Thank you, Clif, for taking time to keep us focused on staying sane. Don't know what I would have done without your videos and talks over the last three-four years. I hope your wife is comfortable and surrounded by kind people. You are truly a wonderful husband. All the best!

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Me too!

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I love the doggo noises, the slurping, all of it. Very comforting. Gives me the impression things are going as well as can be expected, doggos are happy & healthy; that you're all safe & relatively content. Shame you cannot avail yourself of the probably 1000's who would be thrilled to help you with all that "heavy lifting" & other chores. But also understand you must be extremely careful of security concerns, who you allow into to your space. There are not enough "Thank you's" to express how appreciated your efforts on behalf of humanity are. Truly an inspirational human, will always be grateful to you for that & much more.

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It's actually alert noises like phones and clothes dryer alarms that make me do a double take. The dogs and the slurping I barely notice.

I am thankful today for the back exercises. I've been thinking about my back lately.

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Lol I was listening on headphones on the way to work and the dog bark scared the Bjesus out of me. Lol

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In my the closed van I was driving the stereo barking sounded like two dogs were somehow in my back seats lol

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ha ha ha; they got me too;

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The first time I heard the dryer go off, I started to jump up to go fold the clothes. LOL!

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LOL! Yes, my dryer makes that same noise. Fortunately I take it as a signal that I should go fold clothes sometime in the future, so there was no reaction.

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It's homey, like sitting at the kitchen table with him drinking coffee.

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how are your tomatoes doing?

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Lots of them, still green. Some cherry tomatoes are ripening for garden treats.

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Thank you Cliff for all you do .Your one of the only people I follow and trust in these end of times as we know it .Extremely challenging for all of us who are awake to the bigger picture and who have been down the rabbit hole ( deep dark & dirty ) The fact you have so much on your own plate yet still manage to get your posts out to all your followers is a credit to you and I sincerely wish you your wife and dogs protection love and peace .Here in the. Uk the satanic corrupt parasites are pushing the NWO tyranny daily and the pressure and tension is building .There is a divide of those awake and those who sleep and anyone who speaks out is being shut down or locked up .Our hotels are full of Nato troops under the pretence of boat people so the UK is a ticking time bomb with those who have eyes to see .Your updates keep us hopeful and give us the guidance we need as we are all globally in this storm .Root races come and go and everything from the cradle to the grave has been a lie but we are in revelations and prophecy so viva la spiritual evolution ✨️ Thank you and your so appreciated 💐

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Troops? Interesting. We don't see news of that here (US), but that doesn't mean much- fake news might not air that. We've heard about your censorship. To us, it seems a revolt is possible. Here, due to excess terrorist illegals, bigger cities (where local law has made gun ownership verbotten) may become like the movie "Purge," only more than 1 night. I live in the country (apurpose) where guns outnumber people.

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Problem reaction solution ...is how THEY work with false flags and crisis actors .The boat people 90% males of fighting age are in the UK on mass and whistle blowers have revealed their Nato NWO army .Why ? ...join the dots THEY no a storm is coming as people

awaken .The hotels up and down the country are full of them with no public access they are on stand by when the s...t hits the fan ...pre planned cull via monkey pox ....financial crash ....food shortages ....ect the people will riot eventually hence THEY have their henchman on th streets and are protected from the masses once the up rising starts. THEY have it all covered as been planned possibly since the great fire of London in 1666 when they bought in our strawman via birth certificate fraud .


Namaste 🙏

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They are preparing for violence, because all they know is violence and extortion.

But waking up is not violence, it's about seeing their game, spotting the patterns... it's about knowledge.

One of the first pieces of knowledge is that they love violence, their game is to goad us, and react to our outrage.

Various boycott council tax groups sprung up on Telegram since the 'Rona psyop and mass jab poisoning, indeed in England it's illegal to pay any tax now, due to the gov. funding of terrorism in Kursk etc (Terrorism Act 2000 + Consolidated Fund Act 1816).

So I'd say the reaction of the awakened is Non-Compliance. Not feeding the enemy. Not being a slave, the end of cooperating for free. No more free tax returns, no form filling, beneficiary signatures, demanding proper invoices from councils etc.

In this way we starve the beast, and the SHTF inside the system itself, rather than in our world. For the US readers, Christopher Hauser is a good man to listen to, he explains the relationship between corporate government and sovereign man, and how to keep them separate :)

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That's where I'd like to be ...

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Sorry to hear that.about troops. We have millions of an invasion force that has come in from our southern boarder and the government has even flown some into the big cities. These illegal alien invaders will not hesitate to kill Americans. I'm expecting it to pop off right after elections.

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I love these talks on weekends while mowing my yard

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Lol , just myself doing my lawn in Sweden just loving Clif in my pods. 🔥🙏

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Yep, lawn moving in Wisconsin! Hopefully the last one of the year,

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Here in central Thailand, we are getting ready for the monsoon rains, while in the golden triangle, they are flooding already. Love listening to Clif on this beautiful Sunday morning.

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S. GA (US) has been relatively mild, only a few 100+ days, but the humidity can make up for it, yet even that has been more reasonable this summer. Mostly it's been low90s/upper 80s through July-Aug. Usually, August is "Hell's Front Porch."

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Here near Phoenix it has had a few hotter than normal days, but on the whole, it has been more mild, with not quite as many days over 115 deg and the summer monsoon season has also been more mild than usual. Most years my yard is full of spikey weeds in the summer, but without as much rain, the sun is allowed to keep everything burned off. Most summers the Phoenix ares is right next to Satan's anus. I'd take the Front Porch any day, if it wasn't for the humidity. I just got word today from north central Iowa and was told they have had heat index this summer of 110-115 deg, ... swampy. I don't miss Iowa summers, but Phoenix is just a different brand of weather oppression.

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Seriously? How cold is it in Wisconsin?

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Seems Autumn is early this year. Been mid 50s at night. Upper 60s days.

Unusual for August in south central Wisco.

In the 80s today, though. More normal.

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Unusual for Ontario as well.

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My black walnuts dropped early this year and larger than norm. In for a hard winter.

We had abnormal rain April- July. Had to start mowing in May!

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BC as well. We had our manipulated heat waves and now we seem in for a early Autumn which here really starts around the end of October. If I still lived rurally, I could have had a 'tell' by the woodstoves being lit to drive off the cool-damp

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August has been unusual in Western New York, too. Summer ended early in August, and it feels like October weather with warm days and cool nights. The leaves haven’t begun to turn color yet though. Update: Six days later, the leaves have begun to change color ... in August. I never remember them changing color so early.

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no leaves changing here, either. AND after weeks of cool weather it got to 90 today, with 100 forecast for tomorrow.

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Don’t think it’s the weather that turns then so early! Massive chemtrails over my garden in the Hudson Valley

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Yes, it is early this year. Remember, the climate runs on the lunar calendar, not the Gregorian :)

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I was gonna say. Most of the nation has to mow the pesky stuff twice a month June to October.

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Ha! Try every 5 days in the south. Down here its not a fight to keep things growing it is a fight to stop them from growing.

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Got any kudzu?

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Thank you!

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donty forgets to love the “pesky” stuff …

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We have had a series of torrential rainstorms and lawns have had to be mown weekly here in Western New York state.

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cool damp summer now in south West UK. small heatwaves earlier in year.

quite cold this morning..then the sun came out. sungazing yoga, very relaxing afterwards.

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That would be awesome if I wasn't worried about irradiating my head with Bluetooth and/or Wireless.

I usually take this time to have a bath.

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Don’t forget … bare feet on the ground to absorb electrons …and natural sunlight (photons) for the photons (which change throughout the day) ARE Nature’s balancing, healing, necessities. Google Dr JACK KRUSE (neurosurgeon) Vermont. for (honest info .. not MainStream BS

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I do all that except for Google. I try to avoid evil.

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Freespoke and Swiss cows are my new favorite search engines

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Will look him up! Here in SE TX you gotta watch that going barefoot. Fire ants, cow ants, sticker burrs of all kinds, and just found some patches of stinging nettle the hard way!

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Here in Arizona walking barefoot on the plain dirt will burn your feet just as readily as walking on the pavement. And anything that grows that isn't viney weeds, has spikes, stickers and thorns. Damn Goatheads everywhere on the ground too.

But I still go barefoot anyway when checking the mail or taking the cans out. .

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Thanks for that info about Jack Kruse.

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Use intention to open the chakras on the bottom of your feel and breathe while sending excess energy into the earth

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I've gone barefoot most of the summer. My feet look awful, but it feels good. Sometimes I stand in my garden and pull energy from the earth - which I then direct to the plants (container gardening). Also, I had some numb spots on my soles which I hope are more sensitive by summer's end. Of course, summer in S. GA tends to last until at least mid-Nov.

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To help your container plants - grab a stick 2' to 3' long - wrap a copper wire from the bottom to the top and continue the coil 6" to 12" above the stick. This pulls in extra energy from the aether for the plants.

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Watch out for those worms and parasites. 😧

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Use wired connection if you are worried.

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Well duh.

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Bravo! I gotta try that!

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Please Clif never apoligize for any sounds your dog/s will make...........Dogs are the best Friends ever!

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The dogs sound like they're having a blast. Must be fun to watch.

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Agree Lois, I would love a video from Cliff were he is sharing his Bouvier des Flandres. All goods from belgium.

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We don't deserve dogs. No problem. I have 8 - ankle biters. I've learned a roti will knock you down - a chi will tear out your throat.

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And a Dobermann ( pinscher) is so misunderstood and full with myths...........What I can share with you Burt is that for sure the purebred dog cult has the word say is a cult. Created during the Victorian time when eugenics was a foundation for the Elite. Edith Rockefeller was a breeder aslo in regard of the Dobermann..........Same system, same names, same patterns so speaking about deserving. Take care with your 8 ankle biters!

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I guess it's no coincidence that I just watched a video somewhere else regarding this very same thing

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A link would be appropriate. :)

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Who is John Galt? 😉

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You’re being sarcastic right?

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I went back on IG to find it and couldn't... wasn't in my followed feed ..just random

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Thanks for looking.

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cowinky dinky;

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There are no Coincidences-Q

'Cohencidences' on the other hand...

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Thank you Clif 😍

Woo at work in my life. Just started up doing Tai Chi Chih again this week! Some kind good energy shifted happening here despite the all the chaos.

A hummingbird showed up for the first time this morning to check out the red geraniums I was standing next on my tiny back porch. Animals sometime come around when I do the practice outside. Amazing woo this morning was that I had just thought ‘why have I not seen a hummingbird at these flowers yet?’ Then a couple minutes later there she was! What a blessed day.

Many blessings to you Clif, your wife and everyone here. 🙏❤️

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Just in time for my second cup of mushroom coffee.

Still gotta go to the farmer's market...

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have you tried clif's chaga with Dandy Blend???

YUMMY! https://dandyblend.com

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I have not. I lazy out with Four Sigmatic label. Who knows how much benefit I'm getting from it or not?...

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mike adams has a great recipe for making "mushroom lattee" coffee;

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No milk for me. Black as a steer's tuckus on a moonless night...

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What an image.

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You’re also a poet !

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Z-Rock Hawaii tells me it's spelled TUCHUS. My bad

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Either way, we know what you mean. And that 's pretty dark.

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Big Lebowski steal

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All in your perspective

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I moved to a standing desk about 20 years ago, for my psoas, sitting all day was turning me into a bent thing. Really glad I did, I also take many small breaks from the computer. I try to move at least once an hour, or half hour, better. I do sit when I get fatigued, but that is kinda rare.

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What brand of standing table ?

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Cliff treasure to humanity 🥰

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A million thank you's beloved Clif! Its not MS or onset Parkinsons. My Psoas are TOO TIGHT. What a relief to really take this in today and wake up to what has been going on with my legs. Your description of tight Psoas with excess Cortisol and weak legs is me!

Ha! Breathe! Golden. I am so excited that I can get my legs back and stand up straight. I will accomplish that, beginning now. My future at 83 is so much brighter. I will have that future. Come springtime, may I be back on the hiking trails, breathing deeply, immersed in the energies of sunshine and Nature. 10,000 x 10,000 blessings to you, sir.

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"In any event' should be on a t-shirt.

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I want one that says "Hello, Humans. Hello, Humans." Only a special few will recognize where it's from.

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I want one with "WOO" on the front and "HOO" on the back.

And, for the winter holidays a similar theme with "HO HO" on the front and "HO" on the back.

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i don't know why, but this is genius...

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If there is a silk screen company in your aea or neast metro zone, they may be willing to do a custom job for you. I even vagule remember a company that would produce silk-screened t;s for you to market, or they would market for you. Do expand the woo-hoo!

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Stay Woo...the rest will adjust

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hah! yes indeed :-)

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I love the doggie noises! It's like I'm right there,....I wish I could say hi to the doggies,.....but I guess they are guard dogs,...so maybe that wouldn't go over very well! :) But you sure don't have to apologize for their playing noise! I have 4 of my own. It's a pleasant sound.

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Thanks Clif - good stuff.

About the psoas, the psoas are hip flexors and located on the front of the back of the spine (most anterior spine muscle). When doing sit-ups to strengthen abdominal muscles, people bend their knees to take the psoas out of the picture. As a chiropractor, I once had a male patient complain that it felt like something was squeezing his balls. The problem was his psoas muscle and I used https://activerelease.com/ technique to release the psoas muscle from pinching the pudendal nerve. I told my brother about this and he asked me if I told him that maybe his underwear was too tight 🙂. https://philberg.substack.com/p/hippronil-a-chiropractic-mnemonic

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Clif on Man in America interview.

35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.

His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.

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In reference to the DNA dongle remnant of #2 that the Mafia thinks is an insertion rather than just a bad deletion gone wrong.

"Khazarians are a bad burn job" ~ Clif

I can't pretend I won't use that one. lol

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I laughed when I read the title! Good one!

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If I didn't know, I would have thought maybe he was going to release the kraken.

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