Is this world perfect? Or flawed?
If you think it is flawed, is it really? Or is that view a result of your personal experience and thinking? If you think the world is flawed, do you have evidence that does not arise from a personal conclusion?
The various religions approach this question from different perspectives. Most favor a ‘perfect world’, with the apparent flaws being an artifact of human experience. In other words, it is a perfect world, say most of the religions, and it is only humans who are not as grand as god, so we project flaws outward onto Universe due to the limitations of our minds. So it is a perfect world, but we ain’t perfect in it.
Some religious texts describe a different, flawed World, in which there are ‘errors’ in its creation. Most notably we find this idea in the Talmud, but it also appears in Hindu religious history, and even some Muslim sects.
The dualist religions of the world are all in the ‘perfect world’ category. These religions do not see evil as a flaw, but rather as a necessary opposition to good. Fundamentally the idea is that the human mind cannot define ‘good’ without reference to ‘non-good (evil)’. Thus dualism is required of a perfect world in order that humans may be able to learn, and have internal progress across time due to their encounters with evil. Basically the same concept arises within the idea of a ‘universal, though applied individually as well as collectively, karma’. In many of the dualist religions, the idea of attempting to eliminate evil from the Human World is completely absurd. The dualistic Cathari religion describes attempts, personal, or collective, to ‘remove evil’ as ‘trying to breathe without exhaling’.
In the view held by the Khazarian Mafia who take the Talmud as their guide, the world is flawed because god fucked up. The presented story from the Khazarian Mafia cosmology is that god is something of a bumble fingers, and had an accident with the ‘sparks of life’ here on earth. We can note a slightly similar understanding coming from Hindu sects about the ‘water’, or ‘blood’, of Life having a ‘few drops spilled’ during transport from western India across over to the Asian Pacific coast.
In both cases, the world is made flawed by accident, not purposefully, by god. Hmmm… so your god is prone to dropping shit? In both sets of religious texts, if one reads them whole, and assumes that the book is factually reporting a chain of events, these ‘accidents’ are a side effect of wars being waged by the ‘gods’ (there were many of these ‘god’ people in both the Talmud & the Vedic literature) who conquered the tribes of hunter/gatherer humans and used them to wage war on other ‘gods’ tribes of captured humans. And, in both sets of texts, the ‘gods’ are living, breathing, shitting, beings who are said to ‘have come down’ to Earth.
The Khazarian Mafia tribe of globalists, the planetary self proclaimed ‘elites’, have a view that while the World of Humanity is flawed, it may be perfected, by them. This idea of an ‘imperfect’ world, but through the actions of specific, ‘chosen’ men, it is ‘perfect-able’ is unique to the Khazarian Mafia. In other ‘flawed world’ religions, the ‘accident’ that occasioned the flaws may not be repaired. The World is now, according to these views, flawed, but without redemption of those flaws.
There is much to be learned about the human concepts of Time in analyzing these views, as the cosmology defines the parameters of thinking of the individual. In the Perfect World view, the world is not constrained by time. It is perfect, now, and the perceived flaws are just a ‘human thing’ that relates to our personal, and collective, experience of life here in this world. In the Khazarian Mafia view, Time, is very much a key element in the ‘advancement’ of the World of Humans that the Khazarian Mafia has been told by their god is ‘theirs to rule’. But, Time is the sauce.
To the Khazarian Mafia, Time is a bitch. In their efforts to “make the world perfect”, in order to ‘induce the gods to return’, every aspect must be ‘perfected’, including attention to the timing. So for the Khazarian Mafia, it is not enough to have an assassination, or a world war break out, it must do so on specific days, and at specific times. It is this way with all their tasks in service of their gods. These must be completed to the preset timing, or it’s not going to work. Of course, Time, being what it is, there will always be another, propitious, time, in the future, for their efforts. Of course, if they fail to create the conditions, it was due to their flaws, which likely included errors in picking out the appropriate timing. It’s ever so complicated.
This World is perfect. To view it as flawed, is the flaw in you being projected outward.
Humans are perfect. Even, and especially, our flaws are perfect.
Universe created a Perfect World in which Humanity is to struggle and learn, thus are enemies provided to challenge us through contention to be worthy.
Without the Khazarian Mafia, who will be the enemy to prompt human growth?
Not to worry, Universe is, after all, a Perfect World.
Many years ago I was in a toxic relationship, my ex happened to be a well educated and successful licensed therapist, however one with a personality disorder! She had sociopath tenancies, anger issues, jealousy, lust for power and control. I'm not getting into the finer details, other than it was a few years of hell. In hindsight, it was a journey. That journey involved facing my own deficiency, my insecurities, my own willingness to tolerate bullshit. I had to go through hell, negative experiences to change as an individual, to make myself better. I had to face the things I didn't want to face. I hit a point where I walked away and that monster didn't want to let go. The escape was brutal, but worth it. She lacked the capacity to face her our own fears and insecurities, so the solution was to destroy whe she perceived could expose them (me). But in the process of doing so, she exposed herself to many family and friends, and let them see whom she really was. All I had to do was sit back, and say nothing. They saw the ugliness.
As a group of humans, a society, a collective conscience, we're all in a bad relationship with bad governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions. They've upped the ante because for so long they've gotten away with it and we've put up with it. Right now, we're hitting the point where we're starting to walk away as a growing collective. The grip on power that these conglomerates have, well, they're losing it. As a result, their solution is destroy what exposes them (us). They use wars, injections, food and money. However in the process of doing so, more of us see them for who they really are.
Back to a bad personal relationship, after leaving hell, I can say the journey was worth it. I met an amazing woman, got married, had and amazing child started a family. I grew my business and cultivated positive relationships with amazing people. Life is good and will continue to be so. The path to get here was a struggle, but worth it.
As a collection of humans on the orb, we're also on this journey. Conscious humanity is on this journey. The universe put twisted motherfuckers on this planet to test us, to keep it in check. Some times I think narcissistic people is nature's way of keeping human growth in check, or maybe to help us grow? But I do know the twisted motherfucker's (governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions) goal is to keep you focused on the negatives, the despair, and welcome in their bullshit solutions to grant them more power and control. The beautiful thing is, we get to chose how to navigate this journey, they do not. They're set on a timeline to make moves, we can move when and where we please, whether it be mental or physical.
Thankful for people like Clif among others working to make sense of the crazy. Truly fascinating times to live in, scary as fuck as times but I try to keep positive. My goal is to keep my family safe and make it through. This journey is going to be hell, but on the back end I'd like to see us all in a better place and justice served to the twisted motherfuckers among us.
Clif I think I'm seeing so many more people than ever before acting and thinking irrationally. I'm sad to say but I don't think they can be saved. No critical thinking, grasping insane ideas, emotional wrecks. Not sure why this has occurred but I think we have alot of neurologically damaged people that cant grow as humans, and worst of all they are breeding.