9-11 was definately nefarious. I was quite nieve then. I thought G Bushes were good guys. In the last 18 years, started researching and reading. Jim Marrs book, Rise of the Fourth Reich went into amazing detail about the buildings of 9-11. One other interesting thought is how the insurance paid even though it was an act of terrorism. Non…
9-11 was definately nefarious. I was quite nieve then. I thought G Bushes were good guys. In the last 18 years, started researching and reading. Jim Marrs book, Rise of the Fourth Reich went into amazing detail about the buildings of 9-11. One other interesting thought is how the insurance paid even though it was an act of terrorism. None of us get that kind of coverage. Marrs' detail goes deep. I recommend folks read it. I like the idea of State National with Anna Von Reitz info.
One other interesting thought is how the insurance paid even though it was an act of terrorism"
That's cause WE don't pay extra for it... Funny, innit, how the jew who "pulled the building" DID negotiate to pay extra for terrorism coverage (though I doubt he ever even had to pay his FIRST premium) for his only-just-bought building, AND on both of them. Things that make you go.... well, things that make you say VERY dirty words!!!
Silverstein was in on it, as was the CIA, Mossad, and the former "bad" Saudi family. And the nazi Bushes also, including Cheney, and Rumsfeld who was a player in the evil Big Pharma companies.
From what I read about the Lucky Larry scam, he only leased the 2 main towers, and didn't own them, and 911 happened around 2 months after he got that great insurance policy. I'm not sure what kind of deal there was on WTC-7 or who owned or leased it. It might be owned by the NY Port Authority, since I'm almost sure they were also the owners of WTC 1&2.
That insurance company might have been AIG, but I would have to go back to find out which company it actually was.
Add G. Edward Griffin to the list for exposing the fed scam before anyone else, and David Icke has been vindicated now too as being way ahead of his time!
Does anyone remember the show when Art Bell had some whistleblower on the phone rambling on about secrets and then everything went dead? I don't know if it was real, a publicity stunt, or if the guy on the phone got caught by his Mom for making noise in the basement after bedtime. It was strange, though.
All through my life, I never knew Coast to Coast (AM) playing on my kitchen table daily was my mom's way of training us. That train they kept talking about. John B.Wells but it came on after bed time. Dad and his Osborne obsessed searches and hearing dial in .
9-11 was definately nefarious. I was quite nieve then. I thought G Bushes were good guys. In the last 18 years, started researching and reading. Jim Marrs book, Rise of the Fourth Reich went into amazing detail about the buildings of 9-11. One other interesting thought is how the insurance paid even though it was an act of terrorism. None of us get that kind of coverage. Marrs' detail goes deep. I recommend folks read it. I like the idea of State National with Anna Von Reitz info.
One other interesting thought is how the insurance paid even though it was an act of terrorism"
That's cause WE don't pay extra for it... Funny, innit, how the jew who "pulled the building" DID negotiate to pay extra for terrorism coverage (though I doubt he ever even had to pay his FIRST premium) for his only-just-bought building, AND on both of them. Things that make you go.... well, things that make you say VERY dirty words!!!
Silverstein was in on it, as was the CIA, Mossad, and the former "bad" Saudi family. And the nazi Bushes also, including Cheney, and Rumsfeld who was a player in the evil Big Pharma companies.
My previous post about Lucky Larry left a lot out that I forgot, so my trusty bookmark list brought this nugget up for us. How interesting, eh?
From what I read about the Lucky Larry scam, he only leased the 2 main towers, and didn't own them, and 911 happened around 2 months after he got that great insurance policy. I'm not sure what kind of deal there was on WTC-7 or who owned or leased it. It might be owned by the NY Port Authority, since I'm almost sure they were also the owners of WTC 1&2.
That insurance company might have been AIG, but I would have to go back to find out which company it actually was.
Insurance companies are in it as deep as the IRS or fed, just another way to move money around
Jim Marrs was a pioneer of the truth movement. May he RIP.
Bill cooper Bob Lazar Jim Marrs and Coast to coast was the only people out there until Alex Jones oh and Jordan Maxwell
Add G. Edward Griffin to the list for exposing the fed scam before anyone else, and David Icke has been vindicated now too as being way ahead of his time!
Yes! How could I forget the biggest one David Icke. Griffin was later for me because I naivety thought finances were too complex for me
Does anyone remember the show when Art Bell had some whistleblower on the phone rambling on about secrets and then everything went dead? I don't know if it was real, a publicity stunt, or if the guy on the phone got caught by his Mom for making noise in the basement after bedtime. It was strange, though.
All through my life, I never knew Coast to Coast (AM) playing on my kitchen table daily was my mom's way of training us. That train they kept talking about. John B.Wells but it came on after bed time. Dad and his Osborne obsessed searches and hearing dial in .