Not only that Gates, Schwaab and the likes of them are not at the absolute top of the evil psychopatic pyramid of power, they are useful idiots to the guys that run the show off camera. Patsies.. Cause they are stupid. All having huge egomania. Fall guys for when SHTF
Not only that Gates, Schwaab and the likes of them are not at the absolute top of the evil psychopatic pyramid of power, they are useful idiots to the guys that run the show off camera. Patsies.. Cause they are stupid. All having huge egomania. Fall guys for when SHTF
Not only that Gates, Schwaab and the likes of them are not at the absolute top of the evil psychopatic pyramid of power, they are useful idiots to the guys that run the show off camera. Patsies.. Cause they are stupid. All having huge egomania. Fall guys for when SHTF
Well, that's psychotics for you.