Ok, this is fucking brilliant. I have no idea why or how this makes total sense to me, but, I feel a deeper understanding of how this all works. Thank you Clif, you have outdone yourself and I will be reading this several more times.

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Agreed, I feel the same way, I'll need to reread a few times as well.

There's alot to chew on and digest.

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On the contrary, without the units of the respective variables in the terms used and the derivation of the presented equations they are utterly meaningless and cannot be assessed; and, as such, represent little more than obfuscation. There are no grounds for any of this to be considered “brilliant,” interesting and thought provoking: yes, but brilliant: no.

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It hit straight to my soul!! Bloody brilliant and succinct and beautiful! Soul blowing! Clif is our genius .

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Love your work Clif. This is obviously why you say the Earth is not flat. When you say that you are speaking literally. You are not saying the heliocentric (grit) model is correct either. Ontology and the Aether are true representations of what we experience.

Energy, frequency, vibration are keys to the Universe. https://old.bitchute.com/video/0qqBf6lvdiCq/

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I never thought I'd live long enough to see what I knew intuitively as a young man in writing (and math) but here it is 🙃

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I always learn something from your talks or your writings Clif, t'is good to have the mind challenged in order to grow

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Yup! Clif has tapped our pineal gland

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I never felt comfortable with much of Einstein's work, especially gravity being a result of time dilation. So I love your exploration of alternatives - thank you.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your pretty much stuck in a Einstein grit view of the universe for now. But Change is a coming. AHHHHHHH!

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The Einstein quote is: "The only source of knowledge is experience.". This means that true understanding and learning come primarily from real-world experiences rather than just theoretical knowledge

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There is nothing like hands-one experience in learning any skill, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

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Top of the morning Java Jo Jo John. Look who finally got the first comment trophy 🏆

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Top o da morning to you too. Congratulations 🎊 on the trophy 🏆 👏 . Good job.

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Clif, this is quite amazing - if not earth-shattering in its implications - and I think a next step to general acceptance as a replacement of General Relativity’s assumptions would require reconciling the two to show why it’s superior both ontologically and practically, do you think so?

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I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY, but just want to notate, that in a court of law, intent is held in the highest regard, meaning that if intent can be proven, it could prove lethal to the perpetrator.

If someone dies at the hand of another, AND if intent can be proven, then that is the difference between life and death Murder 1st degree (death penalty in some states).


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You speak of law as it was designed to work in principle, but not as it has (sadly) come to. Daniel Penny had no intention of killing, only to subdue so he could SAVE lives. Tina Peters intended to preserve evidence, not to break any laws, yet she will rot in prison (at least until J20). I realize it is the Marxists who have upended our legal system and it isn't supposed to operate this way, but here we are. We have no courts of law until we restore our republic, and it is the intent of a clear majority that we do this, immediately. "Proven" can be used in a mathematical or objective way or it can be totally subjective as in a court of law or one of public opinion.

People use whatever's at hand to validate what they actually desire. They use religion to give themselves permission to do what they really wanted to do, for example. Legal opinions from corrupt justices have lost their respect, and also too its authority. America has late stage corruption. There isn't much space between now and its end if we don't make some serious course corrections now. We are seeing murderers set free and innocents locked away for years, driven to suicide. I don't have any illusions of justice any more, but I am hopeful it will soon be restored. I won't be getting a voter ID until AFTER I see real arrests of real traitors. If they can't do that, I'm not going to be tagged like a rancher's cow so I can vote in yet another useless election. J20 justice arrives, I hope!

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Excellent observation, thanks.

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Every time I see the word "flux" I think of Back to the Future - Flux Capacitor:



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Intention needs qualification. All intention, unless AI generated is subject to the “drag” of local consciousness memory, which constantly alters consubstantiality. The “who” or “what” subject to ephemeral qualification relying on rate of “decay” which in turn is subject to quantitative convergence.

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As we get deeper in, we cover the many issues about 'intention' within the analysis of the 'width' of the individual perception of the Eternal Now.

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Very Kool, Clif!

I remember a few good Gary Larson cartoons that address the Novelty issue.

Thanks for all you do!


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This is why resistance is futile as people wake up to these facts. We influence our surroundings and each other with our intention. Love, goodwill ,understanding and patience. The space between breaths is the orgasmic pathway to realising these facts. Thanks for the reminder Clif.

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I think intention is reflected back to you.

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How much did consciousness reflected back at itself occurred for intent to become a part of the equation? Or did intention exist until it became more conscious of itself ?This is the egg or the chicken first question.

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How much did consciousness reflected back at itself occurred for intent to become a part of the equation? Or did intention exist until it became more conscious of itself ?This is the egg or the chicken first question.

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This brings in “dormancy”, all intention lies as purity of thought in the continual flux of the Now or endless possibility until it rises in Consciousness through consubstantiality then becoming locally materialised.?

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Are we as we see ourselves regardless of perceptions of others ? I didn’t do the math yet. It’s objective and subjectivity should be weighed.

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Intention is a tough one to wrap one's mind around.

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Wow! Got Ol' Cliify Boys attention. Brilliant minds connect!

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Liberating. A well oiled, living matterium.

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brilliant Clif- this makes so much sense and world changing- WOW! Thank you

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Careful, Clif old boy... seems you are being consumed by A.I. and becoming part of the Borg.

Your bitcoin prediction finally came true, congrats... now... when will your $600 SILVER prediction come to pass?

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Let's go for $800 per ounce

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When Ag is $800/oz no one will sell it, so it will sail right past that, too. Unobtainium. The $USD will be dead. But it won't happen until the end. There will be alternatives in place to a point to prepare as many innocents as possible, but even so, many will not have anything.

Wealth is tied up under dragon's bellies, just like in Bilbo's adventure. As we slay these corporate dragons, their hoards of coins can be set free to reduce the suffering. Pray for swift, decisive victories...(mind/consciousness) but don't let it substitute for doing, helping, taking action.

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Damn Cliff, AGAIN, I did "this" to myself too early in the morning. It's too much. Your brain this early is too much. I'm gonna finish my strong tea, maybe even a coffee, before I do this again. Brain fog is real and this writing verifies it. Brilliant, as usual. Thanks

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Good morning, Clif! This is exciting! Is this your model? It makes sense to me and it fits with ideas like panpsychism. Will keep studying what you are saying.

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Hello Woo Crew! I was taking some notes on this one and found that I had written this quote on the other side of the page; ““Life is just a chance to grow a soul...” - A. Powell Davies. Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.”

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" means that the purpose of our existence on Earth is to develop and nurture our spiritual essence, or "soul," through the experiences and choices we make throughout our lives; essentially, our time here is an opportunity to become better, more compassionate, and more connected to something greater than ourselves. Love you all!

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