A day without clif is like a day without sunshine

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True that. Comments are the beauty of a sun shower.

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So is chocolate without coffee. ( ͡~ ͜ ͡° )

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We'll all be taking a voyage pretty soon- why it's important to work on our energy bodies through meditation etc...that's what we'll be "taking with us"

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LOL. I don't buy the "consciousness" stuff either... ditto the "learning lessons" or "mantid bugs" stuff.

That said, I really like Clif and find his takes interesting. He turned me onto "The Naked Bible" by Biglino and it is xlnt stuff... confirming that the Bible as we know it today is almost all agenda-driven propaganda (BS).

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Maybe read Harold Percival's "Thinking and Destiny."

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I found a summary... sounds promising, thanks...

I also found a Pdf of it online, free. I am slow in getting through The naked Bible... but will have this one on deck!

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You're slow alright

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I'm halfway through the oera Linda now, have you read? Amazing! "Chronicles from pre-Celtic Europe" on amazon. Naked Bible is next on my list.

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No, I had not heard of it... I'll take a look, thanks!

Clif turned me onto the naked Bible... still plowing through it, slowly... but it is great stuff... blows away the self-serving propaganda and agenda-driven mythology of what some call "Christianity"...

Makes one wonder at just how vile and corrupt the Vatican and other major controllers of the christian "religion" really are... I don't know much about islam, but I imagine it is far worse...

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Obviously, you are devoid of consciousness.

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Obviously, you are a bot.

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Obviously you're braindead

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You're such a cheery chap, and a legend in your own mind...

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You're funny😝

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The Bible was 'written' by the priests at Ezida, Nabu's temple in Borsippa on the edge of the Chaldeas, which appeared to have been the capitol for the shadow government that ran the Babylonian Empire. The etymology of words like KIN (Cain) meaning "family," which in turn is a euphemism for the mob/KM/cabal is all very telling, if you know the backstory--that nearly everything in our accepted historical record came out of Ezida, Nabu's temple of scholarship! Nearly everything we learn of history came out of their work, what they've cleverly buried under their cultivated mythos around the "Tablets of Destiny." The "daughters of Ezida" were 'witches' placed as handmaids in royal households and functioned like handlers do today. They would use drugs (pharmakia=witchcraft), sex and control/alter INFORMATION in the role of trusted messengers of confidential communications between households. One reads today of how the Rothschild's used their messenger service to both foment trouble and to capitalize on any advanced knowledge gleaned from reading the communiques. The cabal still operates with these tactics...who do you think owns UPS? ALL of my USPS mail was opened for a period of 2 years after I returned from a trip in the Levant. They didn't even bother to hide it. Some were slit open, others just peeled. Tell me--doesn't that violate the law? They don't fucking care. The strange thing is, I was still a normie back then. What the heck were they looking for? Well, now that I think of it, it might have had to do with an experience I had in the Great Pyramid.

I read something about one of the men the cabal based the "Jesus" story on as having gone into the King's Chamber and transmitting some information into the computer system that runs this planet (which makes it more like a ship to me, but whatever), and then he supposedly transported out after that. I didn't know that at the time of my visit, so when they turned out the light in the chamber while my hand was on the granite sarc and I had the incredible sensation of pressurizing and depressurizing at the same time, like I was imploding and exploding all at once, I just assumed it was claustrophobia and ran out. But now that I know there is a city beneath Giza from which the "authorities" run the planet and that granite is a power conductor for some tech we're not made aware of, I wonder if I triggered something. Maybe like the Bucegi pyramid security system? There's a sarc under water in Giza that that's locked and it's been postulated that it's a biometric lock requiring certain DNA to open. Could this be one of the "Underworld gates," which I assume to be bunkers built in a prior civilization, the bunkers white people came out of that we call Anunnaki? A civilization that was definitely more high tech than we are, if they built all these places we can't today (like the labyrinth beneath Giza). Bit of a ramble, but fun stuff. Maybe important stuff.

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Good luck w that

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You should read Oahspe too.

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Cool two in one day Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, God Bless

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We usually get 2 of the audios when he has an "errand day"- once or twice a week. We got the Vox Populi today as well. Has been a busy teaching week for Clif, with the bitchute video and all that re-training of chatGPT, and the errand day audios and written substacks. When does have time to bake bread lately? He really does give us a lot of his time, knowledge and energy. I am very grateful for that.

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I bet that bread is so good. Really rises better when the weather gets warmer.

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found it: it's kozyrev.

this is the first link i came across for anyone else interested:


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Thank you so much so many spellings for "cosy".

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Thank you for the link!

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Thank you. I don't have Twitter or Truth Social. I was going to ask that someone do what you did if I didn't find it.

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There are links to meta articles at the bottom that I cannot connect to. I get the following error...

- - - - -

We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed

Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.

If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.


- - - - -

These are the links...



Can anyone else connect to these?

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hi John,

nothing much you can do about a 403 error. i think their site is screwy.

<a href = "https://divinecosmos.com/books-free-online/the-divine-cosmos/95-the-divine-cosmos-chapter-01-the-breakthroughs-of-dr-na-kozyrev/">here </a> is another page of theirs with more info on his ideas... i haven't had a chance to read it yet tho...

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I think so too. They are PHP links, should handle this gracefully, or as we see here, not at all.

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Blocked links.

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Clif gets it. He's a Neotecher & Neothinker without being a member. Very important to the transition we are all going through.

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what is this neotech stuff ?? I have a neo neotech or neothink book stashed somewhere. Prolly 30 years old , now . Never got through it . Same stuff , maybe ???

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Clif, how did you get your copy of Mushrooms, Mankind, DMT, and Hyperspace? I heard you mention this book long ago, but the WEF has taken it off of all of the internet, and bookstores.

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Googled and found some "used booksellers" who may have a copy.

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Which used booksellers might they be? I swear I thought I looked everywhere.

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And this one: https://e.bookpremiumfree.com/downloads/the-archaic-revival-terence-mckenna/ What you may find is a pdf of the book that you can print out.

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Clif, I love that you are one of the few who discusses KM. However, you are conflating the Ashkenazi and/or other Jews w KM. KM are not Jews. KM wrote the Talmud, not the Jews. All Jews are different and making generalizations is incongruous.There are many different sects as you know. Due to their long history and more recently WW2, the Jewish ppls have dissociated from their roots in order to assimilate, probably resulting in many becoming atheists, non-believers or just plain apathetic to their roots. As far as science goes today, all of it is trying to displace God of any persuasion as per KM and is therefore inconsequential IMO. So please, can you keep these entities separate? Thank you. ✌️

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Letsrock you could take a look at the research by Jason Q who does a weekly indepth talk with Scott Yates tarot. If we start from the Bible, the ref to the serpent and Eve - that was apparently, a reptilian (Ciakkhar regressive race), thru that liaison she had Caan who killed and ate his half-brother Abel. From Caan then we have this whole race of canibals, through the Babylonians, who swept up to around the Volga River, current day Ukraine (Nazis). They cont'd to be canibals and the old Tsar gave them a choice of being executed to choosing a decent religion that didnt involve eating and murdering ppl, so they chose Judaism. There are scientists who have tested the blood of "Jew-ish" across the planet and none descend from Noah / Abraham etc or the Hebrews. They are from the Babylonian tribes. Hence why we have the semi-recent leaders in the US and elsewhere who have had no problem murdering millions of ppl around the world for many decades, the Bush's were Nazis (Scharff was their real surname), and why there are so many ppl on adrenachrome (the blood of children sucked out of their pineal glands to give them a high and help them look younger and live longer). Mel Gibson has a doco to come out shortly on the whole topic. Hollywood (Pedowood) was created by the Rothschilds (aka Bauer's) to brainwash us and also satisfy their cult ethos of telling us what they plan before they do it via movies (they believe in karma), so movies like the Matrix, Minority Report, Sweet Cheeks (hybridisation), Elyseum (destruction of Earth and Humans), are documentaries not Sci-Fi. Isnt it true that in the Jew-ish books they follow that we gentiles are not as good as them? Death to the goyem? How can that be decent? and why do they hate Yeshua?? FFS. I'm writing my family history at the moment that incl some of this info. Martin Luther said "I know of a certainty that the papacy is the kingdom of Babylon". here are some resources I accessed: Ocker, Christopher (2016). Martin Luther and Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism, retrieved Mar 2019 from Oxford Research Encyclopedias; Madanayake Ravi (2019). Black Nobility Terror: From Venice to Bohenia to London. The Royal Houses of Europe That Ruthlessly Eliminate All That Dare to Stand in Their Way! a Production of Rema Marketing and WWW Oligarch Elitism (Part 1), retrieved Feb 2023 from researchgate.net/publication/338079143;

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Pagopian, Joachim (2020). Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy and the Deep State Book 1: A Quarter Million Millenia of Human Enslavement, Child Rape and Blood Sacrifice from Antiquity to the Modern Catholic Church, free online at www.pedoempire.org

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Thanks for history lesson 101. You are very presumptuous and apparently quite newly awakened?

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I havent made any presumptions, just repeating what historians have found, see the sources. You are being presumptuous.

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You presumed I was ignorant on your history lesson. Learned most of years ago.

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Do you have further info on the Mel Gibson documentary?

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Seems to me your research hasn't gone deep enough. This "death to all goyim", learn to spell correctly, gentiles not as good as, blah, blah blah is typical KM Antisemitic bs propaganda. Where were you when signs were posted NO BLACKS OR JEWS???? BUT THAT'S OK? Tarot cards? Please don't insult my intelligence. Hollyweird was created by a bunch of very poor mostly Russian Jewish immigrants who successfully turned it into an industry. Then the CIA and KM Rothschilds muscled in on it. Do you see any resemblance of early Hollyweird to today??? NO! THE SATANISTS ARE THE ADRENO SUCKING BABY KILLING PEDOS TRAFFICKERS ALL DESCENDED FROM AND PAID OFF BY KM INCLUDING THE SCHERFF FAMILY. SO DON'T PRESUME TO LECTURE ME. GO READ YOUR TAROT CARDS.

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Denigrating and dismissing others for their level of knowledge (or the direction of their explorations) just shuts down conversation. Bad manners and gets you ignored.

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You would know

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In 1951, Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A.N. Poliak (in Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe) said the descendants of the large Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe constitute the majority of world Jewry. Koestler said this means the Jews of Eastern Europe and the United States came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes. The real Hebrews reside in Palestine.

Why are you upset? Cant you have a reasonable discussion without getting hot under the collar? Yes the CIA is created and controlled by the Rothschilds (KM) as is Pedowood and most institutions and govts around the world. They did very well, didnt they? Lots of satanists everywhere I agree. You should do some research yourself.

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This begs the questions: if Adolf Hitler is a Volga Rothschild Jew, why did he create the Holocaust? And why did the Chinese Communist Party (run by The Black Nobility’s Henry Breakespear) round up the Uigars? Whatever the answers, the term “anti-Semitism” is devoid of meaning. Raphael Patai (in Koestler) wrote, The findings of physical anthropology show that, contrary to popular view, there is no Jewish race. Anthropometric measurements of Jewish groups in many parts of the world indicate that they differ greatly from one another with respect to all the important physical characteristics; stature, weight, skin color, cephalic index, facial index, blood groups, etc.

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Adolf Hitler a Volga Jew? I know he had some, some Jewish blood. Ever hear of self hating? I don't have time nor inclination to explain Hitler's motives or psychology. Go patronize someone else w your word salad. FYI the Uighurs are Muslim.

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CIA troll

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If anyone has a good text, historical book I could study on this I would like to sort it out. I know about the Khazars/Khazarians and the Russian Czar making them choose a religion and reform or else. But I don't know much about the current day Jews and who ended up living where, and what lineage they are. I feel ignorant and I believe many people have blind ill will for Jewish people that have nothing to do with the KM.

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The book I read many moons ago was the thirteenth tribe by Arthur koestler,I have never heard that it was faked in any way,some people on here seem to know it but getting some facts wrong.It was the khazar king who decided that they should have a religion,as they were originally phallic worshipers they found Judaism to be the best fit!!It was however the czar of the Russian empire who chased them out of the ukranian/ Georgian area,sick of paying taxes on all the trade through the dnieper,between rus and constantinople.This info goes against the whole its the km nazis in Ukraine.That whole story is about a people who threw of their corrupt puppet government and are now being genocided by the cabal

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Good idea! I'd like to find more info too. Jason Q is a great researcher but I dont know how to contact him. I'll follow up and get back to you. Lina

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Aren't you confusing Israelites and Hebrews? The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were/are Judaic ("Jews"), while the northern Ten Tribes of Israel were/are non-Judaic. All Jews are Hebrews; but most Hebrews are not Jews.

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No, he is absolutely correct as stated

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👎 Then your reading comprehension is lacking as well.

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I think the correct term for the group that is operating the Globalists Criminal Cabal is Sabbateans, not Khazarian and not Jewish. Based on some of my research, the Sabbateans originated from a movement in the mid 1600s started by Sabatie Zevi who claimed to be a reincarnation from Khazaria. The Sabbateans are most likely the same people who refer to themselves as the Dragon Bloodline, or among themselves: "The Family." Of the Sabbateans, there are some who "pose" as Jewish but of course they are not. There are others that populate the Catholic church and others that populate the Wahabist Muslim community. I wrote an article about the Sabbatean Billionaires.

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Frankenstein is made of all the christ mass parts taken and presumeably abandoned in the delivery room.

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christ mass members!

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could not agree more...sick of making excuses for Cliff...he is very offensive as he seems to be sheltered from the truth and reality of the diverse population that comprises the jewish people...And, his followers will only attack those who try to clarify this...He is often lazy with his terms, and this too is not responsible for a linguistics guy. I've said this before, but he seems either oblivious, willing to ignore these concerns, or enjoying the stirring of the pot...It's getting very old and as a result I no longer share his work, which is a shame as so much good is mixed with this erroneous "reporting."

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You slimers always try to divert... explain this, roach:


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F-0ff, sheeny maggot.

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Have a nice day all knowing!

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... see ya, loser



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thank you.

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You're either blind, unable to read and/or have very poor comprehension skills. MANY POSING AS JEWS ARE NOT JEWS!!!!


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Yo, douchebag, the juice is... BOTH kazarians and most jews in positions of power (Fed, bankers, etc) are well known to be corrupt and vile... just read the link, if you can read, ahole.

Now F-0ff, roachpaste and YOU chill... then STFU.

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🖕but politicians are angels...Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Ovomit, PELOSI, newsom, podesta, aoc, waters, Cummings, graham, pence...all goyim. And you clearly have tiny todger, big mouth syndrome.

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Keep bleating, sheeny assclown.

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Why your here then?

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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out 👋🏻

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This level of intellect does not bode well for Cliff's followers...sigh

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Why are YOU here, Yeasty?

Are those sighs really gas bombs from between your humongous hams?

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Lol go watch his older videos

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Robert Sepher is an Anthropologist on Youtube who seems fairly reliable. His channel is Atlantean Gardens. He has hundreds of videos which refer to Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Anunnaki, etc. https://youtu.be/gpwrLbi4QZU

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This is so cool. "They think everything is grit." It's why their mRNA bs medical model is hopelessly skewed. Some of those guys believe in this!

One time I died and was obsessed by, or hovering over, the dichotomy between the linear and the circular reality. I was actually perplexed to be ìn a world trying so hard to incorporate both when only pi was there. Infinitely complex, to reconcile them.

Two days ago to my delight, it occurred to me the spiral reconciles the linear and the circular.

Everything is waves.

Looks like we're going to live before we die. 🙏❤️

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I did the Terence McKenna heroic dose a couple of times (7 grams). Meet aliens and their geodesic spaceships also entered the world of Alex Grey. Those were some good time back then and changed my life forever. I was able to exorcise my inner demons. Now I meditate, lucid dream, and read tons of Buddhism. My inner life is expansive and I am reading and learning the maps for traveling the Bardo after my death. See y'all on the other side and don't be late! Cause I am a Voodoo Child!

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"If there is any religion that could respond to the needs of modern science, it would be Buddhism." ~Einstein

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During an ayahuasca experience in the Peruvian Amazon region some years back, I had the 'death experience' during one of the ceremonies that Cliff spoke about. The 'death experience' is one of the common experiences people can have with ayahuasca. I remember slowly losing consciousness - as many people know, when someone dies, the last sense to go is the hearing. I recall being able to vaguely here the ceremony around me, but everything else was gone. I slipped into unconsciousness and the next thing I remembered was the Shaman over me removing some of the ayahuasca - he does this by using his lips to literally suck the ayahuasca from your body energetically. I cannot really explain it. The experience was frightening yet peaceful toward the end.

It's been almost 17 years since that experience, and although I cannot recall any factual knowledge, I have developed an extremely fine tuned intuition. I know so many think intuitively - for example, when the covid con came along and the covid death shot was rolled out, I knew exactly what they were. I needed no 'science' or 'data' - I just intuitively knew that these were mass deceptions/manipulations.

Ayahuasca is not for the feint of heart - the journey to the amazon to live for a week in huts in a primitive environment is long and difficult. Expect dysentery and other bowel upsets - this ain't a 5 star resort! But you do want an authentic 'set and setting' and a real ayahuasadero - not some white dude from New York who thinks he is a shaman. It's a journey that takes about a week and a half, but also a journey that will take a lifetime to unpack - and I am still unpacking it after 3 shamanic doses!

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Beetle-juice, Beetle-juice, Beetle-juice... :)

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Clif, you sound like a modern day alchemist. That is searching for and finding spirit (consciousness) in matter. Here is a paper I wrote on this subject.


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For anyone looking to explore non-dual states of consciousness, and consciousness as the foundation of everything through meditation, I would recommend checking out Rupert Spira. His writings and talks exploring this topic are spectacular.

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Love Clif, but my understanding of everything he's talking about in this one is talked about in the Bible as the way you are absolutely not getting into heaven by participating in bc it is going around Jesus as a savior as explained in John 10.1 so I'd agree with Clif, don't do it. You do leave your soul behind and it is absolutely vulnerable to demons. We will soon find out very soon the "real truth" as there really is only one truth and for me is Jesus Christ.

IMO human beings are fallen angels (not the ones that procreated with wormen), but the 1/3 that rebelled against God or El. The reason Adam was put into the system, is that God wanted a way to retrieve those that wish to be retrieved or redeemed thru the blood sacrifice finished by the life of Jesus Christ. He chose the Hebrews as the way He was going to get Christ into the system or world of duality we find ourselves in. When we incarnate into this hell/world, we have competing forces of God and evil competing within us (hence carnal or fleshly vs spiritually) and if we don't get converted or redeemed, we will suffer the same fate as Satan. IMO we are in the BOR and will soon see it playing out more and more as time progresses. When obummer resumes as leader of this country (then on the world stage) bc of all kinds of disasters, I hope you remember this post and convert before taking the mark which is already here and ready to go in international patent WO 060606. You see lucifer is not omniscient as God is so he needs ai (think clot shot - graphine, 5g, and the mark) to help to watch over and control everything we do and say and do, whereas, Almighty God does not need it to know. AND God gives us free will which the imitator will not tolerate. Buckle up boys n girls bc the ride is about to get really bumpy. IMO there will also be a rapture (hotly debated) which will occur first which "they" will really try to push as being space aliens taking all these true Christians. Many will not make the cut bc they are compromised somehow (ie living in sin somehow) and I'm sure the ptb will use well known ones as their "proof" that it wasn't the rapture or something like that. One more thing, the aliens or "gods" these people are experiencing and sacrificing to are really demons. God bless.

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I was schooled by the jesuits...in the BOR the "second coming of christ" DOES NOT MEAN that JC is ACTUALLY returning...it means we are ASCENDING to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. The "rapture" is what we will experience after ascending to the 5th dimension. ❤️

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Right, the second coming does not occur until the very end.

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"When obummer resumes as leader of this country (then on world stage)"???

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yes, many people have prophesied or dreamt that God told them ob is the ac as written in the BOR. We will watch him come to power. Hopefully the strong delusion this world is under can be overcome when this stuff really becomes apparent.

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Read The Antichrist and A Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen. There are also interviews w him on YT. He's extremely well researched and he predicts KC will be Antichrist. Also watch opening ceremonies of 2022 Commonwealth Games w KC presiding, pure evil. Makes more sense. Charles is now in a very high position of power and he's Schwab's boss. He also says ob one of the horsemen. I personally believe ob is dead w many others.

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we shall see I guess, but several people have had dreams and confirmations. I don't think KC is as well "loved" as BO. I always had a strong distain for both of them, but who knows?

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Cliff, I really appreciate that you are interested in the concept of consciousness being primary to what you refer to as the "Materium," or Cosmic Existentiality. And you mentioned that you are interested in studying Sanskrit, I grew up with both the ancient language and the symbolism that is found in many of the ancient works. My focus of experience is on the Isha Upanishad, as interpreted into English by Sri Aurobindo, who is both my Guru and has written many Sanskrit related interpretations for the western mind to gain cognition.

Another author who was very established as a scholar of Sanskrit is Judith Tyberg M.A., Ph.D. also known as (Jyotoipriya) one of her books is known as "The Language of the Gods." She was even running a school to teach Sanskrit for awhile.

I also wrote an article on substack that begins with the importance of realization of the inner self, which is consciousness, my primary movement in this article is to use ancient mystic knowledge to destroy the western ignorance that comes from appearance based identity and social hierarchy.


My understanding of Quantum entanglement goes along with the concept of consciousness as primary.

(My understanding of "Quantum Studies" probably is unique to me, because I got into it from the point of view of the mystic knowledge and not from scientific study background.)

What you stated about consciousness is that if you could take it away; then everything would not exist. This is a translation from of Upanishad: "Having taken a piece of the Fullness from the Fullness; The Fullness verily remains.

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So Clif says he does drugs and then feels like he is dismembering? Sounds like fun to me.

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