Here we go again with the BS.

But I do agree that the Communist Bolsheviks were bad. The Russian people are good. Putin is a benevolent leader, imo, and did what he had to do with Ukraine.

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The Russian people have learnt some very tough lessons, America however are about to learn the reality of communism. If only we could bypass this insanity - may God have mercy.

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German citizens found out what it was to become Communist during the invasions from the East and the West late in WWII. Mass murder rained down in the form of firebombing that scores of cities had to suffer from Roosevelt and Churchill bombing campaigns. German Citizens were raped and pillaged by Russian and American troops. And returning Wehrmacht soldiers were starved to death in Eisenhower death camps after having been relabeled Disarmed Enemy Forces in order to skirt the required humane treatment of Prisoners Of War under the Geneva Convention that England and America were signatories to, but the Russians were not.

Hellstorm covers the story that most of us in the West are totally ignorant of.


Americans were duped into going to war with the Communists of the Soviet Union. The same Jews behind the Bolshevik Revolution and Communism were behind the drive to get America in the war against Germany to defend international Communism.

Isn't it great to be an unwitting pawn of international Jewry?

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Wow! I thought that I was the only one that knew about Eisenhowers

genocide of the German military. You are also correct in the rest of your comment.

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Out of whack, sir. In Europe, Americans hitched a ride on the tails of the Red Army. If they did not, the Ruskies would be staring across the English Channel in due course. Zionists got the U.S. into WW1, not the next. It was Churchill who desperately wanted the Yanks join in the fray. It was also him who, with clenched teeth, welcomed the Soviet participation.

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Wrong. I agree with General Patton. We went to war on the wrong side.

The wars were the result of an industrious nation, Germany, threatening to dominate Europe. A serious threat to the U.K. And the highest cultural expression of humanity yet to be achieved. Work ethic combined with industrial prowess. A threat to Communism.

The sick culture we have today is the result of the Zionists takeover and resulting degradation of society.

The truth about Hitler is coming out, and it is not consistent with the "official" narrative.

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Hitler wanted to stop the commies from taking over Europe as they did to Russia. by the USA entering the war we proved that we are really commies as well. History is written by the victors.

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The term, or name "Progressive" is nothing more than the usual attempt by Marxist/Communists to mask or sugar-coat their evil Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideology in order to make their political poison pill "palatable" to an uninformed populace. The so-called "Progressive" movement in the U.S. got deeply into the U.S. political "arena" with the Wilson administration in 1912. Hillary Clinton, a bloody Marxist political whore, by any measure, proudly stated that she is a "Wilson Progressive". "Progressivism" is nothing but another PREDATORY Marxist wolf, hiding in the "sheep;s clothing" disguise "Progressive". Part of the Marxist/Communist moto: "Forward". They believe that regression into chaos by genocidal policies is "progress".

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Indeed! Churchill on his deathbed said, "WW2 was avoidable"! Hitler made 3 attempts at peace with Britain early in WW2, he was not interested in a wider war. Take back land that was lost following WW1, attack Russia and destroy the Stalin regime that had killed 30 million of his (Stalin's) own people.

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The murder of Patton is one of the things I hope begins the wake up of the many military members of my family.

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Dec 8, 2023
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Dec 9, 2023
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I know the Khazarians claim to be Jews, but they are not. You are not correct. The Khazarians hide behind Jewish identity so they can claim "antisemitism" to cover their lies. Who do you think is behind the flood of immigrants into Europe and the US? It is the Jews, or Khazarian Mafia if you prefer. Who do you think finances the flood of immigrants? The same KM banksters that finance all wars, both sides to make money and control nations.

I do not support Islam. Nor do I support Israel. I am anti-war. The Jews are behind Communism, not Arabs or Muslims. When you say America is the Real reason for the immigrant flow you are missing that it is the Jews or KM controlling America. They control the banks.

You are either confused about who the real enemy is, or you are purposely trying to confuse the issue. Which is is Therese?

Here is the real problem. Let's be clear on that.


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Dec 9, 2023
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Hitler was fighting against the correct enemy, the Bolsheviks (Communists), most of which were Jews, financed by international Jewish bankers. General Patton was correct when he said the Allies should have chased the Russians out of Europe while the Army was there and ready to do it. That got him assassinated.

You Therese are sounding like a Jew.

Muslims and Christians reject the Jewish banking system which creates money out of nothing and lends it at interest. Jews are the problem, not Muslims.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock wrote the book Synagogue of Satan and someone made this video based on the book. https://archive.org/details/tsos-2022 It is very revealing. Your knowledge of history is lacking. WTFU.

Here is an up to date video for critical thinkers.


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Watch HELLSTORM and see if that won’t change your mind. It’s a shocker.

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The only reason the Soviets (not the "Russians") got anywhere in WWII was because of the lend lease FROM the USA of massive amounts of military equipment and supplies, tanks and planes, food, medical equipment and medicines, raw materials, etc. Churchill was a Bolshevik puppet and a pedophile.

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To get a whiff of WW2 materiel/lend-lease reality, you would need to read Glantz. The distinction between Soviet and Russian is cute but irrelevant. You had better get acquainted with the Я русский concept. I cannot make heads or tails of your last sentence but come to think of it, Churchill was indeed cavalier in his usage of Russia vs. USSR.

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That's why I believe America is mystery Babylon that will be destroyed soon. They're doing a decent job of it now, but they have bigger plans for us and I believe are allowed to be done by God our true creator.

She has some insights in the video below besides the fact that like 9/11 was, the new tsunami hitting the east coast is printed on our money. The East coast in particular will be taken out esp the wickedness that calls itself wall street.


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Dec 8, 2023
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They removed any vestige of free speech in Germany. The same is in process here in the US.

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It's amazing to me that with the amount of history available on communism in different countries that there would be such a lack of understanding of what it's outcomes actually are. To kids here, it seems to only mean free money and "social equality," when it's deadly. As soon as it gets in the genocide starts.

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True! In simple terms, communism loots what capitalisms builds - a scam, to enrich a few at the cost of the many. Notice as we drift toward communism, the censorship increases.

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I think all the "isms" are just marketing ploys. Up front they seem to promise different things...this one offers paradise for the masses and this other one redirects other people's money to you, yet another one promises that when the government becomes the corporations everyone will thrive. But in the end, they all turn out the same. Every one of them strips all your rights and takes all your money and you are lucky to be alive in the end. Funny how that works out.

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"Communism loots what capitalism builds." Great observation. And if there was no capitalism in the first place, all those other forms would have nothing TO loot. So the irony is that capitalism must come first for any other to exist.

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With capitalism those that provide the cheapest and best quality of products and services receive the greatest benefit - who has a problem with that?

The final stage of communism is cannibalism. The future cannot be communism.

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Who has a problem are those who want a free ride. Little do they know they are on the menu.

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Here we go again with the BS....I see your thinking is in lower stage 1st tier false dichotomy mythic-conformist.

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Name calling is so boring.

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At first glance it seems eloquent, but actually he says nothing at all.

Yeah, name calling, that's what it is.

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Thou shall only think in terms of good and bad

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I did not judge. I noticed, that's all.

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Not my problem you're ignorant to individual and collective development.

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Your ego is sufficiently pathetic to be a serious problem to your actual self, if you own a soul at all. I heard a lot of people are NPC's. You could fall into that category, I don't know too much about it. It wouldn't surprise me though.

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Ever read the piece from Bernard Guenther, @ the Organic Portals - Veil of Reality, titled "Soulless Humans"?

Interesting Read...

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Definitely NPC.

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An NPC who uses an AI avatar...how ironic.

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Awesome, please share you patent of your "NPC" dectector would love to see it

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I don't play computer games so I'm not too clear on NPCs, but I do know that the automatic insult, no matter who is posted to or what they say is the characteristic MO of the troll. The troll needs to insult in order to get a response and serious people can think there is some other point being made. There isn't. I think we all know that about this poster now although he has been given every chance. The insults are all for attention and the only way the troll can get it is by baiting and provocation. The content is irrelevant and there's no point in treating a troll seriously. If you push it to the extreme as I did, you find there's nothing there. We can expect him to show up with more insults, but now we won't bother.

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You would know, I've seen enough of your comments here, pretty gnarly & troll like. Looks like you got yourself a little buddy under the bridge, with the other pompous ass

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MY comments are gnarly and troll like? Nothing compared to yours. Nothing. So here's a suggestion....click on my name, click on the 3 dots, select mute or block, That's exactly what I intend to do with you. Do so with whomever else bothers you. Problem over.

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You must have a certain level of intelligence to sit at the adult table and communicate. Back to your sippy cup and finger painting you go.

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Oh, you were talking to me?

Go away!

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Maybe someone passed wind...

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Did you hear something? I thought I heard the sound of air leaving the room.

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"your actual self" - I doubt you have read anything by Masterson, Fatiman, Gafni, Wilber, or Cohen to even have the context to have the ability to have a conversation about "your actual self"

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Pompous ass, both of you. GFY

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"""John, you are one of the most oversensitive, rudest assholes around here. Get a flack jacket if you can't take what you deserve."""

From Margaret louise who thinks name calling is boring and won't say what she means by all that.

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LOL. Well if you're the rudest, I guess I didn't throw FC at her- thought I might have, as I have cringe reaction when when I see that name, for some reason. FYI, I generally enjoy your comments

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I guess you aren't oversensitive. Hmm, maybe that was all projection?

Anyway, we're waiting to see what I deserve. If I already got it, it left no impression.

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Classic post-modern relativist woke reaction.

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twits should stick to twitter

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tourettes? you sound vaccinated.

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Like I said, FUCKTARD CUNT. Probably a woke ass libleftfucktard cunt too. NO one (except maybe ML) is impressed with either of you. If it's good enough for Iger, it's good enough for you - GFY

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Pompous ass AND fucktard cunt. You and ML should get along great.

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Who are you calling that? If it's Clif hop off and find something you like.

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He is referring to himself It’s a joke lol

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Jokes on you it's satire. lol

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If your eyes work, you will see my reply is using satire to reflect back at the person who commented what Clif was saying "bs". I never mentioned anything about Clif. Might want to get your thalamus checked out.

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Pompous ass

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You need to concentrate on increasing your Grey Matter .. so you don’t miss out.

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What part do you consider BS? Kosyrev? UFOs? Space Aliens? Elohim? Jewish religious paradigm? You have to be specific.

As for your "lower stage 1st tier false dichotomy mythic-conformist," to what/which philosophical paradigm does that reference?

What you see/understand may be limited by your chosen philosophical paradigm. Perhaps you should expand your "what if" reasoning.

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My comment was never addressed to Clif haha, it was to someone who was saying what Clif is saying is BS, I was mirroing what that person was saying back to them and you all mis-interpreted it as my comment being addressed to Clif when it wasn't LOL

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I believe she has it right. This is a shorter video, but she says a lot in it.


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"What you see/understand may be limited by your chosen philosophical paradigm" nah my thalmaus in tip top shape.

"Perhaps you should expand your "what if" reasoning." - without context your indirect vauge "request" falls flat, you could try again though if you want.

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Pompous ass

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"philosophical paradigm does that reference?" it's not "philosophy" - study Clare W. Graves, Don Beck, Robert Kegan, Ken Wilber of any other developentalists.

The context is specifically Spiral Dynamics.

Kudos to you for asking an intelligent question unlike most people in this reactionary mis-perceived thread.

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Pompous ass

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Not my fault you can't read and don't like to learn.

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Thanks Dave

I agree with your perspective... Most people are not aware of the History of the Bolsheviks/Communism. Marx, Engles, Trotsky, Lenin (was the Front Man). All orchestrated by the West...

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Your first statement is unnecessary, it’s showing your envy 😂

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The 5th Kind and Brien Foerster's elongated skulls (and many, many other diligent and discretion based researchers) corroborate what Clif is saying here. You don't always know what you don't know. Which is what "they" are counting on...

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If you’re attacked or threatened by “space aliens” a.k.a. demonic entities, call on Jesus Christ or say the Lord’s Prayer. It works.

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Years ago I listened to a Jeff Rense broadcast of multiple people reporting that saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ leave" prevented alien abductions. https://www.renseradio.com/

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Yes. They are demonic entities. And this is not to be a Bible thumper, it's just a deeper under understanding of Christian Theosophy but also the reality of the Yuga cycles and where technology comes from. It comes from a previous golden age and technology is used to convince people without it that the ones with it are gods. They are not.

These fallen angels from the future past have made the pact with a certain group of humans on this earth and those humans now serve those false gods.

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Five or six years ago Gary Bates made a movie with the same claims ... "Alien Intrusion: Unmasking A Deception" based on a book he had written earlier.

He also made the claim that the only people who have not been abducted or even seen ufo's, are born again christians.

The movie was well done and well worth watching if you can find it. We saw it at a cinema at the time.

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The only thing is that they're not demons... Those would be of "hell realm beings" or "hungry ghost" classification. These Elohim that Clif is talking about are most likely "antigods" (or human-antigod hybrids nowadays) in my opinion. Go check out the elongated skull discoveries of Brien Foerster with his Paracas skulls originating in Crimea (right next to Ukraine). These beings sit between us and animals on the consciousness-evokutionary scale. And sometimes they look very similar to us.

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Jesus was arrested with a naked boy and all the apostles were young teenagers and not old men.

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Can you tell us where we can find that info . Thanks !

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Since he/she pulled it out of his/her ass, I would suggest to look there.

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Maybe you are keen on looking in someone ass but I,m not , so I will pass on your suggestion. Thank you anyway !

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LOL I think Margaret louise was suggesting Unique Self look up his own ass. I made the same suggestion, but more obtusely. (Is that a word?)

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Mark Chapter 14: 51-52. Anyone with working brain cells can read the original text and see it does not say "man" it says little boy. And no the boy was not a ghost. And no it was not a "burial shroud" or "a linen cloth over his naked body".

It was a SINDON which you would need to read Galen to comprehend what that was specifically used for, and why a sindon was only on the naked boys penis when he was found with jesus when he was arrested.

Most "christians" have NO idea where "christianity" comes from (which was called "the way" when it was a CULT).

Most "christians" have NO awareness how Bacchus and Medea influenced the rituals and rites that eventually were claimed as their own and distorted into "christianity".

"christians" are ignorant posers who just mimick things without doing deeper research past latin or hewbrew. They don't know who they are so they have to put their trust into a child sex trafficker.

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Here is the text around your claim from the Ancient Eastern text, the oldest Aramaic, translated by George Lamsa, an Aramaic scholar of the highest respect. Yeah, beyond "latin or hewbrew", as you say.

For context, let's back up to Mark 14:49, on the scene of Jesus' arrest, so that he could be prosecuted, not for buggering children but for sedition ( the Roman charge) and blasphemy (the Jewish charge that Rome cared nothing about).

Mark 14:49: "I was with you every day in the Temple, and you did not arrest me; but this has happened so that the scriptures might be fulfilled."

50: Then his disciples left him and fled.

51: And a young man was following him, naked with a linen cloth around him; and they seized him.

52: But he left the linen cloth and fled naked.

THAT'S IT. You pull this out of context and present it as though this kid had just had Jesus bugger him. For one, the kid was not naked until he left the linen that was wrapped around him. There is no reason to suppose that what he was wearing was anything other than what he chose to wear that day. The verse obviously said he was wearing nothing under it so when he ran, he ran naked. He pulled out of the wrapped cloth so he could flee and that was the point. You use that to imply he was being buggered earlier and you have absolutely no reason to put that in the mouth of Mark. The point of the passage was that he was getting out of there as fast as possible, clothed or not. And what Galen has to do with defining sindon is beyond me since the earliest known use of the noun sindon is in the Middle English period (1150—1500). https://www.oed.com/dictionary/sindon_n?tl=true

So, here you have obviously made up stuff and then called Christians ignorant posers. Exactly how does that work?

Not that you care, but a few verses below Mark 52-52, namely 56, 57 and 59 it is said that many testified against him but their testimony was not worthy. However nowhere was it said he was accused of anything having to do with sex trafficking. You are lying by omission and commission. Ya know what, you better not come around here expecting not to be called on bullshit...and in this case malignant, mean and low bullshit. You did not do it out of ignorance since you deliberately took the passage out of context and then added your own lies. What's your motivation? It certainly isn't honesty.

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Marg’s Louise … VERY grateful for your comment, for your information. Thank you 🙏🏻

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"Their talk is complete nonsense, and for this reason is appealing to the minds of fools and sorcerers, who can take their 'predictions' and do with them what they like." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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Ignorance will simp for ignorance.

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Too bad it's mis-translations

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Ok I have one more thing to say since you continue the lies. No, they're not mis-translations and you have nowhere shown that convincingly....but you can give your own sources for your lies about Jesus from any NT scripture you like. Help yourself!! If you can do that bring it on...we're all listening...

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Hmmm... CRICKETS.....

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Way to go, Margaret Louise!

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"Their talk is complete nonsense, and for this reason is appealing to the minds of fools and sorcerers, who can take their 'predictions' and do with them what they like." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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She sure cracked the case on the naked kid didn't she, that will show those sources....nothing. Because sources matter. And hers are young, not old.

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"Συνδόνα" is DEFINITELY NOT a Middle English word.


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Its a greek word why would it appear in English dictionaries?


This is embarrassing. This is a biblical scholar???


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Show me a complete Bible in Aramaic. Anywhere.

I'll wait...

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The peshitta is 4th century !!! and translated from the Koine into Aramaic. Scholars are in agreement on this point. Even the Christian ones !! OOpps.

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The Peshitta is the paper compilation. The scriptures are embedded in the Greek and underlie it. They were removed and compiled into the Peshitta. You've been told this but deliberately ignore it. You'r a troll, not serious.

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Not a back translation an original haha

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the perseus tufts entry for Sindon, not middle English haha.


σινδών 1

1. [select] sindon, a fine cloth, a kind of cambric or muslin, (prob. derived from Ἰνδός, Sind), Hdt.; σινδὼν βυσσίνη, used for mummy-cloth, id=Hdt.: generally, fine linen, Soph., Thuc.

"Used for mummy cloth." MUMMIES!


You are trying to use DISREPUTABLE scholars and you are looking to english hahaha not greek for the use of Sindon.

In persus all words with the root of, sind:



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Notice how silent Margaret is to this cited proof that is OLDER than anything she referenced :)

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You make no sense. The cloth was never referred to as a sindon in the texts....any of them. Why do you keep bringing up this irrelevant point?

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It would be just super fucking dooper if both of you fucktard cunts would take your dumb ass religious argument to your own substack(s), instead of wasting everyone else's time having to wade through your ridiculously long & boring dissertations of YOUR facts. Neither of you adds a single positive thing to anything here. Just a couple of pompous ass know-it-alls.

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Can you show us your substack officer badge please?

Do all these big words make you angry?

You have the freedom of choice to not read the comments, stop acting like a victim lol

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Well, we have finally found something we totally agree on. Tia LOCO's comments ...well... this poor person has a limited vocabulary. In just one day she completely exhausted the world's supply of superfuckingdooper, fucktardcunt, and liberalfucktardcunt.. I guess we will have to make do with poopie-head and caca-ass for a while. Sigh.

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Ok so....from wiki....lol

Lamsa was a strong advocate of a belief traditionally held by part of that Church; that the Aramaic New Testament of the Peshitta was the original source text, and that the Greek texts were translated from it.[4] According to Lamsa, "Aramaic was the colloquial and literary language of Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia, from the fourth century B. C. to the ninth century A. D."[5] This view of the Assyrian Church regarding the Language of the New Testament is REJECTED by mainstream scholarship, but Lamsa's views won support among some churches such as The Way.[6]

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As I told MargLou: "It would be just super fucking dooper if both of you fucktard cunts would take your dumb ass religious argument to your own substack(s), instead of wasting everyone else's time having to wade through your ridiculously long & boring dissertations of YOUR facts. Neither of you adds a single positive thing to anything here. Just a couple of pompous ass know-it-alls."

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More like Slaying by commission. Get dat money! pass the basket

"He needs more money!" - Carlin

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"earliest known use of the noun sindon is in the Middle English period " - your ignorance is showing.

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Why was he with a kid anyway. A grown man. With a kid who was only wearing a sindon. In a public park in the middle of the night....yyeaaahhh ok, explain it away.

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you are claiming "sindon" is middle english hahaha it's GREEK, read Galen.

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Oldest new testament is the Codex Sinaiticus. GREEK.

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Looks like your thinking ran into a DEAD END. Thanks for playing.

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I'm done playing with you because you know little, understand less and are not worth bothering with further. If anyone besides you has any questions about what I've said, I will answer. But YOU are talking in circles to defend your own lies. You will need to have the last word of course, as do all who don't know what they're talking about and who have a dishonest agenda. Have at it. I'm out.

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Unfortunately for him (seems like one to me with the ego), he will find out soon enough bc I believe her in the video below.


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"They pitch their message to the UNEDUCATED, the slaves, and the ignorant-those wholly without wisdom-and then convince them that the wisdom they possess in their newfound superstition is divine-the wisdom of God himself! This may be seen in the fact that they run away at a gallop from people of learning and culture-people whom they cannot deceive-and trap illiterate people instead." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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Fights will go on as long as they have to...

If this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight...

It's ok to admit you were brainwashed

I'd rather you wake up now while you still have the chance

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Ohh, are you THE sister christian Clif was talking about??????

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Nope! I'm another Christian. I don't live anywhere near him. I am curious to see if he changes his perspective as things are revealed to us. Of course, the Bible does say that God blinds people. Going to guess it's the hard hearted and rebellious types. God bless. You are in my prayers!

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Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Margaret Louise's life. Her breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.....maybe...if she wakes up...

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"Their talk is complete nonsense, and for this reason is appealing to the minds of fools and sorcerers, who can take their 'predictions' and do with them what they like." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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"they run away at a gallop from people of learning and culture people whom they can't deceive" - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

Thank you for modeling that for everyone to prove my points.

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Because you know little about what you apparently studied for years...how much money did you waste or go into debt over?

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Throw in the towel of your wasted years and $$$$

It only lead you to a DEAD END in "bible school".


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Good godamn motherfucking grief! You have your own substack and you come over to Clif's and post non-stop like a fucking lunatic. Both of your have more then a few screws loose. YOU ARE BOTH making yourselves look like psychos. The internet is forever you know. If you had a brain between you both, you'd start deleting all of this SHIT- but you won't, because you think you are the only one who KNOW it all. Talk about egos! Sheesh! Some people's kids... are just fucktard cunts.

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"a dishonest agenda" thank you for recognizing that your bible is a dishonest agenda

You remind me of when jesus was arrested with the naked boy with that drug smeared on his lips yelling "I am not a lestas!"

Your "schooling" was a lie and waste.

Weclome to the OverWoo.

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"are talking in circles to defend your own lies"


Me posting sources and citing them are "my own lies"


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I can't stand by and see you hatefully claiming "checkmate" when you are hiding your lies behind inaccurate dessembly on translations. No way hiding behind this smokescreen amounts to a "checkmate." You have a standing invitation to use whatever NT translation you want to support your lies about Jesus Christ. Non-Biblical mumbo jumbo does not count when it's coming from other sideline maligners of Jesus, who also bring no evidence from the place the story was told originally. There have been plenty of those across history who were not there and brought no more proof than you have. Since you SAID you got the proof that Jesus was an active pedophile and sex trafficker from the Bible, either show the Biblical passages that support your maligning Jesus, or admit you are a liar.

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Kid just chose to walk around haha - yeah just some kid with a sindon on his penis that's all, nothing to see here, you cracked the case !

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"the oldest Aramaic" - Septuagint is older, ask ANY classical philologist.

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I don't have to ask anyone because I know. I don't know everything, but I happened to have studied Biblical scholarship for many years. The Septuagint is NOT a NT writing. It dates to the third century BC and obviously cannot contain New Testament material. It's a translation of the Hebrew Bible only, which is all that existed at the time, 200+ years before Christ, and there are many problems with it, unlike the accuracy it was claimed to have. I hope you will not further deceive and claim your nonsense comes from the Septuagint or we will have to have a very good laugh. The Aramaic texts ARE older than the Greek, were translated into Greek and underlay the Greek. They have been distinguished and teased out because they use Aramaic phrasing, words and idioms. This is what philologists look at to analyze ancient writings, FYI. Much that was translated literally into Greek FROM these writings makes no sense until translated back into Aramaic where the idioms, proper wording and phrasing fall back out. For only one example, the word translated into Greek as "camel" has 2 meanings in Aramaic (but not in Greek)...

1. the animal and, 2. a rope. Thus what Jesus said IN ARAMAIC and was clearly written into Aramaic texts was that it's easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle. The Greek translation chose the wrong meaning and came up with nonsense.

This process has long been understood and written about by Biblical scholars and there is a whole body of literature on it with many, many such examples. These Aramaic scripts are the oldest writings of the NT. They had been lost but have been re-constructed, much like "Q", (Quelle, source), the lost writing linking/underlying Matthew and Luke. The Aramaic scholar, George Lamsa, whose translation I used, translated the Aramaic thus formed into English with some 30,000 changes in meaning and wording from the Greek, some showing definite doctrinal mistakes caused by Greek translators. One of those is that the phrases in Aramaic "Eat of my body" and "Drink my blood" were never meant by Jesus to be literal. The were Aramaic idioms meaning , "Follow my way" and "Do my work." Any Aramaic speaker would have understood. It was the obviously later literal translation into Greek that caused bread and wine rituals for 2000 years and still going, the Catholic church going so far as to say there was a literal change of bread and wine into body and blood! There are dozens of these idioms clearly showing that the Greek translations came from Aramaic originals obviously written when the Christian faithful were still in Palestine and recording the Aramaic speaker, Jesus. The Codex Sinaiticus dates from over 400 years after Christ. Granted that it is probably a copy of a copy, but it's far from the original gospel.

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"Lamsa proudly admits to being raised in the Nestorian church, which can be traced back to A.D. 431 when the Council of Ephesus declared that the patriarch Nestorius was teaching a false view of Christ. His followers fled to Persia and developed their own rituals, customs, and theology, which are reflected in Lamsa’s writings.

For instance, Lamsa said “the Eastern Christians believe in one God with three attributes, instead of three persons.”4 Other Nestorians also preferred the Aramaic word “attributes” (kenomey) to the Greek concept “persons” (prosopon), even though these held to the doctrine of the Trinity.5

Lamsa’s teachings on Christ and the Holy Spirit, however, do not match Nestorian Trinitarianism. (In fact, he often implies that he opposes the belief.) He considers “spirit” to be synonymous with “influence,” “expansion,” “effectiveness,” and “hidden power,” and suggests that the Comforter of John 14:16 and 16:8 is but the influence Jesus left behind after His dissolution on the cross.6"


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No proof only claims...

I'll take one classical philologist over 20 "bible scholars" any day of my existance on this Earth.

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You are a cultist.

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Lamsa is a fruad.

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There is no Q, Q is a THEORY.

Sorry you wasted years and money on "biblical scholarship" that's gotta suck.

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Dec 8, 2023
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A lot of them don't know that the dead sea scrolls are from ancient Greek text.

Hebrew is counterfeit, what a surprise right?

Anyone taking the Torah or Biglino seriously hasn't gone far back enough in human history yet.

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“Ignorant posers” …? Your assessment of (relatively) innocent people reveals your arrogance, your ego and your basic unkindness. This “reveal” is gratefully received …we all need to know who we are dealing with ..🙏🏻

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Yep, like the smug & supercilious, arrogant know-it-alls

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"Their talk is complete nonsense, and for this reason is appealing to the minds of fools and sorcerers, who can take their 'predictions' and do with them what they like." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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I just cite sources

Waiting for your counter argument if you even have one relevant to this context

Doubt it will ever come though

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I can actually provide sources from antiquity, not my fault you have been lied to your whole life

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"Their talk is complete nonsense, and for this reason is appealing to the minds of fools and sorcerers, who can take their 'predictions' and do with them what they like." - Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians - R. Joseph Hoffman

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Ignorant posers who just parrot what they have been lied to from other ignorant humans who are being mis-lead my mis-translations YES.

"The 'christians' appeal to the worst of these salvation-hungry people

by insisting that the wisdom of men is nothing but foolishness with God, and thus do they attempt to bring into their fold the uneducated and stupid. (I might mention

that even on this point they are merely plagiarizing the ideas of the Greek philosophers, who long ago taught that human wisdom is one thing, divine wisdom another.)"

-Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians (R. Joseph Hoffman

"innocent people"

I'm so excited for their paradigm shifts in the OverWoo :)

Not my fault some people allowed themselves to be mis-lead.

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christianity and hewbrew religion come from bronze age cults

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I see you have your own substack- get the fuck back there and post your fucking nonsense over there. You two freaks have posted what seems like most of of the comments here. You both have some kind of metal illness, clearly. GTFO. Both of you Unless you enjoy having every future post get a c&p reply of FUCKTARD CUNT

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I thought you said Matthew 14: 51-52

Your pathetic ego removed that comment? I wonder why...

I better stop wasting my positive vibrations on your empty words.

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The burden of proof is a bitch right?

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Excuse me...

Are you saying you removed that particular comment of yours in order to shove 'the burden of proof' onto me?

I don't need to prove anything. You are spamming all topics in order to defend your ego, and nobody likes it. If they would add a dislike button...

We hate you! Go away!

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Can't run away from the fact jesus was arrested with a naked boy at 4 am in a public park.

Enjoy the OverWoo.

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And you can't make me care.

You ain't got a clue who you're talking to. Idiot!

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If you're bored, watch this video and pray for the truth. If not, file it in your brain and when shtf the way she says it will, maybe you will reprocess the "truths" you believe in now. God bless! We know the truth will be coming very soon like within the next 10 years as their nwo takes hold everywhere.


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Ok sister christian

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"The 'chrisitians' appeal to the worst of these salvation-hungry people

by insisting that the wisdom of men is nothing but foolishness with God, and thus do they attempt to bring into their fold the uneducated and stupid. (I might mention that even on this point they are merely plagiarizing PLAGIARIZING the ideas of the Greek philosophers, who long ago taught that human wisdom is one thing, divine wisdom another.)

And did not Heracleitus teach that 'The character of man

has no common sense, but that of God has.' And, further,

'A man is no more than a fool before God, as a child is

before a man.' And the great Plato, in his Apology, said:

' men of Athens, have come to have the name I have

because of wisdom; and what sort of wisdom is it? It is that

wisdom which a man may have, and in this way I am, I

should say, wise.'

It can be seen that even the Christian distinction between God's wisdom and man's goes back to Heracleitus and Plato. "

-Celsus On the True Doctrine A Discourse Against the Christians by (Celsus, R. Joseph Hoffman

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any hard proof on this ??

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what do you mean "hard"?

What does the oldest text say jesus called himself when he was being arrested?



ληιστήρ 1 epic form of λῃστής,

a robber, esp. a pirate, rover, Od.


Any classical philologist will tell you what that really means. It's mentioned in Lycophron's writings as well, so this wasn't an isolated thing/context.


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and you got this where???

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The bible LOL

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Dec 6, 2023
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So this is an edition that only exists in headcannon or does it have a name?

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You must mean Mark 14:51-52

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What about all the thousands of male enemy combatants being intentionally brought from China and other countries to illegally invade our country? This is being done by the criminal regime in order to make a standing army for the deep state to use against the American people. Senator Durbin has just let the cat out of the bag, that they are being brought in for this purpose.

Texas is making illegal border crossing a crime, so now the Biden regime is using the borders of CA and AZ for infiltration.

Will we make it to next November's election?

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Dear lord, isn’t this the truth? You should see San Diego. It’s like a Chinese invasion has occurred since “COVID.” It’s very noticeable. Orange County is now Sino-sphere Aryan-sphere majority. It’s very strange. Not a whit about any of this from any of our elites, unless it’s “Asian hate.” And why do everyone of these fuckers immediately have the ability to buy several multimillion dollar “investment properties,” much less the place where they live, invariably inhale most expensive neighborhood in San Diego. They have ruined what used to be the most affordable large city in California. Fuck this bullshit.

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They print fiat yuans and bring them over IN CASH, convert them to dollars and buy what they want. It's fraud.

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Nothing would surprise me. What are fla yuan?

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Fiat yuans are "fiat" dollars, meaning BACKED BY NOTHING. PAPER WITH INK TRADED FOR REAL PROPERTY. On this land, American Indian Lands. Sweet hustle, even though its still fraud.

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What is a “fiat yuan” .. is it counterfeit ?

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Dec 8, 2023
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At this point, it’s the whole country. Who are these millions of “immigrants” that just showed up overnight? They have zero connection to the complicated history of America or the West. Their entire understanding is based on images from pop culture and from neo-Marxist (aka “normal”) MSM. It’s bizzaro world and everyone pretends like we are still in 1965.

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If there is an election. They seem to want an uprising. I'm thinking they want to declare martial law.

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Dec 8, 2023
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Pretty sure that the military explicitly cannot do that. Military implementing Martial law is a coup. It's probably against the constitution somehow but that doesn't mean squat.

Pierre Trudeau did it during the FLQ crisis.

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Dec 8, 2023
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I have to say I hope you're right but I believe Q is a psyop meant to make you think... what you obviously think.

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Dec 10, 2023
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The first one looked cool but it's 2021. It really could be anything. Mustang Medic has gone off the radar. The second one was more promising being new but then I discovered it was a commentary on the fist one. It's not happening right now.

Where is the fallout, any fallout, from all this? This doesn't give me confidence in Q, the reverse. Still it was fun to watch.

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That looks very interesting, I will watch the rest tomorrow and get back to you. I'm wiped, got a lot done today.

I would like to point out... :) """Trump had instigated the Insurgency Act, declared Martial Law and deferred his power to the US Military."""

So not a coup but declared by the rightful president. Seriously, I think the military declaring martial law would be a very bad thing, at least nine times out of ten. But in your scenario, which I don't dismiss, it would be right and proper.


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I have something for you to watch. You should watch the whole thing, I love this guy. He is taking on the WHO in Switzerland. He's also dying from their bio weapon.

But what I specifically want you to see starts at 1:03:00 ...


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But it was alright before? Millions of Eastern Europeans came here via Galveston and Ellis island, and even before that when foreigners came here during the civil war and stole OUR LANDS. This is just the latest round, different players, different victims, same game.


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In the past there was tough immigration Laws in place and they were followed fully

No one just came in just crashing the borders

Ellis island sent back many of them

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Ellis Island was the legal way. They set up entire NETWORKS, just like now, to flood this land with Eastern Europeans and then they set up entire NETWORKS to transfer children all over this land. Orphan Trains they art called. I have receipts...


I KNOW what happened to MY people.....most don't.

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Several weeks ago my husband saw an unmarked bus with about 50 Middle Eastern looking men who looked like they had gotten their clothes at a thrift store and they were waiting in line at a gas station to use the restroom this was up in Boise where we live

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Dec 8, 2023
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The real problem is that they are infiltrating everywhere so when the signal is given, we will be taken over from the inside out. Think Trojan Horse style.

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Dec 7, 2023
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I believe Alexa said it too. Pretty funny stuff. Not sure if she's sticking to her original story, but when asked about the 2024 election, she said there wouldn't be one. There were a few more questions asked and I can't remember them, then the question, "Alexa, are we f....ed?" The answer was yes. If I can find the video, I'll post it.

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Amazing how much as a society we recognize gravity as a force, yet deny magnetism (anti-gravity) as a force. Water is the key:


Thank you Clif for the note on volts - didn't know about the correlation with time. Fascinating!

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Hello WooCrew! Bitcoin is going up!!!Love you guys! Stay Woo!😘😎🥰😍

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I'm scared of crypto. So I bought precious metals

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Good move. Crypto is another product of DARPA, like FB, etc. When the plug gets pulled, ya got nuttin'.

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Same with gold if and when they try collecting again and say no one can own it. Then they give us pennies on the dollar if we are lucky. They can take our land too if they really want to, and they may do just that. Evil bastards!

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Legalese... If you are a US citizen (NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS) then yes you had to forfeit your gold @ $20 oz. Of course after that socialist FDR collected for the Khazarian mafia gold was revalued to $35 oz. A US citizen is defined in the IRS code. 1=you reside in the DC jurisdiction 10 sq miles area. 2 You were born in the District of Columbia. 3 you are employed by the US corporation. The Common man that understood these laws kept their gold. We still have two Constitutions... 1788 ratified... and the 1871 reconstruction act.. When the DC Corporation ponzi scheme was created.

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Hopefully this isn’t a dumb question, but I’m not 100% sure of all the legal machinations over the years... is gaining State National status a benefit through all this?

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Christopher is a (Christain man) and has helped many people comprehend the labyrinth of legalese and common law. he is a friend of mine and can be very helpful. I met him well over a decade ago and used his services that resulted in a very favorable outcome. He holds classes online and as we all know... fear subsides when you have the knowledge / enlightenment ...

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It already exists... NATION STATE... all 50 states informed the International Court of Law (Hague, Switzerland) of their nation state status prior to Trump's win in 2016. It's a movie and we are all in it ... TO LIFE!

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They already took the whole nation's gold in 1933, so I can't argue with you. This time around though, the amount of gold that's out there is said to be smaller and maybe not worth the effort to track and capture. Of course the current price is over $2000. Last time they gave the gold to...you guessed it... the FED, and after buying it from the public for $25 and ounce, they, including the bankster FDR, raised the price by fiat to $35. $10 immediate profit on every ounce of gold in the whole circulation of the US, wonder how much that was? Then some years down the road, guess what, Bernanke said, "What gold? We don't have any gold!"

A better option is silver although they must keep that price down by manipulation or their fiat currency will be seen for the crap it is. Too late for that, I guess. Same is true for gold, although they don't seem to be able to manipulate the gold price as easily.

You're right, they're evil bastards and if I were king of the world, I'd see them all hung and THEN see what needed to happen next.

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Dec 7, 2023
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True. I always said if you pay taxes you are a free roaming slave.

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There is a legal way around that, although what it's called escapes me. A way to establish your property as separate from gov't ownership.

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Put in trusts, with you as the manager. A guy in TX is doing consulting on which types of trust for which types of property. Pretty sure I saw him interviewed on SGTReport about a month ago, but damn if I can find it now- and it could have been older than when I got around to watching it.

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Bill Cooper was the first person I heard talk of this. I remember him saying that you need to use $35 in silver to truly own your property. I figure that if any fighting starts, it will not matter.

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Indefeasible title.

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I do the same thing. I do not trust crypto so i buy silver.

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I do that too for the most part. I'm thinking I should hedge my bets an buy some BTC.

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Some good reading on Bitcoin. As Clif suggests I would ignore the fearmongers and understand the logic. But obviously your choice ;)



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Pinned for later perusal. Thank you.

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Fear is a bad counselor. You're gonna need all three. Cash, metal and crypto. In what order, we don't know yet.

So, I got some of each. I started mining microbitcoins in 2018, and I quit in 2020. That's how I got it. And I bought some, but I can't do that anymore. I can't change my crypto for fiat anymore either. I digress... I buy silver, all money I have to spare, I buy silver. I would like to have a piece of palladium too, but it's hard to get.

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In the end, we may need to go to a barter economy. I understand the hot items to collect now are land, land and more land. Did I mention land?

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Nothing in t his is aimed at you, Margaret louise, but the discussion in general.

It may come to barter - and food will become a tradable commodity. I just built a greenhouse. Container gardening. (At 80, I'm not going to dig up/plow red clay.) Neighbors have chickens, goats, cattle. LOTS of deer.

14 yrs ago I deliberately chose this (rural) location and started "prepping." No public utilities beyond electric (which IS a problem - lose electric & Iose the well.)

2024 is going to be rough, but mostly in cities. It gets bad enough, will martial law be declared? Is the Constitution suspended under martial law? How many military-age Chinese males have invaded already? How many Latin thugs? Afghani? 10 million illegal aliens and counting. Will we lose NYC? Chicago? DC? SF? LA? Minneapolis? Detroit - again? Two movies keep playing in the back of my mind. "Escape from NY" and "Red Dawn."

And it won't be over just because Trump is POTUS. This is going to take years. And that doesn't even touch what we may face from space aliens! And how many UFO sightings are US (or Russian) unacknowledged military vehicles?

We all know this, but it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves, amongst our mental cogitations and (admittedly) fascinating discussions over obscure and minor points of philosophy, that there is a war on. Whether anyone actually owns own their land may become moot.

I always wanted a road-ready tank, and now I want a laser cannon. LOL

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Laser cannon and a high place so you can see 'em comin'.

I totally agree with everything you said. I'm just hoping we won't see all of it, but I know it's going to be rough. Everything has been in preparation for decades, some for centuries, and the trap is ready to spring. Just like the Elders of Sion set it up.

Food is certainly great for barter, along with alcohol, toilet paper, medicines and really everything that we may not be able to get. It's going to come out about the ETs running the world from behind the scenes. I think that's what the last Kennedy documents are about....and the cooperation with the CIA and other agencies who may be running DNA and slave trafficking. No telling what's going to come out or how people will react.

As to land, how will they repossess the globe? And I have a feeling people will be so outraged that they don't own the land they thought they did that there will be serious riots on just that. I can't believe Americans don't see the danger of millions of military aged men from cultures that hate us for destroying their countries. They got here through highly organized and funded networks that will support them and issue them orders to take the US down when they give the signal. Liberals suck up and cry for them. Just wait.

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Are you on Telegram? Or Truth? I just read a speech by Dr. Yeadon on the toxic biological weapon that is riveting - and chilling. I'd send it to you. Pureblood here.

Not to mention useful pharmaceuticals, tampons, soap, herbals -- hell, anything manufactured somewhere else than USA! And even then. I know something about herbal medicine. Growing herbs is like growing weeds.

I believe Americans DO see the immigration issue - but short of sitting on the tick points and shooting, we go by the rule of law - until there is no law. That's why Trump has such a following. The people - The People -- know. And we're willing to wait to see if a legal solution is going to happen. If it doesn't . . . . I keep reminding myself, we ARE winning. We ARE the majority. We ARE the nation. God help those who try to overrun and destroy us. There will be no mercy.

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unfortunately, I see no good answers. I prepare to die if I must. I think when the police prove they are useless, you will see vigilantes get involved. After a few tear up the system, there will be many more...

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I'm a pureblood too and meaning to stay that way no matter what. I look at a vax needle like as aimed shotgun, a mortal weapon. No, I don't do Telegram or Truth. But it might be found elsewhere.

I hope we're winning and I know we're a majority. But as law-abiding Americans with some moral tone, we are slow to act violently. However, slow to act does not exclude action. Once people get it that we're in a war for our lives, it will be brutal.

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All through the travesty called "pandemic," when asked if I got the shot, I told everybody, "I'm not committing suicide, and I'm not gonna let those greedy, two-faced, backstabbing little bastards murder me." I got some startled looks, but they can't unhear it. I've always considered it my mission (LOL) to drop seeds contrary to the accepted paradigm. Didn't wear a mask, and vociferously pointed out they were made in China, and why would anyone trust a damn thing out of China. People do resent having it pointed out what idiots they are! I didn't get much pushback as I'm an "old lady." LOL We can almost get away with murder!

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From what I have seen, a great item for barter is vodka. It has many uses besides intoxication, which many may be looking for during an apocalypse.

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Dec 7, 2023
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I do know that's true. But let 'em try to collect.

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Always grab & turn the weapons of your enemy against them! ;-)

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I tried to buy some palladium about 5 years ago, couldn't get any. Bought platinum instead.

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I could get some, for 1200 euros. That would be a bar of one troy ounce. I would have to get it from Germany myself, I think it's in Aurich. That would be about 260 kilometers in total.

It's just that, I don't have that kind of money. Just last week I had 800 euros, so I ordered some more silver instead.

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Aurich Goldfinger.

You expect me to talk Goldfinger?

No Mr Bond, I expect you to die!

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I heard (not sure of the veracity) that Russia had total control of Palladium … and they ain’t selling to anyone.

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And bullets

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I say, “Trust yourself and go with what you know.” Good for you in doing something! Skohl!

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Mike Maloney's short doc on Crypto and Hashgraph is a great primer for most of us non-eggheads and techies.

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Will try to locate … 🙏🏻

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Gold/Silver w/ Mike Maloney on YT. I think it's episode 8 of the Hidden Secrets of Money series.

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Thanks cliff

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Cliff, the reason why this information is so obscure to some and will be so obscure to "religious" people is they don't study their books. The entire "el" thing is right in there. The entire "other worldly" clues are there, especially in the Tanakh and Quran. Those of higher lumens, such as yourself, already get it. The "low lumens," not so much.

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As always thanks Clif for sharing your genius with us.

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Sometimes it is important not only to predict the future, but also to reflect on the past. Now, did any of your predictions come true?

January 2023 Predictions for Cliff High

The year 2023 will be the year of the collapse of the economic system.

The timing of the start of the derivative collapse could potentially occur in mid-January with the first major breakdown. It's forecasted that the subsequent major collapse will likely happen 3-4 weeks later, followed by the beginning of the final derivative collapse involving financial institutions.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will attempt to bring about the destruction of financial institutions to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). However, it's predicted that they will not succeed in ushering in the Great Reset; instead, after a period of chaos, people will begin to seek and construct a new system. The collapse, however, is predicted to occur this year.

With the economic collapse, the corruption and concealed history of those in power will come to light, leading ordinary people to awaken.

As the financial system collapses, the Khazarian Mafia will lose all power and be gradually eradicated over the course of several years.

Due to the devaluation of currency to zero, the Khazarians will lose funding sources for propaganda, such as promoting gender transitions or communism.

Regarding the economic collapse, the trigger point is said to be the collapse of derivatives, which are estimated to exist at a value of two quadrillion dollars, originating in Europe.

After a slight recovery through funding supply following the collapse of derivatives in one place, problems will arise elsewhere, leading to another round of funding supply. Eventually, the entire derivative system will catch fire uncontrollably and spiral out of control—a catastrophic event.

While it's unimaginable for anyone worldwide what will happen when the entire derivative system collapses, it's likely that local governments and public entities deeply involved in derivatives will be pushed into a state of suspension.

At that time, things previously considered "assets" will lose their value. People will begin to consider items like food and toilet paper to hold more value.

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Many of the ufo sightings (including my own) are from this planet. They are 'planes' of the djinn. (i..e. genie in English) Djinn are said to be created from 'smokeless fire' (electro-magnetism) Not all are demonic - they have free will like us. Only a third of the djinn followed Lucifer. Two thirds remained faithful to the Creator. Angels never get corrupted because they lack free will. Fairies are also like this. Some of them were sent here to help the first humans after The Fall. This is a history that is rarely known in the West, but it is recognized as part of our reality in many Middle Eastern, Asian & African countries. One writer/scientist, Jacques Vallee, did address the topic in his book Revelations. So do some research. It's not all aliens & demons, folks! :)

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Yes! I keep trying to make points like this throughout because I want people to understand as well. Can you give me some sources for some of the information because it align with everything I have pieced together over the last few years. Thank you

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Thanx Mary ✅✅

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I had to go look and see if Satan was an angel. He was, and 'fallen angels' follow him. Would they not be corrupted?

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Some believe we are the fallen and are trapped in this Earth bc we followed Lucifer and this is our prison. He is the person that explains it best. Very short video.


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Unless I believe in the God of the bible and ask for forgiveness I will be evil.

You agree with that?

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I believe that we are all evil and wicked. If a person wants to be redeemed, you choose to believe that Jesus died on the cross to redeem/repurchase our souls from the devil. So, we must admit our guilt (confess) and repent or choose the devil and his punishment.

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I think people are intrinsically good. We call people without a conscience psychopaths because they lack the empathy the rest of us are born with. Sometimes I'll be watching a video and they will say that no one can be good without the threat of eternal damnation, that they will have no moral compass. I kill the video and downvote it. I feel sorry for those people. One of the problems with overly religious people is that they think they are better than anyone who doesn't subscribe to their particular 'correct' vision of theology. Fortunately they are a minority.

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I know I'm not better than anyone else. I do know after they locked us away in our homes, tried to scare the crap out of everyone with a disease that looked like the flu, In Maui all the beaches were empty and you could not just go lay out all alone on one without the threat of being asked to leave and ticketed with a $25 fine, I got down on my hands and knees and begged God to help me understand what was really going on in this world. Over the course of that year and spending most of my time searching for answers, Clif's videos on Bitchute were of great help to me. I put chaga in my coffee every day and take schisandra in a tea twice a day as a few of the examples of his influence on my daily life. His were not the only videos I watched. Thousands of hours have now been spent trying to understand this world I find myself a part of. I have come to the conclusion/realization that Kleck is right about what this world really is about. Others have helped put other puzzle pieces together in my pea brain, but I do feel that I understand it much better. I don't have all the answers, but for me, Jesus is the only answer and He is my choice and I want others to have the peace and joy only found in our Lord and Savior. If Obummer rises to power, maybe some of my posts will strike a memory in others and maybe they will start to see what I see. I could be wrong, but I guess only time will tell and I will bet that time span is less than 5 - 10 years away so I will likely see it. God bless.

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There has never been a time in my life that I didn't think I was an idiot five years ago and that has never been more true than it is now. I know of many things that I thought were true that aren't so I don't trust anything I know. I can't say that there is no god, if there is I doubt that it's the god the bible describes. Yes, I have read the bible. Clif calls it 'universe' but doesn't define it. I too have spent thousands of hours on all this. I do believe that p[people are intrinsically good but you can turn them into sociopaths. Especially if you get them young. Children want to please, if you tell them it's cool to be a tranny that's what they will believe. Here is an example of how to train kids to be evil: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VEJ7o3olBFWt/

Interesting times for sure.

I take chaga every day too. I put a little iodine in my tea from time to time, not familiar with schisandra.

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It's an adaptogen similar to ashwagandha which I also take 2x daily based on an article in Clif's substack about 2 months ago?? I can't remember. I think it was about fen ben and cancer prevention protocols.

She is another person I "follow" and listen to regularly. She is a prophet from God imho. She is VERY harsh, but I believe tells the truth. Watch or don't, but you won't believe it or understand, but I've seen many of her videos and have come to realize thru my initial internal protests (think MAGA stuff), that God speaks to her and her prayer warriors.


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I will not 'worship' a jealous god who has a bunch of personality issues that I wouldn't tolerate in a human. Fuck that. The earth is crazy enough without that shit.

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I would like some links of proof

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If you can't trust yourself then nothing you see externally will help you.

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Then get busy and find some

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I used to find value in clif's rants but lately there's too much opinion and not enough info for me to make my own decisions. I ran into him at a coffee shop once and would have liked to have a conversation, but he accused me of being a "normie" and thought I was a "honey pot" sent to entrap him... I'm 65 years old! I don't know, be careful here and don't just believe everything clif says just because he's a frickin genius :-)

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Well, then GTFO and don't let the door hit you in the ass. He didn't ask you to believe anything. Doesn't ask for anything at all. If he thought you might be a honeypot or just didn't want to have a conversation, that's his right and he probably had good reason. But I think you're full of shit. You wouldn't be here complaining otherwise. If you think people should be careful- take your own advice and BE GONE with your 65 y/o honey pot ass

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing space aliens are running the Starbucks you bought your coffee from. AHHHHHHH piss.

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Did Magnetism make the apple hit my head ?

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Yes as an 80s baby (from Russia)I remember mercury thermometers

We alllllll used them

We used them to measure temperature of sick ppl

I still remember when my brother broke a thermometer and ate the little mercury drop

My mom damn near had a shit fit

My dad lol bless his soul said the boy will be alright

My dad was right

As far as we know there were no side affects

My bro is now in his 50s

Has kids and intellectually is very smart so had no affects on his learning as was presumed

Then again it was literally a little drop

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As a cohesive drop of metal, it might have passed relatively quickly. Mercury seems to be a real problem when ingested in small amounts over years of time. I'm glad your brother is OK. :D

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That’s what I presumed myself as the amount just didn’t seem to be big enough to cause any significant damage

Tho what’s gonna happen later as he she’s lite dementia altzhemeirs and other diseases from metal accumulation in the brain (obviously hoping he’s gonna keep being in good health )

But yes I definitely have read somewhere about accumulative use of mercury

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As a teen, I played with mercury, but I never ingested it. Same BS about lead paint - just how much paint would a child have to ingest to have an effect, and how much would a child chew on? Sheer nonsense. Same with asbestos. You gotta breathe that shit for a long time to end up with bad lungs. One exposure isn't gonna do anything. ONe of the best housing exteriors is asbestos shingles - lasts forever. Paint over it, and it's sealed.

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I also read somewhere lead paint keeps emf away so go figure they don’t want it

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Never underestimate the power of our digestive tract to protect the body. Now, injecting mercury would be another whole story … probably cause death. (hence my horror of ANY vaccine …)

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Totally agree with you here on alll fronts

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Dec 7, 2023
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Lol I don’t think we have any left but I honestly should ask my mom if she has one somewhere

Omg you should keep it as memorabilia you never know also when one will ever come in handy as I honestly don’t think they ever stop working unless you literally break the glass part

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Trust me, the digital one will fail . I ditched my digital and bought a mercury - and wouldn't you know it's calibrated in centigrade, not Fahrenheit!

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