Many years ago I was in a toxic relationship, my ex happened to be a well educated and successful licensed therapist, however one with a personality disorder! She had sociopath tenancies, anger issues, jealousy, lust for power and control. I'm not getting into the finer details, other than it was a few years of hell. In hindsight, it was a journey. That journey involved facing my own deficiency, my insecurities, my own willingness to tolerate bullshit. I had to go through hell, negative experiences to change as an individual, to make myself better. I had to face the things I didn't want to face. I hit a point where I walked away and that monster didn't want to let go. The escape was brutal, but worth it. She lacked the capacity to face her our own fears and insecurities, so the solution was to destroy whe she perceived could expose them (me). But in the process of doing so, she exposed herself to many family and friends, and let them see whom she really was. All I had to do was sit back, and say nothing. They saw the ugliness.
As a group of humans, a society, a collective conscience, we're all in a bad relationship with bad governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions. They've upped the ante because for so long they've gotten away with it and we've put up with it. Right now, we're hitting the point where we're starting to walk away as a growing collective. The grip on power that these conglomerates have, well, they're losing it. As a result, their solution is destroy what exposes them (us). They use wars, injections, food and money. However in the process of doing so, more of us see them for who they really are.
Back to a bad personal relationship, after leaving hell, I can say the journey was worth it. I met an amazing woman, got married, had and amazing child started a family. I grew my business and cultivated positive relationships with amazing people. Life is good and will continue to be so. The path to get here was a struggle, but worth it.
As a collection of humans on the orb, we're also on this journey. Conscious humanity is on this journey. The universe put twisted motherfuckers on this planet to test us, to keep it in check. Some times I think narcissistic people is nature's way of keeping human growth in check, or maybe to help us grow? But I do know the twisted motherfucker's (governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions) goal is to keep you focused on the negatives, the despair, and welcome in their bullshit solutions to grant them more power and control. The beautiful thing is, we get to chose how to navigate this journey, they do not. They're set on a timeline to make moves, we can move when and where we please, whether it be mental or physical.
Thankful for people like Clif among others working to make sense of the crazy. Truly fascinating times to live in, scary as fuck as times but I try to keep positive. My goal is to keep my family safe and make it through. This journey is going to be hell, but on the back end I'd like to see us all in a better place and justice served to the twisted motherfuckers among us.
Whenever I hear (see) the word "stakeholder" I think of the warrior preparing to drive the stake into the heart of the Vampire. Right now the vampires are holding the stakes. Let the warrior take them away and use them as intended.
whenever i hear the term 'vampire' i think of the word 'parasite'. Klaus is an iconic parasite.
part of the problem in these discussions is what's subjectively chosen to base counterpoint identities for argument's sake. few want to align with blood-suckers, but aligning with a blood-letter, or 'warrior', is assumed to be a 'counterpoint'. it's not necessarily so.
what we have under 'human-being' is inherently subject to time. time is the perceptual glue of this mock-up, vibrational-frequency reality that we oft find so contradictory, and violently so.
who or what cares about the most innocent and magnificently lovely form of what we call 'life' when what we call a star arrives at an event we call 'nova' and apparently, mindlessly evaporates said magnificent 'life' and its parasitic counterparts at random? is such total, indiscriminate destruction evil?
our 'planet' is subject to periodic purges via our sun/star that does not discriminate between human perceived good and evil. it wipes the surface near bare of nearly all 'life' and the cycle repeats throughout 'time'. a lot like conventional farming, it seems.
that, at least, is our human perception of what takes place. like erasing an amazing blackboard equation, the dust and the blackboard remain as components for another regenerative/cyclic manifestation of intelligent expression, ..or, subjective, profane graffiti.
neither will manifest absent human perception of time. i think the gnostics came closest with the myth of Sophia. this world is one of essential potentials subjectively contained.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to major in psychology and become a psychologist. My mother convinced me not to. Her words? “Don’t go into psychology. They’re all crazy.”
She was a gifted special ed teacher and had good reason to know from interacting with such so-called experts.
The craziest people go into psychiatry, and psychological counseling in an attempt to figure out why they're so nuts. Not all psychiatrists, and psychologists are crazy, but like the Ashkenazim, who have a higher than normal degree of inbreeding, and socio-psychopathy, the "mental health" profession has a higher than normal incidence of wack jobs attracted to it, and many of them, by the way, are Ashkenazim.
The Khazarian mafia are inbreeders, not the ashkinaz Jews. Get this straight. All Jews are NOT Khazarian mafia. Saying that is no different than lumping all catholics in with the Illuminati or Jesuits. Stop pigeon holing groups please. Humans have a bad habit of doing that.
This isn't the usual crowd. We understand that Clif isn't bracketing all Jews in as KM. I think he has been clear about that in earlier letters. KM is a select group, torturing the rest of us unnecessarily.
He did on one occasion, even going so far as to espouse that all ashkinaz Jews could not write or speak hebrew! Thst totally inaccurate. I'm hearing too much from this following of ashk Jews causing this that and the next thing. We all have to stop this. Call them what they are KHAZARIAN MAFIA! There are millions if ashk Jews and maybe 1% of them are the criminals. And trust me, most Jews do not even know about this group. They will lose their shit if and when the truth comes out.
Maybe so, but many want to be rich Jews follow, and take orders from them with the promise of bigger wealth. They never can have enough money and power. They revere those with wealth, and every Christmas or New Year they go to temple, $100 entrance fee. to absolve their sins of the past year and ask forgiveness for those lie and deceptions they will do in the upcoming year. Therefore, learning about that it leads to one conclusion in my mind.
And catholics or other religions dont do this? Absolve their wrongdoings thru confession and pass the plate around? Please! I'm not even going to comment on this statement of yours!
No, Tay Sachs is a disease of limited gene pool of Ashenazim. It has nothing to do with whether any particular Ashkenazi Jew is a KM member or not.. Please get your facts straight.
I understand that all Jews are not KM. First there are the actual Semitic Hebrews who trace their lineage to the Levant, and were not forced to convert to Judiasm like the Ashkenazim were. They were, and still largely are opposed to the creation of the Zionist terrorist state of Israel. Then there are all the other Ashkenazim who are normal folks, like a woman I dated for a couple of years, and some of my friends who are Ashkenazim. I don't pigeon hole groups but acknowledge stereo types exist for a reason in that they contain elements of truth.
You're ill informed. I am Ashk and I and in fact my family do not carry the gene. They test Jewish people for this. Many do not carry it. And just so you know. There are MILLIONS of us. One cannot inbreed unless one is marrying a cousin or closer relative or within a tiny group that sets itself apart from others. Its illegal in our society to marry a family member and its very frowned upon to marry a cousin. Even several removed . I bred livestock & dogs for almost 40 years & understand this concept. I kept my COI lower than 6%. Yes there are Jews that carry tay sachs. It may be that the tiny orthodoxy have this issue. They are too strict about marrying within the orthodoxy (ergo tiny gene pool). The vast majority of Jews are reform and Conservative. They do not have that need. Your initial post said "Jews" and that pigeon holed a HUGE group. So now you have more information.
I almost always distinguish between the Semitic Hebrews who trace their lineage to the ancient Levant, and the Ashkenazim with their higher than normal degree of inbreeding, and socio-psychopathy who were thus not welcomed in other countries, and forced to convert to the Hebrew religion which is why I rarely use the general word Jew, and did not do so on this thread.
I understand your point about not all Ashkenazim being inbred. I'm a bioenginner who spent a year studying quantitative genetics so I get population dynamics, and that there are perfectly healthy, well adjusted Ashkenazim. I know many as I've worked with them, helped them in their civic endeavors to better out world, and dated them. Some are among the most intelligent, and funny people I know.
Ashkenzim played major roles in genocides of the 20th Century. Two major genocides (Bolshevik Revolution, and Mao's Cultural Revolution) and a significant one (the Third Reich's insanity) had significant involvement by Ashkenazim. The Zionist socio-psychopaths behind forming the Zionist terrorist stats of Israel denied many requests to get people out of Germany when they had the means to do so, and didn't because they needed a body count for propaganda. Even if 6 million Ashkenazim died, which is vastly overinflated, it would still be a comparatively minor genocide by 20th Century standards yet the world is beat over our collective head with Holocaust idiocy while the Zionist terrorist state of Israel runs the world's largest outdoor prison in the illegally militarily occupied territories inspired by the Warsaw Ghetto.
The Zionist terrorist state of Israel is a scourge on our world. The U.S. should have invaded it when the socio-psychopaths attacked the USS Liberty and returned all the land the criminally filthy terrorists stole to its rightful owners.
The Chicago Outfit greaseball Paul "the waiter" Rica ran guns for the Zionist terrorists to be used in the raping, pillaging, and plundering of the Holy Land by scum who had ZERO connection thereto.
So what do you do with a jew who has BOTH Dna !!! (Plus a titch of S.Asian). Many sephardic Jews lived in EU and wound up in Spain, Portugal. Like I say, KM are not Jews. Clif made claims a month or so back that were completely wrong as well (that EU Jews can't read or speak Hebrew and that the Talmud is a big deal.). NOPE! I had to go to Hebrew school after public school from elementary school, junior high, high school. I could fluently speak, read Hebrew and THE ONLY BOOK WE STUDIED WAS THE OLD TESTAMENT! No Talmud, No Zohar. I never even laid eyes on or heard of either as a kid. I also spoke/read French and studied Latin in school cuz I thought it would help me learn Spanish. O never learned or spoke Yiddish contra Clifs assertions as well. I never continued using any of those languages into adulthood. lost all of it thru non use (I'm 68). I recall some French and can still read some but I'm Canadian, and French is our other national language. So it's sometimes "in my face". I rejected any religion in my teens. I think of "source" or "the force" 😉. I don't need a go between to communicate with Source. I'm spiritual vs religious. I think all religions are systems of control. I've always thought that.
Please hang in there. You are worth everything in this world. Everything is just backwards right now (the bad people get rewarded and the good people get nothing) but it's all going to change for the better. I believe so anyway. Take care, be stronger than ever!
If I may Kathy, I would look into supplementing with magnesium. There are about seven types of them and it would be good idea to take most of them. Anyway good luck with your journey and please don't give up
Stockholm Syndrome. The best way to deal with it is to view the captors with love, and view your time with them as true service to others. As Edgar Cayce so brilliantly demonstrated we are forever meeting ourself or our karma in others. Steiner's approach was to meditate on your misfortunes in life as things your higher self willed. It is primarily our misfortunes that help us grow. Picking on another's weakness in revenge is likely counterproductive whereas using it to cleverly open their eyes could be quite productive.
Hi, Kathy, you deserve happiness & joy & love in your life! Five years ago I discovered a healer named Mas Sajady who does frequency work with people to awaken & reawaken their inner joy, happiness & spiritual gifts. I have found his work to be very healing & beneficial & come from a family that runs somi lo ar patterns to your husband. Mas calls the knowledge he's discovered Xponential Intelligence. He has a YouTube channel with free Sundsy healing sessions & podcasts & a website with free healing sessions that can be downloaded & is worth looking into if you have an open mind. You deserve much better in this life & Mas' work can help you to be freer & happier in this life & better prepared (to not suffer running similar patterns) in your next life. Sincerely, Kim
Clif I think I'm seeing so many more people than ever before acting and thinking irrationally. I'm sad to say but I don't think they can be saved. No critical thinking, grasping insane ideas, emotional wrecks. Not sure why this has occurred but I think we have alot of neurologically damaged people that cant grow as humans, and worst of all they are breeding.
Proverbs 17:28. "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."
Or, in more modern parlance, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
In the last 15 years we have been witness to an explosion of millions of "other people's thoughts" as they vomit those thoughts all over the world via social media. Perhaps our opinions of "other people" before this new age of communiocation was based more on our personal interactions with those who were in our family, work, and larger social sphere. Maybe that was 100 or so people before email and social media. Now we see the rantings and thoughts of thousands and more.
Maybe a good percentage of people were never brilliant independent thinkers. We just didn't previously know that they existed in as large a number as we've seen more recently.
So many of them have university degrees. What has become very clear through the covid play is that these people do not think. Instead, they've been trained to imitate thinking. Moreover they're only able to imitate thinking in narrow, externally defined areas.
"Imitate thinking". Good descriptive phrase for "memorizing only establishment-accepted responses as taught by your betters - the professors and "experts"....
Some years back, in a discussion about the failure of the modern educational systems, one person commented "In the mid 1970s, universities realized that they could make huge amounts of profit by selling the mere ILLUSION of education instead of actual education."
We see the results of that now, masses of hyper-credentialed graduates who (as you so nicely phrase it) have "been trained to imitate thinking." There is no fool more convinced of his own infallibility than a fool with a degree.
Many many of them are on SSRI's etc.......a new study came out today that said SSRI's (Anti-depressants) do not work. It's all been a lie! They don't raise Serotonin at all.
So, what do they do? Why is everyone on them? Because they keep you sedated, calm, non-emotional, pliable and compliant....just like Fluoride in the Water does only better! Not everyone drinks much water these days,.....but everyone take Anti-depressants! I know people on more than one of them!
I think they set everyone up on these to facilitate their Massive Global Currency RESET. That's all they are RESETTING,...their DEBT/TAX scheme is crashing. And they don't have a WAR for Cover as they usually do. They tried the plandemic, they tried the lock downs, and they are going to try again! But we the people,.....we see what they are doing now. No World War will be coming, civil war either,......The White Hats,....President Trump, President Putin, Premier Xi and many others, like the President of Brazil,.....are working together to take this KM down once and for good. It's going to take time,....years as Clif has said, keep on preparing yourself. As many bad people as their are on this planet,.....there are millions more Good people. And the KM can't hide any more....they rushed everything because of the Grand Solar Minimum. Now it's falling apart!
Clif said it would take 18 more years to clean up this problem. This doesn’t mean 18 more years to defeat the Cabal.
Remember that wars go through phases and like any unfolding event it’s difficult to estimate when one phase ends and another starts.
My own admittedly non-scientific estimate is that the main battles with the Cabal will be over by 2024-25, there then follows a ‘mop up’ phase which might last to 2040(I will be 77 then so I might not be here to see the true ending)..
The Cabal’s plans are in ruins, their organization and especially their funding took a massive hit when Russia started their SpecOps in Ukraine.
Like any war there was is a major turning point, in WW2 it was the Battle of Stalingrad, in the war on the Cabal it’s the Russian incursion into Ukraine.
The next major turning point will be the US midterm elections, because the US is a keystone nation in the Cabal’s power structure when the Democrats fall so will the Cabal’s major support system.
So Why would it take 18 years to full clean up the Cabal?
I think it’s because their entrenchment is so deep in western society.
Ironically in 3rd world countries devastated by the Cabal’s policies they will be the ones to be cleared first, once their gov’ts are toppled it’s more straightforward to clean them up.
In the West, we are throughly infiltrated at all levels of not only government but social institutions as well.
Business, Education/Academia, healthcare , the legal system, on and on.
Each of these sectors will need to be purged of the infestation and that won’t be easy without collapsing society as a whole.
Remember there are diehard completely programmed sectors of the population which will never accept the rise of any other system. These populations will need to be deprogrammed or unfortunately eliminated if they use force and violence to restart their ‘system’.
The danger during this time is to overlook or ignore pockets of the Cabal which would start everything all over again in a century’s time.
This time humanity will need to do a very thorough deep cleaning so that no pockets remain.
How much time did it take for the post-WW2 Nazi hunters to catch-up with most of the main characters from the Nazi regime? 40 years…
How long will it take to eliminate all traces of the Cabal/KM cult completely from world society?.
I agree. However, at end of ww2, USA which was already infiltrated, began operation paperclip which brought a whack load of nazis to North America. The worst kind too...the doctors, scientists, pharma researchers , physicists etc. That became devastating over time. If there aee no deals, no get out of jail cards, this time, it may not take 40 years to get them all. I am almost 70. I want it to be under 19 years for total clean up. Because I want to see it! I want to watch the tribunals. I want to see them PTD. (Never in my life did I ever ever think I would want to watch an execution!)
Yes Operation Paperclip, hence why I said each and every pocket must be cleaned out worldwide.
A major obstacle will be Intelligence agencies of every country in the world many of whom are thoroughly compromised.
It's not as easy to simply disband them; the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mossad etc, these people are the truly dangerous people, they are highly trained agents who know many aspects of fighting a covert dirty war, of camouflage, sabotage and assassination.
They know how to put together black ops and run them and they know how to blend in and hide, this is why I say its going to take a long time to clear out the Cabal.
The easy targets are the top of the Cabal pyramid because of their visibility, the bottom is also relatively easy because most of them are simply pawns and brainwashed drones looking to make a $ and aren't all that ideological but are greedy and selfish people.
It's the "middle managers" who are the biggest danger because of their capabilities and training.
Tribunals are coming, of that I'm reasonably sure and as Clif mentioned in his videos these tribunals will NOT be held behind closed doors, neither will the sentencing nor the executions.
The people of the world need to see what the ultimate penalty for Crimes against Humanity really means because at that point we will be facing up to at least 600 million dead worldwide in from the jabs over the next 5-10 years, and this might be a conservative estimate depending on what was really in the jabs and if any kind of solution can be found.
Of course we aren't there yet and the Cabal are trying to strike back and complete their genocide. Never in my life have I seen a so openly genocidal bunch of psychopaths.
The recent announcement that Schwab and the UN Secretary General have agreed to accelerate the Great Reset tells me they are desperate and panicking that everything is coming to an end.
And more than century's worth of planning and effort all that time and money spent maneuvering the system so that they can in the end murder 95% of humanity and "ascend" to a form of techno-godhood.
The level of hate and insanity is mind boggling.
I hope some of them are taken alive so that I can hear the satisfying snap of their necks after their trials are over with.
I tried to give you a red heart, but it won't let me. Any way, you are right,....we could defeat the Cabal 1% probably in a couple years, just like Clif said,...but rooting out all of their puppets every where will take decades, which he also said. First we have to save our Country,....after that, it's all going to be much easier! Calling for DEVOLUTION! I don't think anything else will do it,....but we'll see.
No need to call for Devolution as it's already in play and has been since the end of Trump's first term.
The strange behavior of the US military in how it treats and responds to the Biden administration and the Democrats tells me they are already operating independently of the WH, especially since they didn't respond to the Russian intervention in the Ukraine, as a matter of fact much of Congress was itching to get into a real shooting war in Russia but the Pentagon has been strangely silent.
The same goes for the militaries of the NATO countries, none of them were activated and ordered into action, not even in Canada where WEF puppet Trudeau supposedly can order such a thing.
All they've done is ship batches of old and about to expire weapons to Ukraine, none of the really modern stuff.
I think the results of Devolution will be felt going into the midterms and into 2023, I think once Russia completes their special operation in Ukraine a lot of evidence on the Cabal and it's activities using US funds will come out in the open.
The only danger here is if the Cabal gets too desperate they might try to go for mass murders and suicide. If they know they're defeated for all time they might just go for Operation Spoilsport, kill as many people as possible then commit suicide as a "middle finger" to God.
As I said above, I've never seen the level of absolute hatred coming from any group of people that I've seen coming from the Cabal, which is why they need to be destroyed down to the last member.
BTW, I believe Ivana Trump's death wasn't an accident, it was a message to the white hats from the Cabal. The gloves are off, you can't protect everyone and we will kill those you love if you keep on interfering with our plans.
It might also be payback for the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, which is a Cabal religious monument.
I don't know about Ivana,.....I read that she had plans to travel and had taken a booster for "covid" and then a week later taken the Monkeypox vaxx. Don't now if it was true. But that would have been a massive shock to her system. People are blaming the VAX. I think President Trump would have been very upset if it was murder.
Have a careful look at Trump’s expressions during transport of Ivana’s casket to and from the church.
Trump is very good at usually holding onto his emotions but here you can see he’s very upset, he’s not emotional but look at the expression of concern on Melania’s face when she looks at him.
Even though it’s his ex-wife, she was the mother of his adult kids.
Also I don’t believe in coincidences, yes Ivana might have taken too many shots at once but any half competent doctor would’ve told Ivana not to have taken the Pox shot as she was at little risk for catching it and greater risk for side effects.
But a week prior the Georgia Guidestones were blown up and had to be demolished, so a week later Trump’s ex-wife dies in a fall due to too many shots?
If it were murder Trump has enough connections still in the government to get it suppressed until he can have his own people investigating the case.
In my own research the GGs weren’t simply a set of granite stones carved and erected by a mysterious crank. The stones cost a lot of money both to quarry and engrave, a lot of work went into creating that monument.
It has significant religious importance to the KM similar to what Stonehenge means to the pagans.
What was carved there was basically their version of the 10 commandments, and my bet is that site meant a lot more than simply a mission statement of the KM.
Part of their beliefs is that their open statements of intent to the universe gives them some protection under Universal Law from the Law of Karma.
It’s complicated but they believe if they openly state their purpose and nobody objects it means they consent to the KM’s actions.
Now blowing up that site is tantamount to sacrilege and even if the white hats didn’t do it the KM were enraged enough to take revenge on their enemy, Trump.
I sure hope that we can get all of them,...otherwise, they'll regroup and just start again under a new name. They are going to get a huge boost in their Depopulation plan,...with the fake virus, the shots and the civil unrest and social break down that is coming. Once the human race realizes how they have been lied to about the shots, the economy and everything else for decades,.....the Shit really will Hit the FAN! Many, many people will die. Maybe the Khazarian Mafia will just go underground into their bunkers for a while,....until the dust settles and then just continue with their plan. With what the Biden PUPPET has done people will starve in the big cities.... energy will be so expensive, that most people will not be able to heat their homes! Do you think President Trump will be back before all this happens? It had better be soon then! We have to get the Oil Industry back up and running fast! We also have a Grand Solar Minimum that we are in now,.....a significant cooling of the planet,'s going to make it much harder to grown food out side. We need to build huge warehouses to grow food in and keep livestock in! That's going to take a lot of POWER. I hope President Trump is aware of the GSM? He never mentions it. We should be preparing for it NOW! Not trying to put Chem Trail shit in the atmosphere to block the sun and lie about Nitrogen and Carbon being "bad" for the planet. If anything more Carbon would be a good thing in a Global Cool down! NASA and NOAA have tried to warn us about the coming cool down,....but the MAN MADE CLIMATE scammers have censored it a lot! They have been making so much money extorting other Countries over Carbon!
Absolutely! Right on! I have been meditating and visualising this. I have a vision board in my kitchen that I can see and stare at all the time. It has about 50 of the criminals faces pasted on it and I put barbed wire looking bars across the hole thing and picture of massive fire scape beneath them all. (A burn in hell feel to it). I think if we visualize the KM demise, it helps the energy along! 😎
If they are multi jabbed, it's likely they are now infertile. So don't worry too much about the "breeding". I see a lot of jabbed with def mental changes. They can't critically think and have deficits. They will very likely live extremely shortened lives. This means that we who are awake will have a helluva lot of work ahead of us to create the new world.
Brain compromised. I think micro clots in brain. Also they now know that the spike causes weird folding proteins like in the case of CJD and BSE (spongform encephalopathy). CJD is human version. Normally it takes years to kill people but the vax type is taking less than 6 months. So much neurological damage from these jabs.
My own bet is that we will be seeing increasing levels of ‘insanity’ and abnormal behaviour which accompanies those with brain damage.
Definitely a spike in Dementia type diseases in all age groups which has never been seen before and these are the ‘lucky’ survivors.
Eventually those with the most jabs will die first and those who stopped at a single jab might be ‘saved’.
But the children 😓, those children who are the victims of their parents ignorance, those I feel the most for because they’ll suffer the most from these shots well into their adult years.
That is IF they make it to adulthood. My bet is that they won't. Or at best die by 40. It's a bloody travesty, nightmare. Why couldn't they listen to reason!
I've pondered this question myself since the start of the pandemic.
Taking into account Mass Formation Psychosis or Mass Hypnotism I believe much of their resistance to reason comes from decades of preconditioning and preprogramming created by the Cabal controlled media and educational system.
Especially people in the western countries who have been conditioned by the mass media over the past 70 years(since the 1950s) to automatically trust authoritative sounding sources, the so called voice of authority. This also applies to the Western educational system from the K-12 level, where obedience and conformity to social expectations are taught from day one.
It's rare in people born in the Boomer generation and afterwards to find individuals who truly think independently and apply critical thinking skills as well as discernment and skepticism.
It's only been getting worse in each successive generation, the only break came when the Internet was created, this technological development had unforeseen consequences the Cabal did not anticipate.
Mass media in the form of television and newspapers were readily controllable, the Internet is not easily controllable without an exponential expenditure of resources.
I believe this simple evolution of technology "freed" some people enough to "wake up" from the mass hypnosis of the broadcast media.
As few as we are, the ones who questioned the vaccines and the whole scamdemic are the ones who like to and prefer to form their own opinions, aren't easily dissuaded by difficult challenges and value the truth above all else.
The ones who blindly followed and still follow the MSM and obey without question are those who truly cannot think for themselves any longer. I've met and argued with such people and it's almost impossible to get them to consider an alternate point of view, their programming is so strong it overwhelms any ability to question and to comprehend alternate facts and viewpoints which differ from the mainstream narrative.
I mourn for the children who will suffer the consequences of these shots, however I do not mourn their parents.
Perhaps it's better they removed themselves from the gene pool by their choices, they are not of the future or what the future will be about.
Some of us, as we get older, seem to worry less, seem to fear less. Seem to appreciate life more but be all the quicker to separate from it in the exhilaration of death in service to other beings. Clif , as an old "mean" man you are not alone, thanks for leading the charge.
I cannot perceive a more blatant “evil” than health officials unleashing the jab on our very young children. It astounds me re how these “adults” could conclude that jabbing young ones, when so many thousands of deaths have resulted from the concoction, would be to “protect” & keep them “safe. I obviously live on a different planet than those for I see protecting children as an uppermost virtue of humanity. Have huge difficulties in understanding how it can be otherwise. Yet, children now are being jabbed? The inhumanity in that jabbing action is unfathomable! God help us all!
The World needs to let me get my hands on the 13 Bloodline Families and their Senior Assholes in Charge and then I will take a page from their book and “Do as thou whilst shall be the whole of the law”. It is time for the Controllers to become Extinct.
For those of you who have been conned into thinking there is a SOC/G of Whitehats fighting the good fight, you have been PsyOpped. There are no good guys. They are weeded out of the Power System. It will be us, and only us, who fight the NWO Khazarian Mafia Central Banker Globalist Lucifarian Pedo Assholes. Do not expect someone else to save you. Draw your line in the sand and then go on the Warpath if it is crossed. Who wants to live forever anyways?
I don't have your apparent insight into psyops so I can't make such a definitive dismissive statement but I do know Trump's actions as POTUS were among the most complex, sometimes contradictory, but, in the main, the most anti-establishment actions taken by a POTUS perhaps in the history of the U.S. I've thought from early in his term he was a possible psyop but the bulk of his actions seemingly contradict that. Q is a psyop but one that may be benevolent. I hold out hope that Patel Patriot's exceptional series of COG and devolution is correct. He presents evidence, not definitive dismissive statements backed by ZERO evidence.
I have all the evidence I need for my statement with three FACTS:
1. Trump implemented Operation Warpspeed which injected experimental mRNA Gene-Therapy into a vast number of Americans. The shots do not function as advertised. They cause myocarditis, blood clots, illness, sterility and death.
2. He allowed the US Military to mandate said shots upon Servicemen and has effectively driven all Constitutional-Minded Patriots from the service or crippled the remainder via the Clot-shot. The publicly known increased mortality numbers on Servicemen has quadrupled.
3. He broke his Oath of Office by abdicating the Presidency to Candidate benefiting from blatant Election Fraud and Criminal Conspiracy. As you can see, the state of the USA Inc is in shambles from the intentional destruction this Criminal Admin has caused.
The most important FACT is that all the deaths and injuries from the Vaxx Program rest firmly at Trumps' feet. His actions, and more importantly, his inactions make him an accomplice to a massive depopulation program. No one becomes President of the Corporation without being PUT THERE by the Powers that Be. You don't get to soft-kill a Country and still be the Good Guy. FYI, the facts are in that the shots are Poison.
I don't live in the simple black, and white bright line world you do, particularly because I likely have far more experience in the real world of business, and politics than do you.
So let's correct one of your 3 "facts," add some new ones you' likely don't know to help you make a more complete case, and add some counter arguments to your overly simplistic views.
Trump had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the U.S. Armed Services mandating the eugenics bioweapon which he is complicit in helping develop with Op Warp Speed. He had alreadyl lost the election when the FDA issued the EAU for it. While he was for a couple more weeks still Commander in Chief after the EAU was issued his ability to intervene was non-existent given the command structures.
I'll assume you're already schooled having read the ENTIRE Patel Patriot series so you already know of the numerous highly unusual, very important changes Trump made in the US Armed Services late in his term, which were unprecedented not to mention one thing that series missed which is Trump enacted JFK's National Security Action Memos that removed ALL U.S. Armed Services support from the CIA which JFK was murdered by before he could enact. There's also Space Force that Trump created which the series does cover but misses important context.
You forgot to mention Trump signed the CARES Act which was written a FULL YEAR before the COVID19 bioweapon was released. This provides billions of dollars in incentives for the healthcare industry to murder people.
Yet, Trump also issued an EO in July, 2019 to allow pharmaceutical drugs to be "reimported" from Canada where they're far cheaper. I worked for years for criminal Big Pharma, and this action eviscerates the revenue enhancements those criminal filth received from Warp Speed. Trump also took numerous actions that gutted the globalist plan to offshore ALL US intellectual property, manufacturing capacity, and other economic functions to China.
Trump built much of the wall on our southern border which was far more than just a physical wall. It had to do with, among many other things, his EO on human trafficking making the liability of corporations and other entities, like Disney, and the Catholic Church, that are involved in it civilly liable for HUGE fiscal loss.
I could go on about many more incredibly positive, but very difficult things Trump accomplished but maybe you were paying attention and know them all as I do. Your claim presidents are selected is only partly true. It's nowhere near as black and white as you seem to believe. I can tell you've never been involved in even local elected politics or else you would know how our system works.
I had some private meetings with former Chicago Mayor, Rich Daley, who in 22 years transformed Chicago which was 2 steps away from becoming a shit hole like Detroit or St. Louis, to one of the top 10 international cities as measured by three highly respected business ranking systems. Only NYC, and Chicago in the U.S. made the top 10 grades of all three systems. I also met with Rahm Emanuel when he was mayor. I ran for elected office as a Republican in Chicago, and was cheated out of votes, but both men respected me, and did things for my community that I asked for, Rahm under threat of a federal law suit.
Yet, Daley also blew up the public pension debt, had a number of corrupt aholes, who were supposedly his friends, screw him, and the city over, and he complained often how his hands were tied by the unions, although he found work arounds the unions, and he also told me what an ahole Obama is because Rich couldn't get him to do ANYTHING he needed done for Chicago. He told me GW Bush helped him more. I saw challenges Rahm faced as mayor, and he is in some respects a more shrew operator than is Daley, but a far worse retail politician.
My point is I saw first hand how tough a job being mayor of a big city is. Being POTUS is VASTLY more difficult.
I tend to believe Trump is a white hat who was hemmed in a thousand ways with bioweapon, nuke and other deep state threats, attempts on his life, and other serious political threats including the one from closeted faggot Marco Rubio, a coke head POS lying scumbag, and Mitch McConman, who should be publicly hanged for his treasonous collusion with China. McConman, and closeted faggot Rubio threatened Trump with impeachment if he obeyed the law from the 1990's to release all the CIA's files on their murder of JFK, which is why Trump only did a partial release.
Your claim he violated his oath to the Constitution rings a bit hollow in the context of gladiator politics. I'd guess you've never been involved in serious politics or a serious street or ring fight because reality, and ideals aren't always congruent.
Tldr. Everything you wrote is one big cope. Look outside. Look at the news. Look at the people. Does it seem like anything good is happening? You are polishing brass on the Titanic. Time to get ready to fight and give up your illusions about Political Figures and Secret Hero G-Men. No one is coming to save you Little Boy, and deep down inside you know it, which is why you get emotional and write a novel in response to the Real Truth, which resonates and scares you. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself.
I love tough talking, dumb cowards like you who hide out behind stupid screen names. You amuse me to to end. You don't know shit.
Yes, there are MANY good things happening. Local school boards are being taken over all over the country by patriots. A number of very important election law cases have been won. A number of VERY IMPORTANT bills on elections, and other issues pertaining to federal overreach have been signed in many states. A numbers of State Atornies General have filed suit against the Biden Criminal Admin. A number of VERY IMPORTANT anti eugenics bioweapon cases have been won against corporations including the airline industry. Disney is tanking as are other pedo corps. And there is so much more but you bore the fuck out of me so I'll stop with these.
I used to beat punk pukes ljke you to a pulp, both in politics, and on the street, and could still do so. I slapped Bobby Spano whose dad, Paul,, was a convicted Chicago Outfit killer. You can look him up. He did his stay in a Florida pen. I used to chase black criminals into their housing projects which not even even tough talking grease ball mobster children would do. I was nearly murdered in 2011 for my civic activism. Here's what the Chicago Tribune wrote in my endorsement for 42nd Ward Alderman when I ran as a Republican against a Mob patsy in 1995.
Tell me, what bland suburb does a weak punk puke like you go for?
When Trump Tower Chicago was under construction I had dinner with the construction manager. He's a blue collar, hard worker. He does a job a punk puke like you could never do. He told me he was weary about working for Ivanka who was the project manager thinking she'd be an entitled bitch. He said she was the most humble, cool, smart project manager for whom he ever worked. I know a woman who manages money as a lawyer for high net worth people, the kind that wouldn't give a dumb puke like you the time of day because you don't know jack shit. She knows 2 of Trump's other children, and they're not her clients. She said they are the nicest, moat humble folks. You can believe your idiocy. Trump may or may not be a psyop although you don't even know basic facts, so your opinion is irrelevant, and there may or may not be white hats working on a COG plan. I'll take Patel Patriot's EVIDENCE because he's intelligent and comes to the table with facts, and experienc. You come to the table with spew from your ahole.
TLDR. Since when have things ever gotten better for the Working Man in the USA since we have been under ZOG rule starting in 1871 with the Washington DC Act? A: Never. Love your cope. Keep blogging, by all means. Enjoy your Boosters, Grandpa. Be a Good Goy and keep defending your Shabbos Goy Hero, Trump. You should know, at this point, I am just egging you on you old retard Boomer. Your cognitive dissonance is spectacular.
They are (including the shots Trump rolled out) injuring and killing children and teens. If it had to be this way, then the White Hats get the Rope as well.
We have an observational dilemma. People often run into that when they're fighting a war. A soldier can't see the whole picture while the battle is being fought. It's called the fog of war. It's right for you to take the worst case scenario approach that there are no white hats, and no loyalists in government. Why should you assume otherwise? No one can know for sure what's going on (observational dilemma) you must imagine and prepare for more than one possible scenario (like a chess player or a poker player, or any strategist who is trying to compete and win). The worst case scenario is not the only scenario that you should imagine and prepare for. In practice, the worst case scenario never fully materializes.
I’m way out of my league here debating with you Clif! I agree the world is perfect but are human murderers who kill to advance themselves or just for pleasure perfect? Nope! The whole premise of Jesus coming down here was to show us what perfect is and for us to realize that men and women can’t be perfect or without sin! I know you have rejected Christ bc of the Talmud but the same group who had Christ murdered were the ones who wrote the Talmud. The Jesus of my Bible is the epitome of love and goodness. He alone is perfect. BTW he is my best friend. He never lets me down. The stories of things that happened during my 73 years of life I could tell you are amazing. But I’m not trying to change your mind or convince you because that I know would be impossible! Susan ❤️ ❤️❤️
I’m not so sure Clif has the Talmud as a basis of his religious beliefs but rather as a reference to relay to us the intentions of its written word. These people are evil and he has said as much. He is a linguist who studies all written material to delve into the true meaning of it all. Hence, he chooses his words very carefully. Please watch all his videos on Bitchute. clif_high is his account. You’ll be amazed at what you learn. He’s taken me on a journey I never thought possible.
Perfection only exists in the NOW. Blink and what was perfect needs re-calibration and change to be perfect again. Time is the process of the constant striving for perfection. Until we move past time, perfection is always one step ahead of us. Enjoy the ride!
Perfection vs flawed; both are subjective concepts of our own experiences. The concept of it being flawed is particularly ridiculous as anything incongruous with nature will eventually return to equilibrium.
Khazarian mafia might as well be renamed 'Ego-mafia' - they are hubris personified. For our apparently separated selves to have meaningful independence, free will is essential and inescapable. If there is free will, there are bad decisions possible. Hence free will between separate yet sovereign selves necessitates the existence of evil. Yet the separate self is ultimately an illusion. So from the point of view of the ego-mafia, God must be a bumbling idiot, and they can do better. But the only power they can find, that separates them from bumbling God, is activity outside God. Outside Good. So they become evil personified. And project their bumbling incompetence on to an external God. Welcome to the Jungle.
Many years ago I was in a toxic relationship, my ex happened to be a well educated and successful licensed therapist, however one with a personality disorder! She had sociopath tenancies, anger issues, jealousy, lust for power and control. I'm not getting into the finer details, other than it was a few years of hell. In hindsight, it was a journey. That journey involved facing my own deficiency, my insecurities, my own willingness to tolerate bullshit. I had to go through hell, negative experiences to change as an individual, to make myself better. I had to face the things I didn't want to face. I hit a point where I walked away and that monster didn't want to let go. The escape was brutal, but worth it. She lacked the capacity to face her our own fears and insecurities, so the solution was to destroy whe she perceived could expose them (me). But in the process of doing so, she exposed herself to many family and friends, and let them see whom she really was. All I had to do was sit back, and say nothing. They saw the ugliness.
As a group of humans, a society, a collective conscience, we're all in a bad relationship with bad governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions. They've upped the ante because for so long they've gotten away with it and we've put up with it. Right now, we're hitting the point where we're starting to walk away as a growing collective. The grip on power that these conglomerates have, well, they're losing it. As a result, their solution is destroy what exposes them (us). They use wars, injections, food and money. However in the process of doing so, more of us see them for who they really are.
Back to a bad personal relationship, after leaving hell, I can say the journey was worth it. I met an amazing woman, got married, had and amazing child started a family. I grew my business and cultivated positive relationships with amazing people. Life is good and will continue to be so. The path to get here was a struggle, but worth it.
As a collection of humans on the orb, we're also on this journey. Conscious humanity is on this journey. The universe put twisted motherfuckers on this planet to test us, to keep it in check. Some times I think narcissistic people is nature's way of keeping human growth in check, or maybe to help us grow? But I do know the twisted motherfucker's (governments, their narcissistic sociopath politicians, the "stakeholders" (to quote Klaus), financiers, banks, mainstream media, and medical and pharmaceutical institutions) goal is to keep you focused on the negatives, the despair, and welcome in their bullshit solutions to grant them more power and control. The beautiful thing is, we get to chose how to navigate this journey, they do not. They're set on a timeline to make moves, we can move when and where we please, whether it be mental or physical.
Thankful for people like Clif among others working to make sense of the crazy. Truly fascinating times to live in, scary as fuck as times but I try to keep positive. My goal is to keep my family safe and make it through. This journey is going to be hell, but on the back end I'd like to see us all in a better place and justice served to the twisted motherfuckers among us.
Whenever I hear (see) the word "stakeholder" I think of the warrior preparing to drive the stake into the heart of the Vampire. Right now the vampires are holding the stakes. Let the warrior take them away and use them as intended.
whenever i hear the term 'vampire' i think of the word 'parasite'. Klaus is an iconic parasite.
part of the problem in these discussions is what's subjectively chosen to base counterpoint identities for argument's sake. few want to align with blood-suckers, but aligning with a blood-letter, or 'warrior', is assumed to be a 'counterpoint'. it's not necessarily so.
what we have under 'human-being' is inherently subject to time. time is the perceptual glue of this mock-up, vibrational-frequency reality that we oft find so contradictory, and violently so.
who or what cares about the most innocent and magnificently lovely form of what we call 'life' when what we call a star arrives at an event we call 'nova' and apparently, mindlessly evaporates said magnificent 'life' and its parasitic counterparts at random? is such total, indiscriminate destruction evil?
our 'planet' is subject to periodic purges via our sun/star that does not discriminate between human perceived good and evil. it wipes the surface near bare of nearly all 'life' and the cycle repeats throughout 'time'. a lot like conventional farming, it seems.
that, at least, is our human perception of what takes place. like erasing an amazing blackboard equation, the dust and the blackboard remain as components for another regenerative/cyclic manifestation of intelligent expression, ..or, subjective, profane graffiti.
neither will manifest absent human perception of time. i think the gnostics came closest with the myth of Sophia. this world is one of essential potentials subjectively contained.
thank God.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to major in psychology and become a psychologist. My mother convinced me not to. Her words? “Don’t go into psychology. They’re all crazy.”
She was a gifted special ed teacher and had good reason to know from interacting with such so-called experts.
Thanks @Ja360 for this encouragement. And perspective. See you on the flipside as Joseph P Farrell would say.
I needed to hear this tonite. Thank you.
The craziest people go into psychiatry, and psychological counseling in an attempt to figure out why they're so nuts. Not all psychiatrists, and psychologists are crazy, but like the Ashkenazim, who have a higher than normal degree of inbreeding, and socio-psychopathy, the "mental health" profession has a higher than normal incidence of wack jobs attracted to it, and many of them, by the way, are Ashkenazim.
The Khazarian mafia are inbreeders, not the ashkinaz Jews. Get this straight. All Jews are NOT Khazarian mafia. Saying that is no different than lumping all catholics in with the Illuminati or Jesuits. Stop pigeon holing groups please. Humans have a bad habit of doing that.
This isn't the usual crowd. We understand that Clif isn't bracketing all Jews in as KM. I think he has been clear about that in earlier letters. KM is a select group, torturing the rest of us unnecessarily.
He did on one occasion, even going so far as to espouse that all ashkinaz Jews could not write or speak hebrew! Thst totally inaccurate. I'm hearing too much from this following of ashk Jews causing this that and the next thing. We all have to stop this. Call them what they are KHAZARIAN MAFIA! There are millions if ashk Jews and maybe 1% of them are the criminals. And trust me, most Jews do not even know about this group. They will lose their shit if and when the truth comes out.
Maybe so, but many want to be rich Jews follow, and take orders from them with the promise of bigger wealth. They never can have enough money and power. They revere those with wealth, and every Christmas or New Year they go to temple, $100 entrance fee. to absolve their sins of the past year and ask forgiveness for those lie and deceptions they will do in the upcoming year. Therefore, learning about that it leads to one conclusion in my mind.
And catholics or other religions dont do this? Absolve their wrongdoings thru confession and pass the plate around? Please! I'm not even going to comment on this statement of yours!
No, Tay Sachs is a disease of limited gene pool of Ashenazim. It has nothing to do with whether any particular Ashkenazi Jew is a KM member or not.. Please get your facts straight.
I understand that all Jews are not KM. First there are the actual Semitic Hebrews who trace their lineage to the Levant, and were not forced to convert to Judiasm like the Ashkenazim were. They were, and still largely are opposed to the creation of the Zionist terrorist state of Israel. Then there are all the other Ashkenazim who are normal folks, like a woman I dated for a couple of years, and some of my friends who are Ashkenazim. I don't pigeon hole groups but acknowledge stereo types exist for a reason in that they contain elements of truth.
You're ill informed. I am Ashk and I and in fact my family do not carry the gene. They test Jewish people for this. Many do not carry it. And just so you know. There are MILLIONS of us. One cannot inbreed unless one is marrying a cousin or closer relative or within a tiny group that sets itself apart from others. Its illegal in our society to marry a family member and its very frowned upon to marry a cousin. Even several removed . I bred livestock & dogs for almost 40 years & understand this concept. I kept my COI lower than 6%. Yes there are Jews that carry tay sachs. It may be that the tiny orthodoxy have this issue. They are too strict about marrying within the orthodoxy (ergo tiny gene pool). The vast majority of Jews are reform and Conservative. They do not have that need. Your initial post said "Jews" and that pigeon holed a HUGE group. So now you have more information.
I almost always distinguish between the Semitic Hebrews who trace their lineage to the ancient Levant, and the Ashkenazim with their higher than normal degree of inbreeding, and socio-psychopathy who were thus not welcomed in other countries, and forced to convert to the Hebrew religion which is why I rarely use the general word Jew, and did not do so on this thread.
I understand your point about not all Ashkenazim being inbred. I'm a bioenginner who spent a year studying quantitative genetics so I get population dynamics, and that there are perfectly healthy, well adjusted Ashkenazim. I know many as I've worked with them, helped them in their civic endeavors to better out world, and dated them. Some are among the most intelligent, and funny people I know.
Ashkenzim played major roles in genocides of the 20th Century. Two major genocides (Bolshevik Revolution, and Mao's Cultural Revolution) and a significant one (the Third Reich's insanity) had significant involvement by Ashkenazim. The Zionist socio-psychopaths behind forming the Zionist terrorist stats of Israel denied many requests to get people out of Germany when they had the means to do so, and didn't because they needed a body count for propaganda. Even if 6 million Ashkenazim died, which is vastly overinflated, it would still be a comparatively minor genocide by 20th Century standards yet the world is beat over our collective head with Holocaust idiocy while the Zionist terrorist state of Israel runs the world's largest outdoor prison in the illegally militarily occupied territories inspired by the Warsaw Ghetto.
The Zionist terrorist state of Israel is a scourge on our world. The U.S. should have invaded it when the socio-psychopaths attacked the USS Liberty and returned all the land the criminally filthy terrorists stole to its rightful owners.
The Chicago Outfit greaseball Paul "the waiter" Rica ran guns for the Zionist terrorists to be used in the raping, pillaging, and plundering of the Holy Land by scum who had ZERO connection thereto.
So what do you do with a jew who has BOTH Dna !!! (Plus a titch of S.Asian). Many sephardic Jews lived in EU and wound up in Spain, Portugal. Like I say, KM are not Jews. Clif made claims a month or so back that were completely wrong as well (that EU Jews can't read or speak Hebrew and that the Talmud is a big deal.). NOPE! I had to go to Hebrew school after public school from elementary school, junior high, high school. I could fluently speak, read Hebrew and THE ONLY BOOK WE STUDIED WAS THE OLD TESTAMENT! No Talmud, No Zohar. I never even laid eyes on or heard of either as a kid. I also spoke/read French and studied Latin in school cuz I thought it would help me learn Spanish. O never learned or spoke Yiddish contra Clifs assertions as well. I never continued using any of those languages into adulthood. lost all of it thru non use (I'm 68). I recall some French and can still read some but I'm Canadian, and French is our other national language. So it's sometimes "in my face". I rejected any religion in my teens. I think of "source" or "the force" 😉. I don't need a go between to communicate with Source. I'm spiritual vs religious. I think all religions are systems of control. I've always thought that.
The Hero's journey.
Please hang in there. You are worth everything in this world. Everything is just backwards right now (the bad people get rewarded and the good people get nothing) but it's all going to change for the better. I believe so anyway. Take care, be stronger than ever!
If I may Kathy, I would look into supplementing with magnesium. There are about seven types of them and it would be good idea to take most of them. Anyway good luck with your journey and please don't give up
This is Morley Robins. The man who started The Root Cause Protocol.
You ate welcome. This website is awesome.
There look for a PDF file called root cause protocol. Download it and implement the STOPS and STARTS.
I highly recommend it. You will benefit 100%. I did. Good luck on your journey Kathy. From a friend. Otto
Stockholm Syndrome. The best way to deal with it is to view the captors with love, and view your time with them as true service to others. As Edgar Cayce so brilliantly demonstrated we are forever meeting ourself or our karma in others. Steiner's approach was to meditate on your misfortunes in life as things your higher self willed. It is primarily our misfortunes that help us grow. Picking on another's weakness in revenge is likely counterproductive whereas using it to cleverly open their eyes could be quite productive.
Hi, Kathy, you deserve happiness & joy & love in your life! Five years ago I discovered a healer named Mas Sajady who does frequency work with people to awaken & reawaken their inner joy, happiness & spiritual gifts. I have found his work to be very healing & beneficial & come from a family that runs somi lo ar patterns to your husband. Mas calls the knowledge he's discovered Xponential Intelligence. He has a YouTube channel with free Sundsy healing sessions & podcasts & a website with free healing sessions that can be downloaded & is worth looking into if you have an open mind. You deserve much better in this life & Mas' work can help you to be freer & happier in this life & better prepared (to not suffer running similar patterns) in your next life. Sincerely, Kim
Clif I think I'm seeing so many more people than ever before acting and thinking irrationally. I'm sad to say but I don't think they can be saved. No critical thinking, grasping insane ideas, emotional wrecks. Not sure why this has occurred but I think we have alot of neurologically damaged people that cant grow as humans, and worst of all they are breeding.
Proverbs 17:28. "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."
Or, in more modern parlance, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
In the last 15 years we have been witness to an explosion of millions of "other people's thoughts" as they vomit those thoughts all over the world via social media. Perhaps our opinions of "other people" before this new age of communiocation was based more on our personal interactions with those who were in our family, work, and larger social sphere. Maybe that was 100 or so people before email and social media. Now we see the rantings and thoughts of thousands and more.
Maybe a good percentage of people were never brilliant independent thinkers. We just didn't previously know that they existed in as large a number as we've seen more recently.
So many of them have university degrees. What has become very clear through the covid play is that these people do not think. Instead, they've been trained to imitate thinking. Moreover they're only able to imitate thinking in narrow, externally defined areas.
"Imitate thinking". Good descriptive phrase for "memorizing only establishment-accepted responses as taught by your betters - the professors and "experts"....
Some years back, in a discussion about the failure of the modern educational systems, one person commented "In the mid 1970s, universities realized that they could make huge amounts of profit by selling the mere ILLUSION of education instead of actual education."
We see the results of that now, masses of hyper-credentialed graduates who (as you so nicely phrase it) have "been trained to imitate thinking." There is no fool more convinced of his own infallibility than a fool with a degree.
Good point. Imma go fer a beer and a sammitch now..
Thats what happens when their soul/ spirits are gene edited out of them by mrna....
Many many of them are on SSRI's etc.......a new study came out today that said SSRI's (Anti-depressants) do not work. It's all been a lie! They don't raise Serotonin at all.
So, what do they do? Why is everyone on them? Because they keep you sedated, calm, non-emotional, pliable and compliant....just like Fluoride in the Water does only better! Not everyone drinks much water these days,.....but everyone take Anti-depressants! I know people on more than one of them!
I think they set everyone up on these to facilitate their Massive Global Currency RESET. That's all they are RESETTING,...their DEBT/TAX scheme is crashing. And they don't have a WAR for Cover as they usually do. They tried the plandemic, they tried the lock downs, and they are going to try again! But we the people,.....we see what they are doing now. No World War will be coming, civil war either,......The White Hats,....President Trump, President Putin, Premier Xi and many others, like the President of Brazil,.....are working together to take this KM down once and for good. It's going to take time,....years as Clif has said, keep on preparing yourself. As many bad people as their are on this planet,.....there are millions more Good people. And the KM can't hide any more....they rushed everything because of the Grand Solar Minimum. Now it's falling apart!
Agree with everything said except the timing.
Clif said it would take 18 more years to clean up this problem. This doesn’t mean 18 more years to defeat the Cabal.
Remember that wars go through phases and like any unfolding event it’s difficult to estimate when one phase ends and another starts.
My own admittedly non-scientific estimate is that the main battles with the Cabal will be over by 2024-25, there then follows a ‘mop up’ phase which might last to 2040(I will be 77 then so I might not be here to see the true ending)..
The Cabal’s plans are in ruins, their organization and especially their funding took a massive hit when Russia started their SpecOps in Ukraine.
Like any war there was is a major turning point, in WW2 it was the Battle of Stalingrad, in the war on the Cabal it’s the Russian incursion into Ukraine.
The next major turning point will be the US midterm elections, because the US is a keystone nation in the Cabal’s power structure when the Democrats fall so will the Cabal’s major support system.
So Why would it take 18 years to full clean up the Cabal?
I think it’s because their entrenchment is so deep in western society.
Ironically in 3rd world countries devastated by the Cabal’s policies they will be the ones to be cleared first, once their gov’ts are toppled it’s more straightforward to clean them up.
In the West, we are throughly infiltrated at all levels of not only government but social institutions as well.
Business, Education/Academia, healthcare , the legal system, on and on.
Each of these sectors will need to be purged of the infestation and that won’t be easy without collapsing society as a whole.
Remember there are diehard completely programmed sectors of the population which will never accept the rise of any other system. These populations will need to be deprogrammed or unfortunately eliminated if they use force and violence to restart their ‘system’.
The danger during this time is to overlook or ignore pockets of the Cabal which would start everything all over again in a century’s time.
This time humanity will need to do a very thorough deep cleaning so that no pockets remain.
How much time did it take for the post-WW2 Nazi hunters to catch-up with most of the main characters from the Nazi regime? 40 years…
How long will it take to eliminate all traces of the Cabal/KM cult completely from world society?.
I agree. However, at end of ww2, USA which was already infiltrated, began operation paperclip which brought a whack load of nazis to North America. The worst kind too...the doctors, scientists, pharma researchers , physicists etc. That became devastating over time. If there aee no deals, no get out of jail cards, this time, it may not take 40 years to get them all. I am almost 70. I want it to be under 19 years for total clean up. Because I want to see it! I want to watch the tribunals. I want to see them PTD. (Never in my life did I ever ever think I would want to watch an execution!)
Yes Operation Paperclip, hence why I said each and every pocket must be cleaned out worldwide.
A major obstacle will be Intelligence agencies of every country in the world many of whom are thoroughly compromised.
It's not as easy to simply disband them; the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mossad etc, these people are the truly dangerous people, they are highly trained agents who know many aspects of fighting a covert dirty war, of camouflage, sabotage and assassination.
They know how to put together black ops and run them and they know how to blend in and hide, this is why I say its going to take a long time to clear out the Cabal.
The easy targets are the top of the Cabal pyramid because of their visibility, the bottom is also relatively easy because most of them are simply pawns and brainwashed drones looking to make a $ and aren't all that ideological but are greedy and selfish people.
It's the "middle managers" who are the biggest danger because of their capabilities and training.
Tribunals are coming, of that I'm reasonably sure and as Clif mentioned in his videos these tribunals will NOT be held behind closed doors, neither will the sentencing nor the executions.
The people of the world need to see what the ultimate penalty for Crimes against Humanity really means because at that point we will be facing up to at least 600 million dead worldwide in from the jabs over the next 5-10 years, and this might be a conservative estimate depending on what was really in the jabs and if any kind of solution can be found.
Of course we aren't there yet and the Cabal are trying to strike back and complete their genocide. Never in my life have I seen a so openly genocidal bunch of psychopaths.
The recent announcement that Schwab and the UN Secretary General have agreed to accelerate the Great Reset tells me they are desperate and panicking that everything is coming to an end.
And more than century's worth of planning and effort all that time and money spent maneuvering the system so that they can in the end murder 95% of humanity and "ascend" to a form of techno-godhood.
The level of hate and insanity is mind boggling.
I hope some of them are taken alive so that I can hear the satisfying snap of their necks after their trials are over with.
I tried to give you a red heart, but it won't let me. Any way, you are right,....we could defeat the Cabal 1% probably in a couple years, just like Clif said,...but rooting out all of their puppets every where will take decades, which he also said. First we have to save our Country,....after that, it's all going to be much easier! Calling for DEVOLUTION! I don't think anything else will do it,....but we'll see.
No need to call for Devolution as it's already in play and has been since the end of Trump's first term.
The strange behavior of the US military in how it treats and responds to the Biden administration and the Democrats tells me they are already operating independently of the WH, especially since they didn't respond to the Russian intervention in the Ukraine, as a matter of fact much of Congress was itching to get into a real shooting war in Russia but the Pentagon has been strangely silent.
The same goes for the militaries of the NATO countries, none of them were activated and ordered into action, not even in Canada where WEF puppet Trudeau supposedly can order such a thing.
All they've done is ship batches of old and about to expire weapons to Ukraine, none of the really modern stuff.
I think the results of Devolution will be felt going into the midterms and into 2023, I think once Russia completes their special operation in Ukraine a lot of evidence on the Cabal and it's activities using US funds will come out in the open.
The only danger here is if the Cabal gets too desperate they might try to go for mass murders and suicide. If they know they're defeated for all time they might just go for Operation Spoilsport, kill as many people as possible then commit suicide as a "middle finger" to God.
As I said above, I've never seen the level of absolute hatred coming from any group of people that I've seen coming from the Cabal, which is why they need to be destroyed down to the last member.
BTW, I believe Ivana Trump's death wasn't an accident, it was a message to the white hats from the Cabal. The gloves are off, you can't protect everyone and we will kill those you love if you keep on interfering with our plans.
It might also be payback for the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, which is a Cabal religious monument.
I don't know about Ivana,.....I read that she had plans to travel and had taken a booster for "covid" and then a week later taken the Monkeypox vaxx. Don't now if it was true. But that would have been a massive shock to her system. People are blaming the VAX. I think President Trump would have been very upset if it was murder.
Have a careful look at Trump’s expressions during transport of Ivana’s casket to and from the church.
Trump is very good at usually holding onto his emotions but here you can see he’s very upset, he’s not emotional but look at the expression of concern on Melania’s face when she looks at him.
Even though it’s his ex-wife, she was the mother of his adult kids.
Also I don’t believe in coincidences, yes Ivana might have taken too many shots at once but any half competent doctor would’ve told Ivana not to have taken the Pox shot as she was at little risk for catching it and greater risk for side effects.
But a week prior the Georgia Guidestones were blown up and had to be demolished, so a week later Trump’s ex-wife dies in a fall due to too many shots?
If it were murder Trump has enough connections still in the government to get it suppressed until he can have his own people investigating the case.
In my own research the GGs weren’t simply a set of granite stones carved and erected by a mysterious crank. The stones cost a lot of money both to quarry and engrave, a lot of work went into creating that monument.
It has significant religious importance to the KM similar to what Stonehenge means to the pagans.
What was carved there was basically their version of the 10 commandments, and my bet is that site meant a lot more than simply a mission statement of the KM.
Part of their beliefs is that their open statements of intent to the universe gives them some protection under Universal Law from the Law of Karma.
It’s complicated but they believe if they openly state their purpose and nobody objects it means they consent to the KM’s actions.
Now blowing up that site is tantamount to sacrilege and even if the white hats didn’t do it the KM were enraged enough to take revenge on their enemy, Trump.
I sure hope that we can get all of them,...otherwise, they'll regroup and just start again under a new name. They are going to get a huge boost in their Depopulation plan,...with the fake virus, the shots and the civil unrest and social break down that is coming. Once the human race realizes how they have been lied to about the shots, the economy and everything else for decades,.....the Shit really will Hit the FAN! Many, many people will die. Maybe the Khazarian Mafia will just go underground into their bunkers for a while,....until the dust settles and then just continue with their plan. With what the Biden PUPPET has done people will starve in the big cities.... energy will be so expensive, that most people will not be able to heat their homes! Do you think President Trump will be back before all this happens? It had better be soon then! We have to get the Oil Industry back up and running fast! We also have a Grand Solar Minimum that we are in now,.....a significant cooling of the planet,'s going to make it much harder to grown food out side. We need to build huge warehouses to grow food in and keep livestock in! That's going to take a lot of POWER. I hope President Trump is aware of the GSM? He never mentions it. We should be preparing for it NOW! Not trying to put Chem Trail shit in the atmosphere to block the sun and lie about Nitrogen and Carbon being "bad" for the planet. If anything more Carbon would be a good thing in a Global Cool down! NASA and NOAA have tried to warn us about the coming cool down,....but the MAN MADE CLIMATE scammers have censored it a lot! They have been making so much money extorting other Countries over Carbon!
Absolutely! Right on! I have been meditating and visualising this. I have a vision board in my kitchen that I can see and stare at all the time. It has about 50 of the criminals faces pasted on it and I put barbed wire looking bars across the hole thing and picture of massive fire scape beneath them all. (A burn in hell feel to it). I think if we visualize the KM demise, it helps the energy along! 😎
If they are multi jabbed, it's likely they are now infertile. So don't worry too much about the "breeding". I see a lot of jabbed with def mental changes. They can't critically think and have deficits. They will very likely live extremely shortened lives. This means that we who are awake will have a helluva lot of work ahead of us to create the new world.
Is it the stress of knowing they’re screwed or has the brain been compromised ?
Brain compromised. I think micro clots in brain. Also they now know that the spike causes weird folding proteins like in the case of CJD and BSE (spongform encephalopathy). CJD is human version. Normally it takes years to kill people but the vax type is taking less than 6 months. So much neurological damage from these jabs.
My own bet is that we will be seeing increasing levels of ‘insanity’ and abnormal behaviour which accompanies those with brain damage.
Definitely a spike in Dementia type diseases in all age groups which has never been seen before and these are the ‘lucky’ survivors.
Eventually those with the most jabs will die first and those who stopped at a single jab might be ‘saved’.
But the children 😓, those children who are the victims of their parents ignorance, those I feel the most for because they’ll suffer the most from these shots well into their adult years.
That is IF they make it to adulthood. My bet is that they won't. Or at best die by 40. It's a bloody travesty, nightmare. Why couldn't they listen to reason!
I've pondered this question myself since the start of the pandemic.
Taking into account Mass Formation Psychosis or Mass Hypnotism I believe much of their resistance to reason comes from decades of preconditioning and preprogramming created by the Cabal controlled media and educational system.
Especially people in the western countries who have been conditioned by the mass media over the past 70 years(since the 1950s) to automatically trust authoritative sounding sources, the so called voice of authority. This also applies to the Western educational system from the K-12 level, where obedience and conformity to social expectations are taught from day one.
It's rare in people born in the Boomer generation and afterwards to find individuals who truly think independently and apply critical thinking skills as well as discernment and skepticism.
It's only been getting worse in each successive generation, the only break came when the Internet was created, this technological development had unforeseen consequences the Cabal did not anticipate.
Mass media in the form of television and newspapers were readily controllable, the Internet is not easily controllable without an exponential expenditure of resources.
I believe this simple evolution of technology "freed" some people enough to "wake up" from the mass hypnosis of the broadcast media.
As few as we are, the ones who questioned the vaccines and the whole scamdemic are the ones who like to and prefer to form their own opinions, aren't easily dissuaded by difficult challenges and value the truth above all else.
The ones who blindly followed and still follow the MSM and obey without question are those who truly cannot think for themselves any longer. I've met and argued with such people and it's almost impossible to get them to consider an alternate point of view, their programming is so strong it overwhelms any ability to question and to comprehend alternate facts and viewpoints which differ from the mainstream narrative.
I mourn for the children who will suffer the consequences of these shots, however I do not mourn their parents.
Perhaps it's better they removed themselves from the gene pool by their choices, they are not of the future or what the future will be about.
Some of us, as we get older, seem to worry less, seem to fear less. Seem to appreciate life more but be all the quicker to separate from it in the exhilaration of death in service to other beings. Clif , as an old "mean" man you are not alone, thanks for leading the charge.
Wow! What an adventure we’re on.
It had to be this way.
I cannot perceive a more blatant “evil” than health officials unleashing the jab on our very young children. It astounds me re how these “adults” could conclude that jabbing young ones, when so many thousands of deaths have resulted from the concoction, would be to “protect” & keep them “safe. I obviously live on a different planet than those for I see protecting children as an uppermost virtue of humanity. Have huge difficulties in understanding how it can be otherwise. Yet, children now are being jabbed? The inhumanity in that jabbing action is unfathomable! God help us all!
God help those who can't see and understand what you just said.
Perfection and Beauty of all creation surround us. Walk, sing, dance and be with it, as trying to grasp it can be elusive…
You stretch the mind. Thank you.
The World needs to let me get my hands on the 13 Bloodline Families and their Senior Assholes in Charge and then I will take a page from their book and “Do as thou whilst shall be the whole of the law”. It is time for the Controllers to become Extinct.
For those of you who have been conned into thinking there is a SOC/G of Whitehats fighting the good fight, you have been PsyOpped. There are no good guys. They are weeded out of the Power System. It will be us, and only us, who fight the NWO Khazarian Mafia Central Banker Globalist Lucifarian Pedo Assholes. Do not expect someone else to save you. Draw your line in the sand and then go on the Warpath if it is crossed. Who wants to live forever anyways?
I don't have your apparent insight into psyops so I can't make such a definitive dismissive statement but I do know Trump's actions as POTUS were among the most complex, sometimes contradictory, but, in the main, the most anti-establishment actions taken by a POTUS perhaps in the history of the U.S. I've thought from early in his term he was a possible psyop but the bulk of his actions seemingly contradict that. Q is a psyop but one that may be benevolent. I hold out hope that Patel Patriot's exceptional series of COG and devolution is correct. He presents evidence, not definitive dismissive statements backed by ZERO evidence.
I have all the evidence I need for my statement with three FACTS:
1. Trump implemented Operation Warpspeed which injected experimental mRNA Gene-Therapy into a vast number of Americans. The shots do not function as advertised. They cause myocarditis, blood clots, illness, sterility and death.
2. He allowed the US Military to mandate said shots upon Servicemen and has effectively driven all Constitutional-Minded Patriots from the service or crippled the remainder via the Clot-shot. The publicly known increased mortality numbers on Servicemen has quadrupled.
3. He broke his Oath of Office by abdicating the Presidency to Candidate benefiting from blatant Election Fraud and Criminal Conspiracy. As you can see, the state of the USA Inc is in shambles from the intentional destruction this Criminal Admin has caused.
The most important FACT is that all the deaths and injuries from the Vaxx Program rest firmly at Trumps' feet. His actions, and more importantly, his inactions make him an accomplice to a massive depopulation program. No one becomes President of the Corporation without being PUT THERE by the Powers that Be. You don't get to soft-kill a Country and still be the Good Guy. FYI, the facts are in that the shots are Poison.
I don't live in the simple black, and white bright line world you do, particularly because I likely have far more experience in the real world of business, and politics than do you.
So let's correct one of your 3 "facts," add some new ones you' likely don't know to help you make a more complete case, and add some counter arguments to your overly simplistic views.
Trump had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the U.S. Armed Services mandating the eugenics bioweapon which he is complicit in helping develop with Op Warp Speed. He had alreadyl lost the election when the FDA issued the EAU for it. While he was for a couple more weeks still Commander in Chief after the EAU was issued his ability to intervene was non-existent given the command structures.
I'll assume you're already schooled having read the ENTIRE Patel Patriot series so you already know of the numerous highly unusual, very important changes Trump made in the US Armed Services late in his term, which were unprecedented not to mention one thing that series missed which is Trump enacted JFK's National Security Action Memos that removed ALL U.S. Armed Services support from the CIA which JFK was murdered by before he could enact. There's also Space Force that Trump created which the series does cover but misses important context.
You forgot to mention Trump signed the CARES Act which was written a FULL YEAR before the COVID19 bioweapon was released. This provides billions of dollars in incentives for the healthcare industry to murder people.
Yet, Trump also issued an EO in July, 2019 to allow pharmaceutical drugs to be "reimported" from Canada where they're far cheaper. I worked for years for criminal Big Pharma, and this action eviscerates the revenue enhancements those criminal filth received from Warp Speed. Trump also took numerous actions that gutted the globalist plan to offshore ALL US intellectual property, manufacturing capacity, and other economic functions to China.
Trump built much of the wall on our southern border which was far more than just a physical wall. It had to do with, among many other things, his EO on human trafficking making the liability of corporations and other entities, like Disney, and the Catholic Church, that are involved in it civilly liable for HUGE fiscal loss.
I could go on about many more incredibly positive, but very difficult things Trump accomplished but maybe you were paying attention and know them all as I do. Your claim presidents are selected is only partly true. It's nowhere near as black and white as you seem to believe. I can tell you've never been involved in even local elected politics or else you would know how our system works.
I had some private meetings with former Chicago Mayor, Rich Daley, who in 22 years transformed Chicago which was 2 steps away from becoming a shit hole like Detroit or St. Louis, to one of the top 10 international cities as measured by three highly respected business ranking systems. Only NYC, and Chicago in the U.S. made the top 10 grades of all three systems. I also met with Rahm Emanuel when he was mayor. I ran for elected office as a Republican in Chicago, and was cheated out of votes, but both men respected me, and did things for my community that I asked for, Rahm under threat of a federal law suit.
Yet, Daley also blew up the public pension debt, had a number of corrupt aholes, who were supposedly his friends, screw him, and the city over, and he complained often how his hands were tied by the unions, although he found work arounds the unions, and he also told me what an ahole Obama is because Rich couldn't get him to do ANYTHING he needed done for Chicago. He told me GW Bush helped him more. I saw challenges Rahm faced as mayor, and he is in some respects a more shrew operator than is Daley, but a far worse retail politician.
My point is I saw first hand how tough a job being mayor of a big city is. Being POTUS is VASTLY more difficult.
I tend to believe Trump is a white hat who was hemmed in a thousand ways with bioweapon, nuke and other deep state threats, attempts on his life, and other serious political threats including the one from closeted faggot Marco Rubio, a coke head POS lying scumbag, and Mitch McConman, who should be publicly hanged for his treasonous collusion with China. McConman, and closeted faggot Rubio threatened Trump with impeachment if he obeyed the law from the 1990's to release all the CIA's files on their murder of JFK, which is why Trump only did a partial release.
Your claim he violated his oath to the Constitution rings a bit hollow in the context of gladiator politics. I'd guess you've never been involved in serious politics or a serious street or ring fight because reality, and ideals aren't always congruent.
Tldr. Everything you wrote is one big cope. Look outside. Look at the news. Look at the people. Does it seem like anything good is happening? You are polishing brass on the Titanic. Time to get ready to fight and give up your illusions about Political Figures and Secret Hero G-Men. No one is coming to save you Little Boy, and deep down inside you know it, which is why you get emotional and write a novel in response to the Real Truth, which resonates and scares you. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself.
I love tough talking, dumb cowards like you who hide out behind stupid screen names. You amuse me to to end. You don't know shit.
Yes, there are MANY good things happening. Local school boards are being taken over all over the country by patriots. A number of very important election law cases have been won. A number of VERY IMPORTANT bills on elections, and other issues pertaining to federal overreach have been signed in many states. A numbers of State Atornies General have filed suit against the Biden Criminal Admin. A number of VERY IMPORTANT anti eugenics bioweapon cases have been won against corporations including the airline industry. Disney is tanking as are other pedo corps. And there is so much more but you bore the fuck out of me so I'll stop with these.
I used to beat punk pukes ljke you to a pulp, both in politics, and on the street, and could still do so. I slapped Bobby Spano whose dad, Paul,, was a convicted Chicago Outfit killer. You can look him up. He did his stay in a Florida pen. I used to chase black criminals into their housing projects which not even even tough talking grease ball mobster children would do. I was nearly murdered in 2011 for my civic activism. Here's what the Chicago Tribune wrote in my endorsement for 42nd Ward Alderman when I ran as a Republican against a Mob patsy in 1995.
Tell me, what bland suburb does a weak punk puke like you go for?
When Trump Tower Chicago was under construction I had dinner with the construction manager. He's a blue collar, hard worker. He does a job a punk puke like you could never do. He told me he was weary about working for Ivanka who was the project manager thinking she'd be an entitled bitch. He said she was the most humble, cool, smart project manager for whom he ever worked. I know a woman who manages money as a lawyer for high net worth people, the kind that wouldn't give a dumb puke like you the time of day because you don't know jack shit. She knows 2 of Trump's other children, and they're not her clients. She said they are the nicest, moat humble folks. You can believe your idiocy. Trump may or may not be a psyop although you don't even know basic facts, so your opinion is irrelevant, and there may or may not be white hats working on a COG plan. I'll take Patel Patriot's EVIDENCE because he's intelligent and comes to the table with facts, and experienc. You come to the table with spew from your ahole.
TLDR. Since when have things ever gotten better for the Working Man in the USA since we have been under ZOG rule starting in 1871 with the Washington DC Act? A: Never. Love your cope. Keep blogging, by all means. Enjoy your Boosters, Grandpa. Be a Good Goy and keep defending your Shabbos Goy Hero, Trump. You should know, at this point, I am just egging you on you old retard Boomer. Your cognitive dissonance is spectacular.
what had to be this way...... we are not privy to everything going on. Trust God not man.
They are (including the shots Trump rolled out) injuring and killing children and teens. If it had to be this way, then the White Hats get the Rope as well.
We have an observational dilemma. People often run into that when they're fighting a war. A soldier can't see the whole picture while the battle is being fought. It's called the fog of war. It's right for you to take the worst case scenario approach that there are no white hats, and no loyalists in government. Why should you assume otherwise? No one can know for sure what's going on (observational dilemma) you must imagine and prepare for more than one possible scenario (like a chess player or a poker player, or any strategist who is trying to compete and win). The worst case scenario is not the only scenario that you should imagine and prepare for. In practice, the worst case scenario never fully materializes.
I hope you are right. I only trust in the Riddle of Steel now.
I’m way out of my league here debating with you Clif! I agree the world is perfect but are human murderers who kill to advance themselves or just for pleasure perfect? Nope! The whole premise of Jesus coming down here was to show us what perfect is and for us to realize that men and women can’t be perfect or without sin! I know you have rejected Christ bc of the Talmud but the same group who had Christ murdered were the ones who wrote the Talmud. The Jesus of my Bible is the epitome of love and goodness. He alone is perfect. BTW he is my best friend. He never lets me down. The stories of things that happened during my 73 years of life I could tell you are amazing. But I’m not trying to change your mind or convince you because that I know would be impossible! Susan ❤️ ❤️❤️
I’m not so sure Clif has the Talmud as a basis of his religious beliefs but rather as a reference to relay to us the intentions of its written word. These people are evil and he has said as much. He is a linguist who studies all written material to delve into the true meaning of it all. Hence, he chooses his words very carefully. Please watch all his videos on Bitchute. clif_high is his account. You’ll be amazed at what you learn. He’s taken me on a journey I never thought possible.
Thanks Clif!
Are you saying Clif’s a ... “cunning linguist?”
You keep me challenged, thinking and on my does dear clif - yet again, bless you❤️
What is flaw? Is it an error or opportunity for uniqueness? If we were all the same, what a boring world it would be.
Very thought-provoking work here. Made me think of the Japanese viewpoint of wabi-sabi. Beauty in the imperfection and impermanence of things.
Perfection only exists in the NOW. Blink and what was perfect needs re-calibration and change to be perfect again. Time is the process of the constant striving for perfection. Until we move past time, perfection is always one step ahead of us. Enjoy the ride!
What is of value in this world?
Imperfections have value, flaws have value.
For instance coins with errors in them.
If everything was perfect and the same nothing would be valuable.
Perfection vs flawed; both are subjective concepts of our own experiences. The concept of it being flawed is particularly ridiculous as anything incongruous with nature will eventually return to equilibrium.
Khazarian mafia might as well be renamed 'Ego-mafia' - they are hubris personified. For our apparently separated selves to have meaningful independence, free will is essential and inescapable. If there is free will, there are bad decisions possible. Hence free will between separate yet sovereign selves necessitates the existence of evil. Yet the separate self is ultimately an illusion. So from the point of view of the ego-mafia, God must be a bumbling idiot, and they can do better. But the only power they can find, that separates them from bumbling God, is activity outside God. Outside Good. So they become evil personified. And project their bumbling incompetence on to an external God. Welcome to the Jungle.