Wow this is really getting intense now. I really appreciate these podcasts of information. Any kind of a "heads up" is very welcome.
I am surrounded by normie's....which is the primary reason that I live basically as a hermit. It seems like everyone around me thinks that I am bat shit crazy! I have never done comments like I have here. This is unique for me and I find it is really filling a space in me that I did not even realize needed to be filled. It is nice to have communications with people of a like mind. Thank you all.
You know....throughout my life I cared what other people thought of me and it hurt when I went against public opinion.....but ultimately it never stopped me from saying or doing what I thought was still bothered me though....not having that social acceptance. I don't regret one bit doing what I thought was right though and ultimately I discovered that those decisions that went against public approval turned out to be the best decisions I ever made.....and some of those decision I made were pretty big ones. I've led an authentic life and that makes me happy....and for the most part I smile all the time. (smile)
Being true to yourself is self love and the ultimate consciousness. Anybody in this thread and a few others of like energy, is an old soul who can't be around the unevolved herd. It's a lonely, warrior existence, but there isn't any choice. I'd much rather be alone.
I would suggest for all in this stream, if you haven't already, read "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" by Dolores Cannon. You can get it almost everywhere. Unfortunately, Dolores is no longer on the earth plane but her legacy of QHHT lives on. Here is a copy & paste of a link to her website & her synopsis of the afore mentioned book.
I concur, she wrote several fantastic books. I read her Nostradamus trilogy 5 times over. I think we are in the “times of trouble” as Nostradamus put it.
The Nostradamus series was excellent! I was particularly interested in the predictions of the historically confirmed 12,000-year natural cataclysm that is expected as I follow geophysical & astrophysical updates. If anyone is interested you can follow Ben Davison on X @sunweatherman or on YTube @spaceweathernewsS0s -- (suggestion - watch the playlist on YTube) Here's a short from YT
I'm a fan and reader of the late great Dolores Cannon--and a QHHT Level 2 practitioner. Curious if Clif has ever mentioned her? Dolores' books are credible---and many period details align with historical accounts but seems she had a more positive (naive?) view of the ETs than Clif. I tend to embrace Clif's guarded assessment.
Well there are innumerable off-world species. Clif speaks from a point of knowable history & the oppressors & genetic modifiers in Talmud being the El (Elohim). IMHO I feel DC was very good at relaying the exact spoken word & offering her summation. However, I agree that in some instances she puts a more positive spin than I might have if I were in her position. As a QHHT practitioner have you encountered past lives that included those from other worlds? If so, were they of the disposition to be overlords/controllers? I have never heard Clif mention DC, not to say that he hasn't at one point or another
Your statement here sounds alot like me, and I suspect quite a few more of us. Of course, a few folks are beyond public opinion, but much of this depends on personal sensitivity and growth.
The majority or normies or average people cannot deal with reality. It is not easy. They cope by drinking, drugs, ball games, hedonism or red team-blue team fake politics.
Will Trump-Elon be able to make the world better and maybe helped by Putin? The Elohim worship cult is the worst evil. I guess we will see. It is staggering to see where all the US Aid money went including the Pritzkers-Hyatt hotels.
The staggeringly sobering moment of that , that hit me is the fact that it is only representative of 1% of America's total budget that we are aware of. We must remove their ability to create money out of thin air and destroy their control of all publicly available media and information.
Yep. Me too.....Hermit. People don't read, some actually like not knowing, that's not me. Clif explores the outer realms, deeper thoughts. I love that.
Yeah and a lot of kids kick back against whatever their parents believe. During the mandates a lot of 'friends'/relatives' ditched me but that episode led a lot of us to our tribe. I hope that has happened to you and that one day your daughter will appreciate your views
I think with all the disclosures happening now that she is recognizing that her "weird" mother is not so "bat shit crazy". Even with her being a normie we are generally close though. It is just the world event things that rubs her the wrong way. When she was a teenager her chief complaint was that she just wanted to live in a "normal" house with "normal" things on the wall and so forth.....i am a bit of an eccentric (smile)
I have one that is really Woo, the other one is not, or merely tolerates me. Her husband thinks I am totally off about the nonexistent "aliens", and I even have about 12 photos of them that I personally took!!! I don't want one to land in his yard, but I am not sure what it will take for him to understand that quote, "We are not alone, we have never been alone". LOL
Amen... Synchronicity perhaps, but this thread came to me the same day I was confronted by a long time friend who, unfortunately, is afflicted with the woke mind virus. The confrontation was painful for both of us, but I find comfort in the belief that love will endure. Meanwhile, I am so glad to have found this community.
I came across Clif some 20 years ago...I can't remember the context or subject matter...just the name and my reaction. Thought he was crazy, but in a good sense.
Then I lost track...and 'found' him again 10 years ago.
Now, on a good day, I have breakfast with him.
Does anyone have any knowledge of Federico Faggin? He's the guy who designed the first commercial micro-processor.
He's scientist and mathematician. Italian, like Biglino and has that peculiar playful quality that I love about Italian intellectuals.
He's also a writer and handles Quantum Physics, Theology and Mysticism...available in Italian and English. I just received the books I ordered and can't wait to get into them.
I worked in Italy in computers from 1970 onwards, and learned about them in a 'hands-on' way, a bit and a byte at a time, learning Italian and Italians at same time. Did some interesting projects, non-commercial, non-IBM and non-Cobol ;-)
Just finished his book Irreducible- he totally gets it great book and SO SO much easier to read than Thinking and Destiny but is a beautiful comparison piece. Read both
You are correct sir, well, not 'waiting' necessarily but I have looked forward to playing his discource in the evenings before listening to anything else. He has a very good all round knowledge and a take on the world, inner and outer, one rarely hears ... if only he'd read Meher Babas Discources and God Speaks he'd fly but perhaps it'd be to much and Baba doesn't need propaganda, all in good time.
Clif's message does bring to mind my propensity as a child to chew on salt licks in the cow pasture...the cows didn't wear jewelry, though, except what we put on 'em.
Well stated. We have stepped out of the prison cell that has dampened our ingenuity and human creativity and now we march forward, taking one hurdle at a time, building the new. The old has no chance to survive this evolution of consciousness.
Some...have stepped out of the prison, but not yet all. is up to us, star seeds, to "go first" and be beacons on the hill to show others the feasibility of a waking dream coming true, with little more than a few examples as evidence. THIS is all a team effort, one story supporting another, until the rest's ok to now open their eyes and step out into...the expanding world of possibilities.
All it takes is a network of sparks to ignite a fierce flame. We are on our way. Our greatest form of abundance is connecting with others; we all contribute to the whole for we are inseparable, threads in a huge tapestry.
You, Valora Kilby, are speaking my language. Much of my poetry is indeed a weaving of threads into a self-supporting tapestry. I even talk of "weavers" within my Expanding World of Living series to describe those who are instrumental in weaving people for the highest good of Humanity. Thank you for shining that Light.
With your comment "dampened our ingenuity and human creativity" I am shaken to my core. I could never understand my long history of work hired to problem-solve or "create something where there was nothing" based on my lengthy portfolio. I never got accolades or bonus or residuals or even as raise for doing what other could not or would not do. Beyond that, as a single and tall attractive female, I was undermined inexplicably and treated badly without cause by the married women. Until this moment, it was such a puzzle. Here I am, crumpled in a heap on my bed, salty tears burning, melting a lifetime of purest intent and purpose. I never understood.
I understand the frustration. At 68 years young I have had bumps and bruises in the working world, often not fitting in the conventional box of employment. However, we are here in this time to move the dial, to start dreaming a new reality, to begin building a kinder world that values each individual. We are worthy for the mere reason that we live and breathe. All of the experiences that you have garnered are quite valuable, they are building blocks.
I am a nomad, traveling full time in the Western US, creature and house sitting. This lifestyle has made it possible to meet so many interesting people and has given me a new found appreciation for the goodness of humanity. I never ask someone, what do you do for a living? Rather, I ask, what are your passions, what lights you up, what brings you joy? In this time I believe the best thing for each of us is to answer those questions and the rest will fall magically into place. All the best in your discoveries.
At 81, I too am a nomad, and was so fortunate to have been an independent contractor in the right-of-way industry, constantly traveling and working out of motel/hotel rooms. I didn’t have a “boss” but I had a “broker” to whom I turned over my completed assignments. In that profession, I met amazing and interesting landowners, surveyors, construction crews and governmental officials all over the country. ROW was my passion and joy! I often thought it was so enjoyable that it felt as if it were a perpetual vacation.
When I started out in the ROW industry, I was the only female I knew of who was in the industry and being female presented no challenges whatsoever. Over the years that has changed and now there are numerous females working in ROW.
Well done. I worked in the conventional health care for 17 years--didn't resonate. I loved the outdoors and animals; being indoors for many hours in the day was way too constrictive. So, I jumped ship and started working with horses at the higher level in Kentucky, Maryland, and New York. This was more of a man's world and if one was not born into the industry it was challenging to break through, but I did and the horses took me many places which suited my itchy feet tendency. You would love one of my clients. She is also 81 and has done many different things from working on a fishing boat in Alaska to becoming an airline stewardess at age 64. Now, she travels, teaches dance, and works part-time at the local pub. She still camps out of her Subaru.
Akgrrrl, I think the thoughts of those jealous older married women is that this tormenting is enough to deter you from chasing their husbands. Women are terrible to each other, more so than men. I wish you well and please take care of yourself, you have found a good solid base here to share with.
Never to late to create for yourself and enjoy your own inner flame in the mirror of truth and total peace, as curiosity may have killed the cat satisfaction always brought her back
In the world of working women, you represent a threat to the hierarchy. It's also a biological drive to keep you at arm's length, or further, from the group. You might attract their husbands. I'm in my 70th year and just had another experience of the nature of women working for a common goal, and how utterly nasty they can become if you challenge the status quo. In short, how dare I ask "why" the new authoritarian policies are being enforced so dramatically. I was told "because I said so!" by the manager. Huh. Not a very creative answer, certainly not useful to gain my alignment. To make a long ugly story short, I went to a board meeting, told my side of the story, and was given an apology by the president who is a retired judge and a lawyer. But, knowing what I know, it does not serve anyone to shine too brightly in a place that only values individuals who go along to get along. All my life I've looked for a place to "belong". Hard truth is that my particular skill set and proclivities cannot be tamed to group think. I've learned to be grateful for this despite the pain I felt for so many decades. Don't let anything or anyone dull your shine. Embrace your radical authentic nature and carry on. The Universe sees you. And now, so do I and I'm glad you exist out there somewhere with a heart of gold.
I am in tears with gratitude for your acknowledgement. Stunned actually. Your story rang true to my life as well. My Dad was a wonderful creative with dry wit who had me singing along with him and his guitar, and reading by age 5. I graduated highschool the only 3rd year Latin student in a metrocity school system, and raised on the merit system if achievment and self responsibility. Aye, you make it even more clear that I am and cannot be less than an outlier.
The last 48hrs I have spent in deep sobbing. The grief that my years of innovation and problem solving for private industry, corporate non-prof, City, and Fed...and then an entire community that didnt even have a hospital until I organized grassroots roundtable discussions then wrote all feels just devastating.
And before this realization...I had the best idea for an online business, an area in which I am expert and have been mentioned in other ppls books. I quickly wrote a mission business statement, had the logo designed, got a website secured, and invested in inventory and supplies.Now, I cant even think. I will cogitate on your kind words and wisdom thankyou.
Consider it a temporary setback. Some time out to feel all you need to feel. A chance to cleanse your personal lens of perception about your own value, regardless of external feedback. Some good will come of it. (Isn't "cogitate" a fine word? I love that word. And what comes from it, once the smoke clears.) :-)
I do appreciate your conveyance...much more than you may know. From my point of view, I am only doing what we are all capable of just one example for others to see what is possible...if one believes in themself. And in this vein, I'd say Clif, Mr Sunny Ballz, set the early example for us all. Isn't that why we are all here in his comment threads sparking each other?
I used to keep a list of corporations that I would make every effort boycott. Eventually it became easier to keep a list of corporations I would not boycott.
At one point a well meaning hard working love filled woman (Sydney Powell) released the Kraken, I hope the president and We The People do not leave her abandoned after she sacrificed her lifes work for our cause and crusade to Freedom.
There are so many people that have contributed to this "cause", unsung heroes. Many have lost their lives fighting behind the scenes and in the tunnels. I am forever grateful for their courage.
I have a whole barn full of flying monkeys- call me- we will coordinate! It'll be fun! Should we let them use the kubota's? Some of mine are still learning the whole flying thing.... it takes a little time, but they are hell on a Kubota! HOLLA!
Good morning. Aaaaah... rain and mudslides now ending in So. Cal's fire-scorched foothills. Some of us barely dodged the fire-bullet, and luckily are just far enough below the mudslide regions. [I still think the fire-situation here was a planned land-grab-setup "just waiting to happen"; and then the convenient LATE RAINS to just-so-happen to cause mud slides. Lets keep the humanimal chattel busy and fearful. I, for one, can't forget that LBJ did say: "He who controls the weather controls the world." However, sheeples are easily SENSE-ILLUSION-BLINDED... now that's an oxymoron in the weirdest kinda way. They couldn't 'save their life' TO SAVE THEIR REAL LIFE. (facepalm)
But anyway... yeah.. watch out for everyone! Even the good-intentioned 'meek' can get you killed through simple IGNORANCE. If everyone didn't fall for the "biblical narratives' to the degree THEY WERE FORCED TO, but, took to heart the Socratic /Plantonic THINKING formulation-leanings towards the KNOW THY SELF paradigm, we wouldn't all be so "AT" each other. And the Elohim demiurge rulership wouldn't have taken such a deep HOLD of some humans' COMMON-SENSE-UNIFYING 'nature'.
However, if COSMIC CYCLES must play-out... then here we all are again.
It's so obvious that Christianity is all made up and there is no historical Jesus . all they have is 4 poorly written books that contradict each other. Amazing It's lasted this long. I guess when you kill everyone that disagrees with you it can be a convincing point.
How is anything obvious? I think it likely that Jesus did exist. But according to Fomenko he was born in the 1100's and we have an 'extra' 1000 years of history.
Christianity was selected by Constantine via the council of Nicea to be the official religion of the empire, so it got good press but all religions are made up.
I don't pretend to know things I can't possibly know. I know the Earth is an oblate spheroid because I have measured it, I count ten digits on my hand, things like that. Everything else is conjecture.
Yes, and I think monks in "Tibet" had written about him (I can't remember the country exactly). They were pretty meticulous in their writings. I wonder what the huge wall of books had to say that they uncovered in the recent past. Also, in the "Arks" that are around the planet, some have reported libraries left by ET's that divulge earth history. I would really like to know.
I can remember studying every word in my 20's. Trusting and be-lie-ving. Somewhere in my 40s (slow learner), I woke up to the discrepancies. Then, started investigating the other religions, then it opened up. I have in recent years handed friends copies of the Naked Bible.
They handed it back to me, a bit angry should I say, and haven't heard from them in a long while. Needless to say, Hermit again! LOL. There is so much other info out there, in plain sight, but people have to look.
Not sure if there are more prongs to be connected here but I don’t believe in coincidences - Nancy Langhorne (b. 1879) and her 4 sisters were wealthy socialites who grew up on the family estate, Mirador (“high watch tower”), in Virginia, daughters of Chiswell “Chillie” Dabney Langhorne and Nancy Witcher Keene. Nancy went on to marry into the ultra-wealthy Astor family, that at one point owned most of Manhattan, when she married Viscount William Waldorf Astor (,'Landlord%20of%20New%20York') in 1906. Waldorf and John Jacob Astor IV were first cousins, JJ being the Astor who went down with the Titanic and we all know what a rabbit hole that is. Nancy Langhorne Astor went on to become the first female member of parliament in Westminster - some stinky, planted Langhorne cow-pies to step in?
That was certainly a lot of information. Can’t wait to get my hands on some zero point tech. This weekend I’m working on experimenting with thermoelectric semiconductors. The tech isn’t new, but a colleague gave me some interesting insights into some properties to these semiconductors that have been under utilized. I’m going to see if I can exploit them. Should be fun! Anywoo, have a great day folks!
Thanks -- All this trumpstein chest puffing is for the greater israel -- Canaduh -- Greenland -- Gaza --- the world! The pics of the octopus wrapping it's slithery tentacles around the globe is so true and the serpent wrapped around a globe baring its fangs,
Put the devil hounds on flux liner transports and ship 'em all to the sub continent.
I appreciate your comment. Playing around with sacred cows is free association or brain storming. Cliff described his group 3, as the longhorns and it reminded me of the armageddon forecasters who try to fit happenings into gemantria or other systems and confine the planned outcomes to that system. This group also reminded me of economists who think in rigid ways about balance sheets and strategic plans. It's the AI telling you that if you bought that book, you also would like these other 2 books when you picked the best one already and if you buy something else, it would be on a different topic altogether. Also getting ads about something you talked about buying something overlooks that you were mulling it over and instantly decided not to buy it. This applies to writing a to do list or itemizing expenses doing personal bookkeeping. Something may come up and you do something else you may change your internet provider on a whim or for a new reason. Any battle plan dissolves with the first contact with the enemy.
Wow this is really getting intense now. I really appreciate these podcasts of information. Any kind of a "heads up" is very welcome.
I am surrounded by normie's....which is the primary reason that I live basically as a hermit. It seems like everyone around me thinks that I am bat shit crazy! I have never done comments like I have here. This is unique for me and I find it is really filling a space in me that I did not even realize needed to be filled. It is nice to have communications with people of a like mind. Thank you all.
Hermit here as well. For many years.
It's fairly easy to become isolated when you stop pandering to the approval of people's total BS.
You know....throughout my life I cared what other people thought of me and it hurt when I went against public opinion.....but ultimately it never stopped me from saying or doing what I thought was still bothered me though....not having that social acceptance. I don't regret one bit doing what I thought was right though and ultimately I discovered that those decisions that went against public approval turned out to be the best decisions I ever made.....and some of those decision I made were pretty big ones. I've led an authentic life and that makes me happy....and for the most part I smile all the time. (smile)
Being true to yourself is self love and the ultimate consciousness. Anybody in this thread and a few others of like energy, is an old soul who can't be around the unevolved herd. It's a lonely, warrior existence, but there isn't any choice. I'd much rather be alone.
Your right!!!! That is some real truth
I would suggest for all in this stream, if you haven't already, read "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" by Dolores Cannon. You can get it almost everywhere. Unfortunately, Dolores is no longer on the earth plane but her legacy of QHHT lives on. Here is a copy & paste of a link to her website & her synopsis of the afore mentioned book.
I concur, she wrote several fantastic books. I read her Nostradamus trilogy 5 times over. I think we are in the “times of trouble” as Nostradamus put it.
The Nostradamus series was excellent! I was particularly interested in the predictions of the historically confirmed 12,000-year natural cataclysm that is expected as I follow geophysical & astrophysical updates. If anyone is interested you can follow Ben Davison on X @sunweatherman or on YTube @spaceweathernewsS0s -- (suggestion - watch the playlist on YTube) Here's a short from YT
Yes!!! I wonder who got his glass mirror.
I'm a fan and reader of the late great Dolores Cannon--and a QHHT Level 2 practitioner. Curious if Clif has ever mentioned her? Dolores' books are credible---and many period details align with historical accounts but seems she had a more positive (naive?) view of the ETs than Clif. I tend to embrace Clif's guarded assessment.
Well there are innumerable off-world species. Clif speaks from a point of knowable history & the oppressors & genetic modifiers in Talmud being the El (Elohim). IMHO I feel DC was very good at relaying the exact spoken word & offering her summation. However, I agree that in some instances she puts a more positive spin than I might have if I were in her position. As a QHHT practitioner have you encountered past lives that included those from other worlds? If so, were they of the disposition to be overlords/controllers? I have never heard Clif mention DC, not to say that he hasn't at one point or another
I think I read almost all of them. Nostradamus books were cool too.
Your statement here sounds alot like me, and I suspect quite a few more of us. Of course, a few folks are beyond public opinion, but much of this depends on personal sensitivity and growth.
The majority or normies or average people cannot deal with reality. It is not easy. They cope by drinking, drugs, ball games, hedonism or red team-blue team fake politics.
Will Trump-Elon be able to make the world better and maybe helped by Putin? The Elohim worship cult is the worst evil. I guess we will see. It is staggering to see where all the US Aid money went including the Pritzkers-Hyatt hotels.
The staggeringly sobering moment of that , that hit me is the fact that it is only representative of 1% of America's total budget that we are aware of. We must remove their ability to create money out of thin air and destroy their control of all publicly available media and information.
Yep. Me too.....Hermit. People don't read, some actually like not knowing, that's not me. Clif explores the outer realms, deeper thoughts. I love that.
Luuuuv “outer realms” of all kinds! As long as they’re not nasty, that is.
We are 2 peas in a pod...your not alone..🤗
Very similar circumstances here. Nice to know that there are others going through this weirdness.
You too huh? Sometimes I have felt like I would have better understanding if I spoke to the nearest lamp post!
Good one!!❤️😍
Me too but I have been lucky to have my children grow up into the woo woo
Unfortunately my daughter is a normie. I can't believe I gave birth to her....she is 40.
Yeah and a lot of kids kick back against whatever their parents believe. During the mandates a lot of 'friends'/relatives' ditched me but that episode led a lot of us to our tribe. I hope that has happened to you and that one day your daughter will appreciate your views
I think with all the disclosures happening now that she is recognizing that her "weird" mother is not so "bat shit crazy". Even with her being a normie we are generally close though. It is just the world event things that rubs her the wrong way. When she was a teenager her chief complaint was that she just wanted to live in a "normal" house with "normal" things on the wall and so forth.....i am a bit of an eccentric (smile)
By homeschooling mine I saw what outside influences did... we are prone to group-think at that age. It's why public schooling exist.
I've got a daughter that is a normie, one who blows me out of the water with research , and one who knows both sides and stays quiet. 🇨🇦
I have one that is really Woo, the other one is not, or merely tolerates me. Her husband thinks I am totally off about the nonexistent "aliens", and I even have about 12 photos of them that I personally took!!! I don't want one to land in his yard, but I am not sure what it will take for him to understand that quote, "We are not alone, we have never been alone". LOL
I truly feel for you.
Namaste. I bow to the divine in you.
The hermits have bdcome a tribe & were hermits no more!
You are not alone. You have a Wooooo family and we are 'yuge'.
Amazing how many of us feel exactly the same. We hide well.
It's great to know , that if we are crazy... ? At least we aren't crazy alone.: )
Amen... Synchronicity perhaps, but this thread came to me the same day I was confronted by a long time friend who, unfortunately, is afflicted with the woke mind virus. The confrontation was painful for both of us, but I find comfort in the belief that love will endure. Meanwhile, I am so glad to have found this community.
I came across Clif some 20 years ago...I can't remember the context or subject matter...just the name and my reaction. Thought he was crazy, but in a good sense.
Then I lost track...and 'found' him again 10 years ago.
Now, on a good day, I have breakfast with him.
Does anyone have any knowledge of Federico Faggin? He's the guy who designed the first commercial micro-processor.
He's scientist and mathematician. Italian, like Biglino and has that peculiar playful quality that I love about Italian intellectuals.
He's also a writer and handles Quantum Physics, Theology and Mysticism...available in Italian and English. I just received the books I ordered and can't wait to get into them.
I worked in Italy in computers from 1970 onwards, and learned about them in a 'hands-on' way, a bit and a byte at a time, learning Italian and Italians at same time. Did some interesting projects, non-commercial, non-IBM and non-Cobol ;-)
Just finished his book Irreducible- he totally gets it great book and SO SO much easier to read than Thinking and Destiny but is a beautiful comparison piece. Read both
We all wait for Clif to upload....right?
Totally makes my day - Woo HOO!
Yes Love listening to Clif!
nothing else to do.
You are correct sir, well, not 'waiting' necessarily but I have looked forward to playing his discource in the evenings before listening to anything else. He has a very good all round knowledge and a take on the world, inner and outer, one rarely hears ... if only he'd read Meher Babas Discources and God Speaks he'd fly but perhaps it'd be to much and Baba doesn't need propaganda, all in good time.
☘ blessings.
Holy cow!
(someone had to do it)
You mess with the bull, you'll get the horn.....
Horns of the dilemma.
The cow jumped over the moon.
Funny. Thx
The real human cost to those being lead down wrong roads tears my heart out. (sorrow)(let down hard)
Only in India do you find the 'holy cows.' ;-)
Just a figure of speech in my comment. ;- )
I fully realize that. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with it. :-)
Absolutely someone has to herd the cattle back to the rodeo of life
You will be seeing yourself out, right?
Can't I just revel in my anonymity?
Seeding Our Way Forward
For so long, we were prodded along, a twisted path of another's lost cause
Exhausting all the things they got wrong, lost within our external facades
We tried it their way for too long, thinking their authority was from above
But it was our misery they prolonged, making us live without sharing our love
But in doing so, they brought on their dissolution, our revolution for change
A culminating call for their prosecution, prompting them to exit the main stage
Now, our way ahead is in transition, from what was to the fruit of our seeds
As we shake off the dead end of tradition, and rise above our survival needs
Basic survival gives way to elevated living, by following our seedling sprouts
And learning of our gracious forgiving, despite our enemy causing our doubts
Hardship truly does prepare one's spirit, for questioning our past needs
Unraveling deep dark festering secrets, like a lesson book on past misdeeds
That persistent questioning will crack, dilapidated supports of our foundation
Causing quite a spiritual impact, a resurrection from separation to liberation
By questioning ourselves for what we do, one's own thoughts on the exam table
A self-exam from our inner child's view, because their honesty is always enabled
Allowing that tender child to release your bind, with such delicate empathy
A unique feeling of presence she leaves behind, when you sync in harmony
Let those children begin to sing out, no longer hiding from Deep State Boogeymen
A lever you apply to recover from doubt, releasing your own spiritual talisman
Direct that child energy towards growth, inner knowing expansion beyond belief
As you and your child took an oath, to believe within each other a link in between
Both of you out on a walk, your child smiling in such delight
Such a beautiful way to talk, inside communications done outright
These moments seed your way forward, like breadcrumbs to a forest feast
A playground for your child on order, imagination's wonderland unleashed
While others are seeding their path ahead, we'll begin sharing spiritual notes
Stitching together each disparate thread, into a collage of our mystical hopes
Roses are red violets are blue
that poem was so good
I must commend you 😊
Sorry, I ain't no poet
I know you know it
A Poet Who Doesn't Know It
As a former Marine, poetry was a last thought
A hard-headed machine, who just decided he forgot
That he couldn't write, complete sentences & verse
And poetry despite, that non-believing curse
Thanks don't know it...yet...but you are a poet...just give it a minute.
😂👍🏻💖 (Hieroglyphics are more my speed.)
Thank you for your service!
And I thank you for yours. Isn't poetry just a modern version of glyphs?
Ha, true!
It was my honor to serve. Just concerned that I unknowingly did it for the wrong reasons (corrupt govt.)
ALL part of experiencing, learning, and discerning. Best lessons are earned through failure first. Plus, who makes the best rebels?
Many of you signed on with a pure heart!
We all have our journeys, I do stuff for the right reason, unknowingly being guided by the lessons we must learn to see our truth.
I too am a former marine ( uk) no longer refer to myself as a “Royal Marine” for reasons I’m sure you know.
Thank you for your service and if it wasn’t for that you would, not be the “person!” You are today, the past is the past.
There's that inner child in us all being tapped.
Clif's message does bring to mind my propensity as a child to chew on salt licks in the cow pasture...the cows didn't wear jewelry, though, except what we put on 'em.
There was a story about a golden calf.
True story?
True story. I don't engage memories much, but some harbor your soul...or spirit or.....
Well stated. We have stepped out of the prison cell that has dampened our ingenuity and human creativity and now we march forward, taking one hurdle at a time, building the new. The old has no chance to survive this evolution of consciousness.
Some...have stepped out of the prison, but not yet all. is up to us, star seeds, to "go first" and be beacons on the hill to show others the feasibility of a waking dream coming true, with little more than a few examples as evidence. THIS is all a team effort, one story supporting another, until the rest's ok to now open their eyes and step out into...the expanding world of possibilities.
All it takes is a network of sparks to ignite a fierce flame. We are on our way. Our greatest form of abundance is connecting with others; we all contribute to the whole for we are inseparable, threads in a huge tapestry.
You, Valora Kilby, are speaking my language. Much of my poetry is indeed a weaving of threads into a self-supporting tapestry. I even talk of "weavers" within my Expanding World of Living series to describe those who are instrumental in weaving people for the highest good of Humanity. Thank you for shining that Light.
With your comment "dampened our ingenuity and human creativity" I am shaken to my core. I could never understand my long history of work hired to problem-solve or "create something where there was nothing" based on my lengthy portfolio. I never got accolades or bonus or residuals or even as raise for doing what other could not or would not do. Beyond that, as a single and tall attractive female, I was undermined inexplicably and treated badly without cause by the married women. Until this moment, it was such a puzzle. Here I am, crumpled in a heap on my bed, salty tears burning, melting a lifetime of purest intent and purpose. I never understood.
I understand the frustration. At 68 years young I have had bumps and bruises in the working world, often not fitting in the conventional box of employment. However, we are here in this time to move the dial, to start dreaming a new reality, to begin building a kinder world that values each individual. We are worthy for the mere reason that we live and breathe. All of the experiences that you have garnered are quite valuable, they are building blocks.
I am a nomad, traveling full time in the Western US, creature and house sitting. This lifestyle has made it possible to meet so many interesting people and has given me a new found appreciation for the goodness of humanity. I never ask someone, what do you do for a living? Rather, I ask, what are your passions, what lights you up, what brings you joy? In this time I believe the best thing for each of us is to answer those questions and the rest will fall magically into place. All the best in your discoveries.
At 81, I too am a nomad, and was so fortunate to have been an independent contractor in the right-of-way industry, constantly traveling and working out of motel/hotel rooms. I didn’t have a “boss” but I had a “broker” to whom I turned over my completed assignments. In that profession, I met amazing and interesting landowners, surveyors, construction crews and governmental officials all over the country. ROW was my passion and joy! I often thought it was so enjoyable that it felt as if it were a perpetual vacation.
When I started out in the ROW industry, I was the only female I knew of who was in the industry and being female presented no challenges whatsoever. Over the years that has changed and now there are numerous females working in ROW.
Well done. I worked in the conventional health care for 17 years--didn't resonate. I loved the outdoors and animals; being indoors for many hours in the day was way too constrictive. So, I jumped ship and started working with horses at the higher level in Kentucky, Maryland, and New York. This was more of a man's world and if one was not born into the industry it was challenging to break through, but I did and the horses took me many places which suited my itchy feet tendency. You would love one of my clients. She is also 81 and has done many different things from working on a fishing boat in Alaska to becoming an airline stewardess at age 64. Now, she travels, teaches dance, and works part-time at the local pub. She still camps out of her Subaru.
Akgrrrl, I think the thoughts of those jealous older married women is that this tormenting is enough to deter you from chasing their husbands. Women are terrible to each other, more so than men. I wish you well and please take care of yourself, you have found a good solid base here to share with.
Never to late to create for yourself and enjoy your own inner flame in the mirror of truth and total peace, as curiosity may have killed the cat satisfaction always brought her back
In the world of working women, you represent a threat to the hierarchy. It's also a biological drive to keep you at arm's length, or further, from the group. You might attract their husbands. I'm in my 70th year and just had another experience of the nature of women working for a common goal, and how utterly nasty they can become if you challenge the status quo. In short, how dare I ask "why" the new authoritarian policies are being enforced so dramatically. I was told "because I said so!" by the manager. Huh. Not a very creative answer, certainly not useful to gain my alignment. To make a long ugly story short, I went to a board meeting, told my side of the story, and was given an apology by the president who is a retired judge and a lawyer. But, knowing what I know, it does not serve anyone to shine too brightly in a place that only values individuals who go along to get along. All my life I've looked for a place to "belong". Hard truth is that my particular skill set and proclivities cannot be tamed to group think. I've learned to be grateful for this despite the pain I felt for so many decades. Don't let anything or anyone dull your shine. Embrace your radical authentic nature and carry on. The Universe sees you. And now, so do I and I'm glad you exist out there somewhere with a heart of gold.
I am in tears with gratitude for your acknowledgement. Stunned actually. Your story rang true to my life as well. My Dad was a wonderful creative with dry wit who had me singing along with him and his guitar, and reading by age 5. I graduated highschool the only 3rd year Latin student in a metrocity school system, and raised on the merit system if achievment and self responsibility. Aye, you make it even more clear that I am and cannot be less than an outlier.
The last 48hrs I have spent in deep sobbing. The grief that my years of innovation and problem solving for private industry, corporate non-prof, City, and Fed...and then an entire community that didnt even have a hospital until I organized grassroots roundtable discussions then wrote all feels just devastating.
And before this realization...I had the best idea for an online business, an area in which I am expert and have been mentioned in other ppls books. I quickly wrote a mission business statement, had the logo designed, got a website secured, and invested in inventory and supplies.Now, I cant even think. I will cogitate on your kind words and wisdom thankyou.
Consider it a temporary setback. Some time out to feel all you need to feel. A chance to cleanse your personal lens of perception about your own value, regardless of external feedback. Some good will come of it. (Isn't "cogitate" a fine word? I love that word. And what comes from it, once the smoke clears.) :-)
You are gracefully awesome! I love reading your thoughts. OM
I do appreciate your conveyance...much more than you may know. From my point of view, I am only doing what we are all capable of just one example for others to see what is possible...if one believes in themself. And in this vein, I'd say Clif, Mr Sunny Ballz, set the early example for us all. Isn't that why we are all here in his comment threads sparking each other?
Yes. As one, may we all walk each other home.
Thank you Clif, love hearing you everyday!
I used to keep a list of corporations that I would make every effort boycott. Eventually it became easier to keep a list of corporations I would not boycott.
Here is the list:
When it comes to food products, Nestle is my #1 to boycott.
Because of the child cocoa slaves?
That and several other good reasons such as additives to Nestles food products that are very harmful.
Yes, but that doesn't make them special. True of all processed foods.
I kept one company on the list for a very long time, Little Debbie, then I looked her in the eyes....a painful window into the snack cake world.
Mmmmm, donuts.
I understand.
Hmmm. Methinks the young spitfire DOGEs gonna need some seasoned Old Pharts' assistance . . . .
Release the hounds
IMO the hounds were released some time ago and we are just now privy to some of their discoveries.
At one point a well meaning hard working love filled woman (Sydney Powell) released the Kraken, I hope the president and We The People do not leave her abandoned after she sacrificed her lifes work for our cause and crusade to Freedom.
There are so many people that have contributed to this "cause", unsung heroes. Many have lost their lives fighting behind the scenes and in the tunnels. I am forever grateful for their courage.
Don’t make me release the flying monkeys!
I have a whole barn full of flying monkeys- call me- we will coordinate! It'll be fun! Should we let them use the kubota's? Some of mine are still learning the whole flying thing.... it takes a little time, but they are hell on a Kubota! HOLLA!
Please do
Agitated 💩 slinging?
Let slip the doges of war
Good morning. Aaaaah... rain and mudslides now ending in So. Cal's fire-scorched foothills. Some of us barely dodged the fire-bullet, and luckily are just far enough below the mudslide regions. [I still think the fire-situation here was a planned land-grab-setup "just waiting to happen"; and then the convenient LATE RAINS to just-so-happen to cause mud slides. Lets keep the humanimal chattel busy and fearful. I, for one, can't forget that LBJ did say: "He who controls the weather controls the world." However, sheeples are easily SENSE-ILLUSION-BLINDED... now that's an oxymoron in the weirdest kinda way. They couldn't 'save their life' TO SAVE THEIR REAL LIFE. (facepalm)
But anyway... yeah.. watch out for everyone! Even the good-intentioned 'meek' can get you killed through simple IGNORANCE. If everyone didn't fall for the "biblical narratives' to the degree THEY WERE FORCED TO, but, took to heart the Socratic /Plantonic THINKING formulation-leanings towards the KNOW THY SELF paradigm, we wouldn't all be so "AT" each other. And the Elohim demiurge rulership wouldn't have taken such a deep HOLD of some humans' COMMON-SENSE-UNIFYING 'nature'.
However, if COSMIC CYCLES must play-out... then here we all are again.
Here in the frozen North of Montana, waiting for the snow to melt.
Sasquatch country ?
Blackrock has their shills out in LA making offers to burn victims buying up residential properties. You'll own nothing and be happy hahaha
They are doing it in NC too. Kamalas hubbys company....
It's so obvious that Christianity is all made up and there is no historical Jesus . all they have is 4 poorly written books that contradict each other. Amazing It's lasted this long. I guess when you kill everyone that disagrees with you it can be a convincing point.
How is anything obvious? I think it likely that Jesus did exist. But according to Fomenko he was born in the 1100's and we have an 'extra' 1000 years of history.
Christianity was selected by Constantine via the council of Nicea to be the official religion of the empire, so it got good press but all religions are made up.
Some confuse Constantine (306) with Charlemagne (771-814)
'Think likely' dont cut er.
I don't pretend to know things I can't possibly know. I know the Earth is an oblate spheroid because I have measured it, I count ten digits on my hand, things like that. Everything else is conjecture.
Didn't Clif say that they combined two, Krishna and Jesus. I forget where I read some of the information.
In the bhagavad gita I think
I don't remember that but I have heard stories that Jesus hung out in India for a while.
Yes, and I think monks in "Tibet" had written about him (I can't remember the country exactly). They were pretty meticulous in their writings. I wonder what the huge wall of books had to say that they uncovered in the recent past. Also, in the "Arks" that are around the planet, some have reported libraries left by ET's that divulge earth history. I would really like to know.
Not saying that that is what this is but monks have created a lot of fake history.
At this point, I would agree. So much deceit has occurred for thousands of years, I hadn't even considered it.
I can remember studying every word in my 20's. Trusting and be-lie-ving. Somewhere in my 40s (slow learner), I woke up to the discrepancies. Then, started investigating the other religions, then it opened up. I have in recent years handed friends copies of the Naked Bible.
They handed it back to me, a bit angry should I say, and haven't heard from them in a long while. Needless to say, Hermit again! LOL. There is so much other info out there, in plain sight, but people have to look.
Human rescue has been in the hearts of creators for a long time. Who would know better?
Thank you for your diligence Clif
Not sure if there are more prongs to be connected here but I don’t believe in coincidences - Nancy Langhorne (b. 1879) and her 4 sisters were wealthy socialites who grew up on the family estate, Mirador (“high watch tower”), in Virginia, daughters of Chiswell “Chillie” Dabney Langhorne and Nancy Witcher Keene. Nancy went on to marry into the ultra-wealthy Astor family, that at one point owned most of Manhattan, when she married Viscount William Waldorf Astor (,'Landlord%20of%20New%20York') in 1906. Waldorf and John Jacob Astor IV were first cousins, JJ being the Astor who went down with the Titanic and we all know what a rabbit hole that is. Nancy Langhorne Astor went on to become the first female member of parliament in Westminster - some stinky, planted Langhorne cow-pies to step in?
That was certainly a lot of information. Can’t wait to get my hands on some zero point tech. This weekend I’m working on experimenting with thermoelectric semiconductors. The tech isn’t new, but a colleague gave me some interesting insights into some properties to these semiconductors that have been under utilized. I’m going to see if I can exploit them. Should be fun! Anywoo, have a great day folks!
Keep us posted . I have some from the old days when I could make a living repairing TVS
Will do. Amazon is supposed to deliver me a new dc power supply today. Just waiting on the power supply.
Thermoelectric semiconductors....? Impressive, Gerry. I just throw on another quilt.
Make a new israel in the antarctic and off they go.
Or in the Marjorie Taylor Greenland. See The Babylon Bee.
Thanks -- All this trumpstein chest puffing is for the greater israel -- Canaduh -- Greenland -- Gaza --- the world! The pics of the octopus wrapping it's slithery tentacles around the globe is so true and the serpent wrapped around a globe baring its fangs,
Put the devil hounds on flux liner transports and ship 'em all to the sub continent.
Greenland is where they film all the Mars landers in rocky terrain, so to keep the new Mars colony secret, we need to own that ice cube
Hey Keith thanks
I appreciate your comment. Playing around with sacred cows is free association or brain storming. Cliff described his group 3, as the longhorns and it reminded me of the armageddon forecasters who try to fit happenings into gemantria or other systems and confine the planned outcomes to that system. This group also reminded me of economists who think in rigid ways about balance sheets and strategic plans. It's the AI telling you that if you bought that book, you also would like these other 2 books when you picked the best one already and if you buy something else, it would be on a different topic altogether. Also getting ads about something you talked about buying something overlooks that you were mulling it over and instantly decided not to buy it. This applies to writing a to do list or itemizing expenses doing personal bookkeeping. Something may come up and you do something else you may change your internet provider on a whim or for a new reason. Any battle plan dissolves with the first contact with the enemy.
ev'bodys gotta plan til they get punched in the face......, point of information. Are you the gate keeper.....or the key master? I'm thinking it will help with the octopus wrapping metaphor.....
Hello herd member. Just here like yourself, that is if your a dummied down Goy and part of the US tax cattle.
Thanks for chiming in
Got it......gate keeper.
Too much tech in Antarctic, they might find it.
Hi Clif great to hear you! Hi Woomans!!
Uh-wee new qualia (woomans)
Morning Wooo!