Clif you are sooo right. I am part of the baby boomers. My grandfather made room additions with scrap wood from the boxes that copper and brass came in as he worked at Revere Copper and Brass. Most wouldn't recognize this name but they made quality pots and pans......which I still have. We would pull nails from these shipping boxes and save the wooden panels and even saves some of the nails. Much of the wood we used to put on a 24 by 24 foot addition on a house came from those " scrapes" my dad and grandfather built the addition as well.We didn't have a contractor or any other kind of specialist. In those days you learned the aspects of building, gardening, and fixing your own cars. We didn't have cell phones, tablets, computers, Xbox or play station to sit behind and grow fat and unhealthy. We went outside to play when my dad whistled or flicked the front porch light on and off you knew you better get your butt home. It was time to go inside. A dishwasher was all five of us kids. My grandmother was a great seamstress. She taught me how to sew. My grandfather had a hammer in my hand when I was 7. I have changed my own oil in my car and to this day like making and doing things on my own. Everything you buy from China is the most inferior products I have ever seen. We live in a throw away society. Maybe now we will FIX things as opposed to toss away and buy new. Our land fills are full of crap which could be fixed and recycled. Time these youngsters know what it was like to do and build things themselves. Maybe if more people fabricated and fixed things a sense of appreciation and loyalty will grow within this country.

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I'm 72. I remember the hot 105 degree summers in Kansas when Mom had enough of our complaining or rough housing inside. "Go outside!" So we did. And it was better under the big oak tree, because there was no AC inside in 1957. Now parents say, "Come inside, it's too hot to play outside". We are making bonsai trees out of our children. They will never grow to their full potential.

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They want us older folks to go away. Because We are the brain trust

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I agree However, if you try that today the Zoning Broard would show up with fines and legal action...I also love to build and create things in my own design but OH NO it must be inspected and you need a License Blah Blah

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You still need inspection then. But you are right. Too much government bias. It is called to much money making schemes.

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Right you are. I'm recall part of those older ways, making do w/ stuff you could scrounge one way or another. I'm almost a boomer, but not quite. About a decade ago 'maker spaces' and 'fab labs' were trendy for a few years in my area, and then they started dwindling and most within driving distance of me shut down or went private. They were both fun and very practically instructive. I think it's time for those to make a huge comeback - should ideally be one in every high school Local design, fabrication in small batches & manufacturing. Kind of like local small batch whiskey from the start-up distillery down the street :). Additive Mfg / 3D printing is ready for prime time now, compared to what it was a decade ago. We need to start training some skilled craftsmen again - not just mass produced assembly line crap like China makes. As kids, we used to get a variety of less technical vocational ed classes in middle school. Those need to make a comeback too. Not every kid's cut out for a desk job, but they still need an opportunity to apprentice as part of a work/study program. Sort of an internship. Wishful thinking that's all going to be do-able out of the starting gate - but it's something we need to start working on now, not wait for the full blown collapse...

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In my day we had vocation school right in high school many trades. It seems like that is next to zero this time.

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Free at last . . . Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to share your wisdom, especially with all you've got going on in the material world. You are loved and appreciated.

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Thanks Clif, you are my husbands favorite human. He asks me several times a day if I’ve received anything from the woo guy. At 80 he like me to do the leg work. I follow you on Bitchute and originally found you through Jean Claude by way of Janine. We live in the live free or die state.

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I was born in the early 80's and I look around at most of the people my age and younger, and its sad to see how no one seems to know how to do anything. Change a tire or oil on a car, Build a fire, fix basic things around the house, plant a garden, etc. Once this transition begins, I will need to step up and teach others what I know to survive. To live is to suffer.

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As a boomer born in 1953 we were told from the start DO NOT TRUST THE ESTABLISHMENT..we always knew this was true. The younger generations will grow tremendously by learning to be more self reliant. No pain no gain is a fact. Thank you so much for all your teaching.

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I can't relate at all to that. I am gen X and I don't know a single Boomer in my area that is anything other than a compliant moron. I know what I know because of my grandfather (Great Generation). He ranted and ranted about all of the crap happening now that he could see way back then when I was a child in the 70's - his observations and warnings were completely lost on his brain dead daughter (my mother) but not me. That being said, I have always maintained that the Universe only provides a small percentage of non-compliant because the sheep are needed. Can you even imagine an entire world made up of what Clif would call himself "us raspy bastards." lol I don't see that as working out either.

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Cllif, you're an inspiration. As a boomer, I challenge other boomers to pass along their knowledge, as you do -- especially to the younger ones. If they're willing to learn, that is. Have been teaching some of my younger neighbors how to grow things, make kombucha, cook without a microwave or any electricity, make medicine from herbs, etc. Still "too much trouble" for some of them, but perhaps somewhere down the road, they'll need and recall what we've been trying to tell them...

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Wood is an excellent cooking fuel. Low tech cookers make wonderful meals, even in bad weather.

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Hope you continue with your videos. You are the only bright spot on the internet.THANK YOU.

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So very grateful for what you share .

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Thanks Clif, for always telling it like it is! Don't you have some bread to bake now? :)

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BEAUTIFUL POST. Slavery is an administrative nightmare. Take no prisoners. Live free or die. DO SOMETHING WITH IT .

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Freedom is a state of mind. Free your mind

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Brilliant, simple but ingenious insight.

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Once again thank you Clif getting my two kids to follow and read Uncle Clif...

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I like the "uncle Clif"

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Guess what KIDS?? Ya'll don't get to go out and party until you clean up your room..that includes, vacuuming, doing the windows and changing all linens. NO CHEATING...and of course all of this has to be done WITHOUT THAT FRIGGIN' PHONE ON. SILENCE IS REQUIRED WHEN YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY THINK.!!

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I couldn't agree more!

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We owned and many of us were also owned as well... by this system. Psychic connection.

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Tim Cook (apple) & his ilk must be on the hunt for new victims, er outsource partners. I hope this prices some Co’s as his right out of the market, tho i doubt it. Thanks for the true-woo Clif. Keep em coming!

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