Ok kiddos:

Dominion settled with Fox? Yes

Doesn’t BlackRock/Vanguard own Dominion? Yes

Doesn’t BlackRock/Vanguard own Fox? Yes

So they sued rhemselves? Yes

And now get to write off millions? Yes

So we’re all suckers for buying into this nonsense ? Yes

Per @RealBlakeLong

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Excellent comment! I understand that the payment s a tax write-off for Dominion. Sounds like money laundering...

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Fox is paying Dom, so the expense/deduction is on the Fox side and only to the extent they have 760M in gross profits, otherwise it carries over.

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Yes, of course, stupid me. I'm wondering if Dominion didn't give Fox the $ in advance to "settle"

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Any excuse to fire Tucker. Jan 6 was a big no no, thank you pedo Schumer.

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Saw Schumer's wife ...definitely looks like a. big ugly man in drag...the entire DEMONrat party is made of sexual misfits...freaks and pedophiles ...and that includes the RINOS like Graham and Romney...

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Wouldn't it be hilarious if the only people left to watch FOX consisted of the 3 trannies drinking Bud Light (in the loafers)........Anhueser Busch and Fox can both GO TO HELL...no loss, no loss at all...take Disney with them...

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Don't forget State Street!

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And they get to make Dominion look upstanding.

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Indeed! Part of the movie. Next plot twist? Who knows...

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Excellent analysis. Thanks.

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Correct... The goal was to avoid DISCOVERY in the Dominion suit... it would have exposed the election fraud... bigly.

And Tucker was telling too many truths... when they couldn't hobble/muzzle him... they canned their biggest money-maker (by far). VERY smelly.

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My take on this last Clif monologue; there's been a shift in the media language similar to Germany's late 1920's - 1930's era. Germany's language shift resulted in the Khazarians blaming the Jews and deflecting attention away from themselves AGAIN (like beginning now) using the media. The Khazarians back then, LIKE today, own the majority of the MSM and will not hesitate to sacrifice Jews to save themselves. What's happening today is a temporal marker from the old Alt reports.

To me, this means they're panicking and perhaps (lets hope with some much needed optimism) they're losing big time.

Regarding Clif's hesitation in getting to the point...its really hard to speak for 30 minutes without a script all the while gathering your thoughts. Try it some time, its not easy. As he said, he was taking a break and ruminating on these recent media events while clearing brush.

What's different this time is that we know the ploy and we have the internet. So lets use social media as our 5GW weapon.

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That was my thought as well, but after the fact, due to thinking about it after some of the comments. My initial take was that this was pretty normal, Clif comes across as a very smart but more importantly very well, very broadly read dude. Someone I know I can learn a lot from and do. He's a busy guy and he doesn't waste time, heck death # 4 could be right around the corner, or would that be coroner? Anyway, he is multi-tasking and I'm happy to receive his content any way he wants to go about it.

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Agreed. I drop everything to read or listen to Clif. In fact, I have many many of his audios I keep on my MP3 player and I listen to him a lot (like a couple HOURS a day).... (Yeah, I'm a bit -- or more -- Aspie.) But it lets me mull over and "compare and contrast" what he has said and is saying. And gives me places to go start research to see what accords with his lovely views... (STILL want to see pix of the doggos!!)

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Well said. Bravo 👏🏻

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Me and a partner have a Bitchute Channel and we were talking about doing an expose on the Khazarians this morning based upon a recent guest's anti-Jewish outbreak. So many people blame the Jews and not the Khazarians because they're totally ignorant of the facts.

What a coincidence that Clif would talk about that very subject a few hours later. Like the premise of Clif's predictive linguistics, we're all psychic and leak out those thoughts regularly.

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Please do your piece. It's so frustrating seeing those who know nothing about KM and what they've done attack relentlessly due to ignorance. IMO KM are the progenitors of Anti-semitism. I try to encourage ppl to research and it's an uphill battle for me, w no platform, to educate them. It's either laziness, apathy or they simply enjoy being 'nazi' haters or all of the above.

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Okay, I'll do something for the near future. Right now we're working on the Transhumanism Agenda and Climate Change Net Zero scams. Mainly Canadian content - here's our Channel link to paste in your browser: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/hYex11Fg0KKm/

We're famous for this show on "A Message to the Unvaccinated" however, its been clipped and pasted sooo many times we seldom get the credit for it.


Thanks for your comment suggestion.

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I've run into the same problems. Lately I've started back at ground zero and tried to lay out the Khazars as best I can whithout mentioning Jews. You have to do that as soon as thc Czar comes into scope. That's about when you find out if this is going to go well or not. I find that most of the time people have no problem with it if they are even a little bit red pilled but everyone else balks at that point. The indoctrination runs deep.

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I wouldn't worry too much about trying to not step on jewish toes... their skirts are not much cleaner than the KM's.


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This is difficult for me.... Okay fine; I've got the Khazarian thing down, done the reading qnd research. BUT... and it's a HUGE angry BUT!

Clif says don't blame the jews, he blocks people who write bad things about the jews... Okay-fine (well, NOT fine... trying to find a path there). He says THEY, too, are victims, so we should be nice to and about them.

"They're victims" -- JUST as they were when they worked as the 'capos' in the camps to get an easier place. JUST as they aligned with the Khazars who were bringing slaves to the New World (and provided support and sales in the West)... And -- what really burns me: JUST as nowadays the Israeli JEWS are happily taking ten million++ dollars a day from the U.S. taxpayers, while our people suffer and our vets live (and die) on the streets. They use OUR money to build THEIR "big beautiful wall" and to provide free health care and free college to ISRAELI jews.... while WE have allowed the supposedly different Khazars -- with the FULL support of Daspora jews -- to DESTROY our young people under unpayable/un-dischargable college debt!

The JEWS are supporting and acting to increase the importation of people who cannot fit in here, and are demanding more U.S. tax dollars to support them (FREE housing FREE obamyphones, FREE medical care -- $5million reparations?! Where are my reparations?!)-- where is all that money for the AMERICAN vets and the poor? (Shall I bring up Ukraine and the multi-billions?)

(Leave out they run every damned "administrative, legal/legislative, judicial, medical, educational, and political" field in this country -- and are using their nepotism to destroy the White Western World!)

HOW am I not to blame them? Okay, they're "only" foot soldiers for our destruction, and the KM will discard them as disposable armor whenever needed. So I am to just NOT NOTICE that they are racing, pushing, plotting, supporting, and succeeding in destroying my people and my nation and my civilization?

Were not some German doctors and fence guards of the alleged "death camps" killed and hunted down FOREVER -- and specifically because they participated? Why do Clif's "disposable armor jews" get to participate in the destruction, but we -- the ones FIGHTING AGAINST the destruction -- must give them a pass?!

Help find the path to that -- cause I cannot see one!

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They do seem to be going along for the ride. It makes it hard, well, impossible, to feel sorry for them.

It is true though that the Khazars sacrifice them when it suits. There were no Zionists present in the twin towers when they were brought down but there were Jews.

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The Khazars are viciously sacrificing US, the White West, before they sacrifice the jews, if they do -- and the jews are HELPING them do it!! *DAMNED* few jews in the World Trade Centers... LOTS of others...

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That's right, the Jews got the call before the Jews pulled the buildings..

It's Jews that support and get all these communist demonrats elected.

It's Jew money - Soros and Rothschilds taking down America...just because they can...because they are that evil...

I do believe most Jews worship Satan...and care little or not at all for anything beyond money, freak-sex. pedophilia and pornography.The UN right now is trying to make sex with children legal...where is the Jew protest of any of this? No. They support it...I'd like to know if any gentile doctors are collecting the $20K - $100K to mutilate and "transgender" a child? Or is that a Jewish thing too? Any wagers?

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I look at the USA today and see how many way's these people pretty much run your entire country. Your Govt especially. Plus that G Soros man. Infiltrating at every level. The mental health of your President is questionable and it is almost done on purpose to f... with the normies.

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An awful lot of non Jews are complying with this too because there's profit to be had and Jewish people have been educated to be complicit. I think this is why the Khazarian elites adopted Judaism. The average Jews love stories but when they adopt a story they will go to extremes to live up to the stories expectations. There are so many historical events which they participated in that make them look like complete idiots but the rabbi's told them to do it and they did. Such as removing the roofs from their bedrooms during winter in case God decided that he wanted all of the Jewish people to ascend into heaven on a particular date. People died from that. There are lots of idiot like stories and they complied. Just look at Kosher food and all the nonsense around that. Some would say they are high functioning idiots.

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Clif has talked about the [KM] for years. He seems to have done vast research in that subject, along with others in his "group". Maybe you should see if you can interview him- or go review his other work at clifhighvideos.com. Probably a button at bottom of homepage that will list all the interviews he has mentioned [KM] in over the years.

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I have been following Clif for about 8 years now and had even bought a few Alt Reports in the past. I learned alot of what I know about Khazarians from Uncle Clif and from my own research to verify things.

It would be a high point in my life to interview him, however, I don't know how to connect with him.

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his contact details are on his website

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In comments I constantly remind the readers to remember that the kazarians aren't the 13th tribe House of Israel covenant people. The STATE of israel is kazarian, the NATION of Israel is covenant. But do they both think the same, blurring the lines?

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I have zero sympathy for the Jews - Khazarians or not, I think it comes down to semantics really....I would feel differently if not for the reports Jews have done ENORMOUS damage to America...having dual Israeli citizenship working within high levels of our government is just bad business and they have been very destructive ..it is the Jews who install one DEMONrat after another, it's the Jews that keep the blacks on their plantation ( does anyone believe for one moment that Bragg would have the balls to go after President Trump over nothing if not for powerful Jew money behind it all?), The very idea that you can't criticize a Jew but you can say anything you want about a gentile shows you how fucked up it is...the Jews are a horrible lot overall it seems...look where they are - Big Pharma, Medical Industrial Complex...basically anywhere there is big money they are there to take advantage of everyone else...

apparently any truth telling at all is anti Semitic ....Jews = Bolsheviks and the destruction of millions....Jews = DEMONrats and the total destruction of America as is being done right now..Jew Corporations moved all manufacturing away from America to China and created a rich adversary and devastated America...sure there are always a few gentiles and blacks thrown into the mix - easily bought with Jew money and promises of power...

How many wars have Americans been forced to waste money and lives on for Israeli hegemony in the ME?

9/1 1 - Dancing Mossads ring a bell? And before I get jumped on here let me also say that I believe that every person deserves to be judged on individual merit and that goes for Jews....I have had known some humble, hardworking Jews from my old neighborhood and I doubt they are sacrificing children down at the Synagogue of Satan..but as a whole I they have made statements as a group about killing all the gentiles and leadership in Rothschild's Israel have made statements that they would milk America dry and let then let America shovel up and die and they would be most happy - that's happening now as they wring every last $$$ out of America....one might ask the question why have they been hated all down through the ages? And if they aren't amoral, unethical, money grubbing filth then why haven't the majority of "good-moral" Jews banned together against this Kharzarian mafia ? My guess is too many shiny shekels in it for them....if the evil satanic shoe fits call it what you want Kharzarian or Jew.

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I get that ,I truly do ! .As for the majority of them I think (((they ))) would be too frightened to call out the KM ,because it would leave them unprotected from both sides. A lot of them I would say are opportunistic going along for the ride and enjoying the power/wealth etc. And are well aware of what they are doing ,and would be equally culpable for their actions. Having said that ,there is good and bad in every race don't forget we had the outstanding Dr Zelenko who died way too young imo, way too young and of cancer ,too .I genuinely tear up when I think of that guy. When the storm of the vaccine gaslighting was at its darkest ,He shone a light for us and made us realize we are not mad ,and we are not alone .As did many brave truth tellers .

As for the(((others))) , well their actions will give them away~" By their fruits ,you will know them" " They will reap what they sow " whether good or bad ,as will we all .

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Clif recommends Biglino's 'The Naked Bible'... xlnt read!

Israel is not the covenant of anything. They are just as rapacious and racist as their close brothers... of islam.

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Thanks so I am just wondering if you can confirm something. So the ‘jews’ killed in ww2 by hitler (who was A KM puppet I’m guessing?) - were they ‘real’ Jews or Khazarian Jews killed? Why would KM kill millions of Jews when they themselves are Jews (fake ones)? I posted a similar comment below too but thought I’ll ask you direct. Thank you

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You might find this interesting... pertaining to the "holocaust".

Igan is a VERY sharp guy, and he speaks truth.


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Thats bs ,that lie is what is protecting the whole rotten banking system,and associated jew mafia,read 5he book,breaking the spell if you can find it.It also deflects all discussions on the real holocaust, which happened in Russia and the ukraine

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Yes, thanks for reminding me about us being psychic and leaking out our thoughts. We are one!

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Hi guys, so wondering if someone can clarify something. I been following Clif for a while and understand the whole KM thing. What I don’t understand tho is in WW2, Hitler (presumably a KM puppet?) killed all the ‘Jews’. But the KM are Jews (albeit fake ones). Which ‘Jews’ did hitler kill, ‘real’ ones who actually descend from the 12 tribes of Judah? Or fake khazarian news?

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thanks, i watched that now. yes explains things somewhat. this is a very deep subject that I am only scratching the surface of. plus what Clif has said in the last 6-12 months i've been listening to him. crazy. we have literally been lied to about every significant event in human history

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Yes. And I was REALLY blown away when I started reading Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... talk about being lied to and manipulated!!! 😮

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The internet works against them. Communication is faster, more far reaching. People are fed up and as a result, more willing to listen. Because of the insane chaos the KM created, nothing is considered too far fetched. So learning about our corporate government, MK Ultra techniques in TV & movies no longer sound outlandish as it did a mere 5 years ago. It's a pleasure to watch them shoot themselves in the foot.

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Clif, we're glad to keep you company as you work around the house or travel. We appreciate that you share your musings with us. We common folk don't usually have the opportunity to share the thoughts of the highly intellectual. You are a national treasure. Thanks for taking care of yourself. We need your insights as we brave the future.

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Anyway we can get your knowledge..

Dogs barking ….whatever…

Your knowledge …..I Want..

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Tucker knowingly shamed the evil doers who tricked, plotted and arrested innocent citizens unknowingly caught in the battle to discredit Trump and the Maga crowd. The shock of January 6 was how readily the media went on the attack revealing their fascist origins and mentality.. This was also the blueprint for creating the Covid agenda when science was sacrificed for the greater good and big pharma set about to murder and maime millions.

The thing about the KM is once they set up an agenda they use it over and over again until it no longer works. Well, covid finally wore out the welcome mat and now that the truth about Hunter's laptop is showing once again the alliance of the FBI, the media and the WH.

Tucker recently stated they had been trying to get rid of him for months--- his footage of what really happened Jan 6 was a giant finger to the fascists running the political theater.

Fox news shows have become incredibly boring and redundant and they recirculate their hosts, rotating them over and over to provide a sense of newness . Of late I have stopped watching most newscasts, preferring to watch old westerns on Grit At least back in the 1950s& 60s movies there was a sense of frontier justice and the bad guys usually got shot and it was quite satisfying.

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Tucker became red pilled. Now he's making up for lost time. He is thinking of his children & future grandchildren. The kazarians don't want parent because they start to watch the present in order to create a decent future for their descendants.

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Patterns, looking at patterns, always helpful and "on the money". Thank you Mr. High.

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Absolutely Brilliant.

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Dr. Robert Malone just posted BlackRock owns 15% of Fox News. Thanks Clif.

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That information may not. be up to date...I read BlackRock just purchased a much larger share of Fox.

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I don't think you have to look up Dominion. Of course they own it.

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Tucker has been getting situated for a long time. NO WAY he buys into the transiehumanisms... He has been buying time and planning. Guarantee you he was so outspoken lately to make his points before the “personal reset”...

Smart people do that. This is time the truthtellers are attacked.

Get ready for the really big ugly. They are coming for non blue brainwashed folks.

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Loved his monologue recently asking just how vile and depraved and evil would you have to be to Lie for Money to manipulate people into getting that Big Pharma death jab? All main stream media is that vile and depraved. And they did just that....including FOX....

Yeah Big Pharma buys up all the media advertising so they don't dare tell you how diabolical Big Pharma is......how they will kill you and your children and laugh all the way to the bank.

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Another view might be this: Dominion won the lawduit with huge damages. To a great extent that exonerates Dominion of any wrongdoing. Fox dumped Tucker because they don't want a highly influential mouth running against the narrative that Fox really supports. The exoneration of Dominion could really presage a repeat of the 202 electoral fraud, bcecause they don't want a wild care like Trump undoing the Globalist plan.

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Most likely and very disturbing. I just want to wake up one day to find them ALL GONE! Just like Tucker and Lemon. Biden, et al, all WIPED OUT, GONE! ALL OF THEM! I don't even need an explanation. Wouldn't that be nice?! Keep dreaming!

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We must not forget that Carlson was paid $20 Million a year to lie to us and he did...through the stolen election and Big Culling of Conjob-19...and the vaxxine....maybe he couldn't live with himself any longer and that is why he started telling some truth and of course, being owned by far left leaning Jew DEMONrats couldn't tolerate that...

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Who exactly are the "Jew DEMONRATS" you speak of? You should try educating yourself on the KHAZARIAN MAFIA. You might actually learn something. They are the fake Satanic Jews doing evil. You've been lied to, wake up.

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That's my take on it as well.

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The cynical view is usually the right one.

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As always--thank you Clif! You're a treasure!

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No disrespect to anyone on the forum, but we have to cut Clif some slack here. He's trying to synthesize 100 years of history in 29 minutes to formulate his points. I've been following Clif for over 20 years + and he's been right most of the time-he's the "Mickey Mantle" of our time. Unlike Mantle, he doesn't strike out often. BTW- Can anyone briefly answer this for me?- What is FDR background related to Clif's comment that FDR was Jewish. I thought that FDR's family religious background was Dutch Reform. Thanks in advance.

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Likely goes to FDR's line of thinking. Not great proponents of freedom. They expect to rule the world of slave gentiles.

The jews & kazarians believe they were chosen. My question to them is, "chosen for what"? Christ never said anything about gentile slaves or them ruling the world. Constantly chastized by The Creator for disobedience, they consider themselves to be perfect. I don't.

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The KM's are "name stealers", according to Clif. Recommend reading includes "The Thirteenth Tribe - The Khazar Empire And Its Heritage" by Arthur Koestler, available online/pdf.

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I also gathered from Clif's past writings/talk he means FDR's thinking & actions. However, somewhere along FDR's line of action he crossed the wrong people (Khazars?), as I got it from a good doctor who was active in Washington, D.C. during WW II that FDR was assassinated via lead poison to his head!

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I listened to that again @ 1.75 speed setting. Clif does say FDR was jewish. We must not forget however, in certain parts of Holland, there is jew-blood, and not Israelite. ..And possibly not at all Kazarian. Perhaps if I may merely speculate, as at this point there is little else, FDR's jew vs. khazar issue may have been what led to the lead-to-the-head! FDR was a stubborn individual; he put the thumbs down to the building of the Burnelli's very efficient flying wing, only due to Burnelli having not voted for FDR! The later 1946-48 much larger flying wing concept that was built was a bastardization of Burnelli's fine concept that was further developed only by Eichmann's Aerobat I, whom I met & discussed late 1980s in-depth with. Not the faulty Northrop YB-49. However, when I met him, Eichmann had given up on the faithful Aerobat I. I questioned him as to why he had given up on the original design of the Aerobat. -No real answer! It was in the 1990s he was killed when that newer (poor in my opinion) dart-wing flipped on first lift-off, due to a breaking control linkage to one wing flap. The kicker is that the Aerobat's superiority was due to its inability to stall!

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Thanks Judi. :)

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Hello Clif, Hello Clif

Hello Humans, Hello Humans

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clif please get to the point

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You should be grateful that he takes the time to do these.

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Obviously, you’re not that “awakened”.

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thank goodness that you’re awake for that you worship another man talking of course you are wake

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I only worship God The Father. I don’t worship man.

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in this case is it clif? Good for you you keep doing that try To do to others as you wish done to you

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Funny how people who like to virtue signal how awakened they are- usually aren't that awakened and/or tell other people they aren't.

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theawakened dickhead, fuck off and get the fuck out of here.

and take you head out of your monkeypoxed ass.

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If you got what Clif was implying, then please explain it to those of us who didn't. All I picked up on is that perhaps the KM are about to skapegoat the Jews again for all the things they themselves have done. But where does Tucker fit into this?

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Clif was comparing two times in History.

Period Before & after WWll & Now.

The Berliner Newspaper & Fox News…. Europe & the USA.

(Please remember History Repeats it’s self.)

Listen again.. U will get it.

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I agree. I am left wondering what it is he is saying.

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Sometime you have to listen more than once- especially if you only half listened the first time (not saying that is the case, but sometimes might be). Anyway, I don't always get everything he talks about, but it is always interesting, and a usually provides a nugget or two that inspires more research. Anyone who is here to be told what to do and when is probably on the wrong substack.

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Clif could do better with communication....he just doesn't care to. We want more and better information discipline from him. As I said earlier in a comment. Clif should start & finish his projects while thinking what he needs to communicate to us. Then, do his podcast afterward in a structured and condensed time point (15min) finishing with take away bullet points.

A lot of his projections have been way off lately. His silver projection A case in point.

I will give him until the 1st week of June to confirm he is just guessing, really blowing hot air or genuinely has a corner on insights. Yes, Predicting Timelines can be tough.

A mental free spirit.

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timelines change and adjust, no one can predict accurately down to the day when silver or cryptos will explode. The future is fluid and adjusts but the general trends are known.

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"We want more and better information discipline from him"

NO! We want whatever info and thoughts Clif is willing to MAKE TIME to share with us! He doesn't *owe* you/us a classroom lecture! He doesn't owe you anything but the back of his hand! He is KIND and caring enough about "Hello Humans!" to give us freely the benefit of his knowledge and learning, a gift I am grateful he provides! (Why in the HELL should he care about how much time YOU WILL GIVE him?! Who the hell are YOU in his world?!)

Ever heard "take what you think applies to you and leave the rest"? If you don't like how Clif offers us his GIFTS -- then go find someone whose GIFTS meet your approval! (Sheesh!)

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You are being a douche bag. Think Clif gives a rat's about what YOU want or think? Or that any of the rest of us that respect the guy do?

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right wasted half an hour telling us something that made no sense. you compare it to the point of his story who cares what has happened 100 years ago

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Feel free to leave if you aren’t willing to listen to anyone.

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This podcast made perfect sense to me. The fact you don’t care what happened a 100 years ago or a 1000 years ago is the very reason history is repeating itself. You are either a troll or woefully uneducated. This is the last comment I will spend on you.

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Thank you Rickie, i totally agree with you that if you don't know history it repeats itself that is why we are in the trouble now. The very ancient history will tell you how very dumbed down we are now. Their technology was way ahead of us.

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Yes…But I am older..

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Clif is the only one who ever taught me this stuff. No teacher I ever had in school taught this stuff and neither did my parents. I am so grateful to Clif.

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He has educated us for Free..

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What happened 100 years ago has a bearing on current events. Don't criticize Clif because you don't understand his point.

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History is so important.

I love WWll History..

What happened 100 yr ago helps U understand today..

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Yeah really, you are free to leave. If you are going to act like a fucktard cunt, you will be treated like one. Plenty of other places to waste your time on the internet. Seriously, if YOU are your idea of awakened, we are all in trouble.

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History doesn't repeat but it rhymes.

We are pretty much at a similar point that Germany was at in 1923.

If you don't care for history, you're prone to fall for the same effing BS.

Btw, today seems to be a day that a lot of people are bitching in their comments, all over the interwebs.

You are the one who shows it clearly here now.

So do us all a favor please and make your screen name to come true.

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"oday seems to be a day that a lot of people are bitching"

It's that weird cosmic energy making it to Earth's surface Clif has discussed; it's making us "Hello Humans" bitchy and twitchy...

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Made LOTS of sense to people who have STUDIED the (real) history of WWII. Even IF he got the names of newspapers mixed up, don't care.... Because I have studied WWII (as you clearly have NOT), I could follow him! I didn't need him to provide bullet points, I could follow his path! Go do some more research, and the listen again: you'll understand what he was talking about. The lack in NOT with his thoughts, but with your lack of knowledge!

p.s., Anyone who has studied ANY history knows that history doesn't repeat but it DOES rhyme! The same 'flaws' (and evil) that led to WWI and WWII are coming AROUND again! THAT is what Clif was teaching: how the 'echoes' of "100 years ago" are pointing to WHAT'S COMING UP!

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You are NOT forced to listen to Clif's audio.

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go away troll , stop being pathetic and stooooopid....

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So basically, the families behind WW2 are behind the shit that is happening today. Man these evil bastards are patient.

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The good news is that wo their influence, humans are inherently good hearted 💓

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So very true... however the fact remains that the good hearted people are also fast asleep, normies as Clif calls them. And I do agree with you we will win in the end.

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Regarding Lemon and Carlson. The cabal just made a chess move. Everything has a meaning. It is hard to discern, but like Clif says, it may be a temporal marker. I love the way Clif figures things out. Deep deep thinking.

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Thank you for posting these each time!

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Thank you Chris!

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