That’s some pretty deep shit Clif.

Great to know I can increase my bacon intake so the space aliens won’t want to eat me.

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Couple pot bellied pigs in the backyard as "pets"...walking bacon factories. No pokie pokie of any kind needed. Harvest day is a great time to teach homeschooled kids comparative anatomy. Drag out the bbq smoker, and joy is at hand! This is a win-win-win situation. Except maybe for the pigs -- altho they lived a good & happy life ...

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\\\]=-\\]===Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=ftut7yg

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Bring on the pork. It’s what to eat. Yum.

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Stay away from nitrites added to most bacon. Better Ham is nitrite free. Increase Nitrate found in greens. Kind of confusing the two words nitrite and nitrate are so similar but the effects are polar opposites.

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From what I understand, the danger in nitrates/nitrites is the potential to turn into nitrosamine. If you consume these with vitamin C or other antioxidants (but C works best) this does not occur. This is why in for example nitrite in beets are not harmful. I aways take vitamin C now when i eat bacon or other preserved meat.

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Yep. Take lots of C, every day...in grams.

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Buy naked brand bacon, no nasties

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Where do you get that

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This seems to be the US counterpart to what I buy in the UK.


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Boy, Am i confused, it is the nitrates that cause cancer in bacon.

, Grieb et al. [52] and Hu et al. [58] indicate that dietary intake of nitrates and nitrites from animal sources (including also processed meat) is positively associated with renal cell carcinoma (RCC), whereas in the case of overall nitrate and nitrite intake, including from plant sources, they did not find any associations).

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Love Me Some Bacon!

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They wouldn't know until after harvest, so it just means once the taste verification fails, we get dumped down the intergalactic toilet. lol

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I think I’ll put some extra salt on my bacon.

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I might put some on my fried eggs too, ..... and maybe even my pancakes just because. lol

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pigs were some of first recipients of mrna vax

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I only eat bio engendered bacon

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I think we can sometimes take some of Clif's stuff with a large grain of salt... this one is really "out there"... personally, I'm not buying... I doubt he will care much.

Thinking that an ultra advanced species would have to modify our gut bacteria strains to modify our species to farm and enable tastier fats to BBQ and snort is a bit too far...

Even us primitives can produce so many materials, substances, supplements SYNTHETICALLY... one would think any species capable of inter-galaxy travel would be able to synthesize tasty belly fats and not have to GMO humans for a "earth farm" that they have not harvested (much?) for... centuries?

And why not take a bunch home to raise/breed as cattle on the home planet? Open up a chain of fast-food fat-huffing joints?

I think I need another bong-load! Clif too! 🤪

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“Sucking sound” from me taking a hit, trying to hold it in, nope. Coughing uncontrollably. Okay I’m stoned now.

I think Clif mentioned in a previous alien podcast that the alien’s that are here now are stuck here. And there eatin the kids first before their infected with all the Vax’s & GMO’s.

All the WEF’ers helping feed them still think they are going to be taken off planet before SHTF. But, their in for a big surprise because they and the aliens ain’t going anywhere and we will be able to kill them. So anyway I’m sticking with Clif because it’s way more fun than my other reality, I’ll keep buying silver, hallucinogenics, and pure sleep... “Sucking sound” from me taking another hit.

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"I’m sticking with Clif because it’s way more fun than my other reality" - you know it!

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HAH!! Good stuff! I am on a forced break from the ganja... maybe that is why I am skeptical... where would Clif get such info? Ah, no matter... I will stick with him too... way more interesting dude than most, eh?? But some things are so bizarre, they just don't compute... just me... I'll regret it when they start to broil my thymus... I 'm sure.

I am a big silver stacker... I like Clif's pal Bix too, though he too can get a bit hysterical and HIS predictions too are past their sell by dates... again... ah well.

HEY, hallucinogenics... I wish I could obtain some for micro-dosing now that I am off the weed (for a while!) I wish we had a PM message thing! I have a feeling old Uncle Clif would dig them too... if not already! 🤪

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There are some wonderful chocolate bars floating around, that are micro-dosed with psilocybin mushrooms, I'm not a big fan of psychedelic mushrooms, but these are very useful, for clearing the mind and getting some work done.

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Do you know where? I had to quit my long low-dose weed, I think I got into the prodomal phase of CHS, if you know what that is... not sure... guts are giving me trouble...

I don't think the current antidepressants are a net benefit... in fact, there is newer info out that claims that serotonin is a BAD thing in many ways...

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Not sure what CHS is? But weed for me is hit or miss. So l use it when I cannot sleep. When I quit my full-time job selling cars, the VA gave me a very low dose antidepressant. Which worked for a short period of time. But once I caught on to the ivermectin and methylene blue. I realized that small antidepressant, was the thing that was holding me back. From experiencing and an explosion of the mind. I quit taking that little pill once a day. Massive difference. Finally my brain is energized. So now I'm able to experience the full benefits of ivermectin methylene blue MMS and MMS 2. I'm able to multitask at least 10 different projects per day. Without being flustered and giving up. Granted I work for myself and I answer to no one, but I think you get the picture. Thanks to Uncle Cliff, I look at things in a whole different light, and do not waste any time, as it pertains to digging up the knowledge and finding out the facts and using them appropriately to benefit my daily lifestyle. As well as preparing for this big ugly. Which I can say with a full heart, God help the fool the cometh my way with trouble LoL

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Where do you find them. Do you have to catch them first?

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Yah, Clif can go off on some stuff that I don’t have the energy to even listen to. But, for the most part he is very fun to listen to “with a large grain of salt” 😂

Nice chatting with you! 🙂

Good thread.

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You too... Best to you.

And... Don't be shy about sending me source info on those hallucinogens!! 😋

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I concur, whether or not the aliens exist, is a mere formality compared to having good gut health and a healthy mind. And from what I have heard, they are stuck here. And have nowhere to go. And to stay here and die.

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How long do you think thy live? How long have they been "stuck" here?

BTW: There is a lot of conflicting info on gut health and probiotics... I tend to ride with such supplements being beneficial... but many do not believe this... followers of Ray Peat... Dinkov... Saladino... and Methylene Blue fan and author Sloan... etc...

Do only "bad" bacteria strains in the gut cause fermentation... and its related problems? Hmmmm.... similar controversies on fiber... it's confusing... and very irritating... small wonder the MDs don't know jackshit about it...

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Having served in United States Marine corps, you hear things, and apparently these reptilians live deep underground, and there is a contingent of Marines and special forces down there killing them. Who knows what the truth really is, but the story keeps popping up. As far as I'm concerned, living above ground healthy, and avoiding their poisons is Paramount, so I take ivermectin twice a day 10 drops of methylene blue twice a day. I also mix pine needle oil and TRX liquid in a 1 gallon jug of distilled water mixed with lemon juice baking soda and plnk Himalayan sea salt, and I drink that throughout the day. That gallon of water, last roughly a day and a half, then I repeat the process. Occasionally cycling in mms. But if you really want to clean out your lower intestines look into MMS 2...I'm still wrapping my brain around the probiotics, nothing's cheap anymore, so I'm going to start with whole raw milk for me and my son. Hope that helps you I'll keep you posted as my Discovery continues.

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Well, that's OK by me if they are down there killing reptilians, there is a lot of such work here above ground that's needed too, eh? How many Dems are there?

Ivermectin 2X/day... that seems a LOT... I took one a day for 8 days when I had Covid... now I take 2X/month.. 10 drops MB... I did that for a while... probably fine... I am on a break... probably do 5 drops 2X/day daily when I start again... I do a 10ml course of CDS monthly... I was hoping that would be as good as MMS, which can be nasty... maybe bump to 20ml course, as I have been having gut issues, possible SIBO... Been taking 4-5 drops of Lugol's 2% daily, on a break now... do you think all that messes with your gut biome... or helps it?

What is TRX liquid?

Are you dealing with long covid... or doing all that as a preventive... Pine needle oil... etc... do you fear shedding? I'm not sure, but DO fear it...

I hear low dose nicotine is beneficial... low dose weed too. ??

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This is 3 minutes and it perfectly describes the world IMO. If nothing else, something to consider!


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Clif recommends Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... have you read it?

Might clear a few things up... so many manipulative mythologies... so little time...

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I did get Biglino's book "The Naked Bible". I did find it heavy reading but persisted. Gave me lots to think about and I have to think about what was in there now when listening to anything about the bible. I'm not up on the Bible either, only what I learned as a child or early adulthood. Clif did say it might shake us up a bit Faith is a very personal thing I suppose. I've always had faith in God so that isn't going to change even if I have to think of Aliens, etc. I don't go to church so the space I have for God is my own.

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I think most of us would like to have a source of comfort, healing, even power... I have been a organized religion skeptic for a long time, so biglino's work was actually reassuring... "I won't roast in hellfire after all!" 😇

But it CAN sort of leave one adrift, spiritually. I guess we have to somehow find the peace, strength and comfort within ourselves... difficult in this FUBAR world...

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No, I have not. I'm set in the belief that we are involved in the battle between Almighty God and the rebellious elohim that want to make themselves like El the Almighty God and Jesus was God's olive branch for those humans that would receive Him. It won't be long now til the truth is exposed and heaven opens or "cracks" open and the truth is revealed. Clif is right about that IMO.

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Still... I think you would find it interesting...

If not, no problemo.

BTW: Just wondering... "Jesus was God's olive branch for those humans that would receive Him. "

What happens to those who do not?

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He explains it much better in this video as it's totally Bible based, but I understand if you are clear in your perspective. It's also a pretty long video, but you can start it around the 8 min mark to save some time. I listen at a fast speed so it's much shorter, but I'm familiar with most of the scripture he uses. I appreciate your time and your pov, so thanks for caring!


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That is up to God as I'm a Bible based believer and He can choose.

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Taking care of our gut microbiome is a good idea though I agree with him on that

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I do too... but in my reading... I find that it is not that simple... Fiber... or no fiber? Probiotics... or no? Honey??? Garlic? My Methylene blue?

Which diet? white rice? Carnivore? Vegan? Keto? Med? Ray Peat? Sugar the devil or some simple sugar good? It's enough to drive a person to drink... btw... a few drinks good? bad??

Guts giving you trouble? IBS? IBD? Cancer? Ulcer? Just gas? SIBO? Crones? Diverticulitis? Allergies? Your imagination??


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Hah yes. It's definitely a challenge

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I am doing mostly fruit, low-carb veggies, mozzarella, a few nuts, an occasional grass-fed burger, a little organic milk... seems to be agreeing with me...

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isn't this the worst joke? Jen, once we hit this point i started displaying all the dysfunctional emotions Clif mentions in the first half of the article (but at least i see it). i don't yet know how, but my body will reject that poison for sure. We have no choice but to out-evolve it.

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What is that metallic taste that is present? Could it be graphite or even something raining from the sky! Naw, all of above plus about 10 more.

Now the digital photons can send their signals. Enjoy the internalized light show ya don’t even know about. The simulation is complete.

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Don’t know? but I’m tasting it here in Eastern Washington, very distinctive.

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Synthetic life forms via

Polimides.(hydrogels)-See Dr. Ana M’s sub stack! You will then understand. NAC and zinc purges Graphene.

EDTA and C for metals.

Take a break and Chanel good vibes with a large rewarding salad!

Check your alkaline. 7.5 or better. Him salt and baking soda to structure h2o- real water let set out overnight in glass or copper vase, bless it!

Run bike and keep that frequency of love and luv of life!

For me the smell has diminished. Sauna regularly. Wipe down with white towel and prepare for suprise of gray materials. Ongoing battle…

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Ugh, can’t find Dr. Ana M’s substack, could you please help?

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Removed, to bad was looking forward to that one...

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Clif is awesome. I can see him on the coast of WA state at his house. Space aliens land and Clif comes out with a shotgun or AR15 and yells "Get off my lawn!" :-)

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I can just see Clif commandeering the space aliens floaty RV adding insult to injury.

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No need to commandear the vessel, just put a couple of 308 holes in it , the rest will happen when its doin 163,000 mph !

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But then the space alien floaty RV is useless :/

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And they say Take me to your larder! Space Alien hungry

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Point at Joe Bribem and hope they don't like to eat brains. lol

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Good one!

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Correction: Take me to your larder I'll see your leader later (old joke) look it up....

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or offers them some bacon and eggs in a rather zen passive action demonstration

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Maybe a shotgun with some salt rock in it too, just for good measure. 🤣🤣🤣

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Im surprised you can still posses a gun in Commie WA state. Holograms are impervious to bullets anyway.

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What specifically, and in what quantities, do I and my family need to ingest, to immediately restore our gut biome to optimal "fuck-you-alien-fuckers" levels?

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I would only add, drink raw milk. They have been fucking with humanity through 'pasture' 'eyes' 'ation' for a long time. I know that when I started using raw milk I noticed a huge increase in mental health in terms of happiness and it isn't just the casomorphine (which makes me itch in regular milk as I have a sensitivity to morphine; hate it so much that I would rather just suffer in pain that be injected with it) it is something else in it that engenders a great sense of well being and happiness and I noticed it almost immediately (took about a week before I was like...hey...something is different here).

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Been drink raw milk for four years now. It's the greatest. Thank you Aajonus Vonderplanitz...


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I was a 'fence sitter' when everyone told me how great it was. Even had next door neighbors who ran a family raw milk dairy farm but still wouldn't try it. Then I found a local place that sells it where I live now. I would NEVER go back to regular milk. The foods you can make from it like your own butter, kefir, ice cream and cheese are vastly superior to anything you can buy in a store.

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Now I am wondering why they've been telling us for decades to drink so much water. I don't think I have ever drank 8 glasses a day.

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Funny how I'd find it really difficult to drink eight glasses of water a day, but I'd have no problem sitting down in a London pub and downing eight pints of ale.

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Makes sense to me. The Body Knows What It Wants. LOL. Same here, never could drink that much water, but pound through a half dozen pitchers of suds no problem. After reading this post and comments and clicking the other links in comments, it just clicked, they want us plump and juicy. I bet the extra water is also beneficial to production, strength, or flavor.

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I always think the human body prefers slime in terms of coffee, tea, beer etc rather than water. I often have wondered whether that connects to Gerald pollack's 4th Phase of Water schtick.

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I believe that dietary directive came out around the same time they began fluoridating the water- or so I've read- but it does make a lot of sense

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I was thinking about the adrenochrome they want, perhaps they Need us to drink more water for that? If we get too dry, maybe it's bad for flavor, or quantity harvested. Watching that video talking about Aboriginese people not drinking any water made me think they just didn't get the memo. lol I bet they have a weak effect and those who stay up to date on their jabs and get all that Mercury, Aluminum and other crap, along with lots of water and fluoride to keep them unaware are like the Bacardi 151 while the Aboriginese produse a Frito-Lay Corn Chip (Or Sweaty Feet) flavored Boone's Farm Adrenochrome. lmao

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I suppose that's possible. Fluoridisation of water in the U.S. had almost the direct opposite effect of what happened when they started iodising salt, bread, etc... https://www.businessinsider.com/iodization-effect-on-iq-2013-7?r=US&IR=T

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Now the only pasteurized milk you can get is the Ultra-pasteurized kind. I wonder if its even worse. I went to drinking Almond milk because of the gut problems with cows milk. I like it a lot. But I eat greek yogurt everyday and doesn't seem to bother me.

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I actually had a alkaline imbalance as well. My body was too acid. Didn't know it. When I got that ironed out I was able to consume more dairy. I would do the pH test strips and my urine or saliva was around 5 pH. Your body has to steal from all your body's organs to correct a pH like that in your blood...AND it cannot digest minerals because your system has to be as close to pH 7.0+ in order to digest many essential minerals. I would also say that most of the worlds illness comes from vaccines (overstimulation of the immune system causing the body to react to normal environmental stimuli = allergies) and over acidity of the body which promotes diseases like cancer and causes the body to rob its own organs to correct the pH of the blood. Once you correct these two things you are on your way to optimal health. I am pretty old but my bloodwork now is the same as a teenager, even after decades of horrible abuse to the body through ignorance, no medicines, no more witchdoctors, no more 'modernity', no more problems.

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Greek yoghurt = very high in easily digestible protein though, so very useful in one way (although Skyr = much higher.)

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How do you get your hands on raw milk though? You’d just about have to have your own cow!!

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Thanks for posting the link. Nothing near me :(

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I'm sure if you were to search around locally/regionally, you'd find a farmer or two. Probably a lot of of them don't know about the site yet.

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The nearest dairy according to the link posted is 3,100km (1,926 miles) away 😂 I live in Darwin, Northern Territory in Australia. Thousands of miles from the bigger cities. I’ll post locally on Fakebook @ see what here locally 💗

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Try and find a farm near you. Around my they can sell it "for animal consumption"

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They sell it in my area for animal consumption. I also give it to my dogs as well. They love it and it is fantastic for them.

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We have a Nigerian Dwarf goat that's about the size of my Australian shepherd and gives us between 1 and 2 quarts of delicious raw milk a day. Goat milk is the most commonly consumed milk in the world! And Nigerian Dwarf goat milk is higher fat and protein content than whole cows milk.

Not everyone has the space for a cow, but many can make space for a goat.

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Just make sure you can either pen it properly, or have enough room for it to roam. Goats are escape artists & very destructive, into everything- LITERALLY everything. Unless you like cracked windshields from being tap danced on, and everything insight being chewed up.

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Know anyone with a dairy farm? If not, make a new friend or two, preferably one that has gotten away from the forced pesticides, herbicides, gmo seeds, animals vax, etc that most farmer were doing for so long- not realizing how bad it was.

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Fermented foods will go far to help you. It's my understanding it can take a couple of years to get the gut in good shape. I heaping spoon of fermented at each meal is my goal

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Does greek yogurt qualify as that kind of fermentation?

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I think so, I've replaced sour cream for full fat, or whole fat Greek yogurt

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I've eaten about a

half cup of Greek yogurt, spread out over the day, for about 5 months now and I'm noticing a difference in my stomach. It does produce gas though.

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he mentioned Reuteri and Gasseri specifically, start there

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Just bought the whole yogurt deal and gasseri. I'm already feeling better before I start. Mania

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Started making my first batch tonight

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It worked great, using a2 milk and heavy cream, simmering it for 36 hours in the insta pot on 100 degrees. I've been mixing it at night with the sleep powder, it tastes delicious together.

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Do you have a link? Thank you.

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BioGaia Gestures Chewable Tablets, Adult Probiotic Supplement for Stomach Discomfort, Constipation, Gas, Bloating, Regularity, Non-GMO, 30 Tablets, 1 Pack https://a.co/d/ifJ7q3j

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Why I love making sauerkraut and sourdough bread and pancakes: the War of the Worlds ended as a war between bacteria!

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I just saw a video today of a person eating white bread and measuring his glucose level, then next day he ate sourdough and did the same. The sourdough brought the blood glucose level up 40% of the white bread's level.

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Thanks for sharing that Margaret- good question - could be due to the type of starch in the sourdough / more nutrients to break down? It's akin to eating a potato vs a candy bar. The potato will actually spike your glucose more due to the starches, however is still the healthier option overall.

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It definitely has to do with the sourdough starter since the bread ingredients don't vary (flour, water, salt). I don't know what the difference would be. Presumably sourdough is a specific bacteria as opposed to a yeast. But to keep the glucose level at 40% of white bread's must mean the sourdough is consuming a lot of the starch and converting it to something else with a lower glucose level, maybe protein. I dunno.

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How about sharing your sourdough recipe? Clif keeps making his and I wish he would share his recipe too. There are lots of recipes on youtube but I don't know where they get their sour dough starter.... thats my biggest question. I make regular bread but would love to try the sour kind.

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You can make your own starter. There's a blog - GNOWFGLINS - that teaches that and more.

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Hi Elena! Here's the recipe I'm currently using:


Making a starter is easier than you think...just takes time:

This site tells you to use a starter culture/bacteria etc in step 3, however all I did was combine flour and water in equal parts and let sit on the counter for a few days, adding equal parts flour and water. I'm going to also start a new starter outside in the next week, as wild yeasts from flowers are potent now:


Let me know how it goes! I'll try to post an update on notes in the next week or so.

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I just read the recipe. Wow.... This is a several day process. You have to plan ahead but it sounds like fun. Good thing I'm retired. Lol.

I was the best bread maker in my family when I was about 11 years old. My mother taught me to use a teaspoon of Alum in the dough (I don't know the purpose to this day). Anyway my family was perplexed why my bread was the best of all. So one day they decided to watch exactly what I did that was different that made my bread so good and fluffy. Back in the early '60's we bought all goods from bulk food stores without labels and stored it in glass jars. Lo and behold they discovered that I was using a teaspoon of baking powder instead of Alum. I became the chief bread maker in my large family of 9 kids from then on. It's one of those pleasant memories you never forget. I got to be the hero once a week!

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So you were meant to see this recipe! Oh man, now I really want to see how your bread turns out, without the aluminum of course.

Once you do it, it becomes kind of subconscious as you know, with any habit or way of cooking. Once you have the starter it will be a piece of cake, or bread (:

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I think that's hilarious! Makes perfect sense. I wonder how many great innovations first happened as mistakes. Sometimes it goes the other way. I read that a woman always cut off the end of a pot roast as her mother did. She didn't know why her mother did it but she figured it must be important. Many years later she finally asked her mother why and her mother told her that pot she had was too small for a pot roast.

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Thanks. I will give this a try soon.

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I eat bacon every day, I do not limit salt, agriculture of grains enslaved us, I don't eat much grain, I eat the cow instead

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Yes Bacon, Bacon, Bacon and All Ruminants as well!

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Made me think of Dennis Leary talking about his doctor saying he was going to have to stop eating bacon within 10 years, .... so he's eating it three meals a day to hurry up and get it all in by then.. It was on some talk show, was pretty funny.

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This is not really a response to your situation, but I wanted to put it someplace and you mention salt and grains. A low carb diet will wring the excess water out of the body, along with excess salt. So anyone who's been put on a low salt diet due to water retention, just go low carb. It has to do with every molecule of carb needing a molecule of water biochemically. The fault for water retention isn't salt, it's carbs. When you stop eating high carb foods, the water leaves. No more bland food. Not only that it's much better for you....no gluten, probably the biggest allergen now, no sugar, another big problem. No grains, which are inflammation creating. Eat all the bacon you want. Your cholesterol will not go to your arteries without the presence of insulin and low carb cures the insulin problem. You can actually cure Type 2 Diabetes by carb restriction and intermittent fasting, basically reversing the process by which Type 2 Diabetes happens. If you think about it, low carb is just a natural diet, the one we all ate back in the day before agriculture started poisoning us with stuff we were never meant to eat....grains and highly processed food. Even dog food has high levels of CORN. Now you tell me why a carnivore should be eating corn. I feed my dog the same nutritious meat I'm having and he thrives. Loves that bacon! I don't make up food for him like on YT where for some reason they cannot resist filling it with peas and carrots.

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no pasta?

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Pasta is Bunny Bread in disguise. :-)

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This will be very difficult for me.

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Nah, you just have to learn to make all kinds of nasty shit with almond flour, including keto pasta. Look on youtube under Keto recipes/pasta. No, it IS tough for those of us addicted to the Standard American Diet (SAD), including myself, but they say that's why we wind up dying of diabetes, heart disease, and all those degenerative diseases related directly to diet. Those were much rarer 100 years ago. Carbs really are an addiction biochemically, no kidding. When you eat them you must have more until it's way more than the body can deal with, which is what this is all about. The thing is it's all refined and so is very concentrated, far more than exists in nature, where the best you could have done pre-agriculture is a few grains of some kind of seed. However, if you can't go keto, reduce the really bad carbs loaded with sugar and go lighter on the pasta. Every bit helps.

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I'm vegan, but have alot of pasta on hand, so I do allow myself to eat it, even though it is made with eggs. I basically eat a Mediterranean diet without any animal products or dairy. Also, lots of Indian food, and heavy on beans, lentils, legumes in general, and a wide variety of rice. There are lots of plant based substitutes out there now, including very good yogurts, cheeses, butter and meats for vegans. I buy Field Roast sausages. My diet has lots of carbs, though. Maple syrup is a good substitute sweetener. I don't know anything about keto, but I imagine it is the polar opposite of my diet. I started dipping my toe into the treatment of animals raised commercially for our consumption. That was enough for me, and swore off animal products. I didn't even get that far in my research, which is very unlike me. There is a boatload of great vegan cookbooks out there these days, too. It is not just hippies writing them anymore. One cookbook I especially like, particularly for those transitioning, or just comfort food in general, is called "The Buddhist Chef". He has a website of the same name with lots of free recipes, all rated by difficulty level. Many are rated as easy, and non-vegans love his food!

Sorry about getting off on a tangent there. I come here trying to find ways to help my husband. He is stage 4 metastasized prostate cancer into his bones (hip and sternum). It came on very suddenly and aggressively. Aggressive prostate cancer seems to be a thing these days. Men aged 40 are getting it and having their prostrates removed. Right now my husband is at the Mayo Clinic getting PSMA 177 Lutetium or pluvicto injections, which will make him nuclear active. He can't be around children under 10, or pregnant or lactating women for 3 days. The day after tomorrow, he will need to bag any clothes that get any of his bodily fluids on them, even just one drop, for 70 days. The bags must be kept outside, and then thrown away after the allotted time has passed. When he flies home, he will be given a card to show at the airport, because he will be setting off alarms due to being nuclear active. He needs 6 injections 6 weeks apart. They cost $100,000 each. A year ago they were $200,000 each. The only other place to get them is in Turkey. They only cost $2,000 each there. Mind-boggling markups here in the states. Unbelievably, insurance does cover it. He believes in western medicine. I do not, except for emergency care. It's in the name. They are practicing medicine; not healing, not curing, and not health.

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This piece resonates with the FACT that our science, technology and advancement as a species has been and is being subtly and not so subtly effed with from "someone" or something" Just one case in point are the poisons that are officially sanctioned for use in our food like glyphosate, fluoride, aspartame and various aluminum compounds - all supposedly by the bumbling bureaucrats who "in theory" control this circus... Great POV article Clif...

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And those bureaucrats aren't even doctors all the time, like the director of the WHO.

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Last night, thanks to Clif's links with yesterday's substack revealing the benefits of L Reuteri,I searched for the. Best sources in terms of cost and availability and discovered. Swanson's vitamins to be the most cost effective. They carry several bacteria strains on their own label as well as chicory based inulin. I want to caution people to read the ingredient lists because some supplement companies put chemicals like sodium dioxide in their capsules. Lastly, I checked my bottle store bought kefir (lifeway brand) and it lists L Reuteri as one of the 12 different cultures it uses both in the low fat,nonorganic variety and organic one. So until someone starts producing a truly pro human commerical yogurt ( if you are unable to make your own ) kefir may provide some beneficial microbes. And if you do want tomake yogurt at home, a heat mat with adjustable settings works good to provide a reliable heat source if you don't have a fancy (expensive) yogurt maker

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My insta pot is able to be programmed for 100 degrees and 36 hours, when I pressed the sous vide button. It tested correct temperature with thermometer.

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yes, i've just recently discovered Swansons and agree with

your take on them. thanks for your post on this!

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Interesting stuff, as usual... but keep in mind a few things:

*Clif is big time AGAINST seed oils (PUFAs)... pork, unless pasture raised.grass fed is loaded with PUFAs, due to their feed being loaded with them. Chicken and beef too, probably to a slightly lesser extent...

*There are both good and BAD bacteria in the gut... e-coli is just one... H. Pylori... and look up SIBO, when the bad bugs are winning... usual treatment? Antibiotics.

It's a balance... the GOOD probiotics help, for sure... but only after the bad bugs are minimized... and honey, garlic, ginger, ACV, cinnamon (ceylon)... can be very useful... perhaps they should be used in occasional "cycles"...??

*Clif's stuff is great... but he is also a self-confessed paranoid schizophrenic... best to keep that in the back of your mind should panic set in! 😰

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Over use of antibiotics from getting MRSA is what screwed my stomach...got it from my father when he was in the hospital, showed up, a few years later, didn’t even know I had it, called C. difficile... horrible absolutely horrible. I pay the price every day. It’s almost like colitis.... one thing I find that helps humic and fluvial acid, before a meal in the morning...

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I suggest checking out this article...


I have been having gut issues since a extremely stressful time in early '18... no c.diff... but... !!

I am going to try the Allicidin... and already have been taking probiotics... I seem to have a ton of food sensitivities... gut dysfunction sucks!

PS: I think chlorine dioxide solution may really help... I've been off it for a while... I will try it again, after re-reading testimonials for MMS, which is the same thing, but CDS is a better, safer form... doing the basic protocol (1ml taken 10X/day, or 2ml. taken 5X/day, an hour before or after meals, no vitamin C)


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My understanding is that CDS is the gases/vapors of MMS infused into water. There is nothing unsafe about MMS- if it gives you problems, you simply adjust the dosing as needed. It doesn't stay in your system long enough to be unsafe.

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Perhaps "safe" is the wrong term. MMS is FAR more likely to cause bad side effects, mostly puking or feeling very ill... than CDS is. I do not know of any reports of anyone dying from MMS, or even being injured significantly...

I see no reason to use MMS instead of CDS... but maybe that's just me... and CDS does "expire"... while the 2 components of making MMS (or CDS) last a much longer time until mixed... so handy, for when the SHTF.

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I also have all of the CDS studies, great information

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Hey that’s fantastic information, thank you very much, I have MMS, I have Jim Humbles books(MMS Health Recovery Guidebook) first edition, by Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd. I belong to his church, that’s how I buy his products I donate to the church, and of course, the United States put his people in prison, they don’t like natural medicine as you know trying to say he’s selling bleach which we all know is not true, can’t have someone running around selling a cure for Ebola virus, especially if they plan on bringing out something similar, that’s just my opinion. I really appreciate your help and knowledge ❤️🌹

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You bet... I stick to CDS... my sensitive guts may not like MMS... but either are amazing... I've added a few drops of DMSO sometimes if I am fighting off a bug...

Yes, Big Pharma has become an evil monster... along with Big media, Big Defense, Big Legal, etc...

More CDS info for our unfortunate vaxxed friends... conservatives only, please! 😉


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Ever hear of fecal transplant to cure C-diff...........sounds so gross but apparently it works...

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I'd be wary of that. They also push it for pets, as well. Reading a few glowing articles and wonderful success stories in MSM pubs tends to send up my gut alarms. There are numerous other natural ways to resolve virtually every problem, if one is willing to put the time into researching, and trying to which works. Do you trust that that any fecal matter is "clean" even from your own family member? That's how the poisons & toxins LEAVE our bodies when we detox & eat right. Does it seem logical to put the "crap" back into you?

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Never heard of it, unfortunately I will not even go under anaesthesia anymore because I’m afraid if I do and they will put me in the hospital, the bastards will stick that needle in me that’s called C 19 without my permission,(it’s happening)had to fire my doctor of 32 years because she wouldn’t leave me alone about getting the poison, hounded me continuously,(they we’re being paid handsomely) as a matter of fact I just found a new doctor that just set up shop, a fairly decent Muslim doctor,(it’s the only subset available anymore)who was taking new patients in a brand new office, but our healthcare is so screwed up in this country called Canada that it will take him three months to do a physical on me, if you can imagine that..every since the screw-up(vacs injuries) our Health care industry is over run, and defeated... I follow natural health, so I’m working on it myself... the only good thing about it is I’m losing lots of weight not that I was ever a big girl to begin with.

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Just got my boluke lumbrokinease per your rec. if you come across a good source of ruerti gasseri let me know. Ascended health probiotics have been a most trusted one for me - I'm researching if they have a blend w these.

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This one looks good... I just ordered... I don't want any aliens huffing my belly-fat!!

NOTE: I will say Uncle Clif has gone a bit 'round the bend with his latest stuff! 🤣

Heck, I used to smoke the ganja pretty often too, like Clif does... !!


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Ty I looked at this one too but the reviews look mid. It's cheap enough to just try. I'll share back what I find.

Happy hippie lettuce! His info ties in beautifully to many other things I've pondered over the years which I says fun.

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Mid reviews? Looks like mostly (74%) #1 ratings, and none lower than a #3? Are we looking at the same product?

Yes, nothing wrong with the ganj... I just used for too long and it finally went against me... even at theh very low "medicinal" doses I was using...

yes, Clif is great... just a bit "out there" on earth being an alien human cattle farm... but then again... who knows?

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The amazon review comments didn't look to specific or notable difference I thought. I got it to try. Also researching probiotic enemas 😵‍💫

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BTW: I think this supplement may be well worth trying and the price is FAR less than the same one on Amazon... but you would have to hurry... last one! I just received mine yesterday. I seem to have a lot of intolerances/sensitivities and they wear me out.


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I believe his extensive study, and practice of, better nutrition has resolved the schizophrenia- and paranoia is actually a good thing, doesn't mean what we have been taught it does. Nutrition is a big part of how he survived 3 cancers and rebuilt himself. Although the martial arts and other disciplines surely helped, as well

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I like and respect Clif and find him to be very intelligent... very interesting.

BTW: I do not believe that schizophrenia is curable... I may be wrong...

My point was and is... one does not have to believe in or act on everything he says... obviously, he espouses many things that are just not "knowable"... aliens... human/alien history thousands of years ago... speaking to giant "Mantids" after (during?) his "deaths"... The lost civilization and sinking of Atlantis... Aliens in Antarctica... many things... his predictions over the years have been quite inaccurate... though many have, or soon will come to pass... N. American glacier formation, $600 silver, massive new lake in the middle of America, etc, etc...

No harm, no foul ($600 silver will forgive all, as I hold a lot) 😍

We all could use a Sensei... or a Guru... Clif just might do until a better one comes along! Until then... I'm a fan and FUGG all anti-Clif trolls here.

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Did the Space Aliens also edit out gulonolactone oxidase so that if we strayed too far from camp, we would get scurvy? Humans, unlike most animals, are unable to synthesize vitamin C endogenously. It makes sense to me. What a control mechanism!

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Could well be they did, but thankfully there's a fix been found for that now. News release on Orthomolecular.org last year covering it. This is a critical thing, and outside of my occasional promotion of the link in relevant 'stack and other forum discussions, I'm not seeing any other distribution of this incredibly important information - so all y'all reading this need to help get the word out:

The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans

by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD and Ron Hunninghake, MD


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Tanks fer dat

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wow, that was elucidating!! Thanks!!

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Thank you..great information in that link..I forwarded it to me Holistic Doc...

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Hmmm. Interesting, interesting.

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I have Thomas’s book on hydrogen peroxide, excellent book

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makes sense

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What are the space aliens' principle weaknesses?

How do we destroy every last one of them if/when they show back up?

Maybe we can eat THEM instead. Or at least incinerate 'em.

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IMO they don't like sunlight. Also, many buildings associated with them contain silicon dioxide which may point to other weaknesses.

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I posit that they are silicon-based (whereas we are carbon-based), and that is why they are dumping aluminum everywhere. Silica chelates (eats) aluminum from the body. We are being marinated with aluminum - a critical nutrient for the Space Aliens!

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I concur

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Explains modern architecture

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First we need to destroy their evil army of pedophile cross dressing freaks...Gates, Klaus , Fauci, Bourla....just go down the list of the top at WEF, CDC,FDA,NIH,Big Pharma...obviously they are the agents ...killing humanity for shekels and power trip...where are all those military trained sharp shooters and assassins? Humanity desperately needs your service! And don't forget to burn down MONSATAN

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They are here now. In fact we are all descendants of space aliens.... 22 different races from what I understand. It's just that some of them had ulterior motives like turning us into their food resources. Not all aliens are bad.

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I read the same thing as well, especially from books written by Elena Danaan. She has written 4 books on Galactic Disclosure - https://www.elenadanaan.org/elena-danaan-author

I absolutely agree with everything Clif is saying in this article.....human farming. Is this reason why there are around 100K children/babies missing every year in US.?? This has been going on for eons. In latest book I'm reading now by Elena Danaan - https://www.elenadanaan.org/area-51-stephen-chua - a true story, Stephen said the Reptilian ET's were using humans as food, especially children. Now I know why pork was always forbidden in many societies as stated in this article, so will eat more bacon!! This was a great article and exactly what's been going on with these malevolent ET's.

I had always wondered why these malevolent ET's were here, why so many missing children/babies, etc., which makes so much sense. I figured we were food source for them.

How we were being mind controlled by the Globalists to where we are today, a very dumbed down society, with many chronically ill people. Clif is absolutely correct that our gut biome has complete control of our life. It's so important to take prebiotics, probiotics, consume organic food, take natural supplements - Vit D, Vit C, turmeric, fish oils, and so much more. No RX drugs. They're toxic and work against the body.

Thanks Clif for a great article. Also, I only buy organic, uncured bacon, especially Applegate brand.

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I'm familiar with some of Elena's work, and Alex Collier too. I listen to his podcasts on Brighteon.

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Assuming that you mean *principal* weaknesses, it's their need for human adrenochrome, loosh or whatever. So the simple answer is for each and every one of us to poison our body; i.e. to make us poisonous for them to consume. Any ideas?

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Yes principal as in number one, chief, main, primary, whatever.

And no, I'm not interested in turning myself into 'walking rat poison' as an effective battle strategy.

I meant to inquire about other weaknesses either physiological energetic or otherwise.

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Even if it means eat LOTS and LOTS of bacon!?! Bacon prophylaxis against space farmers!

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Yes Bacon, Bacon, Bacon and All Ruminants as well

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They have no creativity, they can only mimic, avoid everything that is fake

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Or at least a solution that bears fruit at some point substantially sooner than after the Space Aliens have processed us, ... and therefore failing their taste test a bit too late. lol BUT, if we make our selves toxic by eating all the crap they don't want us to eat because it makes us unpalatable, then it will not hurt us to be toxic to them. But we still would get processed first, so it would only be a post-life middle finger to them, .... as they are dumping our goo down their intergalactic toilet.

The shotgun gets my vote !! lmao And eating Bacon, Bacon, Bacon might make for a nice Just-In-Case.

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Funny how the WEF -UN climate hoax Nazis are campaigning to rid the earth of farting cows by the hundreds of thousands...but not one word against pigs....

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Makes me wonder what Eating Ze Bugs has in the way of Adrenochrome benefits ? lol A lot of people follow their religion and won;t eat Pork, I guess now they go after Beef to steer the herd towards Bugs. Imagine the Amrageddon stories of those left behind getting wiped out completely. Would this be them saying "Welp, they didn't listen and now we have a foul tasting harvest. phuck it, lets till everything and start over again" ?? lol

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Eat pork.... lots of bacon.

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Well, the most obvious thing to do in that regard would be to study 'intentionally irrationalised boogiemen'. The most obvious one that I can think of would be CO2.

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Hi Clif, thanks for everything you are doing, really! For example introducing us to that Bitchute super sleuth rabbit hole digger: Remarque88. His comments section is a wealth of education too.

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How do we regain our L Reuteri ?

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Clif linked four videos on L. Reuteri in his previous Substack article entitled ‘Pandemania!’, fyi.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Role of Lactobacillus reuteri in Human Health and Diseases: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00757/full

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I have a “gut feeling” (no pun intended) that THIS is the key to many illnesses. Our bodies are machines, make no mistake. God (the Creator) has given us all we need to be truly alive and healthy. It is our human kind that is often hiding this. Research wisely!

Thank you for this information!

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thank you for this link!

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Thankyou. 😊

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Thank you very much Manolis.

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yesterday's substack has information videos on making homemade "yoghurt" that will do the trick.

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Interesting to note that the reuteri bacteria is found in higher proportions in pigs, rodents and chickens…… any possibility that the destruction of so many poultry farms was not accidental???

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I can't say that I am upset by the death of the chickens since their lives were totally awful to begin with. Not even room to turn around or living and dying never seeing the sun or feeling the wind on their beaks. Exactly like the 'smart cities' they want to crowd humanity into so they can harvest them at will.

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The horrific “living” conditions of mass produced chickens (or any “meat” animal) is not ethical nor acceptable and I must agree that the destruction of those animals may have been almost an act of mercy. The meat was likely toxic with stress hormones anyway. I do not condone the mass murder for nefarious purposes (if that is what happened) but ultimately these birds were destined to be killed for food…..the issue is whether they were removed from the food chain in order to prevent some benefits to humans or just to destroy food …full stop.

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So, following the same logic, do you think people who live in crowded cities would be better off dead, like the crowded chickens? Bet if you asked the chickens, they'd opt for life.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

If a human was treated like the chickens are treated currently I would consider that the worst form of torture imaginable...basically it is what the CIA does when they are rendering/torturing people. Do I think that someone should live out their entire lives, birth to death, enduring CIA rendition or something worse? No. I don't think that is right.

Chickens are helpless cute little balls of feathers that could no more fight back against mega corp or solve their own problem than you could 'fight back' against a t-Rex or the MIC AI (see Ukraine and the 4 minute lifespan on the front line of your average soldier). Those chickens could no more conceive of 'life' than anything that endures horrendous torture every waking second of its existence.

When a pet caged bird or finch is released into the open air it flies so high and so fast that its heart explodes in its chest. Are you planning on 'rehabilitating' every last chicken? Hundreds of millions of them a year?

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Reeks of desperation in Canada trying to control us wildlings. Eradicating the natural supplements and vitamins is a pretty dramatic unmasking of their intent. Result? More boomerang of the people awakening.

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Big Pharma has been pushing for ending Vitamin supplements for years now, they want them only by prescription so they can tweak them and patent them for profit and also deny us what we need...many people have reported curing their cancer with supplements, herbs and mushrooms....

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Thanks Clif - now I can incorporate pork into my recipe without hesitation 🥰

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The only problem with putting pork into your diet is what they’re injecting into the pork now.

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"Grow a new body" is a great book including healing thru micro biome, he focuses primarily on s. Boullardi w recipes to ferment your own using blueberries.

The ringing cedars of Russia also talkes about the "tinies" which are the bacteria's that once could fulfill commands through the thoughts and will if the human. The little girl directs them to change the time on the clock, and also to eat up/evaporate mass weapons.

Reminiscent of todays clif article.

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