2025...Endeavour to Survive! I like it. And I may use it to pass along the word of warning to us all. Thanks Cliff. Even in your own grief you still make time to assist all of us. I, for one...am honoured.
Didn’t President Grant tell Geronimo to pass the word along to the rest of his tribes to “endeavor to persevere”? Look what happened to those Indian Indians in their deadly March to their new reservations back in the 1870s. Let us take actions that prevent that from happening to us! FREE
Perhaps a coincidence, but during the week of the LA fires, we had (about) a week of blue skies and no chemtrails in Central Jersey last month, but they came roaring back. Maybe the same players and resources were all deployed out west.
We've had a lot more chemtrails in S. GA, plus those amorphous clouds that don't look like real clouds. Somebody posted on Telegram that they are spraying aluminum, barium and strontium. ALL bad. Then there's that stinky fog full of parasites, but living in the country, I don't expect to see that.
Central Georgia here, and yes, lots of chem trails. Watching a podcast from rural Alabama I noticed the chem trails in the sky on the video. Excited about the future, no more chem trails, fluoride, DS evil doers, children safe in their beds, etc etc etc. I can feel it coming. Until then, this granny's locked and loaded.
We can't be locked & loaded literally here in Oz because they removed that possibility....However I too can feel it coming & am locked & loaded in every other way I know how....Grannies & all other oldies unite ! ....x
Get some ivermectin - you can buy the liquid at Tractor Supply, enough to last a lifetime -- or fenbendazole and take it. Will kill the parasites in the fogs. You might be surprised at what else it kills that you didn't know you had! Even staying indoors will not protect you. If you have pets, give it to them, too.
I used to live in central NJ but have lived in the South of Spain for 18 years now. We get absolutely pasted with the chemmies here, but they will suddenly take a week off. Seems to me, they are on a cycle, rather than reallocating resources to the next "hot zone," if that helps at all.
I don't think it makes sense to stay where the chemmies are especially heavy, unless we are stupid. We are looking to get to a less active place in the world right now. May not be anywhere that has no activity at all, but it can't get much heavier than where we live.
For many years I called on major corps, some who had gone through a Bankruptcy. The story was always the same, the folks remaining at the company after the BK were always the ones who would not leave until the roof fell on them. New management/owners would come in... change work rules(return to office), cut do-nothing jobs(cut funding to NGO's), immediately cut the frivolous costs(See Musk Tweets), ambush the accounting department(Treasury), analyze every expense(90 Day Freeze), change price structure(Tariffs) and reword the corporate propaganda/messaging(Too Many Examples). There were two types of folks working there after new management came in, the ones that instantly welcomed the change and jumped on board and the ones that got weeded out within a year that were sabotaging and griping about the changes. Everything about this administration's actions screams bankruptcy reorganization done in a business fashion not a government fashion.
I dont know if anyone else noticed but in 2014 or 2015 a company in texas took over the billing of all the cell phone companies, I thought that was odd, I also remember in 2004 all of our routers were replaced as some of them had Huawei components, this has been going on for a very long time.
Yeah, the Nonprofits have been getting letters saying that the grants are on hold for three months for evaluations, with at least 50% of them being canceled. The arts community was crying out last night and calling for help. They have no idea how to actually generate revenue. It’s going to be ugly out there. I’m betting that all the George Floyd murals and statues will be taken down very soon. Interesting times.
Good morning Woo Tribe. Interesting things are happening here. I was perusing the BRICS channel on Telegram this morning and I posted on a article about Zuck giving DJT a lot of moooola. They instantly erased my comment. I have not had that happen before on Telegram. Here’s what I said; “Originally, Facebook was a CIA operation out of Project Stargate called Lifelog. It is all part of a government program. He’s just paying back his debt for calling DJT a Nazi. The fact checkers are government funded contractors. It’s all going to be done with AI and algorithms now.” Heads up, the censorship is going to a new level. Love you all!
Excellent! Blue-haired Antifa finally meets Complex Bitch Auntie! Shadowlands territory that uncle Clif is helping us navigate through. These roadmaps are Gold. Immensely grateful.
This season of disruption could have been done the easy way but people are still asleep. These things must happen though. I’m as prepared as an old man can be. Thanks for sharing your insight Clif.
If I remember rightly, Jackie's character in, 'The Honeymooners,' was named Ralph Kramden, a bus driver! Art Carney played the character of a Sewer Worker who was a nearby neighbor of Ralph and Alice Kramden. In my view, the best acting in any of the Honeymooner's episodes was almost invariably given by Art Carney, whose comic timing and, 'rubber-faced,' expressions were fabulous.
who pays the rent and bills? what would happen to a fradulent/corrupt economic ecosystem and all those in the ecosystem, top to bottom, if the spigot was welded shut? how much would a collapse of such an ecosystem affect the overall(other) economy? is that when all the depression codes start.......
That lady rocks! Now following her. I've thought about doing that at my local airport in east texas but haven't had the nerve. We have been hammered, but now 2 days in a row of clear blue sky.
This morning fog. Trying to determine if it is normal fog. I am near the big citrus area and morning fog & dew was or is possible. Someone destroyed most of the citrus industry with canker.
I just posted about the fog - I’ve never seen anything like it in FL - I’m in Hillsborough county at the moment but live a little further south than this. Hmmm. It’s really thick where I’m at like zero visibility
2025...Endeavour to Survive! I like it. And I may use it to pass along the word of warning to us all. Thanks Cliff. Even in your own grief you still make time to assist all of us. I, for one...am honoured.
Ditto.. Clif is amazing human.
Didn’t President Grant tell Geronimo to pass the word along to the rest of his tribes to “endeavor to persevere”? Look what happened to those Indian Indians in their deadly March to their new reservations back in the 1870s. Let us take actions that prevent that from happening to us! FREE
Wasn't that Andy Jackson and the Cherokee?
I fully agree with you.
Perhaps a coincidence, but during the week of the LA fires, we had (about) a week of blue skies and no chemtrails in Central Jersey last month, but they came roaring back. Maybe the same players and resources were all deployed out west.
do you really think real pilots gave her that much time of day ?
despite a comprehensive presentation for a sleeping public to wake up
any futz could give them compliments to snore another 100 yrs. Hm.
Absolutely!!! These idiots are stupid why else would they be doing it
Yup. Bethlehem too
We've had a lot more chemtrails in S. GA, plus those amorphous clouds that don't look like real clouds. Somebody posted on Telegram that they are spraying aluminum, barium and strontium. ALL bad. Then there's that stinky fog full of parasites, but living in the country, I don't expect to see that.
Central Georgia here, and yes, lots of chem trails. Watching a podcast from rural Alabama I noticed the chem trails in the sky on the video. Excited about the future, no more chem trails, fluoride, DS evil doers, children safe in their beds, etc etc etc. I can feel it coming. Until then, this granny's locked and loaded.
We can't be locked & loaded literally here in Oz because they removed that possibility....However I too can feel it coming & am locked & loaded in every other way I know how....Grannies & all other oldies unite ! ....x
United We Stand, in love and peace, but ready to defend our families if necessary ❤️
Totally Tamrock ! .....x
Same here in Florida. They've increased the spraying a LOT. Same with the "fog".
Get some ivermectin - you can buy the liquid at Tractor Supply, enough to last a lifetime -- or fenbendazole and take it. Will kill the parasites in the fogs. You might be surprised at what else it kills that you didn't know you had! Even staying indoors will not protect you. If you have pets, give it to them, too.
You can also order most any rx drug via India Mart.
I have dealt with several companies there very successfully.
Here in LA days 1-10 of Eaton fire skies were clear and blue, likely because no air traffic could interfere with air support.
Same in Nueva York.
I used to live in central NJ but have lived in the South of Spain for 18 years now. We get absolutely pasted with the chemmies here, but they will suddenly take a week off. Seems to me, they are on a cycle, rather than reallocating resources to the next "hot zone," if that helps at all.
I don't think it makes sense to stay where the chemmies are especially heavy, unless we are stupid. We are looking to get to a less active place in the world right now. May not be anywhere that has no activity at all, but it can't get much heavier than where we live.
For many years I called on major corps, some who had gone through a Bankruptcy. The story was always the same, the folks remaining at the company after the BK were always the ones who would not leave until the roof fell on them. New management/owners would come in... change work rules(return to office), cut do-nothing jobs(cut funding to NGO's), immediately cut the frivolous costs(See Musk Tweets), ambush the accounting department(Treasury), analyze every expense(90 Day Freeze), change price structure(Tariffs) and reword the corporate propaganda/messaging(Too Many Examples). There were two types of folks working there after new management came in, the ones that instantly welcomed the change and jumped on board and the ones that got weeded out within a year that were sabotaging and griping about the changes. Everything about this administration's actions screams bankruptcy reorganization done in a business fashion not a government fashion.
I think you've given us a highly plausible explanation of the situation. Thank you for taking the time to lay it out in easily understandable terms.
I dont know if anyone else noticed but in 2014 or 2015 a company in texas took over the billing of all the cell phone companies, I thought that was odd, I also remember in 2004 all of our routers were replaced as some of them had Huawei components, this has been going on for a very long time.
Its ok.....it all needs to return to ashes.
"fight business-like"
Yeah, the Nonprofits have been getting letters saying that the grants are on hold for three months for evaluations, with at least 50% of them being canceled. The arts community was crying out last night and calling for help. They have no idea how to actually generate revenue. It’s going to be ugly out there. I’m betting that all the George Floyd murals and statues will be taken down very soon. Interesting times.
That’s great news, the tiny town I live in has so many NGO’s, can’t wait for this to go down, going to get interesting real quick.
Start talking with the local banks about the foreclosure situation.
Tried to like your comment but got a “something went wrong” message. (huh?)
Many murals long gone here. The plywood monument at 38th & Chicago won’t last much longer.
Good morning Woo Tribe. Interesting things are happening here. I was perusing the BRICS channel on Telegram this morning and I posted on a article about Zuck giving DJT a lot of moooola. They instantly erased my comment. I have not had that happen before on Telegram. Here’s what I said; “Originally, Facebook was a CIA operation out of Project Stargate called Lifelog. It is all part of a government program. He’s just paying back his debt for calling DJT a Nazi. The fact checkers are government funded contractors. It’s all going to be done with AI and algorithms now.” Heads up, the censorship is going to a new level. Love you all!
Good Morning Suzirhae, I sent you a message on telegram, I hope it's you, my apologies if it's not you. Have a wonderful day.
Excellent! Blue-haired Antifa finally meets Complex Bitch Auntie! Shadowlands territory that uncle Clif is helping us navigate through. These roadmaps are Gold. Immensely grateful.
Sweet!!! It is about time, this has been dragging on way too long
As you said „Your health is your wealth!“ 💪🏻💫
Thank's Clif!🙏❤️
This season of disruption could have been done the easy way but people are still asleep. These things must happen though. I’m as prepared as an old man can be. Thanks for sharing your insight Clif.
Nothing ever MUST happen. Clif creates the timeline and we hop on. We could do anything.....yet, we hop on.
If you only knew.
Rickie Don are you still rockin?
Survive 2025!
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing that the airplane sitting in your front yard is not yours. AHHHHHHH!
And said coffee will be slurped loudly when creating a post…. 🤦♂️
Tear all the shit down.
That's what I'm here for.
To go full Ralph Kramden.
Is that the Ralph from Jackie Gleason?
Who else?
If I remember rightly, Jackie's character in, 'The Honeymooners,' was named Ralph Kramden, a bus driver! Art Carney played the character of a Sewer Worker who was a nearby neighbor of Ralph and Alice Kramden. In my view, the best acting in any of the Honeymooner's episodes was almost invariably given by Art Carney, whose comic timing and, 'rubber-faced,' expressions were fabulous.
And I say, roll the credits, already. Starting to feel the fishbowl effect.
NGO labor budgets depleted due to DOGE deletions
who pays the rent and bills? what would happen to a fradulent/corrupt economic ecosystem and all those in the ecosystem, top to bottom, if the spigot was welded shut? how much would a collapse of such an ecosystem affect the overall(other) economy? is that when all the depression codes start.......
endure 2024
survive 2025
Ai's option for 2026 chapter
'play with some dicks in 2026'
"play with some dicks in 2026" 😆 holy shit i laughed really hard when i read that
That's so good to hear.....
Thanks Clif! No more chemtrails - a very good thing
He's wrong so often. Don't hold your breath.
Chemtrails still going heavy in Florida. They even fly as late as 6 pm.
I’m on the uk I’ve seen them out at night blocking the moonlight
Same here - southeast U.S. Some of the heaviest have been at night.
That lady rocks! Now following her. I've thought about doing that at my local airport in east texas but haven't had the nerve. We have been hammered, but now 2 days in a row of clear blue sky.
im in Florida too. it was a mess of a chemhaze today and yesterday - seems to be heavier in general this year.
This morning fog. Trying to determine if it is normal fog. I am near the big citrus area and morning fog & dew was or is possible. Someone destroyed most of the citrus industry with canker.
I just posted about the fog - I’ve never seen anything like it in FL - I’m in Hillsborough county at the moment but live a little further south than this. Hmmm. It’s really thick where I’m at like zero visibility