" Our boys were sent off to die with beautiful ideal painted in front of them.

No one told them that dollars and cents were the real reason they were marching off to kill and die ."

- Maj. Gene Smedley Butler , two times Medal of Honour recipient .

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Clif, Electrooculture experiment proved to be successful outside and in the house last season here on Whidbey Island in WA. A year ago February, during the cold weather, I wrapped a branch with copper wire and "planeted" in the middle of my home-made greenhouse-raised bed. First good sign was a ground bee circling me while I set it up and every time I was out at the greenhouse. My crops (sugar snap peas, kale, greens, carrots, parsely, etc. did far better than in past seasons. So the the raspberries, lemon cucumbers and tomatoes that grow around the raised bed. In the house, my ancient Christmas cactus, bloomed twice, with only small dowels wrapped in copper wire. Requires less water, naturally fertilizing without fertilizer. but impt. to start with well-amended soil, including worm castings, etc. Doesn't matter what gauge wire, btw. Very happy with the results!

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The deer in my area are so bad, that I'm growing my garden on the deck in cardboard boxes. I'll never eat bugs. The Cult can eat lead and die.

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“Watching an eagle gain altitude “. For me this conveying of in the moment observation catches my attention.

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I'm ready to go back to analog. Lots of reminiscing about the 80s lately. Walter Bosley had fun interview on nostalgia loops and themes of decades.

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I am experimenting with electro-magnetic planting please share your experience with us.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing eating bugs is not new. You do it everytime you ride your bicycle 🚲. AHHHHHHH!

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When ALL here on this Earth have the ability once more to Acess our Memory of True Purpose and Intent of Original Design which has been denied us for so long, this Earth will be more than any of us can Imagine Now

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Not goofy. Electroculture was a thing in the 1800s, but when the defense industry could find a use for mustard gas and other chemicals in world wars, the fertilizer industry was born. They dinged farmers using natural means and gave incentives to those who would use their poisons. There are .pdf and books online tracing the history of Electroculture.

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I’ve learned that copper wire is a good thing as well as A Pyramid

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Interesting, Clif. I had to listen to this podcast a few times to get the concepts somewhat linked together. What I think you are saying is that we are, with the progression deeper into our galaxy are being presented with the opportunity to become more skillful in our receptivity to and practice of interacting with a physics we were unaware of until we developed the capacity, and perhaps need to work recognized levels. My husband is kind of unique in that being self taught and thrifty,when one of the aged vehicles he buys and revives needs a part that is no longer available, he has acquired the skill to clip, snip, grind and whack at nuts, bolts, pipe, sheet metal, whatever he can find to adequately substitute for the vanished part. He now has a 3D printer, but still ends up banging around once in a while. And like you, we garden and maintain a flock of laying hens in a challenging climate. We have a pretty short growing season, and are accustomed to trying out seed varieties and figuring out what it will take to get them to survive and produce a crop, and to look at a chicken that is struggling with something and figure out what she needs. Eventually we build a working vocabulary of what to aim for, despite what seems appropriate. So is this advance we are going through like an opportunity to look at a tornado and rather then be terrified that it may tear up everything around us, comprehend a mass of heat has smacked i to cold, moist air, become violently seductive and might be productive? Or the week when a guy with a hollow branch tapped on it a few times and realized it was singing to a beat? I remember a story a heard while studying physics about a scientist who became fascinated by polishing various metals. He found that extensively polishing a specific number of strokes in in a certain way produced a specific frequency and enhanced properties in that metal. Are you thinking that we will learn to refine our earthly or beyond earthly elements and cultivate them in ways that make them merge more articulately and responsively than the common alloys we have been clunking along with using more refined human senses and a capacity beyond our carbon base? Well, that is exciting! Ride'em Cowboy!

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Look into the effects of sound/vibration waves and water manipulation within a pure metal structure based on basic earth minerals. Shape, earth vibration and lay lines. The power given and within. We all are connective conduit beings with the earth .. our own power source

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Another good source on ZPE, is Gregg Braden's works.

He has been lecturing about this topic for decades now. He puts a spiritual twist on it too, similar to Clif.

Look his works up, & Enjoy.

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“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.”

— George Washington

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Clif, don't you think they can just 3D print the metal? I'm a metal worker and it seems logical to me. I already have a plazma torch and I'm on a budget!

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I have wrapped a large curtain rod with copper wire and put it in my tomato garden and I had tomatoes until November, but in other years all gone by September.

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