Rode to Halifax to see a friend who is not well. A good story in all but one thing that I wanted to mention here.
He had an Iranian cabbie that chauffered him around. A really nice man, 61. There was much to lead up to this conversation but we got talking about gravity. To make it short, his physics professor said that what kept us stuck to the earth was Electromagnetic radiation. I would have used force instead of radiation but that was what he said.
I was the first person he had talked to in his 25 years in the west who didn't ridicule him as a backward Iranian for this. He was so happy.
As for awakening, five out of six people I talked to about the Cabal were *totally* red pilled. The sixth was an academic. Two years ago I would have been lucky to get one out of six.
I don't know if that's good or bad. At this point things are getting so bad that a multi-fold increase still seems too slow. Looking into the distance, I'm thinking that without a pick me up, this thing will go right down to the wire. Who needs the suspense at this point? lol
And anyone ridiculing the Iranian as backwards, obviously had issue with paying attention. "His Physics Professor Said". Sounds like misdirected animosity to me.
But then again, I thought electromagnetic radiation, er, force sounded at least interesting enough to listen to and consider. Must be something in the water. lol
I'm Located in commie retardland Kanada/Newfoundland and have also meet and had a great conversation with a 60+ cabbie about the truths of our current "political situations". I really needed to know that someone else out there was on the same page as I...He felt the same.
Well I’m on your page also. Live in commie Canada also with 88% retards. Can’t understand how Canadians don’t see the big picture. Recently looking at Hawaii catastrophe . What seems to me as odd everything is damaged except for the palm trees. All intact. Must be fire retardant palm trees. Lmao. How ppl don’t see this. FYI Oprah Winfrey mansion was unscathed but all around destruction. Interesting.
One more note was looking at some bombing pics in Ukraine. Cars blown up, buildings blown up but interesting enough the windows survived and were in tact in some buildings.
So in conclusion I would like to plant those fire retardant palm trees and buy the bomb proof windows. What a world we live in.
Wow, I think you just helped me to a TOE that seems to be attaching all the dots! I watched a past-life regression a few years ago where a man described himself as wearing a white shroud with sandals in a time when there were many different types of beings in a milieu that trafficked freely, and then there was an experiment of "separation" that occurred with a few volunteers (including him) that resulted in "bad things happening." I haven't been able to find that video again, but it just occurred to me, while reading your post, that magnetism is a separation of one iota of something (not sure if atoms, as we're taught they are, really exist, so I just call our building blocks iotas now) into 2: Duality. Then there's our higher self somewhere outside this dimension to which we're connected by a silver cord, yeah? This place has exibited itself to be a non-physical plane, though we experience it as one based on our sensory perceptions. I'm waking up on the other side, where I believe our real bodies are comatose and I'm wearing some kind of head set that covers my eyes. When I become conscious enough to move my body there, I get zapped with a blue arc of electricity, something that sends me right back here--while I'm conscious. I think some people that work there are trying to keep us here, contrary to their directive. These ideas are all based on various experiences I've had with them, too many to share. But I wanted to get this bit out there and invite anyone who has information or similar experiences they want to contribute to the conversation.
To sum it up: It's possible we are mentally stuck in a magnetically-induced "duality" resulting from a VR experiment in "separation" that's gone wrong. And we're cycling the same 138-year storyline over and over that's AI-driven, which explains the weird repeating isometric patterns (ripples) in time, as detailed by Jason Breshears' observations in his Chronicon. Orrrrr...this is all a game and now maybe I win. Hmm...still here, so I guess not.
Cathy I think you’ve got an interesting idea. I think it is a big game. Messing with us. We are ready to move on but the deep state dense beings don’t want us to go. This is natural selection to those who have caught on. We are all psychic and you can’t stop that. Eventually even those who don’t believe will be able to do that. What interests me is why these deep staters want to stop that when they can’t. Don’t understand the logic. Who is really pulling the strings other than humans. So much confusion.
The annunaki had 2 factions enlil and enki as I understand it. Enlil stayed behind and enki left (the short story). Enki has now come back and is trying to right the wrong. But is it in their best interest since they initially created for us to be their slaves. I hope that some of the annunaki see the wrong because the divine universe has laws and they have broken them. So are there repercussions in meddling. As to us we will ascend and become more intelligent and intuitive. That is our direction. For some of us anyway.
For now we are just speculating. We are playing the game but we can screw up their plans. We can delay them if we only worked in concert. The consciousness is a powerful tool. The silver cord is very fragile but with help we can make it invincible. Our destiny awaits us.
One last rant, do not give into fear ever. No matter what they throw at you. That’s their tool. That tool can be broken with love and laughter. We are warriors.
We are warriors, yes. Enlil was a job title, like President; there were many over time. The whole Sumerian 'story' a la Sitchin isn't true, as far as I can ascertain. This has been a particular area of study for me and I can tell you there was zero reference to anything to do with aliens, other planets, etc. in all the surviving early texts from the near east that weren't tooled with. These ideas of alien interaction appear to have come about much closer to our time, having been 'overlaid' onto history by an array of tactics used by cabal (family) members that guard 'the gates' of information in academia, journalism, government and military/intelligence.
There is a fairly clear picture of a world that was rebuilding itself after a major cataclysm, and it started out with the cabal already organizing to take over. I can tell you this for 100% sure: They have been using the climate change grift for at least 4000 years, since at least the Umma/Lagash war, and it didn't seem to be a new idea even then. They spread out all over Asia with water management, building canals and dams that they used to divert water away from areas that forced people out of their homes. Those people then had to work as "slaves" in foreign lands to rebuild their lives while the cabal members moved in on their abandoned land and restored water so that it could be prosperous once again. All those masonry--get it? It takes years, sometimes decades to restore fecundity to land. They do this across a generation, boiling us frogs slow and easy. You think COVID was about us? Hah. That was for the kids, a setup for a grift on the next generation. TIME is the key. You have to understand the timeframes within which this behemoth faction works. Because time smooths over all the lumpy untruths told about the past.
John Galt, the diplomat. Actually, I should have included David Hudson's work with the ORME "trans-dimensional" substance to support this hypothesis. Scientifically documented proof of alchemical transmutation. I don't know if he made the cognitive leap to it being evidence of us being in a quantum computer-type environment.
Yes indeed. There's a tiny energetic release of tension (almost like a sexual climax!) that a good swear produces. I spent a few years living in Prague, and one of my favorite Czech films was called Knoflikari (Buttons, in English). Wonderful collection of vignettes. But the first one is about swearing, and how Japanese learned the secret power of swearing from some captured American soldiers 😆 "Fucking weather!"
Oh of course the ppl don't realize it ffs! Just look around and tell me who actually gives 2 fks about the real world and what is actually happening to them and their loved one's, these day's!?.....well for fking decades now!
We the People, have to stick together. Somehow, with God's help, we will make it. We all with like views have each other. We can't give up or they win. But, I understand what you mean.
I got all bent out of shape, studying 5G when I had to buy a new phone. Ended up with 4G. Then Clif did a podcast in which he said 4G was worse than 5G, and people shouldn't worry about it! Wish I'd seen that sooner. I have heard where a concentration of 5G can be detrimental. You probably know more than me. I live in the country (on purpose) to avoid such conditions.
If and when this ability is cultivated to an active condition in society, there are protocols that are inherent. Manners. One doesn't "leak" thoughts indiscriminately. One doesn't invade another's mind. To do so would be an egregious breach just as rapes, lethal attacks, etc. are to the body. There is no guarantee that aliens would be so polite, but since we aren't at the point of even understanding how psi works, it's mostly academic.
Yes. To me, invading someone's mind/thoughts IS rape. It deeply disturbs me that some "spiritual" or "psychic" people, and those working with tools such as Remote Viewing, feel that they have the right to invade people's privacy/thoughts, and in some cases even to influence people's thoughts and behavior. There is one famous remote viewer who admitted to having influenced some of his remote viewing targets. One of his proteges who now teaches Remote Viewing said she remote views her children's (teenagers, if I remember correctly) minds to check up on them. I believe she also said that she influences their minds so they will make better decisions. I call this spying & mind control; and if my parents had ever done that to me I would have disowned them publicly and permanently for disrespecting and invading my right to privacy and autonomy.
A popular New Age person who alleges to have experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening said that in the future there will be zero privacy - and she is all for that because she thinks that nobody should have privacy. She's the one who allegedly had frequent visits from little men in brown monk-like robes. She also believes (according to her book) that it is a good thing for virgin couples to be initiated into their first sexual experiences. I find this disgusting that she or anyone would interfere with anyone else's sexual life; to watch them having sex and to instruct them is, to me, sex abuse.. She sees this as perfectly acceptable. In her book she also says that in the future human procreation will be based on group decisions/approval; that 2 people cannot decide on their own if they can have children but must ask permission and consult with the community; also that the community will largely raise their children - not only the parents.
She also said that she intends to "seed" other planets in her next life. Whether she can do this or not is not the point. The fact that she wants to, and is willing to, do this is abhorrent. I call that rape as well. Who the hell is anyone to go around "seeding" other planets, allegedly for the betterment of their species? It certainly doesn't seem that the targets would be aware of what she intends, so whatever method she uses (sex, in vitro, or whatever) will be a form of rape because without full information one cannot consent.
No one's natural abilities should ever be used to violate another person's rights to privacy and autonomy - not for any reason. It's bad enough when medical Nazis take full control of patients, presuming the right to do whatever they choose regardless of the patients' wishes. They routinely violate & dehumanize their patients in every way, including sexually with their disgusting examinations and procedures. What do they do to rape victims? They rape them all over again by invading every body cavity and every inch of their skin with their hands and medical instruments.
Some people who get into psi lose their minds. It's a power thing. Don't worry about it. There are natural checks-and-balances in place. It comes back on them 🙂
Ah yes, I'm familiar with many varieties of nuance.
Human being are overrated and under appreciated. Perhaps, like myself, they need more of a CHALLENGE.
The original language had naught to do with WORDS. As we rediscover it, it will be made new again by our diversity of "separate" experiences and view points.
I think of it much the same as "signing" for the deaf. Signing is done in concepts more than specific words, for those who are adept. Whereas we speak with specific words in a specific sequence, creating our meaning and intent, I imagine psi to be a conceptual communication.
Just started to reread "The secret life of plants" since 40 years ago. My life experiences have expanded my understanding of this connection with all things. Once was told a story in the lodge that in the beginning of the earth, telepathy was how we beings communicated - words were how the Materium was formed. The songs of the whales and dolphin hold it all together. We have just begun to understand this ancient knowledge . . . thank you Uncle Clif for these bread crumbs.
Thanks for the suggestion, I just saw a reference to it and will look for it. The plant human interface is the beginning/similar to the mind/machine interface (1972) of which Clif speaks
Clif's mention of PSI and consciousness and UFOs in the context of deep-state secrecy brought to my mind the somewhat mysterious comments made by Ben Rich (second Director of Lockheed's famed Skunk Works, 1975-1991) over the years, including:
"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity."
"We now have the technology to take E.T. home."
"How does ESP work? (Answered by Jan Harzan “All points in time and space are connected?”).
"That's how it works."
Sooo, there's a guy managing some of the darkest 'black project' programs ... essentially saying (by inference) that interstellar travel has been achieved by the US (and likely others), and somehow the concept of ESP has something to do with it (but can not be disclosed except by an 'Act of God').
To Clif's point, that would mean Einstein's General Relativity (and everything based upon it) is wrong, and Newtonian Physics likely as well. Basically, 'modern science' has been secretly proven wrong, based on the existence of highly-classified capabilities currently hidden behind the veil of secrecy.
True revelation of the truth won't likely come from whistleblowers, contrary to what we're seeing in the MSM these days.
Nope. The truth will likely reveal itself someday ... hopefully soon ... but not likely by man's hand.
I doubt there are many disbelievers in Clif's audience, but for anybody sort of sitting 'on the fence', maybe do some poking around on the topic of remote viewing (RV), consider the evidence, and ask yourself how RV would be possible against the 'modern science' view of the world.
Consciousness ... and consciousness-based PSI ... are poking big ass holes in the historical science paradigms. Hmmm ... might be time consider a new model of reality.
Governments have been remote viewing and working to perfect & use to their own ends for a really long time. All these RV peeps were either gov trained or were trained by gov trained people. Haven't heard one yet who has claimed to have come by it naturally.
In the context of gender influencing ability, I wonder how many remote viewers are female, percentage-wise. Not saying it matters, but that would be interesting to know if there is a disproportionate # either way.
Are we really smarter than people in the near past? I'm not so sure we are. They had much better nutrition because the food had much more nutrition because of the way it was grown, which translates directly into higher mental function. Higher technology, which has been all built on the pioneering work of those in the near past, doesn't necessarily translate into higher mental function.
Well, if people started getting smarter as we entered this Yuga- cabal can't have that! So would explain such a huge emphasis on "dumbing" down intellect, health & PSI since late 1800's. They seem to have ramped it up more and more with each decade since, covered all the bases, too: air, food, water, soil, encourage fake & processed food over natural, encourage petroleum pharma over natural, force farmer to use GMO seeds & vax their animals when things like DE & bentonite would suffice, create and spread disease and death through vax, ticks, flies, mosquitoes (probably more yet to discover), take over companies that were legit trying to help humans (Nestle started out trying to save babies, they turned it into a baby killing company) and the list just goes on and on and on...
Ive always had strong telepathy. I cultivate it as a skill for body awareness type thing. Doesnt scare me whatsoever. Im not saying my telepathic ability is advanced. But happens enough w/o any other explanation that I lend it to my spiritual self. Thank You! For talking and sharing your views on this topic.
Rode to Halifax to see a friend who is not well. A good story in all but one thing that I wanted to mention here.
He had an Iranian cabbie that chauffered him around. A really nice man, 61. There was much to lead up to this conversation but we got talking about gravity. To make it short, his physics professor said that what kept us stuck to the earth was Electromagnetic radiation. I would have used force instead of radiation but that was what he said.
I was the first person he had talked to in his 25 years in the west who didn't ridicule him as a backward Iranian for this. He was so happy.
As for awakening, five out of six people I talked to about the Cabal were *totally* red pilled. The sixth was an academic. Two years ago I would have been lucky to get one out of six.
I don't know if that's good or bad. At this point things are getting so bad that a multi-fold increase still seems too slow. Looking into the distance, I'm thinking that without a pick me up, this thing will go right down to the wire. Who needs the suspense at this point? lol
And anyone ridiculing the Iranian as backwards, obviously had issue with paying attention. "His Physics Professor Said". Sounds like misdirected animosity to me.
But then again, I thought electromagnetic radiation, er, force sounded at least interesting enough to listen to and consider. Must be something in the water. lol
Or I could just make some pemmican, yes ?
Great 2 hear
I'm Located in commie retardland Kanada/Newfoundland and have also meet and had a great conversation with a 60+ cabbie about the truths of our current "political situations". I really needed to know that someone else out there was on the same page as I...He felt the same.
Well I’m on your page also. Live in commie Canada also with 88% retards. Can’t understand how Canadians don’t see the big picture. Recently looking at Hawaii catastrophe . What seems to me as odd everything is damaged except for the palm trees. All intact. Must be fire retardant palm trees. Lmao. How ppl don’t see this. FYI Oprah Winfrey mansion was unscathed but all around destruction. Interesting.
One more note was looking at some bombing pics in Ukraine. Cars blown up, buildings blown up but interesting enough the windows survived and were in tact in some buildings.
So in conclusion I would like to plant those fire retardant palm trees and buy the bomb proof windows. What a world we live in.
colour Blue not destroyed, paint house blue, like the mansions there...
That seems to be the general feeling on meeting someone who not only isn't a big media tard but also knows what is up.
Those meetings are becoming more frequent which is heartening.
I might have gone to Newfoundland after Halifax but I got food poisoning and booted straight home.
Wow, I think you just helped me to a TOE that seems to be attaching all the dots! I watched a past-life regression a few years ago where a man described himself as wearing a white shroud with sandals in a time when there were many different types of beings in a milieu that trafficked freely, and then there was an experiment of "separation" that occurred with a few volunteers (including him) that resulted in "bad things happening." I haven't been able to find that video again, but it just occurred to me, while reading your post, that magnetism is a separation of one iota of something (not sure if atoms, as we're taught they are, really exist, so I just call our building blocks iotas now) into 2: Duality. Then there's our higher self somewhere outside this dimension to which we're connected by a silver cord, yeah? This place has exibited itself to be a non-physical plane, though we experience it as one based on our sensory perceptions. I'm waking up on the other side, where I believe our real bodies are comatose and I'm wearing some kind of head set that covers my eyes. When I become conscious enough to move my body there, I get zapped with a blue arc of electricity, something that sends me right back here--while I'm conscious. I think some people that work there are trying to keep us here, contrary to their directive. These ideas are all based on various experiences I've had with them, too many to share. But I wanted to get this bit out there and invite anyone who has information or similar experiences they want to contribute to the conversation.
To sum it up: It's possible we are mentally stuck in a magnetically-induced "duality" resulting from a VR experiment in "separation" that's gone wrong. And we're cycling the same 138-year storyline over and over that's AI-driven, which explains the weird repeating isometric patterns (ripples) in time, as detailed by Jason Breshears' observations in his Chronicon. Orrrrr...this is all a game and now maybe I win. Hmm...still here, so I guess not.
Cathy I think you’ve got an interesting idea. I think it is a big game. Messing with us. We are ready to move on but the deep state dense beings don’t want us to go. This is natural selection to those who have caught on. We are all psychic and you can’t stop that. Eventually even those who don’t believe will be able to do that. What interests me is why these deep staters want to stop that when they can’t. Don’t understand the logic. Who is really pulling the strings other than humans. So much confusion.
The annunaki had 2 factions enlil and enki as I understand it. Enlil stayed behind and enki left (the short story). Enki has now come back and is trying to right the wrong. But is it in their best interest since they initially created for us to be their slaves. I hope that some of the annunaki see the wrong because the divine universe has laws and they have broken them. So are there repercussions in meddling. As to us we will ascend and become more intelligent and intuitive. That is our direction. For some of us anyway.
For now we are just speculating. We are playing the game but we can screw up their plans. We can delay them if we only worked in concert. The consciousness is a powerful tool. The silver cord is very fragile but with help we can make it invincible. Our destiny awaits us.
One last rant, do not give into fear ever. No matter what they throw at you. That’s their tool. That tool can be broken with love and laughter. We are warriors.
We are warriors, yes. Enlil was a job title, like President; there were many over time. The whole Sumerian 'story' a la Sitchin isn't true, as far as I can ascertain. This has been a particular area of study for me and I can tell you there was zero reference to anything to do with aliens, other planets, etc. in all the surviving early texts from the near east that weren't tooled with. These ideas of alien interaction appear to have come about much closer to our time, having been 'overlaid' onto history by an array of tactics used by cabal (family) members that guard 'the gates' of information in academia, journalism, government and military/intelligence.
There is a fairly clear picture of a world that was rebuilding itself after a major cataclysm, and it started out with the cabal already organizing to take over. I can tell you this for 100% sure: They have been using the climate change grift for at least 4000 years, since at least the Umma/Lagash war, and it didn't seem to be a new idea even then. They spread out all over Asia with water management, building canals and dams that they used to divert water away from areas that forced people out of their homes. Those people then had to work as "slaves" in foreign lands to rebuild their lives while the cabal members moved in on their abandoned land and restored water so that it could be prosperous once again. All those masonry--get it? It takes years, sometimes decades to restore fecundity to land. They do this across a generation, boiling us frogs slow and easy. You think COVID was about us? Hah. That was for the kids, a setup for a grift on the next generation. TIME is the key. You have to understand the timeframes within which this behemoth faction works. Because time smooths over all the lumpy untruths told about the past.
Interesting hypothesis.
John Galt, the diplomat. Actually, I should have included David Hudson's work with the ORME "trans-dimensional" substance to support this hypothesis. Scientifically documented proof of alchemical transmutation. I don't know if he made the cognitive leap to it being evidence of us being in a quantum computer-type environment.
Halifax is a beautiful city. I have a brother and a sister who reside there.
Good man Clif
We're here for the info. The "swearing and shit" makes it human.
Hello Humans 👽
I like the swearing :=)
Me too! :))
It wouldn't be Cliff without a little bit of swearing
I keep on saying that swearing is very therapeutic!
Yes, thank you
Nothing like a good mother fucking rant,, ,, ,aah........and breathe 😊
Agree! A good steam-releasing F rant! Hahahaha!
Yes indeed. There's a tiny energetic release of tension (almost like a sexual climax!) that a good swear produces. I spent a few years living in Prague, and one of my favorite Czech films was called Knoflikari (Buttons, in English). Wonderful collection of vignettes. But the first one is about swearing, and how Japanese learned the secret power of swearing from some captured American soldiers 😆 "Fucking weather!"
Very interesting! Thank you! :-)
Hello Humans!! Yessss, it's Wednesday with 2 more great audios from Clif!
Hello fellow human!
They sucked.
You suck.
We all suck
If you're circumcised, I guess what happens in vagus stays in vagus.
That's too funny!
Tell me what you know about 5G. Our City in Central Florida is putting up 5G boxes.
I don't think people even realize it!
Oh of course the ppl don't realize it ffs! Just look around and tell me who actually gives 2 fks about the real world and what is actually happening to them and their loved one's, these day's!?.....well for fking decades now!
We the People, have to stick together. Somehow, with God's help, we will make it. We all with like views have each other. We can't give up or they win. But, I understand what you mean.
God Bless and keep Substack Commenting :-)
Do you follow Clif High?
Yes. Max Igan is the man I trust the most. Pretty much on the same page as Clif.
I got all bent out of shape, studying 5G when I had to buy a new phone. Ended up with 4G. Then Clif did a podcast in which he said 4G was worse than 5G, and people shouldn't worry about it! Wish I'd seen that sooner. I have heard where a concentration of 5G can be detrimental. You probably know more than me. I live in the country (on purpose) to avoid such conditions.
I don't know too much about the 5G here. When I called the engineers at
the City office, they just said contractors installed them. They really didn't
have much to say. They didn't even seem concerned when I said they could
be dangerous to your health! We have 2 Westies and 1 indoor and 1 outdoor
Do you mean the vagus nerve? Hello, West VA. I'm from PA.
That's the one. Hello, PA.
Hi :-) I never knew anything about the vagus nerve. I went to a Wellness Center here in Central Florida who gave a seminar on the Vagus Nerve.
Flowers for 🐁
And IF some of us develop our telempathy...
Words no longer have any power. Or the media.
Integration and INTENTION.
Hit me at the beginning of the PSD. Over three years ago...
Telepathy frightens me! Can we switch it on and off? If we can’t then no more privacy no more “Quiet Carriage” 😬
If and when this ability is cultivated to an active condition in society, there are protocols that are inherent. Manners. One doesn't "leak" thoughts indiscriminately. One doesn't invade another's mind. To do so would be an egregious breach just as rapes, lethal attacks, etc. are to the body. There is no guarantee that aliens would be so polite, but since we aren't at the point of even understanding how psi works, it's mostly academic.
Yes. To me, invading someone's mind/thoughts IS rape. It deeply disturbs me that some "spiritual" or "psychic" people, and those working with tools such as Remote Viewing, feel that they have the right to invade people's privacy/thoughts, and in some cases even to influence people's thoughts and behavior. There is one famous remote viewer who admitted to having influenced some of his remote viewing targets. One of his proteges who now teaches Remote Viewing said she remote views her children's (teenagers, if I remember correctly) minds to check up on them. I believe she also said that she influences their minds so they will make better decisions. I call this spying & mind control; and if my parents had ever done that to me I would have disowned them publicly and permanently for disrespecting and invading my right to privacy and autonomy.
A popular New Age person who alleges to have experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening said that in the future there will be zero privacy - and she is all for that because she thinks that nobody should have privacy. She's the one who allegedly had frequent visits from little men in brown monk-like robes. She also believes (according to her book) that it is a good thing for virgin couples to be initiated into their first sexual experiences. I find this disgusting that she or anyone would interfere with anyone else's sexual life; to watch them having sex and to instruct them is, to me, sex abuse.. She sees this as perfectly acceptable. In her book she also says that in the future human procreation will be based on group decisions/approval; that 2 people cannot decide on their own if they can have children but must ask permission and consult with the community; also that the community will largely raise their children - not only the parents.
She also said that she intends to "seed" other planets in her next life. Whether she can do this or not is not the point. The fact that she wants to, and is willing to, do this is abhorrent. I call that rape as well. Who the hell is anyone to go around "seeding" other planets, allegedly for the betterment of their species? It certainly doesn't seem that the targets would be aware of what she intends, so whatever method she uses (sex, in vitro, or whatever) will be a form of rape because without full information one cannot consent.
No one's natural abilities should ever be used to violate another person's rights to privacy and autonomy - not for any reason. It's bad enough when medical Nazis take full control of patients, presuming the right to do whatever they choose regardless of the patients' wishes. They routinely violate & dehumanize their patients in every way, including sexually with their disgusting examinations and procedures. What do they do to rape victims? They rape them all over again by invading every body cavity and every inch of their skin with their hands and medical instruments.
Some people who get into psi lose their minds. It's a power thing. Don't worry about it. There are natural checks-and-balances in place. It comes back on them 🙂
Like I said above, power trip. Watch out for rebound.
Karma's gonna get people with this mindset. It does come back.
Definitely will be as many colors to it as there are individuals. Nobody will read anyone else's minds. Inviolable.
Can still be as we are, but can't hide TRUE INTENTIONS anymore, not that they can be known, but will be more or less obvious you're hiding something.
Children have the ability more cause it hasn't been trained out of them. And they haven't developed sexual hangups yet (hopefully).
The two are intimately related. PSI and sexuality. Complimentary poles.
"Resistance is futile, ... you will be assimilated" ~Borg
Well, in the bigger scope.. It's ALL lies. Illusion.
Some are more fun or enjoyable than others.
I avoid social media on the WWW except for this bit and some YT comments.
Most people are just BO-RING.
Psychic defense is necessary, for sure!
Ah yes, I'm familiar with many varieties of nuance.
Human being are overrated and under appreciated. Perhaps, like myself, they need more of a CHALLENGE.
The original language had naught to do with WORDS. As we rediscover it, it will be made new again by our diversity of "separate" experiences and view points.
The cycle. The round. The RING.
I think of it much the same as "signing" for the deaf. Signing is done in concepts more than specific words, for those who are adept. Whereas we speak with specific words in a specific sequence, creating our meaning and intent, I imagine psi to be a conceptual communication.
A day without Clif is like flying a vimoni alien space craft drinking a cup of coffee and realizing your at 20 k feet and circumcised. AHHHHHHH!
Just started to reread "The secret life of plants" since 40 years ago. My life experiences have expanded my understanding of this connection with all things. Once was told a story in the lodge that in the beginning of the earth, telepathy was how we beings communicated - words were how the Materium was formed. The songs of the whales and dolphin hold it all together. We have just begun to understand this ancient knowledge . . . thank you Uncle Clif for these bread crumbs.
I recommend The Secret Life of Nature as well.
I dig Peter Tompkins.
Thanks for the suggestion, I just saw a reference to it and will look for it. The plant human interface is the beginning/similar to the mind/machine interface (1972) of which Clif speaks
All about integration of intelligences! And openness to meeting and interacting with them.
Damanhur has done a lot regarding plants. Recording music they make as well.
Take sum lsd and u will very quickly realize how very much alive trees and plants are.
Been there, done that. Thanx!
Cliff is Back! YEAH!!!!!!
Wonder if he got his shower repaired.
Clif's mention of PSI and consciousness and UFOs in the context of deep-state secrecy brought to my mind the somewhat mysterious comments made by Ben Rich (second Director of Lockheed's famed Skunk Works, 1975-1991) over the years, including:
"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity."
"We now have the technology to take E.T. home."
"How does ESP work? (Answered by Jan Harzan “All points in time and space are connected?”).
"That's how it works."
Sooo, there's a guy managing some of the darkest 'black project' programs ... essentially saying (by inference) that interstellar travel has been achieved by the US (and likely others), and somehow the concept of ESP has something to do with it (but can not be disclosed except by an 'Act of God').
To Clif's point, that would mean Einstein's General Relativity (and everything based upon it) is wrong, and Newtonian Physics likely as well. Basically, 'modern science' has been secretly proven wrong, based on the existence of highly-classified capabilities currently hidden behind the veil of secrecy.
True revelation of the truth won't likely come from whistleblowers, contrary to what we're seeing in the MSM these days.
Nope. The truth will likely reveal itself someday ... hopefully soon ... but not likely by man's hand.
I doubt there are many disbelievers in Clif's audience, but for anybody sort of sitting 'on the fence', maybe do some poking around on the topic of remote viewing (RV), consider the evidence, and ask yourself how RV would be possible against the 'modern science' view of the world.
Consciousness ... and consciousness-based PSI ... are poking big ass holes in the historical science paradigms. Hmmm ... might be time consider a new model of reality.
Keep it up Clif. Love your work.
Governments have been remote viewing and working to perfect & use to their own ends for a really long time. All these RV peeps were either gov trained or were trained by gov trained people. Haven't heard one yet who has claimed to have come by it naturally.
In the context of gender influencing ability, I wonder how many remote viewers are female, percentage-wise. Not saying it matters, but that would be interesting to know if there is a disproportionate # either way.
You be CAREFUL.Cliff..
We Need U & your wisdom desperately.
Do not take chances wTractors!
Clif: You said the end of Summer was going to heat up. Just look at what's happening everyday. The
injustices done to President Trump, fires, ANTIFA getting away in the court, chaos at the Southern and
Northern Borders, and on and on. We find each day just how corrupt JOE is along with the
Biden Crime Family. With who knows what else is to come! Of course, the Republicans are on
a 6 week vacay while the US is in a State of Emergency. Forget them. They are all the same.
Cluf does not care about such "unimportant" things.
Clif has Aliens on the brain.
A very confused man. Too much weed maybe ?
How long have you been listening to Clif? Really, that's not what he said in earlier posts.
Why do you say he smokes weed?
Are we really smarter than people in the near past? I'm not so sure we are. They had much better nutrition because the food had much more nutrition because of the way it was grown, which translates directly into higher mental function. Higher technology, which has been all built on the pioneering work of those in the near past, doesn't necessarily translate into higher mental function.
Well, if people started getting smarter as we entered this Yuga- cabal can't have that! So would explain such a huge emphasis on "dumbing" down intellect, health & PSI since late 1800's. They seem to have ramped it up more and more with each decade since, covered all the bases, too: air, food, water, soil, encourage fake & processed food over natural, encourage petroleum pharma over natural, force farmer to use GMO seeds & vax their animals when things like DE & bentonite would suffice, create and spread disease and death through vax, ticks, flies, mosquitoes (probably more yet to discover), take over companies that were legit trying to help humans (Nestle started out trying to save babies, they turned it into a baby killing company) and the list just goes on and on and on...
Thank You Clif,
Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee
Cheers Clif
Clif who created the aliens?
Alien's are Satan prodigies.
Most are advanced demons. Reside in the Anglican dimension.
Clif is very confused.
Religion is completely fake.
How do you know that you aren't confused?
Ive always had strong telepathy. I cultivate it as a skill for body awareness type thing. Doesnt scare me whatsoever. Im not saying my telepathic ability is advanced. But happens enough w/o any other explanation that I lend it to my spiritual self. Thank You! For talking and sharing your views on this topic.