Clif have you taken into account the rather infantilized mental state of the vaxxed, the ones who really bought into and actually loved everything about the covid movement; the lock-downs, the masks, the nanny state "taking care" of them, big daddy government giving them shots which made them feel "safe", their being "patted on the back" for not going to work, etc. I know some of these people and this is actually how they feel about the whole covid thing. They literally loved it and, taking it away from them is like taking candy away from a baby. How do adult babies react to candy being taken away from them?

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If you ask me, and I know you didn't, that whole culture of illness and everything you said so well is off-the-charts creepy and repulsive. Sheep and lemmings, drones and droids. Yuck.

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I can't imagine one actually taking the clot shot knowenly and then finding out it's got the kitchen sink in it is enough to drive one mad very mad if you lost a sister or 2 as I have but thank God he let me see so I myself made better decision. I have cried my eyes out 4 humanity as it has changed history for us all. ⁶

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The patent office also steals patents. And you will see your idea come out after you filed a patent. It's a very corrupt system.

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Supreme Court agreed to hear Brunson brothers on 2/17

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I heard they weren’t going to take the case.

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Feb 2, 2023
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Thank you for that link. Petition for rehearing filed and a discussion conference scheduled. They are determined.

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tthat is very old

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Do you have a link?

Where did you read/hear this news?


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Editing glitch, you forgot to shut down your mic. We still love you!😜

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I kept listening just to see if he burped or farted or something.

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I admire your honesty. lol

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I felt like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.

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You never know, with Clif you might get both.

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Never say sorry for being a jokester, as a portion of your overall brilliant make-up. We love the jokes, humor is so very necessary nowadays. Information coated with humor slides down so much easier.

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Hmmm? Didn't Einstein worked in a patent office?

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Gatekeepers and Intel Operatives for going on centuries.

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Was that Mrs. Clif in the background? Would love to hear a little from her sometime...

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Me too!!! I was just thinking like how wonderful is it to live with Mr High! Can you imagine the conversations at dinner time?!😄

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She probably wants to scream 🤭

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This is a close approximation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4ftmOI5NnI

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I’ll express it again, when parents realize what they’ve done to their children by giving them the shots, they are going to lose their shit.

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Hope the fuk your right,this was said about the mmr jab causing epidemic of autism,was on a discussion about using mms to cure it got slaughtered and the only thing they could say was we love our autistic kids,weren't interested what had been done to them

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If that had been my phone, inadvertently left on, I would probably have been sharing some of my vast profane vocabulary. Shit happens.

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So, you start all of your talks wit 'hello humans'.

Since all of the vax victims have been genetically altered, are you only talking to 'none' vaxed?


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for a while, I stopped using the term "vaxxed" because it wasn't a true vaccine as we've known them up til the CV19 era...

but the root word of vaccine is "cow" meaning cattle or chattel...

vaccine - Wiktionary


which is how the KM view us humans... as "goyim" [wiktionary definition and etymology scrubbed for this last word]

and given that those who took MRNA are now genetically altered, they can now be claimed as property under patent by the pharma companies... possibly...

the sad part being that these people obediently, willingly, gave up their sovereignty for a concoction they knew nothing about...

they don't have ownership of themselves now, may never have...

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You will find more info on the vaccine and it's history if you are interested. we were conditioned from the beginning to believe their beneficial nature to our health. That was a huge deceit. If I could do it again I would not vaccinate my children and would not put them in public school either.


Choose from the list of contents what interest you the most. most come in Spanish translation also. Have a self empowering discovery.

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My father was way ahead of his time and he never let any of his children, 5 of us, to have any vaccines. He would go to our school and let them know that if they touched us there would be hell. We grew up without any issues, a cold here and there and that was it. Unfortunatelly, I’m the only one, the youngest , that followed his teachings...

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Yes, indeed he was, you are smart to follow in his footsteps.

We got our dose of indoctrination during the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe, and all childhood vaccination was mandatory. I started to question it when we had the autism epidemics in the USA.

I tried to paste a screenshot, but didn't work. Look up The CDC vaccine recommendation for US children. 1963- Polio, Smallpox, DPT

1983- DTP ( 2months) MMR ( 15months)

OPV (2 months) DTP (18 mounts)

DTP (4months) OPV (18 months)

OPV ( 4monts) DTP ( 4yrs )

DTP ( 6months) OPV ( 4 yrs)

Td (15yrs.)

2019 55 vaccinations .. I don't have the patience to write it all down, but look it up.

Influenza 19 times the first one during pregnancy.

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I've taken a dive before into the damned vaccine stats. Polio looked like it worked because they redefined the definition of Polio while killing a lot of people.

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I was born in Brazil in the 60s...we didn’t have any of this... and @Ida, you are gonna laugh but my Mom nursed me until I was 2 years old😌🙏

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That is too bad.

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Thank you. No shortage of material there.

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That's what I love, people from all kind of background sharing their experiences, knowledge and opinion. The more varied the better, it expands our awareness also. Plus you find like minded people whom are also questioning this reality.

For a long time I could not share it with my family nor friends. It's reassuring to find that you are not alone.

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Somewhere Clif says he uses the term vaxxxed, so it doesn't match the term vaxed which gets censored but he can search it.

I agree is is a misnomer. Death jab or bioweapon covers all of them.

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Definitely we have to come up with something stronger closer to the truth and using our vocabulary. Than we dictate the narrative.

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Toxxine, clot shot, stroke toker,

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The word Vaxx itself is getting stronger and more negative everyday. Soon it will mean death. It already does to me.

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It goes back to the late 19th century. They plan way ahead of time. Indoctrinations goes by small increments through generations. You might find very interesting clues in this website.


Contents are very long and it's posted in Spanish also.

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thank you for the link. excellent.

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Vaca means cow in Spanish. Goyim means non-Jews in Yiddish.

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According to things Lawful vs corporate fakelegal, it turns out we never had full person sovereignty since birth.

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only if you accept their corporate fakelegal jurisdiction as legitimate, pursuant to the original U.S. Constitution and respectful of God's mandate

I am sovereign. I accept the decrees of no external authority.

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Chimera ....remeber just a short few years back they told us their plans to alter humanity and the word chimera started coming into focus.?

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He's addressing fellow humans and not space aliens or bug, it preceded the vax 🤪

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He does make a discernible effort to be exacting in his speech.

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Actually, Clif, I don't think you understand what has happened to America, because you are American. You are blinded by your own belief systems.

Yes, we have a global situation, largely because of America's illness. I am guessing few of your devotees will finish reading this. Truth is anethema.

For those who do read, let me start at the beginning.

(1) You lock your infants into a room to sleep and so they start their lives living with night terrors. You should have let your kids sleep with you for the first 3-4 years. As Michael Moore observed, all Americans are frightened, which is why you have a shooting problem. Hollywood can present Americans as cool Marines until the cows come home but you are all frightened kids inside. This is why you are reactive as a nation, and socially. At any given point in time, you are on the edge of emotional instability, and at worst, hysteria.

(2) All Americans BELIEVE. The rest of the world looks on in wonderment as you brainwash every school child into thinking there is a great force up above them that manifests variously as: the President, Congress, the flag, the Constitution, and the anthem, and can be summed up as two things: God is on your side; and, it is logical to mix beliefs with evidence and expect a coherent and reliable result from this equation. That is the killer. BELIEF is the killer.

That is quite enough to derail any nation, even with the very best of intentions, but this was never the case in the US. Pretty much nothing about popular American history is true. The US has never been a democracy. You do not even have the word democracy in your Constitution, for a reason.

The US is a structural Monarchy, with the President having monarchic powers and the plutocrats exercising all other power. Your economy is planned to retain 40% in poverty. 12% suffer permanent severe brain damage due to disease and malnutrition. Your health care system is the most exploitative in the western world.

The US is 39th on the global literacy scale and falling fast. Logic is alien to around 95% of Americans and those who do structure their thinking are screwing the rest of you and the entire world.

America does not stand for "Freedom and Democracy". In the first century it stole the land and lives of the original inhabitants, stole half of Mexico; and then in 1901, machine gunned 8000 Philippine children to death because they had no further use; plus 5000 adults.

The US did not win WWII. Russia won WWII, with help from its allies. Three quarters of the war dead were Russian and two thirds of the war effort was Russian. Hollywood can fabricate otherwise because you all BELIEVE shit.

Since WWII, the US has invaded 60 sovereign nations, not one of whom was threatening the US. You then stole their resources and converted their labour force to near slavery to enable America, with 10% of the world's population, to amass 80% of the world's resources.

Any national leader who resisted was killed by your CIA, which is also the worlds biggest drug cartel. You invaded Afghanistan to rescue your heroin industry, closed down by the Taliban. You invaded Korea because the north had village committees, which the Pentagon decided must be Communist.

In 1975, you invaded Australia and sacked the government because it objected to US installations that did not serve Australian interests, and you then assisted Indonesia plan an invasion of Australia, the objective being to weaken both nations and make control more easy. We had zero unemployment before 1975 and the highest egalitarian standard of living in the world. Today, 70% live in misery and poverty, all engineered by your government.

The scamdemic was conceived in the US and driven by the US, yet you absurdly call it the Chinese Communist Party virus. It was made in Fort Detrick.

The war in Ukraine is a US war, precipitated by Victoria Nuland and designed to prevent an inevitable Russia/German alliance. The global media, that drives all of these scourges on humanity, is run by American Rupert Murdoch.

You all believe that 9/11 was the action of people who hate America and who are jealous of your freedoms. It took me precisiely three hours from the second plane strike, to calculate who did 9/11. Only one entity had the capacity, the motivation, and the opportunity. That entity was exposed yet still you blame everybody else.

As I write, you are installing a misile site with which to wage war on China, a launching pad in yet another Indigenous people's home in Arnhem Land. Reprisals and toxic missile exhausts will kill most residents and destroy the local atmosphere. Your top Admiral, Jonathan Greenert, has already inspected his next US naval base in Melville Bay without, of course asking permission of Australians. You have 7 additional military bases here, permission having been provided by the Pentagon.

You agonise over Red or Blue, oblivious to the reality they are the same two party system designed to provide the illusion of choice.

When we Australians expel your nation, preferably without harming your Marines, who we actually get on fine with, there will be no such leniency extended to your politicians and CEOs. These will be pursued and executed all the way back into America. If innocent Assange is extradited, expect a lot of deaths in the US. I just hope you remember that the coming war was enabled by your refusal to address global reality. The entire Trump era is better forgotten and you should instead focus on the millions of lives your government is destroying outside America.

Do not kid yourselves that other governments do bad stuff to their own people. Your government owns all other governments in the West, and many in the East. The global problem is of your making. Fix it.

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The American people did not do all that you state above knowingly or willingly. The America you speak of is the Cabal, Deep State, Illuminati, Khazarian Mafia, whatever name you want to give the controllers, the Central Bankers, they did all that you speak. These same controllers are those that control the whole world! Even in Aussie Land! And we still are the free-est folks on this world. The guilt Americans will have to deal with is that most did not know. Most were led around like sheep, the truth being hidden. Those that did expose these truths were mocked, called crazy conspiracy theorists. We now have The Great Awakening!! It will all be exposed, is being exposed right now. So, either deal with it along side the rest of us working to expose or shut the fuck up, YOUR ignorance is showing.

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You can't even leave and return to the USSA without having proof of being jabbed. Every other country hsd dropped these mandates. "Free-est country on this world". Lol. 🤡

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A US citizen can leave and return without being jabbed. That being said, the USA is still the free-est country - we did not lock up folks in Covid camps who “tested positive” for a fake virus. And you know why - our constitution! What protected folks in Israel, Italy, England and many more countries from forced jabs? Couldn’t buy food with out a jab? What stopped that from happening in the USA? OUR CONSTITUTION! It has been under the Cabal’s attack for centuries and we are still fighting! You know why all the other countries had to give up the ghost on those jabs? Because the Americans, a damn good many of them, used their Constitutional right to decline that jab! Without the Americans, the people - not the government - did that! You are welcome! The rest of the world saw the proof of those jabs being the bio weapon they are cuz THE PEOPLE showed them by being the “control group” of jab-free. The USA government is just as corrupt as the rest of the countries but the PEOPLE are standing up, fighting that corruption and winning! Join us in this fight!

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As compared to Australia, New Zealand and Canada... you bet.

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I don't think that's true though. You can't enter the USSA without being jabbed and you've lost your freedom of speech.

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During the height of the plandemic, I was able to go to many countries with my Uruguayan passport that were off-limits to US citizens. In other words, I was free to travel to places forbidden to the "free-est folks on [sic] this world."

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Tky, the planet has these same beastly criminals peeping at us all and we must not divide for that is their out come.

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The whole world is controlled by the KM, (and their secret organization or not so secret, like the CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Round Table, Vatican, Jesuit Order, English Royals etc.), whom are also the minions of other higher ups.

They do everything by proxy. Look up District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871.

That's when America became a corporation, and who owns, directs that corporation? When you find your answer you'll have a more insight of what's going on. in Australia, Canada. England. The whole English speaking world has been highjacked by very sinister beings. They're the enemies of all of humanity. ( the 0.01% families that goes back to earlier times)


here you can find documentations, and layers after layers of data that might alter your perception.

It goes back to Babylonian, Sumerian, Phoenician times or even earlier, at this point I don't really know, but have a hard time to believe any stories about history. One thing is sure whomever these "Lords" are they did decimated the indigenous population of Earth, just as much in Europe, in America, Canada, and Australia also. Ask yourself, why? Every governments are compromised by black mail, coercions, and bribes. Wasn't Epstein in that business? You might do a little research on the English Royals and their connected other Royal families. Do look behind appearances, and find the tactics, patterns, and strategies these "chosen ones" are using. Infiltration, sabotage, projections, derailing, propaganda, language, and many more. Americans are extremely naïve, not well educated, not well read and isolated from all the wars that happened in some other lands. No wonder it was easy to dupe them, and please do not forget the psychological war, stress level inducing tactics that also weakens their awareness. They did it with every nations, and they taking turns of who will be the next super power after they fulfilled their mission, and they're ready to be discarded sacrificed as America now. This is an ongoing process and happened after 1963, when Kennedy was assassinated. This is the parasite that we must face together, united as one human race. The blaming mentality is what we have to overcome of, because that's what keeps their victim/perpetrator paradigm going. When we realize that at some point all of us ( every nations) has been played we might see the patterns and discover what we can do about it.

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Thank you for adding all that detail, I was too posed at Tony Ryan to put all that in. 👏👏 Only thing I would object to is that you imply all Americans are “extremely naïve, not well educated, not well read and isolated from all the wars that happened in some other lands”, in fact many are but not all. Our Clif is one such American. Thank you, Clif, for sharing your knowledge !!

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If America goes were all fuked,you had the balls to keep you guns,we aren't allowed any,unless were sent to steal stuff for the city of london

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You are correct I have to watch my labeling too. Unfortunately in my corner in the world in southern California the situation very dire. Although I'm sure there are a lot of awaken people here also, it's just hard to find them. Education did a good job on many. Around the 70s CA was on the top in the score of reading writing competency, etc., I'm not sure where we are today, also when I looked at the California Board of Education self reclaimed score, I'm a little suspicious of their results. The sad situation that there are many good and courageous persons who did their best to educate us, but how many people do they reach? When we look we find them. Thank you for your kind words.

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I'll bet the people you are looking for in Orange Co. are Mexicans. They already barter and work under the table. Mexican food production is already decentralized. There is already a Mexican mafia playing a role as a security force throughout CA (every single Mexican business owner or vendor pays into it). That means when and if there is a total social breakdown with all public services collapsing, the Mexicans are just going to keep right on growing food and bartering. I think the Peso could take over California and it's right to speak a little Spanish and have some Pesos and be able to trade with Mexicans for what you need. The alternative economy you are looking for is already in place.

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Interesting. Hadn’t heard that

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Well, Ida, I see I don't need to talk to you. You have your eyes wide open and brain in top gear. I am preaching to the other 330 million.

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50% of Americans are aware of what you just wrote. The other half are lost souls. The globalists will pay for their crimes and the truth will be know worldwide. Have a little faith in humanity and know the wrongs will be righted.

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Your hatred is misplaced. The same cabal rules Australia as the US. No one voted for these ass holes. You are expressing the same prejudice you blame Americans for. You've got the same devil, the same false flags, the same oppressive regime, the same five eyes, the same Queen and Bank of England, the same spoken and written language, the same central bank cabal, the same British maritime justice system, and you came from the same fucking stock of British briggans and criminals that we in the states did.

You talk about when you're going to expel our government, but whose guns are you going to use to expel your government? You need to recognize who your enemies are and not just give voice to your misplaced hatred. You don't even know who is screwing you. You've got as much chance of freeing yourself and your country as any other illiterate unarmed slave on the planet who can't find his ass hole with both hands.

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And you can't read. I merely presented a litany of facts that most Americans, or Australians for that matter, are not aware of. If we don't know history we merely repeat it. And where did I say I hate anyone? If you had the self discipline to actually read properly you would have noted I like the US Marines I have met. They devoted two hours from their busy schedule to teach me the engineering marvel of the MV22B Osprey and clearly regarded me as more constructive than do you. I regard most Americans as victims of the same sociopathic plutocrats that are destoying Australia. I suggest you visit my website "Australia Fights Back" at oziz4oziz.com/ and then tell me I don't know who is screwing us. I created this site in 2010, and published the first volume of a trilogy in 2007. My novel "The Lost Track" actually contains the weapon that can terminate the globalist's foremost propagandist. And I am part of much more but, as loose lips sinks ships, I will reserve that for warriors of substance.

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Yes, and you have a wonderful warrior named Riccardo Bosi. A conscious, passionate human who cares about its fellow citizens. To all who are pointing out misdeeds, wrongs done by other nations, "humans!" we need to unite, and leave that victimhood mentality, mental prison behind ourselves. Every nations, group of people has been played during human history, 6000 years of warring with each other that only the few rulers benefited from. In the meantime they're pointing back to that history and tell us that is human nature? We were conditioned through traumas of war, genocides, famine, etc. They made us believe that's our nature, that's a lie. Humanity has been traumatized by these psychopaths' for thousands of years. Let us change human nature and prove them that we are none of that what they want us to believe. Stop the bickering and don't spread negative emotional toxicity anywhere. We humans need to consciously focus what's inherently good within all of us. Let us practice goodwill, benevolence, kindness, and good intentions toward our fellow humans whom are also in the same shoes as all of us.

Let each of us in our unique way find situations where we can uplift one another.

Let us find the real culprits and the ones whom are our mutual enemies, and work toward that none them will escape accountability. Otherwise we gave our power to these psychopaths. Than we'll repeat history. Time to take personal responsibility for our words, emotions, and actions and take back our power so we can create the world we all want. Peaceful co-existence among all nations and all living beings. We can do it Humans, let's show them that we will win this spiritual war.

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I know most of the visible dissenters in the North of Australia and few regard Bosi as anything else but an elitist fraud. Most believe he works for the enemy. That you gush over him kinda colours your other comments.

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You are named above and you have the trade marks.

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Interesting. This discernment business is not as easy as we think. I've listened to some of his speeches and I liked it, but only his action will prove where he stands. There are so much vested interests, agendas, that are hidden and it takes time to see them. Future will tell. What I liked that he inspired ppl, to take actions, and not to be compliant to the demands of their governments, especially when they forced it on them. Thank you for your input. Since I live in the US, I'm not following Australian politics that closely. I'm sure you're more attuned to them.

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Having read all your comments, Ida, I acknowledge that you have done your homework, in spades. I would not presume to lecture you. Regarding Bosi, his advice is to take no action at all that might make a difference. At the height of the attack, he turned up in camo fatigues, ready for battle, then called for "non-violent peaceful protest". That crushed our nation's resistance just at the point at which many were ready to fight to protect our children. Some of us have been at this coal face for many decades and we know the enemy's tricks. The City of London created Mohandas Gandhi and his peace movement, with an eye on the future. They had already decided to replace military control of India with political control. Many Africans, who knew Gandhi well, shouted out warnings but were heard by few. Likewise King in the US. Martin Luther was protected by the CIA and FBI right through that campaign. But assassination was always part of the plan, because martyrdom validates the cause. The action target was today, not then, so that the world would march peacefully, singing triumphantly all the way to the death camps. This has always been the prelude to Plan B, in which heroes emerge to destroy the expendable NWO patsys and then, these good guys become seen as pundits, gurus, and even messiahs. The grateful people will follow them to the death camps. Flowers over razor wire? I strongly suspect Bosi is one of these and his handler lives in Texas. I have identified several of the future good guy leaders and also the online media that will do their initial PR. I would be interested to learn if you can do likewise.

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Bluffing and I say ur a mother WEFer, still after reading in-between lines. You know don't you WEFer.

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Bravo! You said it much better than I did!

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You are exactly right.

We are slowly but surely waking up to these facts.

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Thank you, Karin. By the way, we Australians regard Americans affectionately as cousins. My post was not meant to be hostile. I am only as an alarm clock. Tik tok.

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Coo Coo

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Sorr,y mate you lost it with Micheal Moore,all those school shooters were either faked or they were on ritalin /prozac,mooted is deep state

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FF, MKUltra operations, to make us believe how "bad" we are, and under the pretenses take away our 2.nd Amendments right.

America plundered by the Global elite- They're not elite in my eyes.


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Actually, 220 different pharmaceuticals according to my source, Dr David Healy. Were you more thoughtful you would ask yourself why so many need these drugs in the first place. We come back to endemic insecurity and neurosis caused by lousy parenting. And were you more respectful, you would presume I am neither that crass, nor stupid.

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It's the muther WEFers so you bob up here hiding like a weasel.

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What a bunch of nonsense. You have a few accurate nuggets, but for each one, you have 10 falsehoods.

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It's all depends on the reliability where the data originates? Data can be manipulated just as everything else. Ask a good Public Accountant. We might need to develop a truth detector six sense.

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Feb 2, 2023
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Boundaries, noncompliance, buying local, support independent artists, farmers, small enterprises I'm sure a lot of you can come up with very clever solutions. Turn off the TV.

Tel-e-vision, Whose vision?

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We asked and CLIF listened. THANK YOU ....CLIF :-)

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The unvaxxed are the ushers in the theatre…

‘Remain calm, ladies and gentlemen, make your way to the marked EXITs, no need to panic..’

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It is time, for a lot of people to listen to Carlos Castaneda, start here:


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I loved his books, maybe time to revisit them. It's been a long time. Thanks for the link.

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Over an hour. Oooh, epic!

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Project Veritas is definitely priming the pump as the saying goes, looking at the tweets and retweets and you can see the normies beginning to wake up to the scamdemic and the vax, look at normie New Yorkers and their reactions.

Especially with stunts like this.


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This is good to hear. I was hoping many would start to see the truth.

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I LOVE this vid!😄

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Me too.

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You sure love your doggies! Extra likes on you, Clif!

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