Best wishes, hope the Mrs feels better Cliff

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Hello clif! You and yours are in my thoughts daily!🎉❤️🎉

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Got my alternative responses ready. Which AREN'T "I told you so"...

"Oh, you don't say!"

"Well, fancy that!"

"Who'd have thought?"


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It would be with great satisfaction that I would like to tell the normies - 'I told you so' or something to that effect, but most normies I know are way too stupid to ever grock what has happened. The normies seems to be entrenched in beliefs such as:

--The vaxx is safe and effective

--America is the greatest country EVER

--The allopathic system of medicine is safe and effective

--The human population is not controlled

--Humans are scientifically advanced

Lot, and lots of faulty beliefs. It's better to just move on. I left the narradigm some decades ago, and I am gradually advancing far away from social consciousness. I am much happier and content as I leave mainstream forever.

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Up here in Canada it looks as tho normies are in contemplation. Kinda like a sucker punch ...... don't know where it came from or why. A bit stunned or unconsciously aware of dangers lurking. Still in the glancing silent question stage with each other.

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The Glancing Silent Question Stage. Frame that! West of Hamilton its just one stormy flood from the bullet hail courtesy of the govidiots at all levels. I ignore them otherwise. In my lifetime, at 62, i know that i'm watching a shitshow the likes of which the world has rarely, if ever, seen.

Folks young and old regularly deny the elephant in the room, at poolside, halls of the local woke Ymca, at lunch etc. The jabbed in a state of worried despair yet in psychologic denial of their " unavoidable mistake".

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It may be indicative of the serious brainwashing (as if there were ever non-serious) that the jabbed don't make any effort to correct their mistake by utilizing one of several available cleansing protocols. God knows I would! As genocidal methods go, the DS underestimated how long it would take to effectualize their goal; they expected immediate population decrease. However, they may achieve their goal somewhat; the death toll will continue. I ask the same question I ask about Ukrainians: when do the people rise up and say no more? Do they ever rise up? Are they that beat down already?

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Sounds kinda creepy, ..... and foreboding. If they start whispering, it could get ugly fast.

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I live there too. I see that too. Think for a second. Let's go for coffee.

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Sadly this is my experience as well. Even as their vaxed family and friends become more sick by the day, and the nonvaxed they know continue to display robust health, not one can bring themselves to consider why.

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Exactly. Critical thinkers and the spiritually minded mostly arrive at these conclusions. Move on, keep your integrity and values intact, live by example, do not engage unless appropriate and helpful all the way around...we have some lost children who refuse to listen to reason and wisdom, so many must find raw reality on their own to accept it, or not. Their choice.

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Wise words, Mr P.A.

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I believe that the normies are deeply brain washed. I agree there are some that will fight to the death although some won't have to as the jab will take care of that sad to say. Good comment friend

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Occasionally a book title occurs to me out of nowhere. Today's offerring is Cull of the Fools.

Theres something darwinian about this die-off; it chooses for its victims the followers, the weak and faithless, the non- sovereign, less self-valued and valuing of others.

Quite the spectacle. Maybe there's a book needing to be written. For the survivors.

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Better late than never.

I never really subscribed to it all to begin with, so these times we're in have been a LONG TIME comin for me.

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Very well said, although there are multiple lens to view this experience we have called our life, I think this is a plain and simple way of saying it. Brain washing doesn't have an exception in the human experience, powerful influences on our perception of reality is undeniable. We all effect one another thru linguistics and those who control major media and so called alt media have a grasp on how to leverage this as a means of control.

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I'm practicing my facial expressions BC I will have nothibg to say.

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Mine will be. “ bless your heart sorry that you thought that’ !!!!

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Only need to say one word, thalidomide. My former next-door neighbor was born with a partial arm because his mom took thalidomide. It was also safe and effective according to the doctors in the 1960s. I guess they were wrong.

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I'm a thalidomide baby, as well. Mom only took it for a week, so my aberations were minimal. A huge birthmark on my stomach, and a golfball-size tumor on the lower left side of my head, that went away and left a large round scar. I never put two and two together until recently. That's the wierdest part. That I never admitted to myself that this information was directly related.

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That was quite atrocious and largely forgotten about or unknown by most.

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You forgot "Ain't that special!" and "Bless your heart" which are Southern versions of typical insults.

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Love your list, lol!! I'll throw in "It's a mystery, very puzzling."

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I may need to brush up on my sarcasm for such an occasion as that.

The hell you say !!

Really?, that's so interesting.

Imagine THAT !!

Please, tell me more of the vastness of your wisdom, based on your minutes of experience.

Good to see you're getting up to speed.

Oh, but it gets so much worse.

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Positive thoughts friend

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Thinking about you Cliff sending you lots of love and blessings

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Wishing your wife a return to better health. Take good care of yourself too Clif.

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Thank you Clif. Thinking of you and your wife and hoping for the universe to provide the best outcome. Thank you for still delivering your knowledge. I worry about you when we don’t hear from you.

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Clif, I hope you realize how much we all appreciate you continuing to forecast our collective future. Especially considering your personal situation. From one old dude to another, keep the faith my friend! Mega prays inbound for you and your wife!👃

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Always good to hear from you! You are loved.

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Thanks for this Clif.

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No apologies for the length of your posts. We always hate to see them end no matter the length.

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New stuff coming out: Light therapy is definitely something that I've found has been helping many of our people deal with EMF damage.

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Light and sound.

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Frequency and magnetism. Look up the Rife Method which “modern medicine” condemned. The fellow I go to has three Rife machines.

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“The Rife Handbook”, 💥🙌👍

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Why would any weell meaning govern men (t) be so opposed to su h great technology.

Ahh, it will take to long to document here.

I wish you well

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Money and control. It's always about $$ and control.

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Might add in methylene blue...

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Turns out Nicotine got a bad wrap. Think the doorway into investigation opened during the scamdemic showing smokers didn’t catch it . The delivery method not great with smoking but now even younger generation on the gum. Mainly for rush . Tried it myself and got dizzy lol

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Read about NIACIN and its many wonderful uses for improving serious health problems.

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Getsthrough the blood brain barrier and ongoing testing for Alzheimer’s .

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Indeed. Plenty of videos out there, for what they are worth... claiming up to an 80% improvement in symptoms... exciting...

And look into nicotine... Dr. Bryan Ardis has some great stuff on it, here's start:


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Odd that I was taking nmn and a vitamin stack for 5 years before covid came around. Hmm..wonder how I knew?

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Interesting... could be...

FYI... my man Dinkov prefers good old niacinamide...

"Why Choose Niacinamide?

The reason I’m convinced niacinamide is the best NAD+ precursor is because the

immediate breakdown product of NAD+ is niacinamide. As you can see in the illustration

below, when NAD is used up, it gets broken down into niacinamide.

This niacinamide is then recycled. First, it’s converted into NMN, and then into NAD+.

This is likely why some researchers promote NMN. However, the enzyme NMNAT1-3

that converts NMN to NAD+ is not the rate limiting enzyme. NAMPT is what controls

how much NAD+ you make. So, ooding your body with NMN is not going to be as

useful as using small amounts of niacinamide and activating NAMPT.

The ideal dosing of niacinamide is from 50 mg three times a day. It is the rare person

that will not respond favorably to this simple intervention for increasing NAD+."

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And now they're using nicotine patches

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What goes thru blood brain barrier?

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Thank you Cliff….

Your brilliant mind is a blessing.

Appreciate you sharing your wisdom…

Pray your wife is improving.


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Will the normies change their minds? Old saying: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. "

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What a great idiomatic saying-thanks

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Which he may adhere to ,yet disown. For reasons to himself best known………

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Y'all are waxing poetic!

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Or, unknown in his current prison of monkey-brained collectivism.

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Love the saying, I’ll use it.

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You are a warrior Clif - it is a privilege to have you in the fight for this world at this time.

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I hope & pray your wife recovers and can go home to you very soon!

I’ve been reading your data analysis since the days of the mailed green & white striped paper reports. Thanks for today’s podcast!

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