I have just come back from an epic meeting of our local town council, usually so boring. We were proposed with a 15 minute city. At least 1000 (out of 30,000) people packed the building, and the noise was epic. Points were made about the NWO, the WEF, the climate hoax, and everyone was vocally agreeing. It was so encouraging, so many awake, including my covidian neighbour who had knocked on my door earlier to ask if I was going! So maybe that 100th monkey has cracked it.....
WOW - what State is this? I'm in MA in a small town west of Boston. NO WAY anyone in my town, at a local town council meeting, would be that aware of the NWO and WEF. Certainly, the majority in my town would never admit to any climate hoax. You're so lucky to have a 1,000 people speaking out and being so open minded. Now, if the other 29K of your town think the same way, tell me where you live and I'll move there!
I'm in Britain, but I think the awakening will be much wider.
If 1000 out of 30,000 can be bothered to turn out on a rainy night, probably many more are awake. Most of the others will be sheep who will not influence the fight, leaving just the small, failing, existing power structure as our opponents. And they looked scared.
I’m in Uk too and I have noticed lately that more n more people are waking up. It was extremely slow but recently has really speeded up. I live in a small welsh village where EVERYONE was asleep but not so much now. I make little remarks here in there in the shop around people or when talking to neibours. At first I had no response but now It sometimes sparks off conversations and they are interested to know more. This gives me great hope. 🙏🙏
I am also Uk Brighton and wide awake people here are very slowly waking , up but they are definitely stirring know . Thank you for your information much appreciated
Thetford, Norfolk. Nobody would have known but some great person put leaflets through many doors. Normally these get thrown away as Pizza delivery offers but they worked this time.
John Adams is turning in his grave. Massachusetts is a toilet, and if there is any hope, find those around you who are of the same mindset and conduct your own “information meetings” with data and proof to back up your statements. Don’t jump in with the real intense stuff at first; they can’t handle it. Ease into it, enticing your audience to explore further.
I was born in Cambridge but haven’t been back. I hate what these supposed “intellectuals” have done to my home state.
Thank you GalleG. I live in a town that is very wealthy. These so called overeducated know it alls do not have on iota of a clue as to how this planet is run and who runs it and for what purpose they run it as they do. I myself am not wealthy. We live in "affordable" housing in town, but have paid market rent a few years after we got here 40 years ago. I doubt I would find a like minded person among them here! They're all vaxxed and boosted to the max! They're into climate change, but don't question those lines in the sky. They are unaware that the two political parties are two wings of the same bird never changing its flight path. As for CBDC, social credit scores, digital id, 15 minute cities and the rest of the global Agenda, they haven't got a clue. They put flouride in their town drinking water for Christ sake and Ukraine flags on their front lawns along with Black Lives Matter banners. The think flouride is dandy for your teeth. They have NO idea who runs Black Lives Matter. I'm 72 now and things are out of control unless their is unity among us. Beam me up Scottie!
I weep for you. If I could beam you out of there, I would. I’m no spring chicken, but my husband saw the writing on the wall of that beta-testing state ripe for commie take over, California where we had happily lived for 40 years. We left decades ago and I live out in the middle of no where. Nearest grocery store is 55 miles away, and it snows 9 months out of the year. But! At least I have like minded neighbors (miles away). Mostly ranchers who don’t buy into this crap. We are being invaded by the blue state normies and they’re very very pushy with their BS, so we remind them that they can take their baggage and go back from whence they came. Every day is a battle. Stay strong. We’ll win in the end.
Sad there has to be a battle. People die in battles. But I would happily die if a new kind of existence on earth, a better, peaceful, happier place for a lovely life, could be left for my only child and our two grandchildren and to ALL the children and grandchildren globally. I'd fight to the death for that!
Although Claudia Stauber reported how uncool Vermont was during these last 3 years with mandates, masks and such. She lives there I don't. So I really don't know how VT compares to MA when it comes to people believing what they are told and follower orders from gov't and gov't agencies. All I know was those who questioned it all were labeled as tin foil hat wearers in MA and according to Stauber, in VT too.
I grew up in Hingham...not to far from you. I had thought about MA believing a 15 min. city would be okay for them but, most people are too used to going where they want so I don't believe it will fly. We will all be protesting in the streets from East to West and North to South!
Mark my words: You will live to regret giving them your data to store, allowing them to monitor and track you, like an animal, and the god-like power that goes with it.
You could treat it like a landline. Keep it in one room, don't carry it with you without a Faraday case. Or simply refuse to use one at all (which is where you are going and it is good advice tbh). I am leaning more towards this since I have done everything else and I can exist without it very easily.
I don't follow herds. I live without a cell phone just fine. In the eyes of the brainwashed, this makes me, "kinda weird".
For a while there, refusing the masks and the genetic poisons made me, "kinda weird", too.
You all will come around, but not until the pain of carrying their devices becomes greater than the pain of being without them. If you still have the choice to go without them, that is. See China.
Good to know there are other "kinda weird"s out there! Yikes! I am totally weird! No cell phone; No vax BS; drive a 30+ year old, non-computerized car; dropped out of the medical industrial complex; can't remember the last time I was in a shopping mall or went to a movie... I've just been watching the world get crazier by the day & waiting for the Big Ugly. Sitting calmly & observing.
We always have a choice; even death is a choice. I tend to listen to the Orthodox Christian Prophets and believe them. I know what they say is about to happen. Brutal.
I agree with you! I keep telling people that dumping the mobile internet ‘phone’ thing puts an end to the takeover plans. They NEED people to think they must have those stupid phones. They need you to have the for the digital currency/ID prison. I can’t believe how people just cling to these stupid phones. Get a leave at home iPad, get a landline, use cash, wake the F up already. My husband and I dumped ours 10 years ago.
Have never owned a cell phone, don't want one! Nothing is that urgent in my life, if something happens, I will find out soon enough. It has been sad to see how addicted people are to their "devices". Distracted driving; distracted "customer service"...had the worst haircut of my life from a beautician who was talking on her cell the entire time she was destroying my hair.
Younger folks have no idea how to interface with others in a face to face conversation.
Language/writing skills are fading away. Yep, I'm a stubborn ol' fart, what ya see is what ya get.
Good for you. I'm a techie and I was all excited about the concept. Had early phones but never an iPhone. Don't trust Apple.
Having used the Nexus One I discovered that I didn't want my phone to be a PC, I have lots of those. I also don't want to feel like I'm on a leash all the time. So I was off them way before we knew how they were really being used.
Hiya, John Galt! You are reading my mind...I always saw pagers & cell phones as very short leashes to my privacy.
Honestly, what is that urgent in anyone's life?
Yes, there are exceptions, but otherwise, no thanks.
My sanity touchstone is thinking about how some of my pioneer ancestors, back to 1699, (great x?) grandparents survived.
They had practical survival skills; knew how to set priorities; appreciated all they had; were a lot tougher & more resilient than folks today.
You were very wise to trust your instincts on the leash phone.
How ironic, with all of the advances in tech, our lives are more complicated than ever & very few feel they have time to just sit still & enjoy some peace & quiet...
It always amazes me when I go on my beach walks, how most people walking are talking on their phones the whole time. They aren't out in nature at all, they are in a moving telephone box and their eyes never leave it.
Hi Pam, It truly boggles the mind. You nailed it! They might as well be at home on their couch.
I started noticing this behavior as soon as cell phones became affordable for most of the population. Affordable? That is rather questionable as they are paying for a mind control leash. No thanks. Along with addiction to video games, we have lost a generation or more to tech-leashes.
It started a long time ago with music headphones. I love music, but if I were taking a walk on the beach or in the mountains, I want to hear the sounds of nature & be in the moment.
I used to be a runner & the last thing you need is something distracting you from your surroundings, especially if you are walking, hiking, running out in the boondocks or on city streets.
Do you think it is a long game of distracting & separating people from the reality around them?
There must be some kind of chemical brain reward from engaging with constant attention to texts & calls.
I don't see the attraction, but I'm one of those weirdos...tee hee!
Howdy John! LOL, indeed! 😂 I hear ya, those damn Khazars!
Guess I should have said that with all of the advances in tech that should save us time, we don't seem to have time to do the things we truly enjoy.
We are still in this paradigm of working ourselves to death just to survive. Time for creative expression, in whatever form, gardening, painting, creating in general, seems to be at a premium. Time for laughter; reading; exploring ideas...all that fun stuff that is always on the back burner.
This is so crazy...I knew how messed up this world was as a young child. I questioned everything that did not make sense to me. Boy, did I get into trouble for asking too many questions!
I'm 64 now & spent half of my life being told I needed to "stop thinking so much" & be "normal". Well, that didn't work out so well, I kept resisting "normal", because I knew it was a lie.
Stranger in a strange land, trying to navigate Life amongst the Khazars & crazies, questioning my own sanity at times. It has been an adventure!
As things are becoming blatantly obvious, my head is getting "splody" as far as those who are still in denial. How can people NOT SEE what is going on?
Aaargh! I'm incredibly patient, but I'm about ready to shake some people into a Reality Check. Then, I realize it is not my job to do that.
Deep breaths. We'll get there when we get there. The big challenge seems to be holding on to our own minds & sanity in this PsyOp War.
Glad I live in a rural area twixt the Rocky Mountain Ranges.
I live in potato growing country & the local short line train exports taters.
Had a good laugh with my neighbor yesterday when we heard the train horn blasting.
"Watch out! There's gonna be a Toxic Tater Spill!"
"Clean up with Controlled Bake & barrels of sour cream & butter!"
I don't have a smart phone. Not counting the Linux Pinephone here on the desk that I probably won't use. I have it because it was inexpensive and an interesting product.
I'll refine that to say I don't have a contract with anyone or a working phone. I don't use a smart phone and haven't for about ten years.
Hi Robbin, You are so right! And yes, having the sense, intuition, that a lot of the tech "advances" were not a good thing. I've been criticized for resisting change with tech advances...I'm all for change, but I get to choose what changes I think are in my best interest.
We grew up with practical living skills that so many young folks don't seem to have these days. Very basic skills, like cooking! I'm grateful for all I learned growing up. I'm mid-60s & am constantly astonished by the lack of basic skills in younger adults. What happened?
ps...Love your purple, are those petunias or morning glories?
Hi Robbin, Sorry, I've been taking a tech break. Aah, you are too kind! 🤗
I have never grown pansies... SO beautiful!
In my wee garden I have purple galore: Morning Glories, Russian Sage, Mountain Bells, Lamb's Ear & Spearmint. They all bloom in shades of purple...Love it!
Still winter here in Colorado, but I'm already daydreaming about what to plant this year.
I am finding I need to pull away from all the news & info coming out, not ignore it, but take breaks from it. I have to maintain my sanity 😂 & stay focused on the positive. Otherwise, it gets too frustrating for me, as far as all of the folks who seem to be willfully in denial.
Great to meet you, too! Where are you? So wonderful to touch base with like minded folks. The last few years have been lonely. Got dumped by friends & family that I tried to warn against the Scamdemic Jab & what is going on in the world...
Yep, I'm a Conspiracy Foil Hat Nutjob! I have always been one to speak up about TRUTH, even if I get made fun of, or "friends" dump me. I don't know any other way of staying true to myself. Any of that sound familiar...??? Take care Dear Lady! 💕
A digital prison has been built up around us. Kharzian "Big Tech" was not in China all these years developing their high-tech slave system for the Chinese people alone. I've tried to warn people for decades. They won't listen. They are mesmerized and addicted to their "phones". Now, if nothing is done to stop it, these "phones" will be used to enslave them, and I mean ENSLAVE.
Once the switch is flipped on this global digital prison, there will be no way to escape that doesn't involve a horrible and bloody fight.
Add the MRNA nightmare, and humans will have the fight taken out of them. They will be too sick, or too mentally hobbled, or just too damaged by the "medicines" to offer up any real resistance.
CBDC = Slavery
How do we wake people up before it's too late?
It is likely to begin with, "digital food rationing", or something similar. Have you noticed what they're doing with the food supply? They're setting the stage.
It's an evil that most humans simply cannot fathom.
I heard Dallas and Chicago is what I am hearing so far. Everyone hit the open road and mess with their computer model. I took a 2 hour drive Sunday to break my pattern.
Been trying to do this for a few years now. Life and the Cabal got in the way.
Need to dip these wheels in that other ocean.
I'd like to go to James bay and get the Arctic ocean but I can't get anyone to go with me and that is truly the middle of nowhere. Like the jungle, you don't want to go there alone.
Part of me is total envious of you and part of me is just delighted someone is getting to go even though I have aging parents and family that I can't leave right now. I heard that Greenland and Iceland which seems as though it is a long ferry away from that region is just spectacular. And...bonus, you would be able to outpace the mosquitos if you were on a bike. I think the Secret Life of Walter Mitty was filmed in one of those places (Iceland I think). James bay has some interesting history with the first explorers who were trying to find a passage to the East becoming stranded and dying there. They were doing some interesting drudging and deep sea submarine exploration looking for wreckage and gold coins/treasure that would have been traded in the East had they made it. Not sure if they found the treasure or not. Haven't kept up with the story.
Anyway...I hope you have the best time. I think you are so fortunate.
I was raised around WWII veterans. They were a tough lot. Horribly deceived, but tough as nails.
Today's Americans have been horribly demoralized and deceived. "American ruggedness must be destroyed."
They stubbornly hang on to the pathological altruism that the Khazarians washed their brains with for decades, starting in earnest with the offspring of the, "Greatest Generation". They were actually taught to believe that the Khazarians were the good guys. And you simply could not even approach reality in this regard without them attacking you in defense of the Khazarians. Not much has changed. Pain is the only apt teacher now.
Americans will wake up to the (((Khazarians))) the same way they woke up to the Khazarian-created, "vaccines"...after suffering and noticing the many, many corpses. Only then will they dare take a second look at who is behind all of this.
Is this Pfizer-Khazarian running from the reporter, or something much, much bigger? Sheer terror in her eyes.
Actually, it's really meant for Europe because it doesn't work here. People drive 25-75 mi a day to go to work in certain areas. Shopping has moved to the burbs. Downtowns are mostly dead. So people can talk about it, but it totally unfeasible even if anyone wanted it. And it depends on a different mode of transportation - bicycles and EVs.
At least they proposed the concept instead of simply deciding everyone would automatically do as they're told.
Edmonton Canada is seemingly going ahead with it and the MSM are trying their best to cover for the WEF. Back to the name calling to shut up the patriots.
The ‘15-minute city’ controversy is based on bunk. The fear behind it is worth considering
When you take all the disparate parts and put them all together, everything from the 15 minute concentration camps to the 'gold star' allowing you to travel in between states in the USA you can see that it is exactly the same agenda that the Nazi's had for the jews in WWII only Whites are the ones being enslaved and made to wear a gold star, being put into concentration camps.
So punishment for those who don’t’comply’? Fines? Tracking? That’s a prison. These little bureaucrats have NO authority to decide to impede or violate any person’s fundamental rights. So don’t go along with that abuse. These petty fools , and anyone on board with them have NO ‘authority’ ; that’s not in their job description, and no person has any business abusing the fundamental rights of others, for ANY ‘reason’.
Yes that’s essentially their little scheme, however it cannot function without two other pieces in place.
Digital ID and Digital currency.
The idea would be that anyone stepping outside of their assigned district would automatically have their bank accounts frozen, they would then be tracked and apprehended.
With only digitally controlled currency you would be effectively powerless to obtain any thing.
I wish this were a fantasy but too many people were and still are willing to give up their rights and freedoms when told to do so.
Look at how many people still wear masks and take the jabs and boosters when willing told do so, there are many unquestioning sheep who simply will go along with any one calling themselves an authority tells them to do.
There petty leaders know most people will obey because they’ve been indoctrinated to do so by the educational system.
If this were a widespread issue with IVM in the tropical countries why hasn't it been reported widely?
I'm not saying this guy is lying, I am saying he's basing his video on a single case of someone possibly having a reaction to K2 with Quercitin and IVM and who was a former cancer patient. Who know what other chemicals are in the person's blood especially if they've had chemo.
Also he's quoting a single scientific paper which came to the conclusion that IVM and Quercitin in combination are deadly, a single study!
A single data point is not enough to base any conclusions on.
Now I personally followed the initial Zelenko protocol when the pandemic started of taking Zinc, Quercitin, D3 and C. I didn't take any K2 or mix this regimen with any other protocols and IVM is not easily available in Canada so I never touched it.
So I'm suspicious about why there are not any widely reported cases of IVM toxicity and reactions from other truthers?
The DS and KM would've loved this news in 2020, it would have backed up their narrative that HCQ and now IVM are dangerous drugs and only the vax was recommended in fighting covid.
So would not say the guy is lying however I would say not to jump to any conclusions on sparse data.
As with everything in the world, check all available sources of information to make an informed decision about your health. Don't base your decisions on a single reference or study and certainly don't base your decisions on social media videos regardless of how "honest" the source seems to be.
I agree... and after taking this "deadly" combo for 7 months... the guy may indeed be full of crap.
Still a bit concerning... I always wonder about the motivation of anyone posting anything... what could be his?
BTW: In Japan... one would think that if Ivermectin and K2/Mk-7 was deadly... since the Japanese eat a lot of natto, which is very similar to K2/Mk-7... there would have been widespread problems with combining with the widespread use of Ivermectin.
So ironic that you defend murderers, slavers and tortures and their bioweapon out one side of your mouth and then talk out the other about 'abuse of the fundamental rights' out the other. Schizo much?
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of 'Israel' and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between 'Israel' and the Nations, which can only be GENOCIDAL and TOTAL, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
Yes I got a sense of doubt as an undercurrent in that article, some journalists are actually beginning wake up and smell the coffee.
A quote from the article:
"“You said we were never confined to our neighbourhoods but they certainly tried under COVID,” Mr. Sky responds. “And let’s just pretend for a second that we go along with the 15-minute-city plan and now we have these wonderful districts. How much easier would it be for them to literally lock us down into a little tiny 1.5-square-kilometres?”
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, so it pains me to acknowledge when such a figure raises an interesting point. I don’t believe that the purpose of the 15-minute city is to do anything other than create more vibrant and walkable communities – a laudable goal. But if another pandemic did hit, would I have faith in our governments not to, say, erect physical barriers to limit movement and demand vaccination papers at neighbourhood checkpoints? Do I think it possible that well-meaning councillors would cite climate change in enacting punishment on people with cars?
Five years ago, I would have said that was crazy. But after watching bylaw officers wrap playgrounds in police tape, restaurants demand digital health records and the Quebec government institute two provincewide curfews to prevent people from leaving their homes, a lot of these conspiracies seem just a touch more plausible now. My trust in governments to make sound decisions, maintain perspective and prioritize individual rights isn’t what it once was, and I fear there is no obvious way to restore faith in the idea that the media isn’t trying to mislead anyone."
LMFAO...after thinking that all through for himself he never comes to the one conclusion that he should; it was never governments role, they are strictly a bureaucratic institution to aid the Citizen in their welfare. Government is there to serve the people and facilitate the interests of the people. NEVER NEVER NEVER to 'rule' the people.
"We should never forget that the Constitution wasn't written to restrain Citizens' behaviors. It was written to restrain the government's behavior." - Rand Paul
"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." - Ronald Regan.
Wishful thinking bearing no relation to the relative reality. Same as rights, (you have none), and law (there isn't any). All there is who has the biggest fist.
All those fine words and fine declarations and speeches amount to nothing more than mind control (etymology: government). The truth is it's ALL BS. Centralisation is a created weak point from the people's perspective. Easy pickings for those seeking power beyond their station. Why do it again? Government ALWAYS fails. How about we go so local we become responsible sovereign beings for a change. It's as if the very idea frightens people to death.
He helped to get the Ivermectin/HCQ-damning, "EUA"
Trump is not a stupid person. He knew.
And where is he now? Where is he now as little kids are having these poisons pumped into them? Where is he now that the stats are coming out, showing the mass death, the stillbirths, the heart damage, the horrible injuries? Where is your Trump, Clif? Is this where you tell me it's "4D chess" or a, "complex war"?
Clif, have you noticed all of the known Globalists and Khazarians who surround Trump? What kind of mental acrobats allow you to blind yourself to this fact?
I'm supposed to believe that this, "complex war" is taking place, BUT NO ONE SIGNIFICANT IS IN JAIL. The only ones who are paying a price are those who fall victim to the Khazarians' legendary treachery and those who dare to openly oppose their agenda.
If you offered your shoulder for the bioweapon stab regardless of anything you heard from government officials, it is solely YOUR fault. Enjoy your slow or sudden death. And Trump has spoken about J6ers many times.
Are you sure you know what and who the globalists are? Just say you don't like Trump, but don't call him something that he isn't. Also, most of the jabbed, the overwhelming majority, are from the Left. What distinguishes freedom-loving Americans who support Trump is that they aren't sycophants, like the Barry Soeteroians. We trust ONLY facts and evidence and do our own research and due diligence. When we see the drop in Democrats vs non-Bidenary numbers, you'll know what I'm saying is true. Again: If you took the jab, that is your sole fault and responsibility. Only cowards and those with afflicted ethical standards blame others.
I'm afraid Born 2 Die Free is not going to be convinced about Trump no matter what. It's OK. I have friends who can't believe that we'll ever win this war, no matter what, that the enemy is too powerful, and we are too weak and too few. I let them. Some people have a hard time with hope and only believe after the battle is won.
The Globalists will bring him back, but only to push the, "God and Country" types into WWIII, aka, war meat. This why they are keeping him warm--rallies for ex-Presidents? Weird. Obvious.
Trump is a Globalist. He is surrounded by Globalists. He acts like a Globalists. What he hasn't done to save this republic makes it crystal clear that he is certainly not a Nationalist.
I said I didn't take the fucking shot. I was warning people not to take vaccines many years ago. I'm one of those, "Anti-vaxxers" that the poisoners and poisoned love to hate.
I know who Globalists are. Trump is among them. I'm sorry that you and millions like you can't see it. He surrounded himself with known Globalists from day one.
"We trust ONLY facts and evidence..."
Bullshit. If you did, you would know that Trump is a Globalist.
FFS, how many Conservatives did he kill with his repeated recommendations to take the poisons? But this doesn't seem to have an effect on people like you.
How old are you? How many decades have you known of Trump and his family, locally? How many of your friends/friends' dads worked for him? How many times have you socialized with him via your industry? You're moronic to think that Trump is responsible for anyone getting the jab. One last time, little child: WHOEVER WILLFULLY TOOK THE JAB HAS ONLY HIM-, HER-, ITSELF TO BLAME. I wish you knew how little you know. I'm bummed that you didn't take the jab. It's not too late. And get the boosters, too!
I honestly think a lot of these people who defend this shit are just flat out psychopaths and that there is no remedy for them.
Look at how many people are in this thread making light of people whose parents, siblings, spouses, and friends have been injected or murdered...and they are still playing the victim and casting aspersions on anyone who challenges their narrative as 'angry' or unreasonable. Am I not supposed to be angry when they poisoned my family with their jewish bioweapon? Why wouldn't I be angry over that? It would be crazy not to be angry. Sometimes I really wonder how far gone people, even people who claim they are 'woke', actually are if they can laugh over the attempted poisoning of entire races...and its still ONGOING...they are attempting to force vaccinate ALL OF BRAZIL...they know they are mass murdering and we are all supposed to 'downplay it' because it is just 'jews being jews'. Holy shit...this is so far beyond hyperreal it is total insanity.
lol did you see jewish zelensky demanding we send American children to die in Ukraine now that he has slaughtered all of White Christian Ukraine in a coordinated effort between Russian jews, American jews and Ukraine jews?...over my dead body. This will never happen in my house. He can have the (((Feds))) fake and bake money (surely people have heard of LENDER RESPONSIBLITY) but whoever tries to touch my kids, or use them as cannon fodder for a jewish war, will not live to tell about it.
You don't have to see it when they will openly tell you that they intend on doing it. You just have to be capable of listening or willing to understand the words that are coming out of their mouths.
It helps to have some history and some knowledge of Hebrew, enough to know that Ha-aretz means ALL of the dry land will belong to jews only. We have to stop cooperating with our own genocide.
Schwab is a Rothschild on his mothers side. So is Gates, his mother is a Maxwell. Epstein's major victory was the VACCINE and his arrest had nothing to do with 'sex with children' they ALL DO THAT (and have for thousands of years), it had to do with attempted genocide and releasing a bioweapon on humanity.
A big 'Thank You' John for attending the meeting and for filling us all in on what happened in your area!!! I'll be calling my town hall tomorrow to learn if they are about to have a meeting or to throw us under the bus...I don't think they'll be able to pull it off here in the South!
Excellent that people are showing up and speaking up against the machine. Are the sheep finally realizing that they have been duped as far as the jabs go? Here in Maine it is 50/50 realizing this covid depopulation agenda.
The same thing happened in my town except no points were made about the NWO, the WEF (maybe people still afraid to be so bold). A 600 apartment complex is being planned behind the residents backs.
I have just come back from an epic meeting of our local town council, usually so boring. We were proposed with a 15 minute city. At least 1000 (out of 30,000) people packed the building, and the noise was epic. Points were made about the NWO, the WEF, the climate hoax, and everyone was vocally agreeing. It was so encouraging, so many awake, including my covidian neighbour who had knocked on my door earlier to ask if I was going! So maybe that 100th monkey has cracked it.....
Good to hear, we’re close!
Not only close! We are there.
WOW - what State is this? I'm in MA in a small town west of Boston. NO WAY anyone in my town, at a local town council meeting, would be that aware of the NWO and WEF. Certainly, the majority in my town would never admit to any climate hoax. You're so lucky to have a 1,000 people speaking out and being so open minded. Now, if the other 29K of your town think the same way, tell me where you live and I'll move there!
I'm in Britain, but I think the awakening will be much wider.
If 1000 out of 30,000 can be bothered to turn out on a rainy night, probably many more are awake. Most of the others will be sheep who will not influence the fight, leaving just the small, failing, existing power structure as our opponents. And they looked scared.
I’m in Uk too and I have noticed lately that more n more people are waking up. It was extremely slow but recently has really speeded up. I live in a small welsh village where EVERYONE was asleep but not so much now. I make little remarks here in there in the shop around people or when talking to neibours. At first I had no response but now It sometimes sparks off conversations and they are interested to know more. This gives me great hope. 🙏🙏
I am also Uk Brighton and wide awake people here are very slowly waking , up but they are definitely stirring know . Thank you for your information much appreciated
Where did that meeting take place, John? Is there any video footage at all? Sounds encouraging 😊.
Thetford, Norfolk. Nobody would have known but some great person put leaflets through many doors. Normally these get thrown away as Pizza delivery offers but they worked this time.
Excellent! People, take note. All it takes is some effort from you.
I have also seen shorter vids but cant remember where....maybe TikTok..?
I see evidence of the Kharzarians' "Agenda '21" everywhere in the US. Small towns have bought into this, or they have been bought into it..
Their tentacles are EVERYWHERE in the United States of America.
"NO WAY anyone in my town"
Take a closer look. You will see the agenda is affecting you and your fellow citizens already.
John Adams is turning in his grave. Massachusetts is a toilet, and if there is any hope, find those around you who are of the same mindset and conduct your own “information meetings” with data and proof to back up your statements. Don’t jump in with the real intense stuff at first; they can’t handle it. Ease into it, enticing your audience to explore further.
I was born in Cambridge but haven’t been back. I hate what these supposed “intellectuals” have done to my home state.
Good luck.
Thank you GalleG. I live in a town that is very wealthy. These so called overeducated know it alls do not have on iota of a clue as to how this planet is run and who runs it and for what purpose they run it as they do. I myself am not wealthy. We live in "affordable" housing in town, but have paid market rent a few years after we got here 40 years ago. I doubt I would find a like minded person among them here! They're all vaxxed and boosted to the max! They're into climate change, but don't question those lines in the sky. They are unaware that the two political parties are two wings of the same bird never changing its flight path. As for CBDC, social credit scores, digital id, 15 minute cities and the rest of the global Agenda, they haven't got a clue. They put flouride in their town drinking water for Christ sake and Ukraine flags on their front lawns along with Black Lives Matter banners. The think flouride is dandy for your teeth. They have NO idea who runs Black Lives Matter. I'm 72 now and things are out of control unless their is unity among us. Beam me up Scottie!
I weep for you. If I could beam you out of there, I would. I’m no spring chicken, but my husband saw the writing on the wall of that beta-testing state ripe for commie take over, California where we had happily lived for 40 years. We left decades ago and I live out in the middle of no where. Nearest grocery store is 55 miles away, and it snows 9 months out of the year. But! At least I have like minded neighbors (miles away). Mostly ranchers who don’t buy into this crap. We are being invaded by the blue state normies and they’re very very pushy with their BS, so we remind them that they can take their baggage and go back from whence they came. Every day is a battle. Stay strong. We’ll win in the end.
Sad there has to be a battle. People die in battles. But I would happily die if a new kind of existence on earth, a better, peaceful, happier place for a lovely life, could be left for my only child and our two grandchildren and to ALL the children and grandchildren globally. I'd fight to the death for that!
Hu, I'm from MA, which town was that?
I feel your pain. Moved out of Worcester MA 8 years ago and never looked back!
Although Claudia Stauber reported how uncool Vermont was during these last 3 years with mandates, masks and such. She lives there I don't. So I really don't know how VT compares to MA when it comes to people believing what they are told and follower orders from gov't and gov't agencies. All I know was those who questioned it all were labeled as tin foil hat wearers in MA and according to Stauber, in VT too.
Try growing a pair and saying that which no normie knows that they don’t know.
I grew up in Hingham...not to far from you. I had thought about MA believing a 15 min. city would be okay for them but, most people are too used to going where they want so I don't believe it will fly. We will all be protesting in the streets from East to West and North to South!
We will!
See you on the barracades!
Your smartphones are their eyes and ears. Do yourselves a favor and get rid of these surveillance state, real-time behavioral modification devices.
"I'm not getting rid of my phone."
I get it. They have spent many BILLION$ to figure out how to get you all addicted.
Mark my words: You will live to regret giving them your data to store, allowing them to monitor and track you, like an animal, and the god-like power that goes with it.
You could treat it like a landline. Keep it in one room, don't carry it with you without a Faraday case. Or simply refuse to use one at all (which is where you are going and it is good advice tbh). I am leaning more towards this since I have done everything else and I can exist without it very easily.
I don't follow herds. I live without a cell phone just fine. In the eyes of the brainwashed, this makes me, "kinda weird".
For a while there, refusing the masks and the genetic poisons made me, "kinda weird", too.
You all will come around, but not until the pain of carrying their devices becomes greater than the pain of being without them. If you still have the choice to go without them, that is. See China.
Good to know there are other "kinda weird"s out there! Yikes! I am totally weird! No cell phone; No vax BS; drive a 30+ year old, non-computerized car; dropped out of the medical industrial complex; can't remember the last time I was in a shopping mall or went to a movie... I've just been watching the world get crazier by the day & waiting for the Big Ugly. Sitting calmly & observing.
We always have a choice; even death is a choice. I tend to listen to the Orthodox Christian Prophets and believe them. I know what they say is about to happen. Brutal.
Who do you listen to?
Your gut instinct, you already know on a subconscious level when the
times right it will manifest to your conscious.
Alois Irlmaier (Germany)
Mary Julie Jahenny (France)
Gottfried von Werdernberg (Austria, I think)
Wladyslaw Biernancki (Russia)
Nicolaas vanRensburg (South Africa)
Otrok Pavel (Russia)
Otrok Vyacheslav (Russia)
And many others...too many minor ones to list. Proven prophets.
I agree with you! I keep telling people that dumping the mobile internet ‘phone’ thing puts an end to the takeover plans. They NEED people to think they must have those stupid phones. They need you to have the for the digital currency/ID prison. I can’t believe how people just cling to these stupid phones. Get a leave at home iPad, get a landline, use cash, wake the F up already. My husband and I dumped ours 10 years ago.
Ten years ago, that's about right. I resemble all of what you said.
Have never owned a cell phone, don't want one! Nothing is that urgent in my life, if something happens, I will find out soon enough. It has been sad to see how addicted people are to their "devices". Distracted driving; distracted "customer service"...had the worst haircut of my life from a beautician who was talking on her cell the entire time she was destroying my hair.
Younger folks have no idea how to interface with others in a face to face conversation.
Language/writing skills are fading away. Yep, I'm a stubborn ol' fart, what ya see is what ya get.
Good for you. I'm a techie and I was all excited about the concept. Had early phones but never an iPhone. Don't trust Apple.
Having used the Nexus One I discovered that I didn't want my phone to be a PC, I have lots of those. I also don't want to feel like I'm on a leash all the time. So I was off them way before we knew how they were really being used.
Hiya, John Galt! You are reading my mind...I always saw pagers & cell phones as very short leashes to my privacy.
Honestly, what is that urgent in anyone's life?
Yes, there are exceptions, but otherwise, no thanks.
My sanity touchstone is thinking about how some of my pioneer ancestors, back to 1699, (great x?) grandparents survived.
They had practical survival skills; knew how to set priorities; appreciated all they had; were a lot tougher & more resilient than folks today.
You were very wise to trust your instincts on the leash phone.
How ironic, with all of the advances in tech, our lives are more complicated than ever & very few feel they have time to just sit still & enjoy some peace & quiet...
It always amazes me when I go on my beach walks, how most people walking are talking on their phones the whole time. They aren't out in nature at all, they are in a moving telephone box and their eyes never leave it.
Hi Pam, It truly boggles the mind. You nailed it! They might as well be at home on their couch.
I started noticing this behavior as soon as cell phones became affordable for most of the population. Affordable? That is rather questionable as they are paying for a mind control leash. No thanks. Along with addiction to video games, we have lost a generation or more to tech-leashes.
It started a long time ago with music headphones. I love music, but if I were taking a walk on the beach or in the mountains, I want to hear the sounds of nature & be in the moment.
I used to be a runner & the last thing you need is something distracting you from your surroundings, especially if you are walking, hiking, running out in the boondocks or on city streets.
Do you think it is a long game of distracting & separating people from the reality around them?
There must be some kind of chemical brain reward from engaging with constant attention to texts & calls.
I don't see the attraction, but I'm one of those weirdos...tee hee!
LOL! sitting around relaxing is a skill I definitely do not have.
I'd like to learn how sometime. It's not going to happen soon, these Khazars keep you busy.
Howdy John! LOL, indeed! 😂 I hear ya, those damn Khazars!
Guess I should have said that with all of the advances in tech that should save us time, we don't seem to have time to do the things we truly enjoy.
We are still in this paradigm of working ourselves to death just to survive. Time for creative expression, in whatever form, gardening, painting, creating in general, seems to be at a premium. Time for laughter; reading; exploring ideas...all that fun stuff that is always on the back burner.
This is so crazy...I knew how messed up this world was as a young child. I questioned everything that did not make sense to me. Boy, did I get into trouble for asking too many questions!
I'm 64 now & spent half of my life being told I needed to "stop thinking so much" & be "normal". Well, that didn't work out so well, I kept resisting "normal", because I knew it was a lie.
Stranger in a strange land, trying to navigate Life amongst the Khazars & crazies, questioning my own sanity at times. It has been an adventure!
As things are becoming blatantly obvious, my head is getting "splody" as far as those who are still in denial. How can people NOT SEE what is going on?
Aaargh! I'm incredibly patient, but I'm about ready to shake some people into a Reality Check. Then, I realize it is not my job to do that.
Deep breaths. We'll get there when we get there. The big challenge seems to be holding on to our own minds & sanity in this PsyOp War.
Glad I live in a rural area twixt the Rocky Mountain Ranges.
I live in potato growing country & the local short line train exports taters.
Had a good laugh with my neighbor yesterday when we heard the train horn blasting.
"Watch out! There's gonna be a Toxic Tater Spill!"
"Clean up with Controlled Bake & barrels of sour cream & butter!"
Sorry, I have a twisted sense of humor...
Stay strong & take care, friend!
When you say my smart phone, what are you talking about exactly?
Actually I just bought a Linux based Pinephone. Haven't decided if I'm going to use it yet. My last phone was a Nexus One. Long gone.
I'm not allowing them to track me. I'm sure they are but I'm not making it easy for them.
You have a contract with a provider for the cell internet.They’re tracking you. They need you to cling to the damm phone.
I don't have a smart phone. Not counting the Linux Pinephone here on the desk that I probably won't use. I have it because it was inexpensive and an interesting product.
I'll refine that to say I don't have a contract with anyone or a working phone. I don't use a smart phone and haven't for about ten years.
Hi Robbin, You are so right! And yes, having the sense, intuition, that a lot of the tech "advances" were not a good thing. I've been criticized for resisting change with tech advances...I'm all for change, but I get to choose what changes I think are in my best interest.
We grew up with practical living skills that so many young folks don't seem to have these days. Very basic skills, like cooking! I'm grateful for all I learned growing up. I'm mid-60s & am constantly astonished by the lack of basic skills in younger adults. What happened?
ps...Love your purple, are those petunias or morning glories?
Hi Robbin, Sorry, I've been taking a tech break. Aah, you are too kind! 🤗
I have never grown pansies... SO beautiful!
In my wee garden I have purple galore: Morning Glories, Russian Sage, Mountain Bells, Lamb's Ear & Spearmint. They all bloom in shades of purple...Love it!
Still winter here in Colorado, but I'm already daydreaming about what to plant this year.
I am finding I need to pull away from all the news & info coming out, not ignore it, but take breaks from it. I have to maintain my sanity 😂 & stay focused on the positive. Otherwise, it gets too frustrating for me, as far as all of the folks who seem to be willfully in denial.
Great to meet you, too! Where are you? So wonderful to touch base with like minded folks. The last few years have been lonely. Got dumped by friends & family that I tried to warn against the Scamdemic Jab & what is going on in the world...
Yep, I'm a Conspiracy Foil Hat Nutjob! I have always been one to speak up about TRUTH, even if I get made fun of, or "friends" dump me. I don't know any other way of staying true to myself. Any of that sound familiar...??? Take care Dear Lady! 💕
A digital prison has been built up around us. Kharzian "Big Tech" was not in China all these years developing their high-tech slave system for the Chinese people alone. I've tried to warn people for decades. They won't listen. They are mesmerized and addicted to their "phones". Now, if nothing is done to stop it, these "phones" will be used to enslave them, and I mean ENSLAVE.
Once the switch is flipped on this global digital prison, there will be no way to escape that doesn't involve a horrible and bloody fight.
Add the MRNA nightmare, and humans will have the fight taken out of them. They will be too sick, or too mentally hobbled, or just too damaged by the "medicines" to offer up any real resistance.
CBDC = Slavery
How do we wake people up before it's too late?
It is likely to begin with, "digital food rationing", or something similar. Have you noticed what they're doing with the food supply? They're setting the stage.
It's an evil that most humans simply cannot fathom.
15 minute cities in the USA???? wtf. East coast? West coast???
I heard Dallas and Chicago is what I am hearing so far. Everyone hit the open road and mess with their computer model. I took a 2 hour drive Sunday to break my pattern.
Lol. Seriously! Just the mention of this crap makes me want to just drive and drive!
As soon as it warms up enough, I'm on the road for the summer.
Your bike trip?! That is so exciting for you.
Been trying to do this for a few years now. Life and the Cabal got in the way.
Need to dip these wheels in that other ocean.
I'd like to go to James bay and get the Arctic ocean but I can't get anyone to go with me and that is truly the middle of nowhere. Like the jungle, you don't want to go there alone.
Part of me is total envious of you and part of me is just delighted someone is getting to go even though I have aging parents and family that I can't leave right now. I heard that Greenland and Iceland which seems as though it is a long ferry away from that region is just spectacular. And...bonus, you would be able to outpace the mosquitos if you were on a bike. I think the Secret Life of Walter Mitty was filmed in one of those places (Iceland I think). James bay has some interesting history with the first explorers who were trying to find a passage to the East becoming stranded and dying there. They were doing some interesting drudging and deep sea submarine exploration looking for wreckage and gold coins/treasure that would have been traded in the East had they made it. Not sure if they found the treasure or not. Haven't kept up with the story.
Anyway...I hope you have the best time. I think you are so fortunate.
"15 minute cities in the USA????"
I was raised around WWII veterans. They were a tough lot. Horribly deceived, but tough as nails.
Today's Americans have been horribly demoralized and deceived. "American ruggedness must be destroyed."
They stubbornly hang on to the pathological altruism that the Khazarians washed their brains with for decades, starting in earnest with the offspring of the, "Greatest Generation". They were actually taught to believe that the Khazarians were the good guys. And you simply could not even approach reality in this regard without them attacking you in defense of the Khazarians. Not much has changed. Pain is the only apt teacher now.
Americans will wake up to the (((Khazarians))) the same way they woke up to the Khazarian-created, "vaccines"...after suffering and noticing the many, many corpses. Only then will they dare take a second look at who is behind all of this.
Is this Pfizer-Khazarian running from the reporter, or something much, much bigger? Sheer terror in her eyes.
I know what she's running from.
Oh yes, my parents' generation.
Not only are they not particularly wise, they're mean!
World-wide, part of the Big Plan.
Actually, it's really meant for Europe because it doesn't work here. People drive 25-75 mi a day to go to work in certain areas. Shopping has moved to the burbs. Downtowns are mostly dead. So people can talk about it, but it totally unfeasible even if anyone wanted it. And it depends on a different mode of transportation - bicycles and EVs.
There is definitely material available on 15 minute cities in Canada, where I live.
No, Great Britain.
What do you mean, no, Great Britain? This is a plan for the whole world....
People were asking me if it was in the US and where.
At least they proposed the concept instead of simply deciding everyone would automatically do as they're told.
Edmonton Canada is seemingly going ahead with it and the MSM are trying their best to cover for the WEF. Back to the name calling to shut up the patriots.
The ‘15-minute city’ controversy is based on bunk. The fear behind it is worth considering
When you take all the disparate parts and put them all together, everything from the 15 minute concentration camps to the 'gold star' allowing you to travel in between states in the USA you can see that it is exactly the same agenda that the Nazi's had for the jews in WWII only Whites are the ones being enslaved and made to wear a gold star, being put into concentration camps.
We’re all being out into prison now actually.
So punishment for those who don’t’comply’? Fines? Tracking? That’s a prison. These little bureaucrats have NO authority to decide to impede or violate any person’s fundamental rights. So don’t go along with that abuse. These petty fools , and anyone on board with them have NO ‘authority’ ; that’s not in their job description, and no person has any business abusing the fundamental rights of others, for ANY ‘reason’.
Yes that’s essentially their little scheme, however it cannot function without two other pieces in place.
Digital ID and Digital currency.
The idea would be that anyone stepping outside of their assigned district would automatically have their bank accounts frozen, they would then be tracked and apprehended.
With only digitally controlled currency you would be effectively powerless to obtain any thing.
I wish this were a fantasy but too many people were and still are willing to give up their rights and freedoms when told to do so.
Look at how many people still wear masks and take the jabs and boosters when willing told do so, there are many unquestioning sheep who simply will go along with any one calling themselves an authority tells them to do.
There petty leaders know most people will obey because they’ve been indoctrinated to do so by the educational system.
Any comment on this alarming video on Ivermectin?
Why does the video have comments disabled?
If this were a widespread issue with IVM in the tropical countries why hasn't it been reported widely?
I'm not saying this guy is lying, I am saying he's basing his video on a single case of someone possibly having a reaction to K2 with Quercitin and IVM and who was a former cancer patient. Who know what other chemicals are in the person's blood especially if they've had chemo.
Also he's quoting a single scientific paper which came to the conclusion that IVM and Quercitin in combination are deadly, a single study!
A single data point is not enough to base any conclusions on.
Now I personally followed the initial Zelenko protocol when the pandemic started of taking Zinc, Quercitin, D3 and C. I didn't take any K2 or mix this regimen with any other protocols and IVM is not easily available in Canada so I never touched it.
So I'm suspicious about why there are not any widely reported cases of IVM toxicity and reactions from other truthers?
The DS and KM would've loved this news in 2020, it would have backed up their narrative that HCQ and now IVM are dangerous drugs and only the vax was recommended in fighting covid.
So would not say the guy is lying however I would say not to jump to any conclusions on sparse data.
As with everything in the world, check all available sources of information to make an informed decision about your health. Don't base your decisions on a single reference or study and certainly don't base your decisions on social media videos regardless of how "honest" the source seems to be.
I agree... and after taking this "deadly" combo for 7 months... the guy may indeed be full of crap.
Still a bit concerning... I always wonder about the motivation of anyone posting anything... what could be his?
BTW: In Japan... one would think that if Ivermectin and K2/Mk-7 was deadly... since the Japanese eat a lot of natto, which is very similar to K2/Mk-7... there would have been widespread problems with combining with the widespread use of Ivermectin.
Yes. It’s depressing. I keep looking for some hope. Where is there hope that this will be stopped?
So ironic that you defend murderers, slavers and tortures and their bioweapon out one side of your mouth and then talk out the other about 'abuse of the fundamental rights' out the other. Schizo much?
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of 'Israel' and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between 'Israel' and the Nations, which can only be GENOCIDAL and TOTAL, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
Yes I got a sense of doubt as an undercurrent in that article, some journalists are actually beginning wake up and smell the coffee.
A quote from the article:
"“You said we were never confined to our neighbourhoods but they certainly tried under COVID,” Mr. Sky responds. “And let’s just pretend for a second that we go along with the 15-minute-city plan and now we have these wonderful districts. How much easier would it be for them to literally lock us down into a little tiny 1.5-square-kilometres?”
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, so it pains me to acknowledge when such a figure raises an interesting point. I don’t believe that the purpose of the 15-minute city is to do anything other than create more vibrant and walkable communities – a laudable goal. But if another pandemic did hit, would I have faith in our governments not to, say, erect physical barriers to limit movement and demand vaccination papers at neighbourhood checkpoints? Do I think it possible that well-meaning councillors would cite climate change in enacting punishment on people with cars?
Five years ago, I would have said that was crazy. But after watching bylaw officers wrap playgrounds in police tape, restaurants demand digital health records and the Quebec government institute two provincewide curfews to prevent people from leaving their homes, a lot of these conspiracies seem just a touch more plausible now. My trust in governments to make sound decisions, maintain perspective and prioritize individual rights isn’t what it once was, and I fear there is no obvious way to restore faith in the idea that the media isn’t trying to mislead anyone."
LMFAO...after thinking that all through for himself he never comes to the one conclusion that he should; it was never governments role, they are strictly a bureaucratic institution to aid the Citizen in their welfare. Government is there to serve the people and facilitate the interests of the people. NEVER NEVER NEVER to 'rule' the people.
"We should never forget that the Constitution wasn't written to restrain Citizens' behaviors. It was written to restrain the government's behavior." - Rand Paul
"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." - Ronald Regan.
Governments first duty is to grow bigger and protect itself.
Government IS the parasite. We are the host.
Wishful thinking bearing no relation to the relative reality. Same as rights, (you have none), and law (there isn't any). All there is who has the biggest fist.
All those fine words and fine declarations and speeches amount to nothing more than mind control (etymology: government). The truth is it's ALL BS. Centralisation is a created weak point from the people's perspective. Easy pickings for those seeking power beyond their station. Why do it again? Government ALWAYS fails. How about we go so local we become responsible sovereign beings for a change. It's as if the very idea frightens people to death.
Well said! Wow what a note. Love it.
Wait till you get caught up. Go watch Derek Johnson.
The country music star?
Good idea, done.
On other blogs and forums there is usually a quotation mechanism but substack comment sections are lacking many useful features found elsewhere.
"Trump was not involved in the vaccine." ~Clif High
In the video below, Trump actually targets his followers with the genetic poisons.
He gave billions to Bill Gates' "Gavi".
He helped to get the Ivermectin/HCQ-damning, "EUA"
Trump is not a stupid person. He knew.
And where is he now? Where is he now as little kids are having these poisons pumped into them? Where is he now that the stats are coming out, showing the mass death, the stillbirths, the heart damage, the horrible injuries? Where is your Trump, Clif? Is this where you tell me it's "4D chess" or a, "complex war"?
Clif, have you noticed all of the known Globalists and Khazarians who surround Trump? What kind of mental acrobats allow you to blind yourself to this fact?
I'm supposed to believe that this, "complex war" is taking place, BUT NO ONE SIGNIFICANT IS IN JAIL. The only ones who are paying a price are those who fall victim to the Khazarians' legendary treachery and those who dare to openly oppose their agenda.
Where is Trump on the J6 protesters?
"Enjoy the show", fools.
Well said. Anyone who still believes in T r u m p has zero credibility.
If you offered your shoulder for the bioweapon stab regardless of anything you heard from government officials, it is solely YOUR fault. Enjoy your slow or sudden death. And Trump has spoken about J6ers many times.
I wasn't dumb enough to make medical decisions based on what some politician or celebrity says.
Other people's decisions, not my problem.
I don't trust Globalists, like Donald Trump. I would never take his poison.
But many of Trump's supporters trusted him, listened to him, and took his poison.
Do you think it's a good idea to kill off your fellow Trump supporters, Phooey?
Are you sure you know what and who the globalists are? Just say you don't like Trump, but don't call him something that he isn't. Also, most of the jabbed, the overwhelming majority, are from the Left. What distinguishes freedom-loving Americans who support Trump is that they aren't sycophants, like the Barry Soeteroians. We trust ONLY facts and evidence and do our own research and due diligence. When we see the drop in Democrats vs non-Bidenary numbers, you'll know what I'm saying is true. Again: If you took the jab, that is your sole fault and responsibility. Only cowards and those with afflicted ethical standards blame others.
I'm afraid Born 2 Die Free is not going to be convinced about Trump no matter what. It's OK. I have friends who can't believe that we'll ever win this war, no matter what, that the enemy is too powerful, and we are too weak and too few. I let them. Some people have a hard time with hope and only believe after the battle is won.
Trump will continue to disappoint.
The Globalists will bring him back, but only to push the, "God and Country" types into WWIII, aka, war meat. This why they are keeping him warm--rallies for ex-Presidents? Weird. Obvious.
Trump is a Globalist. He is surrounded by Globalists. He acts like a Globalists. What he hasn't done to save this republic makes it crystal clear that he is certainly not a Nationalist.
He will disappoint.
I said I didn't take the fucking shot. I was warning people not to take vaccines many years ago. I'm one of those, "Anti-vaxxers" that the poisoners and poisoned love to hate.
I know who Globalists are. Trump is among them. I'm sorry that you and millions like you can't see it. He surrounded himself with known Globalists from day one.
"We trust ONLY facts and evidence..."
Bullshit. If you did, you would know that Trump is a Globalist.
FFS, how many Conservatives did he kill with his repeated recommendations to take the poisons? But this doesn't seem to have an effect on people like you.
How old are you? How many decades have you known of Trump and his family, locally? How many of your friends/friends' dads worked for him? How many times have you socialized with him via your industry? You're moronic to think that Trump is responsible for anyone getting the jab. One last time, little child: WHOEVER WILLFULLY TOOK THE JAB HAS ONLY HIM-, HER-, ITSELF TO BLAME. I wish you knew how little you know. I'm bummed that you didn't take the jab. It's not too late. And get the boosters, too!
I honestly think a lot of these people who defend this shit are just flat out psychopaths and that there is no remedy for them.
Look at how many people are in this thread making light of people whose parents, siblings, spouses, and friends have been injected or murdered...and they are still playing the victim and casting aspersions on anyone who challenges their narrative as 'angry' or unreasonable. Am I not supposed to be angry when they poisoned my family with their jewish bioweapon? Why wouldn't I be angry over that? It would be crazy not to be angry. Sometimes I really wonder how far gone people, even people who claim they are 'woke', actually are if they can laugh over the attempted poisoning of entire races...and its still ONGOING...they are attempting to force vaccinate ALL OF BRAZIL...they know they are mass murdering and we are all supposed to 'downplay it' because it is just 'jews being jews'. Holy shit...this is so far beyond hyperreal it is total insanity.
Amen! 🎯
"We were proposed with a 15 minute city."
Too many (((sociopaths/psychopaths))) in power "proposing" what can only be called re-packaged Khazarian Communism.
Lock me and mine in our neighborhood? I don't think so.
Lock and load, Americans. If you plan on remaining an even somewhat free people, you had better be preparing.
You cannot fight if you are not resilient. Prepare.
https://rumble.com/v2b4dge-treasonous-federal-employees-caught-plotting-the-coup-on-zoom.html Notice the names.
You can ignore the reality of it if you want to.
lol did you see jewish zelensky demanding we send American children to die in Ukraine now that he has slaughtered all of White Christian Ukraine in a coordinated effort between Russian jews, American jews and Ukraine jews?...over my dead body. This will never happen in my house. He can have the (((Feds))) fake and bake money (surely people have heard of LENDER RESPONSIBLITY) but whoever tries to touch my kids, or use them as cannon fodder for a jewish war, will not live to tell about it.
They have every intention of slaughtering every gentile they can.
Almost no one wants to see it. Sheep for the slaughter.
A fraction of the US population, but...
If Big Pharma isn't run by Khazarians, who runs it? If Khazarians didn't create the poisons, who did?
Don't take my word for it:
What about our illegitimate and brain-dead POTUS?
You don't have to see it when they will openly tell you that they intend on doing it. You just have to be capable of listening or willing to understand the words that are coming out of their mouths.
It helps to have some history and some knowledge of Hebrew, enough to know that Ha-aretz means ALL of the dry land will belong to jews only. We have to stop cooperating with our own genocide.
Schwab is a Rothschild on his mothers side. So is Gates, his mother is a Maxwell. Epstein's major victory was the VACCINE and his arrest had nothing to do with 'sex with children' they ALL DO THAT (and have for thousands of years), it had to do with attempted genocide and releasing a bioweapon on humanity.
15 minute concentration camps.
Wow--thanks for the rush! What state are you in? In any case, BRAVO!
That was encouraging, thank you.
A big 'Thank You' John for attending the meeting and for filling us all in on what happened in your area!!! I'll be calling my town hall tomorrow to learn if they are about to have a meeting or to throw us under the bus...I don't think they'll be able to pull it off here in the South!
Careful. I have seen them do some pretty rachet stuff in the South recently. I mean, Virginia's unconstitutional gun confiscation comes to mind.
Excellent that people are showing up and speaking up against the machine. Are the sheep finally realizing that they have been duped as far as the jabs go? Here in Maine it is 50/50 realizing this covid depopulation agenda.
We could all just take our plates off.
The same thing happened in my town except no points were made about the NWO, the WEF (maybe people still afraid to be so bold). A 600 apartment complex is being planned behind the residents backs.
New Jersey
Where do you live? (If you don't mind saying.)
S. GA.
sounds like a much better place to me, than here in Blue land...
It's a good place for real people, we forget to appreciate it.
I'm not sure whom you're addressing. Didn't want to be rude in case it's me, and if it is, we can swap location information.
I was asking John davis, didn't realize how long thread had gotten. But I saw later he's in the UK, I'm in states on the east coast.
Yes, I'm in Thetford, Norfolk, GB.
The Florida Gulf Coast, south of Sarasota.