I have worked on quantum computers for around 20 years. They are a scam. They are a really good scam, because nobody understands how they work, nobody knows if they can work ( they can’t). PhD‘s in quantum computing don’t know how to make them work. Government agencies funding them don’t care if they work - they get paid by moving money around, it doesn’t matter where it goes. Case in point $50 billion to Ukraine. Quantum computers are a scam, but compared to all the other government scams, it’s small.

Talking government scams, let’s look at nuclear bombs.

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As I understand it, Shor’s algorithm described a way to find prime factors of an integer. Since most encryption-based privacy on the net is based on the product of prime factors, this becomes of monetary interest to governments that want to hold onto secrets (all of which, ideally, should sunset), so govt’s pay to analyze the situation. Some physicist, realized that if a local ‘quantum’ system could be excited [Clif’s firecracker model’] to a frequency representing the product of two primes, this quantum system might ‘decay’ to a ground state representing one of the prime factors, and this factor could conceivably be ‘read out’ of the system, and used to crack the encryption scheme.

I don’t think this has ever been accomplished physically, but lots of papers have been published (Academic gold) and government grants granted (real gold!).

Other than this encryption-breaking scheme, I have never seen a 'quantum computing' application that made any sense to me. But the money flows, once established, develop a life of their own. Once there are enough players being rewarded by a new game, any particular scam, paid for by taxpayers, paid to con artists, then the game is good for decades, if not generations.

In other words, Clif's claims appear to be true to me.

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I wonder how much tax payer money went into chasing non existing dark matter.

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Enough to house and feed every man, woman, and child for life...most likely.

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the only 'black-hole' is where the money disappears

dark-energy, unbelievably, still being funded

thanks, Clif, for concise clarification

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Shor’s algorithm is valid. A quantum state is extremely fragile. Coupling quantum states is exponentially fragile. Compute power and fragility scale exponentially with number of coupled quantum states. Billions went to our lab. We all knew it was a scam, but we had children and rent to pay. It’s a sad mess we’ve found ourselves in.

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"We all knew it was a scam, but we had children and rent to pay." The climate change crisis is exactly the same. The activists truly believe. Greta truly believes. Most of the scientists knew it was a scam when the ball got rolling in the late 1980s, but the money started flowing and job opportunities and salaries sky-rocketed. The only requirement to take part in the gold mine was to go along with the fake narrative.

The difference between the scams is that the climate scam was developed to destroy Western Civilization and make-way for the New World Order, where surviving humans will be slaves to the system; owning nothing and being happy (by force, if necessary). All the atmospheric scientist who looked the other way, may have to pay dearly for their silence! I don't see how the Quantum Computer scam is a weapon against humanity.

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What about Nuclear Bombs?

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They are fake. Obama signed a 20 year, one trillion dollar, nuke refurbishment bill. So they’re a deep state money laundering scheme as well.

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Yep they are fake. Bombers were sent night before it's a huge coverup. Mind Unveiled did an AMAZING video on it. They went through old flight logs and photos.

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Are you talking about Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

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Both... It's pretty epic check it out

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I’m in Scotland and this won’t load it says due to hate speech!

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Obama also ordered a lot of guillotines. Any ideas on that?

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My instinct tells me those were ordered by law abiding mid level citizens to publicly execute those unlawful globalists who force them to act against their conscience and the laws of nature. The highest levels want war and chaos, the mid levels want the evil overlords publicly executed.

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They are also quite handy for slicing pineapples and such.

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fuck me this is not something i ever considered

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Akio Nakatani & Michael Palmer make a good case.

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Replace the word Q-Computing, with Machine-Learning

What's the difference C

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Machine learning happens on classical computers. Q-computers work on quantum states. ML is being used for self driving cars and robotics. QC isn’t used for anything because the thing don’t work. 😊

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Thank you for articulating my opinion better than I could. Is driving cars the only example of ML or can you think of additional areas of competency? Defense, Aerospace, ERP projects and so forth?

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Pattern recognition is the domain of AI/ML. Driving cars, decoding speech, identifying a face, etc. AI/ML needs to be “trained”. This training in essence “writes” the program. AI is good for doing all the stupid things people are compelled to do but would rather not.

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As soon as I see clif in the inbox I can't wait to be done working and listen! Makes my day - thank you.

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Questions I might want to ask a Quantum computer because humans have apparently lost the ability to think:

Should we cut back on our use of Nitrogen fertilizers even if half the world starves?

Should we impose more sanctions on Russia even if we freeze to death this winter?

Should we print more paper money even though it’s becoming worthless?

I could go on. There are so many of these difficult questions but I feel my sarcasm getting out of control

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Your questions all have mainstream media lies as their premise. If you believe in anthropogenic climate change, that Russia is attempting to occupy Ukraine, or don't realise that the collapsing dollar is intentional, HOW did you find yourself in Clif's Substack?!

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I think he was being sarcastic ;)

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Or perhaps Irony?

I bet the Qomputer could tell the difference in a flash.

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Sarcasm my friend. It's hard, because nothing that is going on seems 'funny'...but even Clif uses sarcasm a lot just to lighten the heart! :)

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Best way to look at Nitrogen, which it is critically important the Growing medium has plenty of, is if the anti Nitrogen Nutters are right, then the anti Nitrogen Nutters are compelled to Ban Thunderstorms - Thunderstorms = 10% ish fixed nitrogen, in exactly the same way as for NPK not so artificial Fertilisers. Plus, given the year intensive .NPK Fertiliser Use was started, 1820, and which drove the Victorian Golden Age of Agriculture, ant actual harm would have shown up by 1920 at the very latest ? Plus Plants today, do not require any more fertiliser to grow than they did then. Before planting and feeding a Crop, you have to make sure the Soil has enough NPK to be healthy, Then you give the Plants what they need. The Whole Organic, and Soil Association BS, is a Scam, and confirmed by the Outstanding fruit and Veg Quality, amongs the Best in the World, Grown with Desalinated Water and Drip Agriculture that makes the Desert Bloom, in places like Israel. I have never seen any fruit or Veg, that is Not Organic. Oh and the Most Cruel Way of Keeping Chickens, is Free Range/Deep Litter. I Once kept a Free Range Flock, in ideal Conditions, and soon realised the best life a chicken can have is separated from all the other chickens, such as with Battery Hens. I won’t even buy a Free Range Egg any longer, it’s that bad. Bob.👍

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And here is another you may find interesting. I want to thank you both for your comments. I'll try not to be as sarcastic in any future posts.


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Thank you clif. Been looking forward to your next podcast

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The Quantum computer isn’t a computer at all. It’s GOD. QUANTUM AI is really Ahriman/Evil, the AI timeline you don’t want to be on. It will be the final battle. You have to pick your side. Are you of the light or dark? Cognitive Dissonance is an ugly place to be. Cliff is speaking truth. Kerry Cassidy and Charlie Ward are falling for the LIE.

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'You have to pick your side. Are you of the light or dark?'

whoa! sounds vaguely problematic, ..eh, sabe?

truly but one side, says Gandalf the Gray

best to consciously choose it

over tedious duality

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I choose gray also

The evil hiding in plain sight is stunning these days and they are completely unchecked. Especially by the republicans who can see the trees in the forest but can't identify the genus.

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Gandalf has a way with words, doesn't he. (Tolkien). The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit are my favorite stories. And in many ways, it's very applicable to to day.

Most of us feel like Frodo! We don't want to see these kinds of times! And Gandalf says to him....“So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” A good thing to remember.

― J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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"The evil hiding in plain sight". That is the most app description of the world I see myself and others in at this point in time.

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The rejection of the idea of good and evil by the post-modernists is also a duality. Either you accept the traditional notions of good and evil, or you adopt the post-modern philosophy of moral relativism that dominates the operation of the world today!

The traditional notions of good and evil may have a divine origin or they may just be the result of centuries of human experience with 'civilization'. Either way, the attempt to have definitive concepts of good and evil was a pragmatically good thing for civilizations. The post-modernists saw some issues with the bath water and threw the baby out along with it.

The inevitable result of the that thinking is chaos, suffering and widespread death! It's not so much about picking a side, as it is about picking the reality you want to live in! It's about what works and what doesn't.

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Good and Evil ? There’s something amiss I think. The Opposite of Good, is Bad, with both being Life Related. As I see it, Evil has a Unique Quality all it’s own, with no opposite and it seems totally opposed to Life in all its aspects. Like a Destroyer that has come in from an Outside where it has perhaps run away from, or escaped its opposite ? We don’t even appear to have a proper Word to even describe the opposite of Evil ? 🤔

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The Movie 5th Dimension comes to mind...... ZORG. So damn stupid they can't see their own demise as useful idiots no longer useful to the powers that be. Too busy rolling in their money (or shit, as it may be) to see the ( their) end.

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Charlie Ward i suspect is just capitalising on whatever pays for his villa in spain and tapas bill .

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The best AI computer can never understand a human thought. We can program the computer to make the best calculation but it's limitation is only as good as the information it is fed with . The law of attraction is the best topic of all. Who and what is reflecting our thoughts is beyond me, is it God, the universe , a computer i don't know. Could it be a big AI computer simulation that process our thoughts . I know it's real and it works (law of attraction) but no one can prove what thing is reflecting our thoughts. If you believe it's God that's fine with me but I want to physically see the processing . The thing that worries me is that universal language is binary and computing works that way. Is it all a sophisticated quantum ,AI off world computer simulation, let's hope not .

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I think Clif would say,....forgive me if I'm wrong Clif,....that it is Universe that is reflecting our thoughts. I'm no Christian, I'm Wiccan. In Wicca, there is a Rule of Three....which says whatever you send out into the world comes back to you times three. So be careful what you send out. :)

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You're correct. How many times do you hear people say "can't believe my bad luck, it always comes in three. " When you send a thought , make sure it's positive one. Negativity obviously works the same way. You knew that anyway. The film " The Secret" was a good start for grasping the law of attraction and frequency. I bet these elites are fully aware about universal laws.

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Ahriman? Do you follow R. Steiner?

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How do you get to the name "Ahriman"? Only a specific esoteric knowledge uses it Do you know Rudolf Steiner?

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We all have a quantum computer, it sits nestled in the cranium between our ears. Although I believe currently most of them are switched off................................................

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The poisons in our food, water, and air have done a good job of finding the power switch, sadly.

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Got it right Bro !!!! the "Pineal" Gland

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Anybody making stay woo T-shirts?

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if they do, it should have,

"Hello Humans!

Hello Humans!"

on the front


"Stay Woo" on the back.

He does say that phrase twice in the beginning. Hadn't noticed it until a month or so ago.

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Sep 8, 2022
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Too broke right now, but after Silver Takes Off, First, I desperately need another Sailboat, then I’d buy a few T Shirts next, along with stuff for the Boat. 👍

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Thanks Clif - Love you and your work Brother... Truly a GIFT you are.

Live Long Human!

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Clif, you've been mentioning State National status and the idea of getting with associated groups. I've found there are many groups with different approaches. Some seem like turds in the punchbowl. Have you done diligence that you can share about any of them? Everyone should do their own diligence, but yours could be helpful. I've read about some people taking certain paths that have quite negative effects for them personally... E.g. Von Reitz.

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Great question BaldandGrumpy. I’m trying to navigate this landscape and it’s more challenging than this educated MBA mind can grasp. Roadmap would be helpful.

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"Remember the OZONE HOLE that we were enlarging with our Right Guard deodorant and our Freon?"



“The warmers are getting more and more like those traditional predictors of the end of the world who, when the event fails to happen on the due date, announce an error in their calculations and a new date.” Dr. John Brignell, Emeritus Engineering Professor at the University of Southampton, on Number Watch (May 1) {2011]

Hoaxes galore.

Snake oil salesmen redux ad infinitum.

Something for nothing lazy ass grifters.

My only concern is that the Crying Wolf truthers are so righteous that when the real science appears, it's thrown out with the garbage.

Then we irreversibly lose.

And has this happened already but our dear earth still carries on?

Ha! if that isn't proof divine intervention exists, nothing else is.

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Back in the 70s, the catastrophic phrase of the decade was "global cooling," which I believe was the last best reading of the models on the computers of the day. Clif has alluded to as much in the video about the CCP looking for a bleak winter with greatly reduced crop yield and the resultant death from starvation. Interesting times indeed.

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What do you call it when a blonde dyes her hair dark?

Artificial Intelligence.

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Haha Stealing this one 👍🏻

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Same idiots that put “AI” in control of our ridiculous traffic lites here in Lower Bama are the idiots that believed your joke!

So good hearing your voice and appreciate your time. Always a bright spot in this humans day!

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Love ya sweets! Glad to hear from you today!

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I’m getting a very serious “42” vibe...Hee Hee!

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There may be some evidence that some of the Q drops were generated by quantum computing. It goes back to Game Theory, which I know you're very familiar with, & the many various different games in GT. Take the game "polar coordinates" & overlay it over "centipede" & you start to see a "clock." The more games that are over laid the game shifts from analogue to a digital componence.

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I wish Clif would do more blogs/essays about computers. This is the subject he knows most about. Months ago he spoke about getting a Linux computer. I thought that was cool so I took an old Lenovo computer and installed Linux Mint and never went back. (except for Photoshop which requires windows). This comment is typed on Linux. Can you imagine the computers the space aliens with millions of years advance on humans are using?

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Mint sucks ass compared to Ubuntu. There is a program you can install on a Linux machine that allows you to run stuff that requires Windows.

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I do have Ubuntu Budgie on another old computer but for just surfing the net I prefer Mint. I think you are referring to Wine to support Windows apps. I tried it - it doesn't work as well as Windows (for Windows). Some day I will try Manjaro , I have heard so many good things about Plasma. Supposed to be an easy introduction to Arch Linux most of which is done in the terminal.

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Yes, Wine, and on my Ubuntu machine it worked just fine. When an X term update was done a few years ago there was a bug I found quickly, and it screwed up my Mint machine. I reported it, and Ubuntu replied, and fixed it quickly. The Mint morons never replied or fixed it, and I thought the interface for Mint was primitive compared to Ubuntu. Have you learned the command line well?

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Try Photopea on Linux as a damn good replacement for Photoshop. For other Adobe apps like InDesign you'll need to shell out bucks and use a virtual machine.

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May the woo be with you!

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And with you, Oracle!

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