Really? Is that the same as SETI? I have a hard time trusting those organizations, which is not to say I don't think it happened, but how do we know these beings are authentic or sincere in their communications? Or at the very least, how do we know these beings are not Luciferian minded (meaning not they are not balanced spiritual beings, and only look at the etheric or spiritual side of things while ignoring physical reality)? How do we know they're not pawns of the Atlanticists? (See my comment below for this to make sense.) Do you have any research you could share with us about these contact scenarios? Thank you.
The best thing for you to do is start watching ECETI's Saturday night videos. Jim Gilliland is the guy who owns ECETI Ranch and he does the podcasts. (He and Clif don't get along, something about Corey Goode, who knows.) No it's nothing like SETI, which was governmental and you know what that means. Jim has videos taken with night vision cameras of the ships you can watch. The sky is pretty busy over his ranch. People go there all the time to see it, so he's not just generating stuff in the back room. I think he does about 3 shows a month. This is his rumble link:
This is his website where you can watch the sky coverage over his ranch an sign up for his newsletter. He also has some pictures of strange nebulous beings at that site I think. He claims to be in communication with higher level beings. You just have to check him out and see what you think. I think he's genuine.
I don't know but this behavior is so typical of the UFO community and really a lot of the alt media community. Just infighting and some very nonspiritual behavior. It happens in academic groups also where they fight and bicker, call each other names and so on. It's really just stupid. You can bet our adversaries don't waste their energy with petty disagreements all the time. (True, their infighting takes the forms of major war! ) I think Jim just escapes into his farm work to avoid it and thinks it's just people having to awake and understand their own behavior, which most aren't good at and project fault onto everyone else. I see in my own life that things are pretty explosive at the moment and I pretty much agree with Jim about why that is. It may also be that it's the last hurrah for kali yuga stuff and rather than dying with a whimper it just gets louder and will probably go out with a bang. I've heard the avatars say that beings from all over the galaxy have reincarnated here to cut up royally before it all shuts down. And others are here to ring in the new. Bound to be friction in such a huge shift. A lot are just here to watch the show. I think that might be me. How about you?
Whatever blows your hair back. We have fighters, rabble-rousers, dastardly criminals and Lucerferic baby eaters, ETs, shamanesque woo fighters, observers, liars and truthtellers, and people who don't give a shit. There's room for everyone. Right now I'm talking about detached watcher interest in the big free-for-all reincarnative last blow out, but on a practical level I think I could be dangerous when necessary.
Yea, Goode and Wilcock are grifters. Wilcock got me for a little there with his presentation on the Rainbow Body. Goode's energy is just off, and a Blue Sphere Alliance Blue Avian...? Like what the ever loving fuck is that, and why should I believe that shit?
As far as Gilliland goes, it's not a great attribute to be gullible when doing alien/ET stuff. Like I said in a previous comment, these beings could be Luciferic or Ahrimanic, which is nothing extraordinarily evil, necessarily, like the mainstream gets people titillated with. But, Luciferic promises of false Utopia or solipsism, or Ahirmanic promises that brings integrity compromises as a part of the packaged deal are a real thing and can be a detriment to one's life or the human race in general. The Faustian bargain as it were has a polarity.
Exactly that has been going on for 3 decades at ECETI Ranch on the west coast and now in Hawaii.
Really? Is that the same as SETI? I have a hard time trusting those organizations, which is not to say I don't think it happened, but how do we know these beings are authentic or sincere in their communications? Or at the very least, how do we know these beings are not Luciferian minded (meaning not they are not balanced spiritual beings, and only look at the etheric or spiritual side of things while ignoring physical reality)? How do we know they're not pawns of the Atlanticists? (See my comment below for this to make sense.) Do you have any research you could share with us about these contact scenarios? Thank you.
The best thing for you to do is start watching ECETI's Saturday night videos. Jim Gilliland is the guy who owns ECETI Ranch and he does the podcasts. (He and Clif don't get along, something about Corey Goode, who knows.) No it's nothing like SETI, which was governmental and you know what that means. Jim has videos taken with night vision cameras of the ships you can watch. The sky is pretty busy over his ranch. People go there all the time to see it, so he's not just generating stuff in the back room. I think he does about 3 shows a month. This is his rumble link:
This is his website where you can watch the sky coverage over his ranch an sign up for his newsletter. He also has some pictures of strange nebulous beings at that site I think. He claims to be in communication with higher level beings. You just have to check him out and see what you think. I think he's genuine.
Weren't Clif and Gilliland suing each other a few years ago?!
I don't know but this behavior is so typical of the UFO community and really a lot of the alt media community. Just infighting and some very nonspiritual behavior. It happens in academic groups also where they fight and bicker, call each other names and so on. It's really just stupid. You can bet our adversaries don't waste their energy with petty disagreements all the time. (True, their infighting takes the forms of major war! ) I think Jim just escapes into his farm work to avoid it and thinks it's just people having to awake and understand their own behavior, which most aren't good at and project fault onto everyone else. I see in my own life that things are pretty explosive at the moment and I pretty much agree with Jim about why that is. It may also be that it's the last hurrah for kali yuga stuff and rather than dying with a whimper it just gets louder and will probably go out with a bang. I've heard the avatars say that beings from all over the galaxy have reincarnated here to cut up royally before it all shuts down. And others are here to ring in the new. Bound to be friction in such a huge shift. A lot are just here to watch the show. I think that might be me. How about you?
I'm not here to watch. I'm here to fight.
Whatever blows your hair back. We have fighters, rabble-rousers, dastardly criminals and Lucerferic baby eaters, ETs, shamanesque woo fighters, observers, liars and truthtellers, and people who don't give a shit. There's room for everyone. Right now I'm talking about detached watcher interest in the big free-for-all reincarnative last blow out, but on a practical level I think I could be dangerous when necessary.
Interesting. I'll check this out. Thanks for the resources.
Yea, Goode and Wilcock are grifters. Wilcock got me for a little there with his presentation on the Rainbow Body. Goode's energy is just off, and a Blue Sphere Alliance Blue Avian...? Like what the ever loving fuck is that, and why should I believe that shit?
As far as Gilliland goes, it's not a great attribute to be gullible when doing alien/ET stuff. Like I said in a previous comment, these beings could be Luciferic or Ahrimanic, which is nothing extraordinarily evil, necessarily, like the mainstream gets people titillated with. But, Luciferic promises of false Utopia or solipsism, or Ahirmanic promises that brings integrity compromises as a part of the packaged deal are a real thing and can be a detriment to one's life or the human race in general. The Faustian bargain as it were has a polarity.
Whacky? Seems to me he's a world class liar with the stupidest explanation ever, but I could just be channeling that.