Now heres a thing…….This road centre line hugging thingy is redolent of driving when intoxicated.
As if the normal checks and balances of spatial awareness are cut loose and a sense of having to be super dupa careful prevails. My guess unbalance. Ive heard folk say that they just don't feel right or human since ‘volunteering’
Indeed. Brain Saver. New book by Anthony William all about toxic heavy metals and their damage to the brain and body. Best of all it gives remedies that are easy and effective.
There are some articles on EDTA being used by the Navy to treat mercury and lead poisoning, and it was reported to work well, but they were using it intravenously, so the oral capsules may not work as well. I have taken it but was not suffering from lead or mercury toxicity that I know of.
Chelation therapy is an effective way to get EDTA. This is administered via intravenous therapy. Search for iv therapy and ask if they do chelation therapy. This is aweful I wish you well.
Here is a long interesting discussion on what some non-Rockefeller allopathic healers are experiencing with people injected and who seem to have some kind of energy loss, not unlike how I imagine zombification may be like:
Great point on the intoxication aspect. This is why I love groups like these, we learn so much from one another. Very grateful for all of you. Thank you.
That’s all well and good , but his views about Jewish people are delusional. To think that you belong to some people chosen by God and are somehow better than others is frankly evil and was VERY off putting in the interview.
Rafi is a Normie, and they get very elaborately-designed & decorated 'safe spaces' so they can maintain their own narradigm. And they have a huge arsenal of defenses! He's read everything, knows everything... only problem is he's never had a thought about what's outside the box.
thanks Nancy. I'm chugging through writing the history of one old branch of my family, a bunch of German farmers who came to Oz and US centuries ago. I'm trying to weave some of this modern stuff about the nazis, NWO etc into the reasons for emigration over time. Its difficult. I've read that oldies left Germany to come to the US. I dont know what they expected, but unless they could pay their passage with a work contract when they arrived, they werent allowed off the boat. Wish I could find more. The Rotwilers spread their gunk everywhere didnt they. imagine doing that family tree ugh! I wouldnt put it past them to have bought all the sperm banks.
Curious that you say he would shame us for our guns - that's where the line is drawn in the sand! I live in a community of more retired folks, everyone has a gun (some collect them :) We have no 'gang' activity here, and a very low crime rate.
There was an elderly man.....uncle of my friend. He lived in Israel. He said the first summer they had vaxes that he had to wait in line outside for 4 hours. He said they had those little coolers full but it was a very hot day and the same cooler was out for a long time. When he got to the nurses table he asked the nurse if the vax kept cool, that they are supposed to be cool. She told him to sit down and shut up or go home.
It is difficult to trust people again once the norm of what was.. has been assaulted by a foreign element. Nobody reacts like this for a group of people who have been suckered in for paper gold or silver. Or suckered in by addictive habits. All those bad choices were put under our collective noses by the organising of the overlords also. Fear is causing division.
I was completely shocked when you mentioned about hugging the center line while driving. I hadn’t heard a thing about that before, but noticed it last weekend while riding with my hubby, who, unfortunately took the shots. I thought it so odd, because I’d never noticed that behavior from him before. I didn’t say a word. No one likes a back seat driver. But I absolutely observed it firsthand, to the extent that I was confused by it. At the time, I thought maybe he was just especially tired or not feeling well. When you mentioned that, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I’m quite worried about people who took the shots. It makes me very sad.
My ex husband used to drive partly in the other lane almost all the time. We were on a dirt road rounding a curve going about 25 mph and he hit an oncoming car because he was half in their lane. No one was hurt. That's when I decided that I needed to drive. He would fall asleep while he was driving, too. He was in a terrible accident when he fell asleep at the wheel. Turns out he had terrible sleep apnea. My ex boyfriend did the same thing occasionally. He was a daily drinker but didn't drive drunk usually. I was the designated driver because I don't drink.
CBDCs are just slight of hand to disguise the total collapse of the central banking system and install a social credit system. I will never use them.
He has commented quite a bit on this in the past. For my part I keep no more in the bank than is convenient for me to have there. I keep a goodly amount of cash at home, the rest is commodities. #1 on commodities isn't gold or silver, that's #2, #1 is things you know you will need. For example, I had a hard time getting the motorcycle tires I wanted a year or more back. I have tires to last five or 6 years now. Food of course. You always need that. I built a new shed and bought metal for my roof. It came late so I won't be able to install it until spring, but I have it.
After spending money on THINGS, I invest in gold and silver.
Heard a rumor that paper money dated before 2022 will not be accepted. The catch is, I couldn't find a date on a new looking hundred dollar bill. It says series 2013 on it on the bottom front and has a letter before the serial number. Which is in the front top left and front bottom right hand corner of the bill. The letter indicates the year printed. I couldn't find the letter for 2022 or 2023 on the treasury website nor any other websites.
Yes please Cliff. Where do we put our money? There is only so much metals ppl can hold, some $ bank to pay electric bills etc, but where the rest? Bail in scary and FDIC OOL SAY is BS
Interesting comment about traffic accidents. There are so many more car accidents where cars are plowing into things and it's difficult to explain. Also, many people getting hit by cars. I think many of the excess accidents are vaccine driven. Also, vaccines are making people crazy. People are doing such strange things that is difficult to explain. Something is happening to their brains. Under normal circumstances, most of these things don't happen, at least not in such high frequencies.
Strange things for sure... like trying to accuse me of not living here in my own apartment building and trying to follow me to my apartment - to the point I have to call the police - and they’re screaming in my phone (to the police) that I don’t live here. The injected ones are living in a walking dead brain fog. He is not the only one who didn’t recognize me and accused me of not living here. I’ve here for four years! Since this is a senior place they brought the vaccine trucks and people lined up to get them! Shocking! Then they lined up to get the second one and that’s when they started dying and if they made it to boosters it was a miracle. If I had to guess I would say 15 people passed in the last two years, so sad, from being injected with experimental vaccines Just in the last two years. Before that may be two people a year passed away. Many more people are dying, than what they are telling us… Especially when it comes to the elderly. so yes, I agree. The vaccinated are acting nutso’s!!!
If VAERS only captures 1% of adverse events, by Dec, 2022 there were approximately. 38,000 deaths so that means so far 3.8 million are dead. These socio-psychopaths wiped out a city roughly the size if Chicago's population. Many more are permanently disabled.
Agree... AND... I noticed that the VAERS death count radically slowed once it started getting attention... I think the number is now massively understated, even for VAERS.
Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but top doctors are saying the VAERS are under reported by 39 to 1 . For every 1 reported reaction or death , 39 are not registered . This is complete genocide. My wife and I was recording the UK VAERS back in Feb 2020. By Sept of that year the numbers between Pfizer ,
Astrazeneca and Moderna were becoming so ridiculous where one would stop on the deaths for 4 weeks while the other ie Moderns would increase . It was like handing a baton in a race.
Total fraud and manipulation of the highest level , pure evil !
My experience with voluntary post-marketing surveillance when I worked for a legacy company of Pfizer and for GSK that collect data on all non-vax Rx drugs, is that I find the Harvard Pilgrim's Health Study of 99 adverse events unreported to 1 adverse event reported far more credible. This is under NORMAL circumstances in a clinic setting. Now, take an engineered bio-psychological fear-based operation, and layer it over the health care clinic setting. I speculate, with good cause based upon many years of speaking to physicians, and learning how they use, and often hate, their systems imposed upon them from Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Government, and increasingly Big Corporate Clinics, that it's likely more like 150 to175 adverse events unreported to 1 reported given how heavily all this was pushed, and manipulated by MONEY, from Congress, Big Pharma, etc. It overwhelmed the system with genocidal insanity.
Thank you for this eye watering information regarding the under reporting from vaccine adverse events . It's shocking to say the least and it goes to show how Big Pharma smudges the truth . To this day, I cannot believe that the public were brain washed by the media for taking this toxic clot shot. Some experts reckon that the UK are 68% vaxed with two doses . I would accept that number because I know very little people who are unvaxed. In my neighbourhood of 19 properties , only 2 houses are not vaxed ( myself and a Lithuanian family). A trend that I've noticed is a number of eastern Europeans who refused the vax. My country is in deep crap, personally I think the UK died in the early 1990's but that's a different topic !
I do not have the links here in front of me, but I have seen several estimates of the Covid VAERS under reporting rate. The estimates seem to run about a factor of 40 or 45. In other words for every incident reported, multiple by 40 or 45.
(The original Harvard study done years ago had a BIG range of somewhere between 10 to 100, so 45 or so is very believable.)
Yes, that or higher... and keep in mind... this is just getting started... the sheep are in denial, so any protocols that could slow or halt the vaxx damage will be unknown... or ignored.
Est 66% of Americans fully vaxxed... the die-offs will become surreal.
It's a bit surreal to be living through WWIII which is both a war on humanity to eternally enslave it, and a global revolutionary war at the same time. Humanity is resilient, and very powerfully spiritually. We need to exercise our spiritual powers. They're immense.
Love these driving podcasts. I drive to them and they're great company. Thank you clif. I watched the Rafi interview. You were very composed but rafi clearly didnt have a clue who you were and he thought he was going to be talking to some gew hating natzi and it fell flat. He is religiously indoctrinated so a lot of what clif said flew straight over rafi's head.
True enough, but did you catch the glint in his eyes when he asked Clif if he believed in God? Clif said not a “being”. I discerned, he became “disqualified” for not being in relationship with the Father. I could be wrong... doubt it.
Take care on those roads, Cliff. We appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this for us, even while you have to maintain awareness of the vehicle ahead.
I'll try to be situationally aware. I have to maintain composure and hope that I don't get caught up on the wrong side of anything.
I've been noticing the drivers are different from what they used to be. Their peripheral or width perspective of their own vehicle is really off. I drive 4hrs a day and I've seen it since the first clot shots.
Driving. Yes I here in the uk am seeing the same as you with bad driving. I work as a delivery driver so many miles in a day. Over these last years I am seeing more and more odd driving behaviours appear. A common one is blinker on for left hand manoeuvre but pulls right.
A few years ago I was following someone on side streets, they made eight turns with no signal. Stopped at a light from a side street onto a main artery I get off my motorcycle and walk up to the car. Young girl with, I assume dad, sitting in passenger seat.
"I don't think your signals work miss."
She turns on the signal.
"Ahh, working now. Problem is probably between the steering wheel and the seat."
Don’t forget they left the liquor stores open and were touting marijuana as a good pain killer. You have a lot of newly drug dependent people out there. Make no mistake.....alcohol is a drug.
Alcohol is a drug and it is addictive. Marijuana isn't addictive or harmful unless you're doing things that you wouldn't do anyway when smoking marijuana. In fact in many ways it is medicinal. It can be abused.
I don’t like my sister on it. Her and her new boyfriend go outside to smoke at events, ((like my sons wedding). When they come back in they reeek sooooo bad. I really don’t like the the smell. It is mind altering.....My sister wasn’t all that quick to begin with, now it’s impossible to hold a conversation for long sometimes. They don’t care. Don’t get me wrong, they are fine. I just don’t see it raising awareness or happiness or contentedness, or helpfulness. Things we need to raise the global consciousness and drive the apathetic evil away.
That would be abuse. I wouldn't do that, A: it is rude and B: I don't like talking to people, it makes me feel stupid.
I mostly just use it when I'm having a hard time sleeping. I built a shed a few months ago and when building the roof there I was crawling around in and out of roof trusses. I refuse to accept the concept that I'm too old for that shit but I was happy to have a pain killer available that I wasn't worried about taking.
Oh of course. And you are right about what they do being rude. I know in the beginning the cbd oil was not being made real, but they have come a long way with it it seems. Good for you actually. I have no idea really. I did order some extra strength hemp oil that reviews says works wonders for stiffness/ soreness after the gym.
I’m seeing emotional dynamics, mostly negative. It’s a red flag for me. I don’t take the bait or feed it, but do my best to derail in a positive vein. It’s like tap dancing.
Movie! From '63, I think. I learned when looking at comets, you should always keep one eye closed -- so you'll only be blind in the other eye, and can see to get away from the plants.. Lol. Scared me pretty good as a kid.
Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, We're Going to test that, Go Away Now, Keep your dick in a vice, See you Tomorrow, God F*ing Speed, God Bless
No, just that when the "vaxed" get COVID19 they get sicker for much longer. I'm 60, and not poisoned with the bioweapon, and in exceptional health. I, and 7 people, all but 1, much younger than I, betwen late 20's to mid-40's all got COVID19 at roughly the same time, a couple of weeks ago, and all have had the bioweapon. I was recovered by day 5, and fully so. It's basically a flu but definitely lab created. One didn't get very sick at all and the rest are still dealing with low-level, lingering symptoms.
so these diseases that people get all at the same time may not be person-to-person transmission, but a group of people in close proximity getting the same frequency waves?
The viruses don't exist crowd, in my opinion mostly nut jobs, gets mixed in with those who fear dangers of EMF crowd, much more rational but mostly very uninformed.
There's no doubt some EMF is dangerous, that is carcinogenic, and other issues quite well documented like potential, when in close proximity of EMF source, and people, mind control. Holding a powerful cell phone attena right next to your skull everyday has potential to cause brain tumors as the power is enough to mutate DNA. The power of the EMF coming off an antenna or other transmitters/source drops off inversely, that is 1 over the radius, of the distance from the power source cubed or squared. There's a near, and far field. Just using a speaker or ear buds prevents the short cell phone EMF waves from being powerful enough to penetrate your skin or skull. 5G is more powerful because it's pulsed microwave radiation but it's way more directed, and was developed decadesbago by the US Army as a weapon. US Armed Services doesn't care who it kills. They LOVE sending Americans to die in engineered wars so turning on US citizens on our home soil doesn't bother these socio-psychopaths one bit. It was DARPA, and US DOD that ked the bioweapon genocide.
Oh man. Posted comment shows up twice, delete one, both gone.
I do like this comment process but different input box glitches are annoying.
No virus has been isolated in a proper lab test, I wouldn't be so quick to call people nut jobs. I lean towards them not existing. Covid hasn't been isolated.
No wireless in my house, I have no smart phone, that's only one of the reasons why.
Okay, when I got chicken pox in 5th grade, which manifested decades later as shingles, explain what pathogen it is.
Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 results in episodic skin lesions about the mouth, and or genitals. I sold Valtrex or acyclovir which interfers with viral replication, and works for shingles as well as does one of the amino acids, Lysine or the other one beginning with an "L" as both interfere with viral replication. How is that? It's definitely not a bacterial infection. When I got COVID19 it was clearly a respiratory, rather typical influenza type manifestation of body and head aches, slight chills, a bit of a cough, and peaked in about 3 days, gone by 5 or 6 just like flu. Explan the pathogen. The viruses don't exist crowd is like the flat earth folks who twist evidence into pretzel logic.
Yes,thats the stuff,am not a scientist or biologist ,but neither are people like gates who is now making a second career out of viruses,and I also know when we are being lied to,which is most of the time.I do know that the cdc, nhe,and Canadian health were all challenged by credible people,right at the start of lockdowns to provide proof of covid,they couldn't.And one Canadian who went to court over a 1200 dollar fine asked the court the same thing,his fine was squashed because they admitted they could not
I've not read something so silly in a long time. He's a bit of a crank who went from only 2 peer-reviewed papers on viruses in the mid-1990's, one linked, below, to no research publications, then some valid public arguments about HIV, and retroviruses, mostly in the BMJ, and then to posting on a nice website called about HIV. This fringe assertion in 2020 that viruses don't exist at all is odd. He seemingly has no clue how they're even isolated now because he's likely not isolated any since he believed in them when he had 2 papers published. He has valid points about HIV, the rest of his stuff is nutter nonsense He has no experimental evidence WHATSOEVER to test a hypothesis he would formulate or to test whatever nutter theory he has about a variety of illnesses. It'd be a start if he could just identify what's even causing a variety of illnesses alleged, just by him, to not be viruses, and develop a treatment for just one of them. Or, maybe he could just use his nutter theory to explain then how all the antivirals work. No wonder so many nutters believe humans cause global warming/climate change. When it comes to fringe science the public that's largely never been in a lab to do real science will believe anything.
Nut job!,the so called experts even the ones on " our" side who claim to have isolated a virus,covid or sars 2, could not when challenged provide proof. Am with Andrew kaufman,have been from day one.Go look up the article in nexus magazine which goes back to the beginning,where a scientist/ doctor when examining an infection saw some stuff and decided that was the cause and called it a virus,the other possibility is that these things were attacking the infection,think called them endosomes, now just imagine where that leaves the whole field
So delicate, microscopic DNA can be isolated from cells with all manner of other much larger, more robust cellular gunk" but viruses cannot? Interesting hypothesis you have. All the tens of thousands of people in virology are all in on a huge hoax, and are developing what? antibiotics to treat what they're calling influenza, an episodic typically 5 day viral respiratory tract infection, killed by day 1 to 3 with Relenza inhalation, or, as another example, herpes, a recurring viral infection completely prevented with acyclovir or knocked out quickly with it when a herpes infection breaks the skin, and is also effective against shingles, which is later life manifestation of chicken pox from childhood. These are all what? bacterial infections? People just keep encountering people that transmit them to others? They don't actually go dormant in our bodies or are they bacteria that go dormant only to infect episodically? Or, the best is are they all just "exosomes?" I and my 6 friends all decided to expel exosomes with COVID19 symptoms at the same time a few weeks ago? Is the earth really flat too?
Spot on Eileen. The frequency to which you may be referring is likely 5G, @ 60 ghz. It is said to disable the electrons around the oxygen atom so that they are not available to the hemoglobin. Therefore, 02 cannot be acquried by the iron in the red blood cells and subsequently cannot be transmitted to the body where needed. Now there is more to it than just this simple statement, but yes I have read that 5G can produce flu like symptons. Take the Princess Cruise line fiasco as an example. Whuhan was ground zero for the first city in the world to go live with 5G. The most impacted cities around the world were the ones that rolled out 5G.
Am talking about the people who seem to be targeted, individuals,like me and others who never got the vacs.As for colds and flu,Philip day a health resercher( yes he's not a doctor so the real nut jobs won't heed his words even though he is quoting peer reviewed science which normally never sees the light of day), 20 years ago stated these diseases are simply your body going into detox,when conditions change, ie weather.Make sense,this 4 day incubation period doesn't make sense,and its why very little you take can "cure" it,cancer is exactly the same,ie when your body chemistry changes ,goes acidic ,cells in your body start to mutate,this is what royal Raymond rife found with his microscope.One of the scientists in glaxo asked me why I was reading a rubbish magazine like nexus,so I challenged him if he had ever studied live blood cell samples,he give me a look and walked away,nut jobs eh?
Oh, you're a "targeted" person? I am unvaxed, and a group of my friends, all vaxed, and all but one much younger than I, and all in excellent health, physical condition, rarely get illness, etc. all got targeted by COVID19 within hours or days, at the most. I think the CIA sent someone to spray it at us. I was good by day 3, fully recovered by day 5 with a few, minor lingering for a day or 2 symptoms, just like with flu. They're all "targetted" because they were more ill, and it lasted longer, except for one guy who barely had symptoms. CIA must be incredibly sophisticated. You're very funny.
It's impossible to prove something doesn't exist, we have to rely on the possibility of proving that it does. Failing that it is wrong to say that it does.
Compound that with the level of science we are at, we have electron microscopes. Imaging viruses should be a no brainer, unless they don't exist.
Corelation does not imply causation. On top of that much of the 'science' we have been taught appears to be misleading. I can't say that viruses don't exist. All I can say is that there is no 'real' evidence for them so I'm a long way from being convinced that they do.
Yes. It’s hard to know with the language. It sounds like they are combining a (viral data set) with a protein to be carried into the body. The viral part tries to adjust something making a hole for bacteria to enter making the problem worse so replication of the viral protein keeps going to fix the problem.
I suppose that could be. Maybe a group of people who all got vaccinated at the same time and have the same vulnerability. I don't have a scenario for that.
I was ill,really ill,it was like no flu I've ever had,even black magic involved,was on the verge of going to hospital as I nearly collapsed 3 times( that would have been a big mistake),anyway am re reading some of my truth campaign mags and in an article by tim rifat he's talking about microwave weapons ,how they can target individuals and create flu like syptoms,this was 20 years ago,I knew I'd seen this somewhere,and also Tom beardon wrote they can send diseases by using frequencies,its basically how radionics works
Quite unlikely, except it could introduce nanotech, but not much, as a cotton swab is small, mostly cotton, and many viruses don't typically last long intact on surfaces depending upon temperature, and the long swabs need to perforate a thin bone to introduce it where it could possibly cross the blood brain barrier. It's a relatively minor aspect of this whole operation. The main aspects were bioweapons, COVID19, and the shots, hyped fear over not much, CARES Act paying Big money to sedate, incubate, and murder COVID19 patients, mandates, PCR used as a diagnostic test which it IS NOT. Swabs were mostly a weird distraction.
No vaxes except a few when I was a child. Polio, and I think MMR which is measles, mumps, rubella. One flu shot in maybe 2004 which was dumb since I haven't had flu since grade school. I worked for a legacy company of Pfizer, and for GSK. Big Pharma is 85% scam, 15% legit. Maybe 100% scam now.
Yes they are the cause for flu and colds. I have not had either one since I stopped with the jab. Before that I always go the flu once a year and a cold once or twice a year. My mom stopped too six or seven years ago and has not been sick since. Before that she got the same as I did every year with flu and cold. Everyone I know that stopped have experienced the same results. So yes, I think it is the cause. Also, my mom's Parkinson's disease is gone. It disappeared one year after stopping the jab(s). This is not common for Parkinson's disease to go away. She also got cancer from injecting a bone building medicine once a day into her abdomen. We cured that with Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). Gone in two months time. I am so happy more people are waking up to the truth!
I haven't vaxxed at all that I can remember, I found a vaccination record that shows I got vaccines at eight years old, I may have gotten one in high school but never since.
So my good health is a direct result of me finding the whole idea of going out and getting vaccinated annoying. I just couldn't be bothered, I claim no foreknowledge of harm over and above a general mistrust of doctors.
I like to know how things work, most people are eager to share their knowledge. That seems to be a rare trait in doctors though.
My flu shot in 2004 did nothing. I've rarely had any illnesses. Had flu a couple times when in grade school, colds once in a while, never too bad, and one respiratory infection in 1999 that wasn't too bad but lasted a while.
Think of the half-wit, CRT brainwashed, Yale--a Criminally Insane Asswipes' subsidiary--- mind-controlled, U Texas trained "physician" from Pfizer smashing the Project Veritas laptop on the floor as a preview of a deep state, CRT, whipping boy pawn releasing tension as a preview of Feb 2. Aside from the felony robbery he comiited his other main release of mental illness tension was noting that the PV folks were 4 white people. He's actually one of the more intelligent deep state goons. He makes most at the CIA, FBI, Pfizer, DOD, NIH, etc., and Klaus anal Schwab look like mouth breathers by comparison.
One needs a bit of a wide angle lens when peering into the twisted psychology of a mind numbed, CRT goon who got into Yale on a quota, got hired by BCG because he fills 2 must haves, gay, and dark skin, then got scooped up by Pfizer because he fills out some quota stuff, and will do anything for a few dollars.
As ever thanks Clif_
Now heres a thing…….This road centre line hugging thingy is redolent of driving when intoxicated.
As if the normal checks and balances of spatial awareness are cut loose and a sense of having to be super dupa careful prevails. My guess unbalance. Ive heard folk say that they just don't feel right or human since ‘volunteering’
I've just posted something similar. I agree. I hear that a lot ... I just don't feel right. Very eerie ... zombie like!
It's probably those heavy metals in the blood- have to get them out with charcoal, clay etc, and pray. (my humble non-medical opinion)
Indeed. Brain Saver. New book by Anthony William all about toxic heavy metals and their damage to the brain and body. Best of all it gives remedies that are easy and effective.
amazing 🙏 thank you!
Reacting with 5G? Graphene Oxide from the jabs too. Nanotechnology is an abomination.
EDTA is a proven therapy for removing heavy metals, but not sure it it works for graphene.
thanks- never taken edta before, have you? do you have a place where you like to buy it?
There are some articles on EDTA being used by the Navy to treat mercury and lead poisoning, and it was reported to work well, but they were using it intravenously, so the oral capsules may not work as well. I have taken it but was not suffering from lead or mercury toxicity that I know of.
Here is a good supplier.
Thanks so much Justin for sharing!
Chelation therapy is an effective way to get EDTA. This is administered via intravenous therapy. Search for iv therapy and ask if they do chelation therapy. This is aweful I wish you well.
I'm not jabbed thank god but a little prevention helps a lot. Thanks so much Tess!
Here is a long interesting discussion on what some non-Rockefeller allopathic healers are experiencing with people injected and who seem to have some kind of energy loss, not unlike how I imagine zombification may be like:
That makes sense.
5G is a factor as well
Absofreakinglutely. Why those satellites must come down.
5G doesn't come from safely.
Great point on the intoxication aspect. This is why I love groups like these, we learn so much from one another. Very grateful for all of you. Thank you.
Could also be astrological influences.
I think alcoholics drive that way even when they're not drinking.
Rafi is NOT jabbed
He suffered and his family greatly because he refused to comply
Rafi is sad because his family friends and community tried to kill him and ship him off to a camp
Set him outside the community
Which was very traumatizing
And he wants to understand how to go back to living with them now they have done this
It is a tragedy
That’s all well and good , but his views about Jewish people are delusional. To think that you belong to some people chosen by God and are somehow better than others is frankly evil and was VERY off putting in the interview.
Rafi is a Normie, and they get very elaborately-designed & decorated 'safe spaces' so they can maintain their own narradigm. And they have a huge arsenal of defenses! He's read everything, knows everything... only problem is he's never had a thought about what's outside the box.
1920's Khazarian Mafia Kalergi Plan identified exterminating White Race & Christianity essential for Jewish Supremacist Nazi World Order take over.
Ethnicity & agenda of Vax pushers. Note 2 genetic groups that are missing take-up C19 pathway - Ashkenazi Jews & Amish.
thanks Nancy. I'm chugging through writing the history of one old branch of my family, a bunch of German farmers who came to Oz and US centuries ago. I'm trying to weave some of this modern stuff about the nazis, NWO etc into the reasons for emigration over time. Its difficult. I've read that oldies left Germany to come to the US. I dont know what they expected, but unless they could pay their passage with a work contract when they arrived, they werent allowed off the boat. Wish I could find more. The Rotwilers spread their gunk everywhere didnt they. imagine doing that family tree ugh! I wouldnt put it past them to have bought all the sperm banks.
BitChute so začeli blokirati ti...
Yes and his inability to let go
We will see many people in the coming years fall as Lots wife did
Correct... check this out:
Well I'm an American
I believe in our excellence due to our Republic
I feel we have been brought to less for a few persons gain
I fight to regain our excellence spread our constitutional values
I don't see these as different pursuits
We no longer have a Republic... due to the "Patriot" Act and declarations of endless declared National "emergencies".
Our Constitution is constantly ignored... a totally corrupt DOJ, FBI, DHS... most courts, including, definitely, the SCOTUS.
Thank you for that info. The interview would have been so different, had both of them been more aware of the others' past. Looking forward to #2!
I agree but you know I feel they will have better interviews in the future
I have great respect for Rafi
He will shame us for our guns and living in the US as not a safe place
But he has forgotten that the Israelis have jabbed more than anyone that includes military
It is only a matter of time before his ethos will be tested again
We will watch and wait and hope for the best possible outcome
Curious that you say he would shame us for our guns - that's where the line is drawn in the sand! I live in a community of more retired folks, everyone has a gun (some collect them :) We have no 'gang' activity here, and a very low crime rate.
There was an elderly man.....uncle of my friend. He lived in Israel. He said the first summer they had vaxes that he had to wait in line outside for 4 hours. He said they had those little coolers full but it was a very hot day and the same cooler was out for a long time. When he got to the nurses table he asked the nurse if the vax kept cool, that they are supposed to be cool. She told him to sit down and shut up or go home.
Well lets hope it was enough to save them
It is difficult to trust people again once the norm of what was.. has been assaulted by a foreign element. Nobody reacts like this for a group of people who have been suckered in for paper gold or silver. Or suckered in by addictive habits. All those bad choices were put under our collective noses by the organising of the overlords also. Fear is causing division.
I was completely shocked when you mentioned about hugging the center line while driving. I hadn’t heard a thing about that before, but noticed it last weekend while riding with my hubby, who, unfortunately took the shots. I thought it so odd, because I’d never noticed that behavior from him before. I didn’t say a word. No one likes a back seat driver. But I absolutely observed it firsthand, to the extent that I was confused by it. At the time, I thought maybe he was just especially tired or not feeling well. When you mentioned that, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I’m quite worried about people who took the shots. It makes me very sad.
My ex husband used to drive partly in the other lane almost all the time. We were on a dirt road rounding a curve going about 25 mph and he hit an oncoming car because he was half in their lane. No one was hurt. That's when I decided that I needed to drive. He would fall asleep while he was driving, too. He was in a terrible accident when he fell asleep at the wheel. Turns out he had terrible sleep apnea. My ex boyfriend did the same thing occasionally. He was a daily drinker but didn't drive drunk usually. I was the designated driver because I don't drink.
Would you please ask him about it and report back to us lol?
Clif, we need some advice on how to avoid the CBDC...but first how to avoid the bank bail ins...
CBDCs are just slight of hand to disguise the total collapse of the central banking system and install a social credit system. I will never use them.
He has commented quite a bit on this in the past. For my part I keep no more in the bank than is convenient for me to have there. I keep a goodly amount of cash at home, the rest is commodities. #1 on commodities isn't gold or silver, that's #2, #1 is things you know you will need. For example, I had a hard time getting the motorcycle tires I wanted a year or more back. I have tires to last five or 6 years now. Food of course. You always need that. I built a new shed and bought metal for my roof. It came late so I won't be able to install it until spring, but I have it.
After spending money on THINGS, I invest in gold and silver.
Heard a rumor that paper money dated before 2022 will not be accepted. The catch is, I couldn't find a date on a new looking hundred dollar bill. It says series 2013 on it on the bottom front and has a letter before the serial number. Which is in the front top left and front bottom right hand corner of the bill. The letter indicates the year printed. I couldn't find the letter for 2022 or 2023 on the treasury website nor any other websites.
Easy... buy lots of physical SILVER.
Yes please Cliff. Where do we put our money? There is only so much metals ppl can hold, some $ bank to pay electric bills etc, but where the rest? Bail in scary and FDIC OOL SAY is BS
if you have cash in the bank take most of it out and hide somewhere in your house. I took most of my cash out of the bank. I feel so better.
Keep it tangible
Totally Need some advise on this but making moves now.
Interesting comment about traffic accidents. There are so many more car accidents where cars are plowing into things and it's difficult to explain. Also, many people getting hit by cars. I think many of the excess accidents are vaccine driven. Also, vaccines are making people crazy. People are doing such strange things that is difficult to explain. Something is happening to their brains. Under normal circumstances, most of these things don't happen, at least not in such high frequencies.
Strange things for sure... like trying to accuse me of not living here in my own apartment building and trying to follow me to my apartment - to the point I have to call the police - and they’re screaming in my phone (to the police) that I don’t live here. The injected ones are living in a walking dead brain fog. He is not the only one who didn’t recognize me and accused me of not living here. I’ve here for four years! Since this is a senior place they brought the vaccine trucks and people lined up to get them! Shocking! Then they lined up to get the second one and that’s when they started dying and if they made it to boosters it was a miracle. If I had to guess I would say 15 people passed in the last two years, so sad, from being injected with experimental vaccines Just in the last two years. Before that may be two people a year passed away. Many more people are dying, than what they are telling us… Especially when it comes to the elderly. so yes, I agree. The vaccinated are acting nutso’s!!!
If VAERS only captures 1% of adverse events, by Dec, 2022 there were approximately. 38,000 deaths so that means so far 3.8 million are dead. These socio-psychopaths wiped out a city roughly the size if Chicago's population. Many more are permanently disabled.
Agree... AND... I noticed that the VAERS death count radically slowed once it started getting attention... I think the number is now massively understated, even for VAERS.
Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but top doctors are saying the VAERS are under reported by 39 to 1 . For every 1 reported reaction or death , 39 are not registered . This is complete genocide. My wife and I was recording the UK VAERS back in Feb 2020. By Sept of that year the numbers between Pfizer ,
Astrazeneca and Moderna were becoming so ridiculous where one would stop on the deaths for 4 weeks while the other ie Moderns would increase . It was like handing a baton in a race.
Total fraud and manipulation of the highest level , pure evil !
My experience with voluntary post-marketing surveillance when I worked for a legacy company of Pfizer and for GSK that collect data on all non-vax Rx drugs, is that I find the Harvard Pilgrim's Health Study of 99 adverse events unreported to 1 adverse event reported far more credible. This is under NORMAL circumstances in a clinic setting. Now, take an engineered bio-psychological fear-based operation, and layer it over the health care clinic setting. I speculate, with good cause based upon many years of speaking to physicians, and learning how they use, and often hate, their systems imposed upon them from Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Government, and increasingly Big Corporate Clinics, that it's likely more like 150 to175 adverse events unreported to 1 reported given how heavily all this was pushed, and manipulated by MONEY, from Congress, Big Pharma, etc. It overwhelmed the system with genocidal insanity.
Thank you for this eye watering information regarding the under reporting from vaccine adverse events . It's shocking to say the least and it goes to show how Big Pharma smudges the truth . To this day, I cannot believe that the public were brain washed by the media for taking this toxic clot shot. Some experts reckon that the UK are 68% vaxed with two doses . I would accept that number because I know very little people who are unvaxed. In my neighbourhood of 19 properties , only 2 houses are not vaxed ( myself and a Lithuanian family). A trend that I've noticed is a number of eastern Europeans who refused the vax. My country is in deep crap, personally I think the UK died in the early 1990's but that's a different topic !
I do not have the links here in front of me, but I have seen several estimates of the Covid VAERS under reporting rate. The estimates seem to run about a factor of 40 or 45. In other words for every incident reported, multiple by 40 or 45.
(The original Harvard study done years ago had a BIG range of somewhere between 10 to 100, so 45 or so is very believable.)
Yes, that or higher... and keep in mind... this is just getting started... the sheep are in denial, so any protocols that could slow or halt the vaxx damage will be unknown... or ignored.
Est 66% of Americans fully vaxxed... the die-offs will become surreal.
I used to hear ambulances pass by on a road close by, maybe twice a year; now it’s twice a day or more. That tells me more than “official” figures.
Ever so sad!
It's a bit surreal to be living through WWIII which is both a war on humanity to eternally enslave it, and a global revolutionary war at the same time. Humanity is resilient, and very powerfully spiritually. We need to exercise our spiritual powers. They're immense.
Love these driving podcasts. I drive to them and they're great company. Thank you clif. I watched the Rafi interview. You were very composed but rafi clearly didnt have a clue who you were and he thought he was going to be talking to some gew hating natzi and it fell flat. He is religiously indoctrinated so a lot of what clif said flew straight over rafi's head.
True enough, but did you catch the glint in his eyes when he asked Clif if he believed in God? Clif said not a “being”. I discerned, he became “disqualified” for not being in relationship with the Father. I could be wrong... doubt it.
Take care on those roads, Cliff. We appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this for us, even while you have to maintain awareness of the vehicle ahead.
I'll try to be situationally aware. I have to maintain composure and hope that I don't get caught up on the wrong side of anything.
I've been noticing the drivers are different from what they used to be. Their peripheral or width perspective of their own vehicle is really off. I drive 4hrs a day and I've seen it since the first clot shots.
Gives a whole new meaning to defensive driving techniques.
February 2 is Groundhog Day
As is their ever repeating and relentless PsyOp.
With luck no more shadows and an early Spring to end the Winters of Dystopia.
The tension you talk about reminds me of geological release of earthquake:
Exactly what my hubby said this am whilst listening
Driving. Yes I here in the uk am seeing the same as you with bad driving. I work as a delivery driver so many miles in a day. Over these last years I am seeing more and more odd driving behaviours appear. A common one is blinker on for left hand manoeuvre but pulls right.
A few years ago I was following someone on side streets, they made eight turns with no signal. Stopped at a light from a side street onto a main artery I get off my motorcycle and walk up to the car. Young girl with, I assume dad, sitting in passenger seat.
"I don't think your signals work miss."
She turns on the signal.
"Ahh, working now. Problem is probably between the steering wheel and the seat."
Don’t forget they left the liquor stores open and were touting marijuana as a good pain killer. You have a lot of newly drug dependent people out there. Make no mistake.....alcohol is a drug.
So are sugar and fat.
Alcohol is a drug and it is addictive. Marijuana isn't addictive or harmful unless you're doing things that you wouldn't do anyway when smoking marijuana. In fact in many ways it is medicinal. It can be abused.
I don’t like my sister on it. Her and her new boyfriend go outside to smoke at events, ((like my sons wedding). When they come back in they reeek sooooo bad. I really don’t like the the smell. It is mind altering.....My sister wasn’t all that quick to begin with, now it’s impossible to hold a conversation for long sometimes. They don’t care. Don’t get me wrong, they are fine. I just don’t see it raising awareness or happiness or contentedness, or helpfulness. Things we need to raise the global consciousness and drive the apathetic evil away.
That would be abuse. I wouldn't do that, A: it is rude and B: I don't like talking to people, it makes me feel stupid.
I mostly just use it when I'm having a hard time sleeping. I built a shed a few months ago and when building the roof there I was crawling around in and out of roof trusses. I refuse to accept the concept that I'm too old for that shit but I was happy to have a pain killer available that I wasn't worried about taking.
Oh of course. And you are right about what they do being rude. I know in the beginning the cbd oil was not being made real, but they have come a long way with it it seems. Good for you actually. I have no idea really. I did order some extra strength hemp oil that reviews says works wonders for stiffness/ soreness after the gym.
I’m seeing emotional dynamics, mostly negative. It’s a red flag for me. I don’t take the bait or feed it, but do my best to derail in a positive vein. It’s like tap dancing.
Triffids! That was a good book.
Movie! From '63, I think. I learned when looking at comets, you should always keep one eye closed -- so you'll only be blind in the other eye, and can see to get away from the plants.. Lol. Scared me pretty good as a kid.
Yes, it was! I didn't remember the green comet, but Clif's got a better database between is ears than I do :)
I remember the comets, I didn't remember they were green. I read it 50 years ago, twice at least.
Thanks clif_. Looking forward to your series of talks. Let's ride these waves ahead. Bout time
Clif touches on so many things I want to know more about.
He's just an old tease.
Also, I like this comment system, except it updates in the middle of writing messages and tosses you out of the input box. I don't like that.
Thank You for the heads up Clif,
Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, We're Going to test that, Go Away Now, Keep your dick in a vice, See you Tomorrow, God F*ing Speed, God Bless
anyone else notice an increase in impulsiveness and increase in substance abuse in the vaxxed?
No, just that when the "vaxed" get COVID19 they get sicker for much longer. I'm 60, and not poisoned with the bioweapon, and in exceptional health. I, and 7 people, all but 1, much younger than I, betwen late 20's to mid-40's all got COVID19 at roughly the same time, a couple of weeks ago, and all have had the bioweapon. I was recovered by day 5, and fully so. It's basically a flu but definitely lab created. One didn't get very sick at all and the rest are still dealing with low-level, lingering symptoms.
I'm curious. 65 and I last had the flu when I was 20. Haven't been sick since.
Have you had any pre-covid vaccines in the last decades?
so these diseases that people get all at the same time may not be person-to-person transmission, but a group of people in close proximity getting the same frequency waves?
The viruses don't exist crowd, in my opinion mostly nut jobs, gets mixed in with those who fear dangers of EMF crowd, much more rational but mostly very uninformed.
There's no doubt some EMF is dangerous, that is carcinogenic, and other issues quite well documented like potential, when in close proximity of EMF source, and people, mind control. Holding a powerful cell phone attena right next to your skull everyday has potential to cause brain tumors as the power is enough to mutate DNA. The power of the EMF coming off an antenna or other transmitters/source drops off inversely, that is 1 over the radius, of the distance from the power source cubed or squared. There's a near, and far field. Just using a speaker or ear buds prevents the short cell phone EMF waves from being powerful enough to penetrate your skin or skull. 5G is more powerful because it's pulsed microwave radiation but it's way more directed, and was developed decadesbago by the US Army as a weapon. US Armed Services doesn't care who it kills. They LOVE sending Americans to die in engineered wars so turning on US citizens on our home soil doesn't bother these socio-psychopaths one bit. It was DARPA, and US DOD that ked the bioweapon genocide.
Oh man. Posted comment shows up twice, delete one, both gone.
I do like this comment process but different input box glitches are annoying.
No virus has been isolated in a proper lab test, I wouldn't be so quick to call people nut jobs. I lean towards them not existing. Covid hasn't been isolated.
No wireless in my house, I have no smart phone, that's only one of the reasons why.
Okay, when I got chicken pox in 5th grade, which manifested decades later as shingles, explain what pathogen it is.
Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 results in episodic skin lesions about the mouth, and or genitals. I sold Valtrex or acyclovir which interfers with viral replication, and works for shingles as well as does one of the amino acids, Lysine or the other one beginning with an "L" as both interfere with viral replication. How is that? It's definitely not a bacterial infection. When I got COVID19 it was clearly a respiratory, rather typical influenza type manifestation of body and head aches, slight chills, a bit of a cough, and peaked in about 3 days, gone by 5 or 6 just like flu. Explan the pathogen. The viruses don't exist crowd is like the flat earth folks who twist evidence into pretzel logic.
Yes,thats the stuff,am not a scientist or biologist ,but neither are people like gates who is now making a second career out of viruses,and I also know when we are being lied to,which is most of the time.I do know that the cdc, nhe,and Canadian health were all challenged by credible people,right at the start of lockdowns to provide proof of covid,they couldn't.And one Canadian who went to court over a 1200 dollar fine asked the court the same thing,his fine was squashed because they admitted they could not
I've not read something so silly in a long time. He's a bit of a crank who went from only 2 peer-reviewed papers on viruses in the mid-1990's, one linked, below, to no research publications, then some valid public arguments about HIV, and retroviruses, mostly in the BMJ, and then to posting on a nice website called about HIV. This fringe assertion in 2020 that viruses don't exist at all is odd. He seemingly has no clue how they're even isolated now because he's likely not isolated any since he believed in them when he had 2 papers published. He has valid points about HIV, the rest of his stuff is nutter nonsense He has no experimental evidence WHATSOEVER to test a hypothesis he would formulate or to test whatever nutter theory he has about a variety of illnesses. It'd be a start if he could just identify what's even causing a variety of illnesses alleged, just by him, to not be viruses, and develop a treatment for just one of them. Or, maybe he could just use his nutter theory to explain then how all the antivirals work. No wonder so many nutters believe humans cause global warming/climate change. When it comes to fringe science the public that's largely never been in a lab to do real science will believe anything.
Nut job!,the so called experts even the ones on " our" side who claim to have isolated a virus,covid or sars 2, could not when challenged provide proof. Am with Andrew kaufman,have been from day one.Go look up the article in nexus magazine which goes back to the beginning,where a scientist/ doctor when examining an infection saw some stuff and decided that was the cause and called it a virus,the other possibility is that these things were attacking the infection,think called them endosomes, now just imagine where that leaves the whole field
So delicate, microscopic DNA can be isolated from cells with all manner of other much larger, more robust cellular gunk" but viruses cannot? Interesting hypothesis you have. All the tens of thousands of people in virology are all in on a huge hoax, and are developing what? antibiotics to treat what they're calling influenza, an episodic typically 5 day viral respiratory tract infection, killed by day 1 to 3 with Relenza inhalation, or, as another example, herpes, a recurring viral infection completely prevented with acyclovir or knocked out quickly with it when a herpes infection breaks the skin, and is also effective against shingles, which is later life manifestation of chicken pox from childhood. These are all what? bacterial infections? People just keep encountering people that transmit them to others? They don't actually go dormant in our bodies or are they bacteria that go dormant only to infect episodically? Or, the best is are they all just "exosomes?" I and my 6 friends all decided to expel exosomes with COVID19 symptoms at the same time a few weeks ago? Is the earth really flat too?
Spot on Eileen. The frequency to which you may be referring is likely 5G, @ 60 ghz. It is said to disable the electrons around the oxygen atom so that they are not available to the hemoglobin. Therefore, 02 cannot be acquried by the iron in the red blood cells and subsequently cannot be transmitted to the body where needed. Now there is more to it than just this simple statement, but yes I have read that 5G can produce flu like symptons. Take the Princess Cruise line fiasco as an example. Whuhan was ground zero for the first city in the world to go live with 5G. The most impacted cities around the world were the ones that rolled out 5G.
that's why Clif lives far from any transmission towers and any Darpa.
Am talking about the people who seem to be targeted, individuals,like me and others who never got the vacs.As for colds and flu,Philip day a health resercher( yes he's not a doctor so the real nut jobs won't heed his words even though he is quoting peer reviewed science which normally never sees the light of day), 20 years ago stated these diseases are simply your body going into detox,when conditions change, ie weather.Make sense,this 4 day incubation period doesn't make sense,and its why very little you take can "cure" it,cancer is exactly the same,ie when your body chemistry changes ,goes acidic ,cells in your body start to mutate,this is what royal Raymond rife found with his microscope.One of the scientists in glaxo asked me why I was reading a rubbish magazine like nexus,so I challenged him if he had ever studied live blood cell samples,he give me a look and walked away,nut jobs eh?
Oh, you're a "targeted" person? I am unvaxed, and a group of my friends, all vaxed, and all but one much younger than I, and all in excellent health, physical condition, rarely get illness, etc. all got targeted by COVID19 within hours or days, at the most. I think the CIA sent someone to spray it at us. I was good by day 3, fully recovered by day 5 with a few, minor lingering for a day or 2 symptoms, just like with flu. They're all "targetted" because they were more ill, and it lasted longer, except for one guy who barely had symptoms. CIA must be incredibly sophisticated. You're very funny.
It's impossible to prove something doesn't exist, we have to rely on the possibility of proving that it does. Failing that it is wrong to say that it does.
Compound that with the level of science we are at, we have electron microscopes. Imaging viruses should be a no brainer, unless they don't exist.
Corelation does not imply causation. On top of that much of the 'science' we have been taught appears to be misleading. I can't say that viruses don't exist. All I can say is that there is no 'real' evidence for them so I'm a long way from being convinced that they do.
Yes. It’s hard to know with the language. It sounds like they are combining a (viral data set) with a protein to be carried into the body. The viral part tries to adjust something making a hole for bacteria to enter making the problem worse so replication of the viral protein keeps going to fix the problem.
I suppose that could be. Maybe a group of people who all got vaccinated at the same time and have the same vulnerability. I don't have a scenario for that.
I was ill,really ill,it was like no flu I've ever had,even black magic involved,was on the verge of going to hospital as I nearly collapsed 3 times( that would have been a big mistake),anyway am re reading some of my truth campaign mags and in an article by tim rifat he's talking about microwave weapons ,how they can target individuals and create flu like syptoms,this was 20 years ago,I knew I'd seen this somewhere,and also Tom beardon wrote they can send diseases by using frequencies,its basically how radionics works
So it sounds like keeping our vibrations up in a higher frequency would be the thing yo do. Take care of ourselves
the covid test swabs could also be a mode of transmission because the test swab also crosses the body's external defenses.
Quite unlikely, except it could introduce nanotech, but not much, as a cotton swab is small, mostly cotton, and many viruses don't typically last long intact on surfaces depending upon temperature, and the long swabs need to perforate a thin bone to introduce it where it could possibly cross the blood brain barrier. It's a relatively minor aspect of this whole operation. The main aspects were bioweapons, COVID19, and the shots, hyped fear over not much, CARES Act paying Big money to sedate, incubate, and murder COVID19 patients, mandates, PCR used as a diagnostic test which it IS NOT. Swabs were mostly a weird distraction.
No vaxes except a few when I was a child. Polio, and I think MMR which is measles, mumps, rubella. One flu shot in maybe 2004 which was dumb since I haven't had flu since grade school. I worked for a legacy company of Pfizer, and for GSK. Big Pharma is 85% scam, 15% legit. Maybe 100% scam now.
Ahh. So maybe it was the 2004 shot then?
I got the flu twice in a year and it was horrible, never in the last 45 years. I'm trying to decide if the vaccines are the cause.
Yes they are the cause for flu and colds. I have not had either one since I stopped with the jab. Before that I always go the flu once a year and a cold once or twice a year. My mom stopped too six or seven years ago and has not been sick since. Before that she got the same as I did every year with flu and cold. Everyone I know that stopped have experienced the same results. So yes, I think it is the cause. Also, my mom's Parkinson's disease is gone. It disappeared one year after stopping the jab(s). This is not common for Parkinson's disease to go away. She also got cancer from injecting a bone building medicine once a day into her abdomen. We cured that with Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). Gone in two months time. I am so happy more people are waking up to the truth!
I'll put that to bed then.
I haven't vaxxed at all that I can remember, I found a vaccination record that shows I got vaccines at eight years old, I may have gotten one in high school but never since.
So my good health is a direct result of me finding the whole idea of going out and getting vaccinated annoying. I just couldn't be bothered, I claim no foreknowledge of harm over and above a general mistrust of doctors.
I like to know how things work, most people are eager to share their knowledge. That seems to be a rare trait in doctors though.
My flu shot in 2004 did nothing. I've rarely had any illnesses. Had flu a couple times when in grade school, colds once in a while, never too bad, and one respiratory infection in 1999 that wasn't too bad but lasted a while.
Think of the half-wit, CRT brainwashed, Yale--a Criminally Insane Asswipes' subsidiary--- mind-controlled, U Texas trained "physician" from Pfizer smashing the Project Veritas laptop on the floor as a preview of a deep state, CRT, whipping boy pawn releasing tension as a preview of Feb 2. Aside from the felony robbery he comiited his other main release of mental illness tension was noting that the PV folks were 4 white people. He's actually one of the more intelligent deep state goons. He makes most at the CIA, FBI, Pfizer, DOD, NIH, etc., and Klaus anal Schwab look like mouth breathers by comparison.
[[[half-wit, CRT brainwashed, Yale--a Criminally Insane Asswipes' subsidiary--- mind-controlled, U Texas trained "physician" from Pfizer]]]
LOL! That narrows it down.
One needs a bit of a wide angle lens when peering into the twisted psychology of a mind numbed, CRT goon who got into Yale on a quota, got hired by BCG because he fills 2 must haves, gay, and dark skin, then got scooped up by Pfizer because he fills out some quota stuff, and will do anything for a few dollars.
A trophy exec. Well, he's up the creek now. Evil context aside, how funny is that?
The Mark Dice commentary on it will make your gut hurt you'll laugh so much.
Yes. I follow Mark Dice, he's great.
I enjoyed his series where he would don fluorescent hair and address council meetings. One of the later ones the woman said "Thank you Mr. Dice."
Oh well, that joke had run its course anyway.
I had to share the 'Criminally Insane Asswipes' bit, thank you for the much-needed laugh.