week. Google Walter Bosley Live on YouTube. Also check out author Joseph Farrell ("Cosmic War" book), a contact of mine and good friend to Bosley. Also check out The Dark Journalist (also YouTube) for Daniel's interviews with these two authors and on the Breakaway Civilization topic.
you might enjoy this..
Thank You! Excellent and not unknown to me but this vid is first class!!
there is a guy named parveen monhan, i believe, he is great at showing how all the old tech worked, batteries , heating elements, giant stone laithes....and so on.....he is very censored....
You must be a participant in "the ideas room?" Me too, lol. See you there tonight?
As I was reading your comment, I was going to ask if you were viewers of theirs, then I read further. They’re all very insightful men.
yes I have heard of this speculated the tech was brought to the US after the Demise of Tartaria which it is weird how this culture or civilisation appears to have disappeared and been erased from history
I was not aware of this. I'll look into it, thank you.
These links are relevant:
Dark Journalist has done some deep diving on this subject too. Check out his YT channel. More stranger-than-fiction connections to other groups that DJ discloses as well.
you might like this..
Thank You !!!
Time to build my hoverboard to get to Portugal on the weekends.
Elizabeth Klarer (she has about 2 videos on YT - went to another planet) said in her YT videos to paraphrase " The ships are flown by thought "
I just wrote something similar in clifs last video. I knew I was onto something here. Thank you for sharing this information.
Here are two videos. One about Elizabeth and the other about Alpha Centauri Star System. The planet that Elizabeth talks about where the aliens come from that visited her. Thank you for the information about her.
A day without Clif is like shooting a shotgun while trying to drink a cup of coffee ☕️. AHHHHHHH!
The human biofield (“aura”) has been removed from our awareness and on purpose by the Powers that Be.
The human biofield is being used by them to energize the internet-without our permission.
We are the internet!
Look up WBAN, IOT, internet of bodies and internet of behavior, it’s all connected and we are presently being surveilled 24/7.
Info about our dna generated biofield:
There was a woman (Sabrina Wallace, if I recall her name correctly, went by the username psinergy) that made videos that went into a LOT of detail on this. Her work seems to have been largely scrubbed from the internet, but I think was on to something. I might not have all the details correct, as it's been a while since I've watched her stuff, but very similar to what you're positing. She said that the human biofield, aka the aura, generated by the frequency of our DNA, is a body part and its existence has been hidden from us or we're told its existence is woowoo. All the while they use their tech to tap into our individual, unique resonant frequencies to track & target us. Collectively, they harvest our energy and use it as a power source. She also believed that we are the internet, iirc (which would imo explain how sometimes the internet / search queries, advertisements, etc seem to know what we're thinking before we type or say anything). She also went into great detail about the technical side of things (she is a tech person) like IoB and IEEE standards and what they really mean.
Luc Montignier was also working on something tangentially related & interesting in the 15 years before he died - related to DNA and frequency & DNA teleportation. Interesting article here:
How very much has been kept from us.
Sabrina is on Odysee, under Psinergy:) I have known about the biofield as I have practice qigong since 1996-she taught me all the rest about how how it has been hidden away. Someone who has learned from Sabrina has complied reprintable materials and a ton of research articles and videos offered on a telegram channel named Psinergy-Sabrina doesn’t administrate it and is thrilled more people are becoming aware.
Thanks, Becca. Qigong is amazing, I learned / practiced since early 2000s myself. I'm not surprised you know of Sabrina, but this is the first time I've ever come across anyone else 'in the wild' who knows of her, so that's neat for me. :) I managed to find her current account with some digging after I left my comment for you this morning. (I had been following her late last year / early this year, but the account I was following was deleted and I could not find her new account, gave up trying after a while.) I'll have to check out the telegram channel. It's great that people are working on compiling the info, because there's really *so much* to research & learn on the material she covers, and seemingly endless research papers, documents, college text books, etc. Anyway, glad to come across your comment - very encouraging info, happy to hear.
David Hudson, did great work and the only element, not a compound like LK-99, that he found that had superconductivity at room temperature was gold. Silver also did but at a higher temperature, over 100 degrees if I remember correctly.
It is my believe that the transition metals have different states similar to water. Gold, steam state is Zeolite and ice state is quartz. Frequency and energy levels were off and instead of yellow gold, we find these other states. Like Clif says, incorrectly observation of nature. Just like the misinterpreted ancient books.
Was it you who shared the link to the ORMUS conference video? If so, thank you, best 2 hours I've spent in a while. Very informative. I interpret the 4/9ths loss in the 2D resonant state to be the material is straddling dimensions at the density it is at that particular temperature range around the flux-flow "ignition" temp. 5/9ths of the mass is here, and 4/9ths there! Well, still here, but only experienced by those attuned to the frequency spectrum of the other dimension. The material is probably remnant of the exploded stargate in the Grand Canyon, ye old interdimensional travel station in the pyramids, back when we were free and able to get around, before our quarantine.
There is a "knowing" that infects humans so that, when we hear a statement anyone else would find totally outrageous, some of us intuit that it is not only logical, but true. Patanjali's manual makes perfect sense. Boglino's translation makes perfect sense. I don't need convincing. LK-99 makes perfect sense, within the known parameters. I look forward to what testing research reveals. This is one of the most exciting things I've heard.
The thing about reincarnation is the relearning. It takes a lifetime to get up to speed, so to speak, slough off the prejudicial BS that society/religion brainwashes us with, and just about the time we get to the truth, we die. Then we come back and go through the same BS all over again. I can't wait to get off this wheel! I got a little cottage overlooking a nice piece of coastline all picked out - in my view of heaven. I may stay there a long time before I come back.
Me too!
Source Sadhguru - Activate this Chakra, to See into the Future. Summary:
Ajna awareness trianguar is 12” below and 12” above the third eye.
If pushed out 24 inches, and if stays there, consciousness becomes cosmic meaning one can leave conscioussly.
When awareness triangle extends 9 inches out, there is relief from constant unnecessary mental activity. This is a benefit of meditation. If it happens in sleep, there’s total relief from frivolous mental circles.
When the Ajna is 12 inches from you, very easily you access the minds and intentions of all the people who are connected with you.
When Ajna extends out 15 inches, you will know of significant of events anywhere including, major shifits in this planet that’s happening in this planetary system, you will sense/know weather, water/floods, wars etc. Historically yogi’s, sages have spoken of comets who arrive as forecast.
When pushed to extend to 18 inches, all that is worth knowing you can acceess. Its take a little, like going to a library and reading a little bit, but you have access it’s worth knowing.
The 3rd eye is open (Ajna awareness triangle pushes out 18-21 inches).
It means you if you can hold it up at 21 inches from your Ajna, the crown charka will open up slowly. As it opens up, life and leaving the body becomes an entirely conscious process.
...Awareness is a refined technology personal inner engineering work call yoga/union with one .(not twisty like a noodle yoga)
Sadhguru has sold out to the WEF.
Interesting perspective
I'm not sure how his Rally for Rivers (Cauvary Calling) is compromible to toxic chemical wastes in most of N. America’s toxic rivers.
I’m not sure how Action for Rural Rejuvenation is in the same basket of helping the people as our farmers struggle to survive, and the NWO legislates taking 1/3 of the land in the Netherlands who are the most productive food providers in the world.
I’m not sure how an acknowledged mystic who has brought joy to millions of lives corrolates with Ida Auken’s (WEF) phrase You'll own nothing and you'll be happy..
I'm not sure how his Save the Soil, showing people how to grow and prosper health and financially is detrimential to the people.
I’m not sure how the Isha Vidhya program providing high quality eduction to rural children is debatable when in LeBron’s ‘I Promise School’s every 8th grader hasen’t passed a single math test.
Somehow Sadhguru’s actions smell different - opposite to WEF.
Discernment of results is critical. To Clif High’s genius investigations I understand that discipline focus and generousity of spirit increase frequency, thus comprehension of increasting the quality of each life. In this I incluce nuturing of earth, plants, animals and humans in their individual drive to live. Words may be tools of manipulation, whereas, actions are evidence of contributions of conscious awareness and emergence of development of mankind. At the moment, many humans appear to be misusing the extraordinary cosmic brain technology they were given at birth. Few like Clif are exceptions.
If he is allowed to speak at Davos it will assist them in their agendas. Remember the WEF presents all these ideas under a premise of how grand things will be as a result. Same with King George and his Terra Carta.
I know of what you speak. His mother absconded with young native children whilst on a Royal visit to Canada. As much as the WEF tyrant Trudeau tries to cover it up, the local have not forgotten.
IRONY - We all know when speaking to children beyond their scope of knowledge, the will go to sleep or run away. When Sadhguru spoke to the WEF they all fell asleep. Intellect and wisdom are different.
I totally wish. But they know what they are doing. They have corrupted all Governments and the normies so to speak via propaganda via TV et al. Thanks for listening. You have a nice open mind. Which is needed in the world today. Keep on the alert. Best wishes to you and yours.
I understand about TV which I call Tel - 1 - vision. I turned it off in 1963 after observing you school friends parroting what they saw on TV with Walter Cronkite and JFK, whereas I saw 'irregularities' in his commentary. The same openly happened with the BBC girl talking about collapse of building 7 whilst it was still standing behind her. Decades of mind control... Frequencies move in two ways, vortex spirals. T-1-V is like a vortex that has grown broader and deeper over time. The other pattern is like a figure 8 on its side called the infinity symbol ∞ - a mathematical symbol representing the concept of infinity (aka lemniscate symbol). The movement of ∞ correspondingly increases frequency with increasing awareness.
Cliff High functions beyond the spiral vortex. A famously ever expanding learning related to the positive evolution of mankind, which our genetic memory of 10-15,000 years ago mastered with their 'flying machines' spoken about in ancient literature. Folks playing with super computers are unable to count 'infinity' mathematically. Hummm... Do our genetics have a deeper program which others want to erase/eradicate?
And one final note. I am for all sentient beings. But not at the expense of my freedom and lockdown in a fifteen minute city so to speak. Dig deeper. They got you hook line and sinker it appears to me. It is all there on the WEF website.
I agree
That’s what I heard.
Thanks for your response.
Fascinating thesis! I've pulled out my Yoga book which has the Sutras, and massive commentary, which I could never read in their entirety. If I ignore the commentary it does potentially convey the instructions you're suggesting. Sometime ago I decided I wanted to read Virgil's Aeneid in the original Latin language. It's been a labor of [increasing] love I never would have imagined. Most important is the singular nuance of word translation, and the evolution of word meaning over time. I've gained insights that could only come through diligent exercise. A similar devolution of the Sutras over a greater period of time makes great sense. I look forward to your translation of Patanjali's Sanskrit instruction manual. Thanks.
Maybe try Homer's Odyssey next?
Thank You Clif
Hi Cliff. A book that may hold some interest: THE GODDESSES OF INDIA, TIBET, and JAPAN by Lawrence Durdin Robertson Published in 1976. A cousin of Robert Graves.( The White Goddess) My wife typed the Manuscripts way back. I have a copy. Lawrence self published it under: CESARA PUBLICATIONS HUNTINGDON CASTLE , CLONEGAL CO. CARLOW EIRE. He was an Etymologist. Kind Regards. Sèan
ps. He also wrote anotber book:
This post brought me back to 2004 at Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Btw, usually (and especially for people who live in the state of Washington) RSE brings up strong points of view - this post is not about the merits or demerits of the school. Just my experience there. So, one of the exercises we use to do was to concentrate in such a way to move our bodies in 'space and time' to another location instantaneously (as Cliff describes in the audio). At the school, we would make a card (similar to a Sigil) and post the card along the rail of a fence in a large horse pasture. Each person was blind folded and started in the middle of the pasture field - the goal was to use the concentration technique to move to your card - not by analysis or navigation, but by the simple technique that resembles what Cliff described. In other words, when the mind is focused in a certain way, the body/mind navigates automatically and instantaneously to your destination. I want to say that the technique definitely works as I had two experiences where I went into this kind of short altered consciousness, and then I was suddenly at the rail in front of my card. Now, this was not easy to replicate - there were times when I attempted this on some days, and I did not find my card. I mention RSE only because this is my reference point in using this technique and I am convinced that it works, but it is not repeatable all the time - although I did know people who were quite good at this. The average person would have a very hard time doing this as it requires intense concentration - but a special state of mind needs to be cultivated that does not involve 'force' or intense 'emotion'. It's the idea of drishti that many of you may know from yoga classes. You know when it works because you are 'just there' where you intended.
I like this take.
I do not think this ‘fighter pilot’ approach to the sutras was unknown in some circles.
And it may just turn out that organic machines like the body work just as well as Roswell type ones!!
This is the door I am pushing on.
Yes, agreed, our space vehicle is our body. Knowing where to go, and what to do next in this immense and never-ending universe, that’s what all religious instruction books attempt to help us with. Clarity comes when both left and right brain hemispheres are in perfect balance.
oh yes, i remember ramtha...and "segment intending"....
Clif, thank you for answering my question. I also have been meditating for about 50 years. Lately, during meditation there was a message . . . Stop. This is not what you think. Part of the collective mind speaking, and here you are mentioning it. Just like when you talked about the telepathic instructions to take the jab. I had gotten that message, that the jab was good thing, and it will help me. So when you finally mentioned that they were sending out these "take the jab" messages, it was confirmation (I've been anti-vax for over 20 years). There is no desire to drive any alien UFOs/UAPs. So not sure about meditation any longer. wow.
One has to CONCENTRATE on your own image of yourself wholly, then dis-assemble your image and then re-assemble it wholly into the image of the place you have re-created of something you have concentrated on wholly. It is very dangerous if you leave out ANYTHING in the image. You cannot even leave out a cell or an atom and you might find yourself in trouble. We are already organic machines operating at a small part of its capabilities.
I don't think we should conclude that meditation for spiritual purposes is bogus. You do go into the nature of consciousness when you meditate, if you shut up, persist and just look at what's there, ie, you as a consciousness, and isn't that what a consciousness driven machine would be operating from...consciousness? I have no doubt that we're more than the bodies we tend to identify with and that we are energy beings formed by consciousness who in turn can manifest a physical body with that consciousness. We do it effortlessly without paying attention. I think we want to meditate to PAY spend some time with who we actually are. Clif tends to black and white poo-poo things and while I don't doubt the book he speaks of is an instruction manual to run a machine with consciousness, I also see that what it's using to do that IS consciousness . You have to get to the center of who you are both to run such a machine AND to derive benefit from meditation. People would not have been doing meditation and spiritual practice for 2 thousand years and more if it didn't have benefit and if it was just some kind of misinterpretation people were acting out. That would have been abandoned as a dry well pretty soon. I don't know what Clif means when he says enlightenment but the zen masters speak of it as a natural recognition when you get there. I believe they mean a direct experience of yourself as part of one consciousness. If that knowledge helps you drive high tech vehicles more's the better, but the skill has other applications and more important ones.
I mean, there are plenty of stories of people getting to the point that they can manipulate their own “electrical field” to fly, walk through walls, by-locate etc.
Thus stolen El tech may not be the only tech that can be successfully controlled once the mind is properly tamed.
Perhaps the tech that is “us” is also properly controlled with such a mindset.
That is certainly my feeling and experience so far...
Exactamundo! Jesus Christ is portrayed in later guilt-ridden control propaganda as considering us so base as to need a huge sacrifice of himself to a "god" whose opinion of us is even worse. But the editors of the NT could not suppress that he said, "Ye are gods," and "These and greater things shall you do, " referring to his miracles. As you say, this mind driven tech is only the tip of what we will ultimately do, and yet, how amazing it appears to us. The trick is to get past the well-planned, malevolent drag of ignorance of who we are and our native abilities. It's the biggest of all the big lies we've been told by a species whose intent is to harvest us as efficiently as possible.
I'm of a mind that you would also have to have a pure, clean and clear intention before you head out. Don't want to land in the wrong place! As Clif says, exciting times!