Clif is 100% wrong on the origins of humans. He had some transcendental experiences where he encountered Luciferic beings who downloaded some cool info on him AND their own upside-down orientation towards the Creator and the Creation which they hate. Clif, impressed by the cool info he got, swallowed the rest hook, line and sinker. Disregard everything he says regarding these matters.

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Yep, sure, all of his knowledge comes from a few experiences in hyperspace, and NDA's. None of it comes from a lifetime of study and work, experience, discussing with other knowledgeable people, or doing experiments. Shows what you know. You put your own ignorance and narrow mind on display for all here who are willing to be open-minded enough to at least hear what he has to say, and appreciate his efforts to share what he has learned, his theories & opinions. If you don't like what he has to say, how he says it or anything else about him- please, do the rest of us a favor and GTFO.

You, and the other few weak-minded, narrow, jealous or just plain fucktards & cunts who only come to make ignorant comments and let us know how low functioning & low vibration you are, just GTFO. You aren't "saving" anyone, you aren't helping anyone, you aren't offering anything of value to the convo. No one is forcing you listen, subscribe or be an asshole. That's all of your choosing.

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Thank you, Tia, for putting it so articulately... and saving me the trouble to say the same thing more or less xoxo

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Don’t people have a right to disagree? Do not become that which you despise.😉

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She isn't White. Only the White race has the culture of debate or inquiry that goes back thousands of years. You are never going to get that from non-Whites.

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Kiki, Have you read the Naked Bible? You spill a lot of hate here.

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I speak my own Truth and don't require or desire or need your 'approval' of it. Its just history. Other races do not have the history of either Socratic debate or science or generally discussion of thoughts or ideas.

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I don’t think it’s “hate” at all. I think it’s her opinion.

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I would hope so, but many people have to use foul disgusting language to get their point across. It makes them look angry and low vibrating at that. Language matters.

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Jul 6, 2023
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See your click bait trolling on every thread, sometimes even various times. Bye-bye, troll, have fun in the block house.

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Click Bait

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You are ignorant and haven't listened to Clif very long. All his knowledge doesn't come from a few experiences in hyperspace.

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Agreed, but I just like to let them make fools of themselves. Reading the Naked Bible might be a good start to getting a little understanding of what Cliff is talking about. Bet this person is one of the ones who just doesn't read, LOL.

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I did read that. It made me think a lot so now when people quote Bible passages I just can’t accept it as true. I have to think about possibilities it was altered so many times over time that the meaning might be lost.

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I have read parts of it. I am not about to 'outsource' my free will and thoughts to ANYONE for ANY REASON...ever again; that type of reasoning has destroyed the Earth and allowed these demons to master it and enslave Life. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

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And these people get ignored, since they aren't contributing anything, and nobody cares what they think anyway. And just as many state things just to mess with your head. I skip those comments. I suggest we just ignore the hell out'f them. (I think I just invented a new contraction! LOL)

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Sorry Tia I misread your post. You are human.

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Such a nice guy you are.

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To say someone is 100% wrong is really incorrect. Everything is a lie in our civilization. Our history, our religions have all been warped. All that we believe in is a lie. Ppl u need to understand we have been conditioned to believe what they want us to believe. How can you all be that blind. Your opinions here are very strong but not open to other possibilities. This is our problem. To understand the texts you need to read ancient languages. The translations are all warped. We will never understand until we get past this ignorance. Clif understands this, he might not always be right but he is open. It’s an opinion ppl. Keep your minds open. The bible is not the beginning and end. Texts were withdrawn from the bible. That is a fact. How can we piece together if we don’t have all info. So again how do state that he is wrong. With the amount he has read, how do you belittle his knowledge. Have you studied and read to make such a statement. Just saying.

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In the evaluation of what is being said, I started taking into account the amount of trolls and shill that appear on the scene. The more stupid trolling, the more dangerous the content to the narrative. You guys are creating a badge of honor for the content creator.

Now get lost, Agent Smith.

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Thank you, he is totally confused and preaching lies. Satan is very pleased with your blasphemy Clif!!!I am disgusted with his absolute knowledge which is not absolute. He talks about the translations and assumes that he and his ilk are superior to the scholars that translated the King James!!!

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But here you are, listening 🤷‍♀️

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Not any longer pegan!

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Funny insult - pegan.

It is a single word used by Christians to lump people of other ancient faiths together.

What is humorous about Christians is that they lack even rudimentary analytical skills.

Their god is great and satan is bad and evil.

Yet if you read all the stories in the Old Testament, which one of these two has caused misery, death and destruction with plagues, pestilence and natural disasters (including floods)??

That is the character you choose to worship???

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Smell ya later, sheep-boy.

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Blasphemy? Haha. Okay Bible thumper.

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Duly noted, but whatever those scholars intended. Did not get as very far because look at the mess we're in now. I am inclined not to believe any of it. But I have found the King James Bible, to be of some historic value, and a wonderful interpretation of the word.

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Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible" and realize the KJ bible is nothing like a "wonderful" interpretation of the original writings... not close. A manual of manipulation through fear.

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Let’s hear how smart you are with your historical knowledge!

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Ikr, and such, is creating some cognitive dissonance for me. I've enjoyed listening to Clif on and off for some years

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Vas de bon coeur... yeah, ok.

Shall you find yourself in a state that you feel you know the truth. You should know you have been captured

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Why are you here?

Just to troll?

Go waste your time somewhereelse. .

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It's ok Val. You are like the Priest Clif was talking about in his last talk,.....after you read "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in History" you will have a much better perspective. You are just scared to realize that the things we all thought were true (organized religions) and we followed for decades ( I was raised in a very catholic home) were SCAMS to control the MASSES. They used the CARROT and the STICK. Or Heaven and Hell....to keep people inline. To keep people fighting for their Ruler.

Much easier than having to beat them all the time, right?

Knowing this stuff doesn't mean you can't have a faith, there is a Universal Energy that keeps us all alive and the Universe turning,....there is a definitely Positive energy and a Negative energy,....Good/Evil. Our time on this planet is all about which SIDE you decide to fight on. Have you watched "The STAND"? In many ways, that movie says it best. I recommend it even though it's a long one. Good and evil don't have to be linked to a man made 'god' or 'demon' in order to exist. They are all around us, and the choices we make either make Good stronger or make Evil stronger. Your choice.

The Globalist's elite Mafia are creating Religions right now. The KM's newest Religions/Scams are, MAN MADE climate change Cult and Trannie Cult. They have to control the people one way or another and people aren't being controlled well enough by the current KM created Religions. The easiest way is to appeal to humanity's emotions. People will do anything if they believe in something, even kill their own families and themselves, if a Zealot tells them to. It's all a manipulation of our minds. The KM have been doing it for 2000 years,....they are very, very good at it. Don't feel that your FAITH is being attacked, it's the Man Made Part that is a lie.

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I think good and evil is the scam. It is rooted in a paradox (as are all our inherited demonic 'values') so it cannot be challenged and it is easy to manipulate people since those are all dependent on your perspective at the time (what is 'good' for me may be very 'evil' for you and vice versa).

There is only self interest (freedom) or self sacrifice (slavery).

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Why is this low info, negatively orientated, short-sighted shill's conjecture and assumption-based comment the top comment here? This seems to me like an obvious attempt to dissuade those new to Clif and on the fence about his work to turn away from what he is saying insteading using their critical eye.

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and your an authority on the subject? Chill out val.cliff is a breath of fresh air.

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Isn't it true that you re just spouting YOUR opinions and extended baloney that you pulled out of YOUR ass?

How would YOU know if Clif is "100% wrong" on anything? "Luciferic beings"?? Says YOU? IF we should disregard everything Clif says... WTF are YOU doing here... trolling?

Get your own Substack... see if anyone cares to listen to you.

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Don't tell people what to do. Mind your own spiritual business.

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I know that my soul came here from the ‘planet’ Venus!! Have been ‘recycling’ for many centuries. Soul has evolved... Divine IAM of myself (the I that has never incarnated, but has kept watch over my Journey) Knows... this planet is READY NOW to step into its Sovereignty... as the Great and Wonderous Beings that we ARE!!! 💥

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Magic mushrooms are groovy, eh?

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Imagine falling hook, line and sinker for the most manipulated and published book in history.

We shall disregard anything you say in these matters.

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Hello Clif, Hello Clif!

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Archaix has written a historical chronological manuscript which is downloadable Archaix.com.

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Agreed. Until he acknowledges Archaix info I will ignore this part.

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Well, you do you. Does Archaix acknowledge any of Clif's work?

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I have never heard him mention Clif. I have several times mentioned Archaix to Clif though. It would be interesting to hear them collaberate on many topics.

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AND he should. Archaix is growing by leaps and bounds with followers. Again NO OFFENSE to Uncle Clif.

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I don't think he has time. And Clif may not have time either. But Clif could dive deep and give evidence. No offense. We all move through different realms. Archaix speaks to my core and I would have never evolved to Archaix without Clif's wisdom.

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Archaix just regurgitates all the revelations "experts" before him - he is an idiot. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't see the crap that he posts.

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You have to be working for Juan, or you are misinformed. I think you must have been kicked out of his site or you are really mad at him, His information is so valuable! What you say makes no sense at all.

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Sure Tina. "Regurgitates". Good for you.

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Or cataclysms

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Archaix is an idiot.

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Anybody who does such prolific research us NOT an idiot. He is a seeker if truth (as we all should be)

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Of course we appreciate all.

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Girl it ain't for some. Some enjoy being npcs.

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I believe archaic is a dark agenda... I follow George Kavassillas... he has had first hand experience throughout his life and proclaims our GREATNESS.... our Greatness is the absolutely MOST important ingredient in our achieving the task at hand... a subtle giving over of our strength and wisdom and power as individual unique Individuation of infinite LIGHT and Eternality is NOT the way to go... we, each and every one of us has ALL WITHIN...

That’s my story and I’m stick in’ to it!!! 😉

If we continue to ‘look back’. We will NEVER CREATE ANEW!!!

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He is actually quite brilliant!

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Oh Tina. You are just not evolved yet enough to comprehend

Living in your dungeon programming. Jason Breshears | Amazing Details from the Pyramids to the Bible Prove That Much of What We’ve Been Told Is Wrong | July 3, 2023 https://oneradionetwork.com/all-shows/jason-breshears-amazing-details-from-the-pyramids-to-the-bible-prove-that-much-of-what-weve-been-told-is-wrong-july-3-2023/

It's OK to hat Jason. We don't really care. We see what he sees. Bye girl. Stay musty.

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I hope he pays you.

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There are so many versions of what happened in our origin. Most of it is talk with little hard evidence. So the only thing I can do is listen to as much as I can, and sift through possibilities. It's all anyone can do, because the versions conflict very often. I would say several things seem apparent to me at this juncture. Or origin is NOT what we've been told. There are problems with archaeological and geological conclusions that don't make sense, findings of physical human artifacts even millions of years out of place in time and various anomalies of extremely ancient architecture. The history we've been told has obviously been truncated because the real story would expose stuff that interests powerful enough to corrupt history have reasons to suppress. One of the things that immediately pops out is evidence for a very ancient civilization leaving megalithic structures, bits and pieces that have to have been machined, cities submerged in oceans after glaciers melted 12,000 or so years ago. And of course there are widespread legends of such a civilization. Why would anyone want to suppress such information? After that, we go into speculation based on things we've read and heard or even anomalies we've personally seen. After a while the speculation piles up. The hidden piece is said to be aliens, their hybrids, beings from other dimensions, demons and angels all these and more lie behind the deception. People come forth with accounts of being enslaved in alien/human corporate projects using extraordinary technology crossing many galaxies. It's far from just Corey Goode who says this exists. I think this is why you will never see the JFK files being hidden or you would know why John Haldeman said he was assassinated because he was going to bust the "alien presence." It had to be more than tic-tacs he referred to. It was something no one can know outside the group producing it.

And then we get views of people like Clif who I think brings up some very interesting possibilities. Don't buy all of them, but again, we're all interpreting and picking what seems most likely to us personally. I think it's pretty obvious by now that we've been under the control and harvesting of the bug, as he says. After all I've absorbed it seems to me that presence is accountable for skewing history TO HIDE ITS PRESENCE WHICH WOULD BECOME OBVIOUS IF THE TRUE PAST WERE KNOWN. Nothing else has the sweep to be reasonably able and have the reason to corrupt our history. Yep, motive, means and opportunity. If you were an alien or interdimensional race harvesting a planet in every conceivable way possible, you would need successful secrecy, force and deception. We at least know by now they have that and have exerted it. We are a slave species. They didn't create us, but they altered life they found already existing to suit their needs. And it goes waaaay back before the scientific and historical MYTH they sold us. Can I prove this? No, but I can't prove gravity either. There's no point in fighting about any of it because there are too many rabbit holes of probability. The best you can do is pick one you want to move into because you are not likely to ever KNOW.

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You are very right about our past being a lie and us being turned into a slave race we are slowly putting it together this very much fits with the many years of reverse speaking I have done the "bug" or the "EL" which is the most common word that comes up in reverse speaking is referring to this parasitical force interestingly the rs is saying these entities are a "sick" race that was originally fell in harmonics as did the human race that was infected by the same type of nano/etheric plasma force/celestial Biekland currents, it seems to imply that particular stars became "sick" and needed to reroute the alignments of other stars in order to feed off there energy and this mirrors into the manifestations of fake mini universes run like matrix simulations based on these plasma conduits or filaments running from these stars like the Orion constellation that ties to the pyramid and the Bruce Cathie light harmonic code world grid that feeds off this plasma conduit and in turn feeds into the human etheric/bio-electric body that manifests the false dna as a scalar wave form that gives them there "loosh"

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In short, they don't miss a trick.

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Damn what exciting times. Clif please take us on coffee breaks more often, waiting for next weeks trip to town is too long to wait for the clarity you always bring to the table!

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Kind of hoping he'll go Friday, after the stores get restocked for the weekend, since he couldn't get several items this trip. But that's just me.

Probably depends on how much progress is made on the remodel.

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I like when Clif does a double episode to get me hone on my commute

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Okay, got to the part where Clif explains how Baal was not a god, but particular type of El in their structure and that Satan was a lawyer.

I laughed out loud. Bring on your best adapted lawyer jokes, y’all!


Someone mistakenly left the cages open in the Reptile House in the Gan, and snakes were slithering all over the place. Frantically, the goy leader tried everything, but couldn’t get the slippery animals back into their habitat. Finally, he yelled, “Quick, call a satan!” “A satan? Why?” a baal asked. “We need someone who speaks their language.”

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Sssssso Sssilly

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Clif have you seen any Archaix? He is a master of older material.

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Not a fan of Archaix.

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Ok. He doesn't resonate with everyone. But no one can deny his research.

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Actually not a fan of his research either since he ignores things like modern genetic science.

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Lol. Certainly not the point of his research but OK.

YOU DO YOU FRIEND. I not here to battle for him. 🤣🤣🤣

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The genetic science disproves many of his assertions in his research. I am not here to battle against him. Just stating my opinion on him. To me he is like a sort of social justice warrior that thinks things like 'black people built the pyramids' or something goofy like that.

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Oh u must be thinking of someone else. He never said that. When u ready u may want to listen to him. Not what u thinking of at all. Bye!

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There is a history of red heads in New Zealand genetically linked to Iran (and apparently some astrologically arranged stones). We’re not supposed to look into this as the WEF wants NZ handed to the Māori on a platter.

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And we can't forget the red headed giant found by GI's in Iraq

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NZ belongs to the Maori… the rest of you are immigrants.

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It doesn't actually. Even the Māori tell of a blonde haired people that they drove out or murdered that occupied NZ long before they arrived. They called them the 'Forest people' and many Māori claim to be their descendants but they are not the same at all. People just claim that so that they can feel 'at home' in another mans land that their own ancestors murdered and stole.

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'The Redheads' New Zealand Ancient History Documentary


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Everyone got the translation of the Torah wrong except for the one guy that supports Clif’s batshit narrative of space aliens

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They didn't "get it wrong". They purposely manipulated & revised it. Not to mention most of our history. We've been lied to our entire lives about damn near everything. Also, perhaps Clif's ideas about aliens came from multiple sources. He HAS read, studied even, more than ONE book in 70 years. Do YOU know anyone else who actually owns- and is studying- all 63 books of the Talmud, the Torah and and other texts to piece things together? What do you know about treating cancer? The Biosphere & the Noosphere? Or is your area of expertise proclaiming something "batshit" when you don't agree with, or like it? Whether or not I think he is correct or I agree with what he says- I'll take his well-informed opinions over yours any day. Then make up my own mind.

Surely someone of your great "intellect" must have better things to do than listen to "batshit" ideas. Please do that.

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Good thing Clif found the one correct translation! You are winning Tia Loca.

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You work for Clif or just a cheerleader?

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She is a fanatic cultist.

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How could anyone who entertains the idea that the bible, through its many revisions, is not absolute must be a cultist!

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She is a cultist because she doesn't allow other people to have an opinion that is not 'hers'

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That's how Communism operates.

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Just like you.

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Yes! Archaix. Even more books. Sista it is not a contest. We seek the truth. Being a fan of more than one source is a smart move. I've evolved more over the last 6 mos than years with Clif. Stop being defensive. I am starting to think those that won't look outside the box are narrow minded. What a turn off. Not one human knows all.

Jason Breshears | Amazing Details from the Pyramids to the Bible Prove That Much of What We’ve Been Told Is Wrong | July 3, 2023 https://oneradionetwork.com/all-shows/jason-breshears-amazing-details-from-the-pyramids-to-the-bible-prove-that-much-of-what-weve-been-told-is-wrong-july-3-2023/

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Doesn't make him, or the other guy, wrong. Consensus isn't truth, like peer review, it's just circle jerking.

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Truth is only available to humanity on an individual level. The cultural learning that is decided through consensus can't be Truth but it can carry you in a particular social direction that is easy to manipulate and has tragic results for all of humanity.

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I agree. Individual power is achieved through going within... listening to THAT voice is each and every one’s own IAM....

I will look, listen, hear, discern... go back within and KNOW... that continually looking ‘back’ serves no great function! It only regenerates, recycles the old asleep 😴 ness . Awaken thou that sleepest!

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Yes, total agreement. The Sleeper must awaken.

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If you have red hair and pale skin - make sure you get your dose of infrared light to build your skin:


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Brainwashed Christians are very judgmental.. Real Christians are not..... i disregard their self righteous ignorance... its their choice to be that way. they will now judge me, not knowing if i am a Christian by the acts i do IRL ...

just watch....

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Clif, if you and others are looking at old manuscripts, often there are pictograms with the text, and part of the problem we've had is using "literal" use of a symbol instead of its symbolism meaning. I'm useless with written texts but very good with symbols, they involve torus physics, connections between tori, our-reality and higher-density reality. It's also able to help a lot with magnets including the 'High effect', and shielding. Find me, Steven B Halls.

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If you think that the Earth is Millions or Billions of years old.

How about the Sun? Is it shrinking? How big was it Millions or Billions of years ago?

Where was the Earth in relation to that Sun?

Was Earth a simple boiling rock formation?

Do the math, that shit don't add up. I have intensively studied the Bible and painstakingly worked on hundreds of phrase translations. I will grant that there are many errors in our present translations.

But, consider this, Mankind could not have possibly evolved due to above mentioned simple mathematics. So, if we were created, the CREATOR is a perfect being. We are imperfect. Therefore, imperfect Man needs a path to Salvation. Redemption thru CHRIST makes sense..

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What is the logic supporting this statement? "So, if we were created, the CREATOR is a perfect being."

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IAM has NEVER been created! Never! IAM is infinite! The I that my true being is, is absolute! There is no, was no, never will be any above your true SELF. Awaken

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What I was asking for is the rationale in assuming that, if we're created, the creator is a perfect being. Is it a dangling assumption or are there underpinning facts?

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Millions of years of human history recorded where? On what?

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Jasus! What would I give for a cross country road trip with clif high!

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