So, I suppose that there is some truth then to the saying, "Men think with their dicks!" That being said, according to your current discourse, uncircumcised men are able to think with their dicks more profoundly than those that have been snipped!

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Well as a circumcised old f uck myself, all I can say is...

Viva Lost Vagus!!

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IDK. The circumcised have some kind of edgy charm. Wonder if it's because their vagus energy is diffused so they relate more readily to women whose energy seems similar....

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Back in the day, circumcision was universal. I don't know what they do now. I've only seen two individuals who had NOT been circumcised. These two were people who had come up poor and were born in government medical facilities that didn't do anything extra. It was only that which distinguished them from the circumcised in my, um, study. They had been poor. Neither man was psychic. None of the circumcised men in my survey, of which there was a respectable number, were psychic either. I didn't think any of them had edgy charm. I did consult some male psychics, but I didn't ask them to pull down their pants.

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The universal circumcision is what worries me. It seems to me that Clif is saying that the only people who can really develop their psi abilities are men who have not had a circumcision. In the US, that probably a very small set; so that means that some people will have a great time in our psi future, but the vast majority--who cannot do this because of their gender or surgery-- will be left out.

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We’ll if he is saying and he hasn’t said this yet (women aren’t psychic, he’d be very wrong) He said women can’t drive spaceships which I’ll agree with! Everyone has experienced the psychic abilities of women whether they know it or not! Mother's know when something is up with their children and their husbands 😊😅🤷🏻‍♀️

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Maybe "they" don't want women to fly ships because we're badass pilots (e.g. Inanna, depicted with wings after assoc. with Anzu, the rebel). You might think they're just myth, but they were based on real people who got mythologized in Project Babble (the cabal's rewrite of history). Ishtar's mighty weapons that could level a mountain, and subjugated...who, the good guys or the bad? Soooo hard to ferret out that info. My spidey-senses tell me she was a freedom fighter against the gov cartel back when, and that's why they painted such a glorious-yet-shitty picture of her. But, of course, I could be wrong. The only thing I do know, for a fact, is that history is a pile of excrement that it stinks to search through for the truth.

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Embrace the phantom limb?

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I’ve noticed that.

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I just came from the comments on the first audio and I wisecracked about how it must have been an uncircumcised guy with inside information who first uttered the words "gimme head" . lol Top of the comments here and I feel relieved. So it wasn't just me who was going to make wisecracks. whew !! lol

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Men don't really think with their dicks, their mini-me, they think with their heads (their other head) about what they can get for their dicks. Both heads think that women don't get that, oh, but we do....

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Women think with their.... So many assumptions lol.

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I was making a joke more than a serious assessment. However, I would have to take issue with women thinking with their Trump handle. Women think with their sentiments. Ok, not every one of them but nearly. I don't know if you've noticed but men and women are different. It seems to be a difference both appreciate for the most part, albeit with a little bitching thrown in here and there. You've probably seen the meme about men and women and sex where on the man side there's one switch..on/off. But the woman side has a dozen dials, switches, dimmers, accelerators, measures and probably a slide rule. But everybody seems to laugh and to get it. Assumptions, yes, but it sure does look familiar to men and women alike.

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Well I am actually a ultra sensitive male. I will tell you a story so some woman next door has been pestering me and I finally told her to stay away. So I am at the beach with my kids and my son makes a Hammer out of driftwood. After that I am driving to pick up up my wife from work and I get the thought that it's going to rain which it did that night a lot. You see there is a connection between me, my kids and nature. You see I "felt" the rain coming and my son making a hammer is symbolic to me of Ra Thor's hammer. I always love the rain and it's very cleansing. Ever heard that saying that all good men have a better women beside them? Well all good men are in touch with their feminine side but it never leads. I look to nature, it could be a bird or a butterfly even a wild goat and it all has meaning to me and my life. Sexual energy is just energy.

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Yeah, you rite! It's nothing different, it's just that men are tuning in more. Good for you. Women I'm sure appreciate and understand you. I would also say that women are in touch with their masculine side but it doesn't lead in most. There are very good reasons for one side to be dominant and one recessive, so to speak. And even flip back and forth on occasion with partners. It certainly does make it more interesting. I have a lesbian friend who says lesbian relationships are awash with feelings. That would drive me crazy.

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Yes but it depends how and in what context. Men ground through their genitals, the energy flow can either be directed in or without and when directed within and up then women are seen in a totally different light.

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I guess the ladies and unfortunate gentlemen will have to wait until their next reincarnation for a chance to drive one of those. However that doesn't mean they should ignore the training. Everything we learn in this life I think we can take with us. So hone whatever you can now. Hit the books, people.

But the weird thing is two of my female friends, plus myself, have been idly thinking of flying a spaceship in the next life. This was independent of one another, until we compared notes. Our commonality is that we didn't and don't fall for the spins of the mother-WEFfers.

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I get it! The penis really is a joy stick. That's why you can't drive the alien mind meld machine with no foreskin. I can't believe those Satanic doctors cock scalped me. I'm pissed! They robbed me of control...of my joystick. I have heard another explanation of why the El and later the priests insisted on circumcision...that this practice enabled soldiers to enter a Berzerk state during warfare. A circumcized child has the capability to have an increased level of anger and violence. Further, it has been suggested that this led to a lack of control of sperm during sex, and that in turn caused an increase in fertility. This could be wrong, but it's been stated.

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I heard two testimonies of pretty conscious men on the matter of the snipped foreskin, one circumcised, the other not.

The foreskin is like the female part of the male genitals; it's the pouch the penis rests in in a protected state.

If that pouch isn't present, the glands constantly rubs against the clothing which makes the man more aggressive and ready to fight.

The glands hardens over time so it reduces sensitivity which causes a need for more porn, violence, etc. as a result, in order to be able to feel something.

Thanks, Clif, for this new information on the completion of the nervous system, makes total sense.

Many years ago, I wrote an article


because I wondered why the heck so many American men are circumcised which, in a Christian-based nation, makes no sense at all-

Now I get it, lol...

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Well, it hospitals now, its one of those "required procedures," like "yeah, your newborn needs 60 vaxxes today." New mom's don't question any of it, and haven't been questioning it for decades.

Also... you don't need a colonoscopy. You're welcome.

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Not planning on but thanks for the reinsurance! Barbaric procedure! Like most of the medical system. Used to work in it. I’ve seen terrible stuff!

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Sounds like hopium on the part of whoever thought that shit up - but, like you, whadda I know? Mind over matter? Mind over nature? Does lack of a foreskin influence that capability? Just spitballing here. What proportion of unacceptable sexual activity (rapes, attacks, etc.) are committed by circumcised? (Given the cultural preference, maybe irrelevant.)

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OK, this conversation has now, with the last few posts, officially gone off the rails, so I might as well join in. Does female circumcision, known as genital mutilation, have some of the same results? Are women who have had this procedure, usually with a rusty can lid, more aggressive? After all male and female nether regions are similarly wired, right? Well, the answer is no, women are not made aggressive. One would think that after being held down for the procedure the female might eviscerate the first person she sees, but it seems that these women feel "fulfilled" and it is invariably the women who set the girl up and do the job. The men feel protected against infidelity with the fact that the woman will never experience pleasure but only pain because they sew up the whole contraption after the circumcision. Google it to see the final result. It's pretty horrifying. I don't think ETs thought this up for women although the logic of it is as sick as the worst ET logic.

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Used to be common practice in mental hospitals and thought to be successful.

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Genital mutilation????

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Maybe when you are aware off this, it can be automatically compensated for.

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That was my thought, too, but awareness is almost negligible - worldwide. And I have not found too many men who are that introspective to even question it. This crowd is definitely the exception!

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How can they have awareness having built an invisible circle of protection around themselves.

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Anything can be overcome with the right knowledge and discipline.

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Been a long day for you Clif. Thanks for the ride and info.

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The SAD (standard American diet) ensures that our pineal gland or third eye will be fried to a crisp by the tine we are adults. Chief culprits being fluoride and food that create calcium deposits. Lots of carby grains with their phytic acid components play havoc with our mineral balance. An atrophying pineal gland ain't very good when it comes to being intuitive or even having a deep satisfying sleep with wonderful dreams.

So if you haven't cleaned up your diet, perhaps realizing a hardened mummified third eye could be a hindrance will encourage you. When you become more intuitive you can sense things before they happen. And sometimes you can will things to happen..Things become very interesting indeed .

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What would the effect of the chop be on one's ability to astral travel?

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I willed myself to stop dreaming though. lol

No, really.

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You still dream.you just blocked your memory, unfortunately...

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intermittent fasting along with a carnivore diet provides potent optimum nutrition to expand your neuro-sensical functions and improve hormone function..period the end.

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Long term fasting loosens the body spirit connection, the organs clear out all those toxins/substances lodged. So one can get to a state that is quite lucid and out of this world for a while. Then after the cleanse one can reintegrate a new you. If the bowel isn't cleared all one is doing is retoxing.

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yes a 48 hr fast will get you in a lucid high natural energy state.

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6 months carnivore have never felt better/more intune with my body , omad on weekdays and graze on weekends, time for another 48hr bone broth I feel !

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I've got a bottle of ayahuasca, some mushrooms, and a tab of gel LSD I'll chow down if I see them coming.

Already pulled over! Can't pull over any farther!

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too much and you get Vertigo.

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Or if I pop my back in the right way...

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If you were circumcised, work on increasing the capacity of you as a Spirit to hold and handle additional Spiritual Energy within your Etheric Body.

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Hmmmm? The 10th Cranial Nerve being an 'X' puts the new Twitter branding to "X" in a new light all the way around, me thinks.

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They going to be called Diddles now instead of Tweets ?? lol

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Elon advocates for semen retention.

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Or... NOT.

Robert Monroe and non-verbal communication...

Sharing understandings. Information packets. Words unnecessary.

Words are unwieldy and superfluous anyway. Mere representations.

You must have meant "worlds".

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Whereas that concept of psi is warm and fuzzy, the word "alien" applied to space aliens has to accentuate their differences - and possible inability to get their heads out of their asses per just exactly what humans have become in 10,000 years.

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We're the mutts of the universe! We have it all in our blood! Not just reptile, or mineral, or what-have-you.

Every one of us should practically be invited to every party.

We are Family!🎼

When we stop treating each other as STRANGERS.

Time to come home. It's RIGHT HERE. And THERE. And EVERYWHERE.

Too much Hollywood...

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Hundred monkeys kind of thing?

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Or ONE monkey with a huge...

Just kidding.

Yes, if we reach critical mass and enough of us are preparing ourselves accordingly, we can help usher others along to join.

Mainly getting over fears and imbalances and being OPEN to it.

Better than channeling or possession!


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Given Clif's iteration of alien history and psychology, I don't see increased abilities will do much to protect us against them. Strengthening resistance and being able to close off from alien psi invasion might be more useful.

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You have to consent. FEAR or POWER or otherwise.

It's why THE MEDIA. Manipulation.

You have to invite a "vampire" into your "house" to give it power over you.

I'm not at all afraid. Excited in fact.

It's an old nut, fear of the xenomorph. Shows up EVERYWHERE. We have to provide the other piece of the puzzle. Whatever that may be.

Strength in numbers for belief systems. Obviously.

So... Breakaway society? Or we're banking on and hoping the mass of humanity comes around soon?!...

I'm open to it, but lacking verification for THAT hypothesis.


And nobody listen.


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Cherish every moment to starve the fear machine. Please?

(Bass turds stole part of muh brain...) Yet the ethereal body is intact.

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With appropriate circus music.

Instead of the theme song to 12 Monkeys, which has slight similarities, the theme for Gremlins came into my head.

Christmas is coming!

Damn, I hope it's not Gremlins AGAIN this year. I was SO hoping for a pony...


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OK, are there any women reading Clif who are working on anything akin to this, independently? Women also have a vagus nerve, and that nerve has endings in our generative organs, so I presume, as I always do, that we women have equal and equivalent capacities to men, just not the same capacities. That means that the vagus nerve is as important to we women (and all of life on earth) as it is to men, although for different reasons. So my quest now - what are those reasons? How is the vagus nerve functioning in women in relation to our Psi functions on earth? (I agree with Clif, language is a serious problem.)

Since I was hospitalised with what they called Covid, I have been declaring that what nearly took me off this planet was vagus nerve collapse. Appallingly little is known about the vagus nerve, medically speaking, but I became very aware that, if I am to recover physically (I have not yet) I have to get my vagus nerve fully functional again. I note also that my psychic capacities are pretty much non-existent these days, even though I was born with "poor barriers between me and the nether worlds" (deliberately vague). I had not bothered much about this because trying to stay alive has been enough for now. But now Clif has raised it here, that is a cue for me to get back into it.

I have written several articles on my Substack about the importance of the vagus nerve physically. I have come to believe that our vagus nerve is under attack from 5G technology, which scrambles the meticulous signalling of that nerve, rendering us physically very much weakened and out of balance, but also potentially, spiritually (whatever that means to you) very much weakened.

Just to get started on the implications of the vagus nerve for women in particular, I ran a Google search and the article below popped up. Well and good. I now know where the vagus nerve runs in relation to all that inside stuff from a physical perspective. (https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna44038895). So what does it matter?

Are there any women out there interested in chatting in private? It's important that you have (or had) naturally high psi capabilities (meaning possibly that you are an electro-sensitive) , and ALSO that you are struggling to survive vagus nerve collapse with one of the syndromes (including long covid as an example). I would love someone to chat to while I am playing around with vagus nerve stuff. It is subtle, and as far as I can see, maybe because women's business was never written down, it is very hard to find any guidance. I need to be comparing notes with someone.

Here are my current conclusions related to the vagus nerve and physical health.


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I believe discussion here about both men and women is paramount, as they have and are attacking us all.

My experience is that I Intuit truth, while male Co workers for example used data to arrive at the same answer. There is in my opinion lots of falsification, so often as you Intuit truth, another might convincingly say otherwise, and without " data ", how do you prove anything? I've also experienced touches as literally electric shocks, and not from static electricity, from current running on my internal nerves. As to willful manifestations, I usually put it into finding parking spaces and prayers for healing or work for people. Possibly try using boron to detox? I agree with you that COVID, which I've already encountered in 2018, has changed my physical self as well. My sense is, that with increased intention we can be more intuitive then ever. I'm excited to see what long term L ruteri yogurt consumption does.

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Why do you think the L ruteri yogurt matters, (apart from Clif having mentioned it once before (I think it was Clif))? The vagus nerve connects with every organ and every function, and if one is out of whack, they are all out of whack, so the gut/brain axis matters but so does every other relationship between the vagus nerve and something else. I have been tracking, in my own body, the games being played between my stress hormones and other vagus nerve functions, as I have clear issues with fight/flight/freeze which shuts down sugar metabolism. Sugar is easy to measure and so a good way of detecting how the body is responding to stressors. To me, the intervention point seems to be re-balancing the stress responses, rather than re-balancing the gut (which will follow). But it could be that in each of us, the imbalance is generated at a different point and intervention needs to take place at a different point in the body. I have started going through the Polyvagal course by Dr. Stephen Porges and am learning a lot. But I have yet to see if he gets to the point of telling us how to re-balance the vagus nerve and fight/flight/freeze system. Why does it matter? Well I suspect I am dying physically, which is pretty important to me, but even more important is that there is some kind of spiritual/soul damage going on. I have changed too much since covid, and I don't like the person I have become. I particularly don't like that I don't like the human race any more. That's not good. And the vagus nerve controls that as well as all the organs. It controls our engagement with life. So if any damage is done to the vagus nerve system, such as via 5G, we are damaged and maybe destroyed both physically and spiritually. Pretty nasty stuff. (I'm also not interested in "machines".)

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Ground, sunbathe, sun gaze, get into nature.

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"while I am playing around with vagus nerve"

Kinda sounds like Masterbating

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To you maybe.

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Inerbating lol

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Frankly we just have other sstuff to do.

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Frankly I consider saving lives to be important work. 5G is going to kill us all, and there is no escape. The best we can do is is work out how to repair the damage.

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Exactly. Maybe scooting around with Vimanas just isn't a woman's schtick. Creating life nurturing life marveling in life is this gal's cup of tea--and frankly the jury is out whether the malevolent intent if some wacko banker is stronger than the woo. Doubtful.

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It's a cliche, but receptive rather than projecting - the men want to get the hell away from here to somewhere else and women want to bring spirit to earth. Gross generalization of course.

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Yeah. I wanna get away too sometimes but....it's not what I bargained for, I didn't even want to drink from that cup.

But guys bring the spirit differently. Procreate, play, protect. Useful for the project.

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For most of my daughter's life, if I had a premonition of risk or an unsettled sense of danger, I let her know about it. Never knew if it mattered; nothing happened. Was awareness enough to change the event? "Future" is such a fluid sea of potential eventualities. I trust that my belief in premonitions has made my daughter pay attention to her own. She was raised with regular and unedited conversations about aspects of existence and thinking to which most children are not exposed, unfortunately. It never ceases to amaze and puzzle me how anyone can be an atheist. Since late teens, it has been a driving force (of my life) to explore one question: the nature of spiritual reality. Because of the limitations of this reality, it will never be fully answered. Well, I'm not an old soul yet, so there is much to learn.

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It's very possible to bring harm to others or at least to see it and then do nothing but enable it further. Unless they are getting in your face this is not a good thing to do. It could be someone that has bad intentions, gets something of yours or gives you something to create a connection to you. Then all they have to do is get you off center one day and do a little hypnotism into your subconscious and boom u crash your car. Funny thing is if one see's this going on and it's sent back boom they crash their car which really gets them going.

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So, how do the nasty space aliens react to bullets?

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Dunno but I am eating pork 2x/week! 😏

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Grandma, can I have another piece of chicken?

That wasn't chicken.

What was it?

That was batter dipped & crispy fried Alien.

Oh, ...... hmmm, ........ Well then can I have another piece of Alien?

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Oh that's right, I forgot, ... they hate pork flavor lol.

Slow cooked a rack of ribs just the other night. Mmm, Mmm !! Best tasting insurance I ever ate.

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That's funny. But then, are they capable of groking (that word just covers a multitude of awareness)your intent before you get a shot off? It would be a bad idea to assume their psi abilities are the same manifestation and/or mechanism as ours.

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Perhaps, given a choice of exiting to the nearest convenient parallel dimension, or remaining here for eternity might illicit a favorable response.

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From the cavaliers amongst us, we thank you.

Roundheads .... sorry bros

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A day without Clif is like enjoying a cup of coffee and Yahweh lands his kavod right on top of you. AHHHHHHH!

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I have no intention to "engage" with space aliens. I guess this is another form of racism.

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Ha Ha chuckling

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Not even the interdimensional ones? I might have seen one once, passing at a an angle up through the floors and partly through me, as if in another dimension

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