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Everyone is so nice, thank you. Have BOSE Quiet comfort 3's that I tune in on. Just too much for me sorry if it doesn't work for you... Did I say sorry? Not SORRY! BTW JR.....I.m a combat vet with permanent war related injury. WTF are you? (besides a judgemental dick suck?)....Signed "Your favorite cashmere cupcake". Still love you Clif you're a FIRE BREATHER

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I'm also a vet with hearing issues, yet somehow I manage, even without fancy noise canceling gear...thanks for your service, cupcake.

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As I stated above, I am a vet with hearing loss/damage - from jet engines - I don't know why you are getting bent out of shape? Unless you are being sarcastic - which is not coming across!!!

I agree with you that Clif is amazing - just a statement that you struggled with the audio should have sufficed - but you had to take it like you were personally insulted/harassed - or so it comes across - I've been listening to Clif since back in the early ALTA reports -

As a VET - you should have learned to make the best of what you have to work with - just because you don't don the uniform anymore doesn't mean this stopped. If you stopped, the GOD/Universe be with you in the future, because teacup cupcakes will probably not survive!

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"Bent out of shape" If you are at that spiritual pinnacle, evolved to that all knowing, benevolent plateau of assessing things so objectively. Especially intimating or calling me "cashmere....cupcake...WTF is that JR Jones or Richard Molby. Listen dick suck, the text I penned was for Clif, very nicely articulated with respect, admiration and to the point. You choose to put your dumbass comment, filled with vitriol & condescension into the mix. Why, what gives you license to enter into a benign constructive comment? How bout ascending, take you own advice dick suck & BTW we're not your family here....We are adults trying to give our patriot warrior feedback on his production quality. Take your BS negativity somewhere else. Listen & shut your F'ing pie hole. OBTW-Hope I survive, dick suck.

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