As always Clif thanks for the ride to town.

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Cliff you were absolutely correct in your past prognostications. UfO stories now breaking out all over news media.

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Do you trust the US Government ? I don't , not at all....Clif said his father was life long military and even had CIA assassins sitting around his kitchen table as a child....add it up...there is a very good chance Clif is still connected to the government run mind fuck games which means he would know what they are up to - what bullshit they are going to run on the sheep next. Clif is a very interesting guy and I like him but I don't buy what he says as necessarily true ....I can't forget Project Blue Beam , our government is 100% SHEER EVIL....they have no good intentions when it comes to we the people.

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100% Debbie, I don’t take on board everything Clif says. I just listen and think, eh we’ll see. I like to keep my mind as open as possible to anything.

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Not all in military are evil, of course. My dad also career military, officer, communications, top secret stuff - on the USS Mueller unarmed boat sent into Cuban waters (JFK) to try to instigate enemy fire - the evil was above them.

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Bluebeam could be a double bluff. There are space aliens, but develop a psy op to be used for nefarious reasons. Keeps the faithful and the skeptics under one umbrella....

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Kinda like the moon walk. We went to the moon, but earlier and ETs had been part of it for a long time. The footage we saw was what they wanted us to see and was studio-produced. So a double bluff...we went, but not how they said, which was a psy op. This was to keep us ignorant of where we really are relative to ETs, which is to say, completely dominated, controlled and harvested, on and off planet, as we have been for probably thousands of years. That's why the ET (deadly) secrecy and involvement of the CIA, their agents. That's why we have a criminal cabal... to advance ET's interest and their own interests and make a lot of money and take a lot of power. That's what it's all about. Everything's a psy op, a double bluff...our history, our money, our education, big pharma "healthcare," much of social media, our legal system...you name it.

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The lack of banks and species evidence more than likely indicates a more socially cohesive culture that did not base their wellbeing on parasitism as the present global civilization does these days. Probably more harmonized with each other and the environment.

They were probably more at ease and didn't harbor habitual feelings of being threatened. In other words, they felt more secure, comfortable and as well, confident in their "being". More so than the current human iterations.

Also, they probably had a deeper comprehension of the concept of "love" (aka Living On Virtual Energy / Logically Optimizing Virtual Environment / Logically Operating Virtual Energy). And hence, realized that they didn't need to "feed" off of one another parasitically in order to not only survive, but actually thrive in harmony with each other and nature. More balanced, in other words.

In that vein the family unit was strong and most every community member was raised in such a way to comprehend that the purpose of life was to be a beneficial participant and contributor to their family and community and in return they lived a more relaxed, secure and low stress life. Aka "healthy" and basically at peace. Love is a very powerful concept if properly comprehended and applied.

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Yeah, they probably weren't infected with mentally ill liberals and diversity and hysterics over toxic white masculinity ....in other words they existed before KM Jews.

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Clif some crucial information is being highly suppressed. Unvaxxed blood now looks almost exactly like vaxxed blood. The doctor spearheading this research with her colleagues has a substack. Search "Mihalcea" or "david Nixon". I have verified her work with my microscope, she is very close to you in Washington state. I am begging you to look at her substack, or that of her colleagues.

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so are the unvaxxed collapsing and dying suddenly now as well? and having myocarditis and pericarditis and all the other side effects, turbo cancers. I don’t think they are.

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Is it from shedding...like if you hang around a vaxxed person or God forbid have sex with one they shed on you....

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Anecdotally, I agree with you! I didn't take the vax, but I had whatever it is we call COVID about 4 times. When my pancreas was totally inflamed, they found two big clots. Somehow, there is electric sensitivity around my left eyebrow. I'm feeling impacted. I do take Ivermectin natto now the yogurt etc. Not sure I'm back to our 2018 health yet.

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Watch out if you are too close to 5G see Barry Trowler Clif is wrong aabout 5G its a Depopulation low level weapon takes 3 generations to Depop.

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It does sound like it could be 5G or covid testing swabs. I know people who are covid test happy and are always sick. Plus they lost the ability to taste and smell.

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Clif does have an email address on one his websites you could try emailing

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Clif, I'm not so sure space aliens come from "space." I think they're from under the sea and beyond the ice wall.

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I am looking forward to the when the aliens directly confront the deep state players and ancient bloodlines who expect the world to continue and provide them the lifestyle they feel they deserve - especially if they are old life forms that gave been sucking earth's resources for eons.

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I tend to agree with you.

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Thanks clif

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I hope your wife is well & having to deal with the big city is nothing more than a checkup, at the worst. Wishing you both perfect health & lots of good juju.

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COMPLAINT: I consider it vital you post the date of your presentation both verbally and in the printout so I can priorize the latest events. UT never accommodates this. Can you, please?

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Stop bothering everyone with your petty "convenience" demands/complaints. Try a bit of gratitude & appreciation that someone of his knowledge, experience & integrity is willing to share as much of his mind & his life with us as he does. Not to mention that he ALWAYS says the date, time & displays it in videos & it is right there at the top of the post. DHEESH! Some people's kids!

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STFU. He did say please. What are you the fucking hall monitor or do you still want. It is obvious you have a crush on him. LOL You make me sick. Mind your own fucking business. Clif does not need for you to stck up for him, EVER. The man did ask and did say please. You have the detendcy to blow up at others when they are speaking to CLif, not you. Think before you speak.

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most dates are post dates NOT creation dates. Why do think I don't appreciate?? I watch him. Stop the judgments or be judged.

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Clif High is a fraud.

Non of his BS predictions EVER come true. He is a great deceiver as prophesied.

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Then QUIT following him.

Or at LEAST quit complaining WHILE you follow him!

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Then don’t listen shit for brains, get another booster!!!

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Good one 😂

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then why are you even here ?

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Oh look, the turd sandwich showed up again to try and ruin everyone’s day.

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I am a little disappointed in Clif, I bought his Pure Sleep and it didn't work at all. I am out $40.00.

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Maybe depends on your individual body type, or other vitamins/pharmaceuticals one is using at the same time? I say that as I bought it, now on my 3rd packet over last 2 years and it works very effectively for me.

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Yet, here you are....

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you cant go to UT for any Clif content. Its all here or on BitChute (which he hasnt posted since May)

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Actually, last I checked his old YT channel was still up. If not, clifhighvideos.com has damn near all of his work, and his guest appearances on other channels going back a couple decades or more. Great resource for those new to Clif & wanted to learn more, or the rest who may just be looking for something specific. I know he did let his telegram lapse, though.

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Thanks for the link. I’d like to read his past work.

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If you are on EwwwToob

You are the problem.

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and the date the post was created??

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Where are you getting the post? He's posting it WITH the date at the top.

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Did you just not notice the date at the TOP of this page? AND the email notification has the date on it? And since much of the stuff Clif discusses is BOTH present day, AND from his decade+ of linguistic prognostication -- the current date may or may not help.

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Shut ur hole

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The cult members (especially Tia Loca.....username checks out) become extremely enraged if you question or criticise their Messiah. They don't care that he's wrong almost all of the time.

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I typed "alien bases" into Google Earth and it took me to a Walmart Supercenter in Columbus.

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49° sounds absolutely wonderful right about now! I’m in Florida and it’s 92° here.🥵😓

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MN/WI having 95 plus and index in the hundreds with humidity. Which is not unusual for late July/early August, for a week or two here and there. Lots of t-storms & severe weather this week though.

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It was 100 here in BC last week. A little hotter than usual but fairly common.

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Yeah its about 90° here (S Central Fla.) its been overcast all day till recently. That east coast breeze is amazing! Really taking out the heat humidity. Feels cool for this time of year , at least I'm not sweating out side in the shade

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I agree. I can golf in 49. Not in 92.

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92 here today and I wish someone would tell all these assholes from the NE that.They are down here destroying our beautiful little southern beach town and clogging up all the golf courses...ruining everything...don't they have beaches and golf courses up north? Wouldn't it be a little cooler? Oh, that's right the communist DEMONRATS have destroyed life in the NE...

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Exactly. I don’t feel like doing anything in 92° heat. I’ll walk outside and within 5 minutes and I feel like I’m gonna suffocate ~ the humidity is stifling.

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Hello humans

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A day without Clif is like waking up naked in the middle of the desert and not a coffee bean in sight. AHHHHHHH!

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Clif! Why do you believe NASA ?

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NASA ( not a space agency) - just ruse to launder billions of our tax dollars to the scumbags.

We will never" go to" the moon again- why? Because Stanley Kubrick is dead....

Our government has always been a pack of liars and thieves ..believe nothing that comes from them...they have been stealing our money and giving to themselves and their buddies forever...

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Agree 100 % ! Have you heard about : andoyaspace : Andøya space : https://andoyaspace.no/ Probably not !

Payed by whom ? You Americans - as always.

We love your money - but as a Norwegian, we want results, not more space opera.

Just wondering, when are you going to grasp ! Waste of money ???

Go to google maps: Andøya, Norway - take a look - Go there it is beautiful, and use your own money, not all others tax money. 

My understanding of it all : use money on people here on earth, not in space.

My substak, is : https://roy696.substack.com/

Just take a look, and beet the crap out of me if I am wrong.

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Weird. We have this kind of weather in Switzerland too. Not foggy, but rainy and not hot at all.

I think you are pretty wrong about Mohammed. The angel in the cave let to his believe, he was a prophet (actually it was more his wife). He didn't write anything down during his lifetime. He just had fun as a poet and beside that, he was a street robber.

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Tonga volcano put a couple trillion gallons of water in the atmosphere

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I just saw a video on this beautiful sword they found , I believe in Germany, I will try to find it..the craftsmanship was amazing, over 3,000 years old. Before Roman's etc..

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Happy to hear all the vaccine phucktards will be held accountable for what they have done.

I know this will rub many the wrong way but, I'm glad also the catholic church takes a big hit for what they have done to humanity.

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