Kenneth, I don't go in the woods unless necessary. It gets very disorientating to go into that area and all you hear is the audible hum. Thankfully, my side-by-side is bright orange so, I could see it and get out. But, when I saw him, I was in my goat pen which borders the old growth forest. He was walking in the open area between the ol…
Kenneth, I don't go in the woods unless necessary. It gets very disorientating to go into that area and all you hear is the audible hum. Thankfully, my side-by-side is bright orange so, I could see it and get out. But, when I saw him, I was in my goat pen which borders the old growth forest. He was walking in the open area between the old growth and a younger forest area. He had to know I was there. I wasn't scared and he just kept walking. Even the deer disappear when they enter the forest because of all the growth. I don't carry a cell phone when I am working with the animals, so no photo. He was f'ing huge width, girth and length.
Kenneth, I don't go in the woods unless necessary. It gets very disorientating to go into that area and all you hear is the audible hum. Thankfully, my side-by-side is bright orange so, I could see it and get out. But, when I saw him, I was in my goat pen which borders the old growth forest. He was walking in the open area between the old growth and a younger forest area. He had to know I was there. I wasn't scared and he just kept walking. Even the deer disappear when they enter the forest because of all the growth. I don't carry a cell phone when I am working with the animals, so no photo. He was f'ing huge width, girth and length.