OMG thank you dear clif - while it smacked of fear porn, living 90 mi from NYC with family closer, it did throw me for a loop. Saved by clif and his deep understanding of well, pretty much All Things by my observation ;-) (all things worth knowing that is).

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Same way miss Jean used to hold the golden tennis racket and say hello to all the children in TV land Romper. Room

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Always appreciate your insights and analyses Clif; Thank You!

Curious though why you did not mention the well documented Montauk experiments, Al Bieleck (the second persona of a well educated man - MIT engineering as I recall - whose original persona was Ed Cameron), his brother Duncan Cameron, and of course the Philadelphia experiment. All these phenomena involved documented time travel and teleportation. Science provided by extraterrestrial persons. There is also a very interesting book "Chronicles from the Future" (Written by Paul Amadeus Dienach

Edited by Achilleas Sirigos) that tells the story of an early 20th century teacher who, in a medical coma, experienced the transfer of his consciousness to a man in 3906 who had experienced a traumatic accident and was also in a coma.

Further don't you think that the Akashic Field (scientifically described by Ervin Laszlo "Science and the Akashic Field") IS the magnetic field surrounding the earth which remote viewers access to glimpse the images of events they see?

Since you're heavily involved in studying magnetism, it would be interesting to hear your views on these and related issues.

Thanks again.

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Yes, I would like to hear Cliff’s views on this as well. It seems every time they fuck with reality with their quantum devices, reality gets more and more whackadoodle. It seems like the Philadelphia Experiement and then the Montauk experiments were the catalyst that really started making reality malleable. Now with Cern, HAARP, and the ionization of the atmosphere for the satellite grid, it is really starting to seem like we really are in a simulation more than ever. Really nothing left to do but sit back, laugh your ass off, and enjoy the ride until the “transition” comes.

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Exactly , Clif unbelievable what is now all over the internet , Dark Journalist , and especially Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot - every interview she talks about Aliens - she slips it in claiming to be enlightened Ok Sure Kerry . I can not believe how Un educated people are to believe her. Her favorite person is Simon Parks & Charlie Ward. Oh don't forget he rival Juan O savin - the Big Lie - Ok Kerry you know JFK jr - a no. Thank you for always being our National Treasure - Trust their is a Reason you are you Mr. Professor Clif.

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I wouldn't lump DJ in with Kerry & her merry band of idiots (Parks, Ward & OSavin). Daniel does good solid research and doesn't promote "snake oil" type hype. While he did have a brief exchange about Looking Glass in a discussion with Alexandra Bruce (not in the "most credible" source category, but nowhere near as bad as Cassidy) the other day, he clearly didn't come across as supporting or necessarily believing any of the hype and it was quickly put aside as the meat of the discussion turned towards the Biden Crime Family situation w/ the laptop, blackberries and Ukraine.

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You do know that Clif believes in ETs, right?

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A person can believe in ET's and still hold the position that their are hucksters out there peddling deception about the subject.

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Boy you kids are sure going to be crappin your pants when disclosure happens.

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Thank you Clif.

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the new youtube channel "Guardians of the Looking Glass" reads like one of those "chain-letters" of old... also sounds like the preface to a video game. Whether the events they're predicting do happen or don't happen, it's a win-win for them, because if the events don't happen, they can claim they prevented them.

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Yes! that's it! A chain letter. I remember those and that's exactly what this reminded me of. Couldn't quite put my finger on it, thanks!

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yes, chain letter!

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Yeah saw this being peddled on telegram and it stuck out as yetanotherpieceoffearporn.

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"They are deliberately trying to disturb and distract you. I wonder why, and for whom?"

The people who are aware of things like Project Looking Glass are, I think, a specific subset of the populace. The people behind Project Looking Glass are like magicians, making us look at their left hand, when the right hand is doing a trick. My question is... what is in the right hand that we aren't supposed to see?

/fake alien invasion?

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good question! I think they just want to lower the frequency of people through fear so that we don't pose a serious counter to their power.

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as T’Pal said in Star Trek Enterprise “The Vulcan Science Institute confirms there is No Such Thing As Time Travel”. If you have the Real Thing, you keep it secure by discredit the entire concept by flooding the Subject area with Scammers , Fake Stories, and impressive looking equipment that doesn’t work, but makes excellent coffee. 👍

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Agree to disagree. You are assuming that time is linear. What if it isn't? What if the past- present and future are all happening at the same time but in separate dimensions? And a "looking glass" is merely a tool that can see what is happening in different dimensions? We know very little about science and physics. We are toddlers in the universe. Also- have you read "The Last President Travels And Adventures Of Little Baron Trump, Baron Trumps Marvellous Underground Journey" by "Ingersoll Lockwood - written in the late 1890's? Have you googled the Ingersoll lockwood website (https://www.ingersolllockwood.com)? Are you aware of the fact that John Trump (Trump's uncle) cleaned out Nikola Tesla's home after he died? There are WAY TOO MANY COINCIDENCES.

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Time is the great illusion!

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Have you ever read "From the corner of his eye" by Dean Koontz. While fiction I love the whole idea of time not being linear.

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Can't say that I have

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The FBI cleaned out Tesla's notes and gave them to MIT, ie Trump's Uncle who was a professor there.

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Pay no attention to the little fat man behind the curtains pulling levers and pushing buttons!

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I don't know about Project Looking Glass, but I've had dreams that have came true, and a few wide awake visions that has also came true, I'm not bragging, and could care less if I'm not believed, I just know they've happened. That being said, I wasn't aware of the dream having come true about the events portrayed in the dream and their relevance to the event, until after the event had past, and then I go Oh Yeah, so, a lot of good they did me, other than, hey I had a dream about that, and So What, Nobody will believe me if I told them. So in conclusion, you can choose to believe me or not.

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Donald, Know that you are not alone...in my opinion, your experience is related

to that leakage of the sub-conscious that our BSB winner found with his

webot. Instead of leaking out in your writings, it burst forth during your

dreamstate. d

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For real not alone, i've had dreams about stupid stuff like tying my shoes or puttin jam on toast that imprint and show up in the exact same setting and exact same vibe 6 months to 2 years later. And its not something as obvious as my house, it's like a random hotel or a wendys. I think this is what most people call deja vu but if you pay attention in ur dreams i think we all get glimpses of future events. I've had enough conversations with others who have had these to know it's just something people don't talk about even if it does happen, unless you get um drunk. It's also how i knew Clif wasn't complete wackadoodle when i first heard about a internet bot that tells the future :D

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Psychic Leaks is what Clif calls them. I have experienced psychic leaks in a mundane sort of way. I would imagine they could easily show up in your dreams.

Similar to deja vu

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Two things: 1) how does the KM relate to the 13 families in Venice?; 2) seems that project looking glass is irrelevant when challenged with mandela effect - nothing and No One is static regardless of what timeline your in.

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This is a very short excerpt that might help w/ the identification:

"Black Nobility families originated as Venetian oligarchs of Italy but cover Italy, Switzerland, Britain, Holland, Germany, and Greece. They are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century.

Following a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as “Leo the Khazar”.

The Medici popes, and Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) were Khazars, as is Pope John Paul II.

Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms."

Much more down this (and other) rabbit holes... https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_blacknobil01.htm


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Humans have an inert desire for these things to be true. We want simple solutions.

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It's interesting that there IS, however, DOD Looking Glass computer simulation program that surfaced in the early 1990's. It was used as a battlefield simulation, picking up communications from the ground. Came into existence about the same time as 'J-Stars' (joint something tactical - ya know, those acronyms the military loves). So, as usual, I think there is one drop of truth that is used by those who pimp - just enough to confuse us 'regular' folk. I'm figuring it COULD be used by "the Q Team" - just reconfigured to run political, instead of military scenarios and outcomes. Just an old ladies hunch (based on her hubby's experience).

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Thank You.

Your awake and conscious readers with a bit of TFMS, Think for My Self, have gathered together to recognize Clif High as unanimous first award winner of the title BSB,

As the whole world of self motivated thinkers and doers knows the coveted and much anticipated first award of BULL SHIT BUSTER, is only worth what the recipient paid for it.

In Clif’s case, way more than enough, so that few mortals will attempt to wrest the title from Clif.

Thank you again Clif for providing all of us readers with the handle for the drain plug chain dumping the confused and toxic brain cells we no longer need.

Well done brother!

Please consider designing your own Award plaque, logo and language as would be appropriate for the first ever BSB award winner. This might make a good SYMBOL for the back ground on your videos and invite normie newbies to pull their own chain. Please feel free to pass out derivative BSB awards to those deserving that distinction.

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But will he openly (live stream) a discussion about it with one or two people who might have a compelling argument

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Thank you for your opinion you made some good points. I did not need anyone to validate or invalidate the #Project Looking Glass articles coming out. They are another piece of information that everyone needs to determine for themselves; true or false.

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Well said!!!

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Thank you, Clif. I just watched a video this a.m. on project looking glass, then followed up with their channel on Bitchute. Thank you for clarifying this fear porn. It didn't seem at all logical to me; whereas, the information you share on such varied topics often gets me to expand my thinking, but it has a foundation in science. history, and/or spirituality. Thanks again!

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Thank You Clif!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What are your thoughts on remote viewing? I have a book about a military program and the plot was centered around one military officer going into the remote viewing military program. The name of the book escapes me now & I’m not at home. However, this fella said that he was able to find his missing favorite military buddy back in Vietnam that had been declared missing in action. He described that experience so vividly as he was able to walk around back in the time when his buddy was still alive.

Are psychics and remote viewers traveling through time? What about folks who indulge in psychedelics?

I watch old movies periodically when I have a spare minute for the boob tube. The movie “Somewhere In Time” with Christopher Reeve, to me, is intriguing in that he only used his mind & repetition to go back in time.

Guess that I’m a little sad that time travel, as you declare, is not possible.

However, if space aliens exist, and I believe they do, how can we totally rule out time travel technology coming from alien beings?

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Your questions about time travel bring to mind my admittedly unusual meanderings. In society today our perception of "time" is biased on the fallacy of its very existence.

We "measure" time as of it were a thing....like a cup of sugar or something. But how can we suppose to measure something so unknowable and abstract? According to the supposed movement of bodies hurling through "space"? When thought of from this perspective the human notion of "time" becomes childlike...almost comical. What IS time, really?

Is the "future" only fabricated by both our personal and collective imaginations of it? Is the "past" nothing more than "memory" imprinted into our psyche by the subconscious integration of ideas encountered in our "now"?

In effect, does "time" even exist at all?

How can any of us actually have an expectation of knowing ANYthing other than that which is imbued within our own sphere of consciousness?

Is communication between conscious beings even real? Or is it merely an elaborate construct of our literally singular "mind"?

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