Einstein was Deep State installed, a created Bullshit! same as Edison didn't invent FK All, stole everyones Inventions and said he did it! WE HAVE SWALLOWED BULL SHIT FOR OUR ENTIRE


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This shit is flat as fuck Clif come on

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There is no way curved spacetime explains gravitational attraction as asserted by Albert Einstein.

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from an a person totally unqualified to offer insight, this makes so much more sense to the scientifically uneducated but logical mind than what we've been indoctrinated to think of as factual....and how could we possess conscience without a creator possessing conscience? keep it up Clif this stuff is important and I pray you stay safe...you are a badass and these little cunts out there don't want people hearing this! God Bless!

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MMMMM thinking stuff

Thanks Clif, God Bless

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

Thank you Father God for saving my life more than one time!! My family and I have been blessed and I pray that you will watch over all the good people of this world until you return. I cannot imagine grinding through this evil world without you, for you hold me up when I am weak and help me up when I fall.

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Flat earth movement is getting popular. Someone smart like clif should go through all their talking points and pick them apart. That would require some time because they have a lot of theories.

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Live long and prosper!

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Hey Cliff, why don’t you spend an hour or so explaining all the inconsistencies that flat earth or globe skeptics bring to the table because On the face of it many of these issues have legitimacy and merit. As opposed to dismissing it completely by throwing a sentence or two together. Seems AWFULLY LAZY imo.

In the climate we find ourselves in, such as it is, post-C19 you would understand why folks would challenge the status quo on just about any level. And I think you’re probably insulting a lot of your followers as well.

Or just fuck ‘em... who cares, right?

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023


Clif says the Sun contains plasma. Brad Johnson says no: “What is the true nature of the sun? Modern science will tell you that it's a ball of fire or that it's hot plasmatic sphere existing in the center of our star system. It does contain radiation but it is not a hot ball of fire or plasma. The sun in actuality does not have its own heat — and it does not have its own light. It is a living well of radioactive energy, so for us to even see the sun we would need to see it in different spectrums, such as x-ray…

“It is not the sun itself that is generating the heat or the light, it is the effects of its rays upon the atmospheres of the planets. We have what's known as the Van Allen radiation belts and we know that through their highly charged energetic particles, these radiation belts are actually a type of oscillator or resonator that works together and bringing in the radiation effect of the sun's rays upon the atmosphere or the ether of the atmosphere that creates a scientific effect — known as sonoluminescence…

“The power of sonoluminescence is vibrations per second. Nikola Tesla knew about vibrations per second. He had an intended undertaking in allowing the production of light by the vibration of the atmosphere, in essence: sonoluminescence. To quote Tesla: “I have come to the conclusion that the sunlight is produced by 500 trillion vibrations of the atmosphere per second in order to manufacture the same kind of light it will be necessary to produce an equal number of vibrations by machinery.” Therefore Tesla himself knew that the sun was not at all a ball of fire like modern science had claimed, it is a powerful living well of radiation that emits untold levels of vibrational energy affecting our atmosphere through the process of sonoluminescence that gives our planet the heat and light needed for life to thrive on Earth. So, it is through sound that again is triggering these immense oscillations of vibrations per second…”


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Which army did General Relativity lead?

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Thanks again for helping us!

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You are so wrong on your Alien bologna, I wish you no ill will but pray that God will show you understanding. It is totally wrong historically and with your refusing to gain understanding of the Bible, you will never understand about the Kenites (in Hebrew) sons of Cain translation. This is the key to all understanding of the evil in this world. Period!!

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Could light itself be the aether ?

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Halton Arp wrote “Seeing Red”, I think in the mid-eighties. He disproved the theory that redshift was caused by stars being farther away from the viewer. Anytime a theory is falsified, even one time, scientists are supposed to abandon that theory and revise it to match observations and predictability, for starters. Is this what happens in real life? No. Instead, the person or persons who falsify the theory get excommunicated from the science cult. Then, scientists usually find a mathematician to write some absurdly complex equation to attempt to patch up their broken theory. Then they smugly celebrate their own misperceived genius.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Such is the state of science today.

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But I thought we were supposed to get into the UFO stuff last summer? 🤣

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